
# Script to build links for all the exim source files from the system-
# specific build directory. It should be run from within that directory.

test ! -d ../src && \
  echo "*** $0 should be run in a system-specific subdirectory." && \
  exit 1
test -r version.c && \
  echo "*** It appears that $0 has already been run." && \
  exit 1
if [ -r pcre/Makefile ] ; then
  echo "*** It appears that $0 was previously interrupted."
  echo "*** You need to remove the build directory, and then run 'make' again."
  exit 1

echo ""
echo ">>> Creating links to source files..."

# The sources for modular parts of Exim have to be linked independently
# in their own sub-directories, since their .o files are built using
# their own Makefile in their sub-directory.

# Firstly the lookups
mkdir lookups
cd lookups
# Makefile is generated
for f in README cdb.c dbmdb.c dnsdb.c dsearch.c ibase.c ldap.h ldap.c \
  lsearch.c mysql.c redis.c nis.c nisplus.c oracle.c passwd.c \
  pgsql.c spf.c sqlite.c testdb.c whoson.c \
  lf_functions.h lf_check_file.c lf_quote.c lf_sqlperform.c
  ln -s ../../src/lookups/$f $f

cd ..

# Likewise for the code for the routers
mkdir routers
cd routers
for f in README Makefile accept.h accept.c dnslookup.h dnslookup.c \
  ipliteral.h ipliteral.c iplookup.h iplookup.c manualroute.h \
  manualroute.c queryprogram.h queryprogram.c redirect.h redirect.c \
  rf_functions.h rf_change_domain.c rf_expand_data.c rf_get_errors_address.c \
  rf_get_munge_headers.c rf_get_transport.c rf_get_ugid.c rf_queue_add.c \
  rf_lookup_hostlist.c rf_self_action.c rf_set_ugid.c
  ln -s ../../src/routers/$f $f

cd ..

# Likewise for the code for the transports
mkdir transports
cd transports
for f in README Makefile appendfile.h appendfile.c autoreply.h \
  autoreply.c lmtp.h lmtp.c pipe.h pipe.c smtp.h smtp.c smtp_socks.c \
  tf_maildir.c tf_maildir.h
  ln -s ../../src/transports/$f $f

cd ..

# Likewise for the code for the authorization functions
mkdir auths
cd auths
for f in README Makefile call_pam.c call_pwcheck.c \
  call_radius.c check_serv_cond.c cyrus_sasl.c cyrus_sasl.h gsasl_exim.c \
  gsasl_exim.h get_data.c get_no64_data.c heimdal_gssapi.c heimdal_gssapi.h \
  md5.c xtextencode.c xtextdecode.c cram_md5.c cram_md5.h plaintext.c plaintext.h \
  pwcheck.c pwcheck.h auth-spa.c auth-spa.h dovecot.c dovecot.h sha1.c spa.c \
  spa.h tls.c tls.h
  ln -s ../../src/auths/$f $f
cd ..

# Likewise for the code for the PDKIM library
mkdir pdkim
cd pdkim
for f in README Makefile crypt_ver.h pdkim.c \
  pdkim.h hash.c hash.h rsa.c rsa.h blob.h
  ln -s ../../src/pdkim/$f $f
cd ..

# The basic source files for Exim and utilities. NB local_scan.h gets linked,
# but local_scan.c does not, because its location is taken from the build-time
# configuration. Likewise for the os.c file, which gets build dynamically.

for f in dbfunctions.h dbstuff.h exim.h functions.h globals.h local_scan.h \
  macros.h mytypes.h osfunctions.h store.h structs.h lookupapi.h \
  acl.c buildconfig.c base64.c child.c crypt16.c daemon.c dbfn.c debug.c deliver.c \
  directory.c dns.c drtables.c dummies.c enq.c exim.c exim_dbmbuild.c \
  exim_dbutil.c exim_lock.c expand.c filter.c filtertest.c globals.c \
  header.c host.c ip.c log.c lss.c match.c moan.c parse.c perl.c queue.c \
  rda.c readconf.c receive.c retry.c rewrite.c rfc2047.c route.c search.c \
  setenv.c environment.c \
  sieve.c smtp_in.c smtp_out.c spool_in.c spool_out.c std-crypto.c store.c \
  string.c tls.c tlscert-gnu.c tlscert-openssl.c tls-gnu.c tls-openssl.c \
  tod.c transport.c tree.c verify.c version.c dkim.c dkim.h dmarc.c dmarc.h \
  valgrind.h memcheck.h
  ln -s ../src/$f $f

for f in  spam.c spam.h spool_mbox.c regex.c mime.c mime.h malware.c
  ln -s ../src/$f $f

for f in  demime.c demime.h
  ln -s ../src/$f $f

for f in  bmi_spam.c bmi_spam.h dcc.c dcc.h dane.c dane-gnu.c dane-openssl.c \
  danessl.h imap_utf7.c spf.c spf.h srs.c srs.h utf8.c
  ln -s ../src/$f $f

# End of MakeLinks