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+$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/README.SIEVE,v 1.1 2004/10/07 15:04:35 ph10 Exp $
+ Notes on the Sieve implementation for Exim
+Exim Filter Versus Sieve Filter
+Exim supports two incompatible filters: The traditional Exim filter and
+the Sieve filter. Since Sieve is a extensible language, it is important
+to understand "Sieve" in this context as "the specific implementation
+of Sieve for Exim".
+The Exim filter contains more features, such as variable expansion, and
+better integration with the host environment, like external processes
+and pipes.
+Sieve is a standard for interoperable filters, defined in RFC 3028,
+with multiple implementations around. If interoperability is important,
+then there is no way around it.
+Exim Implementation
+The Exim Sieve implementation offers the core as defined by RFC 3028, the
+"envelope" (RFC 3028), the "fileinto" (RFC 3028), the "copy" (RFC 3894)
+and the "vacation" (draft-showalter-sieve-vacation-05.txt) extension,
+the "i;ascii-numeric" comparator, but not the "reject" extension.
+Exim does not support MDMs, so adding it just to the sieve filter makes
+little sense.
+The Sieve filter is integrated in Exim and works very similar to the
+Exim filter: Sieve scripts are recognized by the first line containing
+"# sieve filter". When using "keep" or "fileinto" to save a mail into a
+folder, the resulting string is available as the variable $address_file
+in the transport that stores it. A suitable transport could be:
+ driver = appendfile
+ file = ${if eq{$address_file}{inbox} \
+ {/var/mail/$local_part} \
+ {${if eq{${substr_0_1:$address_file}}{/} \
+ {$address_file} \
+ {$home/$address_file} \
+ }} \
+ }
+ delivery_date_add
+ envelope_to_add
+ return_path_add
+ mode = 0600
+Absolute files are stored where specified, relative files are stored
+relative to $home and "inbox" goes to the standard mailbox location.
+To enable "vacation", set sieve_vacation_directory for the router to
+the directory where vacation databases are held (don't put anything
+else in that directory) and point reply_transport to an autoreply
+RFC Compliance
+Exim requires the first line to be "# sieve filter". Of course the RFC
+does not enforce that line. Don't expect examples to work without adding
+it, though.
+RFC 3028 requires using CRLF to terminate the end of a line.
+The rationale was that CRLF is universally used in network protocols
+to mark the end of the line. This implementation does not embed Sieve
+in a network protocol, but uses Sieve scripts as part of the Exim MTA.
+Since all parts of Exim use \n as newline character, this implementation
+does, too. You can change this by defining the macro RFC_EOL at compile
+time to enforce CRLF being used.
+Exim violates RFC 2822, section 3.6.8, by accepting 8-bit header names, so
+this implementation repeats this violation to stay consistent with Exim.
+This is in preparation to UTF-8 data.
+Sieve scripts can not contain NUL characters in strings, but mail
+headers could contain MIME encoded NUL characters, which could never
+be matched by Sieve scripts using exact comparisons. For that reason,
+this implementation extends the Sieve quoted string syntax with \0
+to describe a NUL character, violating \0 being the same as 0 in
+RFC 3028. Even without using \0, the following tests are all true in
+this implementation. Implementations that use C-style strings will only
+evaulate the first test as true.
+Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?abc=00def
+header :contains "Subject" ["abc"]
+header :contains "Subject" ["def"]
+header :matches "Subject" ["abc?def"]
+Note that by considering Sieve to be a MUA, RFC 2047 can be interpreted
+in a way that NUL characters truncating strings is allowed for Sieve
+implementations, although not recommended. It is further allowed to use
+encoded NUL characters in headers, but that's not recommended either.
+The above example shows why. Good code should still be able to deal
+with it.
+RFC 3028 states that if an implementation fails to convert a character
+set to UTF-8, two strings can not be equal if one contains octects greater
+than 127. Assuming that all unknown character sets are one-byte character
+sets with the lower 128 octects being US-ASCII is not sound, so this
+implementation violates RFC 3028 and treats such MIME words literally.
+That way at least something could be matched.
+The folder specified by "fileinto" must not contain the character
+sequence ".." to avoid security problems. RFC 3028 does not specifiy the
+syntax of folders apart from keep being equivalent to fileinto "INBOX".
+This implementation uses "inbox" instead.
+Sieve script errors currently cause that messages are silently filed into
+"inbox". RFC 3028 requires that the user is notified of that condition.
+This may be implemented in future by adding a header line to mails that
+are filed into "inbox" due to an error in the filter.
+Strings Containing Header Names
+RFC 3028 does not specify what happens if a string denoting a header
+field does not contain a valid header name, e.g. it contains a colon.
+This implementation generates an error instead of ignoring the header
+field in order to ease script debugging, which fits in the common
+picture of Sieve.
+Header Test With Invalid MIME Encoding In Header
+Some MUAs process invalid base64 encoded data, generating junk.
+Others ignore junk after seeing an equal sign in base64 encoded data.
+RFC 2047 does not specify how to react in this case, other than stating
+that a client must not forbid to process a message for that reason.
+RFC 2045 specifies that invalid data should be ignored (appearantly
+looking at end of line characters). It also specifies that invalid data
+may lead to rejecting messages containing them (and there it appears to
+talk about true encoding violations), which is a clear contradiction to
+ignoring them.
+RFC 3028 does not specify how to process incorrect MIME words.
+This implementation treats them literally, as it does if the word is
+correct, but its character set can not be converted to UTF-8.
+Address Test For Multiple Addresses Per Header
+A header may contain multiple addresses. RFC 3028 does not explicitly
+specify how to deal with them, but since the "address" test checks if
+anything matches anything else, matching one address suffices to
+satify the condition. That makes it impossible to test if a header
+contains a certain set of addresses and no more, but it is more logical
+than letting the test fail if the header contains an additional address
+besides the one the test checks for.
+Semantics Of Keep
+The keep command is equivalent to fileinto "inbox": It saves the
+message and resets the implicit keep flag. It does not set the
+implicit keep flag; there is no command to set it once it has
+been reset.
+Semantics of Fileinto
+RFC 3028 does not specify if "fileinto" tries to create a mail folder,
+in case it does not exist. This implementation allows to configure
+that aspect using the appendfile transport options "create_directory",
+"create_file" and "file_must_exist". See the appendfile transport in
+the Exim specification for details.
+Semantics of Redirect
+Sieve scripts are supposed to be interoperable between servers, so this
+implementation does not allow redirecting mail to unqualified addresses,
+because the domain would depend on the used system and on systems with
+virtual mail domains it is probably not what the user expects it to be.
+String Arguments
+There has been confusion if the string arguments to "require" are to be
+matched case-sensitive or not. This implementation matches them with
+the match type ":is" (default, see section 2.7.1) and the comparator
+"i;ascii-casemap" (default, see section 2.7.3). The RFC defines the
+command defaults clearly, so any different implementations violate RFC
+3028. The same is valid for comparator names, also specified as strings.
+Number Units
+There is a mistake in RFC 3028: The suffix G denotes gibi-, not tebibyte.
+The mistake os obvious, because RFC 3028 specifies G to denote 2^30
+(which is gibi, not tebi), and that's what this implementation uses as
+scaling factor for the suffix G.
+Sieve Syntax and Semantics
+RFC 3028 confuses syntax and semantics sometimes. It uses a generic
+grammar as syntax for actions and tests and performs many checks during
+semantic analysis. Syntax is specified as grammar rule, semantics
+with natural language, despire the latter often talking about syntax.
+The intention was to provide a framework for the syntax that describes
+current commands as well as future extensions, and describing commands
+by semantics. Since the semantic analysis is not specified by formal
+rules, it is easy to get that phase wrong, as demonstrated by the mistake
+in RFC 3028 to forbid "elsif" being followed by "elsif" (which is allowed
+in Sieve, it's just not specified correctly).
+RFC 3028 does not define if semantic checks are strict (always treat
+unknown extensions as errors) or lazy (treat unknown extensions as error,
+if they are executed), and since it employs a very generic grammar,
+it is not unreasonable for an implementation using a parser for the
+generic grammar to indeed process scripts that contain unknown commands
+in dead code. It is just required to treat disabled but known extensions
+the same as unknown extensions.
+The following suggestion for section 8.2 gives two grammars, one for
+the framework, and one for specific commands, thus removing most of the
+semantic analysis. Since the parser can not parse unsupported extensions,
+the result is strict error checking. As required in section 2.10.5, known
+but not enabled extensions must behave the same as unknown extensions,
+so those also result strictly in errors (though at the thin semantic
+layer), even if they can be parsed fine.
+8.2. Grammar
+The atoms of the grammar are lexical tokens. White space or comments may
+appear anywhere between lexical tokens, they are not part of the grammar.
+The grammar is specified in ABNF with two extensions to describe tagged
+arguments that can be reordered and grammar extensions: { } denotes a
+sequence of symbols that may appear in any order. Example:
+ start = { a b c }
+is equivalent to:
+ start = ( a b c ) / ( a c b ) / ( b a c ) / ( b c a ) / ( c a b ) / ( c b a )
+The symbol =) is used to append to a rule:
+ start = a
+ start =) b
+is equivalent to
+ start = a b
+All Sieve commands, including extensions, MUST be words of the following
+generic grammar with the start symbol "start". They SHOULD be specified
+using a specific grammar, though.
+ argument = string-list / number / tag
+ arguments = *argument [test / test-list]
+ block = "{" commands "}"
+ commands = *command
+ string = quoted-string / multi-line
+ string-list = "[" string *("," string) "]" / string
+ test = identifier arguments
+ test-list = "(" test *("," test) ")"
+ command = identifier arguments ( ";" / block )
+ start = command
+The basic Sieve commands are specified using the following grammar, which
+language is a subset of the generic grammar above. The start symbol is
+ address-part = ":localpart" / ":domain" / ":all"
+ comparator = ":comparator" string
+ match-type = ":is" / ":contains" / ":matches"
+ string = quoted-string / multi-line
+ string-list = "[" string *("," string) "]" / string
+ address-test = "address" { [address-part] [comparator] [match-type] }
+ string-list string-list
+ test-list = "(" test *("," test) ")"
+ allof-test = "allof" test-list
+ anyof-test = "anyof" test-list
+ exists-test = "exists" string-list
+ false-test = "false"
+ true=test = "true"
+ header-test = "header" { [comparator] [match-type] }
+ string-list string-list
+ not-test = "not" test
+ relop = ":over" / ":under"
+ size-test = "size" relop number
+ block = "{" commands "}"
+ if-command = "if" test block *( "elsif" test block ) [ "else" block ]
+ stop-command = "stop" { stop-options } ";"
+ stop-options =
+ keep-command = "keep" { keep-options } ";"
+ keep-options =
+ discard-command = "discard" { discard-options } ";"
+ discard-options =
+ redirect-command = "redirect" { redirect-options } string ";"
+ redirect-options =
+ require-command = "require" { require-options } string-list ";"
+ require-options =
+ test = address-test / allof-test / anyof-test / exists-test
+ / false-test / true-test / header-test / not-test
+ / size-test
+ command = if-command / stop-command / keep-command
+ / discard-command / redirect-command
+ commands = *command
+ start = *require-command commands
+The extensions "envelope" and "fileinto" are specified using the following
+grammar extension.
+ envelope-test = "envelope" { [comparator] [address-part] [match-type] }
+ string-list string-list
+ test =/ envelope-test
+ fileinto-command = "fileinto" { fileinto-options } string ";"
+ fileinto-options =
+ command =/ fileinto-command
+The extension "copy" is specified as:
+ fileinto-options =) ":copy"
+ redirect-options =) ":copy"
+The i;ascii-numeric Comparator
+RFC 2244 describes this comparator and specifies that non-numeric strings
+are considered equal with an ordinal value higher than any numeric string.
+Although not stated explicitly, this includes the empty string. A range
+of at least 2^31 is required. This implementation does not limit the
+range, because it does not convert numbers to binary representation
+before comparing them.
+The vacation extension
+The extension "vacation" is specified using the following grammar
+ vacation-command = "vacation" { vacation-options } <reason: string>
+ vacation-options = [":days" number]
+ [":addresses" string-list]
+ [":subject" string]
+ [":mime"]
+ command =/ vacation-command
+Semantics Of ":mime"
+RFC 3028 does not specify how strings using MIME parts are used to compose
+messages. The vacation draft refers to RFC 3028 and does not specify it
+either. As a result, different implementations generate different mails.
+The Exim Sieve implementation splits the reason into header and body.
+It adds the header to the mail header and uses the body as mail body.
+Be aware, that other imlementations compose a multipart structure with
+the reason as only part. Both conform to the specification (or lack
+Semantics Of Not Using ":mime"
+Sieve scripts are written in UTF-8, so is the reason string in this
+case. This implementation adds MIME headers to indicate that. This
+is not required by the vacation draft, which does not specify how
+the UTF-8 reason is processed to compose the resulting message.
+Envelope Sender
+The vacation draft does not specify the envelope sender. This
+implementation uses the empty envelope sender to prevent mail loops.
+Default Subject
+The draft specifies that the default message subject is "Re: "
+plus the old subject, stripped by any leading "Re: " strings.
+This string is to be taken literally, unlike some software which
+matches a regular expression like "[rR][eE]: *". Using this
+subject is dangerous, because many mailing lists verify addresses
+by sending a secret key in the subject of a message, asking to
+reply to the message for confirmation. Using the default vacation
+subject confirms any subscription request of this kind, allowing
+to subscribe a third party to any mailing list, either to annoy
+the user or to declare spam as legitimate mail by proving to
+use opt-in. The draft specifies to use "Re: " in front of the
+subject, but this implementation uses "Auto: ", as suggested in
+the current draft concerning automatic mail responses.
+Rate Limiting Responses
+The draft says:
+ Vacation responses are not just per address, but are per address
+ per vacation command.
+This is badly worded, because commands are not enumerated. It meant
+to say:
+ Vacation responses are not just per address, but are per address
+ per reason string and per specified subject and ":mime" option.
+Existing implementations work that way and it makes more sense, too.
+Including the ":mime" option is mostly for correctness, as the reason
+strings with and without this option are rarely equal.
+This implementation hashes the reason, specified subject and ":mime"
+option and uses the hex string representation as filename within the
+"sieve_vacation_directory" to store the recipient addresses for this
+vacation parameter set.
+The draft specifies that sites may define a minimum ":days" value than 1.
+This implementation uses 1. The maximum value MUST greater than 7,
+and SHOULD be greater than 30. This implementation uses a maximum of 31.
+Vacation recipient address databases older than 31 days are automatically
+removed. Users do not have to remove them manually when modifying their
+scripts. Don't put anything but vacation databases in that directory
+or you risk that it will be removed, too!
+Global Reply Address Blacklist
+The draft requires that each implementation offers a global black list
+of addresses that will never be replied to. Exim offers this as option
+"never_mail" in the autoreply transport.
+Interaction With Other Sieve Elements
+The draft describes the interaction with vacation, discard, keep,
+fileinto and redirect. It MUST describe compatibility with other
+actions, but doesn't. In this implementation, vacation is compatible
+with any other action.