path: root/doc/doc-scripts/f2h
diff options
authorPhilip Hazel <>2004-10-07 15:04:35 +0000
committerPhilip Hazel <>2004-10-07 15:04:35 +0000
commit495ae4b01f36d0d8bb0e34a1d7263c2b8224aa4a (patch)
treefcfaa2c623d4f155eef907b50b950b602829a30b /doc/doc-scripts/f2h
parent0756eb3cb50d73a77b486e47528f7cb1bffdb299 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/doc-scripts/f2h')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/doc-scripts/f2h b/doc/doc-scripts/f2h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..426e46e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc-scripts/f2h
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+# $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-scripts/f2h,v 1.1 2004/10/07 15:04:35 ph10 Exp $
+# Script to turn the Exim FAQ into HTML.
+use integer;
+# Function to do text conversions that apply to both displays and non displays
+sub process_both {
+my($s) = $_[0];
+$s =~ s/</&#60;/g; # Deal with < and >
+$s =~ s/>/&#62;/g;
+return $s;
+# Function to do text conversions to display paragraphs
+sub process_display {
+my($s) = $_[0];
+$s =~ s/^==>/ /;
+my($indent) = $s =~ /^(\s+)/;
+my($remove) = " " x (length($indent) - 3);
+$s =~ s/^$remove//mg;
+$s = &process_both($s);
+return $s;
+# Function to do text conversions to paragraphs not in displays.
+sub process_non_display {
+my($s) = &process_both($_[0]);
+$s =~ s/@\\/@@backslash@@/g; # @\ temporarily hidden
+$s =~ s/\\#/&nbsp;/g; # \# is a hard space
+$s =~ s/\\\*\*([^*]*)\*\*\\/<b>$1<\/b>/g; # \**...**\ => bold
+$s =~ s/\\\*([^*]*)\*\\/<i>$1<\/i>/g; # \*.....*\ => italic
+$s =~ s/\\"([^"]*)"\\/<tt>$1<\/tt>/g; # \"....."\ => fixed pitch
+$s =~ s/\\\$([^\$]*)\$\\/<i>\$$1<\/i>/g; # \$.....$\ => $italic
+$s =~ s/\\\\([^\\]*)\\\\/<small>$1<\/small>/g; # \\.....\\ => small
+$s =~ s/\\\(([^)]*)\)\\/<i>$1<\/i>/g; # \(.....)\ => italic
+$s =~ s/\\-([^\\]*)-\\/<b>-$1<\/b>/g; # \-.....-\ => -bold
+$s =~ s/\\\[([^]]*)\]\\/&\#60;<i>$1<\/i>&\#62;/gx; # \[.....]\ => <italic>
+$s =~ s/\\\?(.*?)\?\\/<a href="$1">$1<\/a>/g; # \?.....?\ => URL
+$s =~ s/\\\^\^([^^]*)\^\^\\/<i>$1<\/i>/g; # \^^...^^\ => italic
+$s =~ s/\\\^([^^]*)\^\\/<i>$1<\/i>/g; # \^.....^\ => italic
+$s =~ s/\\%([^%]*)%\\/<b>$1<\/b>/g; # \%.....%\ => bold
+$s =~ s/\\\/([^\/]*)\/\\/<i>$1<\/i>/g; # \/...../\ => italic
+$s =~ s/\\([^\\]+)\\/<tt>$1<\/tt>/g; # \.......\ => fixed pitch
+$s =~ s"//([^/\"]*)//"<i>$1</i>"g; # //.....// => italic
+$s =~ s/::([^:]*)::/<i>$1:<\/i>/g; # ::.....:: => italic:
+$s =~ s/``(.*?)''/&#147;$1&#148;/g; # ``.....'' => quoted text
+$s =~ s/\s*\[\[br\]\]\s*/<br>/g; # [[br]] => <br>
+$s =~ s/@@backslash@@/\\/g; # Put back single backslash
+$s =~ s/^(\s*\(\d\)\s)/$1&nbsp;/; # Extra space after (1), etc.
+# Cross references within paragraphs
+$s =~ s/Q(\d{4})(?!:)/<a href="$xref{$1}">$&<\/a>/xg;
+# References to configuration samples
+$s =~ s/\b([CFLS]\d\d\d)\b/<a href="$1.txt">$1<\/a>/g;
+# Remove white space preceding a newline in the middle of paragraphs,
+# to keep the file smaller (and for human reading when debugging).
+$s =~ s/^\s+//mg;
+return $s;
+# Main program
+# We want to read the file paragraph by paragraph; Perl only does this if the
+# separating lines are truly blank. Having been caught by lines containing
+# whitespace before, do a detrailing pass first.
+open(IN, "$ARGV[0]") || die "can't open $ARGV[0] (preliminary)\n";
+open(OUT, ">$ARGV[0]-$$") || die "can't open $ARGV[0]-$$\n";
+while (<IN>)
+ {
+ s/[ \t]+$//;
+ print OUT;
+ }
+rename("$ARGV[0]-$$", "$ARGV[0]") ||
+ die "can't rename $ARGV[0]-$$ as $ARGV[0]\n";
+# The second argument is the name of a directory into which to put multiple
+# HTML files. We start off with FAQ.html.
+$hdir = $ARGV[1];
+open(OUT, ">$hdir/FAQ.html") || die "can't open $hdir/FAQ.html\n";
+# Initial output
+print OUT <<End ;
+<title>The Exim FAQ</title>
+<body bgcolor="#F8F8F8" text="#00005A" link="#0066FF" alink="#0066FF" vlink="#000099">
+<h1>The Exim FAQ</h1>
+$/ = "";
+# First pass to read the titles and questions and create the table of
+# contents. We save it up in a vector so that it can be written after the
+# introductory paragraphs.
+open(IN, "$ARGV[0]") || die "can't open $ARGV[0] (first time)\n";
+$toc = 0;
+$sec = -1;
+$inul = 0;
+while ($_ = <IN>)
+ {
+ $count = s/\n/\n/g - 1; # Number of lines in paragraph
+ if ($count == 1 && /^\d+\./) # Look for headings
+ {
+ chomp;
+ push @toc, "</ul>" if $inul;
+ $inul = 0;
+ push @toc, "<br>\n\n" if $sec++ >= 0;
+ push @toc, "<a name=\"TOC$toc\" href=\"FAQ_$sec.html\">$_</a>\n";
+ $toc++;
+ ($number,$title) = /^(\d+)\.\s+(.*)$/;
+ if ($title ne "UUCP" && $title ne "IRIX" && $title ne "BSDI" &&
+ $title ne "HP-UX")
+ {
+ ($initial,$rest) = $title =~ /^(.)(.*)$/;
+ $title = "$initial\L$rest";
+ $title =~ s/isdn/ISDN/;
+ $title =~ s/\btls\b/TLS/;
+ $title =~ s/\bssl\b/SSL/;
+ $title =~ s/ os x/ OS X/;
+ }
+ push @seclist, "<a href=\"FAQ_$sec.html\">$number. $title</a>";
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^(Q\d{4})/) # Q initial paragraph
+ {
+ if (!$inul)
+ {
+ push @toc, "<ul>\n";
+ $inul = 1;
+ }
+ $num = $1;
+ $rest = $';
+ $xref{substr($num,1)} = "FAQ_$sec.html#TOC$toc";
+ $rest =~ s/^: /:&nbsp;&nbsp;/;
+ $rest = &process_non_display($rest);
+ push @toc, "<li><a name=\"TOC$toc\" href=\"FAQ_$sec.html#TOC$toc\">$num</a>$rest<br><br></li>\n";
+ $toc++;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+push @toc, "</ul>\n" if $inul;
+# This is the main processing pass. We have to detect the different kinds of
+# "paragraph" and do appropriate things.
+open(IN, "$ARGV[0]") || die "can't open $ARGV[0] (second time)\n";
+# Skip the title line
+$_ = <IN>;
+# Handle the rest of the file
+$toc = 0;
+$maxsec = $sec;
+$sec = -1;
+while ($_ = <IN>)
+ {
+ $count = s/\n/\n/g - 1; # Number of lines in paragraph
+ chomp; # Trailing newlines
+ if (/^The FAQ is divided into/)
+ {
+ my($count) = scalar(@seclist);
+ my($cols) = ($count + 1)/2;
+ print OUT "<hr><a name=\"TOC\"><h1>Index</h1></a>\n";
+ print OUT "<p>A <i>Keyword-in-context</i> <a href=\"FAQ-KWIC_A.html\">index</a> " .
+ "to the questions is available. This is usually the " .
+ "quickest way to find information in the FAQ.</p>\n";
+ print OUT "<h1>Contents</h1>\n";
+ print OUT "<p>The FAQ is divided into the following sections:<br><br></p>\n";
+ print OUT "<table>\n";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $cols; $i++)
+ {
+ print OUT "<tr>\n";
+ print OUT " <td>", "&nbsp;" x 4, "</td>\n";
+ print OUT " <td>&nbsp;$seclist[$i]</td>\n";
+ print OUT " <td>", "&nbsp;" x8, "$seclist[$cols+$i]</td>\n"
+ if $cols+$i < $count;
+ print OUT "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ print OUT "</table><br><p>\n<hr><br>\n";
+ print OUT "<h1>List of questions</h1>\n";
+ $_ = <IN>; # Skip section list
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($count == 1 && /^\d+\./) # Look for headings
+ {
+ if (@toc != 0) # TOC when hit first heading
+ {
+ while (@toc != 0) { print OUT shift @toc; }
+ }
+ # Output links at the bottom of this page
+ print OUT "<hr><br>\n";
+ print OUT "<a href=\"FAQ.html#TOC\">Contents</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
+ if ($sec > 0)
+ {
+ printf OUT ("<a href=\"FAQ_%d.html\">Previous</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n", $sec-1);
+ }
+ printf OUT ("<a href=\"FAQ_%d.html\">Next</a>\n", $sec+1);
+ # New section goes in new file
+ print OUT "</body>\n</html>\n";
+ close OUT;
+ $sec++;
+ open(OUT, ">$hdir/FAQ_$sec.html") ||
+ die "Can't open $hdir/FAQ_$sec.html\n";
+ print OUT "<html>\n<head>\n" .
+ "<title>The Exim FAQ Section $sec</title>\n" .
+ "</head>\n" .
+ "<body bgcolor=\"#F8F8F8\" text=\"#00005A\" " .
+ "link=\"#FF6600\" alink=\"#FF9933\" vlink=\"#990000\">\n";
+ printf OUT "<h1>The Exim FAQ</h1>\n";
+ print OUT "<a href=\"FAQ.html#TOC\">Contents</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
+ if ($sec > 0)
+ {
+ printf OUT ("<a href=\"FAQ_%d.html\">Previous</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n", $sec-1);
+ }
+ if ($sec < $maxsec)
+ {
+ printf OUT ("<a href=\"FAQ_%d.html\">Next</a>\n", $sec+1);
+ }
+ print OUT "<hr><br>\n";
+ print OUT "<h2><a href=\"FAQ.html#TOC$toc\">$_</a></h2>\n";
+ $toc++;
+ next;
+ }
+ s/^([QA]\d{4}|[CFLS]\d{3}): /$1:&nbsp;&nbsp;/;
+ if (/^(Q\d{4}:)/) # Q initial paragraph
+ {
+ print OUT "<p>\n<a name=\"TOC$toc\" href=\"FAQ.html#TOC$toc\">$1</a>";
+ $_ = &process_non_display($');
+ print OUT "$_\n</p>\n";
+ $toc++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^A\d{4}:/) # A initial paragraph
+ {
+ $_ = &process_non_display($_);
+ s/^(A\d{4}:)/<font color="#00BB00">$1<\/font>/;
+ print OUT "<p>\n$_\n</p>\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # If a paragraph begins ==> it is a display which must remain verbatin
+ # and not be reformatted. The flag gets turned into spaces.
+ if ($_ =~ /^==>/)
+ {
+ $_ = &process_display($_);
+ chomp;
+ print OUT "<pre>\n$_</pre>\n";
+ }
+ # Non-display paragraph; massage the final line & my sig.
+ elsif (/^\*\*\* End of Exim FAQ \*\*\*/)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_ = &process_non_display($_);
+ if (/^Philip Hazel/)
+ {
+ s/\n/<br>\n/g;
+ s/<br>$/<hr><br>/;
+ }
+ print OUT "<p>\n$_\n</p>\n";
+ }
+ }
+print OUT "<hr><br>\n";
+print OUT "<a href=\"FAQ.html#TOC\">Contents</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
+printf OUT ("<a href=\"FAQ_%d.html\">Previous</a>\n", $sec-1);
+print OUT "</body>\n</html>\n";