path: root/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt
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authorTom Kistner <>2005-06-27 18:32:20 +0000
committerTom Kistner <>2005-06-27 18:32:20 +0000
commit8ff3788cdba63b1ef90132a3b62aafe1232ce438 (patch)
tree47b81c3d773f6799ed020f58ef6c2dc323341baa /doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt
parentec998f2bbc71aea870948abf762bc23b3ff9c85c (diff)
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1 files changed, 108 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt b/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt
index 682b60b24..fbc1dfb72 100644
--- a/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt
+++ b/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt,v 1.2 2005/03/08 15:33:05 tom Exp $
+$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-txt/experimental-spec.txt,v 1.3 2005/06/27 18:32:20 tom Exp $
From time to time, experimental features may be added to Exim.
While a feature is experimental, there will be a build-time
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ are limited to SMTP I/O.
Incoming messages are fed to the DK validation process as they
are received "on the wire". This happens synchronously to
-Exim's buffering of the message in the spool.
+Exim's buffering of the message in the spool.
You must set "control = dk_verify" in one of the ACLs
preceding DATA (you will typically use acl_smtp_rcpt), at a
@@ -67,32 +67,32 @@ expansion variables.
1.1.) DK ACL conditions
dk_sender_domains = <domain list>
This condition takes a domainlist as argument and
succeeds if the domain that DK has been verifying for is
found in the list.
dk_senders = <address list>
This condition takes an addresslist as argument and
succeeds if the address that DK has been verifying for
is found in the list.
dk_sender_local_parts = <local part list>
This condition takes a local_part list as argument
and succeeds if the domain that DK has been
verifying for is found in the list.
dk_status = <colon separated list of keywords>
This condition takes a list of keywords as argument, and
succeeds if one of the listed keywords matches the outcome
of the DK check. The available keywords are:
good DK check succeeded, mail is verified.
bad DK check failed.
no signature Mail is not signed with DK.
@@ -103,23 +103,23 @@ expansion variables.
dk_policy = <colon separated list of keywords>
This condition takes a list of keywords as argument, and
succeeds if one of the listed keywords matches the policy
announced by the target domain. The available keywords
signsall The target domain signs all outgoing email.
testing The target domain is currently testing DK.
dk_domain_source = <colon separated list of keywords>
This condition takes a list of keywords as argument, and
succeeds if one of the listed keywords matches the
location where DK found the sender domain it verified for.
The available keywords are:
from The domain came from the "From:" header.
sender The domain came from the "Sender:" header.
none DK was unable to find the responsible domain.
@@ -129,53 +129,53 @@ expansion variables.
1.2.) DK verification expansion variables
Contains the domain that DK has verified for.
Contains the address that DK has verified for.
Contains the local part that DK has verified for.
Contains the "source" of the above three variables, one of
"from" The address came from the "From:" header.
"sender" The address came from the "Sender:" header.
When DK was unable to find a valid address, this variable
- is "0".
+ is "0".
Is "1" if the target domain signs all outgoing email,
"0" otherwise.
Is "1" if the target domain is testing DK, "0" otherwise.
Is "1" if the message is signed, "0" otherwise.
Contains the outcome of the DK check as a string, commonly
used to add a "DomainKey-Status:" header to messages. Will
contain one of:
good DK check succeeded, mail is verified.
bad DK check failed.
no signature Mail is not signed with DK.
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@ expansion variables.
Contains a human-readable result of the DK check, more
verbose than $dk_status. Useful for logging purposes.
2) Sign outgoing email with DK
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ to sign for.
dk_selector = <expanded string> [MANDATORY]
This sets the key selector string. You can use the
$dk_domain expansion variable to look up a matching
selector. The result is put in the expansion variable
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ to sign for.
dk_private_key = <expanded string> [MANDATORY]
This sets the private key to use. You SHOULD use the
$dk_domain and $dk_selector expansion variables to
determine the private key to use. The result can either
o be a valid RSA private key in ASCII armor, including
line breaks.
o start with a slash, in which case it is treated as
@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ to sign for.
o be "0", "false" or the empty string, in which case
the message will not be signed. This case will not
result in an error, even if dk_strict is set.
dk_canon = <expanded string> [OPTIONAL]
This option sets the canonicalization method used when
signing a message. The DK draft currently supports two
methods: "simple" and "nofws". The option defaults to
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ to sign for.
dk_strict = <expanded string> [OPTIONAL]
This option defines how Exim behaves when signing a
message that should be signed fails for some reason. When
the expansion evaluates to either "1" or "true", Exim will
@@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ to sign for.
dk_domain = <expanded string> [NOT RECOMMENDED]
This option overrides DKs autodetection of the signing
domain. You should only use this option if you know what
you are doing. The result of the string expansion is also
put in $dk_domain.
2. Brighmail AntiSpam (BMI) suppport
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ following steps:
of the config file).
5) (Optional) Set up per-recipient opt-in information.
-These four steps are explained in more details below.
+These four steps are explained in more details below.
1) Adding support for BMI at compile time
@@ -302,14 +302,14 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
CFLAGS=-DBRIGHTMAIL -I/path/to/the/dir/with/the/includefile
EXTRALIBS_EXIM=-L/path/to/the/dir/with/the/library -lbmiclient_single
If you use other CFLAGS or EXTRALIBS_EXIM settings then
merge the content of these lines with them.
Note for BMI6.x users: You'll also have to add -lxml2_single
to the EXTRALIBS_EXIM line. Users of 5.5x do not need to do
You should also include the location of in your dynamic linker configuration
file (usually /etc/ and run "ldconfig"
@@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
To enable BMI support in the main exim configuration, you
should set the path to the main BMI configuration file with
the "bmi_config_file" option, like this:
bmi_config_file = /opt/brightmail/etc/brightmail.cfg
This must go into section 1 of exims configuration file (You
can put it right on top). If you omit this option, it
defaults to /opt/brightmail/etc/brightmail.cfg.
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
Note for BMI6.x users: This file is in XML format in V6.xx
and its name is /opt/brightmail/etc/bmiconfig.xml. So BMI
6.x users MUST set the bmi_config_file option.
3) Set up ACL control statement
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
use the "accept" block(s) that accept messages from remote
servers for your own domain(s). Here is an example that uses
the "accept" blocks from exims default configuration file:
accept domains = +local_domains
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
verify = recipient
control = bmi_run
If bmi_run is not set in any ACL during reception of the
message, it will NOT be passed to the BMI server.
@@ -369,106 +369,106 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
during routing, so you can query the verdicts by recipient
at that stage. From Exims view, a verdict can have the
following outcomes:
o deliver the message normally
o deliver the message to an alternate location
o do not deliver the message
To query the verdict for a recipient, the implementation
offers the following tools:
- Boolean router preconditions. These can be used in any
router. For a simple implementation of BMI, these may be
all that you need. The following preconditions are
o bmi_deliver_default
This precondition is TRUE if the verdict for the
recipient is to deliver the message normally. If the
message has not been processed by the BMI server, this
variable defaults to TRUE.
o bmi_deliver_alternate
This precondition is TRUE if the verdict for the
recipient is to deliver the message to an alternate
location. You can get the location string from the
$bmi_alt_location expansion variable if you need it. See
further below. If the message has not been processed by
the BMI server, this variable defaults to FALSE.
o bmi_dont_deliver
This precondition is TRUE if the verdict for the
recipient is NOT to deliver the message to the
recipient. You will typically use this precondition in a
top-level blackhole router, like this:
# don't deliver messages handled by the BMI server
driver = redirect
data = :blackhole:
This router should be on top of all others, so messages
that should not be delivered do not reach other routers
at all. If the message has not been processed by
the BMI server, this variable defaults to FALSE.
- A list router precondition to query if rules "fired" on
the message for the recipient. Its name is "bmi_rule". You
use it by passing it a colon-separated list of rule
numbers. You can use this condition to route messages that
matched specific rules. Here is an example:
# special router for BMI rule #5, #8 and #11
driver = redirect
bmi_rule = 5:8:11
data =
- Expansion variables. Several expansion variables are set
during routing. You can use them in custom router
conditions, for example. The following variables are
o $bmi_base64_verdict
This variable will contain the BASE64 encoded verdict
for the recipient being routed. You can use it to add a
header to messages for tracking purposes, for example:
driver = accept
headers_add = X-Brightmail-Verdict: $bmi_base64_verdict
transport = local_delivery
If there is no verdict available for the recipient being
routed, this variable contains the empty string.
o $bmi_base64_tracker_verdict
This variable will contain a BASE64 encoded subset of
the verdict information concerning the "rules" that
fired on the message. You can add this string to a
header, commonly named "X-Brightmail-Tracker". Example:
driver = accept
headers_add = X-Brightmail-Tracker: $bmi_base64_tracker_verdict
transport = local_delivery
If there is no verdict available for the recipient being
routed, this variable contains the empty string.
o $bmi_alt_location
If the verdict is to redirect the message to an
alternate location, this variable will contain the
alternate location string returned by the BMI server. In
@@ -477,17 +477,17 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
there is no verdict available for the recipient being
routed, or if the message is to be delivered normally,
this variable contains the empty string.
o $bmi_deliver
This is an additional integer variable that can be used
to query if the message should be delivered at all. You
should use router preconditions instead if possible.
$bmi_deliver is '0': the message should NOT be delivered.
$bmi_deliver is '1': the message should be delivered.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Verdict inheritance.
The message is passed to the BMI server during message
reception, using the target addresses from the RCPT TO:
@@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
inherit the verdict from the original address. This means
that verdicts also apply to all "child" addresses generated
from top-level addresses that were sent to the BMI server.
5) Using per-recipient opt-in information (Optional)
The BMI server features multiple scanning "profiles" for
@@ -517,32 +517,32 @@ These four steps are explained in more details below.
flag. Here is an example that will pull opt-in data for each
recipient from a flat file called
The file format:
The example:
accept domains = +relay_to_domains
verify = recipient
bmi_optin = ${lookup{$local_part@$domain}lsearch{/etc/exim/bmi_optin_data}}
- control = bmi_run
+ control = bmi_run
Of course, you can also use any other lookup method that
exim supports, including LDAP, Postgres, MySQL, Oracle etc.,
as long as the result is a list of colon-separated opt-in
For a list of available opt-in strings, please contact your
Brightmail representative.
3. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) support
@@ -551,10 +551,10 @@ document does not explain the SPF fundamentals, you should
read and understand the implications of deploying SPF on your
system before doing so.
-SPF support is added via the libspf2 library. Visit
+SPF support is added via the libspf2 library. Visit
to obtain a copy, then compile and install it. By default,
this will put headers in /usr/local/include and the static
library in /usr/local/lib.
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ which the spf condition should succeed. Valid strings are:
o err_temp This indicates a temporary error during all
processing, including exim's SPF processing.
You may defer messages when this occurs.
You can prefix each string with an exclamation mark to invert
is meaning, for example "!fail" will match all results but
"fail". The string list is evaluated left-to-right, in a
@@ -640,29 +640,29 @@ variables.
This contains a human-readable string describing the outcome
of the SPF check. You can add it to a custom header or use
it for logging purposes.
This contains a complete SPF-Received: header that can be
added to the message. Please note that according to the SPF
draft, this header must be added at the top of the header
list. Please see section 10 on how you can do this.
This contains the outcome of the SPF check in string form,
one of pass, fail, softfail, none, neutral, err_perm or
This contains a string that can be used in a SMTP response
to the calling party. Useful for "fail".
4. SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) Support
Exiscan currently includes SRS support via Miles Wilton's
-libsrs_alt library. The current version of the supported
+libsrs_alt library. The current version of the supported
library is 0.5.
In order to use SRS, you must get a copy of libsrs_alt from