/* $Cambridge: exim/src/OS/os.c-HI-OSF,v 1.1 2004/10/06 15:07:39 ph10 Exp $ */

*     Exim - an Internet mail transport agent    *

/* Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 2001 */
/* See the file NOTICE for conditions of use and distribution. */

/* HI-OSF-specific code. This is concatenated onto the generic
src/os.c file. OSF has an apparently unique way of getting the
load average, so we provide a unique function here, and define
OS_LOAD_AVERAGE to stop src/os.c trying to provide the function. */


#include <sys/table.h>

double avg;
struct tbl_loadavg load_avg;

table (TBL_LOADAVG, 0, &load_avg, 1, sizeof (load_avg));

avg = (load_avg.tl_lscale == 0)?
  load_avg.tl_avenrun.d[0] :
  (load_avg.tl_avenrun.l[0] / (double)load_avg.tl_lscale);

return (int)(avg * 1000.0);

#endif  /* OS_LOAD_AVERAGE */

/* End of os.c-HI-OSF */