path: root/test/stdout/0002
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/stdout/0002')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/stdout/0002 b/test/stdout/0002
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2e86b2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/stdout/0002
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+> # These expansions can test variables in the configuration, but as there
+> # is no message being processed, there is no message-related data. But
+> # that of course gets tested in plenty of other places.
+> # Some fixed variables
+> exim_path: TESTSUITE/eximdir/exim
+> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
+> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
+> qualify_domain: myhost.test.ex
+> bounce_return_size_limit: 102400
+> spool_directory: TESTSUITE/spool
+> Failed: unknown variable in "${unknown}"
+> h_subject: (should be empty)
+> h_subject: (should be empty)
+> Failed: unknown expansion operator "header_subject"
+> # $message_headers should be empty
+> message_headers: ><
+> # Continuation
+> xy
+> xy
+> # Overlong names and overbig numbers
+> Failed: unknown variable name "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
+> Failed: unknown variable in "${aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa}"
+> +
+> +
+> # Operators
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> addrss: local-part@dom.ain
+> domain: dom.ain
+> domain: dom.ain
+> escape: B7\267F2\362
+> eval: 2
+> eval: 7
+> eval: 9
+> eval: 4
+> eval: 6
+> eval: 42
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "")
+> eval: -2
+> eval: 1
+> eval: 1
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting closing parenthesis (after processing "-2 - (-3")
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting + or - (after processing "-2 - -3")
+> eval: 1
+> eval: -5
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting number or opening parenthesis (after processing "-2 -")
+> eval: 40962
+> eval: 63
+> Failed: error in expression evaluation: expecting + or - (after processing "0")
+> eval10: 77
+> eval10: 8
+> expand: $primary_hostname myhost.test.ex
+> hash: jmg monty fbWx
+> hash: abcX abX aX X
+> hex2b64:EjRWeA==
+> hex2b64:q83v
+> hex2b64:q83v
+> hex2b64:Gis8TV5v
+> Failed: "1a2b3c4d5e6" contains an odd number of characters
+> Failed: "1a2b3c4d5e6g" is not a hex string
+> hex2b64:MPPJPkZDbetYunCBao7BJA==
+> hex2b64:ztcfpyNSMb7Tg/rP3EHE3cwi7PE=
+> The base62 operator is actually a base36 operator in the Darwin and Cygwin
+> environments. Write cunning tests that produce the same output in both cases,
+> while doing a reasonable check.
+> base62: OK
+> base62d: OK
+> base62d: OK
+> Failed: argument for base62 operator is "12345x", which is not a decimal number
+> Failed: argument for base62d operator is "0003D7.", which is not a base 36/62 number
+> hmac: dd97e3ba5d1a61b5006108f8c8252953
+> hmac: 0210cf9d274b53f1550f657c378b29e8bfed1064
+> md5: 77add1d5f41223d5582fca736a5cb335
+> sha1: DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709
+> sha1: A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D
+> mask:
+> mask:
+> Failed: mask value too big in ""
+> mask:
+> Failed: missing mask value in ""
+> Failed: "a.b.c.d" is not an IP address
+> nhash: 19 0/61
+> lc/uc: the quick BROWN FOX
+> length: The quick abc
+> lclpt: local-part
+> lclpt: local-part
+> quote: aZ09_.-Q "ab*cd" "abcd\"ef"
+> quote: "nl(\n)"
+> quote: "cr(\r)"
+> quote: "tab( )"
+> quote: "xff(ÿ)"
+> quote: Empty>""<
+> quote_local_part: abcd
+> quote_local_part: O'Reilly
+> quote_local_part: "a space"
+> quote_local_part: ".something"
+> quote_local_part: "something."
+> quote_local_part: joe.bloggs
+> quote_local_part: a!b
+> quote_local_part: "x@y"
+> quote_local_part: ab*cd
+> quote_local_part: "x:y"
+> quote_local_part: "abcd\"ef"
+> quote_local_part: ""
+> rxquote:aZ09\_\,\-Q ab\*cd abcd\"ef
+> substr: ba 34 1
+> substr: barb rhuba
+> substr:
+> substr:
+> str2b64:YWJjZA==
+> str2b64:VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIAogZm94
+> strlen: 0
+> strlen: 1
+> strlen: 8
+> time_interval: 0s
+> time_interval: 44s
+> time_interval: 1w4d13h46m39s
+> Failed: string "-1" is not a positive number in "time_interval" operator
+> Failed: string "rhubarb" is not a positive number in "time_interval" operator
+> # stat is a bit tricky, but some of the fields of the aux-var directory
+> # should be the same on all systems
+> stat: 40755
+> stat: drwxr-xr-x
+> Failed: stat(/a/non/existent/file) failed: No such file or directory
+> # "Operators" that have expanded arguments
+> hash: jmg monty fbWx
+> hash: abcX abX aX X
+> nhash: 19 0/61
+> length: The quick abc
+> substr: ba 34 1
+> substr:
+> # Error forms
+> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> Failed: "nonnumber" is not a number (in "hash" expansion)
+> Failed: Too many arguments for "hash" (max is 3)
+> Failed: "-2" is not a positive number (in "substr" expansion)
+> # Skipped operators
+> addrss: NO
+> domain: NO
+> escape: NO
+> expand: NO
+> hash: NO
+> md5: NO
+> mask: NO
+> # Conditions
+> 2=2: y
+> 2==2: y
+> 3=2: n
+> 2==3: n
+> !2=2: n
+> !2==2: n
+> !3=2: y
+> !2==3: y
+> 2>3: n
+> 3>3: n
+> 4>3: y
+> 2>=3: n
+> 3>=3: y
+> 4>=3: y
+> 2<3: y
+> 3<3: n
+> 4<3: n
+> 2<=3: y
+> 3<=3: y
+> 4<=3: n
+> 5<=3: n
+> 5>3k: n
+> 5>3m: n
+> Failed: "3z " is not a number
+> Failed: "a" is not a number
+> def:y y
+> def:n n
+> Failed: unknown variable "post" after "def:"
+> def:h_f n
+> def:h_f n
+> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> exists: y
+> exists: n
+> eq: y
+> eq: n
+> !eq: n
+> !eq: y
+> eqi: y
+> eqi: y
+> eqi: n
+> !eqi: n
+> !eqi: n
+> !eqi: y
+> lt: y
+> lti: n
+> le: y
+> lei: y
+> gt: n
+> gti: n
+> ge: n
+> gei: y
+> isip: y
+> isip4: y
+> isip6: n
+> isip: n 1:2:3:4
+> isip4: n 1:2:3:4
+> isip6: n 1:2:3:4
+> isip: y ::1
+> isip4: n ::1
+> isip6: y ::1
+> isip: y fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
+> isip4: n fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
+> isip6: y fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061
+> isip: n rhubarb
+> isip4: n rhubarb
+> isip6: n rhubarb
+> match: cdab
+> match: cdab
+> match: cdab
+> Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
+> match: cd[xyz]ab
+> match_domain: yes
+> match_domain: no
+> match_domain: yes
+> match_domain: yes
+> match_domain: no
+> match_address: yes
+> match_address: yes
+> match_local_part:yes
+> match_local_part:yes
+> match_ip: 01 true
+> match_ip: 02
+> match_ip: 03 true
+> match_ip: 04 true
+> match_ip: 05
+> match_ip: 06
+> match_ip: 07 true
+> match_ip: 08 true
+> match_ip: 09
+> match_ip: 10 true
+> Failed: "somename" is not an IP address
+> match_ip: 12 true
+> match_ip: 13 true
+> match_ip: 14 true
+> queue_running: n
+> first_delivery: n
+> queue_running after or: y
+> first_delivery after or: y
+> # Default values for both if strings
+> ${if eq{1}{1}} >true<
+> ${if eq{1}{2}} ><
+> # Lookups: DIR is the testing directory. In this test we can only use the
+> # lookups that are required in all cases.
+> ==X@Y
+> ==*
+> ==*@Z
+> ==*
+> data for a.b.c.d
+> failed x.y.z
+> data for *.p.q
+> data for *.p.q
+> data for *.p.q
+> Failed: "lookup" failed and "fail" requested
+> data for *
+> q1: "abc"
+> q2: "xyz":
+> q3: "pqr" :
+> q4: "a:b" abc continued data (make sure not key)
+> q5: "\"quoted\""
+> q6: "white space"
+> q7: "b\\s"
+> abc: abc
+> a.b.c: *.b.c
+> ab.c: *b.c
+> xyz: ^X
+> Xyz: ^X
+> Zyz: ^Z
+> a b: "^a +b"
+> a b: "^a +b"
+> a:b: lookup succeeded
+> a.b: ^a\\.+b
+> a..b: ^a\\.+b
+> a9b: \N^a\d+b
+> a99b: \N^a\d+b
+> # Should give the same results as above because expansion does nothing
+> abc: abc
+> a.b.c: *.b.c
+> ab.c: *b.c
+> xyz: ^X
+> Xyz: ^X
+> Zyz: ^Z
+> a b: "^a +b"
+> a b: "^a +b"
+> a:b: lookup succeeded
+> # Should fail because of no expansion
+> a.b: NO
+> a..b: NO
+> a9b: NO
+> a99b: NO
+> # But these should succeed
+> a\:b: ^a\\.+b
+> a\:Xb: ^a\\.+b
+> # IP address (CIDR) lookups
+> data for
+> data for *
+> abcd::cdab: data for abcd::cdab
+> data for
+> data for
+> abcd:abcd:: data for abcd:abcd::/32
+> abcd:abcd:1:: data for abcd:abcd::/32
+> abcd:abcd::3 data for abcd:abcd::/32
+> Failed: lookup of "rhubarb" gave DEFER: "rhubarb" is not a valid iplsearch key (an IP address, with optional CIDR mask, is wanted): in a host list, use net-iplsearch as the search type
+> # Nested Lookups - style 1
+> The data for key1->key2
+> Failed: "lookup" failed and "fail" requested
+> # Nested Lookups - style 2
+> The data for key1->key2
+> failed for key4
+> # Other nesting tests
+> 1-in-1
+> 2-in-2
+> both-in-1,both-in-2
+> Failed: "lookup" failed and "fail" requested
+> # Lookup quotes for standardly expected lookups
+> lsearch !@#$%^&*()_-+=|\~`1234567890{[}]qwertyuiop:;"'asdfghjkl<,>.?/zxcvbnm
+> Failed: unknown lookup type "xxx"
+> # Extract
+> 2
+> 2
+> 2
+> 2
+> Empty:<>
+> Empty:<>
+> <3>
+> <3>
+> Empty:<>
+> Empty:<>
+> no Z
+> no 4
+> Failed: "extract" failed and "fail" requested
+> Failed: "extract" failed and "fail" requested
+> D
+> a:b:c:d:e
+> a
+> e
+> a
+> b
+> b
+> three four
+> Failed: first argument of "extract" must not be empty
+> Failed: first argument of "extract" must not be empty
+> b
+> # Translation
+> abcdea aaa xyz zbcdez
+> abcdea a z zbcdez
+> abcdea a abcdea
+> abcdea abc z zzzdez
+> # RFC 2047
+> abcd abcd
+> <:abcd:> =?iso-8859-8?Q?=3C=3Aabcd=3A=3E?=
+> <:ab cd:> =?iso-8859-8?Q?=3C=3Aab_cd=3A=3E?=
+> Long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_i?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?t_will_go_over_the_75-char_limit?=
+> Long: =?iso-8859-8?Q?_here_we_go=3A_a_string_that_is_going_to_be_encoded=3A_i?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?t_will_go_over_the_75-char_limit_by_a_long_way=3B_in_fac?= =?iso-8859-8?Q?t_this_one_will_go_over_the_150_character_limit?=
+> # UTF-8
+> abcd abcd
+> aÀÿd aÀÿd
+> toobig a_d
+> # Substitution
+> ${sg{abcdefabcdef}{abc}{xyz}} =xyzdefxyzdef
+> ${sg{ab:xy::z}{:}{::}} =ab::xy::::z
+> ${sg{abcdefabcdef}{(..)[^c]}{>$1<}} =a><><><ef
+> ${sg{abcdefabcdef}{(..)[^c]}{>\$1<}} =a>bc<>ef<>bc<ef
+> ${sg{abcdefabcdef}{(..)[^c]}{>\N$1\N<}}=a>bc<>ef<>bc<ef
+> ${sg{abbab}{a*}{+}} =++b+b++b+
+> # File insertion
+> Failed: missing or misplaced { or }
+> abcde
+> abcde12345xyz
+> abcde:12345::xyz:
+> abcde - 12345 - - xyz -
+> Failed: failed to open /non/exist/file: No such file or directory
+> non-exist
+> >abcde!12345!!xyz!<
+> # Calling a command
+> abcd
+> RC=0
+> 1
+> RC=0
+> abcd
+> RC=0
+> 2
+> RC=1
+> abcd
+> RC=1
+> N
+> RC=127
+> >><<
+> RC=0
+> 1!=2
+> RC=0
+> # PRVS
+> prvs=userx/xxxxxxxxxx@test.ex
+> prvs=userx/xxxxxxxxxx@test.ex
+> prvs=userx/xxxxxxxxxx@test.ex
+> # Syntax errors
+> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
+> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
+> Failed: prvs second argument must be a single digit
+> # Correct checks; can't put explicit addresses in the tests, because they
+> # will change over time.
+> userx@test.ex
+> result=1
+> >1< >userx@test.ex< >1<
+> result=1
+> userx@test.ex
+> result=1
+> # Incorrect secret
+> userx@test.ex
+> result=
+> 0
+> result=
+> # Non-prvs address
+> >><<
+> result=
+> # Syntax errors
+> Failed: "${tod_log" is not a known operator (or a } is missing in a variable reference)
+> Failed: "${tod_log" is not a known operator (or a } is missing in a variable reference)
+> Failed: missing } at end of string
+> Failed: missing } at end of string
+> Failed: hmac algorithm "xxx" is not recognised
+> Failed: each subcondition inside an "and{...}" condition must be in its own {}
+> Failed: unknown condition "xya" inside "and{...}" condition
+> Failed: condition name expected, but found "${lookup{x}lsear" inside "and{...}" condition
+> Failed: missing } at end of string - could be header name not terminated by colon
+> Failed: each subcondition inside an "or{...}" condition must be in its own {}
+> Failed: missing } at end of condition inside "or" group
+> Failed: unknown condition "yes" inside "or{...}" condition
+> Failed: non-digit after underscore in "substr_1_"
+> Failed: non-digit after underscore in "substr__3"
+> # Miscellaneous (for bug fixes, etc)
+> true
+> escape: B7·F2ò
+> primary_hostname: myhost.test.ex
+> match: cdab
+> Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
+> yes
+> match_address: no
+> -oMa sender_host_address =
+> sender_host_port = 0
+> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated =
+> -oMai authenticated_id = CALLER
+> -oMas authenticated_sender = CALLER@myhost.test.ex
+> -oMi interface_address =
+> interface_port = -1
+> -oMr received_protocol =
+> -oMs sender_host_name =
+> -oMt sender_ident = CALLER
+> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
+> sender_host_port = 1234
+> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated = AAA
+> -oMai authenticated_id = philip
+> -oMas authenticated_sender = xx@yy.zz
+> -oMi interface_address =
+> interface_port = 99
+> -oMr received_protocol = special
+> -oMt sender_ident = me
+> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
+> sender_host_port = 1234
+> -oMs sender_host_name =
+> -oMs sender_host_name =
+> host_lookup_failed = 1
+> -p received_protocol = special
+> -p sender_host_name =
+> -oMa sender_host_address = V4NET.0.0.1
+> sender_host_port = 1234
+> -oMaa sender_host_authenticated = AAA
+> -oMai authenticated_id = philip
+> -oMas authenticated_sender = xx@yy.zz
+> -oMi interface_address =
+> interface_port = 99
+> -oMr received_protocol = special
+> ----> No lookup yet: No
+> -oMs sender_host_name = ten-1.test.ex
+> -oMt sender_ident = me
+**** SMTP testing session as if from host V4NET.0.0.1
+**** but without any ident (RFC 1413) callback.
+**** This is not for real!
+550 Administrative prohibition
+**** SMTP testing session as if from host V4NET.0.0.2
+**** but without any ident (RFC 1413) callback.
+**** This is not for real!
+550 Administrative prohibition
+**** SMTP testing session as if from host V4NET.0.0.0
+**** but without any ident (RFC 1413) callback.
+**** This is not for real!
+220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<>
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<a@b>
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<c@d>
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<>
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<x@y>
+221 myhost.test.ex closing connection
+**** SMTP testing session as if from host V4NET.0.0.0
+**** but without any ident (RFC 1413) callback.
+**** This is not for real!
+220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<>
+221 myhost.test.ex closing connection
+**** SMTP testing session as if from host V4NET.0.0.0
+**** but without any ident (RFC 1413) callback.
+**** This is not for real!
+220 myhost.test.ex ESMTP Exim x.yz Tue, 2 Mar 1999 09:44:33 +0000
+250 OK
+250 Accepted
+354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself
+550 reply_address=<>
+221 myhost.test.ex closing connection