path: root/src/util
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/ b/src/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cfc13ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Todd Lyons
+# License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2
+# <>
+# This script emulates a proxy which uses Proxy Protocol to communicate
+# to a backend server. It should be run from an IP which is configured
+# to be a Proxy Protocol connection (or not, if you are testing error
+# scenarios) because Proxy Protocol specs require not to fall back to a
+# non-proxied mode.
+# The script is interactive, so when you run it, you are expected to
+# perform whatever conversation is required for the protocol being
+# tested. It uses STDIN/STDOUT, so you can also pipe output to/from the
+# script. It was originally written to test Exim's Proxy Protocol
+# code, and it could be tested like this:
+# swaks --pipe 'perl --server-ip
+# host.internal.lan' --from --to
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Select;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my %opts;
+GetOptions( \%opts,
+ 'help',
+ '6|ipv6',
+ 'dest-ip:s',
+ 'dest-port:i',
+ 'source-ip:s',
+ 'source-port:i',
+ 'server-ip:s',
+ 'server-port:i',
+ 'version:i'
+&usage() if ($opts{help} || !$opts{'server-ip'});
+my ($dest_ip,$source_ip,$dest_port,$source_port);
+my %socket_map;
+my $status_line = "Testing Proxy Protocol Version " .
+ ($opts{version} ? $opts{version} : '2') .
+ ":\n";
+# All ip's and ports are in network byte order in version 2 mode, but are
+# simple strings when in version 1 mode. The binary_pack_*() functions
+# return the required data for the Proxy Protocol version being used.
+# Use provided source or fall back to
+$source_ip = $opts{'source-ip'} ? binary_pack_ip($opts{'source-ip'}) :
+ $opts{6} ?
+ binary_pack_ip("2001:470:d:367::50") :
+ binary_pack_ip("");
+$source_port = $opts{'source-port'} ?
+ binary_pack_port($opts{'source-port'}) :
+ binary_pack_port(43118);
+$status_line .= "-> " if (!$opts{version} || $opts{version} == 2);
+# Use provided dest or fall back to
+$dest_ip = $opts{'dest-ip'} ? binary_pack_ip($opts{'dest-ip'}) :
+ $opts{6} ?
+ binary_pack_ip("2001:630:212:8:204:23ff:fed6:b664") :
+ binary_pack_ip("");
+$dest_port = $opts{'dest-port'} ?
+ binary_pack_port($opts{'dest-port'}) :
+ binary_pack_port(25);
+# The IP and port of the Proxy Protocol backend real server being tested,
+# don't binary pack it.
+my $server_ip = $opts{'server-ip'};
+my $server_port = $opts{'server-port'} ? $opts{'server-port'} : 25;
+my $s = IO::Select->new(); # for socket polling
+sub generate_preamble {
+ my @preamble;
+ if (!$opts{version} || $opts{version} == 2) {
+ @preamble = (
+ "\x0D\x0A\x0D\x0A\x00\x0D\x0A\x51\x55\x49\x54\x0A", # 12 byte v2 header
+ "\x02", # declares v2
+ "\x01", # connection is proxied
+ $opts{6} ? "\x21" : "\x11", # inet6/4 and TCP (stream)
+ $opts{6} ? "\x24" : "\x0b", # 36 bytes / 12 bytes
+ $source_ip,
+ $dest_ip,
+ $source_port,
+ $dest_port
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ @preamble = (
+ "PROXY", " ", # Request proxy mode
+ $opts{6} ? "TCP6" : "TCP4", " ", # inet6/4 and TCP (stream)
+ $source_ip, " ",
+ $dest_ip, " ",
+ $source_port, " ",
+ $dest_port,
+ "\x0d\x0a"
+ );
+ $status_line .= join "", @preamble;
+ }
+ print "\n", $status_line, "\n";
+ print "\n" if (!$opts{version} || $opts{version} == 2);
+ return @preamble;
+sub binary_pack_port {
+ my $port = shift();
+ if ($opts{version} && $opts{version} == 1) {
+ return $port
+ if ($port && $port =~ /^\d+$/ && $port > 0 && $port < 65536);
+ die "Not a valid port: $port";
+ }
+ $status_line .= $port." ";
+ $port = pack "S", $port;
+ return $port;
+sub binary_pack_ip {
+ my $ip = shift();
+ if ( $ip =~ m/\./ && !$opts{6}) {
+ if (IP4_valid($ip)) {
+ return $ip if ($opts{version} && $opts{version} == 1);
+ $status_line .= $ip.":";
+ $ip = pack "C*", split /\./, $ip;
+ }
+ else { die "Invalid IPv4: $ip"; }
+ }
+ elsif ($ip =~ m/:/ && $opts{6}) {
+ $ip = pad_ipv6($ip);
+ if (IP6_valid($ip)) {
+ return $ip if ($opts{version} && $opts{version} == 1);
+ $status_line .= $ip.":";
+ $ip = pack "S>*", map hex, split /:/, $ip;
+ }
+ else { die "Invalid IPv6: $ip"; }
+ }
+ else { die "Mismatching IP families passed: $ip"; }
+ return $ip;
+sub pad_ipv6 {
+ my $ip = shift();
+ my @ip = split /:/, $ip;
+ my $segments = scalar @ip;
+ return $ip if ($segments == 8);
+ $ip = "";
+ for (my $count=1; $count <= $segments; $count++) {
+ my $block = $ip[$count-1];
+ if ($block) {
+ $ip .= $block;
+ $ip .= ":" unless $count == $segments;
+ }
+ elsif ($count == 1) {
+ # Somebody passed us ::1, fix it, but it's not really valid
+ $ip = "0:";
+ }
+ else {
+ $ip .= join ":", map "0", 0..(8-$segments);
+ $ip .= ":";
+ }
+ }
+ return $ip;
+sub IP6_valid {
+ my $ip = shift;
+ $ip = lc($ip);
+ return 0 unless ($ip =~ /^[0-9a-f:]+$/);
+ my @ip = split /:/, $ip;
+ return 0 if (scalar @ip != 8);
+ return 1;
+sub IP4_valid {
+ my $ip = shift;
+ $ip =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/;
+ foreach ($1,$2,$3,$4){
+ if ($_ <256 && $_ >0) {next;}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub go_interactive {
+ my $continue = 1;
+ while($continue) {
+ # Check for input on both ends, recheck every 5 sec
+ for my $socket ($s->can_read(5)) {
+ my $remote = $socket_map{$socket};
+ my $buffer;
+ my $read = $socket->sysread($buffer, 4096);
+ if ($read) {
+ $remote->syswrite($buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ $continue = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub connect_stdin_to_proxy {
+ my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(
+ PeerAddr => $server_ip,
+ PeerPort => $server_port,
+ Proto => 'tcp'
+ );
+ die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock;
+ # Add sockets to the Select group
+ $s->add(\*STDIN);
+ $s->add($sock);
+ # Tie the sockets together using this hash
+ $socket_map{\*STDIN} = $sock;
+ $socket_map{$sock} = \*STDOUT;
+ return $sock;
+sub usage {
+ chomp(my $prog = `basename $0`);
+ print <<EOF;
+Usage: $prog [required] [optional]
+ Required:
+ --server-ip IP of server to test proxy configuration,
+ a hostname is ok, but for only this setting
+ Optional:
+ --server-port Port server is listening on (default 25)
+ --6 IPv6 source/dest (default IPv4), if none specified,
+ some default, reverse resolvable IP's are used for
+ the source and dest ip/port
+ --dest-ip Public IP of the proxy server
+ --dest-port Port of public IP of proxy server
+ --source-ip IP connecting to the proxy server
+ --source-port Port of IP connecting to the proxy server
+ --help This output
+ exit;
+my $sock = connect_stdin_to_proxy();
+my @preamble = generate_preamble();
+print $sock @preamble;