# $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-scripts/JoinPS,v 1.1 2004/10/07 15:04:35 ph10 Exp $

# Make the basic PostScript file for the Exim spec from the gcode file, then
# join it together with the contents and the index, to make a single
# PostScript file, suitable for double-sided printing.

sub blank_page {
my($title) = shift @_;
printf(OUT "%%%%Page: %s %d\nxpage\n\n", $title, $pagenumber++);

@roman = ("i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x",
          "xi", "xii", "xiii", "xiv", "xv", "xvi", "xvii", "xviii", "xix");

$pagenumber = 1;

system("sgtops z-gcode -to z-ps") && die "sgtops run failed\n";

open(SPEC, "z-ps") || die "Can't open z-ps\n";
open(CONTS, "zc-ps") || die "Can't open zc-ps\n";
open(INDEX, "zi-ps") || die "Can't open zi-ps\n";
open(OUT, ">spec.ps") || die "Can't open spec.ps\n";

# Copy spec headings etc.

while (<SPEC>)
  last if (/^%%Page:/) ;
  print OUT;

# Copy the first two pages - the title page, and its blank verso

for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++)
  printf(OUT "%%%%Page: title%s %d\n", ($i == 1)? "" : "-verso", $pagenumber++);
  while (<SPEC>)
    last if (/^%%Page:/) ;
    print OUT;

# Skip the contents heading

while (<CONTS>)
  last if (/^%%Page:/) ;

# Output the contents pages - fudge the roman numerals as we know there
# won't be a vast number of them.

$subpagenumber = 0;
while (!eof CONTS)
  printf(OUT "%%%%Page: %s %d\n", $roman[$subpagenumber++], $pagenumber++);
  while (<CONTS>)
    next if (/^%%Pages:/);
    next if (/^%%Trailer/);
    last if (/^%%Page:/) ;
    print OUT;
printf(OUT "\n");

# If contents was an odd number of pages, insert a blank page

&blank_page("contents-pad") if ($pagenumber & 1) == 0;

# Copy the rest of the main file

$subpagenumber = 1;

while (!eof SPEC)
  printf(OUT "%%%%Page: %d %d\n", $subpagenumber++, $pagenumber++);
  while (<SPEC>)
    next if (/^%%Pages:/);
    next if (/^%%Trailer/);
    last if (/^%%Page:/) ;
    print OUT;
printf(OUT "\n");

# If contents was an odd number of pages, insert a blank page

&blank_page("body-pad") if ($pagenumber & 1) == 0;

# Skip the index heading

while (<INDEX>)
  last if (/^%%Page:/) ;

# Copy the index pages

$subpagenumber = 1;

while (!eof INDEX)
  printf(OUT "%%%%Page: I%d %d\n", $subpagenumber++, $pagenumber++);
  while (<INDEX>)
    next if (/^%%Pages:/);
    next if (/^%%Trailer/);
    last if (/^%%Page:/) ;
    print OUT;

# Add final comments

printf(OUT "%%%%Trailer\n");
printf(OUT "%%%%Pages: %d\n", $pagenumber-1);

# That's it


# End