diff options
authorNigel Metheringham <>2008-01-17 13:14:07 +0000
committerNigel Metheringham <>2008-01-17 13:14:07 +0000
commit0caec8e792b969ca442413e75c8966f074bc5fd4 (patch)
parent8fde9903e121cba1a4381d7126d6642561b2af4c (diff)
Removed old documentation source files to prevent confusion. Fixes: #658
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 32411 deletions
diff --git a/doc/doc-src/ABOUT b/doc/doc-src/ABOUT
index 990790101..35b77f247 100644
--- a/doc/doc-src/ABOUT
+++ b/doc/doc-src/ABOUT
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-src/ABOUT,v 1.2 2005/06/16 10:32:31 ph10 Exp $
+$Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-src/ABOUT,v 1.3 2008/01/17 13:14:07 nm4 Exp $
CVS directory exim/exim-doc/doc-src
@@ -11,4 +11,7 @@ Subsequent documentation releases operate using DocBook input, so these files
are now historical relics. The FAQ source is still (June 2005) current, but may
be superseded in due course.
+The filter and spec source files have now been removed from here to
+prevent further confusion.
diff --git a/doc/doc-src/filter.src b/doc/doc-src/filter.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 8688721af..000000000
--- a/doc/doc-src/filter.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1735 +0,0 @@
-. $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-src/filter.src,v 1.2 2005/01/11 15:17:51 ph10 Exp $
-.if !set style
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-. ======================================================
-.if ~~sys.fancy
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-.set chapter -1
-.chapter Exim's interfaces to mail filtering -2ld
-This document describes the user interfaces to Exim's in-built mail filtering
-facilities, and is copyright (c) University of Cambridge 2005. It corresponds
-to Exim version 4.50.
-. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-. Some clever jiggery-pokery here. The contents list is known to be less than
-. one page long, so we arrange for it to get onto the rest of the first page.
-. Because we aren't doing any indexing, the z-rawindex file will contain only
-. the TOC entries. The Makefile arranges for it to be empty at the start, then
-. runs SGCAL twice so on the second pass it gets inserted automatically.
-.if ~~sgcal 1ld
-. $chead{Contents}
-. space 1ld
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-.set contents true
-. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-.set chapter 0
-.chapter Forwarding and filtering in Exim
-.section Introduction
-Most Unix mail transfer agents (programs that deliver mail) permit individual
-users to specify automatic forwarding of their mail, usually by placing a list
-of forwarding addresses in a file called \(.forward)\ in their home directories.
-Exim extends this facility by allowing the forwarding instructions to be a set
-of rules rather than just a list of addresses, in effect providing `\(.forward)\
-with conditions'. Operating the set of rules is called $it{filtering}, and the
-file that contains them is called a $it{filter file}.
-Exim supports two different kinds of filter file. An \*Exim filter*\ contains
-instructions in a format that is unique to Exim. A \*Sieve filter*\ contains
-instructions in the Sieve format that is defined by RFC 3028. As this is a
-standard format, Sieve filter files may already be familiar to some users.
-Sieve files should also be portable between different environments. However,
-the Exim filtering facility contains more features (such as variable
-expansion), and better integration with the host environment (such as the use
-of external processes and pipes).
-The choice of which kind of filter to use can be left to the end-user, provided
-that the system administrator has configured Exim appropriately for both kinds
-of filter. However, if interoperability is important, Sieve is the only
-The ability to use filtering or traditional forwarding has to be enabled by the
-system administrator, and some of the individual facilities can be separately
-enabled or disabled. A local document should be provided to describe exactly
-what has been enabled. In the absence of this, consult your system
-This document describes how to use a filter file and the format of its
-contents. It is intended for use by end-users. Both Sieve filters and Exim
-filters are covered. However, for Sieve filters, only issues that relate to the
-Exim implementation are discussed, since Sieve itself is described elsewhere.
-The contents of traditional \(.forward)\ files are not described here. They
-normally contain just a list of addresses, file names, or pipe commands,
-separated by commas or newlines, but other types of item are also available.
-The full details can be found in the chapter on the \%redirect%\ router in the
-Exim specification, which also describes how the system administrator can set
-up and control the use of filtering.
-.section Filter operation
-It is important to realize that, in Exim, no deliveries are actually made while
-a filter or traditional \(.forward)\ file is being processed. Running a filter
-or processing a traditional \(.forward)\ file sets up future delivery
-operations, but does not carry them out.
-The result of filter or \(.forward)\ file processing is a list of destinations
-to which a message should be delivered. The deliveries themselves take place
-later, along with all other deliveries for the message. This means that it is
-not possible to test for successful deliveries while filtering. It also means
-that any duplicate addresses that are generated are dropped, because Exim never
-delivers the same message to the same address more than once.
-.section Testing a new filter file
-.rset SECTtesting "~~chapter.~~section"
-Filter files, especially the more complicated ones, should always be tested, as
-it is easy to make mistakes. Exim provides a facility for preliminary testing
-of a filter file before installing it. This tests the syntax of the file and
-its basic operation, and can also be used with traditional \(.forward)\ files.
-Because a filter can do tests on the content of messages, a test message is
-required. Suppose you have a new filter file called \(myfilter)\ and a test
-message called \(test-message)\. Assuming that Exim is installed with the
-conventional path name \(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\ (some operating systems use
-\(/usr/lib/sendmail)\), the following command can be used:
-.display asis
-/usr/sbin/sendmail -bf myfilter <test-message
-The \-bf-\ option tells Exim that the following item on the command line is the
-name of a filter file that is to be tested. There is also a \-bF-\ option,
-which is similar, but which is used for testing system filter files, as opposed
-to user filter files, and which is therefore of use only to the system
-The test message is supplied on the standard input. If there are no
-message-dependent tests in the filter, an empty file (\(/dev/null)\) can be
-used. A supplied message must start with header lines or the `From' message
-separator line which is found in many multi-message folder files. Note that
-blank lines at the start terminate the header lines. A warning is given if no
-header lines are read.
-The result of running this command, provided no errors are detected in the
-filter file, is a list of the actions that Exim would try to take if presented
-with the message for real.
-For example, for an Exim filter, the output
-.display asis
-Deliver message to: gulliver@lilliput.fict.example
-Save message to: /home/lemuel/mail/archive
-means that one copy of the message would be sent to
-\gulliver@@lilliput.fict.example\, and another would be added to the file
-\(/home/lemuel/mail/archive)\, if all went well.
-The actions themselves are not attempted while testing a filter file in this
-way; there is no check, for example, that any forwarding addresses are valid.
-For an Exim filter,
-if you want to know why a particular action is being taken, add the \-v-\
-option to the command. This causes Exim to output the results of any
-conditional tests and to indent its output according to the depth of nesting of
-\"if"\ commands. Further additional output from a filter test can be generated
-by the \"testprint"\ command, which is described below.
-When Exim is outputting a list of the actions it would take, if any text
-strings are included in the output, non-printing characters therein are
-converted to escape sequences. In particular, if any text string contains a
-newline character, this is shown as `@\n' in the testing output.
-When testing a filter in this way, Exim makes up an `envelope' for the message.
-The recipient is by default the user running the command, and so is the sender,
-but the command can be run with the \-f-\ option to supply a different sender.
-For example,
-.indent 0
-/usr/sbin/sendmail -bf myfilter -f islington@@never.where <test-message
-Alternatively, if the \-f-\ option is not used, but the first line of the
-supplied message is a `From' separator from a message folder file (not the same
-thing as a \"From:"\ header line), the sender is taken from there. If \-f-\ is
-present, the contents of any `From' line are ignored.
-The `return path' is the same as the envelope sender, unless the message
-contains a \"Return-path:"\ header, in which case it is taken from there. You
-need not worry about any of this unless you want to test out features of a
-filter file that rely on the sender address or the return path.
-It is possible to change the envelope recipient by specifying further options.
-The \-bfd-\ option changes the domain of the recipient address, while the
-\-bfl-\ option changes the `local part', that is, the part before the @@ sign.
-An adviser could make use of these to test someone else's filter file.
-The \-bfp-\ and \-bfs-\ options specify the prefix or suffix for the local part.
-These are relevant only when support for multiple personal mailboxes is
-implemented; see the description in section ~~SECTmbox below.
-.section Installing a filter file
-A filter file is normally installed under the name \(.forward)\ in your home
-directory -- it is distinguished from a conventional \(.forward)\ file by its
-first line (described below). However, the file name is configurable, and some
-system administrators may choose to use some different name or location for
-filter files.
-.section Testing an installed filter file
-Testing a filter file before installation cannot find every potential problem;
-for example, it does not actually run commands to which messages are piped.
-Some `live' tests should therefore also be done once a filter is installed.
-If at all possible, test your filter file by sending messages from some other
-account. If you send a message to yourself from the filtered account, and
-delivery fails, the error message will be sent back to the same account, which
-may cause another delivery failure. It won't cause an infinite sequence of such
-messages, because delivery failure messages do not themselves generate further
-messages. However, it does mean that the failure won't be returned to you, and
-also that the postmaster will have to investigate the stuck message.
-If you have to test an Exim filter from the same account, a sensible precaution
-is to include the line
-.display asis
-if error_message then finish endif
-as the first filter command, at least while testing. This causes filtering to
-be abandoned for a delivery failure message, and since no destinations are
-generated, the message goes on to be delivered to the original address. Unless
-there is a good reason for not doing so, it is recommended that the above test
-be left in all Exim filter files.
-(This does not apply to Sieve files.)
-.section Details of filtering commands
-The filtering commands for Sieve and Exim filters are completely different in
-syntax and semantics. The Sieve mechanism is defined in RFC 3028; in the next
-chapter we describe how it is integrated into Exim. The subsequent chapter
-covers Exim filtering commands in detail.
-.chapter Sieve filter files
-.rset CHAPsievefilter "~~chapter"
-The code for Sieve filtering in Exim was contributed by Michael Haardt, and
-most of the content of this chapter is taken from the notes he provided. Since
-Sieve is a extensible language, it is important to understand `Sieve' in this
-context as `the specific implementation of Sieve for Exim'.
-This chapter does not contain a description of Sieve, since that can be found
-in RFC 3028, which should be read in conjunction with these notes.
-The Exim Sieve implementation offers the core as defined by RFC 3028,
-comparison tests, the \%copy%\, \%envelope%\, \%fileinto%\, and \%vacation%\
-but not the \%reject%\ extension. Exim does not support message delivery
-notifications (MDNs), so adding it just to the Sieve filter (as required for
-\%reject%\) makes little sense.
-In order for Sieve to work properly in Exim, the system administrator needs to
-make some adjustments to the Exim configuration. These are described in the
-chapter on the \%redirect%\ router in the full Exim specification.
-.section Recognition of Sieve filters
-A filter file is interpreted as a Sieve filter if its first line is
-.display asis
-# Sieve filter
-This is what distinguishes it from a conventional \(.forward)\ file or an Exim
-filter file.
-.section Saving to specified folders
-If the system administrator has set things up as suggested in the Exim
-specification, and you use \%keep%\ or \%fileinto%\ to save a mail into a
-folder, absolute files are stored where specified, relative files are stored
-relative to \$home$\, and \%inbox%\ goes to the standard mailbox location.
-.section Strings containing header names
-RFC 3028 does not specify what happens if a string denoting a header field does
-not contain a valid header name, for example, it contains a colon. This
-implementation generates an error instead of ignoring the header field in order
-to ease script debugging, which fits in the common picture of Sieve.
-.section Exists test with empty list of headers
-The \%exists%\ test succeeds only if all specified headers exist. RFC 3028
-does not explicitly specify what happens on an empty list of headers. This
-implementation evaluates that condition as true, interpreting the RFC in a
-strict sense.
-.section Header test with invalid MIME encoding in header
-Some MUAs process invalid base64 encoded data, generating junk.
-Others ignore junk after seeing an equal sign in base64 encoded data.
-RFC 2047 does not specify how to react in this case, other than stating
-that a client must not forbid to process a message for that reason.
-RFC 2045 specifies that invalid data should be ignored (apparently
-looking at end of line characters). It also specifies that invalid data
-may lead to rejecting messages containing them (and there it appears to
-talk about true encoding violations), which is a clear contradiction to
-ignoring them.
-RFC 3028 does not specify how to process incorrect MIME words.
-This implementation treats them literally, as it does if the word is
-correct but its character set cannot be converted to UTF-8.
-.section Address test for multiple addresses per header
-A header may contain multiple addresses. RFC 3028 does not explicitly
-specify how to deal with them, but since the address test checks if
-anything matches anything else, matching one address suffices to
-satisfy the condition. That makes it impossible to test if a header
-contains a certain set of addresses and no more, but it is more logical
-than letting the test fail if the header contains an additional address
-besides the one the test checks for.
-.section Semantics of keep
-The \%keep%\ command is equivalent to
-fileinto "inbox";
-It saves the message and resets the implicit keep flag. It does not set the
-implicit keep flag; there is no command to set it once it has been reset.
-.section Semantics of fileinto
-RFC 3028 does not specify whether \fileinto\ should try to create a mail folder
-if it does not exist. This implementation allows the sysadmin to configure that
-aspect using the \%appendfile%\ transport options \create@_directory\,
-\create@_file\, and \file@_must@_exist\. See the \%appendfile%\ transport in
-the Exim specification for details.
-.section Semantics of redirect
-Sieve scripts are supposed to be interoperable between servers, so this
-implementation does not allow mail to be redirected to unqualified addresses,
-because the domain would depend on the system being used. On systems with
-virtual mail domains, the default domain is probably not what the user expects
-it to be.
-.section String arguments
-There has been confusion if the string arguments to \%require%\ are to be
-matched case-sensitively or not. This implementation matches them with
-the match type \":is"\ (default, see section 2.7.1) and the comparator
-\"i;ascii-casemap"\ (default, see section 2.7.3). The RFC defines the
-command defaults clearly, so any different implementations violate RFC
-3028. The same is valid for comparator names, also specified as strings.
-.section Number units
-There is a mistake in RFC 3028: the suffix G denotes gibi-, not tebibyte.
-The mistake is obvious, because RFC 3028 specifies G to denote 2@^30
-(which is gibi, not tebi), and that is what this implementation uses as
-scaling factor for the suffix G.
-.section RFC compliance
-Exim requires the first line of a Sieve filter to be
-.display asis
-# Sieve filter
-Of course the RFC does not specify that line. Do not expect examples to work
-without adding it, though.
-RFC 3028 requires the use of CRLF to terminate a line.
-The rationale was that CRLF is universally used in network protocols
-to mark the end of the line. This implementation does not embed Sieve
-in a network protocol, but uses Sieve scripts as part of the Exim MTA.
-Since all parts of Exim use LF as newline character, this implementation
-does, too, by default, though the system administrator may choose (at Exim
-compile time) to use CRLF instead.
-Exim violates RFC 2822, section 3.6.8, by accepting 8-bit header names, so
-this implementation repeats this violation to stay consistent with Exim.
-This is in preparation to UTF-8 data.
-Sieve scripts cannot contain NUL characters in strings, but mail
-headers could contain MIME encoded NUL characters, which could never
-be matched by Sieve scripts using exact comparisons. For that reason,
-this implementation extends the Sieve quoted string syntax with @\0
-to describe a NUL character, violating @\0 being the same as 0 in
-RFC 3028. Even without using @\0, the following tests are all true in
-this implementation. Implementations that use C-style strings will only
-evaluate the first test as true.
-.display asis
-Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?abc=00def
-header :contains "Subject" ["abc"]
-header :contains "Subject" ["def"]
-header :matches "Subject" ["abc?def"]
-Note that by considering Sieve to be a MUA, RFC 2047 can be interpreted
-in a way that NUL characters truncating strings is allowed for Sieve
-implementations, although not recommended. It is further allowed to use
-encoded NUL characters in headers, but that's not recommended either.
-The above example shows why.
-RFC 3028 states that if an implementation fails to convert a character
-set to UTF-8, two strings cannot be equal if one contains octets greater
-than 127. Assuming that all unknown character sets are one-byte character
-sets with the lower 128 octets being US-ASCII is not sound, so this
-implementation violates RFC 3028 and treats such MIME words literally.
-That way at least something could be matched.
-The folder specified by \%fileinto%\ must not contain the character
-sequence \".."\ to avoid security problems. RFC 3028 does not specify the
-syntax of folders apart from \%keep%\ being equivalent to
-.display asis
-fileinto "INBOX";
-This implementation uses \"inbox"\ instead.
-Sieve script errors currently cause messages to be silently filed into
-\"inbox"\. RFC 3028 requires that the user is notified of that condition.
-This may be implemented in future by adding a header line to mails that
-are filed into \"inbox"\ due to an error in the filter.
-.chapter Exim filter files
-.rset CHAPeximfilter "~~chapter"
-This chapter contains a full description of the contents of Exim filter files.
-.section Format of Exim filter files
-Apart from leading white space, the first text in a filter file must be
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-This is what distinguishes it from a conventional \(.forward)\ file or a Sieve
-filter file. If the file does not have this initial line (or the equivalent for
-a Sieve filter), it is treated as a
-conventional \(.forward)\ file, both when delivering mail and when using the
-\-bf-\ testing mechanism. The white space in the line is optional, and any
-capitalization may be used. Further text on the same line is treated as a
-comment. For example, you could have
-.display asis
-# Exim filter <<== do not edit or remove this line!
-The remainder of the file is a sequence of filtering commands, which consist of
-keywords and data values. For example, in the command
-.display asis
-deliver gulliver@lilliput.fict.example
-the keyword is \"deliver"\ and the data value is
-White space or line breaks separate the components of a command, except in the
-case of conditions for the \"if"\ command, where round brackets (parentheses)
-also act as separators. Complete commands are separated from each other by
-white space or line breaks; there are no special terminators. Thus, several
-commands may appear on one line, or one command may be spread over a number of
-If the character @# follows a separator anywhere in a command, everything from
-@# up to the next newline is ignored. This provides a way of including comments
-in a filter file.
-.section Data values in filter commands
-There are two ways in which a data value can be input:
-.numberpars $.
-If the text contains no white space then it can be typed verbatim. However, if
-it is part of a condition, it must also be free of round brackets
-(parentheses), as these are used for grouping in conditions.
-Otherwise, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. In this case, the
-character @\ (backslash) is treated as an `escape character' within the string,
-causing the following character or characters to be treated specially:
-.display rm
-.tabs 8
-@\n $t is replaced by a newline
-@\r $t is replaced by a carriage return
-@\t $t is replaced by a tab
-Backslash followed by up to three octal digits is replaced by the character
-specified by those digits, and @\x followed by up to two hexadecimal digits is
-treated similarly. Backslash followed by any other character is replaced
-by the second character, so that in particular, @\" becomes " and @\@\ becomes
-@\$<. A data item enclosed in double quotes can be continued onto the next line
-by ending the first line with a backslash. Any leading white space at the start
-of the continuation line is ignored.
-In addition to the escape character processing that occurs when strings are
-enclosed in quotes, most data values are also subject to $it{string expansion}
-(as described in the next section), in which case the characters \@$\ and \@\\
-are also significant. This means that if a single backslash is actually
-required in such a string, and the string is also quoted, @\@\@\@\ has to be
-The maximum permitted length of a data string, before expansion, is 1024
-.section String expansion
-.rset SECTfilterstringexpansion "~~chapter.~~section"
-Most data values are expanded before use. Expansion consists of replacing
-substrings beginning with \"@$"\ with other text. The full expansion facilities
-available in Exim are extensive. If you want to know everything that Exim can
-do with strings, you should consult the chapter on string expansion in the Exim
-In filter files, by far the most common use of string expansion is the
-substitution of the contents of a variable. For example, the substring
-.display asis
-is replaced by the address to which replies to the message should be sent. If
-such a variable name is followed by a letter or digit or underscore, it must be
-enclosed in curly brackets (braces), for example,
-.display asis
-If a \"@$"\ character is actually required in an expanded string, it must be
-escaped with a backslash, and because backslash is also an escape character in
-quoted input strings, it must be doubled in that case. The following two
-examples illustrate two different ways of testing for a \"@$"\ character in a
-.display asis
-if $message_body contains \$ then ...
-if $message_body contains "\\$" then ...
-You can prevent part of a string from being expanded by enclosing it between
-two occurrences of \"@\N"\. For example,
-.display asis
-if $message_body contains \N$$$$\N then ...
-tests for a run of four dollar characters.
-.section Some useful general variables
-A complete list of the available variables is given in the Exim documentation.
-This shortened list contains the ones that are most likely to be useful in
-personal filter files:
-\$body@_linecount$\: The number of lines in the body of the message.
-\$body@_zerocount$\: The number of binary zero characters in the body of the
-\$home$\: In conventional configurations, this variable normally contains the
-user's home directory. The system administrator can, however, change this.
-\$local@_part$\: The part of the email address that precedes the @@ sign --
-normally the user's login name. If support for multiple personal mailboxes is
-enabled (see section ~~SECTmbox below) and a prefix or suffix for the local
-part was recognized, it is removed from the string in this variable.
-\$local@_part@_prefix$\: If support for multiple personal mailboxes is enabled
-(see section ~~SECTmbox below), and a local part prefix was recognized,
-this variable contains the prefix. Otherwise it contains an empty string.
-\$local@_part@_suffix$\: If support for multiple personal mailboxes is enabled
-(see section ~~SECTmbox below), and a local part suffix was recognized,
-this variable contains the suffix. Otherwise it contains an empty string.
-\$message@_body$\: The initial portion of the body of the message. By default,
-up to 500 characters are read into this variable, but the system administrator
-can configure this to some other value. Newlines in the body are converted into
-single spaces.
-\$message@_body@_end$\: The final portion of the body of the message, formatted
-and limited in the same way as \$message@_body$\.
-\$message@_body@_size$\: The size of the body of the message, in bytes.
-\$message@_headers$\: The header lines of the message, concatenated into a
-single string, with newline characters between them.
-\$message@_id$\: The message's local identification string, which is unique for
-each message handled by a single host.
-\$message@_size$\: The size of the entire message, in bytes.
-\$original@_local@_part$\: When an address that arrived with the message is
-being processed, this contains the same value as the variable \$local@_part$\.
-However, if an address generated by an alias, forward, or filter file is being
-processed, this variable contains the local part of the original address.
-\$reply@_address$\: The contents of the \"Reply-to:"\ header, if the message
-has one; otherwise the contents of the \"From:"\ header. It is the address to
-which normal replies to the message should be sent.
-\$return@_path$\: The return path -- that is, the sender field that will be
-transmitted as part of the message's envelope if the message is sent to another
-host. This is the address to which delivery errors are sent. In many cases,
-this variable has the same value as \$sender@_address$\, but if, for example,
-an incoming message to a mailing list has been expanded, \$return@_path$\ may
-have been changed to contain the address of the list maintainer.
-\$sender@_address$\: The sender address that was received in the envelope of
-the message. This is not necessarily the same as the contents of the \"From:"\
-or \"Sender:"\ header lines. For delivery error messages (`bounce messages')
-there is no sender address, and this variable is empty.
-\$tod@_full$\: A full version of the time and date, for example: Wed, 18 Oct
-1995 09:51:40 +0100. The timezone is always given as a numerical offset from
-\$tod@_log$\: The time and date in the format used for writing Exim's log files,
-without the timezone, for example: 1995-10-12 15:32:29.
-\$tod@_zone$\: The local timezone offset, for example: +0100.
-.section Header variables
-.rset SECTheadervariables "~~chapter.~~section"
-There is a special set of expansion variables containing the header lines of
-the message being processed. These variables have names beginning with
-\"@$header@_"\ followed by the name of the header line, terminated by a colon.
-For example,
-.display asis
-The whole item, including the terminating colon, is replaced by the contents of
-the message header line. If there is more than one header line with the same
-name, their contents are concatenated. For header lines whose data consists of
-a list of addresses (for example, ::From:: and ::To::), a comma and newline is
-inserted between each set of data. For all other header lines, just a newline
-is used.
-Leading and trailing white space is removed from header line data, and if there
-are any MIME `words' that are encoded as defined by RFC 2047 (because they
-contain non-ASCII characters), they are decoded and translated, if possible, to
-a local character set. Translation is attempted only on operating systems that
-have the \iconv(@)\ function. This makes the header line look the same as it
-would when displayed by an MUA. The default character set is ISO-8859-1, but
-this can be changed by means of the \"headers"\ command (see below).
-If you want to see the actual characters that make up a header line, you can
-specify \"@$rheader@_"\ instead of \"@$header@_"\. This inserts the `raw'
-header line, unmodified.
-There is also an intermediate form, requested by \"@$bheader@_"\, which removes
-leading and trailing space and decodes MIME `words', but does not do any
-character translation. If an attempt to decode what looks superficially like a
-MIME `word' fails, the raw string is returned. If decoding produces a binary
-zero character, it is replaced by a question mark.
-The capitalization of the name following \"@$header@_"\ is not significant.
-Because any printing character except colon may appear in the name of a
-message's header (this is a requirement of RFC 2822, the document that
-describes the format of a mail message) curly brackets must $it{not} be used in
-this case, as they will be taken as part of the header name. Two shortcuts are
-allowed in naming header variables:
-.numberpars $.
-The initiating \"@$header@_"\, \"@$rheader@_"\, or \"@$bheader@_"\ can be
-abbreviated to \"@$h@_"\, \"@$rh@_"\, or \"@$bh@_"\, respectively.
-The terminating colon can be omitted if the next character is white space. The
-white space character is retained in the expanded string. However, this is not
-recommended, because it makes it easy to forget the colon when it really is
-If the message does not contain a header of the given name, an empty string is
-substituted. Thus it is important to spell the names of headers correctly. Do
-not use \"@$header@_Reply@_to"\ when you really mean \"@$header@_Reply-to"\.
-.section User variables
-There are ten user variables with names \$n0$\ -- \$n9$\ that can be
-incremented by the \"add"\ command (see section ~~SECTadd). These can be used
-for `scoring' messages in various ways. If Exim is configured to run a `system
-filter' on every message, the values left in these variables are copied into
-the variables \$sn0$\ -- \$sn9$\ at the end of the system filter, thus making
-them available to users' filter files. How these values are used is entirely up
-to the individual installation.
-.section Current directory
-The contents of your filter file should not make any assumptions about the
-current directory. It is best to use absolute paths for file names; you
-can normally make use of the \$home$\ variable to refer to your home directory.
-The \save\ command automatically inserts \$home$\ at the start of non-absolute
-.section Significant deliveries
-.rset SECTsigdel "~~chapter.~~section"
-When in the course of delivery a message is processed by a filter file, what
-happens next, that is, after the filter file has been processed, depends on
-whether or not the filter sets up any $it{significant deliveries}. If at least
-one significant delivery is set up, the filter is considered to have handled
-the entire delivery arrangements for the current address, and no further
-processing of the address takes place. If, however, no significant deliveries
-are set up, Exim continues processing the current address as if there were no
-filter file, and typically sets up a delivery of a copy of the message into a
-local mailbox. In particular, this happens in the special case of a filter file
-containing only comments.
-The delivery commands \"deliver"\, \"save"\, and \"pipe"\ are by default
-significant. However, if such a command is preceded by the word \"unseen"\, its
-delivery is not considered to be significant. In contrast, other commands such
-as \"mail"\ and \"vacation"\ do not set up significant deliveries unless
-preceded by the word \"seen"\.
-The following example commands set up significant deliveries:
-.display asis
-deliver jack@beanstalk.example
-pipe $home/bin/mymailscript
-seen mail subject "message discarded"
-seen finish
-The following example commands do not set up significant deliveries:
-.display asis
-unseen deliver jack@beanstalk.example
-unseen pipe $home/bin/mymailscript
-mail subject "message discarded"
-.section Filter commands
-The filter commands that are described in subsequent sections are listed
-below, with the section in which they are described in brackets:
-.display rm
-.tabs 15
-\add\ $t increment a user variable (section ~~SECTadd)
-\deliver\ $t deliver to an email address (section ~~SECTdeliver)
-\fail\ $t force delivery failure (sysadmin use) (section ~~SECTfail)
-\finish\ $t end processing (section ~~SECTfinish)
-\freeze\ $t freeze message (sysadmin use) (section ~~SECTfreeze)
-\headers\ $t set the header character set (section ~~SECTheaders)
-\if\ $t test condition(s) (section ~~SECTif)
-\logfile\ $t define log file (section ~~SECTlog)
-\logwrite\ $t write to log file (section ~~SECTlog)
-\mail\ $t send a reply message (section ~~SECTmail)
-\pipe\ $t pipe to a command (section ~~SECTpipe)
-\save\ $t save to a file (section ~~SECTsave)
-\testprint\ $t print while testing (section ~~SECTtestprint)
-\vacation\ $t tailored form of \mail\ (section ~~SECTmail)
-The \"headers"\ command has additional parameters that can be used only in a
-system filter. The \"fail"\ and \"freeze"\ commands are available only when
-Exim's filtering facilities are being used as a system filter, and are
-therefore usable only by the system administrator and not by ordinary users.
-They are mentioned only briefly in this document; for more information, see the
-main Exim specification.
-.section The add command
-.rset SECTadd "~~chapter.~~section"
- add <<number>> to <<user variable>>
-e.g. add 2 to n3
-There are 10 user variables of this type, with names \"n0"\ -- \"n9"\. Their
-values can be obtained by the normal expansion syntax (for example \$n3$\) in
-other commands. At the start of filtering, these variables all contain zero.
-Both arguments of the \"add"\ command are expanded before use, making it
-possible to add variables to each other. Subtraction can be obtained by adding
-negative numbers.
-.section The deliver command
-.rset SECTdeliver "~~chapter.~~section"
- deliver <<mail address>>
-e.g. deliver "Dr Livingstone <>"
-This command provides a forwarding operation.
-The delivery that it sets up is significant unless the command is preceded by
-\"unseen"\ (see section ~~SECTsigdel).
-The message is sent on to the given address, exactly as happens if the address
-had appeared in a traditional \(.forward)\ file. If you want to deliver the
-message to a number of different addresses, you can use more than one
-\"deliver"\ command (each one may have only one address). However, duplicate
-addresses are discarded.
-To deliver a copy of the message to your normal mailbox, your login name can be
-given as the address. Once an address has been processed by the filtering
-mechanism, an identical generated address will not be so processed again, so
-doing this does not cause a loop.
-However, if you have a mail alias, you should $it{not} refer to it here. For
-example, if the mail address \"L.Gulliver"\ is aliased to \"lg303"\ then all
-references in Gulliver's \(.forward)\ file should be to \"lg303"\. A reference
-to the alias will not work for messages that are addressed to that alias,
-since, like \(.forward)\ file processing, aliasing is performed only once on an
-address, in order to avoid looping.
-Following the new address, an optional second address, preceded by
-\"errors@_to"\ may appear. This changes the address to which delivery errors on
-the forwarded message will be sent. Instead of going to the message's original
-sender, they go to this new address. For ordinary users, the only value that is
-permitted for this address is the user whose filter file is being processed.
-For example, the user \"lg303"\ whose mailbox is in the domain
-\lilliput.example\ could have a filter file that contains
-.display asis
- deliver jon@elsewhere.example errors_to lg303@lilliput.example
-Clearly, using this feature makes sense only in situations where not all
-messages are being forwarded. In particular, bounce messages must not be
-forwarded in this way, as this is likely to create a mail loop if something
-goes wrong.
-.section The save command
-.rset SECTsave "~~chapter.~~section"
- save <<file name>>
-e.g. save @$home/mail/bookfolder
-This command specifies that a copy of the message is to be appended to the
-given file (that is, the file is to be used as a mail folder). The delivery
-that \"save"\ sets up is significant unless the command is preceded by
-\"unseen"\ (see section ~~SECTsigdel).
-More than one \"save"\ command may be obeyed; each one causes a copy of the
-message to be written to its argument file, provided they are different
-(duplicate \"save"\ commands are ignored).
-If the file name does not start with a / character, the contents of the
-\$home$\ variable are prepended, unless it is empty. In conventional
-configurations, this variable is normally set in a user filter to the user's
-home directory, but the system administrator may set it to some other path. In
-some configurations, \$home$\ may be unset, in which case a non-absolute path
-name may be generated. Such configurations convert this to an absolute path
-when the delivery takes place. In a system filter, \$home$\ is never set.
-The user must of course have permission to write to the file, and the writing
-of the file takes place in a process that is running as the user, under the
-user's primary group. Any secondary groups to which the user may belong are not
-normally taken into account, though the system administrator can configure Exim
-to set them up. In addition, the ability to use this command at all is
-controlled by the system administrator -- it may be forbidden on some systems.
-An optional mode value may be given after the file name. The value for the mode
-is interpreted as an octal number, even if it does not begin with a zero. For
- save /some/folder 640
-This makes it possible for users to override the system-wide mode setting for
-file deliveries, which is normally 600. If an existing file does not have the
-correct mode, it is changed.
-An alternative form of delivery may be enabled on your system, in which each
-message is delivered into a new file in a given directory. If this is the case,
-this functionality can be requested by giving the directory name terminated by
-a slash after the \"save"\ command, for example
- save separated/messages/
-There are several different formats for such deliveries; check with your system
-administrator or local documentation to find out which (if any) are available
-on your system. If this functionality is not enabled, the use of a path name
-ending in a slash causes an error.
-.section The pipe command
-.rset SECTpipe "~~chapter.~~section"
- pipe <<command>>
-e.g. pipe "@$home/bin/countmail @$sender@_address"
-This command specifies that the message is to be delivered to the specified
-command using a pipe. The delivery that it sets up is significant unless the
-command is preceded by \"unseen"\ (see section ~~SECTsigdel).
-Remember, however, that no deliveries are done while the filter is being
-processed. All deliveries happen later on. Therefore, the result of running the
-pipe is not available to the filter.
-When the deliveries are done, a separate process is run, and a copy of the
-message is passed on its standard input. The process runs as the user, under
-the user's primary group. Any secondary groups to which the user may belong are
-not normally taken into account, though the system administrator can configure
-Exim to set them up. More than one \"pipe"\ command may appear; each one causes
-a copy of the message to be written to its argument pipe, provided they are
-different (duplicate \"pipe"\ commands are ignored).
-When the time comes to transport the message,
-the command supplied to \"pipe"\ is split up by Exim into a command name and a
-number of arguments. These are delimited by white space except for arguments
-enclosed in double quotes, in which case backslash is interpreted as an escape,
-or in single quotes, in which case no escaping is recognized. Note that as the
-whole command is normally supplied in double quotes, a second level of quoting
-is required for internal double quotes. For example:
-.display asis
- pipe "$home/myscript \"size is $message_size\""
-String expansion is performed on the separate components after the line has
-been split up, and the command is then run directly by Exim; it is not run
-under a shell. Therefore, substitution cannot change the number of arguments,
-nor can quotes, backslashes or other shell metacharacters in variables cause
-Documentation for some programs that are normally run via this kind of pipe
-often suggest that the command should start with
-.display asis
-IFS=" "
-This is a shell command, and should $it{not} be present in Exim filter files,
-since it does not normally run the command under a shell.
-However, there is an option that the administrator can set to cause a shell to
-be used. In this case, the entire command is expanded as a single string and
-passed to the shell for interpretation. It is recommended that this be avoided
-if at all possible, since it can lead to problems when inserted variables
-contain shell metacharacters.
-The default \\PATH\\ set up for the command is determined by the system
-administrator, usually containing at least \/usr/bin\ so that common commands
-are available without having to specify an absolute file name. However, it is
-possible for the system administrator to restrict the pipe facility so that the
-command name must not contain any / characters, and must be found in one of the
-directories in the configured \\PATH\\. It is also possible for the system
-administrator to lock out the use of the \"pipe"\ command altogether.
-When the command is run, a number of environment variables are set up. The
-complete list for pipe deliveries may be found in the Exim reference manual.
-Those that may be useful for pipe deliveries from user filter files are:
-.tabs 20
-DOMAIN $t $rm{the domain of the address}
-HOME $t $rm{your home directory}
-LOCAL@_PART $t $rm{see below}
-LOCAL@_PART@_PREFIX $t $rm{see below}
-LOCAL@_PART@_SUFFIX $t $rm{see below}
-LOGNAME $t $rm{your login name}
-MESSAGE@_ID $t $rm{the message's unique id}
-PATH $t $rm{the command search path}
-RECIPIENT $t $rm{the complete recipient address}
-SENDER $t $rm{the sender of the message}
-SHELL $t $bf{/bin/sh}
-USER $t $rm{see below}
-\\LOCAL@_PART\\, \\LOGNAME\\, and \\USER\\ are all set to the same value,
-namely, your login id. \\LOCAL@_PART@_PREFIX\\ and \\LOCAL@_PART@_SUFFIX\\ may
-be set if Exim is configured to recognize prefixes or suffixes in the local
-parts of addresses. For example, a message addressed to
-\*pat-suf2@@domain.example*\ may cause user \*pat*\'s filter file to be run. If
-this sets up a pipe delivery, \\LOCAL@_PART@_SUFFIX\\ is \"-suf2"\ when the
-pipe command runs. The system administrator has to configure Exim specially for
-this feature to be available.
-If you run a command that is a shell script, be very careful in your use of
-data from the incoming message in the commands in your script. RFC 2822 is very
-generous in the characters that are legally permitted to appear in mail
-addresses, and in particular, an address may begin with a vertical bar or a
-slash. For this reason you should always use quotes round any arguments that
-involve data from the message, like this:
-.display asis
-/some/command '$SENDER'
-so that inserted shell meta-characters do not cause unwanted effects.
-Remember that, as was explained earlier, the pipe command is not run at the
-time the filter file is interpreted. The filter just defines what deliveries
-are required for one particular addressee of a message. The deliveries
-themselves happen later, once Exim has decided everything that needs to be done
-for the message.
-A consequence of this is that you cannot inspect the return code from the pipe
-command from within the filter. Nevertheless, the code returned by the command
-is important, because Exim uses it to decide whether the delivery has succeeded
-or failed.
-The command should return a zero completion code if all has gone well. Most
-non-zero codes are treated by Exim as indicating a failure of the pipe. This is
-treated as a delivery failure, causing the message to be returned to its
-sender. However, there are some completion codes that are treated as temporary
-errors. The message remains on Exim's spool disk, and the delivery is tried
-again later, though it will ultimately time out if the delivery failures go on
-too long. The completion codes to which this applies can be specified by the
-system administrator; the default values are 73 and 75.
-The pipe command should not normally write anything to its standard output or
-standard error file descriptors. If it does, whatever is written is normally
-returned to the sender of the message as a delivery error, though this action
-can be varied by the system administrator.
-.section Mail commands
-.rset SECTmail "~~chapter.~~section"
-There are two commands that cause the creation of a new mail message, neither
-of which count as a significant delivery unless the command is preceded by the
-word \"seen"\ (see section ~~SECTsigdel). This is a powerful facility, but it
-should be used with care, because of the danger of creating infinite sequences
-of messages. The system administrator can forbid the use of these commands
-To help prevent runaway message sequences, these commands have no effect when
-the incoming message is a bounce (delivery error) message, and messages sent by
-this means are treated as if they were reporting delivery errors. Thus, they
-should never themselves cause a bounce message to be returned. The basic
-mail-sending command is
- mail [to <<address-list>>]
- [cc <<address-list>>]
- [bcc <<address-list>>]
- [from <<address>>]
- [reply@_to <<address>>]
- [subject <<text>>]
- [extra@_headers <<text>>]
- [text <<text>>]
- [[expand] file <<filename>>]
- [return message]
- [log <<log file name>>]
- [once <<note file name>>]
- [once@_repeat <<time interval>>]
-e.g. mail text "Your message about @$h@_subject: has been received"
-Each <<address-list>> can contain a number of addresses, separated by commas,
-in the format of a ::To:: or ::Cc:: header line. In fact, the text you supply
-here is copied exactly into the appropriate header line. It may contain
-additional information as well as email addresses. For example:
-.display asis
-mail to "Julius Caesar <jc@rome.example>, \
- <ma@rome.example> (Mark A.)"
-Similarly, the texts supplied for \"from"\ and \"reply@_to"\ are copied into
-their respective header lines.
-As a convenience for use in one common case, there is also a command called
-\vacation\. It behaves in the same way as \mail\, except that the defaults for
-\"file"\, \"log"\, \"once"\, and \"once@_repeat"\ options are
-subject "On vacation"
-expand file .vacation.msg
-log .vacation.log
-once .vacation
-once@_repeat 7d
-respectively. These are the same file names and repeat period used by the
-traditional Unix \"vacation"\ command. The defaults can be overridden by
-explicit settings, but if a file name is given its contents are expanded only
-if explicitly requested.
-\**Warning**\: The \"vacation"\ command should always be used conditionally,
-subject to at least the \"personal"\ condition (see section ~~SECTpersonal
-below) so as not to send automatic replies to non-personal messages from
-mailing lists or elsewhere. Sending an automatic response to a mailing list or
-a mailing list manager is an Internet Sin.
-For both commands, the key/value argument pairs can appear in any order. At
-least one of \"text"\ or \"file"\ must appear (except with \"vacation"\, where
-there is a default for \"file"\); if both are present, the text string appears
-first in the message. If \"expand"\ precedes \"file"\, each line of the file is
-subject to string expansion before it is included in the message.
-Several lines of text can be supplied to \"text"\ by including the escape
-sequence `@\n' in the string wherever a newline is required. If the command is
-output during filter file testing, newlines in the text are shown as `@\n'.
-Note that the keyword for creating a \"Reply-To:"\ header is \reply@_to\,
-because Exim keywords may contain underscores, but not hyphens. If the \"from"\
-keyword is present and the given address does not match the user who owns the
-forward file, Exim normally adds a \"Sender:"\ header to the message,
-though it can be configured not to do this.
-The \extra@_headers\ keyword allows you to add custom header lines to the
-message. The text supplied must be one or more syntactically valid RFC 2882
-header lines. You can use `@\n' within quoted text to specify newlines between
-headers, and also to define continued header lines. For example:
-.display asis
-extra_headers "h1: first\nh2: second\n continued\nh3: third"
-No newline should appear at the end of the final header line.
-If no \"to"\ argument appears, the message is sent to the address in the
-\"@$reply@_address"\ variable (see section ~~SECTfilterstringexpansion above).
-An \"In-Reply-To:"\ header is automatically included in the created message,
-giving a reference to the message identification of the incoming message.
-If \"return message"\ is specified, the incoming message that caused the filter
-file to be run is added to the end of the message, subject to a maximum size
-If a log file is specified, a line is added to it for each message sent.
-If a \"once"\ file is specified, it is used to hold a database for remembering
-who has received a message, and no more than one message is ever sent to any
-particular address, unless \"once@_repeat"\ is set. This specifies a time
-interval after which another copy of the message is sent. The interval is
-specified as a sequence of numbers, each followed by the initial letter of one
-of `seconds', `minutes', `hours', `days', or `weeks'. For example,
-.display asis
-once_repeat 5d4h
-causes a new message to be sent if 5 days and 4 hours have elapsed since the
-last one was sent. There must be no white space in a time interval.
-Commonly, the file name specified for \"once"\ is used as the base name for
-direct-access (DBM) file operations. There are a number of different DBM
-libraries in existence. Some operating systems provide one as a default, but
-even in this case a different one may have been used when building Exim. With
-some DBM libraries, specifying \"once"\ results in two files being created,
-with the suffixes \".dir"\ and \".pag"\ being added to the given name. With
-some others a single file with the suffix \".db"\ is used, or the name is used
-Using a DBM file for implementing the \"once"\ feature means that the file
-grows as large as necessary. This is not usually a problem, but some system
-administrators want to put a limit on it. The facility can be configured not to
-use a DBM file, but instead, to use a regular file with a maximum size. The
-data in such a file is searched sequentially, and if the file fills up, the
-oldest entry is deleted to make way for a new one. This means that some
-correspondents may receive a second copy of the message after an unpredictable
-interval. Consult your local information to see if your system is configured
-this way.
-More than one \"mail"\ or \"vacation"\ command may be obeyed in a single filter
-run; they are all honoured, even when they are to the same recipient.
-.section Logging commands
-.rset SECTlog "~~chapter.~~section"
-A log can be kept of actions taken by a filter file. This facility is normally
-available in conventional configurations, but there are some situations where
-it might not be. Also, the system administrator may choose to disable it. Check
-your local information if in doubt.
-Logging takes place while the filter file is being interpreted. It does not
-queue up for later like the delivery commands. The reason for this is so that a
-log file need be opened only once for several write operations. There are two
-commands, neither of which constitutes a significant delivery. The first
-defines a file to which logging output is subsequently written:
- logfile <<file name>>
-e.g. logfile @$home/filter.log
-The file name must be fully qualified. You can use \$home$\, as in this
-example, to refer to your home directory. The file name may optionally be
-followed by a mode for the file, which is used if the file has to be created.
-For example,
- logfile @$home/filter.log 0644
-The number is interpreted as octal, even if it does not begin with a zero.
-The default for the mode is 600. It is suggested that the \"logfile"\ command
-normally appear as the first command in a filter file. Once \"logfile"\ has
-been obeyed, the \"logwrite"\ command can be used to write to the log file:
- logwrite "<<some text string>>"
-e.g. logwrite "@$tod@_log @$message@_id processed"
-It is possible to have more than one \"logfile"\ command, to specify writing to
-different log files in different circumstances. Writing takes place at the end
-of the file, and a newline character is added to the end of each string if
-there isn't one already there. Newlines can be put in the middle of the string
-by using the `@\n' escape sequence. Lines from simultaneous deliveries may get
-interleaved in the file, as there is no interlocking, so you should plan your
-logging with this in mind. However, data should not get lost.
-.section The finish command
-.rset SECTfinish "~~chapter.~~section"
-The command \"finish"\, which has no arguments, causes Exim to stop
-interpreting the filter file. This is not a significant action unless preceded
-by \"seen"\. A filter file containing only \"seen finish"\ is a black hole.
-.section The testprint command
-.rset SECTtestprint "~~chapter.~~section"
-It is sometimes helpful to be able to print out the values of variables when
-testing filter files. The command
- testprint <<text>>
-e.g. testprint "home=@$home reply@_address=@$reply@_address"
-does nothing when mail is being delivered. However, when the filtering code is
-being tested by means of the \-bf-\ option (see section ~~SECTtesting above),
-the value of the string is written to the standard output.
-.section The fail command
-.rset SECTfail "~~chapter.~~section"
-When Exim's filtering facilities are being used as a system filter, the
-\"fail"\ command is available, to force delivery failure. Because this command
-is normally usable only by the system administrator, and not enabled for use by
-ordinary users, it is described in more detail in the main Exim specification
-rather than in this document.
-.section The freeze command
-.rset SECTfreeze "~~chapter.~~section"
-When Exim's filtering facilities are being used as a system filter, the
-\"freeze"\ command is available, to freeze a message on the queue. Because this
-command is normally usable only by the system administrator, and not enabled
-for use by ordinary users, it is described in more detail in the main Exim
-specification rather than in this document.
-.section The headers command
-.rset SECTheaders "~~chapter.~~section"
-The \"headers"\ command can be used to change the target character set that is
-used when translating the contents of encoded header lines for insertion by the
-\"@$header@_"\ mechanism (see section ~~SECTheadervariables above). The default
-can be set in the Exim configuration; if not specified, ISO-8859-1 is used. The
-only currently supported format for the \"headers"\ command
-in user filters
-is as in this example:
-.display asis
-headers charset "UTF-8"
-That is, \"headers"\ is followed by the word \"charset"\ and then the name of a
-character set. This particular example would be useful if you wanted to compare
-the contents of a header to a UTF-8 string.
-In system filter files, the \"headers"\ command can be used to add or remove
-header lines from the message. These features are described in the main Exim
-.section Obeying commands conditionally
-.rset SECTif "~~chapter.~~section"
-Most of the power of filtering comes from the ability to test conditions and
-obey different commands depending on the outcome. The \"if"\ command is used to
-specify conditional execution, and its general form is
-if <<condition>>
-then <<commands>>
-elif <<condition>>
-then <<commands>>
-else <<commands>>
-There may be any number of \"elif"\ and \"then"\ sections (including none) and
-the \"else"\ section is also optional. Any number of commands, including nested
-\"if"\ commands, may appear in any of the <<commands>> sections.
-Conditions can be combined by using the words \"and"\ and \"or"\, and round
-brackets (parentheses) can be used to specify how several conditions are to
-combine. Without brackets, \"and"\ is more binding than \"or"\.
-For example,
-.display asis
- $h_subject: contains "Make money" or
- $h_precedence: is "junk" or
- ($h_sender: matches ^\\d{8}@ and not personal) or
- $message_body contains "this is spam"
- seen finish
-A condition can be preceded by \"not"\ to negate it, and there are also some
-negative forms of condition that are more English-like.
-.section String testing conditions
-There are a number of conditions that operate on text strings, using the words
-`begins', `ends', `is', `contains' and `matches'. If you want to apply the same
-test to more than one header line, you can easily concatenate them into a
-single string for testing, as in this example:
-.display asis
-if "$h_to:, $h_cc:" contains me@domain.example then ...
-If a string-testing condition name is written in lower case, the testing
-of letters is done without regard to case; if it is written in upper case
-(for example, `CONTAINS'), the case of letters is taken into account.
- <<text1>> begins <<text2>>
- <<text1>> does not begin <<text2>>
-e.g. @$header@_from: begins "Friend@@"
-A `begins' test checks for the presence of the second string at the start of
-the first, both strings having been expanded.
- <<text1>> ends <<text2>>
- <<text1>> does not end <<text2>>
-e.g. @$header@_from: ends ""
-An `ends' test checks for the presence of the second string at the end of
-the first, both strings having been expanded.
- <<text1>> is <<text2>>
- <<text1>> is not <<text2>>
-e.g. @$local@_part@_suffix is "-foo"
-An `is' test does an exact match between the strings, having first expanded
-both strings.
- <<text1>> contains <<text2>>
- <<text1>> does not contain <<text2>>
-e.g. @$header@_subject: contains "evolution"
-A `contains' test does a partial string match, having expanded both strings.
- <<text1>> matches <<text2>>
- <<text1>> does not match <<text2>>
-e.g. @$sender@_address matches "(bill|john)@@"
-For a `matches' test, after expansion of both strings, the second one is
-interpreted as a regular expression. Exim uses the PCRE regular expression
-library, which provides regular expressions that are compatible with Perl.
-The match succeeds if the regular expression matches any part of the first
-string. If you want a regular expression to match only at the start or end of
-the subject string, you must encode that requirement explicitly, using the @^
-or @$ metacharacters. The above example, which is not so constrained, matches
-all these addresses:
-.display asis
-To match only the first two, you could use this:
-.display asis
-if $sender_address matches "^(bill|john)@" then ...
-Care must be taken if you need a backslash in a regular expression, because
-backslashes are interpreted as escape characters both by the string expansion
-code and by Exim's normal processing of strings in quotes. For example, if you
-want to test the sender address for a domain ending in \".com"\ the regular
-expression is
-.display asis
-The backslash and dollar sign in that expression have to be escaped when used
-in a filter command, as otherwise they would be interpreted by the expansion
-code. Thus what you actually write is
-.display asis
-if $sender_address matches \\.com\$
-An alternative way of handling this is to make use of the \"@\N"\ expansion
-flag for suppressing expansion:
-.display asis
-if $sender_address matches \N\.com$\N
-Everything between the two occurrences of \"@\N"\ is copied without change by
-the string expander (and in fact you do not need the final one, because it is
-at the end of the string).
-If the regular expression is given in quotes (mandatory only if it contains
-white space) you have to write either
-.display asis
-if $sender_address matches "\\\\.com\\$"
-.display asis
-if $sender_address matches "\\N\\.com$\\N"
-If the regular expression contains bracketed sub-expressions, numeric
-variable substitutions such as \$1$\ can be used in the subsequent actions
-after a successful match. If the match fails, the values of the numeric
-variables remain unchanged. Previous values are not restored after \"endif"\.
-In other words, only one set of values is ever available. If the condition
-contains several sub-conditions connected by \"and"\ or \"or"\, it is the
-strings extracted from the last successful match that are available in
-subsequent actions. Numeric variables from any one sub-condition are also
-available for use in subsequent sub-conditions, because string expansion of a
-condition occurs just before it is tested.
-.section Numeric testing conditions
-The following conditions are available for performing numerical tests:
- <<number1>> is above <<number2>>
- <<number1>> is not above <<number2>>
- <<number1>> is below <<number2>>
- <<number1>> is not below <<number2>>
-e.g. @$message@_size is not above 10k
-The <<number>> arguments must expand to strings of digits, optionally followed
-by one of the letters K or M (upper case or lower case) which cause
-multiplication by 1024 and 1024x1024 respectively.
-.section Testing for significant deliveries
-You can use the \"delivered"\ condition to test whether or not any previously
-obeyed filter commands have set up a significant delivery. For example:
-.display asis
-if not delivered then save mail/anomalous endif
-.section Testing for error messages
-The condition \"error@_message"\ is true if the incoming message is a bounce
-(mail delivery error) message. Putting the command
-.display asis
-if error_message then finish endif
-at the head of your filter file is a useful insurance against things going
-wrong in such a way that you cannot receive delivery error reports. \**Note**\:
-\"error@_message"\ is a condition, not an expansion variable, and therefore is
-not preceded by \@$\.
-.section Testing a list of addresses
-There is a facility for looping through a list of addresses and applying a
-condition to each of them. It takes the form
-foranyaddress <<string>> (<<condition>>)
-where <<string>> is interpreted as a list of RFC 2822 addresses, as in a
-typical header line, and <<condition>> is any valid filter condition or
-combination of conditions. The `group' syntax that is defined for certain
-header lines that contain addresses is supported.
-The parentheses surrounding the condition are mandatory, to delimit it from
-possible further sub-conditions of the enclosing \"if"\ command. Within the
-condition, the expansion variable \$thisaddress$\ is set to the non-comment
-portion of each of the addresses in the string in turn. For example, if the
-string is
-.display asis
-B.Simpson <bart@sfld.example>, lisa@sfld.example (his sister)
-then \$thisaddress$\ would take on the values \"bart@@sfld.example"\ and
-\"lisa@@sfld.example"\ in turn.
-If there are no valid addresses in the list, the whole condition is false. If
-the internal condition is true for any one address, the overall condition is
-true and the loop ends. If the internal condition is false for all addresses in
-the list, the overall condition is false. This example tests for the presence
-of an eight-digit local part in any address in a \To:\ header:
-.display asis
-if foranyaddress $h_to: ( $thisaddress matches ^\\d{8}@ ) then ...
-When the overall condition is true, the value of \$thisaddress$\ in the
-commands that follow \"then"\ is the last value it took on inside the loop. At
-the end of the \"if"\ command, the value of \$thisaddress$\ is reset to what it
-was before. It is best to avoid the use of multiple occurrences of
-\"foranyaddress"\, nested or otherwise, in a single \"if"\ command, if the
-value of \$thisaddress$\ is to be used afterwards, because it isn't always
-clear what the value will be. Nested \"if"\ commands should be used instead.
-Header lines can be joined together if a check is to be applied to more than
-one of them. For example:
-.display asis
-if foranyaddress $h_to:,$h_cc: ....
-scans through the addresses in both the \To:\ and the \Cc:\ headers.
-.section Testing for personal mail
-.rset SECTpersonal "~~chapter.~~section"
-A common requirement is to distinguish between incoming personal mail and mail
-from a mailing list, or from a robot or other automatic process (for example, a
-bounce message). In particular, this test is normally required for `vacation
-The \"personal"\ condition checks that the message is not a bounce message and
-that the current user's email address appears in the \"To:"\ header. It also
-checks that the sender is not the current user or one of a number of common
-daemons, and that there are no header lines starting \"List-"\ in the message.
-Finally, it checks the content of the \"Precedence:"\ header line, if there is
-You should always use the \"personal"\ condition when generating automatic
-This example shows the use of \"personal"\ in a filter file that is sending out
-vacation messages:
-.display asis
-if personal then
- mail
- to $reply_address
- subject "I am on holiday"
- file $home/vacation/message
- once $home/vacation/once
- once_repeat 10d
-It is tempting, when writing commands like the above, to quote the original
-subject in the reply. For example:
-.display asis
-subject "Re: $h_subject:"
-There is a danger in doing this, however. It may allow a third party to
-subscribe you to an opt-in mailing list, provided that the list accepts bounce
-messages as subscription confirmations. (Messages sent from filters are always
-sent as bounce messages.) Well-managed lists require a non-bounce message to
-confirm a subscription, so the danger is relatively small.
-If prefixes or suffixes are in use for local parts -- something which depends
-on the configuration of Exim (see section ~~SECTmbox below) -- the tests for
-the current user are done with the full address (including the prefix and
-suffix, if any) as well as with the prefix and suffix removed. If the system is
-configured to rewrite local parts of mail addresses, for example, to rewrite
-`dag46' as `Dirk.Gently', the rewritten form of the address is also used in the
-.section Alias addresses for the personal condition
-It is quite common for people who have mail accounts on a number of different
-systems to forward all their mail to one system, and in this case a check for
-personal mail should test all their various mail addresses. To allow for this,
-the \"personal"\ condition keyword can be followed by
-alias <<address>>
-any number of times, for example
-.display asis
-if personal alias smith@else.where.example
- alias
-then ...
-The alias addresses are treated as alternatives to the current user's email
-address when testing the contents of header lines.
-.section Details of the personal condition
-The basic \"personal"\ test is roughly equivalent to the following:
-.display flow asis
-not error_message and
-$message_headers does not contain "\nList-" and
-$header_auto-submitted: does not contain "auto-" and
-$header_precedence: does not contain "bulk" and
-$header_precedence: does not contain "list" and
-$header_precedence: does not contain "junk" and
-foranyaddress $header_to:
- ( $thisaddress contains "$local_part@$domain" ) and
-not foranyaddress $header_from:
- (
- $thisaddress contains "$local_part@domain" or
- $thisaddress contains "server@" or
- $thisaddress contains "daemon@" or
- $thisaddress contains "root@" or
- $thisaddress contains "listserv@" or
- $thisaddress contains "majordomo@" or
- $thisaddress contains "-request@" or
- $thisaddress matches "^owner-[^@]+@"
- )
-The variable \$local@_part$\ contains the local part of the mail address of
-the user whose filter file is being run -- it is normally your login id. The
-\$domain$\ variable contains the mail domain. As explained above, if aliases
-or rewriting are defined, or if prefixes or suffixes are in use, the tests for
-the current user are also done with alternative addresses.
-.section Testing delivery status
-There are two conditions that are intended mainly for use in system filter
-files, but which are available in users' filter files as well. The condition
-\"first@_delivery"\ is true if this is the first process that is attempting to
-deliver the message, and false otherwise. This indicator is not reset until the
-first delivery process successfully terminates; if there is a crash or a power
-failure (for example), the next delivery attempt is also a `first delivery'.
-In a user filter file \"first@_delivery"\ will be false only if
-there was previously an error in the filter, or if a delivery for the user
-failed owing to, for example, a quota error, or if forwarding to a remote
-address was deferred for some reason.
-The condition \"manually@_thawed"\ is true only if the message was `frozen' for
-some reason, and was subsequently released by the system administrator. It is
-unlikely to be of use in users' filter files.
-.section Multiple personal mailboxes
-.rset SECTmbox "~~chapter.~~section"
-The system administrator can configure Exim so that users can set up variants
-on their email addresses and handle them separately. Consult your system
-administrator or local documentation to see if this facility is enabled on your
-system, and if so, what the details are.
-The facility involves the use of a prefix or a suffix on an email address. For
-example, all mail addressed to \lg303-<<something>>\ would be the property of
-user \lg303\, who could determine how it was to be handled, depending on the
-value of <<something>>.
-There are two possible ways in which this can be set up. The first possibility
-is the use of multiple \(.forward)\ files. In this case, mail to \lg303-foo\,
-for example, is handled by looking for a file called \.forward-foo\ in
-\lg303's\ home directory. If such a file does not exist, delivery fails and the
-message is returned to its sender.
-The alternative approach is to pass all messages through a single \(.forward)\
-file, which must be a filter file so that it can distinguish between the
-different cases by referencing the variables \$local@_part@_prefix$\ or
-\$local@_part@_suffix$\, as in the final example in section ~~SECTex below.
-It is possible to configure Exim to support both schemes at once. In this case,
-a specific \.forward-foo\ file is first sought; if it is not found, the basic
-\(.forward)\ file is used.
-The \"personal"\ test (see section ~~SECTpersonal) includes prefixes and
-suffixes in its checking.
-.section Ignoring delivery errors
-As was explained above, filtering just sets up addresses for delivery -- no
-deliveries are actually done while a filter file is active. If any of the
-generated addresses subsequently suffers a delivery failure, an error message
-is generated in the normal way. However, if a filter command that sets up a
-delivery is preceded by the word \"noerror"\, errors for that delivery,
-$it{and any deliveries consequent on it} (that is, from alias, forwarding, or
-filter files it invokes) are ignored.
-.section Examples of Exim filter commands
-.rset SECTex "~~chapter.~~section"
-Simple forwarding:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-deliver baggins@rivendell.middle-earth.example
-Vacation handling using traditional means, assuming that the \.vacation.msg\
-and other files have been set up in your home directory:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-unseen pipe "/usr/ucb/vacation \"$local_part\""
-Vacation handling inside Exim, having first created a file called
-\.vacation.msg\ in your home directory:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-if personal then vacation endif
-File some messages by subject:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-if $header_subject: contains "empire" or
- $header_subject: contains "foundation"
- save $home/mail/f+e
-Save all non-urgent messages by weekday:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-if $header_subject: does not contain "urgent" and
- $tod_full matches "^(...),"
- save $home/mail/$1
-Throw away all mail from one site, except from postmaster:
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-if $reply_address contains "" and
- $reply_address does not contain "postmaster@"
- seen finish
-.if ~~sgcal
-.if ~~sys.leftonpage < 6ld
-Handle multiple personal mailboxes
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-if $local_part_suffix is "-foo"
- save $home/mail/foo
-elif $local_part_suffix is "-bar"
- save $home/mail/bar
-. End of filter
diff --git a/doc/doc-src/spec.src b/doc/doc-src/spec.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 0daf0909f..000000000
--- a/doc/doc-src/spec.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30675 +0,0 @@
-. $Cambridge: exim/doc/doc-src/spec.src,v 1.9 2008/01/16 09:51:00 tom Exp $
-.set version "4.50"
-.set previousversion "4.40"
-.set versionmonth "February"
-.set versionyear "2005"
-.set ACL "ACL"
-. The last of those is to make ACL index entries easier to type. It is put
-. up here so that it gets picked up by the HTML converter, which otherwise
-. skips to the first chapter. A longer version is set below for use in the
-. printed index.
-.set sgcal true
-.set html false
-.set texinfo false
-.if !set style
-.library "a4ps"
-.linelength ~~sys.linelength + 0.2in
-.set newlinelength ~~sys.linelength
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-.bindfont 58 "atl/Symbol" 7
-.set ssspaceb 1.50
-.if ~~sgcal
-. Used for the "small print" incorporated code stuff. Only rm, it, bf, sp are
-. actually used at present.
-. rm it sl bf bi ss tt sp sc
-.fontgroup 9 = 53 56 0 57 0 0 0 58 0
-.if !~~sys.fancy
-.fontgroup 9 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-.include ""
-.if ~~sys.fancy
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-.flag $sm{ "$push$g0$f53"
-.flag $smi{ "$push$g0$f56"
-.flag $as{ "$push$g0$f52"
-.flag $ab{ "$push$g0$f51"
-.flag $cb{ "$push$g0$f55"
-.flag $smc{ "$push"
-.flag $sm{ "$push"
-.flag $smi{ "$push"
-.flag $cb{ "$push"
-.macro isunderscore "string"
-.set string "~~1"
-.set length length "~~1"
-.undrec 1
-.macro undrec "offset"
-.if ~~1 > ~~length
-.set underscore false
-.set sub "~~string"(1,~~1)
-.if "~~sub" == "_"
-.set underscore true
-.set next ~~1 + 1
-.undrec ~~next
-.macro testunderscore "string"
-.isunderscore "~~1"
-.macro tabs 6
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.tabset ~~1em
-.set temp (~~1 * 5)/4
-.tabset ~~temp em
-.macro startoptions
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.indent 6em
-.indent 7em
-.macro endoptions
-.macro option "option" ""
-.index \-~~1-\ option
-.tempindent 0
-.macro startitems
-.indent 3em
-.macro enditems
-.macro item "item" "6"
-.if ~~sys.leftonpage < ~~2ld
-.tempindent 0
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-.set confsection "~~1"
-.if ~~sys.fancy
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-.indent 4em
-.tabset 13em
-.macro endconf
-.macro conf "option" "type" "default" "6"
-.if ~~sys.leftonpage < ~~4ld
-.testunderscore "~~1"
-.if ~~underscore
-.index \~~1\
-.index \~~1\ option
-.if "~~confsection" == ""
-.set inssect ""
-.set inssect "$rm{Use:} $it{~~confsection}###"
-.tempindent 0
-\**~~1**\ $c ~~inssect$rm{Type:} $it{~~2} $e $rm{Default:} $it{~~3}
-.set contents true
-.set figurenumber -1
-.set displayindent 2em
-.index @$1, @$2, etc. $it{see numerical variables}
-.index address||rewriting $it{see rewriting}
-.index CR character $it{see carriage return}
-.index CRL $it{see certificate revocation list}
-.index delivery||failure report $it{see bounce message}
-.index dialup $it{see intermittently connected hosts}
-.index exiscan $it{see content scanning}
-.index failover $it{see fallback}
-.index fallover $it{see fallback}
-.index filter||Sieve $it{see Sieve filter}
-.index ident $it{see RFC 1413}
-.index LF character $it{see linefeed}
-.index maximum $it{see limit}
-.index NUL $it{see binary zero}
-.index passwd file $it{see \(/etc/passwd)\}
-.index process id $it{see pid}
-.index RBL $it{see DNS list}
-.index redirection $it{see address redirection}
-.index return path||$it{see also envelope sender}
-.index scanning $it{see content scanning}
-.index SSL $it{see TLS}
-.index string||expansion $it{see expansion}
-.index top bit $it{see 8-bit characters}
-.index variables $it{see expansion, variables}
-.index zero, binary $it{see binary zero}
-. This is used for the printed index. See setting above for
-. the HTML index value.
-.set ACL "access control lists (ACLs)"
-. ======================================================
-.disable filling
-.justify centre
-.nofoot 8ld
-$chead{University of Cambridge Computing Service} 2ld
-$chead{Specification of the Exim Mail Transfer Agent} 3ld
-by 1ld
-Philip Hazel ~~sys.leftonpage - 15*~~sys.linedepth
-.justify left
-University Computing Service
-New Museums Site
-Pembroke Street
-Cambridge CB2 3QH
-United Kingdom
-.tabs 6
-$it{phone:} $t +44 1223 334600
-$it{fax:} $t +44 1223 334679
-$it{email:} $t ph10 $it{at}
-Edition for Exim ~~version, ~~versionmonth ~~versionyear 2ld
-.if ~~sgcal
-.fontgroup 1
-$c$rm{Copyright (c) University of Cambridge ~~versionyear}
-.if ~~sgcal
-.fontgroup 0
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-. Blank verso for title page 1ld
-. Set up for actual text pages 1
-. The first one to prevent a warning from sgfr
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-.footdepth 2ld
-.if "~~runningfoot" == ""
-.set rhs ""
-.set rhs "~~runningfoot (~~chapter)"
-.set lhs "Exim ~~version"
-.linelength ~~newlinelength
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Introduction
-.set runningfoot "introduction"
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-$c$bi{If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.}##(Isaac Newton)
-.elif !~~html
-$c"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
-$e (Isaac Newton)
-\*If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.*\
-(Isaac Newton).
-.blank 4
-Exim is a mail transfer agent (MTA) for hosts that are running Unix or
-Unix-like operating systems. It was designed on the assumption that it would be
-run on hosts that are permanently connected to the Internet. However, it can be
-used on intermittently connected hosts with suitable configuration adjustments.
-Configuration files currently exist for the following operating systems: AIX,
-BSD/OS (aka BSDI), Darwin (Mac OS X), DGUX, FreeBSD, GNU/Hurd, GNU/Linux,
-SVR4.2 (aka UNIX-SV), Solaris (aka SunOS5), SunOS4, Tru64-Unix (formerly
-Digital UNIX, formerly DEC-OSF1), Ultrix, and Unixware. Some of these operating
-systems are no longer current and cannot easily be tested, so the configuration
-files may no longer work in practice.
-There are also configuration files for compiling Exim in the Cygwin environment
-that can be installed on systems running Windows. However, this document does
-not contain any information about running Exim in the Cygwin environment.
-The terms and conditions for the use and distribution of Exim are contained in
-the file \(NOTICE)\. Exim is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
-Public Licence, a copy of which may be found in the file \(LICENCE)\.
-The use, supply or promotion of Exim for the purpose of sending bulk,
-unsolicited electronic mail is incompatible with the basic aims of the program,
-which revolve around the free provision of a service that enhances the quality
-of personal communications. The author of Exim regards indiscriminate
-mass-mailing as an antisocial, irresponsible abuse of the Internet.
-Exim owes a great deal to Smail 3 and its author, Ron Karr. Without the
-experience of running and working on the Smail 3 code, I could never have
-contemplated starting to write a new MTA. Many of the ideas and user interfaces
-were originally taken from Smail 3, though the actual code of Exim is entirely
-new, and has developed far beyond the initial concept.
-Many people, both in Cambridge and around the world, have contributed to the
-development and the testing of Exim, and to porting it to various operating
-systems. I am grateful to them all. The distribution now contains a file called
-\(ACKNOWLEDGMENTS)\, in which I have started recording the names of
-.section Exim documentation
-.index documentation
-This edition of the Exim specification applies to version ~~version of Exim.
-Substantive changes from the ~~previousversion edition are marked by bars in
-the right-hand margin in the PostScript, PDF, and plain text versions of the
-document, and by green text in the HTML version, as shown by this paragraph.
-Changes are not marked in the Texinfo version, because Texinfo doesn't support
-change bars. Minor corrections and rewordings are not marked.
-This document is very much a reference manual; it is not a tutorial. The reader
-is expected to have some familiarity with the SMTP mail transfer protocol and
-with general Unix system administration. Although there are some discussions
-and examples in places, the information is mostly organized in a way that makes
-it easy to look up, rather than in a natural order for sequential reading.
-Furthermore, the manual aims to cover every aspect of Exim in detail, including
-a number of rarely-used, special-purpose features that are unlikely to be of
-very wide interest.
-.index books about Exim
-An `easier' discussion of Exim which provides more in-depth explanatory,
-introductory, and tutorial material can be found in a book entitled
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-$it{The Exim SMTP Mail Server},
-published by UIT Cambridge.
-$it{The Exim SMTP Mail Server}, published by UIT Cambridge
-This book also contains a chapter that gives a general introduction to SMTP and
-Internet mail. Inevitably, however, the book is unlikely to be fully up-to-date
-with the latest release of Exim. (Note that the earlier book about Exim,
-published by O'Reilly, covers Exim 3, and many things have changed in Exim 4.)
-.index \(doc/NewStuff)\
-.index \(doc/ChangeLog)\
-.index change log
-As the program develops, there may be features in newer versions that have not
-yet made it into this document, which is updated only when the most significant
-digit of the fractional part of the version number changes. Specifications of
-new features that are not yet in this manual are placed in the file
-\(doc/NewStuff)\ in the Exim distribution.
-Some features may be classified as `experimental'. These may change
-incompatibly while they are developing, or even be withdrawn. For this reason,
-they are not documented in this manual. Information about experimental features
-can be found in the file \(doc/experimental.txt)\.
-All changes to the program (whether new features, bug fixes, or other kinds of
-change) are noted briefly in the file called \(doc/ChangeLog)\.
-.index \(doc/spec.txt)\
-This specification itself is available as an ASCII file in \(doc/spec.txt)\ so
-that it can easily be searched with a text editor. Other files in the \(doc)\
-directory are:
-.display rm
-.tabs 18
-\(OptionLists.txt)\ $t $rm{list of all options in alphabetical order}
-\(dbm.discuss.txt)\ $t $rm{discussion about DBM libraries}
-\(exim.8)\ $t $rm{a man page of Exim's command line options}
-\(experimental.txt)\ $t $rm{documentation of experimental features}
-\(filter.txt)\ $t $rm{specification of the filter language}
-\(pcrepattern.txt)\ $t $rm{specification of PCRE regular expressions}
-\(pcretest.txt)\ $t $rm{specification of the PCRE testing program}
-\(Exim3.upgrade)\ $t $rm{upgrade notes from release 2 to release 3}
-\(Exim4.upgrade)\ $t $rm{upgrade notes from release 3 to release 4}
-The main specification and the specification of the filtering language are also
-available in other formats (HTML, PostScript, PDF, and Texinfo). Section
-~~SECTavail below tells you how to get hold of these.
-.section FTP and web sites
-.index web site
-.index FTP site
-The primary distribution site for Exim is currently the University of
-Cambridge's FTP site, whose contents are described in \*Where to find the Exim
-distribution*\ below. In addition, there is a
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-web site
-.if ~~html
-and an
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-FTP site
-.if ~~html
-at \\. These are now also hosted at the University of Cambridge.
-The \\ site was previously hosted for a number of years by Energis
-Squared, formerly Planet Online Ltd, whose support I gratefully acknowledge.
-As well as Exim distribution tar files, the Exim web site contains a number of
-differently formatted versions of the documentation, including the
-.index FAQ
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="FAQ.html")]
-.if ~~html
-in both text and HTML formats. The HTML version comes with a keyword-in-context
-index. A recent addition to the online information is the
-.index wiki
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-Exim wiki.
-Exim wiki (\?\).
-We hope that this will make it easier for Exim users to contribute examples,
-tips, and know-how for the benefit of others.
-.section Mailing lists
-.index mailing lists||for Exim users
-The following are the three main Exim mailing lists:
-.display rm
-.tabs 28
-$it{} $t general discussion list
-$it{} $t discussion of bugs, enhancements, etc.
-$it{} $t moderated, low volume announcements list
-You can subscribe to these lists, change your existing subscriptions, and view
-or search the archives via the
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-mailing lists
-.if ~~html
-link on the Exim home page. The $it{exim-users} mailing list is also forwarded
-to \?\, an archiving system with
-searching capabilities.
-.section Exim training
-.index training courses
-From time to time (approximately annually at the time of writing),
-lecture-based training courses are run by the author of Exim in Cambridge, UK.
-Details can be found on the web site
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-.if ~~html
-.section Bug reports
-.index bug reports
-.index reporting bugs
-Reports of obvious bugs should be emailed to \**\. However, if
-you are unsure whether some behaviour is a bug or not, the best thing to do is
-to post a message to the $it{exim-users} mailing list and have it discussed.
-.section Where to find the Exim distribution
-.rset SECTavail "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index FTP site
-.index distribution||ftp site
-The master ftp site for the Exim distribution is
-.display rm
-.if ! ~~sys.fancy
-.indent 0
-This is mirrored by
-.display rm
-.if ! ~~sys.fancy
-.indent 0
-The file references that follow are relative to the \(exim)\ directories at
-these sites.
-There are now quite a number of independent mirror sites around the world.
-Those that I know about are listed in the file called \(Mirrors)\.
-Within the \(exim)\ directory there are subdirectories called \(exim3)\ (for
-previous Exim 3 distributions), \(exim4)\ (for the latest Exim 4
-distributions), and \(Testing)\ for testing versions. In the \(exim4)\
-subdirectory, the current release can always be found in files called
-.display rm
-where $it{n.nn} is the highest such version number in the directory. The two
-files contain identical data; the only difference is the type of compression.
-The \(.bz2)\ file is usually a lot smaller than the \(.gz)\ file.
-.index distribution||signing details
-.index distribution||public key
-.index public key for signed distribution
-The distributions are currently signed with Philip Hazel's GPG key. The
-corresponding public key is available from a number of keyservers, and there is
-also a copy in the file \(Public-Key)\. The signatures for the tar bundles are
-.display rm
-For each released version, the log of changes is made separately available in a
-separate file in the directory \(ChangeLogs)\ so that it is possible to
-find out what has changed without having to download the entire distribution.
-.index documentation||available formats
-The main distribution contains ASCII versions of this specification and other
-documentation; other formats of the documents are available in separate files
-inside the \(exim4)\ directory of the FTP site:
-.display rm
-These tar files contain only the \(doc)\ directory, not the complete
-distribution, and are also available in \(.bz2)\ as well as \(.gz)\ forms.
-.index FAQ
-The FAQ is available for downloading in two different formats in these files:
-.display rm
-The first of these is a single ASCII file that can be searched with a text
-editor. The second is a directory of HTML files, normally accessed by starting
-at \(index.html)\. The HTML version of the FAQ (which is also included in the
-HTML documentation tarbundle) includes a keyword-in-context index, which is
-often the most convenient way of finding your way around.
-.section Wish list
-.index wish list
-A wish list is maintained, containing ideas for new features that have been
-submitted. From time to time the file is exported to the ftp site into the file
-\(exim4/WishList)\. Items are removed from the list if they get implemented.
-.section Contributed material
-.index contributed material
-At the ftp site, there is a directory called \(Contrib)\ that contains
-miscellaneous files contributed to the Exim community by Exim users. There is
-also a collection of contributed configuration examples in
-\(exim4/config.samples.tar.gz)\. These samples are referenced from the FAQ.
-.section Limitations
-.index limitations of Exim
-.numberpars $.
-Exim is designed for use as an Internet MTA, and therefore handles addresses
-in RFC 2822 domain format only.
-.index bang paths||not handled by Exim
-It cannot handle UUCP `bang paths', though simple two-component bang paths can
-be converted by a straightforward rewriting configuration. This restriction
-does not prevent Exim from being interfaced to UUCP as a transport mechanism,
-provided that domain addresses are used.
-.index domainless addresses
-.index address||without domain
-Exim insists that every address it handles has a domain attached. For incoming
-local messages, domainless addresses are automatically qualified with a
-configured domain value. Configuration options specify from which remote
-systems unqualified addresses are acceptable. These are then qualified on
-.index transport||external
-.index external transports
-The only external transport currently implemented is an SMTP transport over a
-TCP/IP network (using sockets, including support for IPv6). However, a pipe
-transport is available, and there are facilities for writing messages to files
-and pipes, optionally in \*batched SMTP*\ format; these facilities can be used
-to send messages to some other transport mechanism such as UUCP, provided it
-can handle domain-style addresses. Batched SMTP input is also catered for.
-Exim is not designed for storing mail for dial-in hosts. When the volumes of
-such mail are large, it is better to get the messages `delivered' into files
-(that is, off Exim's queue) and subsequently passed on to the dial-in hosts by
-other means.
-Although Exim does have basic facilities for scanning incoming messages, these
-are not comprehensive enough to do full virus or spam scanning. Such operations
-are best carried out using additional specialized software packages. If you
-compile Exim with the content-scanning extension, straightforward interfaces to
-a number of common scanners are provided.
-.section Run time configuration
-Exim's run time configuration is held in a single text file that is divided
-into a number of sections. The entries in this file consist of keywords and
-values, in the style of Smail 3 configuration files. A default configuration
-file which is suitable for simple online installations is provided in the
-distribution, and is described in chapter ~~CHAPdefconfil below.
-.section Calling interface
-.index Sendmail compatibility||command line interface
-Like many MTAs, Exim has adopted the Sendmail command line interface so that it
-can be a straight replacement for \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\ or
-\(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\ when sending mail, but you do not need to know anything
-about Sendmail in order to run Exim. For actions other than sending messages,
-Sendmail-compatible options also exist, but those that produce output (for
-example, \-bp-\, which lists the messages on the queue) do so in Exim's own
-format. There are also some additional options that are compatible with Smail
-3, and some further options that are new to Exim. Chapter ~~CHAPcommandline
-documents all Exim's command line options. This information is automatically
-made into the man page that forms part of the Exim distribution.
-Control of messages on the queue can be done via certain privileged command
-line options. There is also an optional monitor program called \*eximon*\, which
-displays current information in an X window, and which contains a menu
-interface to Exim's command line administration options.
-.section Terminology
-.index terminology definitions
-.index body of message||definition of
-The \*body*\ of a message is the actual data that the sender wants to transmit.
-It is the last part of a message, and is separated from the \*header*\ (see
-below) by a blank line.
-.index bounce message||definition of
-When a message cannot be delivered, it is normally returned to the sender in a
-delivery failure message or a `non-delivery report' (NDR). The term \*bounce*\
-is commonly used for this action, and the error reports are often called
-\*bounce messages*\. This is a convenient shorthand for `delivery failure error
-report'. Such messages have an empty sender address in the message's
-\*envelope*\ (see below) to ensure that they cannot themselves give rise to
-further bounce messages.
-The term \*default*\ appears frequently in this manual. It is used to qualify a
-value which is used in the absence of any setting in the configuration. It may
-also qualify an action which is taken unless a configuration setting specifies
-The term \*defer*\ is used when the delivery of a message to a specific
-destination cannot immediately take place for some reason (a remote host may be
-down, or a user's local mailbox may be full). Such deliveries are \*deferred*\
-until a later time.
-The word \*domain*\ is sometimes used to mean all but the first component of a
-host's name. It is $it{not} used in that sense here, where it normally
-refers to the part of an email address following the @@ sign.
-.index envelope, definition of
-.index sender||definition of
-A message in transit has an associated \*envelope*\, as well as a header and a
-body. The envelope contains a sender address (to which bounce messages should
-be delivered), and any number of recipient addresses. References to the
-sender or the recipients of a message usually mean the addresses in the
-envelope. An MTA uses these addresses for delivery, and for returning bounce
-messages, not the addresses that appear in the header lines.
-.index message||header, definition of
-.index header section||definition of
-The \*header*\ of a message is the first part of a message's text, consisting
-of a number of lines, each of which has a name such as ::From::, ::To::,
-::Subject::, etc. Long header lines can be split over several text lines by
-indenting the continuations. The header is separated from the body by a blank
-.index local part||definition of
-.index domain||definition of
-The term \*local part*\, which is taken from RFC 2822, is used to refer to that
-part of an email address that precedes the @@ sign. The part that follows the
-@@ sign is called the \*domain*\ or \*mail domain*\.
-.index local delivery||definition of
-.index remote delivery, definition of
-The terms \*local delivery*\ and \*remote delivery*\ are used to distinguish
-delivery to a file or a pipe on the local host from delivery by SMTP over
-TCP/IP to a remote host.
-.index return path||definition of
-\*Return path*\ is another name that is used for the sender address in a
-message's envelope.
-.index queue||definition of
-The term \*queue*\ is used to refer to the set of messages awaiting delivery,
-because this term is in widespread use in the context of MTAs. However, in
-Exim's case the reality is more like a pool than a queue, because there is
-normally no ordering of waiting messages.
-.index queue runner||definition of
-The term \*queue runner*\ is used to describe a process that scans the queue
-and attempts to deliver those messages whose retry times have come. This term
-is used by other MTAs, and also relates to the command \runq\, but in Exim
-the waiting messages are normally processed in an unpredictable order.
-.index spool directory||definition of
-The term \*spool directory*\ is used for a directory in which Exim keeps the
-messages on its queue -- that is, those that it is in the process of
-delivering. This should not be confused with the directory in which local
-mailboxes are stored, which is called a `spool directory' by some people. In
-the Exim documentation, `spool' is always used in the first sense.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Incorporated code
-.set runningfoot "incorporated code"
-.index incorporated code
-.index regular expressions||library
-.index PCRE
-A number of pieces of external code are included in the Exim distribution.
-.numberpars $.
-Regular expressions are supported in the main Exim program and in the Exim
-monitor using the freely-distributable PCRE library, copyright (c) University
-of Cambridge. The source is distributed in the directory \(src/pcre)\. However,
-this is a cut-down version of PCRE. If you want to use the PCRE library in
-other programs, you should obtain and install the full version from
- 1ld
-.index cdb||acknowledgement
-Support for the cdb (Constant DataBase) lookup method is provided by code
-contributed by Nigel Metheringham of (at the time he contributed it) Planet
-Online Ltd. which contains the following statements:
-.if ~~sgcal
-.fontgroup 9
-.font 0
-Copyright (c) 1998 Nigel Metheringham, Planet Online Ltd
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
-Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This code implements Dan Bernstein's Constant DataBase (cdb) spec. Information,
-the spec and sample code for cdb can be obtained from
-\?\. This implementation borrows some code
-from Dan Bernstein's implementation (which has no license restrictions applied
-to it).
-The implementation is completely contained within the code of Exim.
-It does not link against an external cdb library. 1ld
-.index SPA authentication
-.index Samba project
-.index Microsoft Secure Password Authentication
-Client support for Microsoft's \*Secure Password Authentication*\ is provided
-by code contributed by Marc Prud'hommeaux. Server support was contributed by
-Tom Kistner. This includes code taken from the Samba project, which is released
-under the Gnu GPL.
- 1ld
-.index Cyrus
-.index \*pwcheck*\ daemon
-.index \*pwauthd*\ daemon
-Support for calling the Cyrus \*pwcheck*\ and \*saslauthd*\ daemons is provided
-by code taken from the Cyrus-SASL library and adapted by Alexander S.
-Sabourenkov. The permission notice appears below, in accordance with the
-conditions expressed therein.
-.if ~~sgcal
-.fontgroup 9
-.font 0
-Copyright (c) 2001 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-.if ~~sgcal
-.cancelflag $npbracket
-.flag $npbracket "" "."
-Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
-the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-The name `Carnegie Mellon University' must not be used to
-endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-prior written permission. For permission or any other legal
-details, please contact
-.display rm
-Office of Technology Transfer
-Carnegie Mellon University
-5000 Forbes Avenue
-Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
-(412) 268-4387, fax: (412) 268-7395
-Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
-.indent ~~sys.indent + 3em
-.justify left
-$it{This product includes software developed by Computing Services
-at Carnegie Mellon University (\?\).}
-.if ~~sgcal
-.cancelflag $npbracket
-.flag $npbracket "(" ")"
- 1ld
-.index monitor
-.index X-windows
-.index Athena
-The Exim Monitor program, which is an X-Window application, includes
-modified versions of the Athena StripChart and TextPop widgets.
-This code is copyright by DEC and MIT, and their permission notice appears
-below, in accordance with the conditions expressed therein.
-.if ~~sgcal
-.fontgroup 9
-.font 0
-Copyright 1987, 1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts,
-and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
-$c All Rights Reserved
-Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
-both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
-supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be
-used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
-software without specific, written prior permission.
-.rule 1ld
-Many people have contributed code fragments, some large, some small, that were
-not covered by any specific licence requirements. It is assumed that the
-contributors are happy to see their code incoporated into Exim under the GPL.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter How Exim receives and delivers mail
-.set runningfoot "receiving & delivering mail"
-.section Overall philosophy
-.index design philosophy
-Exim is designed to work efficiently on systems that are permanently connected
-to the Internet and are handling a general mix of mail. In such circumstances,
-most messages can be delivered immediately. Consequently, Exim does not
-maintain independent queues of messages for specific domains or hosts, though
-it does try to send several messages in a single SMTP connection after a host
-has been down, and it also maintains per-host retry information.
-.section Policy control
-.index policy control||overview
-Policy controls are now an important feature of MTAs that are connected to the
-Internet. Perhaps their most important job is to stop MTAs being abused as
-`open relays' by misguided individuals who send out vast amounts of unsolicited
-junk, and want to disguise its source. Exim provides flexible facilities for
-specifying policy controls on incoming mail:
-.numberpars $.
-.index ~~ACL||introduction
-Exim 4 (unlike previous versions of Exim) implements policy controls on
-incoming mail by means of \*Access Control Lists*\ (ACLs). Each list is a
-series of statements that may either grant or deny access. ACLs can be used at
-several places in the SMTP dialogue while receiving a message from a remote
-host. However, the most common places are after each \\RCPT\\ command, and at
-the very end of the message. The sysadmin can specify conditions for accepting
-or rejecting individual recipients or the entire message, respectively, at
-these two points (see chapter ~~CHAPACL). Denial of access results in an SMTP
-error code.
-An ACL is also available for locally generated, non-SMTP messages. In this
-case, the only available actions are to accept or deny the entire message.
-When Exim is compiled with the content-scanning extension, facilities are
-provided in the ACL mechanism for passing the message to external virus and/or
-spam scanning software. The result of such a scan is passed back to the ACL,
-which can then use it to decide what to do with the message.
-When a message has been received, either from a remote host or from the local
-host, but before the final acknowledgement has been sent, a locally supplied C
-function called \*local@_scan()*\ can be run to inspect the message and decide
-whether to accept it or not (see chapter ~~CHAPlocalscan). If the message is
-accepted, the list of recipients can be modified by the function.
-Using the \*local@_scan()*\ mechanism is another way of calling external
-scanner software. The \SA-Exim\ add-on package works this way. It does not
-require Exim to be compiled with the content-scanning extension.
-After a message has been accepted, a further checking mechanism is available in
-the form of the $it{system filter} (see chapter ~~CHAPsystemfilter). This runs
-at the start of every delivery process.
-.section User filters
-.index filter||introduction
-.index Sieve filter
-In a conventional Exim configuration, users are able to run private filters by
-setting up appropriate \(.forward)\ files in their home directories. See
-chapter ~~CHAPredirect (about the \%redirect%\ router) for the configuration
-needed to support this, and the separate document entitled
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="filter_toc.html")]
-\*Exim's interfaces to mail filtering*\
-.if ~~html
-for user details. Two different kinds of filtering are available:
-.numberpars $.
-Sieve filters are written in the standard filtering language that is defined by
-RFC 3028.
-Exim filters are written in a syntax that is unique to Exim, but which is more
-powerful than Sieve, which it pre-dates.
-User filters are run as part of the routing process, described below.
-.section Message identification
-.rset SECTmessiden "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index message||ids, details of format
-.index format||of message id
-.index id of message
-.index base62
-.index base36
-.index Darwin
-.index Cygwin
-Every message handled by Exim is given a \*message id*\ which is sixteen
-characters long. It is divided into three parts, separated by hyphens, for
-example \"16VDhn-0001bo-D3"\. Each part is a sequence of letters and digits,
-normally encoding numbers in base 62. However, in the Darwin operating
-system (Mac OS X) and when Exim is compiled to run under Cygwin, base 36
-(avoiding the use of lower case letters) is used instead, because the message
-id is used to construct file names, and the names of files in those systems are
-not case-sensitive.
-.index pid (process id)||re-use of
-The detail of the contents of the message id have changed as Exim has evolved.
-Earlier versions relied on the operating system not re-using a process id (pid)
-within one second. On modern operating systems, this assumption can no longer
-be made, so the algorithm had to be changed. To retain backward compatibility,
-the format of the message id was retained, which is why the following rules are
-somewhat eccentric:
-.numberpars $.
-The first six characters of the message id are the time at which the message
-started to be received, to a granularity of one second. That is, this field
-contains the number of seconds since the start of the epoch (the normal Unix
-way of representing the date and time of day).
-After the first hyphen, the next six characters are the id of the process that
-received the message.
-There are two different possibilities for the final two characters:
-.numberpars alpha
-.index \localhost@_number\
-If \localhost@_number\ is not set, this value is the fractional part of the
-time of reception, normally in units of 1/2000 of a second, but for systems
-that must use base 36 instead of base 62 (because of case-insensitive file
-systems), the units are 1/1000 of a second.
-If \localhost@_number\ is set, it is multiplied by 200 (100) and added to
-the fractional part of the time, which in this case is in units of 1/200
-(1/100) of a second.
-After a message has been received, Exim waits for the clock to tick at the
-appropriate resolution before proceeding, so that if another message is
-received by the same process, or by another process with the same (re-used)
-pid, it is guaranteed that the time will be different. In most cases, the clock
-will already have ticked while the message was being received.
-.section Receiving mail
-.index receiving mail
-.index message||reception
-The only way Exim can receive mail from a remote host is using SMTP over
-TCP/IP, in which case the sender and recipient addresses are tranferred using
-SMTP commands. However, from a locally running process (such as a user's MUA),
-there are several possibilities:
-.numberpars $.
-If the process runs Exim with the \-bm-\ option, the message is read
-non-interactively (usually via a pipe), with the recipients taken from the
-command line, or from the body of the message if \-t-\ is also used.
-If the process runs Exim with the \-bS-\ option, the message is also read
-non-interactively, but in this case the recipients are listed at the start of
-the message in a series of SMTP \\RCPT\\ commands, terminated by a \\DATA\\
-command. This is so-called `batch SMTP' format,
-but it isn't really SMTP. The SMTP commands are just another way of passing
-envelope addresses in a non-interactive submission.
-If the process runs Exim with the \-bs-\ option, the message is read
-interactively, using the SMTP protocol. A two-way pipe is normally used for
-passing data between the local process and the Exim process.
-This is `real' SMTP and is handled in the same way as SMTP over TCP/IP. For
-example, the ACLs for SMTP commands are used for this form of submission.
-A local process may also make a TCP/IP call to the host's loopback address
-( or any other of its IP addresses. When receiving messages, Exim
-does not treat the loopback address specially. It treats all such connections
-in the same way as connections from other hosts.
-.index message||sender, constructed by Exim
-.index sender||constructed by Exim
-In the three cases that do not involve TCP/IP, the sender address is
-constructed from the login name of the user that called Exim and a default
-qualification domain (which can be set by the \qualify@_domain\ configuration
-option). For local or batch SMTP, a sender address that is passed using the
-SMTP \\MAIL\\ command is ignored. However, the system administrator may allow
-certain users (`trusted users') to specify a different sender address
-unconditionally, or all users to specify certain forms of different sender
-address. The \-f-\ option or the SMTP \\MAIL\\ command is used to specify these
-different addresses. See section ~~SECTtrustedadmin for details of trusted
-users, and the \untrusted@_set@_sender\ option for a way of allowing untrusted
-users to change sender addresses.
-Messages received by either of the non-interactive mechanisms are subject to
-checking by the non-SMTP ACL, if one is defined. Messages received using SMTP
-(either over TCP/IP, or interacting with a local process) can be checked by a
-number of ACLs that operate at different times during the SMTP session. Either
-individual recipients, or the entire message, can be rejected if local policy
-requirements are not met. The \*local@_scan()*\ function (see chapter
-~~CHAPlocalscan) is run for all incoming messages.
-Exim can be configured not to start a delivery process when a message is
-received; this can be unconditional, or depend on the number of incoming SMTP
-connections or the system load. In these situations, new messages wait on the
-queue until a queue runner process picks them up. However, in standard
-configurations under normal conditions, delivery is started as soon as a
-message is received.
-.section Handling an incoming message
-.index spool directory||files that hold a message
-.index file||how a message is held
-When Exim accepts a message, it writes two files in its spool directory. The
-first contains the envelope information, the current status of the message,
-and the header lines, and the second contains the body of the message. The
-names of the two spool files consist of the message id, followed by $tt{-H} for
-the file containing the envelope and header, and $tt{-D} for the data file.
-.index spool directory||\(input)\ sub-directory
-By default all these message files are held in a single directory called
-\(input)\ inside the general Exim spool directory. Some operating systems do
-not perform very well if the number of files in a directory gets very large; to
-improve performance in such cases, the \split@_spool@_directory\ option can be
-used. This causes Exim to split up the input files into 62 sub-directories
-whose names are single letters or digits.
-The envelope information consists of the address of the message's sender and
-the addresses of the recipients. This information is entirely separate from
-any addresses contained in the header lines. The status of the message includes
-a list of recipients who have already received the message. The format of the
-first spool file is described in chapter ~~CHAPspool.
-.index rewriting||addresses
-Address rewriting that is specified in the rewrite section of the configuration
-(see chapter ~~CHAPrewrite) is done once and for all on incoming addresses,
-both in the header lines and the envelope, at the time the message is accepted.
-If during the course of delivery additional addresses are generated (for
-example, via aliasing), these new addresses are rewritten as soon as they are
-generated. At the time a message is actually delivered (transported) further
-rewriting can take place; because this is a transport option, it can be
-different for different forms of delivery. It is also possible to specify the
-addition or removal of certain header lines at the time the message is
-delivered (see chapters ~~CHAProutergeneric and ~~CHAPtransportgeneric).
-.section Life of a message
-.index message||life of
-.index message||frozen
-A message remains in the spool directory until it is completely delivered to
-its recipients or to an error address, or until it is deleted by an
-administrator or by the user who originally created it. In cases when delivery
-cannot proceed -- for example, when a message can neither be delivered to its
-recipients nor returned to its sender, the message is marked `frozen' on the
-spool, and no more deliveries are attempted.
-.index frozen messages||thawing
-.index message||thawing frozen
-An administrator can `thaw' such messages when the problem has been corrected,
-and can also freeze individual messages by hand if necessary. In addition, an
-administrator can force a delivery error, causing a bounce message to be sent.
-.index \auto@_thaw\
-There is an option called \auto@_thaw\, which can be used to cause Exim to
-retry frozen messages after a certain time. When this is set, no message will
-remain on the queue for ever, because the delivery timeout will eventually be
-reached. Delivery failure reports (bounce messages) that reach this timeout are
-.index \timeout@_frozen@_after\
-There is also an option called \timeout@_frozen@_after\, which discards frozen
-messages after a certain time.
-.index message||log file for
-.index log||file for each message
-While Exim is working on a message, it writes information about each delivery
-attempt to the main log file. This includes successful, unsuccessful, and
-delayed deliveries for each recipient (see chapter ~~CHAPlog). The log lines
-are also written to a separate $it{message log} file for each message. These
-logs are solely for the benefit of the administrator, and are normally deleted
-along with the spool files when processing of a message is complete.
-The use of individual message logs can be disabled by setting
-\no@_message@_logs\; this might give an improvement in performance on very
-busy systems.
-.index journal file
-.index file||journal
-All the information Exim itself needs to set up a delivery is kept in the first
-spool file, along with the header lines. When a successful delivery occurs, the
-address is immediately written at the end of a journal file, whose name is the
-message id followed by $tt{-J}. At the end of a delivery run, if there are some
-addresses left to be tried again later, the first spool file (the $tt{-H} file)
-is updated to indicate which these are, and the journal file is then deleted.
-Updating the spool file is done by writing a new file and renaming it, to
-minimize the possibility of data loss.
-Should the system or the program crash after a successful delivery but before
-the spool file has been updated, the journal is left lying around. The next
-time Exim attempts to deliver the message, it reads the journal file and
-updates the spool file before proceeding. This minimizes the chances of double
-deliveries caused by crashes.
-.section Processing an address for delivery
-.rset SECTprocaddress "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index drivers||definition of
-.index router||definition of
-.index transport||definition of
-The main delivery processing elements of Exim are called $it{routers} and
-$it{transports}, and collectively these are known as $it{drivers}. Code for a
-number of them is provided in the source distribution, and compile-time options
-specify which ones are included in the binary. Run time options specify which
-ones are actually used for delivering messages.
-.index drivers||instance definition
-Each driver that is specified in the run time configuration is an \*instance*\
-of that particular driver type. Multiple instances are allowed; for example,
-you can set up several different \%smtp%\ transports, each with different
-option values that might specify different ports or different timeouts. Each
-instance has its own identifying name. In what follows we will normally use the
-instance name when discussing one particular instance (that is, one specific
-configuration of the driver), and the generic driver name when discussing
-the driver's features in general.
-A $it{router} is a driver that operates on an address, either determining how
-its delivery should happen, by routing it to a specific transport, or
-converting the address into one or more new addresses (for example, via an
-alias file). A router may also explicitly choose to fail an address, causing it
-to be bounced.
-A $it{transport} is a driver that transmits a copy of the message from Exim's
-spool to some destination. There are two kinds of transport: for a $it{local}
-transport, the destination is a file or a pipe on the local host, whereas for a
-$it{remote} transport the destination is some other host. A message is passed
-to a specific transport as a result of successful routing. If a message has
-several recipients, it may be passed to a number of different transports.
-.index preconditions||definition of
-An address is processed by passing it to each configured router instance in
-turn, subject to certain preconditions, until a router accepts the address or
-specifies that it should be bounced. We will describe this process in more
-detail shortly. As a simple example, the diagram below illustrates how each
-recipient address in a message is processed in a small configuration of three
-routers that are configured in various ways.
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.figure "Routing an address" rm
-.indent 0 aspic -sgcal -nv
-centre ~~sys.linelength;
-magnify 0.8;
-boundingbox 30;
- ibox depth 14 "address";
-B: arrow down 44;
- textdepth 14;
-A: box width 100 "first router" "conditions ok?";
- arrow right "yes";
-C: box width 100 "run" "first router";
- arrow down "fail";
-D: ibox depth 20 "address bounces";
- arc clockwise from right of C "accept";
- arrow down 10;
- ibox "queue for" "transport";
- arrow down from A align bottom of D plus (0,-20) "no"(-6,20)/r;
-E: box width 100 "second router" "conditions ok?";
- arrow right "yes";
-F: box width 100 "run" "second router";
- line right 100 "redirect";
- line up align middle of B;
- arrow left to middle of B "new addresses";
- line down 20 from bottom left of F plus (30,0);
- arrow left align centre of E "decline";
- line down 20 from bottom right of F plus (-30,0);
- arrow right "fail";
- ibox width 64 "address" "bounces";
- arrow down 64 from E "no"(-6,20)/r;
-G: box width 100 "third router" "conditions ok?";
- arrow right "yes";
-H: box width 100 "run" "third router";
- arc clockwise from right of H "accept";
- arrow down 10;
- ibox "queue for" "transport";
- line down 20 from bottom of H;
- arrow left align centre of G "decline";
- arrow down 64 from G "no"(-6,20)/r;
- ibox "no more routers" "address bounces";
-.elif !~~html
-.display asis
- address
- |
- |<------------- new addresses -----------------------------
- V |
- ----------------- ----------------- |
- | first router |----- yes ----->| run |--- accept |
- | conditions ok?| | first router | | |
- ----------------- ----------------- | |
- | | V |
- no | fail | queue for |
- | V transport |
- | address bounces |
- | |
- V |
- ----------------- ----------------- |
- | second router |----- yes ----->| run |----redirect ----
- | conditions ok?| | second router |
- ----------------- -----------------
- | | |
- no | | |
- |<-------- decline ----------- --- fail ---> address
- | bounces
- V
- ----------------- -----------------
- | third router |----- yes ----->| run |--- accept
- | conditions ok?| | third router | |
- ----------------- ----------------- |
- | | V
- no | | queue for
- |<-------- decline --------------- transport
- |
- V
- no more routers
- address bounces
-[(img src="routing.gif" alt="Routing an address")][(br)]
-To make this a more concrete example, we'll describe it in terms of some actual
-routers, but remember, this is only an example. You can configure Exim's
-routers in many different ways, and there may be any number of routers in a
-The first router that is specified in a configuration is often one that handles
-addresses in domains that are not recognized specially by the local host. These
-are typically addresses for arbitrary domains on the Internet. A precondition
-is set up which looks for the special domains known to the host (for example,
-its own domain name), and the router is run for addresses that do $it{not}
-match. Typically, this is a router that looks up domains in the DNS in order to
-find the hosts to which this address routes. If it succeeds, the address is
-queued for a suitable SMTP transport; if it does not succeed, the router is
-configured to fail the address.
-The example pictured could be a configuration of this type. The second and
-third routers can only be run for addresses for which the preconditions for
-the first router are not met. If one of these preconditions checks the
-domain, the second and third routers are run only for domains that are somehow
-special to the local host.
-The second router does redirection -- also known as aliasing and forwarding.
-When it generates one or more new addresses from the original, each of them is
-routed independently from the start. Otherwise, the router may cause an address
-to fail, or it may simply decline to handle the address, in which case the
-address is passed to the next router.
-The final router in many configurations is one that checks to see if the
-address belongs to a local mailbox. The precondition may involve a check to
-see if the local part is the name of a login account, or it may look up the
-local part in a file or a database. If its preconditions are not met, or if
-the router declines, we have reached the end of the routers. When this happens,
-the address is bounced.
-.section Processing an address for verification
-.index router||for verification
-.index verifying||address, overview
-As well as being used to decide how to deliver to an address, Exim's routers
-are also used for \*address verification*\. Verification can be requested as
-one of the checks to be performed in an ACL for incoming messages, on both
-sender and recipient addresses, and it can be tested using the \-bv-\ and
-\-bvs-\ command line options.
-When an address is being verified, the routers are run in `verify mode'. This
-does not affect the way the routers work, but it is a state that can be
-detected. By this means, a router can be skipped or made to behave differently
-when verifying. A common example is a configuration in which the first router
-sends all messages to a message-scanning program, unless they have been
-previously scanned. Thus, the first router accepts all addresses without any
-checking, making it useless for verifying. Normally, the \no@_verify\ option
-would be set for such a router, causing it to be skipped in verify mode.
-.section Running an individual router
-.rset SECTrunindrou "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index router||running details
-.index preconditions||checking
-.index router||result of running
-As explained in the example above, a number of preconditions are checked before
-running a router. If any are not met, the router is skipped, and the address is
-passed to the next router. When all the preconditions on a router $it{are} met,
-the router is run. What happens next depends on the outcome, which is one of
-the following:
-.numberpars $.
-\*accept*\: The router accepts the address, and either queues it for a
-transport, or generates one or more `child' addresses. Processing the original
-address ceases,
-.index \unseen\ option
-unless the \unseen\ option is set on the router. This option
-can be used to set up multiple deliveries with different routing (for example,
-for keeping archive copies of messages). When \unseen\ is set, the address is
-passed to the next router. Normally, however, an \*accept*\ return marks the
-end of routing.
-.index case of local parts
-.index address||duplicate, discarding
-If child addresses are generated, Exim checks to see whether they are
-duplicates of any existing recipient addresses. During this check, local parts
-are treated as case-sensitive. Duplicate addresses are discarded. Each of the
-remaining child addresses is then processed independently, starting with the
-first router by default. It is possible to change this by setting the
-\redirect@_router\ option to specify which router to start at for child
-addresses. Unlike \pass@_router\ (see below) the router specified by
-\redirect@_router\ may be anywhere in the router configuration.
-\*pass*\: The router recognizes the address, but cannot handle it itself. It
-requests that the address be passed to another router. By default the address
-is passed to the next router, but this can be changed by setting the
-\pass@_router\ option. However, (unlike \redirect@_router\) the named router
-must be below the current router (to avoid loops).
-\*decline*\: The router declines to accept the address because it does not
-recognize it at all. By default, the address is passed to the next router, but
-this can be prevented by setting the \no@_more\ option. When \no@_more\ is set,
-all the remaining routers are skipped.
-\*fail*\: The router determines that the address should fail, and queues it for
-the generation of a bounce message. There is no further processing of the
-original address unless \unseen\ is set on the router.
-\*defer*\: The router cannot handle the address at the present time. (A database
-may be offline, or a DNS lookup may have timed out.) No further processing of
-the address happens in this delivery attempt. It is tried again next time the
-message is considered for delivery.
-\*error*\: There is some error in the router (for example, a syntax error in
-its configuration). The action is as for defer.
-If an address reaches the end of the routers without having been accepted by
-any of them, it is bounced as unrouteable.
-The default error message in this situation is `unrouteable address', but you
-can set your own message by making use of the \cannot@_route@_message\ option.
-This can be set for any router; the value from the last router that `saw'
-the address is used.
-Sometimes while routing you want to fail a delivery when some conditions are
-met but others are not, instead of passing the address on for further routing.
-You can do this by having a second router that explicitly fails the delivery
-when the relevant conditions are met. The \%redirect%\ router has a `fail'
-facility for this purpose.
-.section Router preconditions
-.rset SECTrouprecon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index router||preconditions, order of processing
-.index preconditions||order of processing
-The preconditions that are tested for each router are listed below, in the
-order in which they are tested. The individual configuration options are
-described in more detail in chapter ~~CHAProutergeneric.
-.numberpars $.
-The \local@_part@_prefix\ and \local@_part@_suffix\ options can specify that
-the local parts handled by the router may or must have certain prefixes and/or
-suffixes. If a mandatory affix (prefix or suffix) is not present, the router is
-skipped. These conditions are tested first. When an affix is present, it is
-removed from the local part before further processing, including the evaluation
-of any other conditions.
-Routers can be designated for use only when not verifying an address, that is,
-only when routing it for delivery (or testing its delivery routing). If the
-\verify\ option is set false, the router is skipped when Exim is verifying an
-Setting the \verify\ option actually sets two options, \verify@_sender\ and
-\verify@_recipient\, which independently control the use of the router for
-sender and recipient verification. You can set these options directly if
-you want a router to be used for only one type of verification.
-If the \address@_test\ option is set false, the router is skipped when Exim is
-run with the \-bt-\ option to test an address routing. This can be helpful when
-the first router sends all new messages to a scanner of some sort; it makes it
-possible to use \-bt-\ to test subsequent delivery routing without having to
-simulate the effect of the scanner.
-Routers can be designated for use only when verifying an address, as
-opposed to routing it for delivery. The \verify@_only\ option controls this.
-Certain routers can be explicitly skipped when running the routers to check an
-address given in the SMTP \\EXPN\\ command (see the \expn\ option).
-If the \domains\ option is set, the domain of the address must be in the set of
-domains that it defines.
-If the \local@_parts\ option is set, the local part of the address must be in
-the set of local parts that it defines. If \local@_part@_prefix\ or
-\local@_part@_suffix\ is in use, the prefix or suffix is removed from the local
-part before this check. If you want to do precondition tests on local parts
-that include affixes, you can do so by using a \condition\ option (see below)
-that uses the variables \$local@_part$\, \$local@_part@_prefix$\, and
-\$local@_part@_suffix$\ as necessary.
-If the \check@_local@_user\ option is set, the local part must be the name of
-an account on the local host.
-If this check succeeds, the uid and gid of the local user are placed in
-\$local@_user@_uid$\ and \$local@_user@_gid$\; these values can be used in the
-remaining preconditions.
-If the \router@_home@_directory\ option is set, it is expanded at this point,
-because it overrides the value of \$home$\. If this expansion were left till
-later, the value of \$home$\ as set by \check@_local@_user\ would be used in
-subsequent tests. Having two different values of \$home$\ in the same router
-could lead to confusion.
-If the \senders\ option is set, the envelope sender address must be in the set
-of addresses that it defines.
-If the \require@_files\ option is set, the existence or non-existence of
-specified files is tested.
-.index customizing||precondition
-If the \condition\ option is set, it is evaluated and tested. This option uses
-an expanded string to allow you to set up your own custom preconditions.
-Expanded strings are described in chapter ~~CHAPexpand.
-Note that \require@_files\ comes near the end of the list, so you cannot use it
-to check for the existence of a file in which to lookup up a domain, local
-part, or sender. However, as these options are all expanded, you can use the
-\exists\ expansion condition to make such tests within each condition. The
-\require@_files\ option is intended for checking files that the router may be
-going to use internally, or which are needed by a specific transport (for
-example, \(.procmailrc)\).
-.section Delivery in detail
-.index delivery||in detail
-When a message is to be delivered, the sequence of events is as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-If a system-wide filter file is specified, the message is passed to it. The
-filter may add recipients to the message, replace the recipients, discard the
-message, cause a new message to be generated, or cause the message delivery to
-fail. The format of the system filter file is the same as for Exim user filter
-files, described in the separate document entitled
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="filter.html")]
-\*Exim's interfaces to mail filtering*\.
-.if ~~html
-.index Sieve filter||not available for system filter
-(\**Note**\: Sieve cannot be used for system filter files.)
-Some additional features are available in system filters -- see chapter
-~~CHAPsystemfilter for details. Note that a message is passed to the system
-filter only once per delivery attempt, however many recipients it has. However,
-if there are several delivery attempts because one or more addresses could not
-be immediately delivered, the system filter is run each time. The filter
-condition \first@_delivery\ can be used to detect the first run of the system
-Each recipient address is offered to each configured router in turn, subject to
-its preconditions, until one is able to handle it. If no router can handle
-the address, that is, if they all decline, the address is failed. Because
-routers can be targeted at particular domains, several locally handled domains
-can be processed entirely independently of each other.
-.index routing||loops in
-.index loop||while routing
-A router that accepts an address may set up a local or a remote transport for
-it. However, the transport is not run at this time. Instead, the address is
-placed on a list for the particular transport, to be run later. Alternatively,
-the router may generate one or more new addresses (typically from alias,
-forward, or filter files). New addresses are fed back into this process from
-the top, but in order to avoid loops, a router ignores any address which has an
-identically-named ancestor that was processed by itself.
-When all the routing has been done, addresses that have been successfully
-handled are passed to their assigned transports. When local transports are
-doing real local deliveries, they handle only one address at a time, but if a
-local transport is being used as a pseudo-remote transport (for example, to
-collect batched SMTP messages for transmission by some other means) multiple
-addresses can be handled. Remote transports can always handle more than one
-address at a time, but can be configured not to do so, or to restrict multiple
-addresses to the same domain.
-Each local delivery to a file or a pipe runs in a separate process under a
-non-privileged uid, and these deliveries are run one at a time. Remote
-deliveries also run in separate processes, normally under a uid that is private
-to Exim (`the Exim user'), but in this case, several remote deliveries can be
-run in parallel. The maximum number of simultaneous remote deliveries for any
-one message is set by the \remote@_max@_parallel\ option.
-The order in which deliveries are done is not defined, except that all local
-deliveries happen before any remote deliveries.
-.index queue runner
-When it encounters a local delivery during a queue run, Exim checks its retry
-database to see if there has been a previous temporary delivery failure for the
-address before running the local transport. If there was a previous failure,
-Exim does not attempt a new delivery until the retry time for the address is
-reached. However, this happens only for delivery attempts that are part of a
-queue run. Local deliveries are always attempted when delivery immediately
-follows message reception, even if retry times are set for them. This makes for
-better behaviour if one particular message is causing problems (for example,
-causing quota overflow, or provoking an error in a filter file).
-.index delivery||retry in remote transports
-Remote transports do their own retry handling, since an address may be
-deliverable to one of a number of hosts, each of which may have a different
-retry time. If there have been previous temporary failures and no host has
-reached its retry time, no delivery is attempted, whether in a queue run or
-not. See chapter ~~CHAPretry for details of retry strategies.
-If there were any permanent errors, a bounce message is returned to an
-appropriate address (the sender in the common case), with details of the error
-for each failing address. Exim can be configured to send copies of bounce
-messages to other addresses.
-.index delivery||deferral
-If one or more addresses suffered a temporary failure, the message is left on
-the queue, to be tried again later. Delivery of these addresses is said to be
-When all the recipient addresses have either been delivered or bounced,
-handling of the message is complete. The spool files and message log are
-deleted, though the message log can optionally be preserved if required.
-.section Retry mechanism
-.index delivery||retry mechanism
-.index retry||description of mechanism
-.index queue runner
-Exim's mechanism for retrying messages that fail to get delivered at the first
-attempt is the queue runner process. You must either run an Exim daemon that
-uses the \-q-\ option with a time interval to start queue runners at regular
-intervals, or use some other means (such as \*cron*\) to start them. If you do
-not arrange for queue runners to be run, messages that fail temporarily at the
-first attempt will remain on your queue for ever. A queue runner process works
-it way through the queue, one message at a time, trying each delivery that has
-passed its retry time.
-You can run several queue runners at once.
-Exim uses a set of configured rules to determine when next to retry the failing
-address (see chapter ~~CHAPretry). These rules also specify when Exim should
-give up trying to deliver to the address, at which point it generates a bounce
-message. If no retry rules are set for a particular host, address, and error
-combination, no retries are attempted, and temporary errors are treated as
-.section Temporary delivery failure
-.index delivery||temporary failure
-There are many reasons why a message may not be immediately deliverable to a
-particular address. Failure to connect to a remote machine (because it, or the
-connection to it, is down) is one of the most common. Temporary failures may be
-detected during routing as well as during the transport stage of delivery.
-Local deliveries may be delayed if NFS files are unavailable, or if a mailbox
-is on a file system where the user is over quota. Exim can be configured to
-impose its own quotas on local mailboxes; where system quotas are set they will
-also apply.
-If a host is unreachable for a period of time, a number of messages may be
-waiting for it by the time it recovers, and sending them in a single SMTP
-connection is clearly beneficial. Whenever a delivery to a remote host is
-.index hints database
-Exim makes a note in its hints database, and whenever a successful
-SMTP delivery has happened, it looks to see if any other messages are waiting
-for the same host. If any are found, they are sent over the same SMTP
-connection, subject to a configuration limit as to the maximum number in any
-one connection.
-.section Permanent delivery failure
-.index delivery||permanent failure
-.index bounce message||when generated
-When a message cannot be delivered to some or all of its intended recipients, a
-bounce message is generated. Temporary delivery failures turn into permanent
-errors when their timeout expires. All the addresses that fail in a given
-delivery attempt are listed in a single message. If the original message has
-many recipients, it is possible for some addresses to fail in one delivery
-attempt and others to fail subsequently, giving rise to more than one bounce
-message. The wording of bounce messages can be customized by the administrator.
-See chapter ~~CHAPemsgcust for details.
-.index ::X-Failed-Recipients:: header line
-Bounce messages contain an ::X-Failed-Recipients:: header line that lists the
-failed addresses, for the benefit of programs that try to analyse such messages
-.index bounce message||recipient of
-A bounce message is normally sent to the sender of the original message, as
-obtained from the message's envelope. For incoming SMTP messages, this is the
-address given in the \\MAIL\\ command. However, when an address is
-expanded via a forward or alias file, an alternative address can be specified
-for delivery failures of the generated addresses. For a mailing list expansion
-(see section ~~SECTmailinglists) it is common to direct bounce messages to the
-manager of the list.
-.section Failures to deliver bounce messages
-.index bounce message||failure to deliver
-If a bounce message (either locally generated or received from a remote host)
-itself suffers a permanent delivery failure, the message is left on the queue,
-but it is frozen, awaiting the attention of an administrator. There are options
-which can be used to make Exim discard such failed messages, or to keep them
-for only a short time (see \timeout@_frozen@_after\ and
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Building and installing Exim
-.set runningfoot "building/installing"
-.index building Exim
-.section Unpacking
-Exim is distributed as a gzipped or bzipped tar file which, when upacked,
-creates a directory with the name of the current release (for example,
-\(exim-~~version)\) into which the following files are placed:
-.display rm
-.if !~~sys.fancy && ~~sgcal
-.tabs 16
-.tabs 22
-\(ACKNOWLEDGMENTS)\ $t contains some acknowledgments
-\(CHANGES)\ $t contains a reference to where changes are documented
-\(LICENCE)\ $t the GNU General Public Licence
-\(Makefile)\ $t top-level make file
-\(NOTICE)\ $t conditions for the use of Exim
-\(README)\ $t list of files, directories and simple build instructions
-Other files whose names begin with \(README)\ may also be present. The
-following subdirectories are created:
-.display rm
-.if !~~sys.fancy && ~~sgcal
-.tabs 16
-.tabs 22
-\(Local)\ $t an empty directory for local configuration files
-\(OS)\ $t OS-specific files
-\(doc)\ $t documentation files
-\(exim@_monitor)\$t source files for the Exim monitor
-\(scripts)\ $t scripts used in the build process
-\(src)\ $t remaining source files
-\(util)\ $t independent utilities
-The main utility programs are contained in the \(src)\ directory, and are built
-with the Exim binary. The \(util)\ directory contains a few optional scripts
-that may be useful to some sites.
-.section Multiple machine architectures and operating systems
-.index building Exim||multiple OS/architectures
-The building process for Exim is arranged to make it easy to build binaries for
-a number of different architectures and operating systems from the same set of
-source files. Compilation does not take place in the \(src)\ directory. Instead,
-a \*build directory*\ is created for each architecture and operating system.
-.index symbolic link||to build directory
-Symbolic links to the sources are installed in this directory, which is where
-the actual building takes place.
-In most cases, Exim can discover the machine architecture and operating system
-for itself, but the defaults can be overridden if necessary.
-.section DBM libraries
-.rset SECTdb "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index DBM||libraries, discussion of
-.index hints database||DBM files used for
-Even if you do not use any DBM files in your configuration, Exim still needs a
-DBM library in order to operate, because it uses indexed files for its hints
-databases. Unfortunately, there are a number of DBM libraries in existence, and
-different operating systems often have different ones installed.
-.index Solaris||DBM library for
-.index IRIX, DBM library for
-.index BSD, DBM library for
-.index Linux, DBM library for
-If you are using Solaris, IRIX, one of the modern BSD systems, or a modern
-Linux distribution, the DBM configuration should happen automatically, and you
-may be able to ignore this section. Otherwise, you may have to learn more than
-you would like about DBM libraries from what follows.
-.index \*ndbm*\ DBM library
-Licensed versions of Unix normally contain a library of DBM functions operating
-via the \*ndbm*\ interface, and this is what Exim expects by default. Free
-versions of Unix seem to vary in what they contain as standard. In particular,
-some early versions of Linux have no default DBM library, and different
-distributors have chosen to bundle different libraries with their packaged
-versions. However, the more recent releases seem to have standardised on the
-Berkeley DB library.
-Different DBM libraries have different conventions for naming the files they
-use. When a program opens a file called \(dbmfile)\, there are four
-A traditional \*ndbm*\ implementation, such as that supplied as part of
-Solaris, operates on two files called \(dbmfile.dir)\ and \(dbmfile.pag)\.
-.index \*gdbm*\ DBM library
-The GNU library, \*gdbm*\, operates on a single file. If used via its \*ndbm*\
-compatibility interface it makes two different hard links to it with names
-\(dbmfile.dir)\ and \(dbmfile.pag)\, but if used via its native interface, the
-file name is used unmodified.
-.index Berkeley DB library
-The Berkeley DB package, if called via its \*ndbm*\ compatibility interface,
-operates on a single file called \(dbmfile.db)\, but otherwise looks to the
-programmer exactly the same as the traditional \*ndbm*\ implementation.
-If the Berkeley package is used in its native mode, it operates on a single
-file called \(dbmfile)\; the programmer's interface is somewhat different to
-the traditional \*ndbm*\ interface.
-To complicate things further, there are several very different versions of the
-Berkeley DB package. Version 1.85 was stable for a very long time, releases
-2.$it{x} and 3.$it{x} were current for a while, but the latest versions are now
-numbered 4.$it{x}. Maintenance of some of the earlier releases has ceased. All
-versions of Berkeley DB can be obtained from
-.display rm
-.index \*tdb*\ DBM library
-Yet another DBM library, called \*tdb*\, has become available from
-.display rm
-It has its own interface, and also operates on a single file.
-.index \\USE@_DB\\
-.index DBM||libraries, configuration for building
-Exim and its utilities can be compiled to use any of these interfaces. In order
-to use any version of the Berkeley DB package in native mode, you must set
-\\USE@_DB\\ in an appropriate configuration file (typically
-\(Local/Makefile)\). For example:
-.display asis
-Similarly, for gdbm you set \\USE@_GDBM\\, and for tdb you set \\USE@_TDB\\. An
-error is diagnosed if you set more than one of these.
-At the lowest level, the build-time configuration sets none of these options,
-thereby assuming an interface of type (1). However, some operating system
-configuration files (for example, those for the BSD operating systems and
-Linux) assume type (4) by setting \\USE@_DB\\ as their default, and the
-configuration files for Cygwin set \\USE@_GDBM\\. Anything you set in
-\(Local/Makefile)\, however, overrides these system defaults.
-As well as setting \\USE@_DB\\, \\USE@_GDBM\\, or \\USE@_TDB\\, it may also be
-necessary to set \\DBMLIB\\, to cause inclusion of the appropriate library, as
-in one of these lines:
-.display asis
-DBMLIB = -ldb
-DBMLIB = -ltdb
-Settings like that will work if the DBM library is installed in the standard
-place. Sometimes it is not, and the library's header file may also not be in
-the default path. You may need to set \\INCLUDE\\ to specify where the header
-file is, and to specify the path to the library more fully in \\DBMLIB\\, as in
-this example:
-.display asis
-There is further detailed discussion about the various DBM libraries in the
-file \(doc/dbm.discuss.txt)\ in the Exim distribution.
-.section Pre-building configuration
-.index building Exim||pre-building configuration
-.index configuration for building Exim
-.index \(Local/Makefile)\
-.index \(src/EDITME)\
-Before building Exim, a local configuration file that specifies options
-independent of any operating system has to be created with the name
-\(Local/Makefile)\. A template for this file is supplied as the file
-\(src/EDITME)\, and it contains full descriptions of all the option settings
-therein. These descriptions are therefore not repeated here. If you are
-building Exim for the first time, the simplest thing to do is to copy
-\(src/EDITME)\ to \(Local/Makefile)\, then read it and edit it appropriately.
-There are three settings that you must supply, because Exim will not build
-without them. They are the location of the run time configuration file
-(\\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\), the directory in which Exim binaries will be installed
-(\\BIN@_DIRECTORY\\), and the identity of the Exim user (\\EXIM@_USER\\ and
-maybe \\EXIM@_GROUP\\ as well). The value of \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ can in fact be
-a colon-separated list of file names; Exim uses the first of them that exists.
-There are a few other parameters that can be specified either at build time or
-at run time, to enable the same binary to be used on a number of different
-machines. However, if the locations of Exim's spool directory and log file
-directory (if not within the spool directory) are fixed, it is recommended that
-you specify them in \(Local/Makefile)\ instead of at run time, so that errors
-detected early in Exim's execution (such as a malformed configuration file) can
-be logged.
-.index content scanning||specifying at build time
-Exim's interfaces for calling virus and spam scanning sofware directly from
-access control lists are not compiled by default. If you want to include these
-facilities, you need to set
-.display asis
-in your \(Local/Makefile)\. For details of the facilities themselves, see
-chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.index \(Local/eximon.conf)\
-.index \(exim@_monitor/EDITME)\
-If you are going to build the Exim monitor, a similar configuration process is
-required. The file \(exim@_monitor/EDITME)\ must be edited appropriately for
-your installation and saved under the name \(Local/eximon.conf)\. If you are
-happy with the default settings described in \(exim@_monitor/EDITME)\,
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\ can be empty, but it must exist.
-This is all the configuration that is needed in straightforward cases for known
-operating systems. However, the building process is set up so that it is easy
-to override options that are set by default or by operating-system-specific
-configuration files, for example to change the name of the C compiler, which
-defaults to \gcc\. See section ~~SECToverride below for details of how to do
-.section Support for iconv()
-.index \*iconv()*\ support
-The contents of header lines in messages may be encoded according to the rules
-described RFC 2047. This makes it possible to transmit characters that are not
-in the ASCII character set, and to label them as being in a particular
-character set. When Exim is inspecting header lines by means of the \@$h@_\
-mechanism, it decodes them, and translates them into a specified character set
-(default ISO-8859-1). The translation is possible only if the operating system
-supports the \*iconv()*\ function.
-However, some of the operating systems that supply \*iconv()*\ do not support
-very many conversions. The GNU \libiconv\ library (available from
-\?http:/@/\) can be installed on such systems to
-remedy this deficiency, as well as on systems that do not supply \*iconv()*\ at
-all. After installing \libiconv\, you should add
-.display asis
-to your \(Local/Makefile)\ and rebuild Exim.
-.section Including TLS/SSL encryption support
-.rset SECTinctlsssl "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index TLS||including support for TLS
-.index encryption||including support for
-.index \\SUPPORT@_TLS\\
-.index OpenSSL||building Exim with
-.index GnuTLS||building Exim with
-Exim can be built to support encrypted SMTP connections, using the \\STARTTLS\\
-command as per RFC 2487. It can also support legacy clients that expect to
-start a TLS session immediately on connection to a non-standard port (see the
-\tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ runtime option and the \-tls-on-connect-\ command
-line option).
-If you want to build Exim with TLS support, you must first install either the
-OpenSSL or GnuTLS library. There is no cryptographic code in Exim itself for
-implementing SSL.
-If OpenSSL is installed, you should set
-.display asis
-TLS_LIBS=-lssl -lcrypto
-in \(Local/Makefile)\. You may also need to specify the locations of the
-OpenSSL library and include files. For example:
-.display asis
-TLS_LIBS=-L/usr/local/openssl/lib -lssl -lcrypto
-If GnuTLS is installed, you should set
-.index \\USE@_GNUTLS\\
-.display asis
-TLS_LIBS=-lgnutls -ltasn1 -lgcrypt
-in \(Local/Makefile)\, and again you may need to specify the locations of the
-library and include files. For example:
-.display asis
-TLS_LIBS=-L/usr/gnu/lib -lgnutls -ltasn1 -lgcrypt
-You do not need to set \\TLS@_INCLUDE\\ if the relevant directory is already
-specified in \\INCLUDE\\. Details of how to configure Exim to make use of TLS
-are given in chapter ~~CHAPTLS.
-.section Use of tcpwrappers
-.index tcpwrappers, building Exim to support
-.index \\USE@_TCP@_WRAPPERS\\
-Exim can be linked with the \*tcpwrappers*\ library in order to check incoming
-SMTP calls using the \*tcpwrappers*\ control files. This may be a convenient
-alternative to Exim's own checking facilities for installations that are
-already making use of \*tcpwrappers*\ for other purposes. To do this, you should
-set \\USE@_TCP@_WRAPPERS\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\, arrange for the file
-\(tcpd.h)\ to be available at compile time, and also ensure that the library
-\(libwrap.a)\ is available at link time, typically by including \-lwrap-\ in
-\\EXTRALIBS@_EXIM\\. For example, if \*tcpwrappers*\ is installed in
-\(/usr/local)\, you might have
-CFLAGS=-O -I/usr/local/include
-EXTRALIBS@_EXIM=-L/usr/local/lib -lwrap
-in \(Local/Makefile)\. The name to use in the \*tcpwrappers*\ control files is
-`exim'. For example, the line
-exim : LOCAL 192.168.1. .friendly.domain.example
-in your \(/etc/hosts.allow)\ file allows connections from the local host, from
-the subnet, and from all hosts in \*friendly.domain.example*\.
-All other connections are denied. Consult the \*tcpwrappers*\ documentation for
-further details.
-.section Including support for IPv6
-.index IPv6||including support for
-Exim contains code for use on systems that have IPv6 support. Setting
-\\HAVE@_IPV6=YES\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ causes the IPv6 code to be included;
-it may also be necessary to set \\IPV6@_INCLUDE\\ and \\IPV6@_LIBS\\ on systems
-where the IPv6 support is not fully integrated into the normal include and
-library files.
-Two different types of DNS record for handling IPv6 addresses have been
-defined. AAAA records (analagous to A records for IPv4) are in use, and are
-currently seen as the mainstream. Another record type called A6 was proposed
-as better than AAAA because it had more flexibility. However, it was felt to
-be over-complex, and its status was reduced to `experimental'. It is not known
-if anyone is actually using A6 records. Exim has support for A6 records, but
-this is included only if you set \\SUPPORT@_A6=YES\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. The
-support has not been tested for some time.
-.section The building process
-.index build directory
-Once \(Local/Makefile)\ (and \(Local/eximon.conf)\, if required) have been
-created, run \*make*\ at the top level. It determines the architecture and
-operating system types, and creates a build directory if one does not exist.
-For example, on a Sun system running Solaris 8, the directory
-\(build-SunOS5-5.8-sparc)\ is created.
-.index symbolic link||to source files
-Symbolic links to relevant source files are installed in the build directory.
-\**Warning**\: The \-j-\ (parallel) flag must not be used with \*make*\; the
-building process fails if it is set.
-If this is the first time \*make*\ has been run, it calls a script that builds
-a make file inside the build directory, using the configuration files from the
-\(Local)\ directory. The new make file is then passed to another instance of
-\*make*\. This does the real work, building a number of utility scripts, and
-then compiling and linking the binaries for the Exim monitor (if configured), a
-number of utility programs, and finally Exim itself. The command \*make
-makefile*\ can be used to force a rebuild of the make file in the build
-directory, should this ever be necessary.
-If you have problems building Exim, check for any comments there may be in the
-\(README)\ file concerning your operating system, and also take a look at the
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="FAQ.html")]
-.if ~~html
-where some common problems are covered.
-.section Overriding build-time options for Exim
-.index build-time options, overriding
-.rset SECToverride "~~chapter.~~section"
-The main make file that is created at the beginning of the building process
-consists of the concatenation of a number of files which set configuration
-values, followed by a fixed set of \*make*\ instructions. If a value is set
-more than once, the last setting overrides any previous ones. This provides a
-convenient way of overriding defaults. The files that are concatenated are, in
-.display rm
-.index \(Local/Makefile)\
-where <<ostype>> is the operating system type and <<archtype>> is the
-.index building Exim||operating system type
-.index building Exim||architecture type
-architecture type. \(Local/Makefile)\ is required to exist, and the building
-process fails if it is absent. The other three \(Local)\ files are optional,
-and are often not needed.
-The values used for <<ostype>> and <<archtype>> are obtained from scripts
-called \(scripts/os-type)\ and \(scripts/arch-type)\ respectively. If either of
-the environment variables \\EXIM@_OSTYPE\\ or \\EXIM@_ARCHTYPE\\ is set, their
-values are used, thereby providing a means of forcing particular settings.
-Otherwise, the scripts try to get values from the \uname\ command. If this
-fails, the shell variables \\OSTYPE\\ and \\ARCHTYPE\\ are inspected. A number
-of $it{ad hoc} transformations are then applied, to produce the standard names
-that Exim expects. You can run these scripts directly from the shell in order
-to find out what values are being used on your system.
-\(OS/Makefile-Default)\ contains comments about the variables that are set
-therein. Some (but not all) are mentioned below. If there is something that
-needs changing, review the contents of this file and the contents of the make
-file for your operating system (\(OS/Makefile-<<ostype>>)\) to see what the
-default values are.
-.index building Exim||overriding default settings
-If you need to change any of the values that are set in \(OS/Makefile-Default)\
-or in \(OS/Makefile-<<ostype>>)\, or to add any new definitions, you do not
-need to change the original files. Instead, you should make the changes by
-putting the new values in an appropriate \(Local)\ file. For example,
-.index Tru64-Unix build-time settings
-when building Exim in many releases of the Tru64-Unix (formerly Digital UNIX,
-formerly DEC-OSF1) operating system, it is necessary to specify that the C
-compiler is called \*cc*\ rather than \*gcc*\. Also, the compiler must be
-called with the option \-std1-\, to make it recognize some of the features of
-Standard C that Exim uses. (Most other compilers recognize Standard C by
-default.) To do this, you should create a file called \(Local/Makefile-OSF1)\
-containing the lines
-If you are compiling for just one operating system, it may be easier to put
-these lines directly into \(Local/Makefile)\.
-Keeping all your local configuration settings separate from the distributed
-files makes it easy to transfer them to new versions of Exim simply by copying
-the contents of the \(Local)\ directory.
-.index NIS lookup type||including support for
-.index NIS@+ lookup type||including support for
-.index LDAP||including support for
-.index lookup||inclusion in binary
-Exim contains support for doing LDAP, NIS, NIS+, and other kinds of file
-lookup, but not all systems have these components installed, so the default is
-not to include the relevant code in the binary. All the different kinds of file
-and database lookup that Exim supports are implemented as separate code modules
-which are included only if the relevant compile-time options are set. In the
-case of LDAP, NIS, and NIS+, the settings for \(Local/Makefile)\ are:
-.display asis
-and similar settings apply to the other lookup types. They are all listed in
-\(src/EDITME)\. In most cases the relevant include files and interface
-libraries need to be installed before compiling Exim.
-.index cdb||including support for
-However, in the case of cdb, which is included in the binary only if
-.display asis
-is set, the code is entirely contained within Exim, and no external include
-files or libraries are required. When a lookup type is not included in the
-binary, attempts to configure Exim to use it cause run time configuration
-.index Perl||including support for
-Exim can be linked with an embedded Perl interpreter, allowing Perl
-subroutines to be called during string expansion. To enable this facility,
-.display asis
-must be defined in \(Local/Makefile)\. Details of this facility are given in
-chapter ~~CHAPperl.
-.index X11 libraries, location of
-The location of the X11 libraries is something that varies a lot between
-operating systems, and of course there are different versions of X11 to cope
-with. Exim itself makes no use of X11, but if you are compiling the Exim
-monitor, the X11 libraries must be available.
-The following three variables are set in \(OS/Makefile-Default)\:
-.display asis
-These are overridden in some of the operating-system configuration files. For
-example, in \(OS/Makefile-SunOS5)\ there is
-.display asis
-XLFLAGS=-L$(X11)/lib -R$(X11)/lib
-If you need to override the default setting for your operating system, place a
-definition of all three of these variables into your
-\(Local/Makefile-<<ostype>>)\ file.
-.index \\EXTRALIBS\\
-If you need to add any extra libraries to the link steps, these can be put in a
-variable called \\EXTRALIBS\\, which appears in all the link commands, but by
-default is not defined. In contrast, \\EXTRALIBS@_EXIM\\ is used only on the
-command for linking the main Exim binary, and not for any associated utilities.
-.index DBM||libraries, configuration for building
-There is also \\DBMLIB\\, which appears in the link commands for binaries that
-use DBM functions (see also section ~~SECTdb). Finally, there is
-\\EXTRALIBS@_EXIMON\\, which appears only in the link step for the Exim monitor
-binary, and which can be used, for example, to include additional X11
-.index configuration file||editing
-The make file copes with rebuilding Exim correctly if any of the configuration
-files are edited. However, if an optional configuration file is deleted, it is
-necessary to touch the associated non-optional file (that is, \(Local/Makefile)\
-or \(Local/eximon.conf)\) before rebuilding.
-.section OS-specific header files
-.index \(os.h)\
-.index building Exim||OS-specific C header files
-The \(OS)\ directory contains a number of files with names of the form
-\(os.h-<<ostype>>)\. These are system-specific C header files that should not
-normally need to be changed. There is a list of macro settings that are
-recognized in the file \(OS/os.configuring)\, which should be consulted if you
-are porting Exim to a new operating system.
-.section Overriding build-time options for the monitor
-.index building Eximon||overriding default options
-A similar process is used for overriding things when building the Exim monitor,
-where the files that are involved are
-.display rm
-.index \(Local/eximon.conf)\
-As with Exim itself, the final three files need not exist, and in this case the
-\(OS/eximon.conf-<<ostype>>)\ file is also optional. The default values in
-\(OS/eximon.conf-Default)\ can be overridden dynamically by setting environment
-variables of the same name, preceded by \\EXIMON@_\\. For example, setting
-\\EXIMON@_LOG@_DEPTH\\ in the environment overrides the value of
-\\LOG@_DEPTH\\ at run time.
-.section Installing Exim binaries and scripts
-.index installing Exim
-.index \\BIN@_DIRECTORY\\
-The command \*make install*\ runs the \*exim@_install*\ script with no
-arguments. The script copies binaries and utility scripts into the directory
-whose name is specified by the \\BIN@_DIRECTORY\\ setting in
-Exim's run time configuration file is named by the \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ setting
-.index \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\
-in \(Local/Makefile)\. If this names a single file, and the file does not
-exist, the default configuration file \(src/configure.default)\ is copied there
-by the installation script. If a run time configuration file already exists, it
-is left alone. If \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ is a colon-separated list, naming several
-alternative files, no default is installed.
-.index system aliases file
-.index \(/etc/aliases)\
-One change is made to the default configuration file when it is installed: the
-default configuration contains a router that references a system aliases file.
-The path to this file is set to the value specified by
-\\SYSTEM@_ALIASES@_FILE\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ (\(/etc/aliases)\ by default).
-If the system aliases file does not exist, the installation script creates it,
-and outputs a comment to the user.
-The created file contains no aliases, but it does contain comments about the
-aliases a site should normally have. Mail aliases have traditionally been
-kept in \(/etc/aliases)\. However, some operating systems are now using
-\(/etc/mail/aliases)\. You should check if yours is one of these, and change
-Exim's configuration if necessary.
-The default configuration uses the local host's name as the only local domain,
-and is set up to do local deliveries into the shared directory \(/var/mail)\,
-running as the local user. System aliases and \(.forward)\ files in users' home
-directories are supported, but no NIS or NIS+ support is configured. Domains
-other than the name of the local host are routed using the DNS, with delivery
-over SMTP.
-The install script copies files only if they are newer than the files they are
-going to replace. The Exim binary is required to be owned by root and have the
-\*setuid*\ bit set,
-.index setuid||installing Exim with
-for normal configurations. Therefore, you must run \*make install*\ as root so
-that it can set up the Exim binary in this way. However, in some special
-situations (for example, if a host is doing no local deliveries) it may be
-possible to run Exim without making the binary setuid root (see chapter
-~~CHAPsecurity for details).
-It is possible to install Exim for special purposes (such as building a binary
-distribution) in a private part of the file system. You can do this by a
-command such as
-.display asis
-make DESTDIR=/some/directory/ install
-This has the effect of pre-pending the specified directory to all the file
-paths, except the name of the system aliases file that appears in the default
-configuration. (If a default alias file is created, its name \*is*\ modified.)
-For backwards compatibility, \\ROOT\\ is used if \\DESTDIR\\ is not set,
-but this usage is deprecated.
-.index installing Exim||what is not installed
-Running \*make install*\ does not copy the Exim 4 conversion script
-\*convert4r4*\, or the \*pcretest*\ test program. You will probably run the
-first of these only once (if you are upgrading from Exim 3), and the second
-isn't really part of Exim. None of the documentation files in the \(doc)\
-directory are copied, except for the info files when you have set
-\\INFO@_DIRECTORY\\, as described in section ~~SECTinsinfdoc below.
-For the utility programs, old versions are renamed by adding the suffix \(.O)\
-to their names. The Exim binary itself, however, is handled differently. It is
-installed under a name that includes the version number and the compile number,
-for example \(exim-~~version-1)\. The script then arranges for a symbolic link
-called \(exim)\ to point to the binary. If you are updating a previous version
-of Exim, the script takes care to ensure that the name \(exim)\ is never absent
-from the directory (as seen by other processes).
-.index installing Exim||testing the script
-If you want to see what the \*make install*\ will do before running it for
-real, you can pass the \-n-\ option to the installation script by this command:
-.display asis
-make INSTALL_ARG=-n install
-The contents of the variable \\INSTALL@_ARG\\ are passed to the installation
-script. You do not need to be root to run this test. Alternatively, you can run
-the installation script directly, but this must be from within the build
-directory. For example, from the top-level Exim directory you could use this
-(cd build-SunOS5-5.5.1-sparc; ../scripts/exim@_install -n)
-.index installing Exim||install script options
-There are two other options that can be supplied to the installation script.
-.numberpars $.
-\-no@_chown-\ bypasses the call to change the owner of the installed binary
-to root, and the call to make it a setuid binary.
-\-no@_symlink-\ bypasses the setting up of the symbolic link \(exim)\ to the
-installed binary.
-\\INSTALL@_ARG\\ can be used to pass these options to the script. For example:
-.display asis
-make INSTALL_ARG=-no_symlink install
-The installation script can also be given arguments specifying which files are
-to be copied. For example, to install just the Exim binary, and nothing else,
-without creating the symbolic link, you could use:
-.display asis
-make INSTALL_ARG='-no_symlink exim' install
-.section Installing info documentation
-.rset SECTinsinfdoc "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index installing Exim||\*info*\ documentation
-Not all systems use the GNU \*info*\ system for documentation, and for this
-reason, the Texinfo source of Exim's documentation is not included in the main
-distribution. Instead it is available separately from the ftp site (see section
-If you have defined \\INFO@_DIRECTORY\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ and the Texinfo
-source of the documentation is found in the source tree, running \*make
-install*\ automatically builds the info files and installs them.
-.section Setting up the spool directory
-.index spool directory||creating
-When it starts up, Exim tries to create its spool directory if it does not
-exist. The Exim uid and gid are used for the owner and group of the spool
-directory. Sub-directories are automatically created in the spool directory as
-.section Testing
-.index testing||installation
-Having installed Exim, you can check that the run time configuration file is
-syntactically valid by running the following command, which assumes that the
-Exim binary directory is within your \\PATH\\ environment variable:
-exim -bV
-If there are any errors in the configuration file, Exim outputs error messages.
-Otherwise it outputs the version number and build date,
-the DBM library that is being used, and information about which drivers and
-other optional code modules are included in the binary.
-Some simple routing tests can be done by using the address testing option. For
-exim -bt <<local username>>
-should verify that it recognizes a local mailbox, and
-exim -bt <<remote address>>
-a remote one. Then try getting it to deliver mail, both locally and remotely.
-This can be done by passing messages directly to Exim, without going through a
-user agent. For example:
-exim -v postmaster@@your.domain.example
-From: user@@your.domain.example
-To: postmaster@@your.domain.example
-Subject: Testing Exim
-This is a test message.
-The \-v-\ option causes Exim to output some verification of what it is doing.
-In this case you should see copies of three log lines, one for the message's
-arrival, one for its delivery, and one containing `Completed'.
-.index delivery||problems with
-If you encounter problems, look at Exim's log files (\*mainlog*\ and
-\*paniclog*\) to see if there is any relevant information there. Another source
-of information is running Exim with debugging turned on, by specifying the
-\-d-\ option. If a message is stuck on Exim's spool, you can force a delivery
-with debugging turned on by a command of the form
-exim -d -M <<message-id>>
-You must be root or an `admin user' in order to do this. The \-d-\ option
-produces rather a lot of output, but you can cut this down to specific areas.
-For example, if you use \-d-all+route-\ only the debugging information relevant
-to routing is included. (See the \-d-\ option in chapter ~~CHAPcommandline for
-more details.)
-.index `sticky' bit
-.index lock files
-One specific problem that has shown up on some sites is the inability to do
-local deliveries into a shared mailbox directory, because it does not have the
-`sticky bit' set on it. By default, Exim tries to create a lock file before
-writing to a mailbox file, and if it cannot create the lock file, the delivery
-is deferred. You can get round this either by setting the `sticky bit' on the
-directory, or by setting a specific group for local deliveries and allowing
-that group to create files in the directory (see the comments above the
-\%local@_delivery%\ transport in the default configuration file). Another
-approach is to configure Exim not to use lock files, but just to rely on
-\*fcntl()*\ locking instead. However, you should do this only if all user
-agents also use \*fcntl()*\ locking. For further discussion of locking issues,
-see chapter ~~CHAPappendfile.
-One thing that cannot be tested on a system that is already running an MTA is
-the receipt of incoming SMTP mail on the standard SMTP port. However, the
-\-oX-\ option can be used to run an Exim daemon that listens on some other
-port, or \*inetd*\ can be used to do this. The \-bh-\ option and the
-\*exim@_checkaccess*\ utility can be used to check out policy controls on
-incoming SMTP mail.
-Testing a new version on a system that is already running Exim can most easily
-be done by building a binary with a different \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ setting. From
-within the run time configuration, all other file and directory names
-that Exim uses can be altered, in order to keep it entirely clear of the
-production version.
-.section Replacing another MTA with Exim
-.index replacing another MTA
-Building and installing Exim for the first time does not of itself put it in
-general use. The name by which the system's MTA is called by mail user agents
-is either \(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\, or \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\ (depending on the
-operating system), and it is necessary to make this name point to the \*exim*\
-binary in order to get the user agents to pass messages to Exim. This is
-normally done by renaming any existing file and making \(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\
-or \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\
-.index symbolic link||to \*exim*\ binary
-a symbolic link to the \*exim*\ binary. It is a good idea to remove any setuid
-privilege and executable status from the old MTA. It is then necessary to stop
-and restart the mailer daemon, if one is running.
-.index FreeBSD, MTA indirection
-.index \(/etc/mail/mailer.conf)\
-Some operating systems have introduced alternative ways of switching MTAs. For
-example, if you are running FreeBSD, you need to edit the file
-\(/etc/mail/mailer.conf)\ instead of setting up a symbolic link as just
-described. A typical example of the contents of this file for running Exim is
-as follows:
-.display asis
-sendmail /usr/exim/bin/exim
-send-mail /usr/exim/bin/exim
-mailq /usr/exim/bin/exim -bp
-newaliases /usr/bin/true
-Once you have set up the symbolic link, or edited \(/etc/mail/mailer.conf)\,
-your Exim installation is `live'. Check it by sending a message from your
-favourite user agent.
-You should consider what to tell your users about the change of MTA. Exim may
-have different capabilities to what was previously running, and there are
-various operational differences such as the text of messages produced by
-command line options and in bounce messages. If you allow your users to make
-use of Exim's filtering capabilities, you should make the document entitled
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="filter.html")]
-\*Exim's interface to mail filtering*\
-.if ~~html
-available to them.
-.section Upgrading Exim
-.index upgrading Exim
-If you are already running Exim on your host, building and installing a new
-version automatically makes it available to MUAs, or any other programs that
-call the MTA directly. However, if you are running an Exim daemon, you do need
-to send it a HUP signal, to make it re-exec itself, and thereby pick up the new
-binary. You do not need to stop processing mail in order to install a new
-version of Exim.
-.section Stopping the Exim daemon on Solaris
-.index Solaris||stopping Exim on
-The standard command for stopping the mailer daemon on Solaris is
-/etc/init.d/sendmail stop
-If \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\ has been turned into a symbolic link, this script
-fails to stop Exim because it uses the command \*ps -e*\ and greps the output
-for the text `sendmail'; this is not present because the actual program name
-(that is, `exim') is given by the \*ps*\ command with these options. A solution
-is to replace the line that finds the process id with something like
-.display asis
-pid=`cat /var/spool/exim/`
-to obtain the daemon's pid directly from the file that Exim saves it in.
-Note, however, that stopping the daemon does not `stop Exim'. Messages can
-still be received from local processes, and if automatic delivery is configured
-(the normal case), deliveries will still occur.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The Exim command line
-.set runningfoot "command line"
-.rset CHAPcommandline ~~chapter
-.index command line||options
-.index options||command line
-Exim's command line takes the standard Unix form of a sequence of options,
-each starting with a hyphen character, followed by a number of arguments. The
-options are compatible with the main options of Sendmail, and there are also
-some additional options, some of which are compatible with Smail 3. Certain
-combinations of options do not make sense, and provoke an error if used.
-The form of the arguments depends on which options are set.
-.section Setting options by program name
-.index \*mailq*\
-If Exim is called under the name \*mailq*\, it behaves as if the option \-bp-\
-were present before any other options.
-The \-bp-\ option requests a listing of the contents of the mail queue on the
-standard output.
-This feature is for compatibility with some systems that contain a command of
-that name in one of the standard libraries, symbolically linked to
-\(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\ or \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\.
-.index \*rsmtp*\
-If Exim is called under the name \*rsmtp*\ it behaves as if the option \-bS-\
-were present before any other options, for compatibility with Smail. The \-bS-\
-option is used for reading in a number of messages in batched SMTP format.
-.index \*rmail*\
-If Exim is called under the name \*rmail*\ it behaves as if the \-i-\ and
-\-oee-\ options were present before any other options, for compatibility with
-Smail. The name \*rmail*\ is used as an interface by some UUCP systems.
-.index \*runq*\
-.index queue runner
-If Exim is called under the name \*runq*\ it behaves as if the option \-q-\ were
-present before any other options, for compatibility with Smail. The \-q-\
-option causes a single queue runner process to be started.
-.index \*newaliases*\
-.index alias file||building
-.index Sendmail compatibility||calling Exim as \*newaliases*\
-If Exim is called under the name \*newaliases*\ it behaves as if the option
-\-bi-\ were present before any other options, for compatibility with Sendmail.
-This option is used for rebuilding Sendmail's alias file. Exim does not have
-the concept of a single alias file, but can be configured to run a given
-command if called with the \-bi-\ option.
-.section Trusted and admin users
-.rset SECTtrustedadmin "~~chapter.~~section"
-Some Exim options are available only to \*trusted users*\ and others are
-available only to \*admin users*\. In the description below, the phrases `Exim
-user' and `Exim group' mean the user and group defined by \\EXIM@_USER\\ and
-\\EXIM@_GROUP\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ or set by the \exim@_user\ and
-\exim@_group\ options. These do not necessarily have to use the name `exim'.
-.numberpars $.
-.index trusted user||definition of
-.index user||trusted, definition of
-The trusted users are root, the Exim user, any user listed in the
-\trusted@_users\ configuration option, and any user whose current group or any
-supplementary group is one of those listed in the \trusted@_groups\
-configuration option. Note that the Exim group is not automatically trusted.
-.index `From' line
-.index envelope sender
-Trusted users are always permitted to use the \-f-\ option or a leading `From '
-line to specify the envelope sender of a message that is passed to Exim through
-the local interface (see the \-bm-\ and \-f-\ options below). See the
-\untrusted@_set@_sender\ option for a way of permitting non-trusted users to
-set envelope senders.
-.index ::From:: header line
-.index ::Sender:: header line
-For a trusted user, there is never any check on the contents of the ::From::
-header line, and a ::Sender:: line is never added. Furthermore, any existing
-::Sender:: line in incoming local (non-TCP/IP) messages is not removed.
-Trusted users may also specify a host name, host address, interface address,
-protocol name, ident value, and authentication data when submitting a message
-locally. Thus, they are able to insert messages into Exim's queue locally that
-have the characteristics of messages received from a remote host. Untrusted
-users may in some circumstances use \-f-\, but can never set the other values
-that are available to trusted users.
-.index user||admin, definition of
-.index admin user||definition of
-The admin users are root, the Exim user, and any user that is a member of the
-Exim group or of any group listed in the \admin@_groups\ configuration option.
-The current group does not have to be one of these groups.
-Admin users are permitted to list the queue, and to carry out certain
-operations on messages, for example, to force delivery failures. It is also
-necessary to be an admin user in order to see the full information provided by
-the Exim monitor, and full debugging output.
-By default, the use of the \-M-\, \-q-\, \-R-\, and \-S-\ options to cause Exim
-to attempt delivery of messages on its queue is restricted to admin users.
-However, this restriction can be relaxed by setting the \prod@_requires@_admin\
-option false (that is, specifying \no@_prod@_requires@_admin\).
-Similarly, the use of the \-bp-\ option to list all the messages in the queue
-is restricted to admin users unless \queue@_list@_requires@_admin\ is set
-\**Warning**\: If you configure your system so that admin users are able to
-edit Exim's configuration file, you are giving those users an easy way of
-getting root. There is further discussion of this issue at the start of chapter
-.section Command line options
-The command options are described in alphabetical order below.
-.option @-
-.index options||command line, terminating
-This is a pseudo-option whose only purpose is to terminate the options and
-therefore to cause subsequent command line items to be treated as arguments
-rather than options, even if they begin with hyphens.
-.option -help
-This option causes Exim to output a few sentences stating what it is.
-The same output is generated if the Exim binary is called with no options and
-no arguments.
-.option B <<type>>
-.index 8-bit characters
-.index Sendmail compatibility||8-bit characters
-This is a Sendmail option for selecting 7 or 8 bit processing. Exim is 8-bit
-clean; it ignores this option.
-.option bd
-.index daemon
-.index SMTP listener
-.index queue runner
-This option runs Exim as a daemon, awaiting incoming SMTP connections. Usually
-the \-bd-\ option is combined with the \-q-\<<time>> option, to specify that
-the daemon should also initiate periodic queue runs.
-The \-bd-\ option can be used only by an admin user. If either of the \-d-\
-(debugging) or \-v-\ (verifying) options are set, the daemon does not
-disconnect from the controlling terminal. When running this way, it can be
-stopped by pressing ctrl-C.
-By default, Exim listens for incoming connections to the standard SMTP port on
-all the host's running interfaces. However, it is possible to listen on other
-ports, on multiple ports, and only on specific interfaces. Chapter
-~~CHAPinterfaces contains a description of the options that control this.
-.index daemon||process id (pid)
-.index pid (process id)||of daemon
-When a listening daemon is started without the use of \-oX-\ (that is, without
-overriding the normal configuration), it writes its process id to a file called
-\(\ in Exim's spool directory. This location can be overridden
-by setting \\PID@_FILE@_PATH\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. The file is written while
-Exim is still running as root.
-When \-oX-\ is used on the command line to start a listening daemon, the
-process id is not written to the normal pid file path. However, \-oP-\ can be
-used to specify a path on the command line if a pid file is required.
-.index \\SIGHUP\\
-The \\SIGHUP\\ signal can be used to cause the daemon to re-exec itself. This
-should be done whenever Exim's configuration file, or any file that is
-incorporated into it by means of the \.include\ facility, is changed, and also
-whenever a new version of Exim is installed. It is not necessary to do this
-when other files that are referenced from the configuration (for example, alias
-files) are changed, because these are reread each time they are used.
-.option bdf
-This option has the same effect as \-bd-\ except that it never disconnects from
-the controlling terminal, even when no debugging is specified.
-.option be
-.index testing||string expansion
-.index expansion||testing
-Run Exim in expansion testing mode. Exim discards its root privilege, to
-prevent ordinary users from using this mode to read otherwise inaccessible
-files. If no arguments are given, Exim runs interactively, prompting for lines
-of data.
-If Exim was built with \\USE@_READLINE\\=yes in \(Local/Makefile)\, it tries
-to load the \libreadline\ library dynamically whenever the \-be-\ option is
-used without command line arguments. If successful, it uses the \*readline()*\
-function, which provides extensive line-editing facilities, for reading the
-test data. A line history is supported.
-Long expansion expressions can be split over several lines by using backslash
-continuations. As in Exim's run time configuration, whitespace at the start of
-continuation lines is ignored. Each argument or data line is passed through the
-string expansion mechanism, and the result is output. Variable values from the
-configuration file (for example, \$qualify@_domain$\) are available, but no
-message-specific values (such as \$domain$\) are set, because no message is
-being processed.
-.option bF #<<filename>>
-.index system filter||testing
-.index testing||system filter
-This option is the same as \-bf-\ except that it assumes that the filter being
-tested is a system filter. The additional commands that are available only in
-system filters are recognized.
-.option bf #<<filename>>
-.index filter||testing
-.index testing||filter file
-.index forward file||testing
-.index testing||forward file
-.index Sieve filter||testing
-This option runs Exim in user filter testing mode; the file is the filter file
-to be tested, and a test message must be supplied on the standard input. If
-there are no message-dependent tests in the filter, an empty file can be
-If you want to test a system filter file, use \-bF-\ instead of \-bf-\. You can
-use both \-bF-\ and \-bf-\ on the same command, in order to
-test a system filter and a user filter in the same run. For example:
-.display asis
-exim -bF /system/filter -bf /user/filter </test/message
-This is helpful when the system filter adds header lines or sets filter
-variables that are used by the user filter.
-If the test filter file does not begin with one of the special lines
-.display asis
-# Exim filter
-# Sieve filter
-it is taken to be a normal \(.forward)\ file, and is tested for validity under
-that interpretation. See sections ~~SECTitenonfilred to ~~SECTspecitredli for a
-description of the possible contents of non-filter redirection lists.
-The result of an Exim command that uses \-bf-\, provided no errors are
-detected, is a list of the actions that Exim would try to take if presented
-with the message for real. More details of filter testing are given in the
-separate document entitled \*Exim's interfaces to mail filtering*\.
-.index `From' line
-.index envelope sender
-.index \-f-\ option||for filter testing
-When testing a filter file, the envelope sender can be set by the \-f-\ option,
-or by a `From ' line at the start of the test message. Various parameters that
-would normally be taken from the envelope recipient address of the message can
-be set by means of additional command line options (see the next four options).
-.option bfd #<<domain>>
-This sets the domain of the recipient address when a filter file is being
-tested by means of the \-bf-\ option. The default is the value of
-.option bfl #<<local part>>
-This sets the local part of the recipient address when a filter file is being
-tested by means of the \-bf-\ option. The default is the username of the
-process that calls Exim. A local part should be specified with any prefix or
-suffix stripped, because that is how it appears to the filter when a message is
-actually being delivered.
-.option bfp #<<prefix>>
-This sets the prefix of the local part of the recipient address when a filter
-file is being tested by means of the \-bf-\ option. The default is an empty
-.option bfp #<<suffix>>
-This sets the suffix of the local part of the recipient address when a filter
-file is being tested by means of the \-bf-\ option. The default is an empty
-.option bh #<<IP address>>
-.index testing||incoming SMTP
-.index SMTP||testing incoming
-.index testing||relay control
-.index relaying||testing configuration
-.index policy control||testing
-.index debugging||\-bh-\ option
-This option runs a fake SMTP session as if from the given IP address, using the
-standard input and output. The IP address may include a port number at the end,
-after a full stop. For example:
-.display asis
-exim -bh
-exim -bh fe80::a00:20ff:fe86:a061.5678
-When an IPv6 address is given, it is converted into canonical form. In the case
-of the second example above, the value of \$sender@_host@_address$\ after
-conversion to the canonical form is \"fe80:0000:0000:0a00:20ff:fe86:a061.5678"\.
-Comments as to what is going on are written to the standard error file. These
-include lines beginning with `LOG' for anything that would have been logged.
-This facility is provided for testing configuration options for incoming
-messages, to make sure they implement the required policy. For example, you can
-test your relay controls using \-bh-\.
-.index RFC 1413
-\**Warning 1**\: You cannot test features of the configuration that rely on
-ident (RFC 1413) callouts. These cannot be done when testing using
-\-bh-\ because there is no incoming SMTP connection.
-\**Warning 2**\: Address verification callouts (see section ~~SECTcallver) are
-also skipped when testing using \-bh-\. If you want these callouts to occur,
-use \-bhc-\ instead.
-Messages supplied during the testing session are discarded, and nothing is
-written to any of the real log files. There may be pauses when DNS (and other)
-lookups are taking place, and of course these may time out. The \-oMi-\ option
-can be used to specify a specific IP interface and port if this is important.
-The \*exim@_checkaccess*\ utility is a `packaged' version of \-bh-\ whose
-output just states whether a given recipient address from a given host is
-acceptable or not. See section ~~SECTcheckaccess.
-.option bhc #<<IP address>>
-This option operates in the same way as \-bh-\, except that address
-verification callouts are performed if required. This includes consulting and
-updating the callout cache database.
-.option bi
-.index alias file||building
-.index building alias file
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-bi-\ option
-Sendmail interprets the \-bi-\ option as a request to rebuild its alias file.
-Exim does not have the concept of a single alias file, and so it cannot mimic
-this behaviour. However, calls to \(/usr/lib/sendmail)\ with the \-bi-\ option
-tend to appear in various scripts such as NIS make files, so the option must be
-If \-bi-\ is encountered, the command specified by the \bi@_command\
-configuration option is run, under the uid and gid of the caller of Exim. If
-the \-oA-\ option is used, its value is passed to the command as an argument.
-The command set by \bi@_command\ may not contain arguments. The command can use
-the \*exim@_dbmbuild*\ utility, or some other means, to rebuild alias files if
-this is required. If the \bi@_command\ option is not set, calling Exim with
-\-bi-\ is a no-op.
-.option bm
-.index local message reception
-This option runs an Exim receiving process that accepts an incoming,
-locally-generated message on the current input. The recipients are given as the
-command arguments (except when \-t-\ is also present -- see below). Each
-argument can be a comma-separated list of RFC 2822 addresses. This is the
-default option for selecting the overall action of an Exim call; it is assumed
-if no other conflicting option is present.
-If any addresses in the message are unqualified (have no domain), they are
-qualified by the values of the \qualify@_domain\ or \qualify@_recipient\
-options, as appropriate. The \-bnq-\ option (see below) provides a way of
-suppressing this for special cases.
-Policy checks on the contents of local messages can be enforced by means of the
-non-SMTP ACL. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for details.
-.index return code||for \-bm-\
-The return code is zero if the message is successfully accepted. Otherwise, the
-action is controlled by the \-oe$it{x}-\ option setting -- see below.
-.index message||format
-.index format||message
-.index `From' line
-.index UUCP||`From' line
-.index Sendmail compatibility||`From' line
-The format of the message must be as defined in RFC 2822, except that, for
-compatibility with Sendmail and Smail, a line in one of the forms
-From sender Fri Jan 5 12:55 GMT 1997
-From sender Fri, 5 Jan 97 12:55:01
-(with the weekday optional, and possibly with additional text after the date)
-is permitted to appear at the start of the message. There appears to be no
-authoritative specification of the format of this line. Exim recognizes it by
-matching against the regular expression defined by the \uucp@_from@_pattern\
-option, which can be changed if necessary.
-.index \-f-\ option||overriding `From' line
-The specified sender is treated as if it were given as the argument to the
-\-f-\ option, but if a \-f-\ option is also present, its argument is used in
-preference to the address taken from the message. The caller of Exim must be a
-trusted user for the sender of a message to be set in this way.
-.option bnq
-.index address||qualification, suppressing
-By default, Exim automatically qualifies unqualified addresses (those
-without domains) that appear in messages that are submitted locally (that
-is, not over TCP/IP). This qualification applies both to addresses in
-envelopes, and addresses in header lines. Sender addresses are qualified using
-\qualify@_domain\, and recipient addresses using \qualify@_recipient\ (which
-defaults to the value of \qualify@_domain\).
-Sometimes, qualification is not wanted. For example, if \-bS-\ (batch SMTP) is
-being used to re-submit messages that originally came from remote hosts after
-content scanning, you probably do not want to qualify unqualified addresses in
-header lines. (Such lines will be present only if you have not enabled a header
-syntax check in the appropriate ACL.)
-The \-bnq-\ option suppresses all qualification of unqualified addresses in
-messages that originate on the local host. When this is used, unqualified
-addresses in the envelope provoke errors (causing message rejection) and
-unqualified addresses in header lines are left alone.
-.option bP
-.index configuration options, extracting
-.index options||configuration, extracting
-If this option is given with no arguments, it causes the values of all Exim's
-main configuration options to be written to the standard output. The values
-of one or more specific options can be requested by giving their names as
-arguments, for example:
-exim -bP qualify@_domain hold@_domains
-However, any option setting that is preceded by the word `hide' in the
-configuration file is not shown in full, except to an admin user. For other
-users, the output is as in this example:
-.display asis
-mysql_servers = <value not displayable>
-If \configure@_file\ is given as an argument, the name of the run time
-configuration file is output.
-If a list of configuration files was supplied, the value that is output here
-is the name of the file that was actually used.
-.index daemon||process id (pid)
-.index pid (process id)||of daemon
-If \log__file__path\ or \pid@_file@_path\ are given, the names of the
-directories where log files and daemon pid files are written are output,
-respectively. If these values are unset, log files are written in a
-sub-directory of the spool directory called \log\, and the pid file is written
-directly into the spool directory.
-If \-bP-\ is followed by a name preceded by \"+"\, for example,
-.display asis
-exim -bP +local_domains
-it searches for a matching named list of any type (domain, host, address, or
-local part) and outputs what it finds.
-.index options||router, extracting
-.index options||transport, extracting
-If one of the words \router\, \transport\, or \authenticator\ is given,
-followed by the name of an appropriate driver instance, the option settings for
-that driver are output. For example:
-exim -bP transport local@_delivery
-The generic driver options are output first, followed by the driver's private
-options. A list of the names of drivers of a particular type can be obtained by
-using one of the words \router@_list\, \transport@_list\, or
-\authenticator@_list\, and a complete list of all drivers with their option
-settings can be obtained by using \routers\, \transports\, or \authenticators\.
-.option bp
-.index queue||listing messages on
-.index listing||messages on the queue
-This option requests a listing of the contents of the mail queue on the
-standard output. If the \-bp-\ option is followed by a list of message ids,
-just those messages are listed. By default, this option can be used only by an
-admin user. However, the \queue__list__requires__admin\ option can be set false
-to allow any user to see the queue.
-Each message on the queue is displayed as in the following example:
-25m 2.9K 0t5C6f-0000c8-00 <alice@@wonderland.fict.example>
- red.king@@looking-glass.fict.example
- <<other addresses>>
-.index message||size in queue listing
-.index size||of message
-The first line contains the length of time the message has been on the queue
-(in this case 25 minutes), the size of the message (2.9K), the unique local
-identifier for the message, and the message sender, as contained in the
-envelope. For bounce messages, the sender address is empty, and appears as
-`<>'. If the message was submitted locally by an untrusted user who overrode
-the default sender address, the user's login name is shown in parentheses
-before the sender address.
-.index frozen messages||in queue listing
-If the message is frozen (attempts to deliver it are suspended) then the text
-`$*$$*$$*$ frozen $*$$*$$*$' is displayed at the end of this line.
-The recipients of the message (taken from the envelope, not the headers) are
-displayed on subsequent lines. Those addresses to which the message has already
-been delivered are marked with the letter D. If an original address gets
-expanded into several addresses via an alias or forward file, the original is
-displayed with a D only when deliveries for all of its child addresses are
-.option bpa
-This option operates like \-bp-\, but in addition it shows delivered addresses
-that were generated from the original top level address(es) in each message by
-alias or forwarding operations. These addresses are flagged with `+D' instead
-of just `D'.
-.option bpc
-.index queue||count of messages on
-This option counts the number of messages on the queue, and writes the total
-to the standard output. It is restricted to admin users, unless
-\queue__list__requires__admin\ is set false.
-.option bpr
-This option operates like \-bp-\, but the output is not sorted into
-chronological order of message arrival. This can speed it up when there are
-lots of messages on the queue, and is particularly useful if the output is
-going to be post-processed in a way that doesn't need the sorting.
-.option bpra
-This option is a combination of \-bpr-\ and \-bpa-\.
-.option bpru
-This option is a combination of \-bpr-\ and \-bpu-\.
-.option bpu
-This option operates like \-bp-\ but shows only undelivered top-level addresses
-for each message displayed. Addresses generated by aliasing or forwarding are
-not shown, unless the message was deferred after processing by a router with
-the \one@_time\ option set.
-.option brt
-.index testing||retry configuration
-.index retry||configuration testing
-This option is for testing retry rules, and it must be followed by up to three
-arguments. It causes Exim to look for a retry rule that matches the values
-and to write it to the standard output. For example:
-.display asis
-exim -brt bach.comp.mus.example
-Retry rule: *.comp.mus.example F,2h,15m; F,4d,30m;
-See chapter ~~CHAPretry for a description of Exim's retry rules. The first
-argument, which is required, can be a complete address in the form
-\*local@_part@@domain*\, or it can be just a domain name. The second argument is
-an optional second domain name; if no retry rule is found for the first
-argument, the second is tried. This ties in with Exim's behaviour when looking
-for retry rules for remote hosts -- if no rule is found that matches the host,
-one that matches the mail domain is sought. The final argument is the name of a
-specific delivery error, as used in setting up retry rules, for example
-.option brw
-.index testing||rewriting
-.index rewriting||testing
-This option is for testing address rewriting rules, and it must be followed by
-a single argument, consisting of either a local part without a domain, or a
-complete address with a fully qualified domain. Exim outputs how this address
-would be rewritten for each possible place it might appear. See chapter
-~~CHAPrewrite for further details.
-.option bS
-.index SMTP||batched incoming
-.index batched SMTP input
-This option is used for batched SMTP input, which is an alternative interface
-for non-interactive local message submission. A number of messages can be
-submitted in a single run. However, despite its name, this is not really SMTP
-input. Exim reads each message's envelope from SMTP commands on the standard
-input, but generates no responses. If the caller is trusted, or
-\untrusted@_set@_sender\ is set, the senders in the SMTP \\MAIL\\ commands are
-believed; otherwise the sender is always the caller of Exim.
-The message itself is read from the standard input, in SMTP format (leading
-dots doubled), terminated by a line containing just a single dot. An error is
-provoked if the terminating dot is missing. A further message may then follow.
-As for other local message submissions, the contents of incoming batch SMTP
-messages can be checked using the non-SMTP ACL (see chapter ~~CHAPACL).
-Unqualified addresses are automatically qualified using \qualify@_domain\ and
-\qualify@_recipient\, as appropriate, unless the \-bnq-\ option is used.
-Some other SMTP commands are recognized in the input. \\HELO\\ and \\EHLO\\ act
-as \\RSET\\; \\VRFY\\, \\EXPN\\, \\ETRN\\, and \\HELP\\ act as \\NOOP\\;
-\\QUIT\\ quits, ignoring the rest of the standard input.
-If any error is encountered, reports are written to the standard output and
-error streams, and Exim gives up immediately.
-.index return code||for \-bS-\
-The return code is 0 if no error was detected; it is 1 if one or more messages
-were accepted before the error was detected; otherwise it is 2.
-More details of input using batched SMTP are given in section
-.option bs
-.index SMTP||local input
-.index local SMTP input
-This option causes Exim to accept one or more messages by reading SMTP commands
-on the standard input, and producing SMTP replies on the standard output. SMTP
-policy controls, as defined in ACLs (see chapter ~~CHAPACL) are applied.
-Some user agents use this interface as a way of passing locally-generated
-messages to the MTA.
-.index sender||source of
-In this usage, if the caller of Exim is trusted, or \untrusted@_set@_sender\ is
-set, the senders of messages are taken from the SMTP \\MAIL\\ commands.
-Otherwise the content of these commands is ignored and the sender is set up as
-the calling user. Unqualified addresses are automatically qualified using
-\qualify@_domain\ and \qualify@_recipient\, as appropriate, unless the \-bnq-\
-option is used.
-.index inetd
-The \-bs-\ option is also used to run Exim from \*inetd*\, as an alternative to
-using a listening daemon. Exim can distinguish the two cases by checking
-whether the standard input is a TCP/IP socket. When Exim is called from
-\*inetd*\, the source of the mail is assumed to be remote, and the comments
-above concerning senders and qualification do not apply. In this situation,
-Exim behaves in exactly the same way as it does when receiving a message via
-the listening daemon.
-.option bt
-.index testing||addresses
-.index address||testing
-This option runs Exim in address testing mode, in which each argument is taken
-as an address to be tested for deliverability. The results are written to the
-standard output. If a test fails, and the caller is not an admin user, no
-details of the failure are output, because these might contain sensitive
-information such as usernames and passwords for database lookups.
-If no arguments are given, Exim runs in an interactive manner, prompting with a
-right angle bracket for addresses to be tested.
-Unlike the \-be-\ test option, you cannot arrange for Exim to use the
-\*readline()*\ function, because it is running as \*root*\ and there are
-security issues.
-Each address is handled as if it were the recipient address of a message
-(compare the \-bv-\ option). It is passed to the routers and the result is
-written to the standard output. However, any router that has
-\no@_address@_test\ set is bypassed. This can make \-bt-\ easier to use for
-genuine routing tests if your first router passes everything to a scanner
-.index return code||for \-bt-\
-The return code is 2 if any address failed outright; it is 1 if no address
-failed outright but at least one could not be resolved for some reason. Return
-code 0 is given only when all addresses succeed.
-\**Warning**\: \-bt-\ can only do relatively simple testing. If any of the
-routers in the configuration makes any tests on the sender address of a
-.index \-f-\ option||for address testing
-you can use the \-f-\ option to set an appropriate sender when running
-\-bt-\ tests. Without it, the sender is assumed to be the calling user at the
-default qualifying domain. However, if you have set up (for example) routers
-whose behaviour depends on the contents of an incoming message, you cannot test
-those conditions using \-bt-\. The \-N-\ option provides a possible way of
-doing such tests.
-.option bV
-.index version number of Exim, verifying
-This option causes Exim to write the current version number, compilation
-number, and compilation date of the \*exim*\ binary to the standard output.
-It also lists the DBM library this is being used, the optional modules (such as
-specific lookup types), the drivers that are included in the binary, and the
-name of the run time configuration file that is in use.
-As part of its operation, \-bV-\ causes Exim to read and syntax check its
-configuration file. However, this is a static check only. It cannot check
-values that are to be expanded. For example, although a misspelt ACL verb is
-detected, an error in the verb's arguments is not. You cannot rely on \-bV-\
-alone to discover (for example) all the typos in the configuration; some
-realistic testing is needed. The \-bh-\ and \-N-\ options provide more dynamic
-testing facilities.
-.option bv
-.index verifying||address, using \-bv-\
-.index address||verification
-This option runs Exim in address verification mode, in which each argument is
-taken as an address to be verified. During normal operation, verification
-happens mostly as a consequence processing a \verify\ condition in an ACL (see
-chapter ~~CHAPACL). If you want to test an entire ACL, see the \-bh-\ option.
-If verification fails, and the caller is not an admin user, no details of the
-failure are output, because these might contain sensitive information such as
-usernames and passwords for database lookups.
-If no arguments are given, Exim runs in an interactive manner, prompting with a
-right angle bracket for addresses to be verified.
-Unlike the \-be-\ test option, you cannot arrange for Exim to use the
-\*readline()*\ function, because it is running as \*exim*\ and there are
-security issues.
-Verification differs from address testing (the \-bt-\ option) in that routers
-that have \no@_verify\ set are skipped, and if the address is accepted by a
-router that has \fail@_verify\ set, verification fails. The address is verified
-as a recipient if \-bv-\ is used; to test verification for a sender address,
-\-bvs-\ should be used.
-If the \-v-\ option is not set, the output consists of a single line for each
-address, stating whether it was verified or not, and giving a reason in the
-latter case. Otherwise, more details are given of how the address has been
-handled, and in the case of address redirection, all the generated addresses
-are also considered. Without \-v-\, generating more than one address by
-redirection causes verification to end sucessfully.
-.index return code||for \-bv-\
-The return code is 2 if any address failed outright; it is 1 if no address
-failed outright but at least one could not be resolved for some reason. Return
-code 0 is given only when all addresses succeed.
-If any of the routers in the configuration makes any tests on the sender
-address of a message, you should use the \-f-\ option to set an appropriate
-sender when running \-bv-\ tests. Without it, the sender is assumed to be the
-calling user at the default qualifying domain.
-.option bvs
-This option acts like \-bv-\, but verifies the address as a sender rather
-than a recipient address. This affects any rewriting and qualification that
-might happen.
-.option C #<<filelist>>
-.index configuration file||alternate
-.index \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\
-.index alternate configuration file
-This option causes Exim to find the run time configuration file from the given
-list instead of from the list specified by the \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\
-compile-time setting. Usually, the list will consist of just a single file
-name, but it can be a colon-separated list of names. In this case, the first
-file that exists is used. Failure to open an existing file stops Exim from
-proceeding any further along the list, and an error is generated.
-When this option is used by a caller other than root or the Exim user, and the
-list is different from the compiled-in list, Exim gives up its root privilege
-immediately, and runs with the real and effective uid and gid set to those of
-the caller. However, if \\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ is defined in
-\(Local/Makefile)\, root privilege is retained for \-C-\ only if the caller of
-Exim is root.
-That is, the Exim user is no longer privileged in this regard. This build-time
-option is not set by default in the Exim source distribution tarbundle.
-However, if you are using a `packaged' version of Exim (source or binary), the
-packagers might have enabled it.
-Setting \\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ locks out the possibility of testing a
-configuration using \-C-\ right through message reception and delivery, even if
-the caller is root. The reception works, but by that time, Exim is running as
-the Exim user, so when it re-execs to regain privilege for the delivery, the
-use of \-C-\ causes privilege to be lost. However, root can test reception and
-delivery using two separate commands (one to put a message on the queue, using
-\-odq-\, and another to do the delivery, using \-M-\).
-If \\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\ is defined \(in Local/Makefile)\, it specifies a
-prefix string with which any file named in a \-C-\ command line option
-must start. In addition, the file name must not contain the sequence \"/../"\.
-However, if the value of the \-C-\ option is identical to the value of
-\\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\, Exim ignores \-C-\ and proceeds as
-usual. There is no default setting for \\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\; when it is
-unset, any file name can be used with \-C-\.
-\\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\ can be used to confine alternative configuration files
-to a directory to which only root has access. This prevents someone who has
-broken into the Exim account from running a privileged Exim with an arbitrary
-configuration file.
-The \-C-\ facility is useful for ensuring that configuration files are
-syntactically correct, but cannot be used for test deliveries, unless the
-caller is privileged, or unless it is an exotic configuration that does not
-require privilege. No check is made on the owner or group of the files
-specified by this option.
-.option D <<macro>>=<<value>>
-.index macro||setting on command line
-This option can be used to override macro definitions in the configuration file
-(see section ~~SECTmacrodefs). However, like \-C-\, if it is used by an
-unprivileged caller, it causes Exim to give up its root privilege.
-If \\DISABLE@_D@_OPTION\\ is defined in \(Local/Makefile)\, the use of \-D-\ is
-completely disabled, and its use causes an immediate error exit.
-The entire option (including equals sign if present) must all be within one
-command line item. \-D-\ can be used to set the value of a macro to the empty
-string, in which case the equals sign is optional. These two commands are
-.display asis
-exim -DABC ...
-exim -DABC= ...
-To include spaces in a macro definition item, quotes must be used. If you use
-quotes, spaces are permitted around the macro name and the equals sign. For
-.display asis
-exim '-D ABC = something' ...
-\-D-\ may be repeated up to 10 times on a command line.
-.option d <<debug options>>
-.index debugging||list of selectors
-.index debugging||\-d-\ option
-This option causes debugging information to be written to the standard
-error stream. It is restricted to admin users because debugging output may show
-database queries that contain password information. Also, the details of users'
-filter files should be protected. When \-d-\ is used, \-v-\ is assumed. If
-\-d-\ is given on its own, a lot of standard debugging data is output. This can
-be reduced, or increased to include some more rarely needed information, by
-following \-d-\ with a string made up of names preceded by plus or minus
-characters. These add or remove sets of debugging data, respectively. For
-example, \-d+filter-\ adds filter debugging, whereas \-d-all+filter-\ selects
-only filter debugging. The available debugging categories are:
-.display flow
-.tabs 21
-. The odd formatting of the lines below is deliberate. It does not affect the
-. SGCAL output, but by putting in the space it keeps things aligned in the man
-. page that is automatically generated from this text.
-acl $t $rm{ACL interpretation}
-auth $t $rm{authenticators}
-deliver $t $rm{general delivery logic}
-dns $t $rm{DNS lookups (see also resolver)}
-dnsbl $t $rm{DNS black list (aka RBL) code}
-exec $t $rm{arguments for \execv@(@)\ calls}
-expand $t $rm{detailed debugging for string expansions}
-filter $t $rm{filter handling}
-hints@_lookup $t $rm{hints data lookups}
-host@_lookup $t $rm{all types of name-to-IP address handling}
-ident $t $rm{ident lookup}
-interface $t $rm{lists of local interfaces}
-lists $t $rm{matching things in lists}
-load $t $rm{system load checks}
-local@_scan $t $rm{can be used by \*local@_scan()*\ (see chapter ~~CHAPlocalscan)}
-lookup $t $rm{general lookup code and all lookups}
-memory $t $rm{memory handling}
-pid $t $rm{add pid to debug output lines}
-process@_info $t $rm{setting info for the process log}
-queue@_run $t $rm{queue runs}
-receive $t $rm{general message reception logic}
-resolver $t $rm{turn on the DNS resolver's debugging output}
-retry $t $rm{retry handling}
-rewrite $t $rm{address rewriting}
-route $t $rm{address routing}
-timestamp $t $rm{add timestamp to debug output lines}
-tls $t $rm{TLS logic}
-transport $t $rm{transports}
-uid $t $rm{changes of uid/gid and looking up uid/gid}
-verify $t $rm{address verification logic}
-all $t $rm{all of the above, and also \-v-\}
-.index resolver, debugging output
-.index DNS||resolver, debugging output
-The \"resolver"\ option produces output only if the DNS resolver was compiled
-with \\DEBUG\\ enabled. This is not the case in some operating systems. Also,
-unfortunately, debugging output from the DNS resolver is written to stdout
-rather than stderr.
-The default (\-d-\ with no argument) omits \"expand"\, \"filter"\,
-\"interface"\, \"load"\, \"memory"\, \"pid"\, \"resolver"\, and \"timestamp"\.
-However, the \"pid"\ selector is forced when debugging is turned on for a
-daemon, which then passes it on to any re-executed Exims. Exim also
-automatically adds the pid to debug lines when several remote deliveries are
-run in parallel.
-The \"timestamp"\ selector causes the current time to be inserted at the start
-of all debug output lines. This can be useful when trying to track down delays
-in processing.
-If the \debug@_print\ option is set in any driver, it produces output whenever
-any debugging is selected, or if \-v-\ is used.
-.option dd <<debug options>>
-This option behaves exactly like \-d-\ except when used on a command that
-starts a daemon process. In that case, debugging is turned off for the
-subprocesses that the daemon creates. Thus, it is useful for monitoring the
-behaviour of the daemon without creating as much output as full debugging does.
-.option dropcr
-This is an obsolete option that is now a no-op. It used to affect the way Exim
-handled CR and LF characters in incoming messages. What happens now is
-described in section ~~SECTlineendings.
-.option E
-.index bounce message||generating
-This option specifies that an incoming message is a locally-generated delivery
-failure report. It is used internally by Exim when handling delivery failures
-and is not intended for external use. Its only effect is to stop Exim
-generating certain messages to the postmaster, as otherwise message cascades
-could occur in some situations. As part of the same option, a message id may
-follow the characters \-E-\. If it does, the log entry for the receipt of the
-new message contains the id, following `R=', as a cross-reference.
-.option e$it{x}
-There are a number of Sendmail options starting with \-oe-\ which seem to be
-called by various programs without the leading \o\ in the option. For example,
-the \vacation\ program uses \-eq-\. Exim treats all options of the form
-\-e$it{x}-\ as synonymous with the corresponding \-oe$it{x}-\ options.
-.option F #<<string>>
-.index sender||name
-.index name||of sender
-This option sets the sender's full name for use when a locally-generated
-message is being accepted. In the absence of this option, the user's \*gecos*\
-entry from the password data is used. As users are generally permitted to alter
-their \*gecos*\ entries, no security considerations are involved. White space
-between \-F-\ and the <<string>> is optional.
-.option f #<<address>>
-.index sender||address
-.index address||sender
-.index trusted user
-.index envelope sender
-.index user||trusted
-This option sets the address of the envelope sender of a locally-generated
-message (also known as the return path). The option can normally be used only
-by a trusted user, but \untrusted@_set@_sender\ can be set to allow untrusted
-users to use it.
-Processes running as root or the Exim user are always trusted. Other
-trusted users are defined by the \trusted@_users\ or \trusted@_groups\ options.
-In the absence of \-f-\, or if the caller is not trusted, the sender of a local
-message is set to the caller's login name at the default qualify domain.
-There is one exception to the restriction on the use of \-f-\: an empty sender
-can be specified by any user, trusted or not,
-to create a message that can never provoke a bounce. An empty sender can be
-specified either as an empty string, or as a pair of angle brackets with
-nothing between them, as in these examples of shell commands:
-.display asis
-exim -f '<>' user@domain
-exim -f "" user@domain
-In addition, the use of \-f-\ is not restricted when testing a filter file with
-\-bf-\ or when testing or verifying addresses using the \-bt-\ or \-bv-\
-Allowing untrusted users to change the sender address does not of itself make
-it possible to send anonymous mail. Exim still checks that the ::From:: header
-refers to the local user, and if it does not, it adds a ::Sender:: header,
-though this can be overridden by setting \no@_local@_from@_check\.
-.index `From' line
-White space between \-f-\ and the <<address>> is optional
-(that is, they can be given as two arguments or one combined argument).
-The sender of a locally-generated message can also be set (when permitted) by
-an initial `From ' line in the message -- see the description of \-bm-\ above
--- but if \-f-\ is also present, it overrides `From'.
-.option G
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-G-\ option ignored
-This is a Sendmail option which is ignored by Exim.
-.option h #<<number>>
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-h-\ option ignored
-This option is accepted for compatibility with Sendmail, but has no effect. (In
-Sendmail it overrides the `hop count' obtained by counting ::Received::
-.option i
-.index Solaris||\*mail*\ command
-.index dot||in incoming, non-SMTP message
-This option, which has the same effect as \-oi-\, specifies that a dot on a
-line by itself should not terminate an incoming, non-SMTP message. I can find
-no documentation for this option in Solaris 2.4 Sendmail, but the \*mailx*\
-command in Solaris 2.4 uses it. See also \-ti-\.
-.option M #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index forcing delivery
-.index delivery||forcing attempt
-.index frozen messages||forcing delivery
-This option requests Exim to run a delivery attempt on each message in turn. If
-any of the messages are frozen, they are automatically thawed before the
-delivery attempt. The settings of \queue@_domains\, \queue@_smtp@_domains\, and
-\hold@_domains\ are ignored.
-.index hints database||overriding retry hints
-Retry hints for any of the addresses are
-overridden -- Exim tries to deliver even if the normal retry time has not yet
-been reached. This option requires the caller to be an admin user. However,
-there is an option called \prod@_requires@_admin\ which can be set false to
-relax this restriction (and also the same requirement for the \-q-\, \-R-\, and
-\-S-\ options).
-.option Mar #<<message id>>#<<address>>#<<address>> ...
-.index message||adding recipients
-.index recipient||adding
-This option requests Exim to add the addresses to the list of recipients of the
-message (`ar' for `add recipients'). The first argument must be a message id,
-and the remaining ones must be email addresses. However, if the message is
-active (in the middle of a delivery attempt), it is not altered. This option
-can be used only by an admin user.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-.option MC #<<transport>>#<<hostname>>#<<sequence number>>#<<message id>>
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim to invoke another instance of itself to deliver a waiting message using
-an existing SMTP connection, which is passed as the standard input. Details are
-given in chapter ~~CHAPSMTP. This must be the final option, and the caller must
-be root or the Exim user in order to use it.
-.option MCA
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim in conjunction with the \-MC-\ option. It signifies that the connection
-to the remote host has been authenticated.
-.option MCP
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim in conjunction with the \-MC-\ option. It signifies that the server to
-which Exim is connected supports pipelining.
-.option MCQ #<<process id>> <<pipe fd>>
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim in conjunction with the \-MC-\ option when the original delivery was
-started by a queue runner. It passes on the process id of the queue runner,
-together with the file descriptor number of an open pipe. Closure of the pipe
-signals the final completion of the sequence of processes that are passing
-messages through the same SMTP connection.
-.option MCS
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim in conjunction with the \-MC-\ option, and passes on the fact that the
-SMTP \\SIZE\\ option should be used on messages delivered down the existing
-.option MCT
-This option is not intended for use by external callers. It is used internally
-by Exim in conjunction with the \-MC-\ option, and passes on the fact that the
-host to which Exim is connected supports TLS encryption.
-.option Mc #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index hints database||not overridden by \-Mc-\
-.index delivery||manually started, not forced
-This option requests Exim to run a delivery attempt on each message in turn,
-but unlike the \-M-\ option, it does check for retry hints, and respects any
-that are found. This option is not very useful to external callers. It is
-provided mainly for internal use by Exim when it needs to re-invoke itself in
-order to regain root privilege for a delivery (see chapter ~~CHAPsecurity).
-However, \-Mc-\ can be useful when testing, in order to run a delivery that
-respects retry times and other options such as \hold@_domains\ that are
-overridden when \-M-\ is used. Such a delivery does not count as a queue run.
-If you want to run a specific delivery as if in a queue run, you should use
-\-q-\ with a message id argument. A distinction between queue run deliveries
-and other deliveries is made in one or two places.
-.option Mes #<<message id>>#<<address>>
-.index message||changing sender
-.index sender||changing
-This option requests Exim to change the sender address in the message to the
-given address, which must be a fully qualified address or `<>' (`es' for `edit
-sender'). There must be exactly two arguments. The first argument must be a
-message id, and the second one an email address. However, if the message is
-active (in the middle of a delivery attempt), its status is not altered. This
-option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mf #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index freezing messages
-.index message||manually freezing
-This option requests Exim to mark each listed message as `frozen'. This
-prevents any delivery attempts taking place until the message is `thawed',
-either manually or as a result of the \auto@_thaw\ configuration option.
-However, if any of the messages are active (in the middle of a delivery
-attempt), their status is not altered. This option can be used only by an admin
-.option Mg #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index giving up on messages
-.index message||abandoning delivery attempts
-.index delivery||abandoning further attempts
-This option requests Exim to give up trying to deliver the listed messages,
-including any that are frozen. However, if any of the messages are active,
-their status is not altered.
-For non-bounce messages, a delivery error message is sent to the sender,
-containing the text `cancelled by administrator'. Bounce messages are just
-This option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mmad #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index delivery||cancelling all
-This option requests Exim to mark all the recipient addresses in the messages
-as already delivered (`mad' for `mark all delivered'). However, if any message
-is active (in the middle of a delivery attempt), its status is not altered.
-This option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mmd #<<message id>>#<<address>>#<<address>> ...
-.index delivery||cancelling by address
-.index recipient||removing
-.index removing recipients
-This option requests Exim to mark the given addresses as already delivered
-(`md' for `mark delivered'). The first argument must be a message id, and the
-remaining ones must be email addresses. These are matched to recipient
-addresses in the message in a case-sensitive manner. If the message is active
-(in the middle of a delivery attempt), its status is not altered. This option
-can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mrm #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index removing messages
-.index abandoning mail
-.index message||manually discarding
-This option requests Exim to remove the given messages from the queue. No
-bounce messages are sent; each message is simply forgotten. However, if any of
-the messages are active, their status is not altered. This option can be used
-only by an admin user or by the user who originally caused the message to be
-placed on the queue.
-.option Mt #<<message id>>#<<message id>> ...
-.index thawing messages
-.index unfreezing messages
-.index frozen messages||thawing
-.index message||thawing frozen
-This option requests Exim to `thaw' any of the listed messages that are
-`frozen', so that delivery attempts can resume. However, if any of the messages
-are active, their status is not altered. This option can be used only by an
-admin user.
-.option Mvb #<<message id>>
-.index listing||message body
-.index message||listing body of
-This option causes the contents of the message body (-D) spool file to be
-written to the standard output. This option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mvh #<<message id>>
-.index listing||message headers
-.index header lines||listing
-.index message||listing header lines
-This option causes the contents of the message headers (-H) spool file to be
-written to the standard output. This option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option Mvl #<<message id>>
-.index listing||message log
-.index message||listing message log
-This option causes the contents of the message log spool file to be written to
-the standard output. This option can be used only by an admin user.
-.option m
-This is apparently a synonym for \-om-\ that is accepted by Sendmail, so Exim
-treats it that way too.
-.option N
-.index debugging||\-N-\ option
-.index debugging||suppressing delivery
-This is a debugging option that inhibits delivery of a message at the transport
-level. It implies \-v-\. Exim goes through many of the motions of delivery --
-it just doesn't actually transport the message, but instead behaves as if it
-had successfully done so. However, it does not make any updates to the retry
-database, and the log entries for deliveries are flagged with `$*$>' rather
-than `=>'.
-Because \-N-\ discards any message to which it applies, only root or the Exim
-user are allowed to use it with \-bd-\, \-q-\, \-R-\ or \-M-\. In other words,
-an ordinary user can use it only when supplying an incoming message to which it
-will apply. Although transportation never fails when \-N-\ is set, an address
-may be deferred because of a configuration problem on a transport, or a routing
-problem. Once \-N-\ has been used for a delivery attempt, it sticks to the
-message, and applies to any subsequent delivery attempts that may happen for
-that message.
-.option n
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-n-\ option ignored
-This option is interpreted by Sendmail to mean `no aliasing'. It is ignored by
-.option O #<<data>>
-This option is interpreted by Sendmail to mean `set option`. It is ignored by
-.option oA #<<file name>>
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-oA-\ option
-This option is used by Sendmail in conjunction with \-bi-\ to specify an
-alternative alias file name. Exim handles \-bi-\ differently; see the
-description above.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.option oB #<<n>>
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-This is a debugging option which limits the maximum number of messages that can
-be delivered down one SMTP connection, overriding the value set in any \%smtp%\
-transport. If <<n>> is omitted, the limit is set to 1.
-.option odb
-.index background delivery
-.index delivery||in the background
-This option applies to all modes in which Exim accepts incoming messages,
-including the listening daemon. It requests `background' delivery of such
-messages, which means that the accepting process automatically starts a
-delivery process for each message received, but does not wait for the delivery
-processes to finish.
-When all the messages have been received, the reception process exits, leaving
-the delivery processes to finish in their own time. The standard output and
-error streams are closed at the start of each delivery process.
-This is the default action if none of the \-od-\ options are present.
-If one of the queueing options in the configuration file
-(\queue@_only\ or \queue@_only@_file\, for example) is in effect, \-odb-\
-overrides it if \queue@_only@_override\ is set true, which is the default
-setting. If \queue@_only@_override\ is set false, \-odb-\ has no effect.
-.option odf
-.index foreground delivery
-.index delivery||in the foreground
-This option requests `foreground' (synchronous) delivery when Exim has accepted
-a locally-generated message. (For the daemon it is exactly the same as
-\-odb-\.) A delivery process is automatically started to deliver the
-message, and Exim waits for it to complete before proceeding.
-The original Exim reception process does not finish until the delivery
-process for the final message has ended. The standard error stream is left open
-during deliveries.
-However, like \-odb-\, this option has no effect if \queue@_only@_override\ is
-false and one of the queueing options in the configuration file is in effect.
-If there is a temporary delivery error during foreground delivery, the message
-is left on the queue for later delivery, and the original reception process
-exists. See chapter ~~CHAPnonqueueing for a way of setting up a restricted
-configuration that never queues messages.
-.option odi
-This option is synonymous with \-odf-\. It is provided for compatibility with
-.option odq
-.index non-immediate delivery
-.index delivery||suppressing immediate
-.index queueing incoming messages
-This option applies to all modes in which Exim accepts incoming messages,
-including the listening daemon. It specifies that the accepting process should
-not automatically start a delivery process for each message received. Messages
-are placed on the queue, and remain there until a subsequent queue runner
-process encounters them.
-There are several configuration options (such as \queue@_only\) that can be
-used to queue incoming messages under certain conditions. This option overrides
-all of them and also \-odqs-\. It always forces queueing.
-.option odqs
-.index SMTP||delaying delivery
-This option is a hybrid between \-odb-\/\-odi-\ and \-odq-\.
-However, like \-odb-\ and \-odi-\, this option has no effect if
-\queue@_only@_override\ is false and one of the queueing options in the
-configuration file is in effect.
-When \-odqs-\ does operate, a delivery process is started for each incoming
-message, in the background by default, but in the foreground if \-odi-\ is also
-The recipient addresses are routed, and local deliveries are done in the normal
-way. However, if any SMTP deliveries are required, they are not done at this
-time, so the message remains on the queue until a subsequent queue runner
-process encounters it. Because routing was done, Exim knows which messages are
-waiting for which hosts, and so a number of messages for the same host can be
-sent in a single SMTP connection. The \queue@_smtp@_domains\ configuration
-option has the same effect for specific domains. See also the \-qq-\ option.
-.option oee
-.index error||reporting
-If an error is detected while a non-SMTP message is being received (for
-example, a malformed address), the error is reported to the sender in a mail
-.index return code||for \-oee-\
-Provided this error message is successfully sent, the Exim receiving process
-exits with a return code of zero. If not, the return code is 2 if the problem
-is that the original message has no recipients, or 1 any other error. This is
-the default \-oe$it{x}-\ option if Exim is called as \*rmail*\.
-.option oem
-.index error||reporting
-.index return code||for \-oem-\
-This is the same as \-oee-\, except that Exim always exits with a non-zero
-return code, whether or not the error message was successfully sent.
-This is the default \-oe$it{x}-\ option, unless Exim is called as \*rmail*\.
-.option oep
-.index error||reporting
-If an error is detected while a non-SMTP message is being received, the
-error is reported by writing a message to the standard error file (stderr).
-.index return code||for \-oep-\
-The return code is 1 for all errors.
-.option oeq
-.index error||reporting
-This option is supported for compatibility with Sendmail, but has the same
-effect as \-oep-\.
-.option oew
-.index error||reporting
-This option is supported for compatibility with Sendmail, but has the same
-effect as \-oem-\.
-.option oi
-.index dot||in incoming, non-SMTP message
-This option, which has the same effect as \-i-\, specifies that a dot on a line
-by itself should not terminate an incoming, non-SMTP message.
-Otherwise, a single dot does terminate, though Exim does no special processing
-for other lines that start with a dot.
-This option is set by default if Exim is called as \*rmail*\. See also \-ti-\.
-.option oitrue
-This option is treated as synonymous with \-oi-\.
-.option oMa #<<host address>>
-.index sender||host address, specifying for local message
-A number of options starting with \-oM-\ can be used to set values associated
-with remote hosts on locally-submitted messages (that is, messages not received
-over TCP/IP). These options can be used by any caller in conjunction with the
-\-bf-\, \-bF-\, \-bt-\, or \-bv-\ testing options. In other circumstances, they
-are ignored unless the caller is trusted.
-The \-oMa-\ option sets the sender host address. This may include a port number
-at the end, after a full stop (period). For example:
-.display asis
-exim -bs -oMa
-An alternative syntax is to enclose the IP address in square brackets, followed
-by a colon and the port number:
-.display asis
-exim -bs -oMa []:1234
-The IP address is placed in the \$sender@_host@_address$\ variable, and the
-port, if present, in \$sender@_host@_port$\.
-.option oMaa #<<name>>
-.index authentication||name, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMaa-\
-option sets the value of \$sender@_host@_authenticated$\ (the authenticator
-name). See chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for a discussion of SMTP authentication.
-.option oMai #<<string>>
-.index authentication||id, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMai-\
-option sets the
-value of \$authenticated@_id$\ (the id that was authenticated).
-This overrides the default value (the caller's login id) for messages from
-local sources. See chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for a discussion of authenticated
-.option oMas #<<address>>
-.index authentication||sender, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMas-\
-option sets the authenticated sender value
-in \$authenticated@_sender$\.
-It overrides the sender address that is created from the caller's login id for
-messages from local sources. See chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for a discussion of
-authenticated senders.
-.option oMi #<<interface address>>
-.index interface||address, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMi-\
-option sets the IP interface address value. A port number may be included,
-using the same syntax as for \-oMa-\.
-The interface address is placed in \$interface@_address$\ and the port number,
-if present, in \$interface@_port$\.
-.option oMr #<<protocol name>>
-.index protocol||incoming, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMr-\
-option sets the received protocol value that is stored in
-\$received@_protocol$\. However, this applies only when \-bs-\ is not used. For
-interactive SMTP input (\-bs-\), the protocol is always
-`local-' followed by one of the standard SMTP protocol names (see the
-description of \$received@_protocol$\ in section ~~SECTexpvar).
-For \-bS-\ (batch SMTP) however, the protocol can be set by \-oMr-\.
-.option oMs #<<host name>>
-.index sender||host name, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMs-\
-option sets the sender host name
-in \$sender@_host@_name$\. When this option is present, Exim does not attempt
-to look up a host name from an IP address; it uses the name it is given.
-.option oMt #<<ident string>>
-.index sender||ident string, specifying for local message
-See \-oMa-\ above for general remarks about the \-oM-\ options. The \-oMt-\
-option sets the sender ident value
-in \$sender@_ident$\.
-The default setting for local callers is the login id of the calling process.
-.option om
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-om-\ option ignored
-In Sendmail, this option means `me too', indicating that the sender of a
-message should receive a copy of the message if the sender appears in an alias
-expansion. Exim always does this, so the option does nothing.
-.option oo
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-oo-\ option ignored
-This option is ignored. In Sendmail it specifies `old style headers', whatever
-that means.
-.option oP #<<path>>
-.index pid (process id)||of daemon
-.index daemon||process id (pid)
-This option is useful only in conjunction with \-bd-\ or \-q-\ with a time
-value. The option specifies the file to which the process id of the daemon is
-written. When \-oX-\ is used with \-bd-\, or when \-q-\ with a time is used
-without \-bd-\, this is the only way of causing Exim to write a pid file,
-because in those cases, the normal pid file is not used.
-.option or #<<time>>
-.index timeout||for non-SMTP input
-This option sets a timeout value for incoming non-SMTP messages. If it is not
-set, Exim will wait forever for the standard input. The value can also be set
-by the \receive@_timeout\ option. The format used for specifying times is
-described in section ~~SECTtimeformat.
-.option os #<<time>>
-.index timeout||for SMTP input
-.index SMTP||timeout, input
-This option sets a timeout value for incoming SMTP messages. The timeout
-applies to each SMTP command and block of data. The value can also be set by
-the \smtp@_receive@_timeout\ option; it defaults to 5 minutes. The format used
-for specifying times is described in section ~~SECTtimeformat.
-.option ov
-This option has exactly the same effect as \-v-\.
-.option oX #<<number or string>>
-.index TCP/IP||setting listening ports
-.index TCP/IP||setting listening interfaces
-.index port||receiving TCP/IP
-This option is relevant only when the \-bd-\ (start listening daemon) option is
-also given. It controls which ports and interfaces the daemon uses. Details of
-the syntax, and how it interacts with configuration file options, are given in
-chapter ~~CHAPinterfaces. When \-oX-\ is used to start a daemon, no pid file is
-written unless \-oP-\ is also present to specify a pid file name.
-.option pd
-.index Perl||starting the interpreter
-This option applies when an embedded Perl interpreter is linked with Exim (see
-chapter ~~CHAPperl). It overrides the setting of the \perl@_at@_start\ option,
-forcing the starting of the interpreter to be delayed until it is needed.
-.option ps
-.index Perl||starting the interpreter
-This option applies when an embedded Perl interpreter is linked with Exim (see
-chapter ~~CHAPperl). It overrides the setting of the \perl@_at@_start\ option,
-forcing the starting of the interpreter to occur as soon as Exim is started.
-.option p<<rval>>:<<sval>>
-For compatibility with Sendmail, this option
-is equivalent to
--oMr <<rval>> -oMs <<sval>>
-It sets the incoming protocol and host name (for trusted callers). The
-host name and its colon can be omitted when only the protocol is to be set.
-Note the Exim already has two private options, \-pd-\ and \-ps-\, that refer to
-embedded Perl. It is therefore impossible to set a protocol value of \"p"\ or
-\"s"\ using this option (but that does not seem a real limitation).
-.option q
-.index queue runner||starting manually
-This option is normally restricted to admin users. However, there is a
-configuration option called \prod@_requires@_admin\ which can be set false to
-relax this restriction (and also the same requirement for the \-M-\, \-R-\, and
-\-S-\ options).
-.index queue runner||description of operation
-The \-q-\ option starts one queue runner process. This scans the queue of
-waiting messages, and runs a delivery process for each one in turn. It waits
-for each delivery process to finish before starting the next one. A delivery
-process may not actually do any deliveries if the retry times for the addresses
-have not been reached. Use \-qf-\ (see below) if you want to override this.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-If the delivery process spawns other processes to deliver other messages down
-passed SMTP connections, the queue runner waits for these to finish before
-When all the queued messages have been considered, the original queue runner
-process terminates. In other words, a single pass is made over the waiting
-mail, one message at a time. Use \-q-\ with a time (see below) if you want this
-to be repeated periodically.
-Exim processes the waiting messages in an unpredictable order. It isn't very
-random, but it is likely to be different each time, which is all that matters.
-If one particular message screws up a remote MTA, other messages to the same
-MTA have a chance of getting through if they get tried first.
-It is possible to cause the messages to be processed in lexical message id
-order, which is essentially the order in which they arrived, by setting the
-\queue@_run@_in@_order\ option, but this is not recommended for normal use.
-.option q <<qflags>>
-The \-q-\ option may be followed by one or more flag letters that change its
-behaviour. They are all optional, but if more than one is present, they must
-appear in the correct order. Each flag is described in a separate item below.
-.option qq...
-.index queue||double scanning
-.index queue||routing
-.index routing||whole queue before delivery
-An option starting with \-qq-\ requests a two-stage queue run. In the first
-stage, the queue is scanned as if the \queue@_smtp@_domains\ option matched
-every domain. Addresses are routed, local deliveries happen, but no remote
-transports are run.
-.index hints database||remembering routing
-The hints database that remembers which messages are
-waiting for specific hosts is updated, as if delivery to those hosts had been
-deferred. After this is complete, a second, normal queue scan happens, with
-routing and delivery taking place as normal. Messages that are routed to the
-same host should mostly be delivered down a single SMTP
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-connection because of the hints that were set up during the first queue scan.
-This option may be useful for hosts that are connected to the Internet
-.option q[q]i...
-.index queue||initial delivery
-If the \*i*\ flag is present, the queue runner runs delivery processes only for
-those messages that haven't previously been tried. (\*i*\ stands for `initial
-delivery'.) This can be helpful if you are putting messages on the queue using
-\-odq-\ and want a queue runner just to process the new messages.
-.option q[q][i]f...
-.index queue||forcing delivery
-.index delivery||forcing in queue run
-If one \*f*\ flag is present, a delivery attempt is forced for each non-frozen
-message, whereas without \f\ only those non-frozen addresses that have passed
-their retry times are tried.
-.option q[q][i]ff...
-.index frozen messages||forcing delivery
-If \*ff*\ is present, a delivery attempt is forced for every message, whether
-frozen or not.
-.option q[q][i][f[f]]l
-.index queue||local deliveries only
-The \*l*\ (the letter `ell') flag specifies that only local deliveries are to be
-done. If a message requires any remote deliveries, it remains on the queue for
-later delivery.
-.option q <<qflags>>#<<start id>>#<<end id>>
-.index queue||delivering specific messages
-When scanning the queue, Exim can be made to skip over messages whose ids are
-lexically less than a given value by following the \-q-\ option with a starting
-message id. For example:
-exim -q 0t5C6f-0000c8-00
-Messages that arrived earlier than \"0t5C6f-0000c8-00"\ are not inspected. If a
-second message id is given, messages whose ids are lexically greater than it
-are also skipped. If the same id is given twice, for example,
-exim -q 0t5C6f-0000c8-00 0t5C6f-0000c8-00
-just one delivery process is started, for that message. This differs from \-M-\
-in that retry data is respected, and it also differs from \-Mc-\ in that it
-counts as a delivery from a queue run. Note that the selection mechanism does
-not affect the order in which the messages are scanned. There are also other
-ways of selecting specific sets of messages for delivery in a queue run -- see
-\-R-\ and \-S-\.
-.option q <<qflags>><<time>>
-.index queue runner||starting periodically
-.index periodic queue running
-When a time value is present, the \-q-\ option causes Exim to run as a daemon,
-starting a queue runner process at intervals specified by the given time value
-(whose format is described in section ~~SECTtimeformat). This form of the \-q-\
-option is commonly combined with the \-bd-\ option, in which case a single
-daemon process handles both functions. A common way of starting up a combined
-daemon at system boot time is to use a command such as
-/usr/exim/bin/exim -bd -q30m
-Such a daemon listens for incoming SMTP calls, and also starts a queue runner
-process every 30 minutes.
-When a daemon is started by \-q-\ with a time value, but without \-bd-\, no pid
-file is written unless one is explicitly requested by the \-oP-\ option.
-.option qR <<rsflags>>#<<string>>
-This option is synonymous with \-R-\. It is provided for Sendmail
-.option qS <<rsflags>>#<<string>>
-This option is synonymous with \-S-\.
-.option R <<rsflags>>#<<string>>
-.index queue runner||for specific recipients
-.index delivery||to given domain
-.index domain||delivery to
-The <<rsflags>> may be empty, in which case the white space before the string
-is optional, unless the string is \*f*\, \*ff*\, \*r*\, \*rf*\, or \*rff*\,
-which are the possible values for <<rsflags>>. White space is required if
-<<rsflags>> is not empty.
-This option is similar to \-q-\ with no time value, that is, it causes Exim to
-perform a single queue run, except that, when scanning the messages on the
-queue, Exim processes only those that have at least one undelivered recipient
-address containing the given string, which is checked in a case-independent
-way. If the <<rsflags>> start with \*r*\, <<string>> is interpreted as a regular
-expression; otherwise it is a literal string.
-Once a message is selected, all its addresses are processed. For the first
-selected message, Exim overrides any retry information and forces a delivery
-attempt for each undelivered address. This means that if delivery of any
-address in the first message is successful, any existing retry information is
-deleted, and so delivery attempts for that address in subsequently selected
-messages (which are processed without forcing) will run. However, if delivery
-of any address does not succeed, the retry information is updated, and in
-subsequently selected messages, the failing address will be skipped.
-If the <<rsflags>> contain \*f*\ or \*ff*\, the delivery forcing applies to all
-selected messages, not just the first;
-.index frozen messages||forcing delivery
-frozen messages are included when \*ff*\ is present.
-The \-R-\ option makes it straightforward to initiate delivery of all messages
-to a given domain after a host has been down for some time. When the SMTP
-command \\ETRN\\ is accepted by its ACL (see chapter ~~CHAPACL), its default
-effect is to run Exim with the \-R-\ option, but it can be configured to run an
-arbitrary command instead.
-.option r
-This is a documented (for Sendmail) obsolete alternative name for \-f-\.
-.index delivery||from given sender
-.option S <<rsflags>>#<<string>>
-.index queue runner||for specific senders
-This option acts like \-R-\ except that it checks the string against each
-message's sender instead of against the recipients. If \-R-\ is also set, both
-conditions must be met for a message to be selected. If either of the options
-has \*f*\ or \*ff*\ in its flags, the associated action is taken.
-.option Tqt#<<times>>
-This an option that is exclusively for use by the Exim testing suite.
-It is not recognized when Exim is run normally. It allows for the setting up
-of explicit `queue times' so that various warning/retry features can be
-.option t
-.index recipient||extracting from header lines
-.index ::Bcc:: header line
-.index ::Cc:: header line
-.index ::To:: header line
-When Exim is receiving a locally-generated, non-SMTP message on its standard
-input, the \-t-\ option causes the recipients of the message to be obtained
-from the ::To::, ::Cc::, and ::Bcc:: header lines in the message instead of from
-the command arguments. The addresses are extracted before any rewriting takes
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-t-\ option
-If the command has any arguments, they specify addresses to which the message
-is $it{not} to be delivered. That is, the argument addresses are removed from
-the recipients list obtained from the headers. This is compatible with Smail 3
-and in accordance with the documented behaviour of several versions of
-Sendmail, as described in man pages on a number of operating systems (e.g.
-Solaris 8, IRIX 6.5, HP-UX 11). However, some versions of Sendmail $it{add}
-argument addresses to those obtained from the headers, and the O'Reilly
-Sendmail book documents it that way. Exim can be made to add argument addresses
-instead of subtracting them by setting the option
-\extract__addresses__remove__arguments\ false.
-If a ::Bcc:: header line is present, it is removed from the message unless
-there is no ::To:: or ::Cc::, in which case a ::Bcc:: line with no data is
-created. This is necessary for conformity with the original RFC 822 standard;
-the requirement has been removed in RFC 2822, but that is still very new.
-.index \Resent@-\ header lines||with \-t-\
-If there are any \Resent@-\ header lines in the message, Exim extracts
-recipients from all ::Resent-To::, ::Resent-Cc::, and ::Resent-Bcc:: header
-lines instead of from ::To::, ::Cc::, and ::Bcc::. This is for compatibility
-with Sendmail and other MTAs. (Prior to release 4.20, Exim gave an error if
-\-t-\ was used in conjunction with \Resent@-\ header lines.)
-RFC 2822 talks about different sets of \Resent@-\ header lines (for when a
-message is resent several times). The RFC also specifies that they should be
-added at the front of the message, and separated by ::Received:: lines. It is
-not at all clear how \-t-\ should operate in the present of multiple sets,
-nor indeed exactly what constitutes a `set'.
-In practice, it seems that MUAs do not follow the RFC. The \Resent@-\ lines are
-often added at the end of the header, and if a message is resent more than
-once, it is common for the original set of \Resent@-\ headers to be renamed as
-\X-Resent@-\ when a new set is added. This removes any possible ambiguity.
-.option ti
-This option is exactly equivalent to \-t-\ \-i-\. It is provided for
-compatibility with Sendmail.
-.option tls-on-connect
-.index TLS||use without STARTTLS
-.index TLS||automatic start
-This option is available when Exim is compiled with TLS support.
-It forces all incoming SMTP connections to behave as if the incoming port is
-listed in the \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ option. See section ~~SECTsupobssmt and
-chapter ~~CHAPTLS for further details.
-.option U
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-U-\ option ignored
-Sendmail uses this option for `initial message submission', and its
-documentation states that in future releases, it may complain about
-syntactically invalid messages rather than fixing them when this flag is not
-set. Exim ignores this option.
-.option v
-This option causes Exim to write information to the standard error stream,
-describing what it is doing. In particular, it shows the log lines for
-receiving and delivering a message, and if an SMTP connection is made, the SMTP
-dialogue is shown. Some of the log lines shown may not actually be written to
-the log if the setting of \log@_selector\ discards them. Any relevant selectors
-are shown with each log line. If none are shown, the logging is unconditional.
-.option x
-AIX uses \-x-\ for a private purpose (`mail from a local mail program has
-National Language Support extended characters in the body of the mail item').
-It sets \-x-\ when calling the MTA from its \mail\ command. Exim ignores this
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The Exim run time configuration file
-.set runningfoot "configuration file"
-.rset CHAPconf ~~chapter
-.index run time configuration
-.index configuration file||general description
-.index \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\
-.index configuration file||errors in
-.index error||in configuration file
-.index return code||for bad configuration
-Exim uses a single run time configuration file that is read whenever an Exim
-binary is executed. Note that in normal operation, this happens frequently,
-because Exim is designed to operate in a distributed manner, without central
-If a syntax error is detected while reading the configuration file, Exim
-writes a message on the standard error, and exits with a non-zero return code.
-The message is also written to the panic log. \**Note**\: only simple syntax
-errors can be detected at this time. The values of any expanded options are
-not checked until the expansion happens, even when the expansion does not
-actually alter the string.
-The name of the configuration file is compiled into the binary for security
-reasons, and is specified by the \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ compilation option. In
-most configurations, this specifies a single file. However, it is permitted to
-give a colon-separated list of file names, in which case Exim uses the first
-existing file in the list.
-.index \\EXIM@_USER\\
-.index \\EXIM@_GROUP\\
-.index \\CONFIGURE@_OWNER\\
-.index \\CONFIGURE@_GROUP\\
-.index configuration file||ownership
-.index ownership||configuration file
-The run time configuration file must be owned by root or by the user that is
-specified at compile time by the \\EXIM@_USER\\ option, or by the user that is
-specified at compile time by the \\CONFIGURE@_OWNER\\ option (if set). The
-configuration file must not be world-writeable or group-writeable, unless its
-group is the one specified at compile time by the \\EXIM@_GROUP\\ option
-or by the \\CONFIGURE@_GROUP\\ option.
-\**Warning**\: In a conventional configuration, where the Exim binary is setuid
-to root, anybody who is able to edit the run time configuration file has an
-easy way to run commands as root. If you make your mail administrators members
-of the Exim group, but do not trust them with root, make sure that the run time
-configuration is not group writeable.
-A default configuration file, which will work correctly in simple situations,
-is provided in the file \(src/configure.default)\. If \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\
-defines just one file name, the installation process copies the default
-configuration to a new file of that name if it did not previously exist. If
-\\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ is a list, no default is automatically installed. Chapter
-~~CHAPdefconfil is a `walk-through' discussion of the default configuration.
-.section Using a different configuration file
-.index configuration file||alternate
-A one-off alternate configuration can be specified by the \-C-\ command line
-option, which may specify a single file or a list of files. However, when \-C-\
-is used, Exim gives up its root privilege, unless called by root or the Exim
-user (or unless the argument for \-C-\ is identical to the built-in value from
-\\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\). \-C-\ is useful mainly for checking the syntax of
-configuration files before installing them. No owner or group checks are done
-on a configuration file specified by \-C-\.
-The privileged use of \-C-\ by the Exim user can be locked out by setting
-\\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ when building Exim. However,
-if you do this, you also lock out the possibility of testing a
-configuration using \-C-\ right through message reception and delivery, even if
-the caller is root. The reception works, but by that time, Exim is running as
-the Exim user, so when it re-execs to regain privilege for the delivery, the
-use of \-C-\ causes privilege to be lost. However, root can test reception and
-delivery using two separate commands (one to put a message on the queue, using
-\-odq-\, and another to do the delivery, using \-M-\).
-If \\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\ is defined \(in Local/Makefile)\, it specifies a
-prefix string with which any file named in a \-C-\ command line option must
-start. In addition, the file name must not contain the sequence \"/../"\. There
-is no default setting for \\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\; when it is unset, any file
-name can be used with \-C-\.
-One-off changes to a configuration can be specified by the \-D-\ command line
-option, which defines and overrides values for macros used inside the
-configuration file. However, like \-C-\, the use of this option by a
-non-privileged user causes Exim to discard its root privilege.
-If \\DISABLE@_D@_OPTION\\ is defined in \(Local/Makefile)\, the use of \-D-\ is
-completely disabled, and its use causes an immediate error exit.
-Some sites may wish to use the same Exim binary on different machines that
-share a file system, but to use different configuration files on each machine.
-If \\CONFIGURE@_FILE@_USE@_NODE\\ is defined in \(Local/Makefile)\, Exim first
-looks for a file whose name is the configuration file name followed by a dot
-and the machine's node name, as obtained from the \*uname()*\ function. If this
-file does not exist, the standard name is tried. This processing occurs for
-each file name in the list given by \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ or \-C-\.
-In some esoteric situations different versions of Exim may be run under
-different effective uids and the \\CONFIGURE@_FILE@_USE@_EUID\\ is defined to
-help with this. See the comments in \(src/EDITME)\ for details.
-.section Configuration file format
-.rset SECTconffilfor "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index configuration file||format of
-.index format||configuration file
-Exim's configuration file is divided into a number of different parts. General
-option settings must always appear at the start of the file. The other parts
-are all optional, and may appear in any order. Each part other than the first
-is introduced by the word `begin' followed by the name of the part. The
-optional parts are:
-.numberpars $.
-\*ACL*\: Access control lists for controlling incoming SMTP mail.
-.index \\AUTH\\||configuration
-\*authenticators*\: Configuration settings for the authenticator drivers. These
-are concerned with the SMTP \\AUTH\\ command (see chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH).
-\*routers*\: Configuration settings for the router drivers. Routers process
-addresses and determine how the message is to be delivered.
-\*transports*\: Configuration settings for the transport drivers. Transports
-define mechanisms for copying messages to destinations.
-\*retry*\: Retry rules, for use when a message cannot be immediately delivered.
-\*rewrite*\: Global address rewriting rules, for use when a message arrives and
-when new addresses are generated during delivery.
-\*local@_scan*\: Private options for the \*local@_scan()*\ function. If you
-want to use this feature, you must set
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\ before building Exim. Full details of the
-\*local@_scan()*\ facility are given in chapter ~~CHAPlocalscan.
-.index configuration file||leading whitespace in
-.index configuration file||trailing whitespace in
-.index whitespace||in configuration file
-Leading and trailing whitespace in configuration lines is always ignored.
-Blank lines in the file, and lines starting with a @# character (ignoring
-leading white space) are treated as comments and are ignored. \**Note**\: a
-@# character other than at the beginning of a line is not treated specially,
-and does not introduce a comment.
-Any non-comment line can be continued by ending it with a backslash.
-Note that the general rule for whitespace means that trailing white space after
-the backslash is ignored, and leading white space at the start of continuation
-lines is also ignored.
-Comment lines beginning with @# (but not empty lines) may appear in the middle
-of a sequence of continuation lines.
-A convenient way to create a configuration file is to start from the
-default, which is supplied in \(src/configure.default)\, and add, delete, or
-change settings as required.
-The ACLs, retry rules, and rewriting rules have their own syntax which is
-described in chapters ~~CHAPACL, ~~CHAPretry, and ~~CHAPrewrite, respectively.
-The other parts of the configuration file have some syntactic items in common,
-and these are described below, from section ~~SECTcos onwards. Before that, the
-inclusion, macro, and conditional facilities are described.
-.section File inclusions in the configuration file
-.index inclusions in configuration file
-.index configuration file||including other files
-.index .include in configuration file
-.index .include@_if@_exists in configuration file
-You can include other files inside Exim's run time configuration file by
-using this syntax:
-@.include <<file name>>
-@.include@_if@_exists <<file name>>
-on a line by itself. Double quotes round the file name are optional. If you use
-the first form, a configuration error occurs if the file does not exist; the
-second form does nothing for non-existent files.
-Includes may be nested to any depth, but remember that Exim reads its
-configuration file often, so it is a good idea to keep them to a minimum.
-If you change the contents of an included file, you must HUP the daemon,
-because an included file is read only when the configuration itself is read.
-The processing of inclusions happens early, at a physical line level, so, like
-comment lines, an inclusion can be used in the middle of an option setting,
-for example:
-.display asis
-hosts_lookup = a.b.c \
- .include /some/file
-Include processing happens
-macro processing (see below). Its effect is to process the lines of the file as
-if they occurred inline where the inclusion appears.
-.section Macros in the configuration file
-.rset SECTmacrodefs "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index macro||description of
-.index configuration file||macros
-If a line in the main part of the configuration (that is, before the first
-`begin' line) begins with an upper case letter, it is taken as a macro
-definition, and must be of the form
-<<name>> = <<rest of line>>
-The name must consist of letters, digits, and underscores, and need not all be
-in upper case, though that is recommended. The rest of the line, including any
-continuations, is the replacement text, and has leading and trailing white
-space removed. Quotes are not removed. The replacement text can never end with
-a backslash character, but this doesn't seem to be a serious limitation.
-Once a macro is defined, all subsequent lines in the file (and any included
-files) are scanned for the macro name; if there are several macros, the line is
-scanned for each in turn, in the order in which they are defined. The
-replacement text is not re-scanned for the current macro, though it is scanned
-for subsequently defined macros. For this reason, a macro name may not contain
-the name of a previously defined macro as a substring. You could, for example,
-.display asis
-ABCD_XYZ = <<something>>
-ABCD = <<something else>>
-but putting the definitions in the opposite order would provoke a configuration
-Macro expansion is applied to individual lines from the file, before checking
-for line continuation or file inclusion (see below). If a line consists solely
-of a macro name, and the expansion of the macro is empty, the line is ignored.
-A macro at the start of a line may turn the line into a comment line or a
-\".include"\ line.
-As an example of macro usage, consider a configuration where aliases are looked
-up in a MySQL database. It helps to keep the file less cluttered if long
-strings such as SQL statements are defined separately as macros, for example:
-.display asis
-ALIAS_QUERY = select mailbox from user where \
- login=${quote_mysql:$local_part};
-This can then be used in a \%redirect%\ router setting like this:
-.display asis
-data = ${lookup mysql{ALIAS_QUERY}}
-In earlier versions of Exim macros were sometimes used for domain, host, or
-address lists. In Exim 4 these are handled better by named lists -- see section
-Macros in the configuration file can be overridden by the \-D-\ command line
-option, but Exim gives up its root privilege when \-D-\ is used, unless called
-by root or the Exim user.
-.section Conditional skips in the configuration file
-.index configuration file||conditional skips
-.index .ifdef
-You can use the directives \".ifdef"\, \".ifndef"\, \".elifdef"\,
-\".elifndef"\, \".else"\, and \".endif"\ to dynamically include or exclude
-portions of the configuration file. The processing happens whenever the file is
-read (that is, when an Exim binary starts to run).
-The implementation is very simple. Instances of the first four directives must
-be followed by text that includes the names of one or macros. The condition
-that is tested is whether or not any macro substitution has taken place in the
-line. Thus:
-@.ifdef AAA
-message@_size@_limit = 50M
-message@_size@_limit = 100M
-sets a message size limit of 50M if the macro \"AAA"\ is defined, and 100M
-otherwise. If there is more than one macro named on the line, the condition
-is true if any of them are defined. That is, it is an `or' condition. To
-obtain an `and' condition, you need to use nested \".ifdef"\s.
-Although you can use a macro expansion to generate one of these directives,
-it is not very useful, because the condition `there was a macro substitution
-in this line' will always be true.
-Text following \".else"\ and \".endif"\ is ignored, and can be used as comment
-to clarify complicated nestings.
-.section Common option syntax
-.rset SECTcos "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index common option syntax
-.index syntax of common options
-.index configuration file||common option syntax
-For the main set of options, driver options, and \*local@_scan()*\ options,
-each setting is on a line by itself, and starts with a name consisting of
-lower-case letters and underscores. Many options require a data value, and in
-these cases the name must be followed by an equals sign (with optional white
-space) and then the value. For example:
-.display asis
-qualify_domain =
-Some option settings may contain sensitive data, for example, passwords for
-accessing databases. To stop non-admin users from using the \-bP-\ command line
-option to read these values, you can precede the option settings with the word
-`hide'. For example:
-.display asis
-hide mysql_servers = localhost/users/admin/secret-password
-For non-admin users, such options are displayed like this:
-.display asis
-mysql_servers = <value not displayable>
-If `hide' is used on a driver option, it hides the value of that option on all
-instances of the same driver.
-The following sections describe the syntax used for the different data types
-that are found in option settings.
-.section Boolean options
-.index format||boolean
-.index boolean configuration values
-Options whose type is given as boolean are on/off switches. There are two
-different ways of specifying such options: with and without a data value. If
-the option name is specified on its own without data, the switch is turned on;
-if it is preceded by `no@_' or `not@_' the switch is turned off. However,
-boolean options may optionally be followed by an equals sign and one of the
-words `true', `false', `yes', or `no', as an alternative syntax. For example,
-the following two settings have exactly the same effect:
-.display asis
-queue_only = true
-The following two lines also have the same (opposite) effect:
-.display asis
-queue_only = false
-You can use whichever syntax you prefer.
-.section Integer values
-.index integer configuration values
-.index format||integer
-If an integer data item starts with the characters `0x', the remainder of it
-is interpreted as a hexadecimal number. Otherwise, it is treated as octal if it
-starts with the digit 0, and decimal if not. If an integer value is followed by
-the letter K, it is multiplied by 1024; if it is followed by the letter M, it
-is multiplied by 1024x1024.
-When the values of integer option settings are output, values which are an
-exact multiple of 1024 or 1024x1024 are
-sometimes, but not always,
-printed using the letters K and M. The printing style is independent of the
-actual input format that was used.
-.section Octal integer values
-.index integer format
-.index format||octal integer
-The value of an option specified as an octal integer is always interpreted in
-octal, whether or not it starts with the digit zero. Such options are always
-output in octal.
-.section Fixed point number values
-.index fixed point configuration values
-.index format||fixed point
-A fixed point number consists of a decimal integer, optionally followed by a
-decimal point and up to three further digits.
-.section Time interval values
-.index time interval||specifying in configuration
-.index format||time interval
-.rset SECTtimeformat "~~chapter.~~section"
-A time interval is specified as a sequence of numbers, each followed by one of
-the following letters, with no intervening white space:
-.display rm
-.tabs 5
-\s\ $t seconds
-\m\ $t minutes
-\h\ $t hours
-\d\ $t days
-\w\ $t weeks
-For example, `3h50m' specifies 3 hours and 50 minutes. The values of time
-intervals are output in the same format.
-Exim does not restrict the values; it is perfectly acceptable, for example, to
-specify `90m' instead of `1h30m'.
-.section String values
-.index string||format of configuration values
-.index format||string
-.rset SECTstrings "~~chapter.~~section"
-If a string data item does not start with a double-quote character, it is taken
-as consisting of the remainder of the line plus any continuation lines,
-starting at the first character after any leading white space, with trailing
-white space characters removed, and with no interpretation of the characters in
-the string. Because Exim removes comment lines (those beginning with @#) at an
-early stage, they can appear in the middle of a multi-line string. The
-following settings are therefore equivalent:
-.display asis
-trusted_users = uucp:mail
-trusted_users = uucp:\
- # This comment line is ignored
- mail
-.index string||quoted
-.index escape characters in quoted strings
-If a string does start with a double-quote, it must end with a closing
-double-quote, and any backslash characters other than those used for line
-continuation are interpreted as escape characters, as follows:
-.tabs 15
-@\@\ $t $rm{single backslash}
-@\n $t $rm{newline}
-@\r $t $rm{carriage return}
-@\t $t $rm{tab}
-@\<<octal digits>> $t $rm{up to 3 octal digits specify one character}
-@\x<<hex digits>> $t $rm{up to 2 hexadecimal digits specify one character}
-If a backslash is followed by some other character, including a double-quote
-character, that character replaces the pair.
-Quoting is necessary only if you want to make use of the backslash escapes to
-insert special characters, or if you need to specify a value with leading or
-trailing spaces. These cases are rare, so quoting is almost never needed in
-current versions of Exim. In versions of Exim before 3.14, quoting was required
-in order to continue lines, so you may come across older configuration files
-and examples that apparently quote unnecessarily.
-.section Expanded strings
-.index string||expansion, definition of
-.index expansion||definition of
-Some strings in the configuration file are subjected to \*string expansion*\,
-by which means various parts of the string may be changed according to the
-circumstances (see chapter ~~CHAPexpand). The input syntax for such strings is
-as just described; in particular, the handling of backslashes in quoted strings
-is done as part of the input process, before expansion takes place. However,
-backslash is also an escape character for the expander, so any backslashes that
-are required for that reason must be doubled if they are within a quoted
-configuration string.
-.section User and group names
-.index user name||format of
-.index format||user name
-.index group||name format
-.index format||group name
-User and group names are specified as strings, using the syntax described
-above, but the strings are interpreted specially. A user or group name must
-either consist entirely of digits, or be a name that can be looked up using the
-\*getpwnam()*\ or \*getgrnam()*\ function, as appropriate.
-.section List construction
-.index list||syntax of in configuration
-.index format||list item in configuration
-.index string list, definition
-.rset SECTlistconstruct "~~chapter.~~section"
-The data for some configuration options is a list of items, with colon as the
-default separator. Many of these options are shown with type `string list' in
-the descriptions later in this document. Others are listed as `domain list',
-`host list', `address list', or `local part list'. Syntactically, they are all
-the same; however, those other than `string list' are subject to particular
-kinds of interpretation, as described in chapter ~~CHAPdomhosaddlists.
-In all these cases, the entire list is treated as a single string as far as the
-input syntax is concerned. The \trusted@_users\ setting in section
-~~SECTstrings above is an example. If a colon is actually needed in an item in
-a list, it must be entered as two colons. Leading and trailing white space on
-each item in a list is ignored. This makes it possible to include items that
-start with a colon, and in particular, certain forms of IPv6 address. For
-example, the list
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = : ::::1
-contains two IP addresses, the IPv4 address and the IPv6 address
-.index list||separator, changing
-.index IPv6||addresses in lists
-Doubling colons in IPv6 addresses is an unwelcome chore, so a mechanism was
-introduced to allow the separator character to be changed. If a list begins
-with a left angle bracket, followed by any punctuation character, that
-character is used instead of colon as the list separator. For example, the list
-above can be rewritten to use a semicolon separator like this:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ; ::1
-This facility applies to all lists, with the exception of the list in
-\log@_file@_path\. It is recommended that the use of non-colon separators be
-confined to circumstances where they really are needed.
-.section Empty items in lists
-.rset SECTempitelis "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index list||empty item in
-An empty item at the end of a list is always ignored. In other words, trailing
-separator characters are ignored. Thus, the list in
-.display asis
-senders = user@domain :
-contains only a single item. If you want to include an empty string as one item
-in a list, it must not be the last item. For example, this list contains three
-items, the second of which is empty:
-.display asis
-senders = user1@domain : : user2@domain
-\**Note**\: there must be whitespace between the two colons, as otherwise they
-are interpreted as representing a single colon data character (and the list
-would then contain just one item). If you want to specify a list that contains
-just one, empty item, you can do it as in this example:
-.display asis
-senders = :
-In this case, the first item is empty, and the second is discarded because it
-is at the end of the list.
-.section Format of driver configurations
-.rset SECTfordricon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index drivers||configuration format
-There are separate parts in the configuration for defining routers, transports,
-and authenticators. In each part, you are defining a number of driver
-instances, each with its own set of options. Each driver instance is defined by
-a sequence of lines like this:
-<<instance name>>:
- <<option>>
- ...
- <<option>>
-In the following example, the instance name is \%localuser%\, and it is
-followed by three options settings:
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- transport = local_delivery
-For each driver instance, you specify which Exim code module it uses -- by the
-setting of the \driver\ option -- and (optionally) some configuration settings.
-For example, in the case of transports, if you want a transport to deliver with
-SMTP you would use the \%smtp%\ driver; if you want to deliver to a local file
-you would use the \%appendfile%\ driver. Each of the drivers is described in
-detail in its own separate chapter later in this manual.
-You can have several routers, transports, or authenticators that are based on
-the same underlying driver (each must have a different name).
-The order in which routers are defined is important, because addresses are
-passed to individual routers one by one, in order. The order in which
-transports are defined does not matter at all. The order in which
-authenticators are defined is used only when Exim, as a client, is searching
-them to find one that matches an authentication mechanism offered by the
-.index generic options
-.index options||generic, definition of
-Within a driver instance definition, there are two kinds of option:
-$it{generic} and $it{private}. The generic options are those that apply to all
-drivers of the same type (that is, all routers, all transports or all
-The \driver\ option is a generic option that must appear in every definition.
-.index private options
-The private options are special for each driver, and none need appear, because
-they all have default values.
-The options may appear in any order, except that the \driver\ option must
-precede any private options, since these depend on the particular driver. For
-this reason, it is recommended that \driver\ always be the first option.
-Driver instance names, which are used for reference in log entries and
-elsewhere, can be any sequence of letters, digits, and underscores (starting
-with a letter) and must be unique among drivers of the same type. A router and
-a transport (for example) can each have the same name, but no two router
-instances can have the same name. The name of a driver instance should not be
-confused with the name of the underlying driver module. For example, the
-configuration lines:
-.display asis
- driver = smtp
-create an instance of the \%smtp%\ transport driver whose name is
-\%remote@_smtp%\. The same driver code can be used more than once, with
-different instance names and different option settings each time. A second
-instance of the \%smtp%\ transport, with different options, might be defined
-.display asis
- driver = smtp
- port = 1234
- command_timeout = 10s
-The names \%remote@_smtp%\ and \%special@_smtp%\ would be used to reference
-these transport instances from routers, and these names would appear in log
-Comment lines may be present in the middle of driver specifications. The full
-list of option settings for any particular driver instance, including all the
-defaulted values, can be extracted by making use of the \-bP-\ command line
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The default configuration file
-.set runningfoot "default configuration"
-.rset CHAPdefconfil "~~chapter"
-.index configuration file||default, `walk through'
-.index default||configuration file `walk through'
-The default configuration file supplied with Exim as \(src/configure.default)\
-is sufficient for a host with simple mail requirements. As an introduction to
-the way Exim is configured, this chapter `walks through' the default
-configuration, giving brief explanations of the settings. Detailed descriptions
-of the options are given in subsequent chapters. The default configuration file
-itself contains extensive comments about ways you might want to modify the
-initial settings. However, note that there are many options that are not
-mentioned at all in the default configuration.
-.section Main configuration settings
-The main (global) configuration option settings must always come first in the
-file. The first thing you'll see in the file, after some initial comments, is
-the line
-.display asis
-# primary_hostname =
-This is a commented-out setting of the \primary@_hostname\ option. Exim needs
-to know the official, fully qualified name of your host, and this is where you
-can specify it. However, in most cases you do not need to set this option. When
-it is unset, Exim uses the \*uname()*\ system function to obtain the host name.
-The first three non-comment configuration lines are as follows:
-.display asis
-domainlist local_domains = @
-domainlist relay_to_domains =
-hostlist relay_from_hosts =
-These are not, in fact, option settings. They are definitions of two named
-domain lists and one named host list. Exim allows you to give names to lists of
-domains, hosts, and email addresses, in order to make it easier to manage the
-configuration file (see section ~~SECTnamedlists).
-The first line defines a domain list called \*local@_domains*\; this is used
-later in the configuration to identify domains that are to be delivered
-on the local host.
-.index @@ in a domain list
-There is just one item in this list, the string `@@'. This is a special form of
-entry which means `the name of the local host'. Thus, if the local host is
-called \**\, mail to \**\ is expected to
-be delivered locally. Because the local host's name is referenced indirectly,
-the same configuration file can be used on different hosts.
-The second line defines a domain list called \*relay@_to@_domains*\, but the
-list itself is empty. Later in the configuration we will come to the part that
-controls mail relaying through the local host; it allows relaying to any
-domains in this list. By default, therefore, no relaying on the basis of a mail
-domain is permitted.
-The third line defines a host list called \*relay@_from@_hosts*\. This list is
-used later in the configuration to permit relaying from any host or IP address
-that matches the list. The default contains just the IP address of the IPv4
-loopback interface, which means that processes on the local host are able to
-submit mail for relaying by sending it over TCP/IP to that interface. No other
-hosts are permitted to submit messages for relaying.
-Just to be sure there's no misunderstanding: at this point in the configuration
-we aren't actually setting up any controls. We are just defining some domains
-and hosts that will be used in the controls that are specified later.
-The next configuration line is a genuine option setting:
-.display asis
-acl_smtp_rcpt = acl_check_rcpt
-This option specifies an \*Access Control List*\ (ACL) which is to be used
-during an incoming SMTP session for every recipient of a message (every
-\\RCPT\\ command). The name of the list is \*acl@_check@_rcpt*\, and we will
-come to its definition below, in the ACL section of the configuration. ACLs
-control which recipients are accepted for an incoming message -- if a
-configuration does not provide an ACL to check recipients, no SMTP mail can be
-Two commented-out options settings are next:
-.display asis
-# qualify_domain =
-# qualify_recipient =
-The first of these specifies a domain that Exim uses when it constructs a
-complete email address from a local login name. This is often needed when Exim
-receives a message from a local process. If you do not set \qualify@_domain\,
-the value of \primary@_hostname\ is used. If you set both of these options, you
-can have different qualification domains for sender and recipient addresses. If
-you set only the first one, its value is used in both cases.
-.index domain literal||recognizing format
-The following line must be uncommented if you want Exim to recognize
-addresses of the form \*user@@[]*\ that is, with a `domain literal'
-(an IP address) instead of a named domain.
-.display asis
-# allow_domain_literals
-The RFCs still require this form, but many people think that in the modern
-Internet it makes little sense to permit mail to be sent to specific hosts by
-quoting their IP addresses. This ancient format has been used by people who
-try to abuse hosts by using them for unwanted relaying. However, some
-people believe there are circumstances (for example, messages addressed to
-\*postmaster*\) where domain literals are still useful.
-The next configuration line is a kind of trigger guard:
-.display asis
-never_users = root
-It specifies that no delivery must ever be run as the root user. The normal
-convention is to set up \*root*\ as an alias for the system administrator. This
-setting is a guard against slips in the configuration.
-The list of users specified by \never@_users\ is not, however, the complete
-list; the build-time configuration in \(Local/Makefile)\ has an option called
-\\FIXED@_NEVER@_USERS\\ specifying a list that cannot be overridden. The
-contents of \never@_users\ are added to this list. By default
-\\FIXED@_NEVER@_USERS\\ also specifies root.
-When a remote host connects to Exim in order to send mail, the only information
-Exim has about the host's identity is its IP address. The next configuration
-.display asis
-host_lookup = *
-specifies that Exim should do a reverse DNS lookup on all incoming connections,
-in order to get a host name. This improves the quality of the logging
-information, but if you feel it is too expensive, you can remove it entirely,
-or restrict the lookup to hosts on `nearby' networks.
-Note that it is not always possible to find a host name from an IP address,
-because not all DNS reverse zones are maintained, and sometimes DNS servers are
-The next two lines are concerned with \*ident*\ callbacks, as defined by RFC
-1413 (hence their names):
-.display asis
-rfc1413_hosts = *
-rfc1413_query_timeout = 30s
-These settings cause Exim to make ident callbacks for all incoming SMTP calls.
-You can limit the hosts to which these calls are made, or change the timeout
-that is used. If you set the timeout to zero, all ident calls are disabled.
-Although they are cheap and can provide useful information for tracing problem
-messages, some hosts and firewalls have problems with ident calls. This can
-result in a timeout instead of an immediate refused connection, leading to
-delays on starting up an incoming SMTP session.
-When Exim receives messages over SMTP connections, it expects all addresses to
-be fully qualified with a domain, as required by the SMTP definition. However,
-if you are running a server to which simple clients submit messages, you may
-find that they send unqualified addresses. The two commented-out options:
-.display asis
-# sender_unqualified_hosts =
-# recipient_unqualified_hosts =
-show how you can specify hosts that are permitted to send unqualified sender
-and recipient addresses, respectively.
-The \percent@_hack@_domains\ option is also commented out:
-.display asis
-# percent_hack_domains =
-It provides a list of domains for which the `percent hack' is to operate. This
-is an almost obsolete form of explicit email routing. If you do not know
-anything about it, you can safely ignore this topic.
-The last two settings in the main part of the default configuration are
-concerned with messages that have been `frozen' on Exim's queue. When a message
-is frozen, Exim no longer continues to try to deliver it. Freezing occurs when
-a bounce message encounters a permanent failure because the sender address of
-the original message that caused the bounce is invalid, so the bounce cannot be
-delivered. This is probably the most common case, but there are also other
-conditions that cause freezing, and frozen messages are not always bounce
-.display asis
-ignore_bounce_errors_after = 2d
-timeout_frozen_after = 7d
-The first of these options specifies that failing bounce messages are to be
-discarded after 2 days on the queue. The second specifies that any frozen
-message (whether a bounce message or not) is to be timed out (and discarded)
-after a week. In this configuration, the first setting ensures that no failing
-bounce message ever lasts a week.
-.section ACL configuration
-.index default||ACLs
-.index ~~ACL||default configuration
-In the default configuration, the ACL section follows the main configuration.
-It starts with the line
-.display asis
-begin acl
-and it contains the definition of one ACL called \*acl@_check@_rcpt*\ that was
-referenced in the setting of \acl@_smtp@_rcpt\ above.
-.index \\RCPT\\||ACL for
-This ACL is used for every \\RCPT\\ command in an incoming SMTP message. Each
-\\RCPT\\ command specifies one of the message's recipients. The ACL statements
-are considered in order, until the recipient address is either accepted or
-rejected. The \\RCPT\\ command is then accepted or rejected, according to the
-result of the ACL processing.
-.display asis
-This line, consisting of a name terminated by a colon, marks the start of the
-ACL, and names it.
-.display asis
-accept hosts = :
-This ACL statement accepts the recipient if the sending host matches the list.
-But what does that strange list mean? It doesn't actually contain any host
-names or IP addresses. The presence of the colon puts an empty item in the
-list; Exim matches this only if the incoming message didn't come from a remote
-host. The colon is important. Without it, the list itself is empty, and can
-never match anything.
-What this statement is doing is to accept unconditionally all recipients in
-messages that are submitted by SMTP from local processes using the standard
-input and output (that is, not using TCP/IP). A number of MUAs operate in this
-.display asis
-deny domains = +local_domains
- local_parts = ^[.] : ^.*[@%!/|]
-deny domains = !+local_domains
- local_parts = ^[./|] : ^.*[@%!] : ^.*/\\.\\./
-These statements are concerned with local parts that contain any of the
-characters `@@', `%', `!', `/', `|', or dots in unusual places. Although these
-characters are entirely legal in local parts (in the case of `@@' and leading
-dots, only if correctly quoted), they do not commonly occur in Internet mail
-The first three have in the past been associated with explicitly routed
-addresses (percent is still sometimes used -- see the \percent@_hack@_domains\
-option). Addresses containing these characters are regularly tried by spammers
-in an attempt to bypass relaying restrictions, and also by open relay testing
-programs. Unless you really need them it is safest to reject these characters
-at this early stage. This configuration is heavy-handed in rejecting these
-characters for all messages it accepts from remote hosts. This is a deliberate
-policy of being as safe as possible.
-The first rule above is stricter, and is applied to messages that are addressed
-to one of the local domains handled by this host. This is implemented by the
-first condition, which restricts it to domains that are listed in the
-\*local@_domains*\ domain list. The `+' character is used to indicate a
-reference to a named list. In this configuration, there is just one domain in
-\*local@_domains*\, but in general there may be many.
-The second condition on the first statement uses two regular expressions to
-block local parts that begin with a dot or contain `@@', `%', `!', `/', or `|'.
-If you have local accounts that include these characters, you will have to
-modify this rule.
-Empty components (two dots in a row) are not valid in RFC 2822, but Exim
-allows them because they have been encountered in practice. (Consider local
-parts constructed as `' when applied to
-someone like the author of Exim, who has no second initial.) However, a local
-part starting with a dot or containing `/../' can cause trouble if it is used
-as part of a file name (for example, for a mailing list). This is also true for
-local parts that contain slashes. A pipe symbol can also be troublesome if the
-local part is incorporated unthinkingly into a shell command line.
-The second rule above applies to all other domains, and is less strict. This
-allows your own users to send outgoing messages to sites that use slashes
-and vertical bars in their local parts. It blocks local parts that begin
-with a dot, slash, or vertical bar, but allows these characters within the
-local part. However, the sequence `/../' is barred. The use of `@@', `%', and
-`!' is blocked, as before. The motivation here is to prevent your users (or
-your users' viruses) from mounting certain kinds of attack on remote sites.
-.display asis
-accept local_parts = postmaster
- domains = +local_domains
-This statement, which has two conditions, accepts an incoming address if the
-local part is \*postmaster*\ and the domain is one of those listed in the
-\*local@_domains*\ domain list. The `+' character is used to indicate a
-reference to a named list. In this configuration, there is just one domain in
-\*local@_domains*\, but in general there may be many.
-The presence of this statement means that mail to postmaster is never blocked
-by any of the subsequent tests. This can be helpful while sorting out problems
-in cases where the subsequent tests are incorrectly denying access.
-.display asis
-require verify = sender
-This statement requires the sender address to be verified before any subsequent
-ACL statement can be used. If verification fails, the incoming recipient
-address is refused. Verification consists of trying to route the address, to
-see if a
-message could be delivered to it. In the case of remote addresses, basic
-verification checks only the domain, but \*callouts*\ can be used for more
-verification if required. Section ~~SECTaddressverification discusses the
-details of address verification.
-.display asis
-# deny message = rejected because $sender_host_address is \
-# in a black list at $dnslist_domain\n\
-# $dnslist_text
-# dnslists = black.list.example
-# warn message = X-Warning: $sender_host_address is \
-# in a black list at $dnslist_domain
-# log_message = found in $dnslist_domain
-# dnslists = black.list.example
-These commented-out lines are examples of how you could configure Exim to check
-sending hosts against a DNS black list. The first statement rejects messages
-from blacklisted hosts, whereas the second merely inserts a warning header
-.display asis
-accept domains = +local_domains
- endpass
- message = unknown user
- verify = recipient
-This statement accepts the incoming recipient address if its domain is one of
-the local domains, but only if the address can be verified. Verification of
-local addresses normally checks both the local part and the domain. The
-\endpass\ line needs some explanation: if the condition above \endpass\ fails,
-that is, if the address is not in a local domain, control is passed to the next
-ACL statement. However, if the condition below \endpass\ fails, that is, if a
-recipient in a local domain cannot be verified, access is denied and the
-recipient is rejected.
-.index customizing||ACL failure message
-The \message\ modifier provides a customized error message for the failure.
-.display asis
-accept domains = +relay_to_domains
- endpass
- message = unrouteable address
- verify = recipient
-This statement accepts the incoming recipient address if its domain is one of
-the domains for which this host is a relay, but again, only if the address can
-be verified.
-.display asis
-accept hosts = +relay_from_hosts
-Control reaches this statement only if the recipient's domain is neither a
-local domain, nor a relay domain. The statement accepts the address if the
-message is coming from one of the hosts that are defined as being allowed to
-relay through this host. Recipient verification is omitted here, because in
-many cases the clients are dumb MUAs that do not cope well with SMTP error
-responses. If you are actually relaying out from MTAs, you should probably add
-recipient verification here.
-.display asis
-accept authenticated = *
-Control reaches here for attempts to relay to arbitrary domains from arbitrary
-hosts. The statement accepts the address only if the client host has
-authenticated itself. The default configuration does not define any
-authenticators, which means that no client can in fact authenticate. You will
-need to add authenticator definitions if you want to make use of this ACL
-.display asis
-deny message = relay not permitted
-The final statement denies access, giving a specific error message. Reaching
-the end of the ACL also causes access to be denied, but with the generic
-message `administrative prohibition'.
-.section Router configuration
-.index default||routers
-.index routers||default
-The router configuration comes next in the default configuration, introduced
-by the line
-.display asis
-begin routers
-Routers are the modules in Exim that make decisions about where to send
-messages. An address is passed to each router in turn, until it is either
-accepted, or failed. This means that the order in which you define the routers
-matters. Each router is fully described in its own chapter later in this
-manual. Here we give only brief overviews.
-.index domain literal||default router
-.display asis
-# domain_literal:
-# driver = ipliteral
-# domains = !+local_domains
-# transport = remote_smtp
-This router is commented out because the majority of sites do not want to
-support domain literal addresses (those of the form \*user@@[]*\). If
-you uncomment this router, you also need to uncomment the setting of
-\allow@_domain@_literals\ in the main part of the configuration.
-.display asis
- driver = dnslookup
- domains = ! +local_domains
- transport = remote_smtp
- ignore_target_hosts = :
- no_more
-The first uncommented router handles addresses that do not involve any local
-domains. This is specified by the line
-.display asis
-domains = ! +local_domains
-The \domains\ option lists the domains to which this router applies, but the
-exclamation mark is a negation sign, so the router is used only for domains
-that are not in the domain list called \*local@_domains*\ (which was defined at
-the start of the configuration). The plus sign before \*local@_domains*\
-indicates that it is referring to a named list. Addresses in other domains are
-passed on to the following routers.
-The name of the router driver is \%dnslookup%\,
-and is specified by the \driver\ option. Do not be confused by the fact that
-the name of this router instance is the same as the name of the driver. The
-instance name is arbitrary, but the name set in the \driver\ option must be one
-of the driver modules that is in the Exim binary.
-The \%dnslookup%\ router routes addresses by looking up their domains in the
-DNS in order to obtain a list of hosts to which the address is routed. If the
-router succeeds, the address is queued for the \%remote@_smtp%\ transport, as
-specified by the \transport\ option. If the router does not find the domain in
-the DNS, no further routers are tried because of the \no@_more\ setting, so the
-address fails and is bounced.
-The \ignore@_target@_hosts\ option specifies a list of IP addresses that are to
-be entirely ignored. This option is present because a number of cases have been
-encountered where MX records in the DNS point to host names
-whose IP addresses are or are in the 127 subnet (typically
-Completely ignoring these IP addresses causes Exim to fail to route the
-email address, so it bounces. Otherwise, Exim would log a routing problem, and
-continue to try to deliver the message periodically until the address timed
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- allow_fail
- allow_defer
- data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
-# user = exim
- file_transport = address_file
- pipe_transport = address_pipe
-Control reaches this and subsequent routers only for addresses in the local
-domains. This router checks to see whether the local part is defined as an
-alias in the \(/etc/aliases)\ file, and if so, redirects it according to the
-data that it looks up from that file. If no data is found for the local part,
-the value of the \data\ option is empty, causing the address to be passed to
-the next router.
-\(/etc/aliases)\ is a conventional name for the system aliases file that is
-often used. That is why it is referenced by from the default configuration
-file. However, you can change this by setting \\SYSTEM@_ALIASES@_FILE\\ in
-\(Local/Makefile)\ before building Exim.
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- check_local_user
- file = $home/.forward
- no_verify
- no_expn
- check_ancestor
-# allow_filter
- file_transport = address_file
- pipe_transport = address_pipe
- reply_transport = address_reply
-This is the most complicated router in the default configuration. It is another
-redirection router, but this time it is looking for forwarding data set up by
-individual users. The \check@_local@_user\ setting means that the first thing it
-does is to check that the local part of the address is the login name of a
-local user. If it is not, the router is skipped. When a local user is found,
-the file called \(.forward)\ in the user's home directory is consulted. If it
-does not exist, or is empty, the router declines. Otherwise, the contents of
-\(.forward)\ are interpreted as redirection data (see chapter ~~CHAPredirect
-for more details).
-.index Sieve filter||enabling in default router
-Traditional \(.forward)\ files contain just a list of addresses, pipes, or
-files. Exim supports this by default. However, if \allow@_filter\ is set (it is
-commented out by default), the contents of the file are interpreted as a set of
-Exim or Sieve filtering instructions, provided the file begins with `@#Exim
-filter' or `@#Sieve filter', respectively. User filtering is discussed in the
-separate document entitled \*Exim's interfaces to mail filtering*\.
-The \no@_verify\ and \no@_expn\ options mean that this router is skipped when
-verifying addresses, or when running as a consequence of an SMTP \\EXPN\\
-There are two reasons for doing this:
-Whether or not a local user has a \(.forward)\ file is not really relevant when
-checking an address for validity; it makes sense not to waste resources doing
-unnecessary work.
-More importantly, when Exim is verifying addresses or handling an \\EXPN\\
-command during an SMTP session, it is running as the Exim user, not as root.
-The group is the Exim group, and no additional groups are set up.
-It may therefore not be possible for Exim to read users' \(.forward)\ files at
-this time.
-The setting of \check@_ancestor\ prevents the router from generating a new
-address that is the same as any previous address that was redirected. (This
-works round a problem concerning a bad interaction between aliasing and
-forwarding -- see section ~~SECTredlocmai).
-The final three option settings specify the transports that are to be used when
-forwarding generates a direct delivery to a file, or to a pipe, or sets up an
-auto-reply, respectively. For example, if a \(.forward)\ file contains
-.display asis
-a.nother@elsewhere.example, /home/spqr/archive
-the delivery to \(/home/spqr/archive)\ is done by running the \address@_file\
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- transport = local_delivery
-The final router sets up delivery into local mailboxes, provided that the local
-part is the name of a local login, by accepting the address and queuing it for
-the \%local@_delivery%\ transport. Otherwise, we have reached the end of the
-routers, so the address is bounced.
-.section Transport configuration
-.index default||transports
-.index transports||default
-Transports define mechanisms for actually delivering messages. They operate
-only when referenced from routers, so the order in which they are defined does
-not matter. The transports section of the configuration starts with
-.display asis
-begin transports
-One remote transport and four local transports are defined.
-.display asis
- driver = smtp
-This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections. All its
-options are defaulted. The list of remote hosts comes from the router.
-.display asis
- driver = appendfile
- file = /var/mail/$local_part
- delivery_date_add
- envelope_to_add
- return_path_add
-# group = mail
-# mode = 0660
-This \%appendfile%\ transport is used for local delivery to user mailboxes in
-traditional BSD mailbox format. By default it runs under the uid and gid of the
-local user, which requires the sticky bit to be set on the \(/var/mail)\
-directory. Some systems use the alternative approach of running mail deliveries
-under a particular group instead of using the sticky bit. The commented options
-show how this can be done.
-Exim adds three headers to the message as it delivers it: ::Delivery-date::,
-::Envelope-to:: and ::Return-path::. This action is requested by the three
-similarly-named options above.
-.display asis
- driver = pipe
- return_output
-This transport is used for handling deliveries to pipes that are generated by
-redirection (aliasing or users' \(.forward)\ files). The \return@_output\
-option specifies that any output generated by the pipe is to be returned to the
-.display asis
- driver = appendfile
- delivery_date_add
- envelope_to_add
- return_path_add
-This transport is used for handling deliveries to files that are generated by
-redirection. The name of the file is not specified in this instance of
-\%appendfile%\, because it comes from the \%redirect%\ router.
-.display asis
- driver = autoreply
-This transport is used for handling automatic replies generated by users'
-filter files.
-.section Default retry rule
-.index retry||default rule
-.index default||retry rule
-The retry section of the configuration file contains rules which affect the way
-Exim retries deliveries that cannot be completed at the first attempt. It is
-introduced by the line
-.display asis
-begin retry
-In the default configuration, there is just one rule, which applies to all
-.display asis
-* * F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,6h
-This causes any temporarily failing address to be retried every 15 minutes for
-2 hours, then at intervals starting at one hour and increasing by a factor of
-1.5 until 16 hours have passed, then every 6 hours up to 4 days. If an address
-is not delivered after 4 days of failure, it is bounced.
-.section Rewriting configuration
-The rewriting section of the configuration, introduced by
-.display asis
-begin rewrite
-contains rules for rewriting addresses in messages as they arrive. There are no
-rewriting rules in the default configuration file.
-.section Authenticators configuration
-.index \\AUTH\\||configuration
-The authenticators section of the configuration, introduced by
-.display asis
-begin authenticators
-defines mechanisms for the use of the SMTP \\AUTH\\ command. No authenticators
-are specified in the default configuration file.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Regular expressions
-.set runningfoot "regular expressions"
-.rset CHAPregexp ~~chapter
-.index regular expressions||library
-.index PCRE
-Exim supports the use of regular expressions in many of its options. It
-uses the PCRE regular expression library; this provides regular expression
-matching that is compatible with Perl 5. The syntax and semantics of
-regular expressions is discussed in many Perl reference books, and also in
-Jeffrey Friedl's
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-$it{Mastering Regular Expressions}
-.if ~~html
-(O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00289-0).
-The documentation for the syntax and semantics of the regular expressions that
-are supported by PCRE is included in plain text in the file
-\(doc/pcrepattern.txt)\ in the Exim distribution, and also in the HTML
-tarbundle of Exim documentation, and as an appendix to the
-.if ~~html
-[(A HREF="")]
-Exim book.
-.if ~~html
-It describes in detail the features of the regular expressions that PCRE
-supports, so no further description is included here. The PCRE functions are
-called from Exim using the default option settings (that is, with no PCRE
-options set), except that the \\PCRE@_CASELESS\\ option is set when the
-matching is required to be case-insensitive.
-In most cases, when a regular expression is required in an Exim configuration,
-it has to start with a circumflex, in order to distinguish it from plain text
-or an `ends with' wildcard. In this example of a configuration setting, the
-second item in the colon-separated list is a regular expression.
-.display asis
-domains = a.b.c : ^\\d{3} : *.y.z : ...
-The doubling of the backslash is required because of string expansion that
-precedes interpretation -- see section ~~SECTlittext for more discussion of
-this issue, and a way of avoiding the need for doubling backslashes. The
-regular expression that is eventually used in this example contains just one
-backslash. The circumflex is included in the regular expression, and has the
-normal effect of `anchoring' it to the start of the string that is being
-There are, however, two cases where a circumflex is not required for the
-recognition of a regular expression: these are the \match\ condition in a
-string expansion, and the \matches\ condition in an Exim filter file. In these
-cases, the relevant string is always treated as a regular expression; if it
-does not start with a circumflex, the expression is not anchored, and can match
-anywhere in the subject string.
-In all cases, if you want a regular expression to match at the end of a string,
-you must code the @$ metacharacter to indicate this. For example:
-.display asis
-domains = ^\\d{3}\\.example
-matches the domain \*123.example*\, but it also matches \**\.
-You need to use:
-.display asis
-domains = ^\\d{3}\\.example\$
-if you want \*example*\ to be the top-level domain. (The backslash before the
-@$ is another artefact of string expansion.)
-.section Testing regular expressions
-.index testing||regular expressions
-.index regular expressions||testing
-.index \*pcretest*\
-A program called \*pcretest*\ forms part of the PCRE distribution and is built
-with PCRE during the process of building Exim. It is primarily intended for
-testing PCRE itself, but it can also be used for experimenting with regular
-expressions. After building Exim, the binary can be found in the build
-directory (it is not installed anywhere automatically). There is documentation
-of various options in \(doc/pcretest.txt)\, but for simple testing, none are
-needed. This is the output of a sample run of \*pcretest*\:
- re> $cb{/^([^@@]+)@@.+@\.(ac|edu)@\.(?!kr)[a-z]@{2@}@$/}
-data> $cb{}
- 0:
- 1: x
- 2: ac
-data> $cb{}
-No match
-data> $cb{}
-No match
-data> $cb{}
- 0:
- 1: x
- 2: edu
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-Input typed by the user is shown in bold face.
-After the `re>' prompt, a regular expression enclosed in delimiters is
-expected. If this compiles without error, `data>' prompts are given for strings
-against which the expression is matched. An empty data line causes a new
-regular expression to be read. If the match is successful, the captured
-substring values (that is, what would be in the variables \$0$\, \$1$\, \$2$\,
-etc.) are shown. The above example tests for an email address whose domain ends
-with either `ac' or `edu' followed by a two-character top-level domain that is
-not `kr'. The local part is captured in \$1$\ and the `ac' or `edu' in \$2$\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter File and database lookups
-.set runningfoot "file/database lookups"
-.rset CHAPfdlookup "~~chapter"
-.index file||lookup
-.index database lookups
-.index lookup||description of
-Exim can be configured to look up data in files or databases as it processes
-messages. Two different kinds of syntax are used:
-A string that is to be expanded may contain explicit lookup requests. These
-cause parts of the string to be replaced by data that is obtained from the
-Lists of domains, hosts, and email addresses can contain lookup requests as a
-way of avoiding excessively long linear lists. In this case, the data that is
-returned by the lookup is often (but not always) discarded; whether the lookup
-succeeds or fails is what really counts. These kinds of list are described in
-chapter ~~CHAPdomhosaddlists.
-It is easy to confuse the two different kinds of lookup, especially as the
-lists that may contain the second kind are always expanded before being
-processed as lists. Therefore, they may also contain lookups of the first kind.
-Be careful to distinguish between the following two examples:
-.display asis
-domains = ${lookup{$sender_host_address}lsearch{/some/file}}
-domains = lsearch;/some/file
-The first uses a string expansion, the result of which must be a domain list.
-String expansions are described in detail in chapter ~~CHAPexpand. The
-expansion takes place first, and the file that is searched could contain lines
-like this:
-.display asis
- domain1 : domain2 : ...
- domain3 : domain4 : ...
-Thus, the result of the expansion is a list of domains (and possibly other
-types of item that are allowed in domain lists).
-In the second case, the lookup is a single item in a domain list. It causes
-Exim to use a lookup to see if the domain that is being processed can be found
-in the file. The file could contains lines like this:
-.display asis
-Any data that follows the keys is not relevant when checking that the domain
-matches the list item.
-It is possible to use both kinds of lookup at once. Consider a file containing
-lines like this:
-.display asis
- lsearch;/another/file
-If the value of \$sender@_host@_address$\ is, expansion of the
-first \domains\ setting above generates the second setting, which therefore
-causes a second lookup to occur.
-The rest of this chapter describes the different lookup types that are
-available. Any of them can be used in either of the circumstances described
-above. The syntax requirements for the two cases are described in chapters
-~~CHAPexpand and ~~CHAPdomhosaddlists, respectively.
-.section Lookup types
-.index lookup||types of
-.index single-key lookup||definition of
-Two different styles of data lookup are implemented:
-.numberpars $.
-The \*single-key*\ style requires the specification of a file in which to look,
-and a single key to search for.
-The key must be a non-empty string for the lookup to succeed.
-The lookup type determines how the file is searched.
-.index query-style lookup||definition of
-The \*query*\ style accepts a generalized database query.
-No particular key value is assumed by Exim for query-style lookups. You can
-use whichever Exim variable(s) you need to construct the database query.
-The code for each lookup type is in a separate source file that is included in
-the binary of Exim only if the corresponding compile-time option is set. The
-default settings in \(src/EDITME)\ are:
-.display asis
-which means that only linear searching and DBM lookups are included by default.
-For some types of lookup (e.g. SQL databases), you need to install appropriate
-libraries and header files before building Exim.
-.section Single-key lookup types
-.rset SECTsinglekeylookups "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index lookup||single-key types
-.index single-key lookup||list of types
-The following single-key lookup types are implemented:
-.numberpars $.
-.index cdb||description of
-.index lookup||cdb
-.index binary zero||in lookup key
-\%cdb%\: The given file is searched as a Constant DataBase file, using the key
-string without a terminating binary zero. The cdb format is designed for
-indexed files that are read frequently and never updated, except by total
-re-creation. As such, it is particulary suitable for large files containing
-aliases or other indexed data referenced by an MTA. Information about cdb can
-be found in several places:
-.display rm
-A cdb distribution is not needed in order to build Exim with cdb support,
-because the code for reading cdb files is included directly in Exim itself.
-However, no means of building or testing cdb files is provided with Exim, so
-you need to obtain a cdb distribution in order to do this.
-.index DBM||lookup type
-.index lookup||dbm
-.index binary zero||in lookup key
-\%dbm%\: Calls to DBM library functions are used to extract data from the given
-DBM file by looking up the record with the given key. A terminating binary
-zero is included in the key that is passed to the DBM library. See section
-~~SECTdb for a discussion of DBM libraries.
-.index Berkeley DB library||file format
-For all versions of Berkeley DB, Exim uses the \\DB@_HASH\\ style of database
-when building DBM files using the \exim@_dbmbuild\ utility. However, when using
-Berkeley DB versions 3 or 4, it opens existing databases for reading with the
-\\DB@_UNKNOWN\\ option. This enables it to handle any of the types of database
-that the library supports, and can be useful for accessing DBM files created by
-other applications. (For earlier DB versions, \\DB@_HASH\\ is always used.)
-.index lookup||dbmnz
-.index lookup||dbm, terminating zero
-.index binary zero||in lookup key
-.index Courier
-.index \(/etc/userdbshadow.dat)\
-.index dmbnz lookup type
-\%dbmnz%\: This is the same as \%dbm%\, except that a terminating binary zero
-is not included in the key that is passed to the DBM library. You may need this
-if you want to look up data in files that are created by or shared with some
-other application that does not use terminating zeros. For example, you need to
-use \%dbmnz%\ rather than \%dbm%\ if you want to authenticate incoming SMTP
-calls using the passwords from Courier's \(/etc/userdbshadow.dat)\ file. Exim's
-utility program for creating DBM files (\*exim@_dbmbuild*\) includes the zeros
-by default, but has an option to omit them (see section ~~SECTdbmbuild).
-.index lookup||dsearch
-.index dsearch lookup type
-\%dsearch%\: The given file must be a directory; this is searched for a file
-whose name is the key. The key may not contain any forward slash characters.
-The result of a successful lookup is the name of the file. An example of how
-this lookup can be used to support virtual domains is given in section
-.index lookup||iplsearch
-.index iplsearch lookup type
-\%iplsearch%\: The given file is a text file containing keys and data. A key is
-terminated by a colon or white space or the end of the line. The keys in the
-file must be IP addresses, or IP addresses with CIDR masks. Keys that involve
-IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in quotes to prevent the first internal colon
-being interpreted as a key terminator. For example:
-.display asis
- data for
- data for
-"abcd::cdab": data for abcd::cdab
-"abcd:abcd::/32" data for abcd:abcd::/32
-The key for an \%iplsearch%\ lookup must be an IP address (without a mask). The
-file is searched linearly, using the CIDR masks where present, until a matching
-key is found. The first key that matches is used; there is no attempt to find a
-`best' match. Apart from the way the keys are matched, the processing for
-\%iplsearch%\ is the same as for \%lsearch%\.
-\**Warning 1**\: Unlike most other single-key lookup types, a file of data for
-\%iplsearch%\ can \*not*\ be turned into a DBM or cdb file, because those
-lookup types support only literal keys.
-\**Warning 2**\: In a host list, you must always use \%net-iplsearch%\ so that
-the implicit key is the host's IP address rather than its name (see section
-.index linear search
-.index lookup||lsearch
-.index lsearch lookup type
-\%lsearch%\: The given file is a text file that is searched linearly for a
-line beginning with the search key, terminated by a colon or white space or the
-end of the line. The first occurrence that is found in the file is used. White
-space between the key and the colon is permitted. The remainder of the line,
-with leading and trailing white space removed, is the data. This can be
-continued onto subsequent lines by starting them with any amount of white
-space, but only a single space character is included in the data at such a
-junction. If the data begins with a colon, the key must be terminated by a
-colon, for example:
-baduser: :fail:
-Empty lines and lines beginning with @# are ignored, even if they occur in the
-middle of an item. This is the traditional textual format of alias files. Note
-that the keys in an \%lsearch%\ file are literal strings. There is no
-wildcarding of any kind.
-.index lookup||lsearch, colons in keys
-.index whitespace||in lsearch key
-In most \%lsearch%\ files, keys are not required to contain colons or @#
-characters, or whitespace. However, if you need this feature, it is available.
-If a key begins with a doublequote character, it is terminated only by a
-matching quote (or end of line), and the normal escaping rules apply to its
-contents (see section ~~SECTstrings). An optional colon is permitted after
-quoted keys (exactly as for unquoted keys). There is no special handling of
-quotes for the data part of an \%lsearch%\ line.
-.index NIS lookup type
-.index lookup||NIS
-.index binary zero||in lookup key
-\%nis%\: The given file is the name of a NIS map, and a NIS lookup is done with
-the given key, without a terminating binary zero. There is a variant called
-\%nis0%\ which does include the terminating binary zero in the key. This is
-reportedly needed for Sun-style alias files. Exim does not recognize NIS
-aliases; the full map names must be used.
-.index wildlsearch lookup type
-.index lookup||wildlsearch
-.index nwildlsearch lookup type
-.index lookup||nwildlsearch
-\%wildlsearch%\ or \%nwildlsearch%\: These search a file linearly, like
-\%lsearch%\, but instead of being interpreted as a literal string, each key may
-be wildcarded. The difference between these two lookup types is that for
-\%wildlsearch%\, each key in the file is string-expanded before being used,
-whereas for \%nwildlsearch%\, no expansion takes place.
-Like \%lsearch%\, the testing is done case-insensitively. The following forms
-of wildcard are recognized:
-.numberpars "$*$"
-The string may begin with an asterisk to mean `ends with'. For example:
-.display asis
-*.a.b.c data for anything.a.b.c
-*fish data for anythingfish
-The string may begin with a circumflex to indicate a regular expression. For
-example, for \%wildlsearch%\:
-.display asis
-^\N\d+\.a\.b\N data for <digits>.a.b
-Note the use of \"@\N"\ to disable expansion of the contents of the regular
-expression. If you are using \%nwildlsearch%\, where the keys are not
-string-expanded, the equivalent entry is:
-.display asis
-^\d+\.a\.b data for <digits>.a.b
-If the regular expression contains white space or colon characters, you must
-either quote it (see \%lsearch%\ above), or represent these characters in other
-ways. For example, \"@\s"\ can be used for white space and \"@\x3A"\ for a
-colon. This may be easier than quoting, because if you quote, you have to
-escape all the backslashes inside the quotes.
-Although I cannot see it being of much use, the general matching function
-that is used to implement
-means that the string may begin with a lookup name terminated by a semicolon,
-and followed by lookup data. For example:
-.display asis
-cdb;/some/file data for keys that match the file
-The data that is obtained from the nested lookup is discarded.
-Keys that do not match any of these patterns are interpreted literally. The
-continuation rules for the data are the same as for \%lsearch%\, and keys may
-be followed by optional colons.
-\**Warning**\: Unlike most other single-key lookup types, a file of data for
-\%(n)wildlsearch%\ can \*not*\ be turned into a DBM or cdb file, because those
-lookup types support only literal keys.
-.section Query-style lookup types
-.index lookup||query-style types
-.index query-style lookup||list of types
-The supported query-style lookup types are listed below. Further details about
-many of them are given in later sections.
-.numberpars $.
-.index DNS||as a lookup type
-.index lookup||DNS
-\%dnsdb%\: This does a DNS search for
-one or more records whose domain names are given in the supplied query. The
-resulting data is the contents of the records.
-See section ~~SECTdnsdb.
-.index Interbase lookup type
-.index lookup||Interbase
-\%ibase%\: This does a lookup in an Interbase database.
-.index LDAP||lookup type
-.index lookup||LDAP
-\%ldap%\: This does an LDAP lookup using a query in the form of a URL, and
-returns attributes from a single entry. There is a variant called \%ldapm%\
-that permits values from multiple entries to be returned. A third variant
-called \%ldapdn%\ returns the Distinguished Name of a single entry instead of
-any attribute values. See section ~~SECTldap.
-.index MySQL||lookup type
-.index lookup||MySQL
-\%mysql%\: The format of the query is an SQL statement that is passed to a MySQL
-database. See section ~~SECTsql.
-.index NIS@+ lookup type
-.index lookup||NIS+
-\%nisplus%\: This does a NIS+ lookup using a query that can specify the name of
-the field to be returned. See section ~~SECTnisplus.
-.index Oracle||lookup type
-.index lookup||Oracle
-\%oracle%\: The format of the query is an SQL statement that is passed to an
-Oracle database. See section ~~SECTsql.
-.index lookup||passwd
-.index passwd lookup type
-.index \(/etc/passwd)\
-\%passwd%\ is a query-style lookup with queries that are just user names. The
-lookup calls \*getpwnam()*\ to interrogate the system password data, and on
-success, the result string is the same as you would get from an \%lsearch%\
-lookup on a traditional \(/etc/passwd file)\, though with \"*"\ for the
-password value. For example:
-.display asis
-*:42:42:King Rat:/home/kr:/bin/bash
-.index PostgreSQL lookup type
-.index lookup||PostgreSQL
-\%pgsql%\: The format of the query is an SQL statement that is passed to a
-PostgreSQL database. See section ~~SECTsql.
-\%testdb%\: This is a lookup type that is used for testing Exim. It is
-not likely to be useful in normal operation.
-.index whoson lookup type
-.index lookup||whoson
-\%whoson%\: \*Whoson*\ (\?\) is a proposed
-Internet protocol that allows Internet server programs to check whether a
-particular (dynamically allocated) IP address is currently allocated to a known
-(trusted) user and, optionally, to obtain the identity of the said user. In
-Exim, this can be used to implement `POP before SMTP' checking using ACL
-statements such as
-.display asis
-require condition = \
- ${lookup whoson {$sender_host_address}{yes}{no}}
-The query consists of a single IP address. The value returned is the name of
-the authenticated user.
-.section Temporary errors in lookups
-.index lookup||temporary error in
-Lookup functions can return temporary error codes if the lookup cannot be
-completed. For example, a NIS or LDAP database might be unavailable. For this
-reason, it is not advisable to use a lookup that might do this for critical
-options such as a list of local domains.
-When a lookup cannot be completed in a router or transport, delivery
-of the message (to the relevant address) is deferred, as for any other
-temporary error. In other circumstances Exim may assume the lookup has failed,
-or may give up altogether.
-.section Default values in single-key lookups
-.rset SECTdefaultvaluelookups "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index wildcard lookups
-.index lookup||default values
-.index lookup||wildcard
-.index lookup||$*$ added to type
-.index default||in single-key lookups
-In this context, a `default value' is a value specified by the administrator
-that is to be used if a lookup fails.
-If `$*$' is added to a single-key lookup type (for example, \lsearch$*$\) and
-the initial lookup fails, the key `$*$' is looked up in the file to provide
-a default value. See also the section on partial matching below.
-.index @*@@ with single-key lookup
-.index lookup||$*$@@ added to type
-.index alias file||per-domain default
-Alternatively, if `$*$@@' is added to a single-key lookup type (for example
-\dbm$*$@@\) then, if the initial lookup fails and the key contains an @@
-character, a second lookup is done with everything before the last @@ replaced
-by $*$. This makes it possible to provide per-domain defaults in alias files
-that include the domains in the keys. If the second lookup fails (or doesn't
-take place because there is no @@ in the key), `$*$' is looked up.
-For example, a \%redirect%\ router might contain:
-.display asis
-data = ${lookup{$local_part@$domain}lsearch*@{/etc/mixed-aliases}}
-Suppose the address that is being processed is \*jane@@eyre.example*\. Exim
-looks up these keys, in this order:
-.display asis
-The data is taken from whichever key it finds first. \**Note**\: in an
-\%lsearch%\ file, this does not mean the first of these keys in the file. A
-complete scan is done for each key, and only if it is not found at all does
-Exim move on to try the next key.
-.section Partial matching in single-key lookups
-.rset SECTpartiallookup "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index partial matching
-.index wildcard lookups
-.index lookup||partial matching
-.index lookup||wildcard
-.index asterisk||in search type
-The normal operation of a single-key lookup is to search the file for an exact
-match with the given key. However, in a number of situations where domains are
-being looked up, it is useful to be able to do partial matching. In this case,
-information in the file that has a key starting with `$*$.' is matched by any
-domain that ends with the components that follow the full stop. For example, if
-a key in a DBM file is
-then when partial matching is enabled this is matched by (amongst others)
-\*2001.dates.fict.example*\ and \*1984.dates.fict.example*\. It is also matched
-by \*dates.fict.example*\, if that does not appear as a separate key in the
-\**Note**\: Partial matching is not available for query-style lookups. It is
-also not available for any lookup items in address lists (see section
-Partial matching is implemented by doing a series of separate lookups using
-keys constructed by modifying the original subject key. This means that it can
-be used with any of the single-key lookup types, provided that
-partial matching keys
-beginning with a special prefix (default `$*$.') are included in the data file.
-Keys in the file that do not begin with the prefix are matched only by
-unmodified subject keys when partial matching is in use.
-Partial matching is requested by adding the string `partial-' to the front of
-the name of a single-key lookup type, for example, \partial-dbm\. When this is
-done, the subject key is first looked up unmodified; if that fails, `$*$.'
-is added at the start of the subject key, and it is looked up again. If that
-fails, further lookups are tried with dot-separated components removed
-from the start of the subject key, one-by-one, and `$*$.' added on the front of
-what remains.
-A minimum number of two non-$*$ components are required. This can be adjusted
-by including a number before the hyphen in the search type. For example,
-\partial3-lsearch\ specifies a minimum of three non-$*$ components in the
-modified keys. Omitting the number is equivalent to `partial2-'. If the subject
-key is \*2250.dates.fict.example*\ then the following keys are looked up when
-the minimum number of non-$*$ components is two:
-.display asis
-As soon as one key in the sequence is successfully looked up, the lookup
-.index lookup||partial matching, changing prefix
-.index prefix||for partial matching
-The use of `$*$.' as the partial matching prefix is a default that can be
-changed. The motivation for this feature is to allow Exim to operate with file
-formats that are used by other MTAs. A different prefix can be supplied in
-parentheses instead of the hyphen after `partial'. For example:
-.display asis
-domains = partial(.)lsearch;/some/file
-In this example, if the domain is \*a.b.c*\, the sequence of lookups is
-\"a.b.c"\, \".a.b.c"\, and \".b.c"\ (the default minimum of 2 non-wild
-components is unchanged). The prefix may consist of any punctuation characters
-other than a closing parenthesis. It may be empty, for example:
-.display asis
-domains = partial1()cdb;/some/file
-For this example, if the domain is \*a.b.c*\, the sequence of lookups is
-\"a.b.c"\, \"b.c"\, and \"c"\.
-If `partial0' is specified, what happens at the end (when the lookup with just
-one non-wild component has failed, and the original key is shortened right down
-to the null string) depends on the prefix:
-.numberpars $.
-If the prefix has zero length, the whole lookup fails.
-If the prefix has length 1, a lookup for just the prefix is done. For
-example, the final lookup for `partial0(.)' is for \"."\ alone.
-Otherwise, if the prefix ends in a dot, the dot is removed, and the
-remainder is looked up. With the default prefix, therefore, the final lookup is
-for `$*$' on its own.
-Otherwise, the whole prefix is looked up.
-If the search type ends in `$*$' or `$*$@@' (see section
-~~SECTdefaultvaluelookups above), the search for an ultimate default that this
-implies happens after all partial lookups have failed. If `partial0' is
-specified, adding `$*$' to the search type has no effect with the default
-prefix, because the `$*$' key is already included in the sequence of partial
-lookups. However, there might be a use for lookup types such as
-The use of `$*$' in lookup partial matching differs from its use as a wildcard
-in domain lists and the like. Partial matching works only in terms of
-dot-separated components; a key such as \"*fict.example"\
-in a database file is useless, because the asterisk in a partial matching
-subject key is always followed by a dot.
-.section Lookup caching
-.index lookup||caching
-.index caching||lookup data
-Exim caches all lookup results in order to avoid needless repetition of
-lookups. However, because (apart from the daemon) Exim operates as a collection
-of independent, short-lived processes, this caching applies only within a
-single Exim process. There is no inter-process caching facility.
-For single-key lookups, Exim keeps the relevant files open in case there is
-another lookup that needs them. In some types of configuration this can lead to
-many files being kept open for messages with many recipients. To avoid hitting
-the operating system limit on the number of simultaneously open files, Exim
-closes the least recently used file when it needs to open more files than its
-own internal limit, which can be changed via the \lookup@_open@_max\ option.
-The single-key lookup files are closed and the lookup caches are flushed at
-strategic points during delivery -- for example, after all routing is complete.
-.section Quoting lookup data
-.index lookup||quoting
-.index quoting||in lookups
-When data from an incoming message is included in a query-style lookup, there
-is the possibility of special characters in the data messing up the syntax of
-the query. For example, a NIS+ query that contains
-.display asis
-will be broken if the local part happens to contain a closing square bracket.
-For NIS+, data can be enclosed in double quotes like this:
-.display asis
-but this still leaves the problem of a double quote in the data. The rule for
-NIS+ is that double quotes must be doubled. Other lookup types have different
-rules, and to cope with the differing requirements, an expansion operator
-of the following form is provided:
-For example, the safest way to write the NIS+ query is
-.display asis
-See chapter ~~CHAPexpand for full coverage of string expansions. The quote
-operator can be used for all lookup types, but has no effect for single-key
-lookups, since no quoting is ever needed in their key strings.
-.section More about dnsdb
-.rset SECTdnsdb "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index dnsdb lookup
-.index lookup||dnsdb
-.index DNS||as a lookup type
-The \%dnsdb%\ lookup type uses the DNS as its database. A simple query consists
-of a record type and a domain name, separated by an equals sign. For example,
-an expansion string could contain:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{mx=a.b.example}{$value}fail}
-The supported DNS record types are A, CNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SRV, and TXT, and,
-when Exim is compiled with IPv6 support, AAAA (and A6 if that is also
-configured). If no type is given, TXT is assumed. When the type is PTR,
-the data can be an IP address, written as normal; inversion and the addition of
-\\ or \\ happens automatically. For example:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{ptr=}{$value}fail}
-If the data for a PTR record is not a syntactically valid IP address, it is not
-altered and nothing is added.
-For any record type, if multiple records are found (or, for A6 lookups, if a
-single record leads to multiple addresses), the data is returned as a
-concatenation, with newline as the default separator. The order, of course,
-depends on the DNS resolver. You can specify a different separator character
-between multiple records by putting a right angle-bracket followed immediately
-by the new separator at the start of the query. For example:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{>: a=host1.example}}
-It is permitted to specify a space as the separator character. Further
-whitespace is ignored.
-.index SRV record||in \%dnsdb%\ lookup
-For SRV records, the priority, weight, port, and host name are returned for
-each record, separated by spaces.
-.index MX record||in \%dnsdb%\ lookup
-For MX records, both the preference value and the host name are returned for
-each record, separated by a space. However, if you want only host names, you
-can use the pseudo-type MXH:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{mxh=a.b.example}}
-In this case, the preference values are omitted.
-.index name server||for enclosing domain
-Another pseudo-type is ZNS (for `zone NS'). It performs a lookup for NS
-records on the given domain, but if none are found, it removes the first
-component of the domain name, and tries again. This process continues until NS
-records are found or there are no more components left (or there is a DNS
-error). In other words, it may return the name servers for a top-level domain,
-but it never returns the root name servers. If there are no NS records for the
-top-level domain, the lookup fails. Consider these examples:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{}}
-${lookup dnsdb{}}
-Assuming that in each case there are no NS records for the full domain name,
-the first returns the name servers for \\, and the second returns
-the name servers for \edu\.
-You should be careful about how you use this lookup because, unless the
-top-level domain does not exist, the lookup always returns some host names. The
-sort of use to which this might be put is for seeing if the name servers for a
-given domain are on a blacklist. You can probably assume that the name servers
-for the high-level domains such as \com\ or \\ are not going to be on such
-a list.
-.section Multiple dnsdb lookups
-In the previous section, \%dnsdb%\ lookups for a single domain are described.
-However, you can specify a list of domains or IP addresses in a single
-\%dnsdb%\ lookup. The list is specified in the normal Exim way, with colon as
-the default separator, but with the ability to change this. For example:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{}}
-${lookup dnsdb{}}
-${lookup dnsdb{ptr = <; ;}}
-In order to retain backwards compatibility, there is one special case: if
-the lookup type is PTR and no change of separator is specified, Exim looks
-to see if the rest of the string is precisely one IPv6 address. In this
-case, it does not treat it as a list.
-The data from each lookup is concatenated, with newline separators by default,
-in the same way that multiple DNS records for a single item are handled. A
-different separator can be specified, as described above.
-The \%dnsdb%\ lookup fails only if all the DNS lookups fail. If there is a
-temporary DNS error for any of them, the behaviour is controlled by
-an optional keyword followed by a comma that may appear before the record
-type. The possible keywords are `defer@_strict', `defer@_never', and
-`defer@_lax'. With `strict' behaviour, any temporary DNS error causes the
-whole lookup to defer. With `never' behaviour, a temporary DNS error is
-ignored, and the behaviour is as if the DNS lookup failed to find anything.
-With `lax' behaviour, all the queries are attempted, but a temporary DNS
-error causes the whole lookup to defer only if none of the other lookups
-succeed. The default is `lax', so the following lookups are equivalent:
-.display asis
-${lookup dnsdb{defer_lax,}}
-${lookup dnsdb{}}
-Thus, in the default case, as long as at least one of the DNS lookups
-yields some data, the lookup succeeds.
-.section More about LDAP
-.rset SECTldap "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index LDAP lookup
-.index lookup||LDAP
-.index Solaris||LDAP
-The original LDAP implementation came from the University of Michigan; this has
-become `Open LDAP', and there are now two different releases. Another
-implementation comes from Netscape, and Solaris 7 and subsequent releases
-contain inbuilt LDAP support. Unfortunately, though these are all compatible at
-the lookup function level, their error handling is different. For this reason
-it is necessary to set a compile-time variable when building Exim with LDAP, to
-indicate which LDAP library is in use. One of the following should appear in
-your \(Local/Makefile)\:
-.display asis
-If \\LDAP@_LIB@_TYPE\\ is not set, Exim assumes \"OPENLDAP1"\, which has the
-same interface as the University of Michigan version.
-There are three LDAP lookup types in Exim. These behave slightly differently in
-the way they handle the results of a query:
-.numberpars $.
-\%ldap%\ requires the result to contain just one entry; if there are more, it
-gives an error.
-\%ldapdn%\ also requires the result to contain just one entry, but it is the
-Distinguished Name that is returned rather than any attribute values.
-\%ldapm%\ permits the result to contain more than one entry; the attributes from
-all of them are returned.
-For \%ldap%\ and \%ldapm%\, if a query finds only entries with no attributes,
-Exim behaves as if the entry did not exist, and the lookup fails. The format of
-the data returned by a successful lookup is described in the next section.
-First we explain how LDAP queries are coded.
-.section Format of LDAP queries
-.rset SECTforldaque "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index LDAP||query format
-An LDAP query takes the form of a URL as defined in RFC 2255. For example, in
-the configuration of a \%redirect%\ router one might have this setting:
-.display asis
-data = ${lookup ldap \
- {ldap:///cn=$local_part,o=University%20of%20Cambridge,\
- c=UK?mailbox?base?}}
-.index LDAP||with TLS
-The URL may begin with \"ldap"\ or \"ldaps"\ if your LDAP library supports
-secure (encrypted) LDAP connections. The second of these ensures that an
-encrypted TLS connection is used.
-.section LDAP quoting
-.index LDAP||quoting
-Two levels of quoting are required in LDAP queries, the first for LDAP itself
-and the second because the LDAP query is represented as a URL. Furthermore,
-within an LDAP query, two different kinds of quoting are required. For this
-reason, there are two different LDAP-specific quoting operators.
-The \quote@_ldap\ operator is designed for use on strings that are part of
-filter specifications. Conceptually, it first does the following conversions on
-the string:
-.display asis
-* => \2A
-( => \28
-) => \29
-\ => \5C
-in accordance with RFC 2254. The resulting string is then quoted according
-to the rules for URLs, that is, all characters except
-.display asis
-! $ ' - . _ ( ) * +
-are converted to their hex values, preceded by a percent sign. For example:
-.display asis
-${quote_ldap: a(bc)*, a<yz>; }
-.display asis
-Removing the URL quoting, this is (with a leading and a trailing space):
-.display asis
-a\28bc\29\2A, a<yz>;
-The \quote@_ldap@_dn\ operator is designed for use on strings that are part of
-base DN specifications in queries. Conceptually, it first converts the string
-by inserting a backslash in front of any of the following characters:
-.display asis
-, + " \ < > ;
-It also inserts a backslash before any leading spaces or @# characters, and
-before any trailing spaces. (These rules are in RFC 2253.) The resulting string
-is then quoted according to the rules for URLs. For example:
-.display asis
-${quote_ldap_dn: a(bc)*, a<yz>; }
-.display asis
-Removing the URL quoting, this is (with a trailing space):
-.display asis
-\ a(bc)*\, a\<yz\>\;\
-There are some further comments about quoting in the section on LDAP
-authentication below.
-.section LDAP connections
-.index LDAP||connections
-The connection to an LDAP server may either be over TCP/IP, or, when OpenLDAP
-is in use, via a Unix domain socket. The example given above does not specify
-an LDAP server. A server that is reached by TCP/IP can be specified in a query
-by starting it with
-If the port (and preceding colon) are omitted, the standard LDAP port (389) is
-used. When no server is specified in a query, a list of default servers is
-taken from the \ldap@_default@_servers\ configuration option. This supplies a
-colon-separated list of servers which are tried in turn until one successfully
-handles a query, or there is a serious error. Successful handling either
-returns the requested data, or indicates that it does not exist. Serious errors
-are syntactical, or multiple values when only a single value is expected.
-Errors which cause the next server to be tried are connection failures, bind
-failures, and timeouts.
-For each server name in the list, a port number can be given. The standard way
-of specifing a host and port is to use a colon separator (RFC 1738). Because
-\ldap@_default@_servers\ is a colon-separated list, such colons have to be
-doubled. For example
-.display asis
-ldap_default_servers =
-If \ldap@_default@_servers\ is unset, a URL with no server name is passed
-to the LDAP library with no server name, and the library's default (normally
-the local host) is used.
-If you are using the OpenLDAP library, you can connect to an LDAP server using
-a Unix domain socket instead of a TCP/IP connection. This is specified by using
-\"ldapi"\ instead of \"ldap"\ in LDAP queries. What follows here applies only
-to OpenLDAP. If Exim is compiled with a different LDAP library, this feature is
-not available.
-For this type of connection, instead of a host name for the server, a pathname
-for the socket is required, and the port number is not relevant. The pathname
-can be specified either as an item in \ldap@_default@_servers\, or inline in
-the query. In the former case, you can have settings such as
-.display asis
-ldap_default_servers = /tmp/ldap.sock : backup.ldap.your.domain
-When the pathname is given in the query, you have to escape the slashes as
-\"%2F"\ to fit in with the LDAP URL syntax. For example:
-.display asis
-${lookup ldap {ldapi://%2Ftmp%2Fldap.sock/o=...
-When Exim processes an LDAP lookup and finds that the `hostname' is really
-a pathname, it uses the Unix domain socket code, even if the query actually
-specifies \"ldap"\ or \"ldaps"\. In particular, no encryption is used for a
-socket connection. This behaviour means that you can use a setting of
-\ldap@_default@_servers\ such as in the example above with traditional \"ldap"\
-or \"ldaps"\ queries, and it will work. First, Exim tries a connection via
-the Unix domain socket; if that fails, it tries a TCP/IP connection to the
-backup host.
-If an explicit \"ldapi"\ type is given in a query when a host name is
-specified, an error is diagnosed. However, if there are more items in
-\ldap@_default@_servers\, they are tried. In other words:
-.numberpars $.
-Using a pathname with \"ldap"\ or \"ldaps"\ forces the use of the Unix domain
-Using \"ldapi"\ with a host name causes an error.
-Using \"ldapi"\ with no host or path in the query, and no setting of
-\ldap@_default@_servers\, does whatever the library does by default.
-.section LDAP authentication and control information
-.index LDAP||authentication
-The LDAP URL syntax provides no way of passing authentication and other control
-information to the server. To make this possible, the URL in an LDAP query may
-be preceded by any number of `<<name>>=<<value>>' settings, separated by
-spaces. If a value contains spaces it must be enclosed in double quotes, and
-when double quotes are used, backslash is interpreted in the usual way inside
-them. The following names are recognized:
-DEREFERENCE $rm{set the dereferencing parameter}
-NETTIME $rm{set a timeout for a network operation}
-USER $rm{set the DN, for authenticating the LDAP bind}
-PASS $rm{set the password, likewise}
-SIZE $rm{set the limit for the number of entries returned}
-TIME $rm{set the maximum waiting time for a query}
-The value of the \\DEREFERENCE\\ parameter must be one of the words `never',
-`searching', `finding', or `always'.
-The name \\CONNECT\\ is an obsolete name for \\NETTIME\\, retained for
-backwards compatibility. This timeout (specified as a number of seconds) is
-enforced from the client end for operations that can be carried out over a
-network. Specifically, it applies to network connections and calls to the
-\*ldap@_result()*\ function. If the value is greater than zero, it is used if
-\\LDAP@_OPT@_NETWORK@_TIMEOUT\\ is defined in the LDAP headers (OpenLDAP), or
-if \\LDAP@_X@_OPT@_CONNECT@_TIMEOUT\\ is defined in the LDAP headers (Netscape
-SDK 4.1). A value of zero forces an explicit setting of `no timeout' for
-Netscape SDK; for OpenLDAP no action is taken.
-The \\TIME\\ parameter (also a number of seconds) is passed to the server to
-set a server-side limit on the time taken to complete a search.
-Here is an example of an LDAP query in an Exim lookup that uses some of these
-values. This is a single line, folded for ease of reading:
-.display asis
-.indent 0
-${lookup ldap
- {user="cn=manager,o=University of Cambridge,c=UK" pass=secret
- ldap:///o=University%20of%20Cambridge,c=UK?sn?sub?(cn=foo)}
- {$value}fail}
-The encoding of spaces as %20 is a URL thing which should not be done for any
-of the auxiliary data. Exim configuration settings that include lookups which
-contain password information should be preceded by `hide' to prevent non-admin
-users from using the \-bP-\ option to see their values.
-The auxiliary data items may be given in any order. The default is no
-connection timeout (the system timeout is used), no user or password, no limit
-on the number of entries returned, and no time limit on queries.
-When a DN is quoted in the \\USER=\\ setting for LDAP authentication, Exim
-removes any URL quoting that it may contain before passing it LDAP. Apparently
-some libraries do this for themselves, but some do not. Removing the URL
-quoting has two advantages:
-.numberpars $.
-It makes it possible to use the same \quote@_ldap@_dn\ expansion for \\USER=\\
-DNs as with DNs inside actual queries.
-It permits spaces inside \\USER=\\ DNs.
-For example, a setting such as
-.display asis
-should work even if \$1$\ contains spaces.
-Expanded data for the \\PASS=\\ value should be quoted using the \quote\
-expansion operator, rather than the LDAP quote operators. The only reason this
-field needs quoting is to ensure that it conforms to the Exim syntax, which
-does not allow unquoted spaces. For example:
-.display asis
-The LDAP authentication mechanism can be used to check passwords as part of
-SMTP authentication. See the \ldapauth\ expansion string condition in chapter
-.section Format of data returned by LDAP
-.index LDAP||returned data formats
-The \%ldapdn%\ lookup type returns the Distinguished Name from a single entry as
-a sequence of values, for example
-.display asis
-cn=manager, o=University of Cambridge, c=UK
-The \%ldap%\ lookup type generates an error if more than one entry matches the
-search filter, whereas \%ldapm%\ permits this case, and inserts a newline in
-the result between the data from different entries. It is possible for multiple
-values to be returned for both \%ldap%\ and \%ldapm%\, but in the former case
-you know that whatever values are returned all came from a single entry in the
-In the common case where you specify a single attribute in your LDAP query, the
-result is not quoted, and does not contain the attribute name. If the attribute
-has multiple values, they are separated by commas.
-If you specify multiple attributes, the result contains space-separated, quoted
-strings, each preceded by the attribute name and an equals sign. Within the
-quotes, the quote character, backslash, and newline are escaped with
-backslashes, and commas are used to separate multiple values for the attribute.
-Apart from the escaping, the string within quotes takes the same form as the
-output when a single attribute is requested. Specifying no attributes is the
-same as specifying all of an entry's attributes.
-Here are some examples of the output format. The first line of each pair is an
-LDAP query, and the second is the data that is returned. The attribute called
-\attr1\ has two values, whereas \attr2\ has only one value:
-.display asis
-value1.1, value1.2
-value two
-attr1="value1.1, value1.2" attr2="value two"
-objectClass="top" attr1="value1.1, value1.2" attr2="value two"
-The \extract\ operator in string expansions can be used to pick out individual
-fields from data that consists of $it{key}=$it{value} pairs. You can make use
-of Exim's \-be-\ option to run expansion tests and thereby check the results of
-LDAP lookups.
-.section More about NIS+
-.rset SECTnisplus "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index NIS@+ lookup type
-.index lookup||NIS+
-NIS+ queries consist of a NIS+ \*indexed name*\ followed by an optional colon
-and field name. If this is given, the result of a successful query is the
-contents of the named field; otherwise the result consists of a concatenation
-of \*field-name=field-value*\ pairs, separated by spaces. Empty values and
-values containing spaces are quoted. For example, the query
-.display asis
-might return the string
-.display asis
-name=mg1456 passwd="" uid=999 gid=999 gcos="Martin Guerre"
-home=/home/mg1456 shell=/bin/bash shadow=""
-(split over two lines here to fit on the page), whereas
-.display asis
-would just return
-.display asis
-Martin Guerre
-with no quotes. A NIS+ lookup fails if NIS+ returns more than one table entry
-for the given indexed key. The effect of the \quote@_nisplus\ expansion
-operator is to double any quote characters within the text.
-.section More about MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Interbase
-.rset SECTsql "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index MySQL||lookup type
-.index PostgreSQL lookup type
-.index lookup||MySQL
-.index lookup||PostgreSQL
-.index Oracle||lookup type
-.index lookup||Oracle
-.index Interbase lookup type
-.index lookup||Interbase
-If any MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Interbase lookups are used, the
-\mysql@_servers\, \pgsql@_servers\, \oracle@_servers\, or \ibase@_servers\
-option (as appropriate) must be set to a colon-separated list of server
-information. Each item in the list is a slash-separated list of four items:
-host name, database name, user name, and password. In the case of Oracle, the
-host name field is used for the `service name', and the database name field is
-not used and should be empty. For example:
-.display asis
-hide oracle_servers = oracle.plc.example//ph10/abcdwxyz
-Because password data is sensitive, you should always precede the setting with
-`hide', to prevent non-admin users from obtaining the setting via the \-bP-\
-option. Here is an example where two MySQL servers are listed:
-.display asis
-hide mysql_servers = localhost/users/root/secret:\
- otherhost/users/root/othersecret
-For MySQL and PostgreSQL, a host may be specified as <<name>>:<<port>> but
-because this is a colon-separated list, the colon has to be doubled.
-For each query, these parameter groups are tried in order until a connection
-and a query succeeds. Queries for these databases are SQL statements, so an
-example might be
-.display asis
-.indent 0
-${lookup mysql{select mailbox from users where id='ph10'}{$value}fail}
-If the result of the query contains more than one field, the data for
-each field in the row is returned, preceded by its name, so the result
-.display asis
-.indent 0
-${lookup pgsql{select home,name from users where id='ph10'}{$value}}
-might be
-.display asis
-home=/home/ph10 name="Philip Hazel"
-Values containing spaces and empty values are double quoted, with embedded
-quotes escaped by a backslash.
-If the result of the query contains just one field, the value is passed back
-verbatim, without a field name, for example:
-.display asis
-Philip Hazel
-If the result of the query yields more than one row, it is all concatenated,
-with a newline between the data for each row.
-The \quote@_mysql\, \quote@_pgsql\, and \quote@_oracle\ expansion operators
-convert newline, tab, carriage return, and backspace to @\n, @\t, @\r, and @\b
-respectively, and the characters single-quote, double-quote, and backslash
-itself are escaped with backslashes. The \quote@_pgsql\ expansion operator, in
-addition, escapes the percent and underscore characters. This cannot be done
-for MySQL because these escapes are not recognized in contexts where these
-characters are not special.
-.section Special MySQL features
-For MySQL, an empty host name or the use of `localhost' in \mysql@_servers\
-causes a connection to the server on the local host by means of a Unix domain
-socket. An alternate socket can be specified in parentheses. The full syntax of
-each item in \mysql@_servers\ is:
-<<hostname>>@:@:<<port>>(<<socket name>>)/<<database>>/<<user>>/<<password>>
-Any of the three sub-parts of the first field can be omitted. For normal use on
-the local host it can be left blank or set to just `localhost'.
-No database need be supplied -- but if it is absent here, it must be given in
-the queries.
-If a MySQL query is issued that does not request any data (an insert, update,
-or delete command), the result of the lookup is the number of rows affected.
-\**Warning**\: this can be misleading. If an update does not actually change
-anything (for example, setting a field to the value it already has), the result
-is zero because no rows are affected.
-.section Special PostgreSQL features
-PostgreSQL lookups can also use Unix domain socket connections to the database.
-This is usually faster and costs less CPU time than a TCP/IP connection.
-However it can be used only if the mail server runs on the same machine as the
-database server. A configuration line for PostgreSQL via Unix domain sockets
-looks like this:
-.display asis
-hide pgsql_servers = (/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432)/db/user/password : ...
-In other words, instead of supplying a host name, a path to the socket is
-given. The path name is enclosed in parentheses so that its slashes aren't
-visually confused with the delimiters for the other server parameters.
-If a PostgreSQL query is issued that does not request any data (an insert,
-update, or delete command), the result of the lookup is the number of rows
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Domain, host, address, and local part lists
-.set runningfoot "domain, host, and address lists"
-.rset CHAPdomhosaddlists "~~chapter"
-.index list||of domains, hosts, etc.
-A number of Exim configuration options contain lists of domains, hosts,
-email addresses, or local parts. For example, the \hold@_domains\ option
-contains a list of domains whose delivery is currently suspended. These lists
-are also used as data in ACL statements (see chapter ~~CHAPACL).
-Each item in one of these lists is a pattern to be matched against a domain,
-host, email address, or local part, respectively. In the sections below, the
-different types of pattern for each case are described, but first we cover some
-general facilities that apply to all four kinds of list.
-.section Expansion of lists
-.index expansion||of lists
-Each list is expanded as a single string before it is used. The result of
-expansion must be a list, possibly containing empty items, which is split up
-into separate items for matching. By default, colon is the separator character,
-but this can be varied if necessary. See sections ~~SECTlistconstruct and
-~~SECTempitelis for details of the list syntax; the second of these discusses
-the way you specify empty list items.
-If the string expansion is forced to fail, Exim behaves as if the item it is
-testing (domain, host, address, or local part) is not in the list. Other
-expansion failures cause temporary errors.
-If an item in a list is a regular expression, backslashes, dollars and possibly
-other special characters in the expression must be protected against
-misinterpretation by the string expander. The easiest way to do this is to use
-the \"@\N"\ expansion feature to indicate that the contents of the regular
-expression should not be expanded. For example, in an ACL you might have:
-.display asis
-deny senders = \N^\d{8}\w@.*\.baddomain\.example$\N :
- ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/badsenders/bydomain}}
-The first item is a regular expression that is protected from expansion by
-\"@\N"\, whereas the second uses the expansion to obtain a list of unwanted
-senders based on the receiving domain.
-.section Negated items in lists
-.index list||negation
-.index negation in lists
-Items in a list may be positive or negative. Negative items are indicated by a
-leading exclamation mark, which may be followed by optional white space. A list
-defines a set of items (domains, etc). When Exim processes one of these lists,
-it is trying to find out whether a domain, host, address, or local part
-(respectively) is in the set that is defined by the list. It works like this:
-The list is scanned from left to right. If a positive item is matched, the
-subject that is being checked is in the set; if a negative item is matched, the
-subject is not in the set. If the end of the list is reached without the
-subject having matched any of the patterns, it is in the set if the last item
-was a negative one, but not if it was a positive one. For example, the list in
-.display asis
-domainlist relay_domains = !a.b.c : *.b.c
-matches any domain ending in \*.b.c*\ except for \*a.b.c*\. Domains that match
-neither \*a.b.c*\ nor \*@*.b.c*\ do not match, because the last item in the
-list is positive. However, if the setting were
-.display asis
-domainlist relay_domains = !a.b.c
-then all domains other than \*a.b.c*\ would match because the last item in the
-list is negative. In other words, a list that ends with a negative item behaves
-as if it had an extra item \":*"\ on the end.
-Another way of thinking about positive and negative items in lists is to read
-the connector as `or' after a positive item and as `and' after a negative
-.section File names in lists
-.rset SECTfilnamlis "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index list||file name in
-If an item in a domain, host, address, or local part list is an absolute file
-name (beginning with a slash character), each line of the file is read and
-processed as if it were an independent item in the list, except that further
-file names are not allowed,
-and no expansion of the data from the file takes place.
-Empty lines in the file are ignored, and the file may also contain comment
-.numberpars $.
-For domain and host lists, if a @# character appears anywhere in a line of the
-file, it and all following characters are ignored.
-Because local parts may legitimately contain @# characters, a comment in an
-address list or local part list file is recognized only if @# is preceded by
-white space or the start of the line. For example:
-.display asis
-not#comment@x.y.z # but this is a comment
-Putting a file name in a list has the same effect as inserting each line of the
-file as an item in the list (blank lines and comments excepted). However, there
-is one important difference: the file is read each time the list is processed,
-so if its contents vary over time, Exim's behaviour changes.
-If a file name is preceded by an exclamation mark, the sense of any match
-within the file is inverted. For example, if
-.display asis
-hold_domains = !/etc/nohold-domains
-and the file contains the lines
-.display asis
-then \*a.b.c*\ is in the set of domains defined by \hold@_domains\, whereas any
-domain matching \"*.b.c"\ is not.
-.section An lsearch file is not an out-of-line list
-As will be described in the sections that follow, lookups can be used in lists
-to provide indexed methods of checking list membership. There has been some
-confusion about the way \%lsearch%\ lookups work in lists. Because
-an \%lsearch%\ file contains plain text and is scanned sequentially, it is
-sometimes thought that it is allowed to contain wild cards and other kinds of
-non-constant pattern. This is not the case. The keys in an \%lsearch%\ file are
-always fixed strings, just as for any other single-key lookup type.
-If you want to use a file to contain wild-card patterns that form part of a
-list, just give the file name on its own, without a search type, as described
-in the previous section.
-.section Named lists
-.rset SECTnamedlists "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index named lists
-.index list||named
-A list of domains, hosts, email addresses, or local parts can be given a name
-which is then used to refer to the list elsewhere in the configuration. This is
-particularly convenient if the same list is required in several different
-places. It also allows lists to be given meaningful names, which can improve
-the readability of the configuration. For example, it is conventional to define
-a domain list called \*local@_domains*\ for all the domains that are handled
-locally on a host, using a configuration line such as
-.display asis
-domainlist local_domains = localhost:my.dom.example
-Named lists are referenced by giving their name preceded by a plus sign, so,
-for example, a router that is intended to handle local domains would be
-configured with the line
-.display asis
-domains = +local_domains
-The first router in a configuration is often one that handles all domains
-except the local ones, using a configuration with a negated item like this:
-.display asis
- driver = dnslookup
- domains = ! +local_domains
- transport = remote_smtp
- no_more
-The four kinds of named list are created by configuration lines starting with
-the words \domainlist\, \hostlist\, \addresslist\, or \localpartlist\,
-respectively. Then there follows the name that you are defining, followed by an
-equals sign and the list itself. For example:
-.display asis
-hostlist relay_hosts = : my.friend.example
-addresslist bad_senders = cdb;/etc/badsenders
-A named list may refer to other named lists:
-.display asis
-domainlist dom1 = first.example : second.example
-domainlist dom2 = +dom1 : third.example
-domainlist dom3 = fourth.example : +dom2 : fifth.example
-\**Warning**\: If the last item in a referenced list is a negative one, the
-effect may not be what you intended, because the negation does not propagate
-out to the higher level. For example, consider:
-.display asis
-domainlist dom1 = !a.b
-domainlist dom2 = +dom1 : *.b
-The second list specifies `either in the \dom1\ list or \*@*.b*\'. The first
-list specifies just `not \*a.b*\', so the domain \*x.y*\ matches it. That means
-it matches the second list as well. The effect is not the same as
-.display asis
-domainlist dom2 = !a.b : *.b
-where \*x.y*\ does not match. It's best to avoid negation altogether in
-referenced lists if you can.
-Named lists may have a performance advantage. When Exim is routing an
-address or checking an incoming message, it caches the result of tests on named
-lists. So, if you have a setting such as
-.display asis
-domains = +local_domains
-on several of your routers
-or in several ACL statements,
-the actual test is done only for the first one. However, the caching works only
-if there are no expansions within the list itself or any sublists that it
-references. In other words, caching happens only for lists that are known to be
-the same each time they are referenced.
-By default, there may be up to 16 named lists of each type. This limit can be
-extended by changing a compile-time variable. The use of domain and host lists
-is recommended for concepts such as local domains, relay domains, and relay
-hosts. The default configuration is set up like this.
-.section Named lists compared with macros
-.index list||named compared with macro
-.index macro||compared with named list
-At first sight, named lists might seem to be no different from macros in the
-configuration file. However, macros are just textual substitutions. If you
-.display asis
-ALIST = host1 : host2
-auth_advertise_hosts = !ALIST
-it probably won't do what you want, because that is exactly the same as
-.display asis
-auth_advertise_hosts = !host1 : host2
-Notice that the second host name is not negated. However, if you use a host
-list, and write
-.display asis
-hostlist alist = host1 : host2
-auth_advertise_hosts = ! +alist
-the negation applies to the whole list, and so that is equivalent to
-.display asis
-auth_advertise_hosts = !host1 : !host2
-.section Named list caching
-.index list||caching of named
-.index caching||named lists
-While processing a message, Exim caches the result of checking a named list if
-it is sure that the list is the same each time. In practice, this means that
-the cache operates only if the list contains no @$ characters, which guarantees
-that it will not change when it is expanded. Sometimes, however, you may have
-an expanded list that you know will be the same each time within a given
-message. For example:
-.display asis
-domainlist special_domains = \
- ${lookup{$sender_host_address}cdb{/some/file}}
-This provides a list of domains that depends only on the sending host's IP
-address. If this domain list is referenced a number of times (for example,
-in several ACL lines, or in several routers) the result of the check is not
-cached by default, because Exim does not know that it is going to be the
-same list each time.
-By appending \"@_cache"\ to \"domainlist"\ you can tell Exim to go ahead and
-cache the result anyway. For example:
-.display asis
-domainlist_cache special_domains = ${lookup{...
-If you do this, you should be absolutely sure that caching is going to do
-the right thing in all cases. When in doubt, leave it out.
-.section Domain lists
-.rset SECTdomainlist "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index domain list||patterns for
-.index list||domain list
-Domain lists contain patterns that are to be matched against a mail domain.
-The following types of item may appear in domain lists:
-.numberpars $.
-.index primary host name
-.index host||name, matched in domain list
-.index \primary@_hostname\
-.index domain list||matching primary host name
-.index @@ in a domain list
-If a pattern consists of a single @@ character, it matches the local host name,
-as set by the \primary@_hostname\ option (or defaulted). This makes it possible
-to use the same configuration file on several different hosts that differ only
-in their names.
-.index @@[] in a domain list
-.index domain list||matching local IP interfaces
-.index domain literal
-If a pattern consists of the string \"@@[]"\ it matches any local IP interface
-address, enclosed in square brackets, as in an email address that contains a
-domain literal.
-In today's Internet, the use of domain literals is controversial.
-.index @@mx@_any
-.index @@mx@_primary
-.index @@mx@_secondary
-.index domain list||matching MX pointers to local host
-If a pattern consists of the string \"@@mx@_any"\ it matches any domain that
-has an MX record pointing to the local host or to any host that is listed in
-.index \hosts@_treat@_as@_local\
-\hosts@_treat@_as@_local\. The items \"@@mx@_primary"\ and \"@@mx@_secondary"\
-are similar, except that the first matches only when a primary MX target is the
-local host, and the second only when no primary MX target is the local host,
-but a secondary MX target is. `Primary' means an MX record with the lowest
-preference value -- there may of course be more than one of them.
-The MX lookup that takes place when matching a pattern of this type is
-performed with the resolver options for widening names turned off. Thus, for
-example, a single-component domain will \*not*\ be expanded by adding the
-resolver's default domain. See the \qualify@_single\ and \search@_parents\
-options of the \%dnslookup%\ router for a discussion of domain widening.
-Sometimes you may want to ignore certain IP addresses when using one of these
-patterns. You can specify this by following the pattern with \"/ignore=<<ip
-list>>"\, where <<ip list>> is a list of IP addresses. These addresses are
-ignored when processing the pattern (compare the \ignore@_target@_hosts\ option
-on a router). For example:
-.display asis
-domains = @mx_any/ignore=
-This example matches any domain that has an MX record pointing to one of
-the local host's IP addresses other than
-The list of IP addresses is in fact processed by the same code that processes
-host lists, so it may contain CIDR-coded network specifications and it may also
-contain negative items.
-Because the list of IP addresses is a sublist within a domain list, you have to
-be careful about delimiters if there is more than one address. Like any other
-list, the default delimiter can be changed. Thus, you might have:
-.display asis
-domains = @mx_any/ignore=<;; : \
- an.other.domain : ...
-so that the sublist uses semicolons for delimiters. When IPv6 addresses are
-involved, it is easiest to change the delimiter for the main list as well:
-.display asis
-domains = <? @mx_any/ignore=<;;::1 ? \
- an.other.domain ? ...
-.index asterisk||in domain list
-.index domain list||asterisk in
-.index domain list||matching `ends with'
-If a pattern starts with an asterisk, the remaining characters of the pattern
-are compared with the terminating characters of the domain. The use of `$*$' in
-domain lists differs from its use in partial matching lookups. In a domain
-list, the character following the asterisk need not be a dot, whereas partial
-matching works only in terms of dot-separated components. For example, a domain
-list item such as \"*key.ex"\ matches \*donkey.ex*\ as well as
-.index regular expressions||in domain list
-.index domain list||matching regular expression
-If a pattern starts with a circumflex character, it is treated as a regular
-expression, and matched against the domain using a regular expression matching
-function. The circumflex is treated as part of the regular expression.
-References to descriptions of the syntax of regular expressions are given in
-chapter ~~CHAPregexp.
-\**Warning**\: Because domain lists are expanded before being processed, you
-must escape any backslash and dollar characters in the regular expression, or
-use the special \"@\N"\ sequence (see chapter ~~CHAPexpand) to specify that it
-is not to be expanded (unless you really do want to build a regular expression
-by expansion, of course).
-.index lookup||in domain list
-.index domain list||matching by lookup
-If a pattern starts with the name of a single-key lookup type followed by a
-semicolon (for example, `dbm;' or `lsearch;'), the remainder of the pattern
-must be a file name in a suitable format for the lookup type. For example, for
-`cdb;' it must be an absolute path:
-.display asis
-domains = cdb;/etc/mail/local_domains.cdb
-The appropriate type of lookup is done on the file using the domain name as the
-key. In most cases, the data that is looked up is not used; Exim is interested
-only in whether or not the key is present in the file. However, when a lookup
-is used for the \domains\ option on a router
-or a \domains\ condition in an ACL statement, the data is preserved in the
-\$domain@_data$\ variable and can be referred to in other router options or
-other statements in the same ACL.
-Any of the single-key lookup type names may be preceded by `partial<<n>>-',
-where the <<n>> is optional, for example,
-.display asis
-domains = partial-dbm;/partial/domains
-This causes partial matching logic to be invoked; a description of how this
-works is given in section ~~SECTpartiallookup.
-.index asterisk||in lookup type
-Any of the single-key lookup types may be followed by an asterisk. This causes
-a default lookup for a key consisting of a single asterisk to be done if the
-original lookup fails. This is not a useful feature when using a domain list to
-select particular domains (because any domain would match), but it might have
-value if the result of the lookup is being used via the \$domain@_data$\
-expansion variable.
-If the pattern starts with the name of a query-style lookup type followed by a
-semicolon (for example, `nisplus;' or `ldap;'), the remainder of the pattern
-must be an appropriate query for the lookup type, as described in chapter
-~~CHAPfdlookup. For example:
-.display asis
-hold_domains = mysql;select domain from holdlist \
- where domain = '$domain';
-In most cases, the data that is looked up is not used (so for an SQL query, for
-example, it doesn't matter what field you select). Exim is interested only in
-whether or not the query succeeds. However, when a lookup is used for the
-\domains\ option on a router, the data is preserved in the \$domain@_data$\
-variable and can be referred to in other options.
-.index domain list||matching literal domain name
-If none of the above cases apply, a caseless textual comparison is made between
-the pattern and the domain.
-Here is an example that uses several different kinds of pattern:
-.display asis
-domainlist funny_domains = \
- @ : \
- : \
- *.foundation.fict.example : \
- \N^[1-2]\d{3}\.fict\.example$\N : \
- partial-dbm;/opt/data/penguin/book : \
- nis;domains.byname : \
- nisplus;[name=$domain,status=local],domains.org_dir
-There are obvious processing trade-offs among the various matching modes. Using
-an asterisk is faster than a regular expression, and listing a few names
-explicitly probably is too. The use of a file or database lookup is expensive,
-but may be the only option if hundreds of names are required. Because the
-patterns are tested in order, it makes sense to put the most commonly matched
-patterns earlier.
-.section Host lists
-.rset SECThostlist "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host list||patterns in
-.index list||host list
-Host lists are used to control what remote hosts are allowed to do. For
-example, some hosts may be allowed to use the local host as a relay, and some
-may be permitted to use the SMTP \\ETRN\\ command. Hosts can be identified in
-two different ways, by name or by IP address. In a host list, some types of
-pattern are matched to a host name, and some are matched to an IP address.
-You need to be particularly careful with this when single-key lookups are
-involved, to ensure that the right value is being used as the key.
-.section Special host list patterns
-.index empty item in hosts list
-.index host list||empty string in
-If a host list item is the empty string, it matches only when no remote host is
-involved. This is the case when a message is being received from a local
-process using SMTP on the standard input, that is, when a TCP/IP connection is
-not used.
-.index asterisk||in host list
-The special pattern `$*$' in a host list matches any host or no host. Neither
-the IP address nor the name is actually inspected.
-.section Host list patterns that match by IP address
-.rset SECThoslispatip "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host list||matching IP addresses
-If an IPv4 host calls an IPv6 host and the call is accepted on an IPv6 socket,
-the incoming address actually appears in the IPv6 host as
-`@:@:$tt{ffff}:<<v4address>>'. When such an address is tested against a host
-list, it is converted into a traditional IPv4 address first. (Not all operating
-systems accept IPv4 calls on IPv6 sockets, as there have been some security
-The following types of pattern in a host list check the remote host by
-inspecting its IP address:
-.numberpars $.
-If the pattern is a plain domain name (not a regular expression, not starting
-with $*$, not a lookup of any kind), Exim calls the operating system function
-to find the associated IP address(es). Exim uses the newer
-\*getipnodebyname()*\ function when available, otherwise \*gethostbyname()*\.
-This typically causes a forward DNS lookup of the name. The result is compared
-with the IP address of the subject host.
-If there is a temporary problem (such as a DNS timeout) with the host name
-lookup, a temporary error occurs. For example, if the list is being used in an
-ACL condition, the ACL gives a `defer' response, usually leading to a temporary
-SMTP error code. If no IP address can be found for the host name, what happens
-is described in section ~~SECTbehipnot below.
-.index @@ in a host list
-If the pattern is `@@', the primary host name is substituted and used as a
-domain name, as just described.
-If the pattern is an IP address, it is matched against the IP address of the
-subject host. IPv4 addresses are given in the normal `dotted-quad' notation.
-IPv6 addresses can be given in colon-separated format, but the colons have to
-be doubled so as not to be taken as item separators when the default list
-separator is used. IPv6 addresses are recognized even when Exim is compiled
-without IPv6 support. This means that if they appear in a host list on an
-IPv4-only host, Exim will not treat them as host names. They are just addresses
-that can never match a client host.
-.index @@[] in a host list
-If the pattern is `@@[]', it matches the IP address of any IP interface on
-the local host. For example, if the local host is an IPv4 host with one
-interface address, these two ACL statements have the same effect:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = :
-accept hosts = @[]
-If the pattern is an IP address followed by a slash and a mask length (for
-example, it is matched against the IP address of the subject
-host under the given mask.
-This allows, an entire network of hosts to be included (or excluded) by a
-single item.
-.index CIDR notation
-The mask uses CIDR notation; it specifies the number of address bits that must
-match, starting from the most significant end of the address.
-\**Note**\: the mask is \*not*\ a count of addresses, nor is it the high number
-of a range of addresses. It is the number of bits in the network portion of the
-address. The above example specifies a 24-bit netmask, so it matches all 256
-addresses in the network. An item such as
-.display asis
-matches just two addresses, and A mask value of
-32 for an IPv4 address is the same as no mask at all; just a single address
-Here is another example which shows an IPv4 and an IPv6 network:
-.display asis
-recipient_unqualified_hosts = \
- 3ffe::ffff::836f::::/48
-The doubling of list separator characters applies only when these items
-appear inline in a host list. It is not required when indirecting via a file.
-For example,
-.display asis
-recipient_unqualified_hosts = /opt/exim/unqualnets
-could make use of a file containing
-.display asis
-to have exactly the same effect as the previous example. When listing IPv6
-addresses inline, it is usually more convenient to use the facility for
-changing separator characters. This list contains the same two networks:
-.display asis
-recipient_unqualified_hosts = <;; \
- 3ffe:ffff:836f::/48
-The separator is changed to semicolon by the leading `<;' at the start of the
-.section Host list patterns for single-key lookups by host address
-.rset SECThoslispatsikey "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host list||lookup of IP address
-When a host is to be identified by a single-key lookup of its complete IP
-address, the pattern takes this form:
-For example:
-.display asis
-hosts_lookup = net-cdb;/hosts-by-ip.db
-The text form of the IP address of the subject host is used as the lookup key.
-IPv6 addresses are converted to an unabbreviated form, using lower case
-letters, with dots as separators because colon is the key terminator in
-\%lsearch%\ files. [Colons can in fact be used in keys in \%lsearch%\ files by
-quoting the keys, but this is a facility that was added later.] The data
-returned by the lookup is not used.
-.index IP address||masking
-.index host list||masked IP address
-Single-key lookups can also be performed using masked IP addresses, using
-patterns of this form:
-For example:
-.display asis
-The IP address of the subject host is masked using <<number>> as the mask
-length. A textual string is constructed from the masked value, followed by the
-mask, and this is used as the lookup key. For example, if the host's IP address
-is, the key that is looked up for the above example is
-`'. IPv6 addresses are converted to a text value using lower
-case letters and dots as separators instead of the more usual colon, because
-colon is the key terminator in \%lsearch%\ files. Full, unabbreviated IPv6
-addresses are always used.
-\**Warning**\: Specifing \net32@-\ (for an IPv4 address) or \net128@-\ (for an
-IPv6 address) is not the same as specifing just \net@-\ without a number. In
-the former case the key strings include the mask value, whereas in the latter
-case the IP address is used on its own.
-.section Host list patterns that match by host name
-.rset SECThoslispatnam "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host||lookup failures
-.index unknown host name
-.index host list||matching host name
-There are several types of pattern that require Exim to know the name of the
-remote host. These are either wildcard patterns or lookups by name. (If a
-complete hostname is given without any wildcarding, it is used to find an IP
-address to match against, as described in the section ~~SECThoslispatip above.)
-If the remote host name is not already known when Exim encounters one of these
-patterns, it has to be found from the IP address.
-Although many sites on the Internet are conscientious about maintaining reverse
-DNS data for their hosts, there are also many that do not do this.
-Consequently, a name cannot always be found, and this may lead to unwanted
-effects. Take care when configuring host lists with wildcarded name patterns.
-Consider what will happen if a name cannot be found.
-Because of the problems of determining host names from IP addresses, matching
-against host names is not as common as matching against IP addresses.
-By default, in order to find a host name, Exim first does a reverse DNS lookup;
-if no name is found in the DNS, the system function (\*gethostbyaddr()*\ or
-\*getipnodebyaddr()*\ if available) is tried. The order in which these lookups
-are done can be changed by setting the \host@_lookup@_order\ option.
-There are some options that control what happens if a host name cannot be
-found. These are described in section ~~SECTbehipnot below.
-.index host||alias for
-.index alias for host
-As a result of aliasing, hosts may have more than one name. When processing any
-of the following types of pattern, all the host's names are checked:
-.numberpars $.
-.index asterisk||in host list
-If a pattern starts with `$*$' the remainder of the item must match the end of
-the host name. For example, \"*.b.c"\ matches all hosts whose names end in
-\*.b.c*\. This special simple form is provided because this is a very common
-requirement. Other kinds of wildcarding require the use of a regular
-.index regular expressions||in host list
-.index host list||regular expression in
-If the item starts with `@^' it is taken to be a regular expression which is
-matched against the host name. For example,
-.display asis
-is a regular expression that matches either of the two hosts \*a.c.d*\ or
-\*b.c.d*\. When a regular expression is used in a host list, you must take care
-that backslash and dollar characters are not misinterpreted as part of the
-string expansion. The simplest way to do this is to use \"@\N"\ to mark that
-part of the string as non-expandable. For example:
-.display asis
-sender_unqualified_hosts = \N^(a|b)\.c\.d$\N : ....
-\**Warning**\: If you want to match a complete host name, you must include the
-\"@$"\ terminating metacharacter in the regular expression, as in the above
-example. Without it, a match at the start of the host name is all that is
-.section Behaviour when an IP address or name cannot be found
-.rset SECTbehipnot "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host||lookup failures
-While processing a host list, Exim may need to look up an IP address from a
-name (see section ~~SECThoslispatip), or it may need to look up a host name
-from an IP address (see section ~~SECThoslispatnam). In either case, the
-behaviour when it fails to find the information it is seeking is the same.
-.index \"+include@_unknown"\
-.index \"+ignore@_unknown"\
-By default, Exim behaves as if the host does not match the list. This may not
-always be what you want to happen. To change Exim's behaviour, the special
-items \"+include@_unknown"\ or \"+ignore@_unknown"\ may appear in the list (at
-top level -- they are not recognized in an indirected file).
-.numberpars $.
-If any item that follows \"+include@_unknown"\ requires information that
-cannot found, Exim behaves as if the host does match the list. For example,
-.display asis
-host_reject_connection = +include_unknown:*.enemy.ex
-rejects connections from any host whose name matches \"*.enemy.ex"\, and also
-any hosts whose name it cannot find.
-If any item that follows \"+ignore@_unknown"\ requires information that cannot
-be found, Exim ignores that item and proceeds to the rest of the list. For
-.display asis
-accept hosts = +ignore_unknown : friend.example : \
-accepts from any host whose name is \*friend.example*\ and from,
-whether or not its host name can be found. Without \"+ignore@_unknown"\, if no
-name can be found for, it is rejected.
-Both \"+include@_unknown"\ and \"+ignore@_unknown"\ may appear in the same
-list. The effect of each one lasts until the next, or until the end of the
-\**Note**\: This section applies to permanent lookup failures. It does \*not*\
-apply to temporary DNS errors. They always cause a defer action.
-.section Host list patterns for single-key lookups by host name
-.rset SECThoslispatnamsk "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host||lookup failures
-.index unknown host name
-.index host list||matching host name
-If a pattern is of the form
-for example
-.display asis
-a single-key lookup is performend, using the host name as its key. If the
-lookup succeeds, the host matches the item. The actual data that is looked up
-is not used.
-\**Reminder**\: With this kind of pattern, you must have host $it{names} as
-keys in the file, not IP addresses. If you want to do lookups based on IP
-addresses, you must precede the search type with `net-' (see section
-~~SECThoslispatsikey). There is, however, no reason why you could not use two
-items in the same list, one doing an address lookup and one doing a name
-lookup, both using the same file.
-.section Host list patterns for query-style lookups
-If a pattern is of the form
-the query is obeyed, and if it succeeds, the host matches the item. The actual
-data that is looked up is not used. The variables \$sender@_host@_address$\ and
-\$sender@_host@_name$\ can be used in the query. For example:
-.display asis
-hosts_lookup = pgsql;\
- select ip from hostlist where ip='$sender_host_address'
-The value of \$sender@_host@_address$\ for an IPv6 address contains colons. You
-can use the \sg\ expansion item to change this if you need to. If you want to
-use masked IP addresses in database queries, you can use the \mask\ expansion
-If the query contains a reference to \$sender@_host@_name$\, Exim automatically
-looks up the host name if has not already done so. (See section
-~~SECThoslispatnam for comments on finding host names.)
-Historical note: prior to release 4.30, Exim would always attempt to find a
-host name before running the query, unless the search type was preceded by
-\"net-"\. This is no longer the case. For backwards compatibility, \"net-"\ is
-still recognized for query-style lookups, but its presence or absence has no
-effect. (Of course, for single-key lookups, \"net-"\ $it{is} important.
-See section ~~SECThoslispatsikey.)
-.section Mixing wildcarded host names and addresses in host lists
-.rset SECTmixwilhos "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host list||mixing names and addresses in
-If you have name lookups or wildcarded host names and IP addresses in the same
-host list, you should normally put the IP addresses first. For example, in an
-ACL you could have:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = : *.friend.example
-The reason for this lies in the left-to-right way that Exim processes lists.
-It can test IP addresses without doing any DNS lookups, but when it reaches an
-item that requires a host name, it fails if it cannot find a host name to
-compare with the pattern. If the above list is given in the opposite order, the
-\accept\ statement fails for a host whose name cannot be found, even if its
-IP address is
-If you really do want to do the name check first, and still recognize the IP
-address, you can rewrite the ACL like this:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = *.friend.example
-accept hosts =
-If the first \accept\ fails, Exim goes on to try the second one. See chapter
-~~CHAPACL for details of ACLs.
-.section Address lists
-.index list||address list
-.index address list||empty item
-.index address list||patterns
-.rset SECTaddresslist "~~chapter.~~section"
-Address lists contain patterns that are matched against mail addresses. There
-is one special case to be considered: the sender address of a bounce message is
-always empty. You can test for this by providing an empty item in an address
-list. For example, you can set up a router to process bounce messages by
-using this option setting:
-.display asis
-senders = :
-The presence of the colon creates an empty item. If you do not provide any
-data, the list is empty and matches nothing. The empty sender can also be
-detected by a regular expression that matches an empty string,
-and by a query-style lookup that succeeds when \$sender@_address$\ is empty.
-The following kinds of address list pattern can match any address, including
-the empty address that is characteristic of bounce message senders:
-.numberpars $.
-As explained above, if a pattern item is empty, it matches the empty address
-(and no others).
-.index regular expressions||in address list
-.index address list||regular expression in
-If (after expansion) a pattern starts with `@^', a regular expression match is
-done against the complete address, with the pattern as the regular expression.
-You must take care that backslash and dollar characters are not misinterpreted
-as part of the string expansion. The simplest way to do this is to use \"@\N"\
-to mark that part of the string as non-expandable. For example:
-.display asis
-deny senders = \N^\d{8}.+@spamhaus.example$\N : ...
-The \"@\N"\ sequences are removed by the expansion, so the item does start
-with `@^' by the time it is being interpreted as an address pattern.
-.index address list||lookup for complete address
-Complete addresses can be looked up by using a pattern that starts with a
-lookup type terminated by a semicolon, followed by the data for the lookup. For
-.display asis
-deny senders = cdb;/etc/blocked.senders : \
- mysql;select address from blocked where \
- address='${quote_mysql:$sender_address}'
-Both query-style and single-key lookup types can be used. For a single-key
-lookup type, Exim uses the complete address as the key. However, empty keys are
-not supported for single-key lookups, so a match against the empty address
-always fails. This restriction does not apply to query-style lookups.
-Partial matching for single-key lookups (section ~~SECTpartiallookup) cannot be
-used, and is ignored if specified, with an entry being written to the panic
-.index @*@@ with single-key lookup
-However, you can configure lookup defaults, as described in section
-~~SECTdefaultvaluelookups, but this is useful only for the `$*$@@' type of
-default. For example, with this lookup:
-.display asis
-accept senders = lsearch*@;/some/file
-the file could contains lines like this:
-.display asis
-and for the sender address \*nimrod@@jaeger.example*\, the sequence of keys
-that are tried is:
-.display asis
-\**Warning 1**\: Do not include a line keyed by `$*$' in the file, because that
-would mean that every address matches, thus rendering the test useless.
-\**Warning 2**\: Do not confuse these two kinds of item:
-.display asis
-deny recipients = dbm*@;/some/file
-deny recipients = *@dbm;/some/file
-The first does a whole address lookup, with defaulting, as just described,
-because it starts with a lookup type. The second matches the local part and
-domain independently, as described in a bullet point below.
-The following kinds of address list pattern can match only non-empty addresses.
-If the subject address is empty, a match against any of these pattern types
-always fails.
-.numberpars $.
-.index @@@@ with single-key lookup
-.index address list||@@@@ lookup type
-.index address list||split local part and domain
-If a pattern starts with `@@@@' followed by a single-key lookup item
-(for example, \"@@@@lsearch;/some/file"\), the address that is being checked is
-split into a local part and a domain. The domain is looked up in the file. If
-it is not found, there is no match. If it is found, the data that is looked up
-from the file is treated as a colon-separated list of local part patterns, each
-of which is matched against the subject local part in turn.
-.index asterisk||in address list
-The lookup may be a partial one, and/or one involving a search for a default
-keyed by `$*$' (see section ~~SECTdefaultvaluelookups). The local part patterns
-that are looked up can be regular expressions or begin with `$*$', or even be
-further lookups. They may also be independently negated. For example, with
-.display asis
-deny senders = @@dbm;/etc/reject-by-domain
-the data from which the DBM file is built could contain lines like
-.display asis !postmaster : *
-to reject all senders except \postmaster\ from that domain.
-.index local part||starting with !
-If a local part that actually begins with an exclamation mark is required, it
-has to be specified using a regular expression. In \%lsearch%\ files, an entry
-may be split over several lines by indenting the second and subsequent lines,
-but the separating colon must still be included at line breaks. White space
-surrounding the colons is ignored. For example:
-.display asis spammer1 : spammer2 : ^[0-9]+$ :
- spammer3 : spammer4
-As in all colon-separated lists in Exim, a colon can be included in an item by
-If the last item in the list starts with a right angle-bracket, the remainder
-of the item is taken as a new key to look up in order to obtain a continuation
-list of local parts. The new key can be any sequence of characters. Thus one
-might have entries like
-.display asis spammer1 : spammer 2 : >* spammer3 : >*
-*: ^\d{8}$
-in a file that was searched with \@@@@dbm$*$\, to specify a match for 8-digit
-local parts for all domains, in addition to the specific local parts listed for
-each domain. Of course, using this feature costs another lookup each time a
-chain is followed, but the effort needed to maintain the data is reduced.
-.index loop||in lookups
-It is possible to construct loops using this facility, and in order to catch
-them, the chains may be no more than fifty items long.
-The @@@@<<lookup>> style of item can also be used with a query-style
-lookup, but in this case, the chaining facility is not available. The lookup
-can only return a single list of local parts.
-If a pattern contains an @@ character, but is not a regular expression and does
-not begin with a lookup type as described above, the local part of the subject
-address is compared with the local part of the pattern, which may start with an
-asterisk. If the local parts match, the domain is checked in exactly the same
-way as for a pattern in a domain list. For example, the domain can be
-wildcarded, refer to a named list, or be a lookup:
-.display asis
-deny senders = *@*\
- *@+hostile_domains:\
- bozo@partial-lsearch;/list/of/dodgy/sites:\
- *@dbm;/bad/domains.db
-.index local part||starting with !
-.index address list||local part starting with !
-If a local part that begins with an exclamation mark is required, it has to be
-specified using a regular expression, because otherwise the exclamation mark is
-treated as a sign of negation.
-If a pattern is not one of the above syntax forms, that is, if a
-pattern that is not a regular expression or a lookup does not contain an @@
-character, it is matched against the domain part of the subject address. The
-only two formats that are recognized this way are a literal domain, or a domain
-pattern that starts with $*$. In both these cases, the effect is the same as if
-\"*@@"\ preceded the pattern.
-\**Warning**\: there is an important difference between the address list items
-in these two examples:
-.display asis
-senders = +my_list
-senders = *@+my_list
-In the first one, \"my@_list"\ is a named address list, whereas in the second
-example it is a named domain list.
-.section Case of letters in address lists
-.rset SECTcasletadd "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index case of local parts
-.index address list||case forcing
-.index case forcing in address lists
-Domains in email addresses are always handled caselessly, but for local parts
-case may be significant on some systems (see \caseful@_local@_part\ for how
-Exim deals with this when routing addresses). However, RFC 2505 ($it{Anti-Spam
-Recommendations for SMTP MTAs}) suggests that matching of addresses to blocking
-lists should be done in a case-independent manner. Since most address lists in
-Exim are used for this kind of control, Exim attempts to do this by default.
-The domain portion of an address is always lowercased before matching it to an
-address list. The local part is lowercased by default, and any string
-comparisons that take place are done caselessly. This means that the data in
-the address list itself, in files included as plain file names, and in any file
-that is looked up using the `@@@@' mechanism, can be in any case. However, the
-keys in files that are looked up by a search type other than \%lsearch%\ (which
-works caselessly) must be in lower case, because these lookups are not
-.index \"+caseful"\
-To allow for the possibility of caseful address list matching, if an item in
-an address list is the string `+caseful', the original case of the local
-part is restored for any comparisons that follow, and string comparisons are no
-longer case-independent. This does not affect the domain, which remains in
-lower case. However, although independent matches on the domain alone are still
-performed caselessly, regular expressions that match against an entire address
-become case-sensitive after `+caseful' has been seen.
-.section Local part lists
-.rset SECTlocparlis "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index list||local part list
-.index local part||list
-Case-sensitivity in local part lists is handled in the same way as for address
-lists, as just described. The `+caseful' item can be used if required. In a
-setting of the \local@_parts\ option in a router with \caseful@_local@_part\
-set false, the subject is lowercased and the matching is initially
-case-insensitive. In this case, `+caseful' will restore case-sensitive matching
-in the local part list, but not elsewhere in the router. If
-\caseful@_local@_part\ is set true in a router, matching in the \local@_parts\
-option is case-sensitive from the start.
-If a local part list is indirected to a file (see section ~~SECTfilnamlis),
-comments are handled in the same way as address lists -- they are recognized
-only if the @# is preceded by white space or the start of the line.
-Otherwise, local part lists are matched in the same way as domain lists, except
-that the special items that refer to the local host (\"@@"\, \"@@[]"\,
-\"@@mx@_any"\, \"@@mx@_primary"\, and \"@@mx@_secondary"\) are not recognized.
-Refer to section ~~SECTdomainlist for details of the other available item
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter String expansions
-.set runningfoot "string expansions"
-.rset CHAPexpand ~~chapter
-.index expansion||of strings
-Many strings in Exim's run time configuration are expanded before use. Some of
-them are expanded every time they are used; others are expanded only once.
-When a string is being expanded it is copied verbatim from left to right except
-when a dollar or backslash character is encountered. A dollar specifies the
-start of a portion of the string which is interpreted and replaced as described
-below in section ~~SECTexpansionitems onwards. Backslash is used as an escape
-character, as described in the following section.
-.section Literal text in expanded strings
-.rset SECTlittext "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index expansion||including literal text
-An uninterpreted dollar can be included in an expanded string by putting a
-backslash in front of it. A backslash can be used to prevent any special
-character being treated specially in an expansion, including itself. If the
-string appears in quotes in the configuration file, two backslashes are
-required because the quotes themselves cause interpretation of backslashes when
-the string is read in (see section ~~SECTstrings).
-.index expansion||non-expandable substrings
-A portion of the string can specified as non-expandable by placing it between
-two occurrences of \"@\N"\. This is particularly useful for protecting regular
-expressions, which often contain backslashes and dollar signs. For example:
-.display asis
-deny senders = \N^\d{8}[a-z]@some\.site\.example$\N
-On encountering the first \"@\N"\, the expander copies subsequent characters
-without interpretation until it reaches the next \"@\N"\ or the end of the
-.section Character escape sequences in expanded strings
-.index expansion||escape sequences
-A backslash followed by one of the letters `n', `r', or `t' in an expanded
-string is recognized as an escape sequence for the character newline, carriage
-return, or tab, respectively. A backslash followed by up to three octal digits
-is recognized as an octal encoding for a single character, and a backslash
-followed by `x' and up to two hexadecimal digits is a hexadecimal encoding.
-These escape sequences are also recognized in quoted strings when they are read
-in. Their interpretation in expansions as well is useful for unquoted strings,
-and for other cases such as looked-up strings that are then expanded.
-.section Testing string expansions
-.index expansion||testing
-.index testing||string expansion
-.index \-be-\ option
-Many expansions can be tested by calling Exim with the \-be-\ option. This takes
-the command arguments, or lines from the standard input if there are no
-arguments, runs them through the string expansion code, and writes the results
-to the standard output. Variables based on configuration values are set up, but
-since no message is being processed, variables such as \$local@_part$\ have no
-value. Nevertheless the \-be-\ option can be useful for checking out file and
-database lookups, and the use of expansion operators such as \sg\, \substr\ and
-Exim gives up its root privilege when it is called with the \-be-\ option, and
-instead runs under the uid and gid it was called with, to prevent users from
-using \-be-\ for reading files to which they do not have access.
-.section Forced expansion failure
-.rset SECTforexpfai "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index expansion||forced failure
-A number of expansions that are described in the following section have
-alternative `true' and `false' substrings, enclosed in curly brackets. Which
-one is used depends on some condition that is evaluated as part of the
-expansion. If, instead of a `false' substring, the word `fail' is used (not in
-curly brackets), the entire string expansion fails in a way that can be
-detected by the code that requested the expansion. This is called `forced
-expansion failure', and its consequences depend on the circumstances. In some
-cases it is no different from any other expansion failure, but in others a
-different action may be taken. Such variations are mentioned in the
-documentation of the option that is being expanded.
-.section Expansion items
-.rset SECTexpansionitems "~~chapter.~~section"
-The following items are recognized in expanded strings. White space may be used
-between sub-items that are keywords or substrings enclosed in braces inside an
-outer set of braces, to improve readability. \**Warning**\: Within braces,
-white space is significant.
-.item "@$<<variable name>>#$rm{or}#@$@{<<variable name>>@}"
-.index expansion||variables
-Substitute the contents of the named variable, for example
-.display asis
-The second form can be used to separate the name from subsequent alphanumeric
-characters. This form (using curly brackets) is available only for variables;
-it does $it{not} apply to message headers. The names of the variables are given
-in section ~~SECTexpvar below. If the name of a non-existent variable is given,
-the expansion fails.
-.item "@$@{<<op>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||operators
-The string is first itself expanded, and then the operation specified by <<op>>
-is applied to it. For example,
-.display asis
-The string starts with the first character after the colon, which may be
-leading white space. A list of operators is given in section ~~SECTexpop below.
-The operator notation is used for simple expansion items that have just one
-argument, because it reduces the number of braces and therefore makes the
-string easier to understand.
-.item "@$@{extract@{<<key>>@}@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@{<<string3>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||extracting substrings by key
-The key and <<string1>> are first expanded separately.
-Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from the key (but not from any of
-the strings).
-The key must not consist entirely of digits. The expanded <<string1>> must be
-of the form:
-<<key1>> = <<value1>> <<key2>> = <<value2>> ...
-where the equals signs and spaces (but not both) are optional. If any of the
-values contain white space, they must be enclosed in double quotes, and any
-values that are enclosed in double quotes are subject to escape processing as
-described in section ~~SECTstrings. The expanded <<string1>> is searched for
-the value that corresponds to the key. The search is case-insensitive. If the
-key is found, <<string2>> is expanded, and replaces the whole item; otherwise
-<<string3>> is used. During the expansion of <<string2>> the variable \$value$\
-contains the value that has been extracted. Afterwards, it is restored to any
-previous value it might have had.
-If @{<<string3>>@} is omitted, the item is replaced by an empty string if the
-key is not found. If @{<<string2>>@} is also omitted, the value that was
-extracted is used. Thus, for example, these two expansions are identical, and
-yield `2001':
-@$@{extract@{gid@}{uid=1984 gid=2001@}@}
-@$@{extract@{gid@}{uid=1984 gid=2001@}@{@$value@}@}
-Instead of @{<<string3>>@} the word `fail' (not in curly brackets) can appear,
-for example:
-@$@{extract@{Z@}@{A=... B=...@}@{@$value@} fail @}
-This forces an expansion failure (see section ~~SECTforexpfai); @{<<string2>>@}
-must be present for `fail' to be recognized.
-.item "@$@{extract@{<<number>>@}@{<<separators>>@}@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@{<<string3>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||extracting substrings by number
-The <<number>> argument must consist entirely of decimal digits,
-apart from leading and trailing whitespace, which is ignored.
-This is what distinguishes this form of \extract\ from the previous kind. It
-behaves in the same way, except that, instead of extracting a named field, it
-extracts from <<string1>> the field whose number is given as the first
-argument. You can use \$value$\ in <<string2>> or \"fail"\ instead of
-<<string3>> as before.
-The fields in the string are separated by any one of the characters in the
-separator string. These may include space or tab characters.
-The first field is numbered one. If the number is negative, the fields are
-counted from the end of the string, with the rightmost one numbered -1. If the
-number given is zero, the entire string is returned. If the modulus of the
-number is greater than the number of fields in the string, the result is the
-expansion of <<string3>>, or the empty string if <<string3>> is not provided.
-For example:
-.display asis
-${extract{2}{:}{x:42:99:& Mailer::/bin/bash}}
-yields `42', and
-.display asis
-${extract{-4}{:}{x:42:99:& Mailer::/bin/bash}}
-yields `99'. Two successive separators mean that the field between them is
-empty (for example, the fifth field above).
-.item "@$@{hash@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@{<<string3>>@}@}"
-.index hash function||textual
-.index expansion||textual hash
-This is a textual hashing function, and was the first to be implemented in
-early versions of Exim. In current releases, there are other hashing functions
-(numeric, MD5, and SHA-1), which are described below.
-The first two strings, after expansion, must be numbers. Call them <<m>> and
-<<n>>. If you are using fixed values for these numbers, that is, if <<string1>>
-and <<string2>> do not change when they are expanded, you can use the
-simpler operator notation that avoids some of the braces:
-The second number is optional (in both notations).
-If <<n>> is greater than or equal to the length of the string, the expansion
-item returns the string. Otherwise it computes a new string of length <<n>> by
-applying a hashing function to the string. The new string consists of
-characters taken from the first <<m>> characters of the string
-.display asis
-If <<m>> is not present the value 26 is used, so that only lower case
-letters appear. For example:
-@$@{hash@{3@}@{monty@}@} $rm{yields} \"jmg"\
-@$@{hash@{5@}@{monty@}@} $rm{yields} \"monty"\
-@$@{hash@{4@}@{62@}@{monty python@}@} $rm{yields} \"fbWx"\
-.item "@$header@_<<header name>>:#$rm{or}#@$h@_<<header name>>:"
-.item "@$bheader@_<<header name>>:#$rm{or}#@$bh@_<<header name>>:"
-.item "@$rheader@_<<header name>>:#$rm{or}#@$rh@_<<header name>>:"
-.index expansion||header insertion
-.index \$header@_$\
-.index \$bheader@_$\
-.index \$rheader@_$\
-.index header lines||in expansion strings
-.index header lines||character sets
-.index header lines||decoding
-Substitute the contents of the named message header line, for example
-.display asis
-The newline that terminates a header line is not included in the expansion, but
-internal newlines (caused by splitting the header line over several physical
-lines) may be present.
-The difference between \rheader\, \bheader\, and \header\ is in the way the
-data in the header line is interpreted.
-.numberpars $.
-.index whitespace||in header lines
-\rheader\ gives the original `raw' content of the header line, with no
-processing at all, and without the removal of leading and trailing whitespace.
-.index base64 encoding||in header lines
-\bheader\ removes leading and trailing whitespace, and then decodes base64 or
-quoted-printable MIME `words' within the header text, but does no character
-set translation. If decoding of what looks superficially like a MIME `word'
-fails, the raw string is returned.
-.index binary zero||in header line
-If decoding produces a binary zero character, it is replaced by a question mark
--- this is what Exim does for binary zeros that are actually received in header
-\header\ tries to translate the string as decoded by \bheader\ to a standard
-character set. This is an attempt to produce the same string as would be
-displayed on a user's MUA. If translation fails, the \bheader\ string is
-returned. Translation is attempted only on operating systems that support the
-\*iconv()*\ function. This is indicated by the compile-time macro
-\\HAVE@_ICONV\\ in a system Makefile or in \(Local/Makefile)\.
-In a filter file, the target character set for \header\ can be specified by a
-command of the following form:
-.display asis
-headers charset "UTF-8"
-This command affects all references to \$h@_$\ (or \$header@_$\) expansions in
-subsequently obeyed filter commands. In the absence of this command, the target
-character set in a filter is taken from the setting of the \headers@_charset\
-option in the runtime configuration. The value of this option defaults to the
-value of \\HEADERS@_CHARSET\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. The ultimate default is
-Header names follow the syntax of RFC 2822, which states that they may contain
-any printing characters except space and colon. Consequently, curly brackets
-$it{do not} terminate header names, and should not be used to enclose them as
-if they were variables. Attempting to do so causes a syntax error.
-Only header lines that are common to all copies of a message are visible to
-this mechanism. These are the original header lines that are received with the
-message, and any that are added by
-an ACL \warn\ statement or by
-a system filter. Header lines that are added to a particular copy of a message
-by a router or transport are not accessible.
-For incoming SMTP messages, no header lines are visible in ACLs that are obeyed
-before the \\DATA\\ ACL, because the header structure is not set up until the
-message is received. Header lines that are added by \warn\ statements in a
-\\RCPT\\ ACL (for example) are saved until the message's incoming header lines
-are available, at which point they are added. When a \\DATA\\ ACL is running,
-however, header lines added by earlier ACLs are visible.
-Upper case and lower case letters are synonymous in header names. If the
-following character is white space, the terminating colon may be omitted, but
-this is not recommended, because you may then forget it when it is needed. When
-white space terminates the header name, it is included in the expanded string.
-If the message does not contain the given header, the expansion item is
-replaced by an empty string. (See the \def\ condition in section ~~SECTexpcond
-for a means of testing for the existence of a header.)
-If there is more than one header with the same name, they are all concatenated
-to form the substitution string, up to a maximum length of 64K. A newline
-character is inserted between each line.
-For the \header\ expansion, for those headers that contain lists of addresses,
-a comma is also inserted at the junctions between lines. This does not happen
-for the \rheader\ expansion.
-.item "@$@{hmac@{<<hashname>>@}@{<<secret>>@}@{<<string>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||hmac hashing
-This function uses cryptographic hashing (either MD5 or SHA-1) to convert a
-shared secret and some text into a message authentication code, as specified in
-RFC 2104.
-This differs from \"@$@{md5:secret@_text...@}"\ or
-\"@$@{sha1:secret@_text...@}"\ in that the hmac step adds a signature to the
-cryptographic hash, allowing for authentication that is not possible with MD5
-or SHA-1 alone.
-The hash name must expand to either \"md5"\ or \"sha1"\ at present. For
-.display asis
-${hmac{md5}{somesecret}{$primary_hostname $tod_log}}
-For the hostname \**\ and time 2002-10-17 11:30:59, this
-.display asis
-As an example of how this might be used, you might put in the main part of
-an Exim configuration:
-.display asis
-In a router or a transport you could then have:
-.display asis
-headers_add = \
- X-Spam-Scanned: ${primary_hostname} ${message_id} \
- ${hmac{md5}{SPAMSCAN_SECRET}\
- {${primary_hostname},${message_id},$h_message-id:}}
-Then given a message, you can check where it was scanned by looking at the
-::X-Spam-Scanned:: header line. If you know the secret, you can check that this
-header line is authentic by recomputing the authentication code from the host
-name, message ID and the ::Message-id:: header line. This can be done using
-Exim's \-be-\ option, or by other means, for example by using the
-\*hmac@_md5@_hex()*\ function in Perl.
-.item "@${if <<condition>> @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||conditional
-If <<condition>> is true, <<string1>> is expanded and replaces the whole item;
-otherwise <<string2>> is used. The available conditions are described in
-section ~~SECTexpcond below. For example:
-.display asis
-${if eq {$local_part}{postmaster} {yes}{no} }
-The second string need not be present; if it is not and the condition is not
-true, the item is replaced with nothing. Alternatively, the word `fail' may be
-present instead of the second string (without any curly brackets). In this
-case, the expansion is forced to fail if the condition is not true (see section
-If both strings are omitted, the result is the string \"true"\ if the condition
-is true, and the empty string if the condition is false. This makes it less
-cumbersome to write custom ACL and router conditions. For example, instead of
-.display asis
-condition = ${if >{$acl_m4}{3}{true}{false}}
-you can use
-.display asis
-condition = ${if >{$acl_m4}{3}}
-.item "@$@{length@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||string truncation
-The \length\ item is used to extract the initial portion of a string. Both
-strings are expanded, and the first one must yield a number, <<n>>, say. If you
-are using a fixed value for the number, that is, if <<string1>> does not change
-when expanded, you can use the simpler operator notation that avoids some of
-the braces:
-The result of this item is either the first <<n>> characters or the whole
-of <<string2>>, whichever is the shorter. Do not confuse \length\ with
-\strlen\, which gives the length of a string.
-.item "@${lookup@{<<key>>@} <<search type>> @{<<file>>@} @{<<string1>>@} @{<<string2>>@}@}"
-.item "@${lookup <<search type>> @{<<query>>@} @{<<string1>>@} @{<<string2>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||lookup in
-.index file||lookup
-.index lookup||in expanded string
-These items specify data lookups in files and databases, as discussed in
-chapter ~~CHAPfdlookup. The first form is used for single-key lookups, and the
-second is used for query-style lookups. The <<key>>, <<file>>, and <<query>>
-strings are expanded before use.
-If there is any white space in a lookup item which is part of a filter command,
-a retry or rewrite rule, a routing rule for the \%manualroute%\ router, or any
-other place where white space is significant, the lookup item must be enclosed
-in double quotes. The use of data lookups in users' filter files may be locked
-out by the system administrator.
-.index \$value$\
-If the lookup succeeds, <<string1>> is expanded and replaces the entire item.
-During its expansion, the variable \$value$\ contains the data returned by the
-lookup. Afterwards it reverts to the value it had previously (at the outer
-level it is empty). If the lookup fails, <<string2>> is expanded and replaces
-the entire item. If @{<<string2>>@} is omitted, the replacement is the empty
-string on failure. If <<string2>> is provided, it can itself be a nested
-lookup, thus providing a mechanism for looking up a default value when the
-original lookup fails.
-If a nested lookup is used as part of <<string1>>, \$value$\ contains the data
-for the outer lookup while the parameters of the second lookup are expanded,
-and also while <<string2>> of the second lookup is expanded, should the second
-lookup fail.
-Instead of @{<<string2>>@} the word `fail' can appear, and in this case, if the
-lookup fails, the entire expansion is forced to fail (see section
-~~SECTforexpfai). If both @{<<string1>>@} and @{<<string2>>@} are omitted, the
-result is the looked up value in the case of a successful lookup, and nothing
-in the case of failure.
-For single-key lookups, the string `partial' is permitted to precede the
-search type in order to do partial matching, and $*$ or $*$@@ may follow a
-search type to request default lookups if the key does not match (see sections
-~~SECTdefaultvaluelookups and ~~SECTpartiallookup for details).
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in lookup expansion
-If a partial search is used, the variables \$1$\ and \$2$\ contain the wild
-and non-wild parts of the key during the expansion of the replacement text.
-They return to their previous values at the end of the lookup item.
-This example looks up the postmaster alias in the conventional alias file:
-.display asis
-${lookup {postmaster} lsearch {/etc/aliases} {$value}}
-This example uses NIS+ to look up the full name of the user corresponding to
-the local part of an address, forcing the expansion to fail if it is not found:
-.display asis
-${lookup nisplus {[name=$local_part],passwd.org_dir:gcos} \
- {$value}fail}
-.item "@$@{nhash@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@{<<string3>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||numeric hash
-.index hash function||numeric
-The three strings are expanded; the first two must yield numbers. Call them
-<<n>> and <<m>>. If you are using fixed values for these numbers, that is, if
-<<string1>> and <<string2>> do not change when they are expanded, you can use
-the simpler operator notation that avoids some of the braces:
-The second number is optional (in both notations). If there is only one number,
-the result is a number in the range 0--<<n>>-1. Otherwise, the string is
-processed by a div/mod hash function that returns two numbers, separated by a
-slash, in the ranges 0 to <<n>>-1 and 0 to <<m>>-1, respectively. For example,
-.display asis
-returns the string `6/33'.
-.item "@$@{perl@{<<subroutine>>@}@{<<arg>>@}@{<<arg>>@}...@}"
-.index Perl||use in expanded string
-.index expansion||calling Perl from
-This item is available only if Exim has been built to include an embedded Perl
-interpreter. The subroutine name and the arguments are first separately
-expanded, and then the Perl subroutine is called with those arguments. No
-additional arguments need be given; the maximum number permitted, including the
-name of the subroutine, is nine.
-The return value of the subroutine is inserted into the expanded string, unless
-the return value is \undef\. In that case, the expansion fails in the same way
-as an explicit `fail' on a lookup item.
-The return value is a scalar. Whatever you return is evaluated in a scalar
-context. For example, if you return the name of a Perl vector, the
-return value is the size of the vector, not its contents.
-If the subroutine exits by calling Perl's \die\ function, the expansion fails
-with the error message that was passed to \die\. More details of the embedded
-Perl facility are given in chapter ~~CHAPperl.
-The \%redirect%\ router has an option called \forbid@_filter@_perl\ which locks
-out the use of this expansion item in filter files.
-.item "@$@{readfile@{<<file name>>@}@{<<eol string>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||inserting an entire file
-.index file||inserting into expansion
-The file name and end-of-line string are first expanded separately. The file is
-then read, and its contents replace the entire item. All newline characters in
-the file are replaced by the end-of-line string if it is present. Otherwise,
-newlines are left in the string.
-String expansion is not applied to the contents of the file. If you want this,
-you must wrap the item in an \expand\ operator. If the file cannot be read, the
-string expansion fails.
-The \%redirect%\ router has an option called \forbid@_filter@_readfile\ which
-locks out the use of this expansion item in filter files.
-.item "@$@{readsocket@{<<name>>@}@{<<request>>@}@{<<timeout>>@}@{<<eol string>>@}@{<<fail string>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||inserting from a socket
-.index socket, use of in expansion
-This item inserts data that is read from a Unix domain socket into the expanded
-string. The minimal way of using it uses just two arguments:
-.display asis
-${readsocket{/socket/name}{request string}}
-Exim connects to the socket, writes the request string (unless it is an
-empty string) and reads from the socket until an end-of-file is read. A timeout
-of 5 seconds is applied. Additional, optional arguments extend what can be
-done. Firstly, you can vary the timeout. For example:
-.display asis
-A fourth argument allows you to change any newlines that are in the data
-that is read, in the same way as for \readfile\ (see above). This example turns
-them into spaces:
-.display asis
-${readsocket{/socket/name}{request-string}{3s}{ }}
-As with all expansions, the substrings are expanded before the processing
-happens. Errors in these sub-expansions cause the expansion to fail. In
-addition, the following errors can occur:
-.numberpars $.
-Failure to create a socket file descriptor;
-Failure to connect the socket;
-Failure to write the request-string;
-Timeout on reading from the socket.
-By default, any of these errors causes the expansion to fail. However, if
-you supply a fifth substring, it is expanded and used when any of the above
-errors occurs. For example:
-.display asis
- {socket failure}}
-You can test for the existence of the socket by wrapping this expansion in
-\"@$@{if exists"\, but there is a race condition between that test and the
-actual opening of the socket, so it is safer to use the fifth argument if you
-want to be absolutely sure of avoiding an expansion error for a non-existent
-The \%redirect%\ router has an option called \forbid@_filter@_readsocket\ which
-locks out the use of this expansion item in filter files.
-.item "@$rheader@_<<header name>>:#$rm{or}#@$rh@_<<header name>>:"
-This item inserts `raw' header lines. It is described with the \header\
-expansion item above.
-.item "@$@{run@{<<command>> <<args>>@}@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||running a command
-The command and its arguments are first expanded separately, and then the
-command is run in a separate process, but under the same uid and gid. As in
-other command executions from Exim, a shell is not used by default. If you want
-a shell, you must explicitly code it.
-.index return code||from \run\ expansion
-If the command succeeds (gives a zero return code) <<string1>> is expanded and
-replaces the entire item; during this expansion, the standard output from the
-command is in the variable \$value$\. If the command fails, <<string2>>, if
-present, is expanded. If it is absent, the result is empty. Alternatively,
-<<string2>> can be the word `fail' (not in braces) to force expansion failure
-if the command does not succeed. If both strings are omitted, the result is the
-standard output on success, and nothing on failure.
-The return code from the command is put in the variable \$runrc$\, and this
-remains set afterwards, so in a filter file you can do things like this:
-.display asis
-if "${run{x y z}{}}$runrc" is 1 then ...
- elif $runrc is 2 then ...
- ...
-If execution of the command fails (for example, the command does not exist),
-the return code is 127 -- the same code that shells use for non-existent
-\**Warning**\: In a router or transport, you cannot assume the order in which
-option values are expanded, except for those pre-conditions whose order of
-testing is documented. Therefore, you cannot reliably expect to set \$runrc$\
-by the expansion of one option, and use it in another.
-The \%redirect%\ router has an option called \forbid@_filter@_run\ which locks
-out the use of this expansion item in filter files.
-.item "@$@{sg@{<<subject>>@}@{<<regex>>@}@{<<replacement>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||string substitution
-This item works like Perl's substitution operator (s) with the global (/g)
-option; hence its name. However, unlike the Perl equivalent, Exim does not
-modify the subject string; instead it returns the modified string for insertion
-into the overall expansion. The item takes three arguments: the subject string,
-a regular expression, and a substitution string. For example
-.display asis
-yields `xyzdefxyzdef'. Because all three arguments are expanded before use, if
-any @$ or @\ characters are required in the regular expression or in the
-substitution string, they have to be escaped. For example
-.display asis
-yields `defabc', and
-.display asis
-${sg{1=A 4=D 3=C}{\N(\d+)=\N}{K\$1=}}
-yields `K1=A K4=D K3=C'.
-Note the use of \"@\N"\ to protect the contents of the regular expression from
-string expansion.
-.item "@$@{substr@{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}@{<<string3>>@}@}"
-.index \substr\
-.index substring extraction
-.index expansion||substring extraction
-The three strings are expanded; the first two must yield numbers. Call them
-<<n>> and <<m>>. If you are using fixed values for these numbers, that is, if
-<<string1>> and <<string2>> do not change when they are expanded, you can use
-the simpler operator notation that avoids some of the braces:
-The second number is optional (in both notations).
-If it is absent in the simpler format, the preceding underscore must also be
-The \substr\ item can be used to extract more general substrings than \length\.
-The first number, <<n>>, is a starting offset, and <<m>> is the length
-required. For example
-.display asis
-If the starting offset is greater than the string length the result is the null
-string; if the length plus starting offset is greater than the string length,
-the result is the right-hand part of the string, starting from the given
-offset. The first character in the string has offset zero.
-The \substr\ expansion item can take negative offset values to count
-from the right-hand end of its operand. The last character is offset -1, the
-second-last is offset -2, and so on. Thus, for example,
-.display asis
-yields `34'. If the absolute value of a negative offset is greater than the
-length of the string, the substring starts at the beginning of the string, and
-the length is reduced by the amount of overshoot. Thus, for example,
-.display asis
-yields an empty string, but
-.display asis
-yields `1'.
-When the second number is omitted from \substr\, the remainder of the string is
-taken if the offset is positive. If it is negative, all characters in the
-string preceding the offset point are taken. For example, an offset of -1 and
-no length, as in these semantically identical examples:
-.display asis
-yields all but the last character of the string, that is, `abcd'.
-.item "@$@{tr@{<<subject>>@}@{<<characters>>@}@{<<replacements>>@}@}"
-.index expansion||character translation
-This item does single-character translation on its subject string. The second
-argument is a list of characters to be translated in the subject string. Each
-matching character is replaced by the corresponding character from the
-replacement list. For example
-.display asis
-yields `1b3de1'. If there are duplicates in the second character string, the
-last occurrence is used. If the third string is shorter than the second, its
-last character is replicated. However, if it is empty, no translation takes
-.section Expansion operators
-.rset SECTexpop "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index expansion||operators
-For expansion items that perform transformations on a single argument string,
-the `operator' notation is used because it is simpler and uses fewer braces.
-The substring is first expanded before the operation is applied to it. The
-following operations can be performed:
-.item "@$@{address:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||RFC 2822 address handling
-The string is interpreted as an RFC 2822 address, as it might appear in a
-header line, and the effective address is extracted from it. If the string does
-not parse successfully, the result is empty.
-.item "@$@{base62:<<digits>>@}"
-.index base62
-.index expansion||conversion to base 62
-The string must consist entirely of decimal digits. The number is converted to
-base 62 (sic) and output as a string of six characters, including leading
-zeros. \**Note**\: Just to be absolutely clear: this is \*not*\ base64
-.item "@$@{base62d:<<base-62 digits>>@}"
-.index base62
-.index expansion||conversion to base 62
-The string must consist entirely of base-62 digits. The number is converted to
-decimal and output as a string.
-.item "@$@{domain:<<string>>@}"
-.index domain||extraction
-.index expansion||domain extraction
-The string is interpreted as an RFC 2822 address and the domain is extracted
-from it. If the string does not parse successfully, the result is empty.
-.item "@$@{escape:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||escaping non-printing characters
-If the string contains any non-printing characters, they are converted to
-escape sequences starting with a backslash. Whether characters with the most
-significant bit set (so-called `8-bit characters') count as printing or not is
-controlled by the \print@_topbitchars\ option.
-.item "@$@{eval:<<string>>@}"
-.item "@$@{eval10:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||expression evaluation
-.index expansion||arithmetic expression
-These items supports simple arithmetic in expansion strings. The string (after
-expansion) must be a conventional arithmetic expression, but it is limited to
-the four basic operators (plus, minus, times, divide) and parentheses. All
-operations are carried out using integer arithmetic. Plus and minus have a
-lower priority than times and divide; operators with the same priority are
-evaluated from left to right.
-For \eval\, numbers may be decimal, octal (starting with `0') or hexadecimal
-(starting with `0x'). For \eval10\, all numbers are taken as decimal, even if
-they start with a leading zero. This can be useful when processing numbers
-extracted from dates or times, which often do have leading zeros.
-A number may be followed by `K' or `M' to multiply it by 1024 or 1024$*$1024,
-respectively. Negative numbers are supported. The result of the computation is
-a decimal representation of the answer (without `K' or `M'). For example:
- @$@{eval:1+1@} $rm{yields} 2
- @$@{eval:1+2*3@} $rm{yields} 7
- @$@{eval:(1+2)*3@} $rm{yields} 9
-As a more realistic example, in an ACL you might have
-.display asis
-deny message = Too many bad recipients
- condition = \
- ${if and { \
- {>{$rcpt_count}{10}} \
- { \
- < \
- {$recipients_count} \
- {${eval:$rcpt_count/2}} \
- } \
- }{yes}{no}}
-The condition is true if there have been more than 10 \\RCPT\\ commands and
-fewer than half of them have resulted in a valid recipient.
-.item "@$@{expand:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||re-expansion of substring
-The \expand\ operator causes a string to be expanded for a second time. For
-.display asis
-first looks up a string in a file while expanding the operand for \expand\, and
-then re-expands what it has found.
-.item "@$@{from@_utf8:<<string>>@}"
-.index Unicode
-.index UTF-8||conversion from
-.index expansion||UTF-8 conversion
-The world is slowly moving towards Unicode, although there are no standards for
-email yet. However, other applications (including some databases) are starting
-to store data in Unicode, using UTF-8 encoding. This operator converts from a
-UTF-8 string to an ISO-8859-1 string. UTF-8 code values greater than 255 are
-converted to underscores. The input must be a valid UTF-8 string. If it is not,
-the result is an undefined sequence of bytes.
-Unicode code points with values less than 256 are compatible with ASCII and
-ISO-8859-1 (also known as Latin-1).
-For example, character 169 is the copyright symbol in both cases, though the
-way it is encoded is different. In UTF-8, more than one byte is needed for
-characters with code values greater than 127, whereas ISO-8859-1 is a
-single-byte encoding (but thereby limited to 256 characters). This makes
-translation from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 straightforward.
-.item "@$@{hash@_<<n>>@_<<m>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index hash function||textual
-.index expansion||textual hash
-The \hash\ operator is a simpler interface to the hashing function that can be
-used when the two parameters are fixed numbers (as opposed to strings that
-change when expanded). The effect is the same as
-See the description of the general \hash\ item above for details. The
-abbreviation \h\ can be used when \hash\ is used as an operator.
-.item "@$@{hex2b64:<<hexstring>>@}"
-.index base64 encoding||conversion from hex
-.index expansion||hex to base64
-This operator converts a hex string into one that is base64 encoded. This can
-be useful for processing the output of the MD5 and SHA-1 hashing functions.
-.item "@$@{lc:<<string>>@}"
-.index case forcing in strings
-.index string||case forcing
-.index lower casing
-.index expansion||case forcing
-This forces the letters in the string into lower-case, for example:
-.display asis
-.item "@$@{length@_<<number>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||string truncation
-The \length\ operator is a simpler interface to the \length\ function that can
-be used when the parameter is a fixed number (as opposed to a string that
-changes when expanded). The effect is the same as
-See the description of the general \length\ item above for details. Note that
-\length\ is not the same as \strlen\. The abbreviation \l\ can be used when
-\length\ is used as an operator.
-.item "@$@{local@_part:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||local part extraction
-The string is interpreted as an RFC 2822 address and the local part is
-extracted from it. If the string does not parse successfully, the result is
-.item "@$@{mask:<<IP address>>/<<bit count>>@}"
-.index masked IP address
-.index IP address||masking
-.index CIDR notation
-.index expansion||IP address masking
-If the form of the string to be operated on is not an IP address followed by a
-slash and an integer (that is, a network address in CIDR notation), the
-expansion fails. Otherwise, this operator converts the IP address to binary,
-masks off the least significant bits according to the bit count, and converts
-the result back to text, with mask appended. For example,
-.display asis
-returns the string `'. Since this operation is expected to be
-mostly used for looking up masked addresses in files, the result for an IPv6
-address uses dots to separate components instead of colons, because colon
-terminates a key string in lsearch files. So, for example,
-.display asis
-returns the string
-.display asis
-Letters in IPv6 addresses are always output in lower case.
-.item "@$@{md5:<<string>>@}"
-.index MD5 hash
-.index expansion||MD5 hash
-The \md5\ operator computes the MD5 hash value of the string, and returns it as
-a 32-digit hexadecimal number,
-in which any letters are in lower case.
-.item "@$@{nhash@_<<n>>@_<<m>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||numeric hash
-.index hash function||numeric
-The \nhash\ operator is a simpler interface to the numeric hashing function
-that can be used when the two parameters are fixed numbers (as opposed to
-strings that change when expanded). The effect is the same as
-See the description of the general \nhash\ item above for details.
-.item "@$@{quote:<<string>>@}"
-.index quoting||in string expansions
-.index expansion||quoting
-The \quote\ operator puts its argument into double quotes if it
-is an empty string or
-contains anything other than letters, digits, underscores, dots, and hyphens.
-Any occurrences of double quotes and backslashes are escaped with a backslash.
-Newlines and carriage returns are converted to \"@\n"\ and \"@\r"\,
-respectively For example,
-.display asis
-.display asis
-The place where this is useful is when the argument is a substitution from a
-variable or a message header.
-.item "@$@{quote@_local@_part:<<string>>@}"
-This operator is like \quote\, except that it quotes the string only if
-required to do so by the rules of RFC 2822 for quoting local parts. For
-example, a plus sign would not cause quoting (but it would for \quote\).
-If you are creating a new email address from the contents of \$local@_part$\
-(or any other unknown data), you should always use this operator.
-.item "@$@{quote@_<<lookup-type>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index quoting||lookup-specific
-This operator applies lookup-specific quoting rules to the string. Each
-query-style lookup type has its own quoting rules which are described with
-the lookups in chapter ~~CHAPfdlookup. For example,
-.display asis
-${quote_ldap:two * two}
-.display asis
-For single-key lookup types, no quoting is ever necessary and this operator
-yields an unchanged string.
-.item "@$@{rxquote:<<string>>@}"
-.index quoting||in regular expressions
-.index regular expressions||quoting
-The \rxquote\ operator inserts a backslash before any non-alphanumeric
-characters in its argument. This is useful when substituting the values of
-variables or headers inside regular expressions.
-.item "@$@{rfc2047:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||RFC 2047
-This operator encodes text according to the rules of RFC 2047. This is an
-encoding that is used in header lines to encode non-ASCII characters. It is
-assumed that the input string is in the encoding specified by the
-\headers@_charset\ option, which defaults to ISO-8859-1. If the string contains
-only characters in the range 33--126, and no instances of the characters
-.display asis
-? = ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " . [ ] _
-it is not modified. Otherwise, the result is the RFC 2047 encoding of the
-using as many `coded words' as necessary to encode all the characters.
-.item "@$@{sha1:<<string>>@}"
-.index SHA-1 hash
-.index expansion||SHA-1 hashing
-The \sha1\ operator computes the SHA-1 hash value of the string, and returns it
-as a 40-digit hexadecimal number, in which any letters are in upper case.
-.item "@$@{stat:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||statting a file
-.index file||extracting characteristics
-The string, after expansion, must be a file path. A call to the \*stat()*\
-function is made for this path. If \*stat()*\ fails, an error occurs and the
-expansion fails. If it succeeds, the data from the stat replaces the item, as a
-series of <<name>>=<<value>> pairs, where the values are all numerical,
-except for the value of `smode'. The names are: `mode' (giving the mode as a
-4-digit octal number), `smode' (giving the mode in symbolic format as a
-10-character string, as for the \*ls*\ command), `inode', `device', `links',
-`uid', `gid', `size', `atime', `mtime', and `ctime'. You can extract individual
-fields using the \extract\ expansion item. \**Warning**\: The file size may be
-incorrect on 32-bit systems for files larger than 2GB.
-.item "@$@{str2b64:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||base64 encoding
-.index base64 encoding||in string expansion
-This operator converts a string into one that is base64 encoded.
-.item "@$@{strlen:<<string>>@}"
-.index expansion||string length
-.index string||length in expansion
-The item is replace by the length of the expanded string, expressed as a
-decimal number. \**Note**\: Do not confuse \strlen\ with \length\.
-.item "@$@{substr@_<<start>>@_<<length>>:<<string>>@}"
-.index \substr\
-.index substring extraction
-.index expansion||substring expansion
-The \substr\ operator is a simpler interface to the \substr\ function that can
-be used when the two parameters are fixed numbers (as opposed to strings that
-change when expanded). The effect is the same as
-See the description of the general \substr\ item above for details. The
-abbreviation \s\ can be used when \substr\ is used as an operator.
-.item "@$@{time@_interval:<<string>>@}"
-.index \time@_interval\
-.index time interval||formatting
-The argument (after sub-expansion) must be a sequence of decimal digits that
-represents an interval of time as a number of seconds. It is converted into a
-number of larger units and output in Exim's normal time format, for example,
-.item "@$@{uc:<<string>>@}"
-.index case forcing in strings
-.index string||case forcing
-.index upper casing
-.index expansion||case forcing
-This forces the letters in the string into upper-case.
-.section Expansion conditions
-.rset SECTexpcond "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index expansion||conditions
-The following conditions are available for testing by the \@$@{if\ construct
-while expanding strings:
-.item "!<<condition>>"
-.index expansion||negating a condition
-Preceding any condition with an exclamation mark negates the result of the
-.item "<<symbolic operator>> @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index numeric comparison
-.index expansion||numeric comparison
-There are a number of symbolic operators for doing numeric comparisons. They
-.tabs 8
-= $t $rm{equal}
-== $t $rm{equal}
-> $t $rm{greater}
->= $t $rm{greater or equal}
-< $t $rm{less}
-<= $t $rm{less or equal}
-For example,
-.display asis
-${if >{$message_size}{10M} ...
-Note that the general negation operator provides for inequality testing. The
-two strings must take the form of optionally signed decimal integers,
-optionally followed by one of the letters `K' or `M' (in either upper or lower
-case), signifying multiplication by 1024 or 1024$*$1024, respectively.
-.item "crypteq @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index expansion||encrypted comparison
-.index encrypted strings, comparing
-This condition is included in the Exim binary if it is built to support any
-authentication mechanisms (see chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH). Otherwise, it is
-necessary to define \\SUPPORT@_CRYPTEQ\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ to get \crypteq\
-included in the binary.
-The \crypteq\ condition has two arguments. The first is encrypted and compared
-against the second, which is already encrypted. The second string may be in the
-LDAP form for storing encrypted strings, which starts with the encryption type
-in curly brackets, followed by the data. If the second string does not begin
-with `{' it is assumed to be encrypted with \*crypt()*\
-or \*crypt16()*\ (see below),
-since such strings cannot begin with `{'. Typically this will be a field from a
-password file.
-An example of an encrypted string in LDAP form is:
-.display asis
-If such a string appears directly in an expansion, the curly brackets have to
-be quoted, because they are part of the expansion syntax. For example:
-.display asis
-${if crypteq {test}{\{md5\}CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g==}{yes}{no}}
-The following encryption types
-(whose names are matched case-independently)
-are supported:
-.numberpars $.
-.index MD5 hash
-.index base64 encoding||in encrypted password
-\@{md5@}\ computes the MD5 digest of the first string, and expresses this as
-printable characters to compare with the remainder of the second string. If the
-length of the comparison string is 24, Exim assumes that it is base64 encoded
-(as in the above example). If the length is 32, Exim assumes that it is a
-hexadecimal encoding of the MD5 digest. If the length not 24 or 32, the
-comparison fails.
-.index SHA-1 hash
-\@{sha1@}\ computes the SHA-1 digest of the first string, and expresses this as
-printable characters to compare with the remainder of the second string. If the
-length of the comparison string is 28, Exim assumes that it is base64 encoded.
-If the length is 40, Exim assumes that it is a hexadecimal encoding of the
-SHA-1 digest. If the length is not 28 or 40, the comparison fails.
-.index \*crypt()*\
-\@{crypt@}\ calls the \*crypt()*\ function,
-which traditionally used to use only the first eight characters of the
-password. However, in modern operating systems this is no longer true, and in
-many cases the entire password is used, whatever its length.
-.index \*crypt16()*\
-\@{crypt16@}\ calls the \*crypt16()*\ function (also known as \*bigcrypt()*\),
-was orginally created to use up to 16 characters of the password. Again, in
-modern operating systems, more characters may be used.
-Exim has its own version of \*crypt16()*\ (which is just a double call to
-\*crypt()*\). For operating systems that have their own version, setting
-\\HAVE@_CRYPT16\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ when building Exim causes it to use the
-operating system version instead of its own. This option is set by default in
-the OS-dependent \(Makefile)\ for those operating systems that are known to
-support \*crypt16()*\.
-If you do not put any curly bracket encryption type in a \crypteq\ comparison,
-the default is either \"@{crypt@}"\ or \"@{crypt16@}"\, as determined by the
-setting of \\DEFAULT@_CRYPT\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. The default default is
-\"@{crypt@}"\. Whatever the default, you can always use either function by
-specifying it explicitly in curly brackets.
-Note that if a password is no longer than 8 characters, the results of
-encrypting it with \*crypt()*\ and \*crypt16()*\ are identical. That means that
-\*crypt16()*\ is backwards compatible, as long as nobody feeds it a password
-longer than 8 characters.
-.item "def:<<variable name>>"
-.index expansion||checking for empty variable
-The \def\ condition must be followed by the name of one of the expansion
-variables defined in section ~~SECTexpvar. The condition is true if the named
-expansion variable does not contain the empty string, for example
-.display asis
-${if def:sender_ident {from $sender_ident}}
-Note that the variable name is given without a leading \@$\ character. If the
-variable does not exist, the expansion fails.
-.item "def:header@_<<header name>>:##or##def:h@_<<header name>>:"
-.index expansion||checking header line existence
-This condition is true if a message is being processed and the named header
-exists in the message. For example,
-.display asis
-${if def:header_reply-to:{$h_reply-to:}{$h_from:}}
-Note that no \@$\ appears before \header@_\ or \h@_\ in the condition,
-and that header names must be terminated by colons if white space does not
-.item "eq @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "eqi @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index string||comparison
-.index expansion||string comparison
-The two substrings are first expanded. The condition is true if the two
-resulting strings are identical: for \eq\ the comparison includes the case of
-letters, whereas for \eqi\ the comparison is case-independent.
-.item "exists @{<<file name>>@}"
-.index expansion||file existence test
-.index file||existence test
-The substring is first expanded and then interpreted as an absolute path. The
-condition is true if the named file (or directory) exists. The existence test
-is done by calling the \*stat()*\ function. The use of the \exists\ test in
-users' filter files may be locked out by the system administrator.
-.item "first@_delivery"
-.index delivery||first
-.index first delivery
-.index expansion||first delivery test
-This condition, which has no data, is true during a message's first delivery
-attempt. It is false during any subsequent delivery attempts.
-.item "ge @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "gei @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index string||comparison
-.index expansion||string comparison
-The two substrings are first expanded. The condition is true if the first
-string is lexically greater than or equal to the second string: for \ge\ the
-comparison includes the case of letters, whereas for \gei\ the comparison is
-.item "gt @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "gti @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index string||comparison
-.index expansion||string comparison
-The two substrings are first expanded. The condition is true if the first
-string is lexically greater than the second string: for \gt\ the comparison
-includes the case of letters, whereas for \gti\ the comparison is
-.item "isip @{<<string>>@}" 8
-.item "isip4 @{<<string>>@}"
-.item "isip6 @{<<string>>@}"
-.index IP address||testing string format
-.index string||testing for IP address
-The substring is first expanded, and then tested to see if it has the form of
-an IP address. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are valid for \isip\, whereas
-\isip4\ and \isip6\ test just for IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, respectively. For
-example, you could use
-.display asis
-${if isip4{$sender_host_address}...
-to test which version of IP an incoming SMTP connection is using.
-.item "ldapauth @{<<ldap query>>@}"
-.index LDAP||use for authentication
-.index expansion||LDAP authentication test
-This condition supports user authentication using LDAP. See section ~~SECTldap
-for details of how to use LDAP in lookups and the syntax of queries. For this
-use, the query must contain a user name and password. The query itself is not
-used, and can be empty. The condition is true if
-the password is not empty, and the user name and password are accepted by the
-LDAP server. An empty password is rejected without calling LDAP because LDAP
-binds with an empty password are considered anonymous regardless of
-the username, and will succeed in most configurations.
-See chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for details of SMTP authentication, and chapter
-~~CHAPplaintext for an example of how this can be used.
-.item "le @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "lei @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index string||comparison
-.index expansion||string comparison
-The two substrings are first expanded. The condition is true if the first
-string is lexically less than or equal to the second string: for \le\ the
-comparison includes the case of letters, whereas for \lei\ the comparison is
-.item "lt @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "lti @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index string||comparison
-.index expansion||string comparison
-The two substrings are first expanded. The condition is true if the first
-string is lexically less than the second string: for \lt\ the comparison
-includes the case of letters, whereas for \lti\ the comparison is
-.item "match @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index expansion||regular expression comparison
-.index regular expressions||match in expanded string
-The two substrings are first expanded. The second is then treated as a regular
-expression and applied to the first. Because of the pre-expansion, if the
-regular expression contains dollar, or backslash characters, they must be
-escaped. Care must also be taken if the regular expression contains braces
-(curly brackets). A closing brace must be escaped so that it is not taken as a
-premature termination of <<string2>>. The easiest approach is to use the
-\"@\N"\ feature to disable expansion of the regular expression.
-For example,
-.display asis
-${if match {$local_part}{\N^\d{3}\N} ...
-If the whole expansion string is in double quotes, further escaping of
-backslashes is also required.
-The condition is true if the regular expression match succeeds.
-The regular expression is not required to begin with a circumflex
-metacharacter, but if there is no circumflex, the expression is not anchored,
-and it may match anywhere in the subject, not just at the start. If you want
-the pattern to match at the end of the subject, you must include the \"@$"\
-metacharacter at an appropriate point.
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \if\ expansion
-At the start of an \if\ expansion the values of the numeric variable
-substitutions \$1$\ etc. are remembered. Obeying a \match\ condition that
-succeeds causes them to be reset to the substrings of that condition and they
-will have these values during the expansion of the success string. At the end
-of the \if\ expansion, the previous values are restored. After testing a
-combination of conditions using \or\, the subsequent values of the numeric
-variables are those of the condition that succeeded.
-.item "match@_domain @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "match@_address @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.item "match@_local@_part @{<<string1>>@}@{<<string2>>@}"
-.index domain list||in expansion condition
-.index address list||in expansion condition
-.index local part list||in expansion condition
-These conditions make it possible to test domain, address, and local
-part lists within expansions. Each condition requires two arguments: an item
-and a list to match. A trivial example is:
-.display asis
-${if match_domain{a.b.c}{x.y.z:a.b.c:p.q.r}{yes}{no}}
-In each case, the second argument may contain any of the allowable items for a
-list of the appropriate type. Also, because the second argument (after
-expansion) is a standard form of list, it is possible to refer to a named list.
-Thus, you can use conditions like this:
-.display asis
-${if match_domain{$domain}{+local_domains}{...
-.index \"+caseful"\
-For address lists, the matching starts off caselessly, but the \"+caseful"\
-item can be used, as in all address lists, to cause subsequent items to
-have their local parts matched casefully. Domains are always matched
-\**Note**\: Host lists are \*not*\ supported in this way. This is because
-hosts have two identities: a name and an IP address, and it is not clear
-how to specify cleanly how such a test would work. At least, I haven't come
-up with anything yet.
-.item "pam {<<string1>>:<<string2>>:...@}"
-.index PAM authentication
-.index \\AUTH\\||with PAM
-.index Solaris||PAM support
-.index expansion||PAM authentication test
-\*Pluggable Authentication Modules*\
-are a facility which is available in the latest releases of Solaris and in some
-GNU/Linux distributions. The Exim support, which is intended for use in
-conjunction with the SMTP \\AUTH\\ command, is available only if Exim is
-compiled with
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\. You probably need to add \-lpam-\ to \\EXTRALIBS\\, and
-in some releases of GNU/Linux \-ldl-\ is also needed.
-The argument string is first expanded, and the result must be a colon-separated
-list of strings.
-Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.
-The PAM module is initialized with the service name `exim' and the user name
-taken from the first item in the colon-separated data string (<<string1>>). The
-remaining items in the data string are passed over in response to requests from
-the authentication function. In the simple case there will only be one request,
-for a password, so the data consists of just two strings.
-There can be problems if any of the strings are permitted to contain colon
-characters. In the usual way, these have to be doubled to avoid being taken as
-separators. If the data is being inserted from a variable, the \sg\ expansion
-item can be used to double any existing colons. For example, the configuration
-of a LOGIN authenticator might contain this setting:
-.display asis
-server_condition = ${if pam{$1:${sg{$2}{:}{::}}}{yes}{no}}
-For a PLAIN authenticator you could use:
-.display asis
-server_condition = ${if pam{$2:${sg{$3}{:}{::}}}{yes}{no}}
-In some operating systems, PAM authentication can be done only from a process
-running as root. Since Exim is running as the Exim user when receiving
-messages, this means that PAM cannot be used directly in those systems.
-A patched version of the \*pam@_unix*\ module that comes with the
-Linux PAM package is available from \?http:@/@/\.
-The patched module allows one special uid/gid combination, in addition to root,
-to authenticate. If you build the patched module to allow the Exim user and
-group, PAM can then be used from an Exim authenticator.
-.item "pwcheck {<<string1>>:<<string2>>@}"
-.index \*pwcheck*\ daemon
-.index Cyrus
-.index expansion||\*pwcheck*\ authentication test
-This condition supports user authentication using the Cyrus \*pwcheck*\ daemon.
-This is one way of making it possible for passwords to be checked by a process
-that is not running as root.
-\**Note:**\ The use of \*pwcheck*\ is now deprecated. Its replacement is
-\*saslauthd*\ (see below).
-The pwcheck support is not included in Exim by default. You need to specify
-the location of the pwcheck daemon's socket in \(Local/Makefile)\ before
-building Exim. For example:
-.display asis
-You do not need to install the full Cyrus software suite in order to use
-the pwcheck daemon. You can compile and install just the daemon alone
-from the Cyrus SASL library. Ensure that \*exim*\ is the only user that has
-access to the \(/var/pwcheck)\ directory.
-The \pwcheck\ condition takes one argument, which must be the user name and
-password, separated by a colon. For example, in a LOGIN authenticator
-configuration, you might have this:
-.display asis
-server_condition = ${if pwcheck{$1:$2}{1}{0}}
-.item "queue@_running"
-.index queue runner||detecting when delivering from
-.index expansion||queue runner test
-This condition, which has no data, is true during delivery attempts that are
-initiated by queue runner processes, and false otherwise.
-.item "radius {<<authentication string>>@}"
-.index Radius
-.index expansion||Radius authentication
-Radius authentication (RFC 2865) is supported in a similar way to PAM. You must
-set \\RADIUS@_CONFIG@_FILE\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ to specify the location of
-the Radius client configuration file in order to build Exim with Radius
-With just that one setting, Exim expects to be linked with the \radiusclient\
-library. You can also link Exim with the \libradius\ library that comes with
-FreeBSD. To do this, set
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\, in addition to setting \\RADIUS@_CONFIGURE@_FILE\\.
-You may also have to supply a suitable setting in \\EXTRALIBS\\ so that the
-Radius library can be found when Exim is linked.
-The string specified by \\RADIUS@_CONFIG@_FILE\\ is expanded and passed to the
-Radius client library, which calls the Radius server. The condition is true if
-the authentication is successful. For example
-server@_condition = @$@{if radius@{<<arguments>>@}@{yes@}@{no@}@}
-.item "saslauthd @{@{<<user>>@}@{<<password>>@}@{<<service>>@}@{<<realm>>@}@}"
-.index \*saslauthd*\ daemon
-.index Cyrus
-.index expansion||\*saslauthd*\ authentication test
-This condition supports user authentication using the Cyrus \*saslauthd*\
-daemon. This replaces the older \*pwcheck*\ daemon, which is now deprecated.
-Using this daemon is one way of making it possible for passwords to be checked
-by a process that is not running as root.
-The saslauthd support is not included in Exim by default. You need to specify
-the location of the saslauthd daemon's socket in \(Local/Makefile)\ before
-building Exim. For example:
-.display asis
-You do not need to install the full Cyrus software suite in order to use
-the saslauthd daemon. You can compile and install just the daemon alone
-from the Cyrus SASL library.
-Up to four arguments can be supplied to the \saslauthd\ condition, but only two
-are mandatory. For example:
-.display asis
-server_condition = ${if saslauthd{{$1}{$2}}{1}{0}}
-The service and the realm are optional (which is why the arguments are enclosed
-in their own set of braces). For details of the meaning of the service and
-realm, and how to run the daemon, consult the Cyrus documentation.
-.section Combining expansion conditions
-.index expansion||combining conditions
-Several conditions can be tested at once by combining them using the \and\ and
-\or\ combination conditions. Note that \and\ and \or\ are complete conditions
-on their own, and precede their lists of sub-conditions. Each sub-condition
-must be enclosed in braces within the overall braces that contain the list. No
-repetition of \if\ is used.
-.item "or @{@{<<cond1>>@}@{<<cond2>>@}...@}"
-.index `or' expansion condition
-.index expansion||`or' of conditions
-The sub-conditions are evaluated from left to right. The condition is true if
-any one of the sub-conditions is true.
-For example,
-.display asis
-${if or {{eq{$local_part}{spqr}}{eq{$domain}{}}}...
-When a true sub-condition is found, the following ones are parsed but not
-evaluated. If there are several `match' sub-conditions the values of the
-numeric variables afterwards are taken from the first one that succeeds.
-.item "and @{@{<<cond1>>@}@{<<cond2>>@}...@}"
-.index `and' expansion condition
-.index expansion||`and' of conditions
-The sub-conditions are evaluated from left to right. The condition is true if
-all of the sub-conditions are true. If there are several `match'
-sub-conditions, the values of the numeric variables afterwards are taken from
-the last one. When a false sub-condition is found, the following ones are
-parsed but not evaluated.
-.section Expansion variables
-.rset SECTexpvar "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index expansion||variables, list of
-This section contains an alphabetical list of all the expansion variables. Some
-of them are available only when Exim is compiled with specific options such as
-support for TLS or the content scanning extension.
-.indent 2em
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)
-.tempindent 0
-\$0$\, \$1$\, etc: When a \match\ expansion condition succeeds, these
-variables contain the captured substrings identified by the regular expression
-during subsequent processing of the success string of the containing \if\
-expansion item. They may also be set externally by some other matching process
-which precedes the expansion of the string. For example, the commands available
-in Exim filter files include an \if\ command with its own regular expression
-matching condition.
-.tempindent 0
-\$acl@_c0$\ -- \$acl@_c9$\: Values can be placed in these variables by the
-\set\ modifier in an ACL. The values persist throughout the lifetime of an SMTP
-connection. They can be used to pass information between ACLs and different
-invocations of the same ACL.
-When a message is received, the values of these variables are saved with the
-message, and can be accessed by filters, routers, and transports during
-subsequent delivery.
-.tempindent 0
-\$acl@_m0$\ -- \$acl@_m9$\: Values can be placed in these variables by the
-\set\ modifier in an ACL. They retain their values while a message is being
-received, but are reset afterwards. They are also reset by \\MAIL\\, \\RSET\\,
-\\EHLO\\, \\HELO\\, and after starting a TLS session.
-When a message is received, the values of these variables are saved with the
-message, and can be accessed by filters, routers, and transports during
-subsequent delivery.
-.tempindent 0
-\$acl@_verify@_message$\: During the expansion of the \message\ and
-\log@_message\ modifiers in an ACL statement after an address verification has
-failed, this variable contains the original failure message that will be
-overridden by the expanded string.
-.tempindent 0
-\$address@_data$\: This variable is set by means of the \address@_data\
-option in routers. The value then remains with the address while it is
-processed by subsequent routers and eventually a transport. If the transport is
-handling multiple addresses, the value from the first address is used. See
-chapter ~~CHAProutergeneric for more details. \**Note**\: the contents of
-\$address@_data$\ are visible in user filter files.
-If \$address@_data$\ is set when the routers are called from an ACL to verify
-a recipient address, the final value is still in the variable for subsequent
-conditions and modifiers of the ACL statement. If routing the address caused it
-to be redirected to just one address, the child address is also routed as part
-of the verification, and in this case the final value of \$address@_data$\ is
-from the child's routing.
-If \$address@_data$\ is set when the routers are called from an ACL to verify a
-sender address, the final value is also preserved, but this time in
-\$sender@_address@_data$\, to distinguish it from data from a recipient
-In both cases (recipient and sender verification), the value does not persist
-after the end of the current ACL statement. If you want to preserve
-these values for longer, you can save them in ACL variables.
-.tempindent 0
-\$address@_file$\: When, as a result of aliasing, forwarding, or filtering, a
-message is directed to a specific file, this variable holds the name of the
-file when the transport is running. At other times, the variable is empty. For
-example, using the default configuration, if user \r2d2\ has a \(.forward)\
-file containing
-.display asis
-then when the \%address@_file%\ transport is running, \$address@_file$\
-contains `/home/r2d2/savemail'.
-.index Sieve filter||value of \$address@_file$\
-For Sieve filters, the value may be `inbox' or a relative folder name. It is
-then up to the transport configuration to generate an appropriate absolute path
-to the relevant file.
-.tempindent 0
-\$address@_pipe$\: When, as a result of aliasing or forwarding, a message is
-directed to a pipe, this variable holds the pipe command when the transport is
-.index authentication||id
-.tempindent 0
-\$authenticated@_id$\: When a server successfully authenticates a client it may
-be configured to preserve some of the authentication information in the
-variable \$authenticated@_id$\ (see chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH). For example, a
-user/password authenticator configuration might preserve the user name for use
-in the routers. When a message is submitted locally (that is, not over a TCP
-connection), the value of \$authenticated@_id$\ is the login name of the
-calling process.
-.index sender||authenticated
-.index authentication||sender
-.index \\AUTH\\||on \\MAIL\\ command
-.tempindent 0
-When acting as a server, Exim takes note of the \\AUTH=\\ parameter on an
-incoming SMTP \\MAIL\\ command
-if it believes the sender is sufficiently trusted, as described in section
-~~SECTauthparamail. Unless the data is the string `@<@>', it is set as the
-authenticated sender of the message, and the value is available during delivery
-in the \$authenticated@_sender$\ variable. If the sender is not trusted, Exim
-accepts the syntax of \\AUTH=\\, but ignores the data.
-When a message is submitted locally (that is, not over a TCP connection), the
-value of \$authenticated@_sender$\ is an address constructed from the login
-name of the calling process and \$qualify@_domain$\.
-.index authentication||failure
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is set to `1' in an Exim server if a client issues an \\AUTH\\
-command that does not succeed. Otherwise it is set to `0'. This makes it
-possible to distinguish between `did not try to authenticate'
-(\$sender@_host@_authenticated$\ is empty and \$authentication__failed$\ is set
-to `0') and `tried to authenticate but failed' (\$sender@_host@_authenticated$\
-is empty and \$authentication@_failed$\ is set to `1'). Failure includes any
-negative response to an \\AUTH\\ command, including (for example) an attempt to
-use an undefined mechanism.
-.index message||body, line count
-.index body of message||line count
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is being received or delivered, this variable contains the
-number of lines in the message's body.
-.index message||body, binary zero count
-.index body of message||binary zero count
-.index binary zero||in message body
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is being received or delivered, this variable contains the
-number of binary zero bytes in the message's body.
-.tempindent 0
-This is set to the recipient address of a bounce message while Exim is creating
-it. It is useful if a customized bounce message text file is in use (see
-chapter ~~CHAPemsgcust).
-.tempindent 0
-\$bounce@_return@_size@_limit$\: This contains the value set in the
-\bounce@_return@_size@_limit\ option, rounded up to a multiple of 1000. It is
-useful when a customized error message text file is in use (see chapter
-.index gid (group id)||caller
-.tempindent 0
-\$caller@_gid$\: The
-group id under which the process that called Exim was
-running. This is not the same as the group id of the originator of a message
-(see \$originator@_gid$\). If Exim re-execs itself, this variable in the new
-incarnation normally contains the Exim gid.
-.index uid (user id)||caller
-.tempindent 0
-\$caller@_uid$\: The
-user id under which the process that called Exim was
-running. This is not the same as the user id of the originator of a message
-(see \$originator@_uid$\). If Exim re-execs itself, this variable in the new
-incarnation normally contains the Exim uid.
-.tempindent 0
-\$compile@_date$\: The date on which the Exim binary was compiled.
-.tempindent 0
-\$compile@_number$\: The building process for Exim keeps a count of the number
-of times it has been compiled. This serves to distinguish different
-compilations of the same version of the program.
-.tempindent 0
-\$demime@_errorlevel$\: This variable is available when Exim is compiled with
-the content-scanning extension and the obsolete \demime\ condition. For
-details, see section ~~SECTdemimecond.
-.tempindent 0
-\$demime@_reason$\: This variable is available when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension and the obsolete \demime\ condition. For details,
-see section ~~SECTdemimecond.
-.index black list (DNS)
-.tempindent 0
-\$dnslist@_domain$\: When a client host is found to be on a DNS (black) list,
-the list's domain name is put into this variable so that it can be included in
-the rejection message.
-.tempindent 0
-\$dnslist@_text$\: When a client host is found to be on a DNS (black) list, the
-contents of any associated TXT record are placed in this variable.
-.tempindent 0
-\$dnslist@_value$\: When a client host is found to be on a DNS (black) list,
-the IP address from the resource record is placed in this variable.
-If there are multiple records, all the addresses are included, comma-space
-.tempindent 0
-\$domain$\: When an address is being routed, or delivered on its own, this
-variable contains the domain. Global address rewriting happens when a message
-is received, so the value of \$domain$\ during routing and delivery is the
-value after rewriting. \$domain$\ is set during user filtering, but not during
-system filtering, because a message may have many recipients and the system
-filter is called just once.
-When more than one address is being delivered at once (for example, several
-\\RCPT\\ commands in one SMTP delivery), \$domain$\ is set only if they all
-have the same domain. Transports can be restricted to handling only one domain
-at a time if the value of \$domain$\ is required at transport time -- this is
-the default for local transports. For further details of the environment in
-which local transports are run, see chapter ~~CHAPenvironment.
-.index \delay@_warning@_condition\
-At the end of a delivery, if all deferred addresses have the same domain, it is
-set in \$domain$\ during the expansion of \delay@_warning@_condition\.
-The \$domain$\ variable is also used in some other circumstances:
-.numberpars $.
-When an ACL is running for a \\RCPT\\ command, \$domain$\ contains the domain
-of the recipient address.
-\**Note:**\ the domain of the sender address is in \$sender@_address@_domain$\
-at \\MAIL\\ time and at \\RCPT\\ time. \$domain$\ is not set for the \\MAIL\\
-When a rewrite item is being processed (see chapter ~~CHAPrewrite), \$domain$\
-contains the domain portion of the address that is being rewritten; it can be
-used in the expansion of the replacement address, for example, to rewrite
-domains by file lookup.
-With one important exception, whenever a domain list is being scanned,
-\$domain$\ contains the subject domain. \**Exception**\: When a domain list in
-a \sender@_domains\ condition in an ACL is being processed, the subject domain
-is in \$sender@_address@_domain$\ and not in \$domain$\. It works this way so
-that, in a \\RCPT\\ ACL, the sender domain list can be dependent on the
-recipient domain (which is what is in \$domain$\ at this time).
-.index \\ETRN\\||value of \$domain$\
-.index \smtp@_etrn@_command\
-When the \smtp@_etrn@_command\ option is being expanded, \$domain$\ contains
-the complete argument of the \\ETRN\\ command (see section ~~SECTETRN).
-.tempindent 0
-\$domain@_data$\: When the \domains\ option on a router matches a domain by
-means of a lookup, the data read by the lookup is available during the running
-of the router as \$domain@_data$\. In addition, if the driver routes the
-address to a transport, the value is available in that transport. If the
-transport is handling multiple addresses, the value from the first address is
-\$domain@_data$\ is also set when the \domains\ condition in an ACL matches a
-domain by means of a lookup. The data read by the lookup is available during
-the rest of the ACL statement. In all other situations, this variable expands
-to nothing.
-.tempindent 0
-\$exim@_gid$\: This variable contains the numerical value of the Exim group id.
-.tempindent 0
-\$exim@_path$\: This variable contains the path to the Exim binary.
-.tempindent 0
-\$exim@_uid$\: This variable contains the numerical value of the Exim user id.
-.tempindent 0
-\$found@_extension$\: This variable is available when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension and the obsolete \demime\ condition. For details,
-see section ~~SECTdemimecond.
-.tempindent 0
-\$header@_<<name>>$\: This is not strictly an expansion variable. It is
-expansion syntax for inserting the message header line with the given name.
-Note that the name must be terminated by colon or white space, because it may
-contain a wide variety of characters.
-Note also that braces must \*not*\ be used.
-.tempindent 0
-When the \check@_local@_user\ option is set for a router, the user's home
-directory is placed in \$home$\ when the check succeeds. In particular, this
-means it is set during the running of users' filter files. A router may also
-explicitly set a home directory for use by a transport; this can be overridden
-by a setting on the transport itself.
-When running a filter test via the \-bf-\ option, \$home$\ is set to the value
-of the environment variable \\HOME\\.
-.tempindent 0
-When the \%smtp%\ transport is expanding its options for encryption using TLS,
-\$host$\ contains the name of the host to which it is connected. Likewise, when
-used in the client part of an authenticator configuration (see chapter
-~~CHAPSMTPAUTH), \$host$\ contains the name of the server to which the client
-is connected.
-.index transport||filter
-.index filter||transport filter
-When used in a transport filter (see chapter ~~CHAPtransportgeneric) \$host$\
-refers to the host involved in the current connection. When a local transport
-is run as a result of a router that sets up a host list, \$host$\ contains the
-name of the first host.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is set to the remote host's IP address whenever \$host$\ is set
-for a remote connection.
-It is also set to the IP address that is being checked when the
-\ignore@_target@_hosts\ option is being processed.
-.tempindent 0
-If a \hosts\ condition in an ACL is satisfied by means of a lookup, the result
-of the lookup is made available in the \$host@_data$\ variable. This
-allows you, for example, to do things like this:
-.display asis
-deny hosts = net-lsearch;/some/file
- message = $host_data
-.index host||name lookup, failure of
-.tempindent 0
-This variable normally contains `0', as does \$host@_lookup@_failed$\. When a
-message comes from a remote host and there is an attempt to look up the host's
-name from its IP address, and the attempt is not successful, one of these
-variables is set to `1'.
-.numberpars $.
-If the lookup receives a definite negative response (for example, a DNS lookup
-succeeded, but no records were found), \$host@_lookup@_failed$\ is set to `1'.
-If there is any kind of problem during the lookup, such that Exim cannot
-tell whether or not the host name is defined (for example, a timeout for a DNS
-lookup), \$host@_lookup@_deferred$\ is set to `1'.
-Looking up a host's name from its IP address consists of more than just a
-single reverse lookup. Exim checks that a forward lookup of at least one of the
-names it receives from a reverse lookup yields the original IP address. If this
-is not the case, Exim does not accept the looked up name(s), and
-\$host@_lookup@_failed$\ is set to `1'. Thus, being able to find a name from an
-IP address (for example, the existence of a PTR record in the DNS) is not
-sufficient on its own for the success of a host name lookup. If the reverse
-lookup succeeds, but there is a lookup problem such as a timeout when checking
-the result, the name is not accepted, and \$host@_lookup@_deferred$\ is set to
-`1'. See also \$sender@_host@_name$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$host@_lookup@_failed$\: See \$host@_lookup@_deferred$\.
-.tempindent 0
-The only time this variable is set is while expanding the \directory@_file\
-option in the \%appendfile%\ transport. The variable contains the inode number
-of the temporary file which is about to be renamed. It can be used to construct
-a unique name for the file.
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is received over a TCP/IP connection, this variable contains the
-address of the local IP interface. See also the \-oMi-\ command line option.
-This variable can be used in ACLs and also, for example, to make the file name
-for a TLS certificate depend on which interface is being used.
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is received over a TCP/IP connection, this variable contains the
-local port number. See also the \-oMi-\ command line option.
-This variable can be used in ACLs and also, for example, to make the file name
-for a TLS certificate depend on which port is being used.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable, which is available only when Exim is compiled with LDAP support,
-contains the DN from the last entry in the most recently successful LDAP
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the system load average, multiplied by 1000 to that it
-is an integer. For example, if the load average is 0.21, the value of the
-variable is 210. The value is recomputed every time the variable is referenced.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_part$\: When an address is being routed, or delivered on its own, this
-variable contains the local part. When a number of addresses are being
-delivered together (for example, multiple \\RCPT\\ commands in an SMTP
-session), \$local@_part$\ is not set.
-Global address rewriting happens when a message is received, so the value of
-\$local@_part$\ during routing and delivery is the value after rewriting.
-\$local@_part$\ is set during user filtering, but not during system filtering,
-because a message may have many recipients and the system filter is called just
-If a local part prefix or suffix has been recognized, it is not included in the
-value of \$local@_part$\ during routing and subsequent delivery. The values of
-any prefix or suffix are in \$local@_part@_prefix$\ and
-\$local@_part@_suffix$\, respectively.
-When a message is being delivered to a file, pipe, or autoreply transport as a
-result of aliasing or forwarding, \$local@_part$\ is set to the local part of
-the parent address, not to the file name or command (see \$address@_file$\ and
-When an ACL is running for a \\RCPT\\ command, \$local@_part$\ contains the
-local part of the recipient address.
-When a rewrite item is being processed (see chapter ~~CHAPrewrite),
-\$local@_part$\ contains the local part of the address that is being rewritten;
-it can be used in the expansion of the replacement address, for example.
-In all cases, all quoting is removed from the local part. For example, for both
-the addresses
-.display asis
-the value of \$local@_part$\ is
-.display asis
-If you use \$local@_part$\ to create another address, you should always wrap it
-inside a quoting operator. For example, in a \%redirect%\ router you could have:
-.display asis
-data = ${quote_local_part:$local_part}@new.domain.example
-\**Note**\: The value of \$local@_part$\ is normally lower cased. If you want
-to process local parts in a case-dependent manner in a router, you can set the
-\caseful@_local@_part\ option (see chapter ~~CHAProutergeneric).
-.tempindent 0
-When the \local@_parts\ option on a router matches a local part by means of a
-lookup, the data read by the lookup is available during the running of the
-router as \$local@_part@_data$\. In addition, if the driver routes the address
-to a transport, the value is available in that transport. If the transport is
-handling multiple addresses, the value from the first address is used.
-\$local@_part@_data$\ is also set when the \local@_parts\ condition in an ACL
-matches a local part by means of a lookup. The data read by the lookup is
-available during the rest of the ACL statement. In all other situations, this
-variable expands to nothing.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_part@_prefix$\: When an address is being routed or delivered, and a
-specific prefix for the local part was recognized, it is available in this
-variable, having been removed from \$local@_part$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_part@_suffix$\: When an address is being routed or delivered, and a
-specific suffix for the local part was recognized, it is available in this
-variable, having been removed from \$local@_part$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_scan@_data$\: This variable contains the text returned by the
-\*local@_scan()*\ function when a message is received. See chapter
-~~CHAPlocalscan for more details.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_user@_gid$\: See \$local@_user@_uid$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$local@_user@_uid$\: This variable and \$local@_user@_gid$\ are set to
-the uid and gid after the \check__local__user\ router precondition succeeds.
-This means that their values are available for the remaining preconditions
-(\senders\, \require@_files\, and \condition\), for the \address@_data\
-expansion, and for any router-specific expansions. At all other times, the
-values in these variables are \"(uid@_t)(-1)"\ and \"(gid@_t)(-1)"\,
-.tempindent 0
-\$localhost@_number$\: This contains the expanded value of the
-\localhost@_number\ option. The expansion happens after the main options have
-been read.
-.tempindent 0
-\$log@_inodes$\: The number of free inodes in the disk partition where Exim's
-log files are being written. The value is recalculated whenever the variable is
-referenced. If the relevant file system does not have the concept of inodes,
-the value of is -1. See also the \check@_log@_inodes\ option.
-.tempindent 0
-\$log@_space$\: The amount of free space (as a number of kilobytes) in the disk
-partition where Exim's log files are being written. The value is recalculated
-whenever the variable is referenced. If the operating system does not have the
-ability to find the amount of free space (only true for experimental systems),
-the space value is -1. See also the \check@_log@_space\ option.
-.tempindent 0
-\$mailstore@_basename$\: This variable is set only when doing deliveries in
-`mailstore' format in the \%appendfile%\ transport. During the expansion of the
-\mailstore@_prefix\, \mailstore@_suffix\, \message__prefix\, and
-\message@_suffix\ options, it contains the basename of the files that are being
-written, that is, the name without the `.tmp', `.env', or `.msg' suffix. At all
-other times, this variable is empty.
-.tempindent 0
-\$malware@_name$\: This variable is available when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension. It is set to the name of the virus that was found
-when the ACL \malware\ condition is true (see section ~~SECTscanvirus).
-.index message||age of
-.tempindent 0
-\$message@_age$\: This variable is set at the start of a delivery attempt to
-contain the number of seconds since the message was received. It does not
-change during a single delivery attempt.
-.index body of message||expansion variable
-.index message||body, in expansion
-.index binary zero||in message body
-.tempindent 0
-\$message@_body$\: This variable contains the initial portion of a message's
-body while it is being delivered, and is intended mainly for use in filter
-files. The maximum number of characters of the body that are put into the
-variable is set by the \message@_body@_visible\ configuration option; the
-default is 500. Newlines are converted into spaces to make it easier to search
-for phrases that might be split over a line break.
-Binary zeros are also converted into spaces.
-.index body of message||expansion variable
-.index message||body, in expansion
-.tempindent 0
-\$message@_body@_end$\: This variable contains the final portion of a message's
-body while it is being delivered. The format and maximum size are as for
-.index body of message||size
-.index message||body, size
-.tempindent 0
-\$message@_body@_size$\: When a message is being delivered, this variable
-contains the size of the body in bytes. The count starts from the character
-after the blank line that separates the body from the header. Newlines are
-included in the count. See also \$message@_size$\, \$body@_linecount$\, and
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains a concatenation of all the header lines when a message
-is being processed, except for lines added by routers or transports. The header
-lines are separated by newline characters.
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is being received or delivered, this variable contains the
-unique message id that is used by Exim to identify the message.
-An id is not created for a message until after its header has been
-successfully received.
-\**Note**\: This is \*not*\ the contents of the ::Message-ID:: header line; it
-is the local id that Exim assigns to the message, for example:
-.index size||of message
-.index message||size
-.tempindent 0
-When a message is being processed, this variable contains its size in bytes. In
-most cases, the size includes those headers that were received with the
-message, but not those (such as ::Envelope-to::) that are added to individual
-deliveries as they are written. However, there is one special case: during the
-expansion of the \maildir@_tag\ option in the \%appendfile%\ transport while
-doing a delivery in maildir format, the value of \$message@_size$\ is the
-precise size of the file that has been written. See also
-\$message@_body@_size$\, \$body@_linecount$\, and \$body@_zerocount$\.
-.index \\RCPT\\||value of \$message@_size$\
-While running an ACL at the time of an SMTP \\RCPT\\ command, \$message@_size$\
-contains the size supplied on the \\MAIL\\ command, or
-if no size was given. The value may not, of course, be truthful.
-.tempindent 0
-\$mime@_$\\*xxx*\: A number of variables whose names start with \$mime$\ are
-available when Exim is compiled with the content-scanning extension. For
-details, see section ~~SECTscanmimepart.
-.tempindent 0
-\$n0$\ -- \$n9$\: These variables are counters that can be incremented by means
-of the \add\ command in filter files.
-.tempindent 0
-\$original@_domain$\: When a top-level address is being processed for delivery,
-this contains the same value as \$domain$\. However, if a `child' address (for
-example, generated by an alias, forward, or filter file) is being processed,
-this variable contains the domain of the original address. This differs from
-\$parent@_domain$\ only when there is more than one level of aliasing or
-forwarding. When more than one address is being delivered in a single transport
-run, \$original@_domain$\ is not set.
-If new an address is created by means of a \deliver\ command in a system
-filter, it is set up with an artificial `parent' address. This has the local
-part \*system-filter*\ and the default qualify domain.
-.tempindent 0
-\$original@_local@_part$\: When a top-level address is being processed for
-delivery, this contains the same value as \$local@_part$\, unless a prefix or
-suffix was removed from the local part, because \$original@_local@_part$\
-always contains the full local part. When a `child' address (for example,
-generated by an alias, forward, or filter file) is being processed, this
-variable contains the full local part of the original address.
-If the router that did the redirection processed the local part
-case-insensitively, the value in \$original@_local@_part$\ is in lower case.
-This variable differs from \$parent@_local@_part$\ only when there is more than
-one level of aliasing or forwarding. When more than one address is being
-delivered in a single transport run, \$original@_local@_part$\ is not set.
-If new an address is created by means of a \deliver\ command in a system
-filter, it is set up with an artificial `parent' address. This has the local
-part \*system-filter*\ and the default qualify domain.
-.index gid (group id)||of originating user
-.index sender||gid
-.tempindent 0
-\$originator@_gid$\: The value of \$caller@_gid$\ that was set when the message
-was received. For messages received via the command line, this is the gid of
-the sending user. For messages received by SMTP over TCP/IP, this is normally
-the gid of the Exim user.
-.index uid (user id)||of originating user
-.index sender||uid
-.tempindent 0
-\$originator@_uid$\: The value of \$caller@_uid$\ that was set when the message
-was received. For messages received via the command line, this is the uid of
-the sending user. For messages received by SMTP over TCP/IP, this is normally
-the uid of the Exim user.
-.tempindent 0
-\$parent@_domain$\: This variable is similar to \$original@_domain$\ (see
-above), except that it refers to the immediately preceding parent address.
-.tempindent 0
-\$parent@_local@_part$\: This variable is similar to \$original@_local@_part$\
-(see above), except that it refers to the immediately preceding parent address.
-.index pid (process id)||of current process
-.tempindent 0
-\$pid$\: This variable contains the current process id.
-.index filter||transport filter
-.index transport||filter
-.tempindent 0
-\$pipe@_addresses$\: This is not an expansion variable, but is mentioned here
-because the string `@$pipe@_addresses' is handled specially in the command
-specification for the \%pipe%\ transport (chapter ~~CHAPpipetransport) and in
-transport filters (described under \transport@_filter\ in chapter
-~~CHAPtransportgeneric). It cannot be used in general expansion strings, and
-provokes an `unknown variable' error if encountered.
-.tempindent 0
-\$primary@_hostname$\: The value set in the configuration file, or read by the
-\*uname()*\ function. If \*uname()*\ returns a single-component name, Exim
-calls \*gethostbyname()*\ (or \*getipnodebyname()*\ where available) in an
-attempt to acquire a fully qualified host name.
-See also \$smtp@_active@_hostname$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$qualify@_domain$\: The value set for this option in the configuration file.
-.tempindent 0
-\$qualify@_recipient$\: The value set for this option in the configuration file,
-or if not set, the value of \$qualify@_domain$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$rcpt@_count$\: When a message is being received by SMTP, this variable
-contains the number of \\RCPT\\ commands received for the current message. If
-this variable is used in a \\RCPT\\ ACL, its value includes the current
-.tempindent 0
-\$rcpt@_defer@_count$\: When a message is being received by SMTP, this variable
-contains the number of \\RCPT\\ commands in the current message that have
-previously been rejected with a temporary (4\*xx*\) response.
-.tempindent 0
-\$rcpt@_fail@_count$\: When a message is being received by SMTP, this variable
-contains the number of \\RCPT\\ commands in the current message that have
-previously been rejected with a permanent (5\*xx*\) response.
-.tempindent 0
-\$received@_count$\: This variable contains the number of ::Received:: header
-lines in the message, including the one added by Exim (so its value is always
-greater than zero). It is available in the \\DATA\\ ACL, the non-SMTP ACL, and
-while routing and delivering.
-.tempindent 0
-\$received@_for$\: If there is only a single recipient address in an incoming
-message, this variable contains that address when the ::Received:: header line
-is being built.
-The value is copied after recipient rewriting has happened, but before the
-\*local@_scan()*\ function is run.
-.tempindent 0
-\$received@_protocol$\: When a message is being processed, this variable
-contains the name of the protocol by which it was received.
-Most of the names used by Exim are defined by RFCs 821, 2821, and 3848. They
-start with `smtp' (the client used \\HELO\\) or `esmtp' (the client used
-\\EHLO\\). This can be followed by `s' for secure (encrypted) and/or `a' for
-authenticated. Thus, for example, if the protocol is set to `esmtpsa', the
-message was received over an encrypted SMTP connection and the client was
-successfully authenticated.
-Exim uses the protocol name `smtps' for the case when encryption is
-automatically set up on connection without the use of \\STARTTLS\\ (see
-\tls@_on@_connect@_ports\), and the client uses \\HELO\\ to initiate the
-encrypted SMTP session. The name `smtps' is also used for the rare situation
-where the client initially uses \\EHLO\\, sets up an encrypted connection using
-\\STARTTLS\\, and then uses \\HELO\\ afterwards.
-The \-oMr-\ option provides a way of specifying a custom protocol name for
-messages that are injected locally by trusted callers. This is commonly used to
-identify messages that are being re-injected after some kind of scanning.
-.tempindent 0
-\$recipient@_data$\: This variable is set after an indexing lookup success in
-an ACL \recipients\ condition. It contains the data from the lookup, and the
-value remains set until the next \recipients\ test. Thus, you can do things
-like this:
-require recipients = cdb*@@;/some/file
-deny \*some further test involving*\ @$recipient@_data
-\**Warning**\: This variable is set only when a lookup is used as an indexing
-method in the address list, using the semicolon syntax as in the example above.
-The variable is not set for a lookup that is used as part of the string
-expansion that all such lists undergo before being interpreted.
-.tempindent 0
-\$recipient@_verify@_failure$\: In an ACL, when a recipient verification fails,
-this variable contains information about the failure. It is set to one of the
-following words:
-.numberpars " "
-`qualify': The address was unqualified (no domain), and the message
-was neither local nor came from an exempted host.
-`route': Routing failed.
-`mail': Routing succeeded, and a callout was attempted; rejection occurred at
-or before the \\MAIL\\ command (that is, on initial connection, \\HELO\\, or
-`recipient': The \\RCPT\\ command in a callout was rejected.
-`postmaster': The postmaster check in a callout was rejected.
-The main use of this variable is expected to be to distinguish between
-rejections of \\MAIL\\ and rejections of \\RCPT\\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$recipients$\: This variable contains a list of envelope recipients for a
-message. A comma and a space separate the addresses in the replacement text.
-However, the variable is not generally available, to prevent exposure of Bcc
-recipients in unprivileged users' filter files. You can use \$recipients$\ only
-in these two cases:
-In a system filter file.
-In the ACLs associated with the \\DATA\\ command, that is, the ACLs defined by
-\acl@_smtp@_predata\ and \acl@_smtp@_data\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$recipients@_count$\: When a message is being processed, this variable
-contains the number of envelope recipients that came with the message.
-Duplicates are not excluded from the count. While a message is being received
-over SMTP, the number increases for each accepted recipient. It can be
-referenced in an ACL.
-.tempindent 0
-\$reply@_address$\: When a message is being processed, this variable contains
-the contents of the ::Reply-To:: header line if one exists
-and it is not empty,
-or otherwise the contents of the ::From:: header line.
-.tempindent 0
-\$return@_path$\: When a message is being delivered, this variable contains the
-return path -- the sender field that will be sent as part of the envelope. It
-is not enclosed in @<@> characters.
-At the start of routing an address,
-\$return@_path$\ has the same value as \$sender@_address$\, but if, for
-example, an incoming message to a mailing list has been expanded by a router
-which specifies a different address for bounce messages, \$return@_path$\
-subsequently contains the new bounce address, whereas \$sender@_address$\
-always contains the original sender address that was received with the message.
-In other words, \$sender@_address$\ contains the incoming envelope sender, and
-\$return@_path$\ contains the outgoing envelope sender.
-.tempindent 0
-\$return@_size@_limit$\: This is an obsolete name for
-.index return code||from \run\ expansion
-.tempindent 0
-\$runrc$\: This variable contains the return code from a command that is run by
-the \@$@{run...@}\ expansion item.
-\**Warning**\: In a router or transport, you cannot assume the order in which
-option values are expanded, except for those pre-conditions whose order of
-testing is documented. Therefore, you cannot reliably expect to set \$runrc$\
-by the expansion of one option, and use it in another.
-.tempindent 0
-\$self@_hostname$\: When an address is routed to a supposedly remote host that
-turns out to be the local host, what happens is controlled by the
-.index \self\ option||value of host name
-\self\ generic router option. One of its values causes the address to be passed
-to another router. When this happens, \$self@_hostname$\ is set to the name of
-the local host that the original router encountered. In other circumstances its
-contents are null.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_address$\: When a message is being processed, this variable contains
-the sender's address that was received in the message's envelope. For bounce
-messages, the value of this variable is the empty string.
-See also \$return@_path$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_address@_data$\: If \$address@_data$\ is set when the routers are
-called from an ACL to verify a sender address, the final value is preserved in
-\$sender@_address@_data$\, to distinguish it from data from a recipient
-address. The value does not persist after the end of the current ACL statement.
-If you want to preserve it for longer, you can save it in an ACL variable.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_address@_domain$\: The domain portion of \$sender@_address$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_address@_local@_part$\: The local part portion of \$sender@_address$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_data$\: This variable is set after a lookup success in an ACL
-\senders\ condition or in a router \senders\ option. It contains the data from
-the lookup, and the value remains set until the next \senders\ test. Thus, you
-can do things like this:
-require senders = cdb*@@;/some/file
-deny \*some further test involving*\ @$sender@_data
-\**Warning**\: This variable is set only when a lookup is used as an indexing
-method in the address list, using the semicolon syntax as in the example above.
-The variable is not set for a lookup that is used as part of the string
-expansion that all such lists undergo before being interpreted.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_fullhost$\: When a message is received from a remote host, this
-variable contains the host name and IP address in a single string. It ends
-with the IP address in square brackets, followed by a colon and a port number
-if the logging of ports is enabled. The format of the rest of the string
-depends on whether the host issued a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ SMTP command, and
-whether the host name was verified by looking up its IP address. (Looking up
-the IP address can be forced by the \host@_lookup\ option, independent of
-verification.) A plain host name at the start of the string is a verified host
-name; if this is not present, verification either failed or was not requested.
-A host name in parentheses is the argument of a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command.
-This is omitted if it is identical to the verified host name or to the host's
-IP address in square brackets.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_helo@_name$\: When a message is received from a remote host that has
-issued a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command, the argument of that command is placed
-in this variable. It is also set if \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ is used when a message
-is received using SMTP locally via the \-bs-\ or \-bS-\ options.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_host@_address$\: When a message is received from a remote host, this
-variable contains that host's IP address. For locally submitted messages, it is
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_host@_authenticated$\: This variable contains the name (not the
-public name) of the authenticator driver which successfully authenticated the
-client from which the message was received. It is empty if there was no
-successful authentication.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_host@_name$\: When a message is received from a remote host, this
-variable contains the host's name as obtained by looking up its IP address.
-For messages received by other means, this variable is empty.
-If the host name has not previously been looked up, a reference to
-\$sender@_host@_name$\ triggers a lookup (for messages from remote hosts).
-A looked up name is accepted only if it leads back to the original IP address
-via a forward lookup. If either the reverse or the forward lookup fails
-to find any data,
-or if the forward lookup does not yield the original IP address,
-\$sender@_host@_name$\ remains empty, and \$host@_lookup@_failed$\ is set to
-However, if either of the lookups cannot be completed (for example, there is a
-DNS timeout), \$host@_lookup@_deferred$\ is set to `1', and
-\$host@_lookup@_failed$\ remains set to `0'.
-Once \$host@_lookup@_failed$\ is set to `1', Exim does not try to look up the
-host name again if there is a subsequent reference to \$sender@_host@_name$\
-in the same Exim process, but it does try again if \$sender@_host@_deferred$\
-is set to `1'.
-Exim does not automatically look up every calling host's name. If you want
-maximum efficiency, you should arrange your configuration so that it avoids
-these lookups altogether. The lookup happens only if one or more of the
-following are true:
-A string containing \$sender@_host@_name$\ is expanded.
-The calling host matches the list in \host@_lookup\. In the default
-configuration, this option is set to $*$, so it must be changed if lookups are
-to be avoided. (In the code, the default for \host@_lookup\ is unset.)
-Exim needs the host name in order to test an item in a host list. The items
-that require this are described in sections ~~SECThoslispatnam and
-The calling host matches \helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\ or \helo@_verify@_hosts\.
-In this case, the host name is required to compare with the name quoted in any
-\\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\ commands that the client issues.
-The remote host issues a \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\ command that quotes one of the
-domains in \helo@_lookup@_domains\. The default value of this option is
-.display asis
-helo_lookup_domains = @ : @[]
-which causes a lookup if a remote host (incorrectly) gives the server's name or
-IP address in an \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\ command.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_host@_port$\: When a message is received from a remote host, this
-variable contains the port number that was used on the remote host.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_ident$\: When a message is received from a remote host, this variable
-contains the identification received in response to an RFC 1413 request. When a
-message has been received locally, this variable contains the login name of the
-user that called Exim.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_rcvhost$\: This is provided specifically for use in ::Received::
-headers. It starts with either the verified host name (as obtained from a
-.index DNS||reverse lookup
-.index reverse DNS lookup
-reverse DNS lookup) or, if there is no verified host name, the IP address in
-square brackets. After that there may be text in parentheses. When the first
-item is a verified host name, the first thing in the parentheses is the IP
-address in square brackets, followed by a colon and a port number if port
-logging is enabled. When the first item is an IP address, the port is recorded
-as `port=$it{xxxx}' inside the parentheses.
-There may also be items of the form `helo=$it{xxxx}' if \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\
-was used and its argument was not identical to the real host name or IP
-address, and `ident=$it{xxxx}' if an RFC 1413 ident string is available. If all
-three items are present in the parentheses, a newline and tab are inserted into
-the string, to improve the formatting of the ::Received:: header.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sender@_verify@_failure$\: In an ACL, when a sender verification fails, this
-variable contains information about the failure. The details are the same as
-for \$recipient@_verify@_failure$\.
-.tempindent 0
-\$smtp@_active@_hostname$\: During an SMTP session, this variable contains the
-value of the active host name, as specified by the \smtp@_active@_hostname\
-option. The value of \$smtp@_active@_hostname$\ is saved with any message that
-is received, so its value can be consulted during routing and delivery.
-.index \\AUTH\\||argument
-.index \\EXPN\\||argument
-.index \\ETRN\\||argument
-.index \\VRFY\\||argument
-.tempindent 0
-\$smtp@_command@_argument$\: While an ACL is running to check an \\AUTH\\,
-\\EHLO\\, \\EXPN\\, \\ETRN\\, \\HELO\\, or \\VRFY\\ command, this variable
-contains the argument for the SMTP command.
-.tempindent 0
-\$sn0$\ -- \$sn9$\: These variables are copies of the values of the \$n0$\
--- \$n9$\ accumulators that were current at the end of the system filter file.
-This allows a system filter file to set values that can be tested in users'
-filter files. For example, a system filter could set a value indicating how
-likely it is that a message is junk mail.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spam@_$\\*xxx*\: A number of variables whose names start with \$spam$\ are
-available when Exim is compiled with the content-scanning extension. For
-details, see section ~~SECTscanspamass.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spool@_directory$\: The name of Exim's spool directory.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spool@_inodes$\: The number of free inodes in the disk partition where Exim's
-spool files are being written. The value is recalculated whenever the variable
-is referenced. If the relevant file system does not have the concept of inodes,
-the value of is -1.
-See also the \check@_spool@_inodes\ option.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spool@_space$\: The amount of free space (as a number of kilobytes) in the
-disk partition where Exim's spool files are being written. The value is
-recalculated whenever the variable is referenced. If the operating system does
-not have the ability to find the amount of free space (only true for
-experimental systems), the space value is -1. For example, to check in an ACL
-that there is at least 50 megabytes free on the spool, you could write:
-.display asis
-condition = ${if > {$spool_space}{50000}}
-See also the \check@_spool@_space\ option.
-.tempindent 0
-\$thisaddress$\: This variable is set only during the processing of the
-\foranyaddress\ command in a filter file. Its use is explained in the
-description of that command.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is set to `1' if a TLS certificate was verified when the message
-was received, and `0' otherwise.
-.tempindent 0
-\$tls@_cipher$\: When a message is received from a remote host over an
-encrypted SMTP connection, this variable is set to the cipher suite that was
-negotiated, for example DES-CBC3-SHA.
-In other circumstances, in particular, for message received over unencrypted
-connections, the variable is empty.
-See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS support.
-.tempindent 0
-\$tls@_peerdn$\: When a message is received from a remote host over an
-encrypted SMTP connection,
-and Exim is configured to request a certificate from the client,
-the value of the Distinguished Name of the certificate is made available in the
-\$tls@_peerdn$\ during subsequent processing.
-.tempindent 0
-\$tod@_bsdinbox$\: The time of day and date, in the format required for
-BSD-style mailbox files, for example: Thu Oct 17 17:14:09 1995.
-.tempindent 0
-\$tod@_epoch$\: The time and date as a number of seconds since the start of the
-Unix epoch.
-.tempindent 0
-\$tod@_full$\: A full version of the time and date, for example: Wed, 16 Oct
-1995 09:51:40 +0100. The timezone is always given as a numerical offset from
-UTC, with positive values used for timezones that are ahead (east) of UTC, and
-negative values for those that are behind (west).
-.tempindent 0
-\$tod@_log$\: The time and date in the format used for writing Exim's log
-files, for example: 1995-10-12 15:32:29,
-but without a timezone.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the date in the format yyyymmdd. This is the format that
-is used for datestamping log files when \log@_file@_path\ contains the \"%D"\
-.tempindent 0
-\$tod@_zone$\: This variable contains the numerical value of the local
-timezone, for example: -0500.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the UTC date and time in `Zulu' format, as specified by
-ISO 8601, for example: 20030221154023Z.
-.index \$value$\
-.tempindent 0
-\$value$\: This variable contains the result of an expansion lookup, extraction
-operation, or external command, as described above.
-.tempindent 0
-\$version@_number$\: The version number of Exim.
-.tempindent 0
-\$warn@_message@_delay$\: This variable is set only during the creation of a
-message warning about a delivery delay. Details of its use are explained in
-section ~~SECTcustwarn.
-.tempindent 0
-\$warn@_message@_recipients$\: This variable is set only during the creation of
-a message warning about a delivery delay. Details of its use are explained in
-section ~~SECTcustwarn.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Embedded Perl
-.set runningfoot "embedded Perl"
-.rset CHAPperl "~~chapter"
-.index Perl||calling from Exim
-Exim can be built to include an embedded Perl interpreter. When this is done,
-Perl subroutines can be called as part of the string expansion process. To make
-use of the Perl support, you need version 5.004 or later of Perl installed on
-your system. To include the embedded interpreter in the Exim binary, include
-the line
-.display asis
-EXIM_PERL = perl.o
-in your \(Local/Makefile)\ and then build Exim in the normal way.
-.section Setting up so Perl can be used
-Access to Perl subroutines is via a global configuration option called
-.index \perl@_startup\
-\perl@_startup\ and an expansion string operator \@$@{perl ...@}\. If there is
-no \perl@_startup\ option in the Exim configuration file then no Perl
-interpreter is started and there is almost no overhead for Exim (since none of
-the Perl library will be paged in unless used). If there is a \perl@_startup\
-option then the associated value is taken to be Perl code which is executed in
-a newly created Perl interpreter.
-The value of \perl@_startup\ is not expanded in the Exim sense, so you do not
-need backslashes before any characters to escape special meanings. The option
-should usually be something like
-.display asis
-perl_startup = do '/etc/'
-where \(/etc/\ is Perl code which defines any subroutines you want to
-use from Exim. Exim can be configured either to start up a Perl interpreter as
-soon as it is entered, or to wait until the first time it is needed. Starting
-the interpreter at the beginning ensures that it is done while Exim still has
-its setuid privilege, but can impose an unnecessary overhead if Perl is not in
-fact used in a particular run. Also, note that this does not mean that Exim is
-necessarily running as root when Perl is called at a later time. By default,
-the interpreter is started only when it is needed, but this can be changed in
-two ways:
-.numberpars $.
-.index \perl@_at@_start\
-Setting \perl@_at@_start\ (a boolean option) in the configuration requests
-a startup when Exim is entered.
-The command line option \-ps-\ also requests a startup when Exim is entered,
-overriding the setting of \perl@_at@_start\.
-There is also a command line option \-pd-\ (for delay) which suppresses the
-initial startup, even if \perl@_at@_start\ is set.
-.section Calling Perl subroutines
-When the configuration file includes a \perl@_startup\ option you can make use
-of the string expansion item to call the Perl subroutines that are defined
-by the \perl@_startup\ code. The operator is used in any of the following
-.display asis
-${perl{foo}{argument1}{argument2} ... }
-which calls the subroutine \foo\ with the given arguments. A maximum of eight
-arguments may be passed. Passing more than this results in an expansion failure
-with an error message of the form
-.display asis
-Too many arguments passed to Perl subroutine "foo" (max is 8)
-The return value of the Perl subroutine is evaluated in a scalar context before
-it is passed back to Exim to be inserted into the expanded string. If the
-return value is \*undef*\, the expansion is forced to fail in the same way as
-an explicit `fail' on an \@$@{if ...@}\ or \@$@{lookup...@}\ item. If the
-subroutine aborts by obeying Perl's \die\ function, the expansion fails with
-the error message that was passed to \die\.
-.section Calling Exim functions from Perl
-Within any Perl code called from Exim, the function \*Exim@:@:expand@_string*\
-is available to call back into Exim's string expansion function. For example,
-the Perl code
-.display asis
-my $lp = Exim::expand_string('$local_part');
-makes the current Exim \$local@_part$\ available in the Perl variable \$lp$\.
-Note those are single quotes and not double quotes to protect against
-\$local@_part$\ being interpolated as a Perl variable.
-If the string expansion is forced to fail by a `fail' item, the result of
-\*Exim@:@:expand@_string*\ is \undef\. If there is a syntax error in the
-expansion string, the Perl call from the original expansion string fails with
-an appropriate error message, in the same way as if \die\ were used.
-.index debugging||from embedded Perl
-.index log||writing from embedded Perl
-Two other Exim functions are available for use from within Perl code.
-\*Exim@:@:debug@_write(<<string>>)*\ writes the string to the standard error
-stream if Exim's debugging is enabled. If you want a newline at the end, you
-must supply it. \*Exim@:@:log@_write(<<string>>)*\ writes the string to Exim's
-main log, adding a leading timestamp. In this case, you should not supply a
-terminating newline.
-.section Use of standard output and error by Perl
-.index Perl||standard output and error
-You should not write to the standard error or output streams from within your
-Perl code, as it is not defined how these are set up. In versions of Exim
-before 4.50, it is possible for the standard output or error to refer to the
-SMTP connection during message reception via the daemon. Writing to this stream
-is certain to cause chaos. From Exim 4.50 onwards, the standard output and
-error streams are connected to \(/dev/null)\ in the daemon. The chaos is
-avoided, but the output is lost.
-.index Perl||\warn\, use of
-The Perl \warn\ statement writes to the standard error stream by default. Calls
-to \warn\ may be embedded in Perl modules that you use, but over which you have
-no control. When Exim starts up the Perl interpreter, it arranges for output
-from the \warn\ statement to be written to the Exim main log. You can change
-this by including appropriate Perl magic somewhere in your Perl code. For
-example, to discard \warn\ output completely, you need this:
-.display asis
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
-Whenever a \warn\ is obeyed, the anonymous subroutine is called. In this
-example, the code for the subroutine is empty, so it does nothing, but you can
-include any Perl code that you like. The text of the \warn\ message is passed
-as the first subroutine argument.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Starting the daemon and the use of network interfaces
-.set runningfoot "starting the daemon"
-.rset CHAPinterfaces "~~chapter"
-.index daemon||starting
-.index interface||listening
-.index network interface
-.index interface||network
-.index IP address||for listening
-.index daemon||listening IP addresses
-.index TCP/IP||setting listening interfaces
-.index TCP/IP||setting listening ports
-A host that is connected to a TCP/IP network may have one or more physical
-hardware network interfaces. Each of these interfaces may be configured as one
-or more `logical' interfaces, which are the entities that a program actually
-works with. Each of these logical interfaces is associated with an IP address.
-In addition, TCP/IP software supports `loopback' interfaces ( in IPv4
-and @:@:1 in IPv6), which do not use any physical hardware. Exim requires
-knowledge about the host's interfaces for use in three different circumstances:
-When a listening daemon is started, Exim needs to know which interfaces
-and ports to listen on.
-When Exim is routing an address, it needs to know which IP addresses
-are associated with local interfaces. This is required for the correct
-processing of MX lists by removing the local host and others with the
-same or higher priority values. Also, Exim needs to detect cases
-when an address is routed to an IP address that in fact belongs to the
-local host. Unless the \self\ router option or the \allow@_localhost\
-option of the smtp transport is set (as appropriate), this is treated
-as an error situation.
-When Exim connects to a remote host, it may need to know which interface to use
-for the outgoing connection.
-Exim's default behaviour is likely to be appropriate in the vast majority
-of cases. If your host has only one interface, and you want all its IP
-addresses to be treated in the same way, and you are using only the
-standard SMTP port, you should not need to take any special action. The
-rest of this chapter does not apply to you.
-In a more complicated situation you may want to listen only on certain
-interfaces, or on different ports, and for this reason there are a number of
-options that can be used to influence Exim's behaviour. The rest of this
-chapter describes how they operate.
-When a message is received over TCP/IP, the interface and port that were
-actually used are set in \$interface@_address$\ and \$interface@_port$\.
-.section Starting a listening daemon
-When a listening daemon is started (by means of the \-bd-\ command line
-option), the interfaces and ports on which it listens are controlled by the
-following options:
-.numberpars $.
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\ contains a list of default ports. (For backward
-compatibility, this option can also be specified in the singular.)
-\local@_interfaces\ contains list of interface IP addresses on which to
-listen. Each item may optionally also specify a port.
-The default list separator in both cases is a colon, but this can be changed as
-described in section ~~SECTlistconstruct. When IPv6 addresses are involved, it
-is usually best to change the separator to avoid having to double all the
-colons. For example:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ; \
- ; \
- ::1 ; \
- 3ffe:ffff:836f::fe86:a061
-There are two different formats for specifying a port along with an IP address
-in \local@_interfaces\:
-The port is added onto the address with a dot separator. For example, to listen
-on port 1234 on two different IP addresses:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ; \
- 3ffe:ffff:836f::fe86:a061.1234
-The IP address is enclosed in square brackets, and the port is added
-with a colon separator, for example:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; []:1234 ; \
- [3ffe:ffff:836f::fe86:a061]:1234
-When a port is not specified, the value of \daemon@_smtp@_ports\ is used. The
-default setting contains just one port:
-.display asis
-daemon_smtp_ports = smtp
-If more than one port is listed, each interface that does not have its own port
-specified listens on all of them. Ports that are listed in
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\ can be identified either by name (defined in
-\(/etc/services)\) or by number. However, when ports are given with individual
-IP addresses in \local@_interfaces\, only numbers (not names) can be used.
-.section Special IP listening addresses
-The addresses and @:@:0 are treated specially. They are interpreted
-as `all IPv4 interfaces' and `all IPv6 interfaces', respectively. In each
-case, Exim tells the TCP/IP stack to `listen on all IPv\*x*\ interfaces'
-instead of setting up separate listening sockets for each interface. The
-default value of \local@_interfaces\ is
-.display asis
-local_interfaces =
-when Exim is built without IPv6 support; otherwise it is:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ::0 ;
-Thus, by default, Exim listens on all available interfaces, on the SMTP port.
-.section Overriding local@_interfaces and daemon@_smtp@_ports
-The \-oX-\ command line option can be used to override the values of
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\ and/or \local@_interfaces\ for a particular daemon
-instance. Another way of doing this would be to use macros and the \-D-\
-option. However, \-oX-\ can be used by any admin user, whereas modification of
-the runtime configuration by \-D-\ is allowed only when the caller is root or
-The value of \-oX-\ is a list of items. The default colon separator can be
-changed in the usual way if required. If there are any items that do not
-contain dots or colons (that is, are not IP addresses), the value of
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\ is replaced by the list of those items. If there are any
-items that do contain dots or colons, the value of \local@_interfaces\ is
-replaced by those items. Thus, for example,
-.display asis
--oX 1225
-overrides \daemon@_smtp@_ports\, but leaves \local@_interfaces\ unchanged,
-.display asis
-overrides \local@_interfaces\, leaving \daemon@_smtp@_ports\ unchanged.
-(However, since \local@_interfaces\ now contains no items without ports, the
-value of \daemon@_smtp@_ports\ is no longer relevant in this example.)
-.section Support for the obsolete SSMTP (or SMTPS) protocol
-.rset SECTsupobssmt "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ssmtp protocol
-.index smtps protocol
-.index SMTP||ssmtp protocol
-.index SMTP||smtps protocol
-Exim supports the obsolete SSMTP protocol (also known as SMTPS) that was used
-before the \\STARTTLS\\ command was standardized for SMTP. Some legacy clients
-still use this protocol. If the \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ option is set to a
-list of port numbers, connections to those ports must use SSMTP. The most
-common use of this option is expected to be
-.display asis
-tls_on_connect_ports = 465
-because 465 is the usual port number used by the legacy clients. There is also
-a command line option \-tls-on-connect-\, which forces all ports to behave in
-this way when a daemon is started.
-\**Warning**\: Setting \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ does not of itself cause the
-daemon to listen on those ports. You must still specify them in
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\, \local@_interfaces\, or the \-oX-\ option. (This is
-because \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ applies to \inetd\ connections as well as to
-connections via the daemon.)
-.section IPv6 address scopes
-IPv6 addresses have `scopes', and a host with multiple hardware interfaces
-can, in principle, have the same link-local IPv6 address on different
-interfaces. Thus, additional information is needed, over and above the IP
-address, to distinguish individual interfaces. A convention of using a
-percent sign followed by something (often the interface name) has been
-adopted in some cases, leading to addresses like this:
-.display asis
-To accommodate this usage, a percent sign followed by an arbitrary string is
-allowed at the end of an IPv6 address. By default, Exim calls \*getaddrinfo()*\
-to convert a textual IPv6 address for actual use. This function recognizes the
-percent convention in operating systems that support it, and it processes the
-address appropriately. Unfortunately, some older libraries have problems with
-\*getaddrinfo()*\. If
-.display asis
-is set in \(Local/Makefile)\ (or an OS-dependent Makefile) when Exim is built,
-Exim uses \*inet@_pton()*\ to convert a textual IPv6 address for actual use,
-instead of \*getaddrinfo()*\. (Before version 4.14, it always used this
-function.) Of course, this means that the additional functionality of
-\*getaddrinfo()*\ -- recognizing scoped addresses -- is lost.
-.section Examples of starting a listening daemon
-The default case in an IPv6 environment is
-.display asis
-daemon_smtp_ports = smtp
-local_interfaces = <; ::0 ;
-This specifies listening on the smtp port on all IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces.
-Either one or two sockets may be used, depending on the characteristics of
-the TCP/IP stack. (This is complicated and messy; for more information,
-read the comments in the \(daemon.c)\ source file.)
-To specify listening on ports 25 and 26 on all interfaces:
-.display asis
-daemon_smtp_ports = 25 : 26
-(leaving \local@_interfaces\ at the default setting) or, more explicitly:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ::0.25 ; ::0.26 \
- ;
-To listen on the default port on all IPv4 interfaces, and on port 26 on the
-IPv4 loopback address only:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = :
-To specify listening on the default port on specific interfaces only:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = :
-\**Warning**\: such a setting excludes listening on the loopback interfaces.
-.section Recognising the local host
-.rset SECTreclocipadd "~~chapter.~~section"
-The \local@_interfaces\ option is also used when Exim needs to determine
-whether or not an IP address refers to the local host. That is, the IP
-addresses of all the interfaces on which a daemon is listening are always
-treated as local.
-For this usage, port numbers in \local@_interfaces\ are ignored. If either of
-the items or @:@:0 are encountered, Exim gets a complete list of
-available interfaces from the operating system, and extracts the relevant
-(that is, IPv4 or IPv6) addresses to use for checking.
-Some systems set up large numbers of virtual interfaces in order to provide
-many virtual web servers. In this situation, you may want to listen for
-email on only a few of the available interfaces, but nevertheless treat all
-interfaces as local when routing. You can do this by setting
-\extra@_local@_interfaces\ to a list of IP addresses, possibly including the
-`all' wildcard values. These addresses are recognized as local, but are not
-used for listening. Consider this example:
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ; ::1 ; \
- ; \
- 3ffe:2101:12:1:a00:20ff:fe86:a061
-extra_local_interfaces = <; ::0 ;
-The daemon listens on the loopback interfaces and just one IPv4 and one IPv6
-address, but all available interface addresses are treated as local when
-Exim is routing.
-In some environments the local host name may be in an MX list, but with an IP
-address that is not assigned to any local interface. In other cases it may be
-desirable to treat other host names as if they referred to the local host. Both
-these cases can be handled by setting the \hosts@_treat@_as@_local\ option.
-This contains host names rather than IP addresses. When a host is referenced
-during routing, either via an MX record or directly, it is treated as the local
-host if its name matches \hosts@_treat@_as@_local\, or if any of its IP
-addresses match \local@_interfaces\ or \extra@_local@_interfaces\.
-.section Delivering to a remote host
-Delivery to a remote host is handled by the smtp transport. By default, it
-allows the system's TCP/IP functions to choose which interface to use (if
-there is more than one) when connecting to a remote host. However, the
-\interface\ option can be set to specify which interface is used. See the
-description of the smtp transport in chapter ~~CHAPsmtptrans for more details.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Main configuration
-.set runningfoot "main configuration"
-.rset CHAPmainconfig "~~chapter"
-.index configuration file||main section
-.index main configuration
-The first part of the run time configuration file contains three types of item:
-.numberpars $.
-Macro definitions: These lines start with an upper case letter. See section
-~~SECTmacrodefs for details of macro processing.
-Named list definitions: These lines start with one of the words `domainlist',
-`hostlist', `addresslist', or `localpartlist'. Their use is described in
-section ~~SECTnamedlists.
-Main configuration settings: Each setting occupies one line of the file
-(with possible continuations). If any setting is preceded by the word
-`hide', the \-bP-\ command line option displays its value to admin users only.
-See section ~~SECTcos for a description of the syntax of these option settings.
-This chapter specifies all the main configuration options, along with their
-types and default values. For ease of finding a particular option, they appear
-in alphabetical order in section ~~SECTalomo below. However, because there are
-now so many options, they are first listed briefly in functional groups, as an
-aid to finding the name of the option you are looking for. Some options are
-listed in more than one group.
-.set savedisplayflowcheck ~~displayflowcheck
-.set displayflowcheck 0
-.section Miscellaneous
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\bi@_command\ $t$rm{to run for \-bi-\ command line option}
-\keep@_malformed\ $t$rm{for broken files -- should not happen}
-\localhost@_number\ $t$rm{for unique message ids in clusters}
-\message@_body@_visible\ $t$rm{how much to show in \$message@_body$\}
-\mua@_wrapper\ $t$rm{run in `MUA wrapper' mode}
-\print@_topbitchars\ $t$rm{top-bit characters are printing}
-\timezone\ $t$rm{force time zone}
-.section Exim parameters
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\exim@_group\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-\exim@_path\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-\exim@_user\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-\primary@_hostname\ $t$rm{default from \*uname()*\}
-\split@_spool@_directory\ $t$rm{use multiple directories}
-\spool@_directory\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-.section Privilege controls
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\admin@_groups\ $t$rm{groups that are Exim admin users}
-\deliver@_drop@_privilege\ $t$rm{drop root for delivery processes}
-\local@_from@_check\ $t$rm{insert ::Sender:: if necessary}
-\local@_from@_prefix\ $t$rm{for testing ::From:: for local sender}
-\local@_from@_suffix\ $t$rm{for testing ::From:: for local sender}
-\local@_sender@_retain\ $t$rm{keep ::Sender:: from untrusted user}
-\never@_users\ $t$rm{do not run deliveries as these}
-\prod@_requires@_admin\ $t$rm{forced delivery requires admin user}
-\queue@_list@_requires@_admin\ $t$rm{queue listing requires admin user}
-\trusted@_groups\ $t$rm{groups that are trusted}
-\trusted@_users\ $t$rm{users that are trusted}
-.section Logging
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\hosts@_connection@_nolog\ $t$rm{exemption from connect logging}
-\log@_file@_path\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-\log@_selector\ $t$rm{set/unset optional logging}
-\log@_timezone\ $t$rm{add timezone to log lines}
-\message@_logs\ $t$rm{create per-message logs}
-\preserve@_message@_logs\ $t$rm{after message completion}
-\process@_log@_path\ $t$rm{for SIGUSR1 and \*exiwhat*\}
-\syslog@_duplication\ $t$rm{controls duplicate log lines on syslog }
-\syslog@_facility\ $t$rm{set syslog `facility' field}
-\syslog@_processname\ $t$rm{set syslog `ident' field}
-\syslog@_timestamp\ $t$rm{timestamp syslog lines}
-\write@_rejectlog\ $t$rm{control use of message log}
-.section Frozen messages
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\auto@_thaw\ $t$rm{sets time for retrying frozen messages}
-\freeze@_tell\ $t$rm{send message when freezing}
-\move@_frozen@_messages\ $t$rm{to another directory}
-\timeout@_frozen@_after\ $t$rm{keep frozen messages only so long}
-.section Data lookups
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\ldap@_default@_servers\ $t$rm{used if no server in query}
-\ldap@_version\ $t$rm{set protocol version}
-\lookup@_open@_max\ $t$rm{lookup files held open}
-\mysql@_servers\ $t$rm{as it says}
-\oracle@_servers\ $t$rm{as it says}
-\pgsql@_servers\ $t$rm{as it says}
-.section Message ids
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\message@_id@_header@_domain\ $t$rm{used to build ::Message-ID:: header}
-\message@_id@_header@_text\ $t$rm{ditto}
-.section Embedded Perl Startup
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\perl@_at@_start\ $t$rm{always start the interpreter}
-\perl@_startup\ $t$rm{code to obey when starting Perl}
-.section Daemon
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\ $t$rm{default ports}
-\extra@_local@_interfaces\ $t$rm{not necessarily listened on}
-\local@_interfaces\ $t$rm{on which to listen, with optional ports}
-\pid@_file@_path\ $t$rm{override compiled-in value}
-\queue@_run@_max\ $t$rm{maximum simultaneous queue runners}
-.section Resource control
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\check@_log@_inodes\ $t$rm{before accepting a message}
-\check@_log@_space\ $t$rm{before accepting a message}
-\check@_spool@_inodes\ $t$rm{before accepting a message}
-\check@_spool@_space\ $t$rm{before accepting a message}
-\deliver@_queue@_load@_max\ $t$rm{no queue deliveries if load high}
-\queue@_only@_load\ $t$rm{queue incoming if load high}
-\queue@_run@_max\ $t$rm{maximum simultaneous queue runners}
-\remote@_max@_parallel\ $t$rm{parallel SMTP delivery per message}
-\smtp@_accept@_max\ $t$rm{simultaneous incoming connections}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nommail\ $t$rm{non-mail commands}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail@_hosts\ $t$rm{hosts to which the limit applies}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_connection\ $t$rm{messages per connection}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host\ $t$rm{connections from one host}
-\smtp@_accept@_queue\ $t$rm{queue mail if more connections}
-\smtp@_accept@_queue@_per@_connection\ $t$rm{queue if more messages per connection}
-\smtp@_accept@_reserve\ $t$rm{only reserve hosts if more connections}
-\smtp@_check@_spool@_space\ $t$rm{from \\SIZE\\ on \\MAIL\\ command}
-\smtp@_connect@_backlog\ $t$rm{passed to TCP/IP stack}
-\smtp@_load@_reserve\ $t$rm{SMTP from reserved hosts if load high}
-\smtp@_reserve@_hosts\ $t$rm{these are the reserve hosts}
-.section Policy controls
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\acl@_not@_smtp\ $t$rm{set ACL for non-SMTP messages}
-\acl@_smtp@_auth\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\AUTH\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_connect\ $t$rm{set ACL for connection}
-\acl@_smtp@_data\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\DATA\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_etrn\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\ETRN\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_expn\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\EXPN\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_helo\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_mail\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\MAIL\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_mailauth\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\AUTH\\ on \\MAIL\\ command}
-\acl@_smtp@_mime\ $t$rm{set ACL for MIME parts}
-\acl@_smtp@_predata\ $t$rm{set ACL for start of data}
-\acl@_smtp@_quit\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\QUIT\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_rcpt\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\RCPT\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_starttls\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\STARTTLS\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_vrfy\ $t$rm{set ACL for \\VRFY\\}
-\av@_scanner\ $t$rm{specify virus scanner}
-\header@_maxsize\ $t$rm{total size of message header}
-\header@_line@_maxsize\ $t$rm{individual header line limit}
-\helo@_accept@_junk@_hosts\ $t$rm{allow syntactic junk from these hosts}
-\helo@_allow@_chars\ $t$rm{allow illegal chars in \\HELO\\ names}
-\helo@_lookup@_domains\ $t$rm{lookup hostname for these \\HELO\\ names}
-\helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\ $t$rm{\\HELO\\ soft-checked for these hosts}
-\helo@_verify@_hosts\ $t$rm{\\HELO\\ hard-checked for these hosts}
-\host@_lookup\ $t$rm{host name looked up for these hosts}
-\host@_lookup@_order\ $t$rm{order of DNS and local name lookups}
-\host@_reject@_connection\ $t$rm{reject connection from these hosts}
-\hosts@_treat@_as@_local\ $t$rm{useful in some cluster configurations}
-\local@_scan@_timeout\ $t$rm{timeout for \*local@_scan()*\}
-\message@_size@_limit\ $t$rm{for all messages}
-\percent@_hack@_domains\ $t$rm{recognize %-hack for these domains}
-\spamd@_address\ $t$rm{set interface to SpamAssassin}
-.section Callout cache
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\callout@_domain@_negative@_expire\ $t$rm{timeout for negative domain cache item}
-\callout@_domain@_positive@_expire\ $t$rm{timeout for positive domain cache item}
-\callout@_negative@_expire\ $t$rm{timeout for negative address cache item}
-\callout@_positive@_expire\ $t$rm{timeout for positive address cache item}
-\callout@_random@_local@_part\ $t$rm{string to use for `random' testing}
-.section TLS
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\tls@_advertise@_hosts\ $t$rm{advertise TLS to these hosts}
-\tls@_certificate\ $t$rm{location of server certificate}
-\tls@_crl\ $t$rm{certificate revocation list}
-\tls@_dhparam\ $t$rm{DH parameters for server}
-\tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ $t$rm{specify SSMTP (SMTPS) ports}
-\tls@_privatekey\ $t$rm{location of server private key}
-\tls@_remember@_esmtp\ $t$rm{don't reset after starting TLS}
-\tls@_require@_ciphers\ $t$rm{specify acceptable cipers}
-\tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\ $t$rm{try to verify client certificate}
-\tls@_verify@_certificates\ $t$rm{expected client certificates}
-\tls@_verify@_hosts\ $t$rm{insist on client certificate verify}
-.section Local user handling
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\finduser@_retries\ $t$rm{useful in NIS environments}
-\gecos@_name\ $t$rm{used when creating ::Sender::}
-\gecos@_pattern\ $t$rm{ditto}
-\max@_username@_length\ $t$rm{for systems that truncate}
-\unknown@_login\ $t$rm{used when no login name found}
-\unknown@_username\ $t$rm{ditto}
-\uucp@_from@_pattern\ $t$rm{for recognizing `From ' lines}
-\uucp@_from@_sender\ $t$rm{ditto}
-.section All incoming messages (SMTP and non-SMTP)
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\header@_maxsize\ $t$rm{total size of message header}
-\header@_line@_maxsize\ $t$rm{individual header line limit}
-\message@_size@_limit\ $t$rm{applies to all messages}
-\percent@_hack@_domains\ $t$rm{recognize %-hack for these domains}
-\received@_header@_text\ $t$rm{expanded to make ::Received::}
-\received@_headers@_max\ $t$rm{for mail loop detection}
-\recipients@_max\ $t$rm{limit per message}
-\recipients@_max@_reject\ $t$rm{permanently reject excess}
-.section Non-SMTP incoming messages
-.display rm
-.tabs 31
-\receive@_timeout\ $t$rm{for non-SMTP messages}
-.section Incoming SMTP messages
-See also the \*Policy controls*\ section above.
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\host@_lookup\ $t$rm{host name looked up for these hosts}
-\host@_lookup@_order\ $t$rm{order of DNS and local name lookups}
-\recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\ $t$rm{may send unqualified recipients}
-\rfc1413@_hosts\ $t$rm{make ident calls to these hosts}
-\rfc1413@_query@_timeout\ $t$rm{zero disables ident calls}
-\sender@_unqualified@_hosts\ $t$rm{may send unqualified senders}
-\smtp@_accept@_keepalive\ $t$rm{some TCP/IP magic}
-\smtp@_accept@_max\ $t$rm{simultaneous incoming connections}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nommail\ $t$rm{non-mail commands}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail@_hosts\ $t$rm{hosts to which the limit applies}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_connection\ $t$rm{messages per connection}
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host\ $t$rm{connections from one host}
-\smtp@_accept@_queue\ $t$rm{queue mail if more connections}
-\smtp@_accept@_queue@_per@_connection\ $t$rm{queue if more messages per connection}
-\smtp@_accept@_reserve\ $t$rm{only reserve hosts if more connections}
-\smtp@_active@_hostname\ $t$rm{host name to use in messages}
-\smtp@_banner\ $t$rm{text for welcome banner}
-\smtp@_check@_spool@_space\ $t$rm{from \\SIZE\\ on \\MAIL\\ command}
-\smtp@_connect@_backlog\ $t$rm{passed to TCP/IP stack}
-\smtp@_enforce@_sync\ $t$rm{of SMTP command/responses}
-\smtp@_etrn@_command\ $t$rm{what to run for \\ETRN\\}
-\smtp@_etrn@_serialize\ $t$rm{only one at once}
-\smtp@_load@_reserve\ $t$rm{only reserve hosts if this load}
-\smtp@_max@_unknown@_commands\ $t$rm{before dropping connection}
-\smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts\ $t$rm{apply ratelimiting to these hosts}
-\smtp@_ratelimit@_mail\ $t$rm{ratelimit for \\MAIL\\ commands}
-\smtp@_ratelimit@_rcpt\ $t$rm{ratelimit for \\RCPT\\ commands}
-\smtp@_receive@_timeout\ $t$rm{per command or data line}
-\smtp@_reserve@_hosts\ $t$rm{these are the reserve hosts}
-\smtp@_return@_error@_details\ $t$rm{give detail on rejections}
-.section SMTP extensions
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\accept@_8bitmime\ $t$rm{advertise \\8BITMIME\\}
-\auth@_advertise@_hosts\ $t$rm{advertise \\AUTH\\ to these hosts}
-\ignore@_fromline@_hosts\ $t$rm{allow `From ' from these hosts}
-\ignore@_fromline@_local\ $t$rm{allow `From ' from local SMTP}
-\pipelining@_advertise@_hosts\ $t$rm{advertise pipelining to these hosts}
-\tls@_advertise@_hosts\ $t$rm{advertise TLS to these hosts}
-.section Processing messages
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\allow@_domain@_literals\ $t$rm{recognize domain literal syntax}
-\allow@_mx@_to@_ip\ $t$rm{allow MX to point to IP address}
-\allow@_utf8@_domains\ $t$rm{in addresses}
-\delivery@_date@_remove\ $t$rm{from incoming messages}
-\envelope@_to@_remote\ $t$rm{from incoming messages}
-\extract@_addresses@_remove@_arguments\ $t$rm{affects \-t-\ processing}
-\headers@_charset\ $t$rm{default for translations}
-\qualify@_domain\ $t$rm{default for senders}
-\qualify@_recipient\ $t$rm{default for recipients}
-\return@_path@_remove\ $t$rm{from incoming messages}
-\strip@_excess@_angle@_brackets\ $t$rm{in addresses}
-\strip@_trailing@_dot\ $t$rm{at end of addresses}
-\untrusted@_set@_sender\ $t$rm{untrusted can set envelope sender}
-.section System filter
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\system@_filter\ $t$rm{locate system filter}
-\system@_filter@_directory@_transport\ $t$rm{transport for delivery to a directory}
-\system@_filter@_file@_transport\ $t$rm{transport for delivery to a file}
-\system@_filter@_group\ $t$rm{group for filter running}
-\system@_filter@_pipe@_transport\ $t$rm{transport for delivery to a pipe}
-\system@_filter@_reply@_transport\ $t$rm{transport for autoreply delivery}
-\system@_filter@_user\ $t$rm{user for filter running}
-.section Routing and delivery
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\dns@_again@_means@_nonexist\ $t$rm{for broken domains}
-\dns@_check@_names@_pattern\ $t$rm{pre-DNS syntax check}
-\dns@_ipv4@_lookup\ $t$rm{only v4 lookup for these domains}
-\dns@_retrans\ $t$rm{parameter for resolver}
-\dns@_retry\ $t$rm{parameter for resolver}
-\hold@_domains\ $t$rm{hold delivery for these domains}
-\local@_interfaces\ $t$rm{for routing checks}
-\queue@_domains\ $t$rm{no immediate delivery for these}
-\queue@_only\ $t$rm{no immediate delivery at all}
-\queue@_only@_file\ $t$rm{no immediate deliveryif file exists}
-\queue@_only@_load\ $t$rm{no immediate delivery if load is high}
-\queue@_only@_override\ $t$rm{allow command line to override}
-\queue@_run@_in@_order\ $t$rm{order of arrival}
-\queue@_run@_max\ $t$rm{of simultaneous queue runners}
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\ $t$rm{no immediate SMTP delivery for these}
-\remote@_max@_parallel\ $t$rm{parallel SMTP delivery per message}
-\remote@_sort@_domains\ $t$rm{order of remote deliveries}
-\retry@_data@_expire\ $t$rm{timeout for retry data}
-\retry@_interval@_max\ $t$rm{safety net for retry rules}
-.section Bounce and warning messages
-.display flow rm
-.tabs 31
-\bounce@_message@_file\ $t$rm{content of bounce}
-\bounce@_message@_text\ $t$rm{content of bounce}
-\bounce@_return@_body\ $t$rm{include body if returning message}
-\bounce@_return@_message\ $t$rm{include original message in bounce}
-\bounce@_return@_size@_limit\ $t$rm{limit on returned message}
-\bounce@_sender@_authentication\ $t$rm{send authenticated sender with bounce}
-\errors@_copy\ $t$rm{copy bounce messages}
-\errors@_reply@_to\ $t$rm{::Reply-to:: in bounces}
-\delay@_warning\ $t$rm{time schedule}
-\delay@_warning@_condition\ $t$rm{condition for warning messages}
-\ignore@_bounce@_errors@_after\ $t$rm{discard undeliverable bounces}
-\warn@_message@_file\ $t$rm{content of warning message}
-.set displayflowcheck ~~savedisplayflowcheck
-.section Alphabetical list of main options
-.rset SECTalomo "~~chapter.~~section"
-.if ~~sgcal
-Those options that undergo string expansion before use are marked with $**$.
-.startconf main
-.index \\8BITMIME\\
-.index 8-bit characters
-.conf accept@_8bitmime boolean false
-This option causes Exim to send \\8BITMIME\\ in its response to an SMTP
-\\EHLO\\ command, and to accept the \\BODY=\\ parameter on \\MAIL\\ commands.
-However, though Exim is 8-bit clean, it is not a protocol converter, and it
-takes no steps to do anything special with messages received by this route.
-Consequently, this option is turned off by default.
-.index ~~ACL||for non-SMTP messages
-.index non-SMTP messages, ACL for
-.conf acl@_not@_smtp string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when a non-SMTP message is on the point
-of being accepted. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index ~~ACL||setting up for SMTP commands
-.index \\AUTH\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_auth string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\AUTH\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index ~~ACL||on SMTP connection
-.conf acl@_smtp@_connect string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP connection is received.
-See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\DATA\\, ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_data string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run after an SMTP \\DATA\\ command has been
-processed and the message itself has been received, but before the final
-acknowledgement is sent. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\ETRN\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_etrn string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\ETRN\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\EXPN\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_expn string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\EXPN\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\EHLO\\||ACL for
-.index \\HELO\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_helo string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\
-command is received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\MAIL\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_mail string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\MAIL\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\AUTH\\||on \\MAIL\\ command
-.conf acl@_smtp@_mailauth string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when there is an \\AUTH\\ parameter on
-a \\MAIL\\ command. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for details of ACLs, and chapter
-~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for details of authentication.
-.index MIME content scanning||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_mime string$**$ unset
-This option is available when Exim is built with the content-scanning
-extension. It defines the ACL that is run for each MIME part in a message. See
-section ~~SECTscanmimepart for details.
-.conf acl@_smtp@_predata string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\DATA\\ command is
-received, before the message itself is received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for
-further details.
-.index \\QUIT\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_quit string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\QUIT\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\RCPT\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_rcpt string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\RCPT\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\STARTTLS\\, ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_starttls string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\STARTTLS\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.index \\VRFY\\||ACL for
-.conf acl@_smtp@_vrfy string$**$ unset
-This option defines the ACL that is run when an SMTP \\VRFY\\ command is
-received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for further details.
-.conf admin@_groups "string list" unset
-.index admin user
-If the current group or any of the supplementary groups of the caller is in
-this colon-separated list, the caller has admin privileges. If all your system
-programmers are in a specific group, for example, you can give them all Exim
-admin privileges by putting that group in \admin@_groups\. However, this does
-not permit them to read Exim's spool files (whose group owner is the Exim gid).
-To permit this, you have to add individuals to the Exim group.
-.conf allow@_domain@_literals boolean false
-.index domain literal
-If this option is set, the RFC 2822 domain literal format is permitted in
-email addresses. The option is not set by default, because the domain literal
-format is not normally required these days, and few people know about it. It
-has, however, been exploited by mail abusers.
-Unfortunately, it seems that some DNS black list maintainers are using this
-format to report black listing to postmasters. If you want to accept messages
-addressed to your hosts by IP address, you need to set
-\allow@_domain@_literals\ true, and also to add \"@@[]"\ to the list of local
-domains (defined in the named domain list \local@_domains\ in the default
-configuration). This `magic string' matches the domain literal form of all the
-local host's IP addresses.
-.conf allow@_mx@_to@_ip boolean false
-.index MX record||pointing to IP address
-It appears that more and more DNS zone administrators are breaking the rules
-and putting domain names that look like IP addresses on the right hand side of
-MX records. Exim follows the rules and rejects this, giving an error message
-that explains the mis-configuration. However, some other MTAs support this
-practice, so to avoid `Why can't Exim do this?' complaints, \allow@_mx@_to@_ip\
-exists, in order to enable this heinous activity. It is not recommended, except
-when you have no other choice.
-.index domain||UTF-8 characters in
-.index UTF-8||in domain name
-.conf allow@_utf8@_domains boolean false
-Lots of discussion is going on about internationalized domain names. One
-camp is strongly in favour of just using UTF-8 characters, and it seems
-that at least two other MTAs permit this. This option allows Exim users to
-experiment if they wish.
-If it is set true, Exim's domain parsing function allows valid
-UTF-8 multicharacters to appear in domain name components, in addition to
-letters, digits, and hyphens. However, just setting this option is not
-enough; if you want to look up these domain names in the DNS, you must also
-adjust the value of \dns@_check@_names@_pattern\ to match the extended form. A
-suitable setting is:
-.display asis
-dns_check_names_pattern = (?i)^(?>(?(1)\.|())[a-z0-9\xc0-\xff]\
- (?>[-a-z0-9\x80-\xff]*[a-z0-9\x80-\xbf])?)+$
-Alternatively, you can just disable this feature by setting
-.display asis
-dns_check_names_pattern =
-That is, set the option to an empty string so that no check is done.
-.conf auth@_advertise@_hosts "host list$**$" $*$
-.index authentication||advertising
-.index \\AUTH\\||advertising
-If any server authentication mechanisms are configured, Exim advertises them in
-response to an \\EHLO\\ command only if the calling host matches this list.
-Otherwise, Exim does not advertise \\AUTH\\.
-Exim does not accept \\AUTH\\ commands from clients to which it has not
-advertised the availability of \\AUTH\\. The advertising of individual
-authentication mechanisms can be controlled by the use of the
-\server@_advertise@_condition\ generic authenticator option on the individual
-authenticators. See chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for further details.
-Certain mail clients (for example, Netscape) require the user to provide a name
-and password for authentication if \\AUTH\\ is advertised, even though it may
-not be needed (the host may accept messages from hosts on its local LAN without
-authentication, for example). The \auth@_advertise@_hosts\ option can be used
-to make these clients more friendly by excluding them from the set of hosts to
-which Exim advertises \\AUTH\\.
-.index \\AUTH\\||advertising when encrypted
-If you want to advertise the availability of \\AUTH\\ only when the connection
-is encrypted using TLS, you can make use of the fact that the value of this
-option is expanded, with a setting like this:
-.display asis
-auth_advertise_hosts = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{}{*}}
-If \$tls@_cipher$\ is empty, the session is not encrypted, and the result of
-the expansion is empty, thus matching no hosts. Otherwise, the result of the
-expansion is $*$, which matches all hosts.
-.conf auto@_thaw time 0s
-.index thawing messages
-.index unfreezing messages
-If this option is set to a time greater than zero, a queue runner will try a
-new delivery attempt on any frozen message if this much time has passed since
-it was frozen. This may result in the message being re-frozen if nothing has
-changed since the last attempt. It is a way of saying `keep on trying, even
-though there are big problems'. See also \timeout@_frozen@_after\ and
-.conf av@_scanner string "see below"
-This option is available if Exim is built with the content-scanning extension.
-It specifies which anti-virus scanner to use. The default value is:
-.display asis
-If the value of \av@_scanner\ starts with dollar character, it is expanded
-before use. See section ~~SECTscanvirus for further details.
-.conf bi@_command string unset
-.index \-bi-\ option
-This option supplies the name of a command that is run when Exim is called with
-the \-bi-\ option (see chapter ~~CHAPcommandline). The string value is just the
-command name, it is not a complete command line. If an argument is required, it
-must come from the \-oA-\ command line option.
-.conf bounce@_message@_file string unset
-.index bounce message||customizing
-.index customizing||bounce message
-This option defines a template file containing paragraphs of text to be used
-for constructing bounce messages. Details of the file's contents are given in
-chapter ~~CHAPemsgcust. See also \warn@_message@_file\.
-.conf bounce@_message@_text string unset
-When this option is set, its contents are included in the default bounce
-message immediately after `This message was created automatically by mail
-delivery software.' It is not used if \bounce@_message@_file\ is set.
-.index bounce message||including body
-.conf bounce@_return@_body boolean true
-This option controls whether the body of an incoming message is included in a
-bounce message when \bounce@_return@_message\ is true. If it is not set, only
-the message header is included.
-.index bounce message||including original
-.conf bounce@_return@_message boolean true
-If this option is set false, the original message is not included in bounce
-messages generated by Exim. See also \bounce@_return@_size@_limit\.
-.conf bounce@_return@_size@_limit integer 100K
-.index size||of bounce, limit
-.index bounce message||size limit
-.index limit||bounce message size
-This option sets a limit in bytes on the size of messages that are returned to
-senders as part of bounce messages when \bounce@_return@_message\ is true. The
-limit should be less than the value of the global \message@_size@_limit\ and of
-any \message@_size@_limit\ settings on transports, to allow for the bounce text
-that Exim generates. If this option is set to zero there is no limit.
-When the body of any message that is to be included in a bounce message is
-greater than the limit, it is truncated, and a comment pointing this out is
-added at the top. The actual cutoff may be greater than the value given, owing
-to the use of buffering for transferring the message in chunks (typically 8K in
-size). The idea is to save bandwidth on those undeliverable 15-megabyte
-.index bounce message||sender authentication
-.index authentication||bounce message
-.index \\AUTH\\||on bounce message
-.conf bounce@_sender@_authentication string unset
-This option provides an authenticated sender address that is sent with any
-bounce messages generated by Exim that are sent over an authenticated SMTP
-connection. A typical setting might be:
-.display asis
-bounce_sender_authentication = mailer-daemon@my.domain.example
-which would cause bounce messages to be sent using the SMTP command:
-.display asis
-MAIL FROM:<> AUTH=mailer-daemon@my.domain.example
-The value of \bounce@_sender@_authentication\ must always be a complete email
-.index caching||callout, timeouts
-.index callout||caching timeouts
-.conf callout@_domain@_negative@_expire time 3h
-This option specifies the expiry time for negative callout cache data for a
-domain. See section ~~SECTcallver for details of callout verification, and
-section ~~SECTcallvercache for details of the caching.
-.conf callout@_domain@_positive@_expire time 7d
-This option specifies the expiry time for positive callout cache data for a
-domain. See section ~~SECTcallver for details of callout verification, and
-section ~~SECTcallvercache for details of the caching.
-.conf callout@_negative@_expire time 2h
-This option specifies the expiry time for negative callout cache data for an
-address. See section ~~SECTcallver for details of callout verification, and
-section ~~SECTcallvercache for details of the caching.
-.conf callout@_positive@_expire time 24h
-This option specifies the expiry time for positive callout cache data for an
-address. See section ~~SECTcallver for details of callout verification, and
-section ~~SECTcallvercache for details of the caching.
-.conf callout@_random@_local@_part string$**$ "see below"
-This option defines the `random' local part that can be used as part of callout
-verification. The default value is
-.display asis
-See section ~~CALLaddparcall for details of how this value is used.
-.conf check@_log@_inodes integer 0
-See \check@_spool@_space\ below.
-.conf check@_log@_space integer 0
-See \check@_spool@_space\ below.
-.conf check@_spool@_inodes integer 0
-See \check@_spool@_space\ below.
-.conf check@_spool@_space integer 0
-.index checking disk space
-.index disk space, checking
-.index spool directory||checking space
-The four \check@_...\ options allow for checking of disk resources before a
-message is accepted.
-When any of these options are set, they apply to all incoming messages. If you
-want to apply different checks to different kinds of message, you can do so
-by testing the the variables \$log@_inodes$\, \$log@_space$\,
-\$spool@_inodes$\, and \$spool@_space$\ in an ACL with appropriate additional
-\check@_spool@_space\ and \check@_spool@_inodes\ check the spool partition if
-either value is greater than zero, for example:
-.display asis
-check_spool_space = 10M
-check_spool_inodes = 100
-The spool partition is the one that contains the directory defined by
-\\SPOOL@_DIRECTORY\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. It is used for holding messages in
-\check@_log@_space\ and \check@_log@_inodes\ check the partition in which log
-files are written if either is greater than zero. These should be set only if
-\log@_file@_path\ and \spool@_directory\ refer to different partitions.
-If there is less space or fewer inodes than requested, Exim refuses to accept
-incoming mail. In the case of SMTP input this is done by giving a 452 temporary
-error response to the \\MAIL\\ command. If ESMTP is in use and there was a
-\\SIZE\\ parameter on the \\MAIL\\ command, its value is added to the
-\check@_spool@_space\ value, and the check is performed even if
-\check@_spool@_space\ is zero, unless \no@_smtp@_check@_spool@_space\ is set.
-The values for \check@_spool@_space\ and \check@_log@_space\ are held as a
-number of kilobytes. If a non-multiple of 1024 is specified, it is rounded up.
-For non-SMTP input and for batched SMTP input, the test is done at start-up; on
-failure a message is written to stderr and Exim exits with a non-zero code, as
-it obviously cannot send an error message of any kind.
-.index port||for daemon
-.index TCP/IP||setting listening ports
-.conf daemon@_smtp@_ports string "$tt{smtp}"
-This option specifies one or more default SMTP ports on which the Exim daemon
-listens. See chapter ~~CHAPinterfaces for details of how it is used. For
-backward compatibility, \daemon@_smtp@_port\ (singular) is a synonym.
-.conf delay@_warning "time list" 24h
-.index warning of delay
-.index delay warning, specifying
-When a message is delayed, Exim sends a warning message to the sender at
-intervals specified by this option. The data is a colon-separated list of times
-after which to send warning messages.
-If the value of the option is an empty string or a zero time, no warnings are
-Up to 10 times may be given. If a message has been on the queue for longer than
-the last time, the last interval between the times is used to compute
-subsequent warning times. For example, with
-.display asis
-delay_warning = 4h:8h:24h
-the first message is sent after 4 hours, the second after 8 hours, and
-the third one after 24 hours. After that, messages are sent every 16 hours,
-because that is the interval between the last two times on the list. If you set
-just one time, it specifies the repeat interval. For example, with:
-.display asis
-delay_warning = 6h
-messages are repeated every six hours. To stop warnings after a given time, set
-a very large time at the end of the list. For example:
-.display asis
-delay_warning = 2h:12h:99d
-.conf delay@_warning@_condition string$**$ "see below"
-The string is expanded at the time a warning message might be sent. If all the
-deferred addresses have the same domain, it is set in \$domain$\ during the
-expansion. Otherwise \$domain$\ is empty. If the result of the expansion is a
-forced failure, an empty string, or a string matching any of `0', `no' or
-`false' (the comparison being done caselessly) then the warning message is not
-sent. The default is
-.display asis
-delay_warning_condition = \
- ${if match{$h_precedence:}{(?i)bulk|list|junk}{no}{yes}}
-which suppresses the sending of warnings about messages that have `bulk',
-`list' or `junk' in a ::Precedence:: header.
-.index unprivileged delivery
-.index delivery||unprivileged
-.conf deliver@_drop@_privilege boolean false
-If this option is set true, Exim drops its root privilege at the start of a
-delivery process, and runs as the Exim user throughout. This severely restricts
-the kinds of local delivery that are possible, but is viable in certain types
-of configuration. There is a discussion about the use of root privilege in
-chapter ~~CHAPsecurity.
-.index load average
-.index queue runner||abandoning
-.conf deliver@_queue@_load@_max fixed-point unset
-When this option is set, a queue run is abandoned if the system load average
-becomes greater than the value of the option. The option has no effect on
-ancient operating systems on which Exim cannot determine the load average.
-See also \queue@_only@_load\ and \smtp@_load@_reserve\.
-.conf delivery@_date@_remove boolean true
-.index ::Delivery-date:: header line
-Exim's transports have an option for adding a ::Delivery-date:: header to a
-message when it is delivered -- in exactly the same way as ::Return-path:: is
-handled. ::Delivery-date:: records the actual time of delivery. Such headers
-should not be present in incoming messages, and this option causes them to be
-removed at the time the message is received, to avoid any problems that might
-occur when a delivered message is subsequently sent on to some other recipient.
-.index DNS||`try again' response, overriding
-.conf dns@_again@_means@_nonexist "domain list$**$" unset
-DNS lookups give a `try again' response for the DNS errors `non-authoritative
-host not found' and `\\SERVERFAIL\\'. This can cause Exim to keep trying to
-deliver a message, or to give repeated temporary errors to incoming mail.
-Sometimes the effect is caused by a badly set up name server and may persist
-for a long time. If a domain which exhibits this problem matches anything in
-\dns__again__means__nonexist\, it is treated as if it did not exist. This
-option should be used with care.
-You can make it apply to reverse lookups by a setting such as this:
-.display asis
-dns_again_means_nonexist = *
-This option applies to all DNS lookups that Exim does. The \%dnslookup%\ router
-has some options of its own for controlling what happens when lookups for MX or
-SRV records give temporary errors. These more specific options are applied
-after the global option.
-.index DNS||pre-check of name syntax
-.conf dns@_check@_names@_pattern string "see below"
-When this option is set to a non-empty string, it causes Exim to check domain
-names for illegal characters before handing them to the DNS resolver, because
-some resolvers give temporary errors for malformed names. If a domain name
-contains any illegal characters, a `not found' result is forced, and the
-resolver is not called. The check is done by matching the domain name against a
-regular expression, which is the value of this option. The default pattern is
-.display asis
-dns_check_names_pattern = \
- (?i)^(?>(?(1)\.|())[^\W_](?>[a-z0-9-]*[^\W_])?)+$
-which permits only letters, digits, and hyphens in components, but they may not
-start or end with a hyphen.
-If you set \allow@_utf8@_domains\, you must modify this pattern, or set the
-option to an empty string.
-.conf dns@_ipv4@_lookup "domain list$**$" unset
-.index IPv6||DNS lookup for AAAA records
-.index DNS||IPv6 lookup for AAAA records
-When Exim is compiled with IPv6 support, it looks for IPv6 address records
-(AAAA and, if configured, A6) as well as IPv4 address records when trying to
-find IP addresses for hosts, unless the host's domain matches this list.
-This is a fudge to help with name servers that give big delays or otherwise do
-not work for the new IPv6 record types. If Exim is handed an IPv6 address
-record as a result of an MX lookup, it always recognizes it, and may as a
-result make an outgoing IPv6 connection. All this option does is to make Exim
-look only for IPv4-style A records when it needs to find an IP address for a
-host name. In due course, when the world's name servers have all been upgraded,
-there should be no need for this option.
-.conf dns@_retrans time 0s
-.index DNS||resolver options
-The options \dns@_retrans\ and \dns@_retry\ can be used to set the
-retransmission and retry parameters for DNS lookups. Values of zero (the
-defaults) leave the system default settings unchanged. The first value is the
-time between retries, and the second is the number of retries. It isn't
-totally clear exactly how these settings affect the total time a DNS lookup may
-take. I haven't found any documentation about timeouts on DNS lookups; these
-parameter values are available in the external resolver interface structure,
-but nowhere does it seem to describe how they are used or what you might want
-to set in them.
-.conf dns@_retry integer 0
-See \dns@_retrans\ above.
-.conf drop@_cr boolean false
-This is an obsolete option that is now a no-op. It used to affect the way Exim
-handled CR and LF characters in incoming messages. What happens now is
-described in section ~~SECTlineendings.
-.conf envelope@_to@_remove boolean true
-.index ::Envelope-to:: header line
-Exim's transports have an option for adding an ::Envelope-to:: header to a
-message when it is delivered -- in exactly the same way as ::Return-path:: is
-handled. ::Envelope-to:: records the original recipient address from the
-messages's envelope that caused the delivery to happen. Such headers should not
-be present in incoming messages, and this option causes them to be removed at
-the time the message is received, to avoid any problems that might occur when a
-delivered message is subsequently sent on to some other recipient.
-.conf errors@_copy "string list$**$" unset
-.index bounce message||copy to other address
-.index copy of bounce message
-Setting this option causes Exim to send bcc copies of bounce messages that it
-generates to other addresses. \**Note**\: this does not apply to bounce messages
-coming from elsewhere. The value of the option is a colon-separated list of
-items. Each item consists of a pattern, terminated by white space, followed by
-a comma-separated list of email addresses. If a pattern contains spaces, it
-must be enclosed in double quotes.
-Each pattern is processed in the same way as a single item in an address list
-(see section ~~SECTaddresslist). When a pattern matches the recipient of the
-bounce message, the message is copied to the addresses on the list. The items
-are scanned in order, and once a matching one is found, no further items are
-examined. For example:
-.display asis
-errors_copy = spqr@mydomain postmaster@mydomain.example :\
- rqps@mydomain hostmaster@mydomain.example,\
- postmaster@mydomain.example
-The address list is expanded before use. The expansion variables
-\$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ are set from the original recipient of the error
-message, and if there was any wildcard matching in the pattern, the expansion
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \errors@_copy\
-variables \$0$\, \$1$\, etc. are set in the normal way.
-.conf errors@_reply@_to string unset
-.index bounce message||::Reply-to:: in
-Exim's bounce and delivery warning messages contain the header line
-From: Mail Delivery System @<Mailer-Daemon@@<<qualify-domain>>@>
-where <<qualify-domain>> is the value of the \qualify@_domain\ option.
-Experience shows that people reply to bounce messages. If the
-\errors@_reply@_to\ option is set, a ::Reply-To:: header is added to bounce and
-warning messages. For example:
-.display asis
-errors_reply_to = postmaster@my.domain.example
-The value of the option is not expanded. It must specify a valid RFC 2822
-.conf exim@_group string "compile-time configured"
-.index gid (group id)||Exim's own
-.index Exim group
-This option changes the gid under which Exim runs when it gives up root
-privilege. The default value is compiled into the binary. The value of this
-option is used only when \exim@_user\ is also set. Unless it consists entirely
-of digits, the string is looked up using \*getgrnam()*\, and failure causes a
-configuration error. See chapter ~~CHAPsecurity for a discussion of security
-.conf exim@_path string "see below"
-.index Exim binary, path name
-This option specifies the path name of the Exim binary, which is used when Exim
-needs to re-exec itself. The default is set up to point to the file \*exim*\ in
-the directory configured at compile time by the \\BIN@_DIRECTORY\\ setting. It
-is necessary to change \exim@_path\ if, exceptionally, Exim is run from some
-other place.
-\**Warning**\: Do not use a macro to define the value of this option, because
-you will break those Exim utilities that scan the configuration file to find
-where the binary is. (They then use the \-bP-\ option to extract option
-settings such as the value of \spool@_directory\.)
-.conf exim@_user string "compile-time configured"
-.index uid (user id)||Exim's own
-.index Exim user
-This option changes the uid under which Exim runs when it gives up root
-privilege. The default value is compiled into the binary. Ownership of the run
-time configuration file and the use of the \-C-\ and \-D-\ command line options
-is checked against the values in the binary, not what is set here.
-Unless it consists entirely of digits, the string is looked up using
-\*getpwnam()*\, and failure causes a configuration error. If \exim@_group\ is
-not also supplied, the gid is taken from the result of \*getpwnam()*\ if it is
-used. See chapter ~~CHAPsecurity for a discussion of security issues.
-.conf extra@_local@_interfaces "string list" unset
-This option defines network interfaces that are to be considered local when
-routing, but which are not used for listening by the daemon. See section
-~~SECTreclocipadd for details.
-.conf extract@_addresses@_remove@_arguments boolean true
-.index \-t-\ option
-.index command line||addresses with \-t-\
-.index Sendmail compatibility||\-t-\ option
-According to some Sendmail documentation (Sun, IRIX, HP-UX), if any addresses
-are present on the command line when the \-t-\ option is used to build an
-envelope from a message's ::To::, ::Cc:: and ::Bcc:: headers, the command line
-addresses are removed from the recipients list. This is also how Smail behaves.
-However, other Sendmail documentation (the O'Reilly book) states that command
-line addresses are added to those obtained from the header lines. When
-\extract__addresses__remove__arguments\ is true (the default), Exim subtracts
-argument headers. If it is set false, Exim adds rather than removes argument
-.conf finduser@_retries integer 0
-.index NIS, looking up users, retrying
-On systems running NIS or other schemes in which user and group information is
-distributed from a remote system, there can be times when \*getpwnam()*\ and
-related functions fail, even when given valid data, because things time out.
-Unfortunately these failures cannot be distinguished from genuine `not found'
-errors. If \finduser@_retries\ is set greater than zero, Exim will try that
-many extra times to find a user or a group, waiting for one second between
-.index \(/etc/passwd)\, multiple reading of
-You should not set this option greater than zero if your user information is in
-a traditional \(/etc/passwd)\ file, because it will cause Exim needlessly to
-search the file multiple times for non-existent users, and also cause delay.
-.conf freeze@_tell "string list, comma separated" unset
-.index freezing messages||sending a message when freezing
-On encountering certain errors, or when configured to do so in a system filter,
-or in an ACL,
-Exim freezes a message. This means that no further delivery attempts take place
-until an administrator (or the \auto@_thaw\ feature) thaws the message. If
-\freeze@_tell\ is set, Exim generates a warning message whenever it freezes
-something, unless the message it is freezing is a
-bounce message. (Without this exception there is the possibility of looping.)
-The warning message is sent to the addresses supplied as the comma-separated
-value of this option. If several of the message's addresses cause freezing,
-only a single message is sent.
-If the freezing was automatic, the reason(s) for freezing can be found in the
-message log. If you configure freezing in a filter or ACL, you must arrange for
-any logging that you require.
-.conf gecos@_name string$**$ unset
-.index HP-UX
-.index `gecos' field, parsing
-Some operating systems, notably HP-UX, use the `gecos' field in the system
-password file to hold other information in addition to users' real names. Exim
-looks up this field for use when it is creating ::Sender:: or ::From:: headers.
-If either \gecos@_pattern\ or \gecos@_name\ are unset, the contents of the
-field are used unchanged, except that, if an ampersand is encountered, it is
-replaced by the user's login name with the first character forced to
-upper case, since this is a convention that is observed on many systems.
-When these options are set, \gecos@_pattern\ is treated as a regular expression
-that is to be applied to the field (again with & replaced by the login name),
-and if it matches, \gecos@_name\ is expanded and used as the user's name.
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \gecos@_name\
-Numeric variables such as \$1$\, \$2$\, etc. can be used in the expansion to
-pick up sub-fields that were matched by the pattern. In HP-UX, where the user's
-name terminates at the first comma, the following can be used:
-.display asis
-gecos_pattern = ([^,]*)
-gecos_name = $1
-.conf gecos@_pattern string unset
-See \gecos@_name\ above.
-.conf headers@_charset string "see below"
-This option sets a default character set for translating from encoded MIME
-`words' in header lines, when referenced by an \$h@_xxx$\ expansion item. The
-default is the value of \\HEADERS@_CHARSET\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. The
-ultimate default is ISO-8859-1. For more details see the description of header
-insertions in section ~~SECTexpansionitems.
-.conf header@_maxsize integer "see below"
-.index header section||maximum size of
-.index limit||size of message header section
-This option controls the overall maximum size of a message's header
-section. The default is the value of \\HEADER@_MAXSIZE\\ in
-\(Local/Makefile)\; the default for that is 1M. Messages with larger header
-sections are rejected.
-.conf header@_line@_maxsize integer 0
-.index header lines||maximum size of
-.index limit||size of one header line
-This option limits the length of any individual header line in a message, after
-all the continuations have been joined together. Messages with individual
-header lines that are longer than the limit are rejected. The default value of
-zero means `no limit'.
-.conf helo@_accept@_junk@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index \\HELO\\||accepting junk data
-.index \\EHLO\\||accepting junk data
-Exim checks the syntax of \\HELO\\ and \\EHLO\\ commands for incoming SMTP
-mail, and gives an error response for invalid data. Unfortunately, there are
-some SMTP clients that send syntactic junk. They can be accommodated by setting
-this option. Note that this is a syntax check only. See \helo@_verify@_hosts\
-if you want to do semantic checking.
-See also \helo@_allow@_chars\ for a way of extending the permitted character
-.conf helo@_allow@_chars string unset
-.index \\HELO\\||underscores in
-.index \\EHLO\\||underscores in
-.index underscore in \\EHLO\\/\\HELO\\
-This option can be set to a string of rogue characters that are permitted in
-all \\EHLO\\ and \\HELO\\ names in addition to the standard letters, digits,
-hyphens, and dots. If you really must allow underscores, you can set
-.display asis
-helo_allow_chars = _
-Note that the value is one string, not a list.
-.conf helo@_lookup@_domains "domain list$**$" "$tt{@@:@@[]}"
-.index \\HELO\\||forcing reverse lookup
-.index \\EHLO\\||forcing reverse lookup
-If the domain given by a client in a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command matches this
-list, a reverse lookup is done in order to establish the host's true name. The
-default forces a lookup if the client host gives the server's name or any of
-its IP addresses (in brackets), something that broken clients have been seen to
-.conf helo@_try@_verify@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index \\HELO\\||verifying, optional
-.index \\EHLO\\||verifying, optional
-The RFCs mandate that a server must not reject a message because it doesn't
-like the \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command. By default, Exim just checks the syntax
-of these commands (see \helo__accept__junk__hosts\ and \helo@_allow@_chars\
-above). However, some sites like to be stricter. If the calling host matches
-\helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\, Exim checks that the host name given in the \\HELO\\
-or \\EHLO\\ command either:
-.numberpars $.
-is an IP literal matching the calling address of the host (the RFCs
-specifically allow this), or
-.index DNS||reverse lookup
-.index reverse DNS lookup
-matches the host name that Exim obtains by doing a reverse lookup of the
-calling host address, or
-when looked up using \*gethostbyname()*\ (or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when
-available) yields the calling host address.
-However, the \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\ command is not rejected if any of the checks
-fail. Processing continues, but the result of the check is remembered, and can
-be detected later in an ACL by the \"verify = helo"\ condition. If you want
-verification failure to cause rejection of \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\, use
-\helo@_verify@_hosts\ instead.
-.conf helo@_verify@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index \\HELO\\||verifying, mandatory
-.index \\EHLO\\||verifying, mandatory
-For hosts that match this option, Exim checks the host name given in the
-\\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ in the same way as for \helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\. If the
-check fails, the \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command is rejected with a 550 error, and
-entries are written to the main and reject logs. If a \\MAIL\\ command is
-received before \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\, it is rejected with a
-.conf hold@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index domain||delaying delivery
-.index delivery||delaying certain domains
-This option allows mail for particular domains to be held on the queue
-manually. The option is overridden if a message delivery is forced with the
-\-M-\, \-qf-\, \-Rf-\ or \-Sf-\ options, and also while testing or verifying
-addresses using \-bt-\ or \-bv-\. Otherwise, if a domain matches an item in
-\hold@_domains\, no routing or delivery for that address is done, and it is
-deferred every time the message is looked at.
-This option is intended as a temporary operational measure for delaying the
-delivery of mail while some problem is being sorted out, or some new
-configuration tested. If you just want to delay the processing of some
-domains until a queue run occurs, you should use \queue@_domains\ or
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\, not \hold@_domains\.
-A setting of \hold@_domains\ does not override Exim's code for removing
-messages from the queue if they have been there longer than the longest retry
-time in any retry rule. If you want to hold messages for longer than the normal
-retry times, insert a dummy retry rule with a long retry time.
-.conf host@_lookup "host list$**$" unset
-.index host||name lookup, forcing
-Exim does not look up the name of a calling host from its IP address unless it
-is required to compare against some host list, or the host matches
-\helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\ or \helo@_verify@_hosts\, or the host matches this
-option (which normally contains IP addresses rather than host names). The
-default configuration file contains
-.display asis
-host_lookup = *
-which causes a lookup to happen for all hosts. If the expense of these lookups
-is felt to be too great, the setting can be changed or removed.
-After a successful reverse lookup, Exim does a forward lookup on the name it
-has obtained, to verify that it yields the IP address that it started with. If
-this check fails, Exim behaves as if the name lookup failed.
-After any kind of failure, the host name (in \$sender@_host@_name$\) remains
-unset, and \$host@_lookup@_failed$\ is set to the string `1'. See also
-\dns@_again@_means@_nonexist\, \helo__lookup__domains\, and \"verify =
-reverse@_host@_lookup"\ in ACLs.
-.conf host@_lookup@_order "string list" $tt{bydns:byaddr}
-This option specifies the order of different lookup methods when Exim is trying
-to find a host name from an IP address. The default is to do a DNS lookup
-first, and then to try a local lookup (using \*gethostbyaddr()*\ or equivalent)
-if that fails. You can change the order of these lookups, or omit one entirely,
-if you want.
-\**Warning**\: the `byaddr' method does not always yield aliases when there are
-multiple PTR records in the DNS and the IP address is not listed in
-\(/etc/hosts)\. Different operating systems give different results in this
-case. That is why the default tries a DNS lookup first.
-.conf host@_reject@_connection "host list$**$" unset
-.index host||rejecting connections from
-If this option is set, incoming SMTP calls from the hosts listed are rejected
-as soon as the connection is made.
-This option is obsolete, and retained only for backward compatibility, because
-nowadays the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_connect\ can also reject incoming
-connections immediately.
-The ability to give an immediate rejection (either by this option or using an
-ACL) is provided for use in unusual cases. Many hosts will just try again,
-sometimes without much delay. Normally, it is better to use an ACL to reject
-incoming messages at a later stage, such as after \\RCPT\\ commands. See
-chapter ~~CHAPACL.
-.conf hosts@_connection@_nolog "host list$**$" unset
-.index host||not logging connections from
-This option defines a list of hosts for which connection logging does not
-happen, even though the \smtp@_connection\ log selector is set. For example,
-you might want not to log SMTP connections from local processes, or from
-, or from your local LAN. This option is consulted in the main loop of
-the daemon; you should therefore strive to restrict its value to a short inline
-list of IP addresses and networks. To disable logging SMTP connections from
-local processes, you must create a host list with an empty item. For example:
-.display asis
-hosts_connection_nolog = :
-If the \smtp@_connection\ log selector is not set, this option has no effect.
-.conf hosts@_treat@_as@_local "domain list$**$" unset
-.index local host||domains treated as
-.index host||treated as local
-If this option is set, any host names that match the domain list are treated as
-if they were the local host when Exim is scanning host lists obtained from MX
-or other sources. Note that the value of this option is a domain list, not a
-host list, because it is always used to check host names, not IP addresses.
-This option also applies when Exim is matching the special items
-\"@@mx@_any"\, \"@@mx@_primary"\, and \"@@mx@_secondary"\ in a domain list (see
-section ~~SECTdomainlist), and when checking the \hosts\ option in the \%smtp%\
-transport for the local host (see the \allow@_localhost\ option in that
-See also \local@_interfaces\, \extra@_local@_interfaces\, and chapter
-~~CHAPinterfaces, which contains a discussion about local network interfaces
-and recognising the local host.
-.conf ignore@_bounce@_errors@_after time 10w
-.index bounce message||discarding
-.index discarding bounce message
-This option affects the processing of bounce messages that cannot be delivered,
-that is, those that suffer a permanent delivery failure. (Bounce messages that
-suffer temporary delivery failures are of course retried in the usual way.)
-After a permanent delivery failure, bounce messages are frozen,
-because there is no sender to whom they can be returned. When a frozen bounce
-message has been on the queue for more than the given time, it is unfrozen at
-the next queue run, and a further delivery is attempted. If delivery fails
-again, the bounce message is discarded. This makes it possible to keep failed
-bounce messages around for a shorter time than the normal maximum retry time
-for frozen messages. For example,
-.display asis
-ignore_bounce_errors_after = 12h
-retries failed bounce message deliveries after 12 hours, discarding any further
-failures. If the value of this option is set to a zero time period, bounce
-failures are discarded immediately. Setting a very long time (as in the default
-value) has the effect of disabling this option. For ways of automatically
-dealing with other kinds of frozen message, see \auto@_thaw\ and
-.conf ignore@_fromline@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index `From' line
-.index UUCP||`From' line
-Some broken SMTP clients insist on sending a UUCP-like `From' line before the
-headers of a message. By default this is treated as the start of the message's
-body, which means that any following headers are not recognized as such. Exim
-can be made to ignore it by setting \ignore@_fromline@_hosts\ to match those
-hosts that insist on sending it. If the sender is actually a local process
-rather than a remote host, and is using \-bs-\ to inject the messages,
-\ignore__fromline__local\ must be set to achieve this effect.
-.conf ignore@_fromline@_local boolean false
-See \ignore@_fromline@_hosts\ above.
-.conf keep@_malformed time 4d
-This option specifies the length of time to keep messages whose spool files
-have been corrupted in some way. This should, of course, never happen. At the
-next attempt to deliver such a message, it gets removed. The incident is
-.conf ldap@_default@_servers "string list" unset
-.index LDAP||default servers
-This option provides a list of LDAP servers which are tried in turn when an
-LDAP query does not contain a server. See section ~~SECTforldaque for details
-of LDAP queries. This option is available only when Exim has been built with
-LDAP support.
-.conf ldap@_version integer unset
-.index LDAP||protocol version, forcing
-This option can be used to force Exim to set a specific protocol version for
-LDAP. If it option is unset, it is shown by the \-bP-\ command line option as
--1. When this is the case, the default is 3 if \\LDAP@_VERSION3\\ is defined in
-the LDAP headers; otherwise it is 2. This option is available only when Exim
-has been built with LDAP support.
-.conf local@_from@_check boolean true
-.index ::Sender:: header line||disabling addition of
-.index ::From:: header line||disabling checking of
-When a message is submitted locally (that is, not over a TCP/IP connection) by
-an untrusted user, Exim removes any existing ::Sender:: header line, and checks
-that the ::From:: header line matches
-the login of the calling user and the domain specified by \qualify@_domain\.
-\**Note**\: An unqualified address (no domain) in the ::From:: header in a
-locally submitted message is automatically qualified by Exim, unless the
-\-bnq-\ command line option is used.
-You can use \local@_from@_prefix\ and \local@_from@_suffix\ to permit affixes
-on the local part. If the ::From:: header line does not match, Exim adds a
-::Sender:: header with an address constructed from the calling user's login and
-the default qualify domain.
-If \local@_from@_check\ is set false, the ::From:: header check is disabled,
-and no ::Sender:: header is ever added. If, in addition, you want to retain
-::Sender:: header lines supplied by untrusted users, you must also set
-\local@_sender@_retain\ to be true.
-.index envelope sender
-These options affect only the header lines in the message. The envelope sender
-is still forced to be the login id at the qualify domain unless
-\untrusted@_set@_sender\ permits the user to supply an envelope sender.
-For messages received over TCP/IP, an ACL can specify `submission mode' to
-request similar header line checking. See section ~~SECTthesenhea, which has
-more details about ::Sender:: processing.
-.conf local@_from@_prefix string unset
-When Exim checks the ::From:: header line of locally submitted messages for
-matching the login id (see \local@_from@_check\ above), it can be configured to
-ignore certain prefixes and suffixes in the local part of the address. This is
-done by setting \local@_from@_prefix\ and/or \local@_from@_suffix\ to
-appropriate lists, in the same form as the \local@_part@_prefix\ and
-\local@_part@_suffix\ router options (see chapter ~~CHAProutergeneric). For
-example, if
-.display asis
-local_from_prefix = *-
-is set, a ::From:: line containing
-.display asis
-From: anything-user@your.domain.example
-will not cause a ::Sender:: header to be added if \*user@@your.domain.example*\
-matches the actual sender address that is constructed from the login name and
-qualify domain.
-.conf local@_from@_suffix string unset
-See \local@_from@_prefix\ above.
-.conf local@_interfaces "string list" "see below"
-This option controls which network interfaces are used by the daemon for
-listening; they are also used to identify the local host when routing. Chapter
-~~CHAPinterfaces contains a full description of this option and the related
-\daemon@_smtp@_ports\, \extra@_local@_interfaces\, \hosts@_treat@_as@_local\,
-and \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\.
-The default value for \local@_interfaces\ is
-.display asis
-local_interfaces =
-when Exim is built without IPv6 support; otherwise it is
-.display asis
-local_interfaces = <; ::0 ;
-.conf local@_scan@_timeout time 5m
-.index timeout||for \*local@_scan()*\ function
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||timeout
-This timeout applies to the \*local@_scan()*\ function (see chapter
-~~CHAPlocalscan). Zero means `no timeout'. If the timeout is exceeded, the
-incoming message is rejected with a temporary error if it is an SMTP message.
-For a non-SMTP message, the message is dropped and Exim ends with a non-zero
-code. The incident is logged on the main and reject logs.
-.conf local@_sender@_retain boolean false
-.index ::Sender:: header line||retaining from local submission
-When a message is submitted locally (that is, not over a TCP/IP connection) by
-an untrusted user, Exim removes any existing ::Sender:: header line. If you
-do not want this to happen, you must set \local@_sender@_retain\, and you must
-also set \local@_from@_check\ to be false (Exim will complain if you do not).
-Section ~~SECTthesenhea has more details about ::Sender:: processing.
-.conf localhost@_number string$**$ unset
-.index host||locally unique number for
-.index message||ids, with multiple hosts
-Exim's message ids are normally unique only within the local host. If
-uniqueness among a set of hosts is required, each host must set a different
-value for the \localhost@_number\ option. The string is expanded immediately
-after reading the configuration file (so that a number can be computed from the
-host name, for example) and the result of the expansion must be a number in the
-range 0--16 (or 0--10 on operating systems with case-insensitive file systems).
-This is available in subsequent string expansions via the variable
-\$localhost@_number$\. When \localhost@_number is set\, the final two
-characters of the message id, instead of just being a fractional part of the
-time, are computed from the time and the local host number as described in
-section ~~SECTmessiden.
-.conf log@_file@_path "string list$**$" "set at compile time"
-.index log||file path for
-This option sets the path which is used to determine the names of Exim's log
-files, or indicates that logging is to be to syslog, or both. It is expanded
-when Exim is entered, so it can, for example, contain a reference to the host
-name. If no specific path is set for the log files at compile or run time, they
-are written in a sub-directory called \(log)\ in Exim's spool directory.
-Chapter ~~CHAPlog contains further details about Exim's logging, and section
-~~SECTwhelogwri describes how the contents of \log@_file@_path\ are used. If
-this string is fixed at your installation (contains no expansion variables) it
-is recommended that you do not set this option in the configuration file, but
-instead supply the path using \\LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ so that
-it is available to Exim for logging errors detected early on -- in particular,
-failure to read the configuration file.
-.conf log@_selector string unset
-.index log||selectors
-This option can be used to reduce or increase the number of things that Exim
-writes to its log files. Its argument is made up of names preceded by plus or
-minus characters. For example:
-.display asis
-log_selector = +arguments -retry_defer
-A list of possible names and what they control is given in the chapter on
-logging, in section ~~SECTlogselector.
-.conf log@_timezone boolean false
-.index log||timezone for entries
-By default, the timestamps on log lines are in local time without the
-timezone. This means that if your timezone changes twice a year, the timestamps
-in log lines are ambiguous for an hour when the clocks go back. One way of
-avoiding this problem is to set the timezone to UTC. An alternative is to set
-\log@_timezone\ true. This turns on the addition of the timezone offset to
-timestamps in log lines. Turning on this option can add quite a lot to the size
-of log files because each line is extended by 6 characters. Note that the
-\$tod@_log$\ variable contains the log timestamp without the zone, but there is
-another variable called \$tod@_zone$\ that contains just the timezone offset.
-.conf lookup@_open@_max integer 25
-.index too many open files
-.index open files, too many
-.index file||too many open
-.index lookup||maximum open files
-.index limit||open files for lookups
-This option limits the number of simultaneously open files for single-key
-lookups that use regular files (that is, \%lsearch%\, \%dbm%\, and \%cdb%\). Exim
-normally keeps these files open during routing, because often the same file is
-required several times. If the limit is reached, Exim closes the least recently
-used file. Note that if you are using the \*ndbm*\ library, it actually opens
-two files for each logical DBM database, though it still counts as one for the
-purposes of \lookup@_open@_max\. If you are getting `too many open files'
-errors with NDBM, you need to reduce the value of \lookup@_open@_max\.
-.conf max@_username@_length integer 0
-.index length of login name
-.index user name||maximum length
-.index limit||user name length
-Some operating systems are broken in that they truncate long arguments to
-\*getpwnam()*\ to eight characters, instead of returning `no such user'. If
-this option is set greater than zero, any attempt to call \*getpwnam()*\ with
-an argument that is longer behaves as if \*getpwnam()*\ failed.
-.conf message@_body@_visible integer 500
-.index body of message||visible size
-.index message||body, visible size
-This option specifies how much of a message's body is to be included in the
-\$message@_body$\ and \$message@_body@_end$\ expansion variables.
-.conf message@_id@_header@_domain string$**$ unset
-.index ::Message-ID:: header line
-If this option is set, the string is expanded and used as the right hand side
-(domain) of the ::Message-ID:: header that Exim creates if a
-locally-originated incoming message does not have one. `Locally-originated'
-means `not received over TCP/IP.'
-Otherwise, the primary host name is used.
-Only letters, digits, dot and hyphen are accepted; any other characters are
-replaced by hyphens. If the expansion is forced to fail, or if the result is an
-empty string, the option is ignored.
-.conf message@_id@_header@_text string$**$ unset
-If this variable is set, the string is expanded and used to augment the text of
-the ::Message-id:: header that Exim creates if a
-incoming message does not have one. The text of this header is required by RFC
-2822 to take the form of an address. By default, Exim uses its internal message
-id as the local part, and the primary host name as the domain. If this option
-is set, it is expanded, and provided the expansion is not forced to fail, and
-does not yield an empty string, the result is inserted into the header
-immediately before the @@, separated from the internal message id by a dot. Any
-characters that are illegal in an address are automatically converted into
-hyphens. This means that variables such as \$tod@_log$\ can be used, because
-the spaces and colons will become hyphens.
-.conf message@_logs boolean true
-.index message||log, disabling
-.index log||message log, disabling
-If this option is turned off, per-message log files are not created in the
-\(msglog)\ spool sub-directory. This reduces the amount of disk I/O required by
-Exim, by reducing the number of files involved in handling a message from a
-minimum of four (header spool file, body spool file, delivery journal, and
-per-message log) to three. The other major I/O activity is Exim's main log,
-which is not affected by this option.
-.conf message@_size@_limit string$**$ 50M
-.index message||size limit
-.index limit||message size
-.index size||of message, limit
-This option limits the maximum size of message that Exim will process. The
-value is expanded for each incoming
-connection so, for example, it can be made to depend on the IP address of the
-remote host for messages arriving via TCP/IP. \**Note**\: This limit cannot be
-made to depend on a message's sender or any other properties of an individual
-message, because it has to be advertised in the server's response to \\EHLO\\.
-String expansion failure causes a temporary error. A value of zero means no
-limit, but its use is not recommended. See also \bounce@_return@_size@_limit\.
-Incoming SMTP messages are failed with a 552 error if the limit is
-exceeded; locally-generated messages either get a stderr message or a delivery
-failure message to the sender, depending on the \-oe-\ setting. Rejection of an
-oversized message is logged in both the main and the reject logs. See also the
-generic transport option \message@_size@_limit\, which limits the size of
-message that an individual transport can process.
-.conf move@_frozen@_messages boolean false
-.index frozen messages||moving
-This option, which is available only if Exim has been built with the setting
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\, causes frozen messages and their message logs to be
-moved from the \(input)\ and \(msglog)\ directories on the spool to \(Finput)\
-and \(Fmsglog)\, respectively. There is currently no support in Exim or the
-standard utilities for handling such moved messages, and they do not show up in
-lists generated by \-bp-\ or by the Exim monitor.
-.conf mua@_wrapper boolean false
-Setting this option true causes Exim to run in a very restrictive mode in which
-it passes messages synchronously to a smart host. Chapter ~~CHAPnonqueueing
-contains a full description of this facility.
-.conf mysql@_servers "string list" unset
-.index MySQL||server list
-This option provides a list of MySQL servers and associated connection data, to
-be used in conjunction with \%mysql%\ lookups (see section ~~SECTsql). The
-option is available only if Exim has been built with MySQL support.
-.conf never@_users "string list" unset
-Local message deliveries are normally run in processes that are setuid to the
-recipient, and remote deliveries are normally run under Exim's own uid and gid.
-It is usually desirable to prevent any deliveries from running as root, as a
-safety precaution.
-When Exim is built, an option called \\FIXED@_NEVER@_USERS\\ can be set to a
-list of users that must not be used for local deliveries. This list is fixed in
-the binary and cannot be overridden by the configuration file. By default, it
-contains just the single user name `root'. The \never@_users\ runtime option
-can be used to add more users to the fixed list.
-If a message is to be delivered as one of the users on the fixed list or the
-\never@_users\ list, an error occurs, and delivery is deferred. A common
-example is
-never@_users = root:daemon:bin
-Including root is redundant if it is also on the fixed list, but it does no
-This option overrides the \pipe@_as@_creator\ option of the \%pipe%\ transport
-.conf oracle@_servers "string list" unset
-.index Oracle||server list
-This option provides a list of Oracle servers and associated connection data,
-to be used in conjunction with \%oracle%\ lookups (see section ~~SECTsql). The
-option is available only if Exim has been built with Oracle support.
-.conf percent@_hack@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index `percent hack'
-.index source routing||in email address
-.index address||source-routed
-The `percent hack' is the convention whereby a local part containing a percent
-sign is re-interpreted as a new email address, with the percent replaced by @@.
-This is sometimes called `source routing', though that term is also applied to
-RFC 2822 addresses that begin with an @@ character. If this option is set, Exim
-implements the percent facility for those domains listed, but no others. This
-happens before an incoming SMTP address is tested against an ACL.
-\**Warning**\: The `percent hack' has often been abused by people who are
-trying to get round relaying restrictions. For this reason, it is best avoided
-if at all possible. Unfortunately, a number of less security-conscious MTAs
-implement it unconditionally. If you are running Exim on a gateway host, and
-routing mail through to internal MTAs without processing the local parts, it is
-a good idea to reject recipient addresses with percent characters in their
-local parts. Exim's default configuration does this.
-.conf perl@_at@_start boolean false
-This option is available only when Exim is built with an embedded Perl
-interpreter. See chapter ~~CHAPperl for details of its use.
-.conf perl@_startup string unset
-This option is available only when Exim is built with an embedded Perl
-interpreter. See chapter ~~CHAPperl for details of its use.
-.conf pgsql@_servers "string list" unset
-.index PostgreSQL lookup type||server list
-This option provides a list of PostgreSQL servers and associated connection
-data, to be used in conjunction with \%pgsql%\ lookups (see section ~~SECTsql).
-The option is available only if Exim has been built with PostgreSQL support.
-.conf pid@_file@_path string$**$ "set at compile time"
-.index daemon||pid file path
-.index pid file, path for
-This option sets the name of the file to which the Exim daemon writes its
-process id. The string is expanded, so it can contain, for example, references
-to the host name:
-.display asis
-pid_file_path = /var/log/$primary_hostname/
-If no path is set, the pid is written to the file \(\ in Exim's
-spool directory.
-The value set by the option can be overridden by the \-oP-\ command line
-option. A pid file is not written if a `non-standard' daemon is run by means of
-the \-oX-\ option, unless a path is explicitly supplied by \-oP-\.
-.conf pipelining@_advertise@_hosts "host list$**$" $*$
-.index \\PIPELINING\\||advertising, suppressing
-This option can be used to suppress the advertisement of the SMTP
-\\PIPELINING\\ extension to specific hosts. When \\PIPELINING\\ is not
-advertised and \smtp@_enforce@_sync\ is true, an Exim server enforces strict
-synchronization for each SMTP command and response.
-When \\PIPELINING\\ is advertised, Exim assumes that clients will use it; `out
-of order' commands that are `expected' do not count as protocol errors (see
-.conf preserve@_message@_logs boolean false
-.index message logs, preserving
-If this option is set, message log files are not deleted when messages are
-completed. Instead, they are moved to a sub-directory of the spool directory
-called \(msglog.OLD)\, where they remain available for statistical or debugging
-purposes. This is a dangerous option to set on systems with any appreciable
-volume of mail. Use with care!
-.conf primary@_hostname string "see below"
-.index name||of local host
-.index host||name of local
-.index local host||name of
-This specifies the name of the current host. It is used in the default \\EHLO\\
-or \\HELO\\ command for outgoing SMTP messages (changeable via the \helo@_data\
-option in the \%smtp%\ transport),
-and as the default for \qualify@_domain\. If it is not set, Exim calls
-\*uname()*\ to find it. If this fails, Exim panics and dies. If the name
-returned by \*uname()*\ contains only one component, Exim passes it to
-\*gethostbyname()*\ (or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when available) in order to
-obtain the fully qualified version.
-The value of \$primary@_hostname$\ is also used by default in some SMTP
-response messages from an Exim server. This can be changed dynamically by
-setting \smtp@_active@_hostname\.
-.conf print@_topbitchars boolean false
-.index printing characters
-.index 8-bit characters
-By default, Exim considers only those characters whose codes lie in the range
-32--126 to be printing characters. In a number of circumstances (for example,
-when writing log entries) non-printing characters are converted into escape
-sequences, primarily to avoid messing up the layout. If \print@_topbitchars\ is
-set, code values of 128 and above are also considered to be printing
-.conf process@_log@_path string unset
-.index process log path
-.index log||process log
-.index \*exiwhat*\
-This option sets the name of the file to which an Exim process writes its
-`process log' when sent a USR1 signal. This is used by the \*exiwhat*\ utility
-script. If this option is unset, the file called \(\ in
-Exim's spool directory is used. The ability to specify the name explicitly can
-be useful in environments where two different Exims are running, using
-different spool directories.
-.conf prod@_requires@_admin boolean true
-.index \-M-\ option
-.index \-R-\ option
-.index \-q-\ option
-The \-M-\, \-R-\, and \-q-\ command-line options require the caller to be an
-admin user unless \prod@_requires@_admin\ is set false. See also
-.conf qualify@_domain string "see below"
-.index domain||for qualifying addresses
-.index address||qualification
-This option specifies the domain name that is added to any envelope sender
-addresses that do not have a domain qualification. It also applies to
-recipient addresses if \qualify@_recipient\ is not set.
-Unqualified addresses are accepted by default only for locally-generated
-Qualification is also applied to addresses in header lines such as ::From:: and
-::To:: for locally-generated messages, unless the \-bnq-\ command line option
-is used.
-Messages from external sources must always contain fully qualified addresses,
-unless the sending host matches \sender@_unqualified@_hosts\ or
-\recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\ (as appropriate), in which case incoming
-addresses are qualified with \qualify@_domain\ or \qualify@_recipient\ as
-necessary. Internally, Exim always works with fully qualified envelope
-addresses. If \qualify@_domain\ is not set, it defaults to the
-\primary@_hostname\ value.
-.conf qualify@_recipient string "see below"
-This option allows you to specify a different domain for qualifying recipient
-addresses to the one that is used for senders. See \qualify@_domain\ above.
-.conf queue@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index domain||specifying non-immediate delivery
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing certain domains
-This option lists domains for which immediate delivery is not required.
-A delivery process is started whenever a message is received, but only those
-domains that do not match are processed. All other deliveries wait until the
-next queue run. See also \hold@_domains\ and \queue@_smtp@_domains\.
-.conf queue@_list@_requires@_admin boolean true
-.index \-bp-\ option
-The \-bp-\ command-line option, which lists the messages that are on the queue,
-requires the caller to be an admin user unless \queue__list__requires__admin\
-is set false. See also \prod@_requires@_admin\.
-.conf queue@_only boolean false
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing unconditionally
-If \queue@_only\ is set, a delivery process is not automatically started
-whenever a message is received. Instead, the message waits on the queue for the
-next queue run. Even if \queue@_only\ is false, incoming messages may not get
-delivered immediately when certain conditions (such as heavy load) occur.
-The \-odq-\ command line has the same effect as \queue@_only\. The \-odb-\ and
-\-odi-\ command line options override \queue@_only\ unless
-\queue@_only@_override\ is set false. See also \queue@_only@_file\,
-\queue@_only@_load\, and \smtp@_accept@_queue\.
-.conf queue@_only@_file string unset
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing by file existence
-This option can be set to a colon-separated list of absolute path names, each
-one optionally preceded by `smtp'. When Exim is receiving a message,
-it tests for the existence of each listed path using a call to \*stat()*\. For
-each path that exists, the corresponding queuing option is set.
-For paths with no prefix, \queue@_only\ is set; for paths prefixed by `smtp',
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\ is set to match all domains. So, for example,
-.display asis
-queue_only_file = smtp/some/file
-causes Exim to behave as if \queue@_smtp@_domains\ were set to `$*$' whenever
-\(/some/file)\ exists.
-.conf queue@_only@_load fixed-point unset
-.index load average
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing by load
-If the system load average is higher than this value, incoming messages from
-all sources are queued, and no automatic deliveries are started. If this
-happens during local or remote SMTP input, all subsequent messages on the same
-connection are queued. Deliveries will subsequently be performed by queue
-runner processes. This option has no effect on ancient operating systems on
-which Exim cannot determine the load average. See also
-\deliver@_queue@_load@_max\ and \smtp@_load@_reserve\.
-.conf queue@_only@_override boolean true
-.index queueing incoming messages
-When this option is true, the \-od\*x*\-\ command line options override the
-setting of \queue@_only\ or \queue@_only@_file\ in the configuration file. If
-\queue@_only@_override\ is set false, the \-od\*x*\-\ options cannot be used to
-override; they are accepted, but ignored.
-.conf queue@_run@_in@_order boolean false
-.index queue runner||processing messages in order
-If this option is set, queue runs happen in order of message arrival instead of
-in an arbitrary order. For this to happen, a complete list of the entire queue
-must be set up before the deliveries start. When the queue is all held in a
-single directory (the default),
-a single list is created for both the ordered and the non-ordered cases.
-However, if \split@_spool@_directory\ is set, a single list is not created when
-\queue@_run@_in@_order\ is false. In this case, the sub-directories are
-processed one at a time (in a random order), and this avoids setting up one
-huge list for the whole queue. Thus, setting \queue@_run@_in@_order\ with
-\split@_spool@_directory\ may degrade performance when the queue is large,
-because of the extra work in setting up the single, large list. In most
-situations, \queue@_run@_in@_order\ should not be set.
-.conf queue@_run@_max integer 5
-.index queue runner||maximum number of
-This controls the maximum number of queue runner processes that an Exim daemon
-can run simultaneously. This does not mean that it starts them all at once,
-but rather that if the maximum number are still running when the time comes to
-start another one, it refrains from starting another one. This can happen with
-very large queues and/or very sluggish deliveries. This option does not,
-however, interlock with other processes, so additional queue runners can be
-started by other means, or by killing and restarting the daemon.
-.conf queue@_smtp@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing remote deliveries
-When this option is set, a delivery process is started whenever a message is
-received, routing is performed, and local deliveries take place.
-However, if any SMTP deliveries are required for domains that match
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\, they are not immediately delivered, but instead the
-message waits on the queue for the next queue run. Since routing of the message
-has taken place, Exim knows to which remote hosts it must be delivered, and so
-when the queue run happens, multiple messages for the same host are delivered
-over a single SMTP connection. The \-odqs-\ command line option causes all SMTP
-deliveries to be queued in this way, and is equivalent to setting
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\ to `$*$'. See also \hold@_domains\ and \queue@_domains\.
-.conf receive@_timeout time 0s
-.index timeout||for non-SMTP input
-This option sets the timeout for accepting a non-SMTP message, that is, the
-maximum time that Exim waits when reading a message on the standard input. If
-the value is zero, it will wait for ever. This setting is overridden by the
-\-or-\ command line option. The timeout for incoming SMTP messages is
-controlled by \smtp@_receive@_timeout\.
-.index customizing|| ::Received:: header
-.index ::Received:: header line||customizing
-.conf received@_header@_text string$**$ "see below"
-This string defines the contents of the ::Received:: message header that is
-added to each message, except for the timestamp, which is automatically added
-on at the end (preceded by a semicolon). The string is expanded each time it is
-used. If the expansion yields an empty string, no ::Received:: header line is
-added to the message. Otherwise, the string should start with the text
-`Received:' and conform to the RFC 2822 specification for ::Received:: header
-lines. The default setting is:
-.display asis
-received_header_text = Received: \
- ${if def:sender_rcvhost {from $sender_rcvhost\n\t}\
- {${if def:sender_ident {from $sender_ident }}\
- ${if def:sender_helo_name {(helo=$sender_helo_name)\n\t}}}}\
- by $primary_hostname \
- ${if def:received_protocol {with $received_protocol}} \
- ${if def:tls_cipher {($tls_cipher)\n\t}}\
- (Exim $version_number)\n\t\
- id $message_id\
- ${if def:received_for {\n\tfor $received_for}}
-Note the use of quotes, to allow the sequences \"@\n"\ and \"@\t"\ to be used
-for newlines and tabs, respectively. The reference to the TLS cipher is omitted
-when Exim is built without TLS support. The use of conditional expansions
-ensures that this works for both locally generated messages and messages
-received from remote hosts, giving header lines such as the following:
-.display asis
-Received: from scrooge.carol.example ([] ident=root)
- by marley.carol.example with esmtp (Exim 4.00)
- id 16IOWa-00019l-00
- for chas@dickens.example; Tue, 25 Dec 2001 14:43:44 +0000
-Received: by scrooge.carol.example with local (Exim 4.00)
- id 16IOWW-000083-00; Tue, 25 Dec 2001 14:43:41 +0000
-Until the body of the message has been received, the timestamp is the time when
-the message started to be received. Once the body has arrived, and all policy
-checks have taken place, the timestamp is updated to the time at which the
-message was accepted.
-.conf received@_headers@_max integer 30
-.index loop||prevention
-.index mail loop prevention
-.index ::Received:: header line||counting
-When a message is to be delivered, the number of ::Received:: headers is
-counted, and if it is greater than this parameter, a mail loop is assumed to
-have occurred, the delivery is abandoned, and an error message is generated.
-This applies to both local and remote deliveries.
-.conf recipient@_unqualified@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index unqualified addresses
-.index host||unqualified addresses from
-This option lists those hosts from which Exim is prepared to accept unqualified
-recipient addresses in message envelopes. The addresses are made fully
-qualified by the addition of the \qualify@_recipient\ value. This option also
-affects message header lines. Exim does not reject unqualified recipient
-addresses in headers, but it qualifies them only if the message came from a
-host that matches \recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\,
-or if the message was submitted locally (not using TCP/IP), and the \-bnq-\
-option was not set.
-.conf recipients@_max integer 0
-.index limit||number of recipients
-.index recipient||maximum number
-If this option is set greater than zero, it specifies the maximum number of
-original recipients for any message. Additional recipients that are generated
-by aliasing or forwarding do not count. SMTP messages get a 452 response for
-all recipients over the limit; earlier recipients are delivered as normal.
-Non-SMTP messages with too many recipients are failed, and no deliveries are
-.index \\RCPT\\||maximum number of incoming
-Note that the RFCs specify that an SMTP server should accept at least 100
-\\RCPT\\ commands in a single message.
-.conf recipients@_max@_reject boolean false
-If this option is set true, Exim rejects SMTP messages containing too many
-recipients by giving 552 errors to the surplus \\RCPT\\ commands, and a 554
-error to the eventual \\DATA\\ command. Otherwise (the default) it gives a 452
-error to the surplus \\RCPT\\ commands and accepts the message on behalf of the
-initial set of recipients. The remote server should then re-send the message
-for the remaining recipients at a later time.
-.conf remote@_max@_parallel integer 2
-.index delivery||parallelism for remote
-This option controls parallel delivery of one message to a number of remote
-hosts. If the value is less than 2, parallel delivery is disabled, and Exim
-does all the remote deliveries for a message one by one. Otherwise, if a single
-message has to be delivered to more than one remote host, or if several copies
-have to be sent to the same remote host, up to \remote@_max@_parallel\
-deliveries are done simultaneously. If more than \remote@_max@_parallel\
-deliveries are required, the maximum number of processes are started, and as
-each one finishes, another is begun. The order of starting processes is the
-same as if sequential delivery were being done, and can be controlled by the
-\remote@_sort@_domains\ option. If parallel delivery takes place while running
-with debugging turned on, the debugging output from each delivery process is
-tagged with its process id.
-This option controls only the maximum number of parallel deliveries for one
-message in one Exim delivery process. Because Exim has no central queue
-manager, there is no way of controlling the total number of simultaneous
-deliveries if the configuration allows a delivery attempt as soon as a message
-is received.
-.index number of deliveries
-.index delivery||maximum number of
-If you want to control the total number of deliveries on the system, you
-need to set the \queue@_only\ option. This ensures that all incoming messages
-are added to the queue without starting a delivery process. Then set up an Exim
-daemon to start queue runner processes at appropriate intervals (probably
-fairly often, for example, every minute), and limit the total number of queue
-runners by setting the \queue__run__max\ parameter. Because each queue runner
-delivers only one message at a time, the maximum number of deliveries that can
-then take place at once is \queue@_run@_max\ multiplied by
-If it is purely remote deliveries you want to control, use
-\queue@_smtp@_domains\ instead of \queue@_only\. This has the added benefit of
-doing the SMTP routing before queuing, so that several messages for the same
-host will eventually get delivered down the same connection.
-.conf remote@_sort@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index sorting remote deliveries
-.index delivery||sorting remote
-When there are a number of remote deliveries for a message, they are sorted by
-domain into the order given by this list. For example,
-.display asis
-remote_sort_domains = **.uk
-would attempt to deliver to all addresses in the \**\ domain first, then
-to those in the \uk\ domain, then to any others.
-.conf retry@_data@_expire time 7d
-.index hints database||data expiry
-This option sets a `use before' time on retry information in Exim's hints
-database. Any older retry data is ignored. This means that, for example, once a
-host has not been tried for 7 days, Exim behaves as if it has no knowledge of
-past failures.
-.conf retry@_interval@_max time 24h
-.index retry||limit on interval
-.index limit||on retry interval
-Chapter ~~CHAPretry describes Exim's mechanisms for controlling the intervals
-between delivery attempts for messages that cannot be delivered straight away.
-This option sets an overall limit to the length of time between retries.
-.conf return@_path@_remove boolean true
-.index ::Return-path:: header line||removing
-RFC 2821, section 4.4, states that an SMTP server must insert a ::Return-path::
-header line into a message when it makes a `final delivery'. The ::Return-path::
-header preserves the sender address as received in the \\MAIL\\ command. This
-description implies that this header should not be present in an incoming
-message. If \return@_path@_remove\ is true, any existing ::Return-path::
-headers are removed from messages at the time they are received. Exim's
-transports have options for adding ::Return-path:: headers at the time of
-delivery. They are normally used only for final local deliveries.
-.conf return@_size@_limit integer 100K
-This option is an obsolete synonym for \bounce@_return@_size@_limit\.
-.conf rfc1413@_hosts "host list$**$" $*$
-.index RFC 1413
-.index host||for RFC 1413 calls
-RFC 1413 identification calls are made to any client host which matches an item
-in the list.
-.conf rfc1413@_query@_timeout time 30s
-.index RFC 1413||query timeout
-.index timeout||for RFC 1413 call
-This sets the timeout on RFC 1413 identification calls. If it is set to zero,
-no RFC 1413 calls are ever made.
-.conf sender@_unqualified@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index unqualified addresses
-.index host||unqualified addresses from
-This option lists those hosts from which Exim is prepared to accept unqualified
-sender addresses. The addresses are made fully qualified by the addition of
-\qualify@_domain\. This option also affects message header lines. Exim does not
-reject unqualified addresses in headers that contain sender addresses, but it
-qualifies them only if the message came from a host that matches
-or if the message was submitted locally (not using TCP/IP), and the \-bnq-\
-option was not set.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_keepalive boolean true
-.index keepalive||on incoming connection
-This option controls the setting of the \\SO@_KEEPALIVE\\ option on incoming
-TCP/IP socket connections. When set, it causes the kernel to probe idle
-connections periodically, by sending packets with `old' sequence numbers. The
-other end of the connection should send an acknowledgement if the connection is
-still okay or a reset if the connection has been aborted. The reason for doing
-this is that it has the beneficial effect of freeing up certain types of
-connection that can get stuck when the remote host is disconnected without
-tidying up the TCP/IP call properly. The keepalive mechanism takes several
-hours to detect unreachable hosts.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_max integer 20
-.index limit||incoming SMTP connections
-.index SMTP||incoming connection count
-.index inetd
-This option specifies the maximum number of simultaneous incoming SMTP calls
-that Exim will accept. It applies only to the listening daemon; there is no
-control (in Exim) when incoming SMTP is being handled by \*inetd*\. If the value
-is set to zero, no limit is applied. However, it is required to be non-zero if
-either \smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host\ or \smtp@_accept@_queue\ is set. See also
-.conf smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail integer 10
-.index limit||non-mail SMTP commands
-.index SMTP||limiting non-mail commands
-Exim counts the number of `non-mail' commands in an SMTP session, and drops the
-connection if there are too many. This option defines `too many'. The check
-catches some denial-of-service attacks, repeated failing \\AUTH\\s, or a mad
-client looping sending \\EHLO\\, for example. The check is applied only if the
-client host matches \smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail@_hosts\.
-When a new message is expected, one occurrence of \\RSET\\ is not counted. This
-allows a client to send one \\RSET\\ between messages (this is not necessary,
-but some clients do it). Exim also allows one uncounted occurence of \\HELO\\
-or \\EHLO\\, and one occurrence of \\STARTTLS\\ between messages. After
-starting up a TLS session, another \\EHLO\\ is expected, and so it too is not
-counted. The first occurrence of \\AUTH\\ in a connection, or immediately
-following \\STARTTLS\\ is not counted. Otherwise, all commands other than
-\\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, \\DATA\\, and \\QUIT\\ are counted.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail@_hosts "host list$**$" $*$
-You can control which hosts are subject to the \smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail\
-check by setting this option. The default value makes it apply to all hosts. By
-changing the value, you can exclude any badly-behaved hosts that you have to
-live with.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_connection integer 1000
-.index SMTP||incoming message count, limiting
-.index limit||messages per SMTP connection
-The value of this option limits the number of \\MAIL\\ commands that Exim is
-prepared to accept over a single SMTP connection, whether or not each command
-results in the transfer of a message. After the limit is reached, a 421
-response is given to subsequent \\MAIL\\ commands. This limit is a safety
-precaution against a client that goes mad (incidents of this type have been
-.conf smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host string$**$ unset
-.index limit||SMTP connections from one host
-.index host||limiting SMTP connections from
-This option restricts the number of simultaneous IP connections from a single
-host (strictly, from a single IP address) to the Exim daemon. The option is
-expanded, to enable different limits to be applied to different hosts by
-reference to \$sender@_host@_address$\. Once the limit is reached, additional
-connection attempts from the same host are rejected with error code 421. The
-default value of zero imposes no limit. If this option is set, it is required
-that \smtp@_accept@_max\ be non-zero.
-\**Warning**\: When setting this option you should not use any expansion
-constructions that take an appreciable amount of time. The expansion and test
-happen in the main daemon loop, in order to reject additional connections
-without forking additional processes (otherwise a denial-of-service attack
-could cause a vast number or processes to be created). While the daemon is
-doing this processing, it cannot accept any other incoming connections.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_queue integer 0
-.index SMTP||incoming connection count
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing by SMTP connection count
-If the number of simultaneous incoming SMTP calls handled via the listening
-daemon exceeds this value, messages received by SMTP are just placed on the
-queue; no delivery processes are started automatically. A value of zero implies
-no limit, and clearly any non-zero value is useful only if it is less than the
-\smtp@_accept@_max\ value (unless that is zero). See also \queue@_only\,
-\queue@_only@_load\, \queue@_smtp@_domains\, and the various \-od-\ command
-line options.
-.conf smtp@_accept@_queue@_per@_connection integer 10
-.index queueing incoming messages
-.index message||queueing by message count
-This option limits the number of delivery processes that Exim starts
-automatically when receiving messages via SMTP, whether via the daemon or by
-the use of \-bs-\ or \-bS-\. If the value of the option is greater than zero,
-and the number of messages received in a single SMTP session exceeds this
-number, subsequent messages are placed on the queue, but no delivery processes
-are started. This helps to limit the number of Exim processes when a server
-restarts after downtime and there is a lot of mail waiting for it on other
-systems. On large systems, the default should probably be increased, and on
-dial-in client systems it should probably be set to zero (that is, disabled).
-.conf smtp@_accept@_reserve integer 0
-.index SMTP||incoming call count
-.index host||reserved
-When \smtp@_accept@_max\ is set greater than zero, this option specifies a
-number of SMTP connections that are reserved for connections from the hosts
-that are specified in \smtp@_reserve@_hosts\. The value set in
-\smtp@_accept@_max\ includes this reserve pool. The specified hosts are not
-restricted to this number of connections; the option specifies a minimum number
-of connection slots for them, not a maximum. It is a guarantee that that group
-of hosts can always get at least \smtp@_accept@_reserve\ connections.
-For example, if \smtp@_accept@_max\ is set to 50 and \smtp@_accept@_reserve\ is
-set to 5, once there are 45 active connections (from any hosts), new
-connections are accepted only from hosts listed in \smtp@_reserve@_hosts\.
-See also \smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host\.
-.conf smtp@_active@_hostname string$**$ unset
-.index host||name in SMTP responses
-.index SMTP||host name in responses
-This option is provided for multi-homed servers that want to masquerade as
-several different hosts. At the start of an SMTP connection, its value is
-expanded and used instead of the value of \$primary@_hostname$\ in SMTP
-responses. For example, it is used as domain name in the response to an
-incoming \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command.
-It is also used in \\HELO\\ commands for callout verification.
-The active hostname is placed in the \$smtp__active__hostname$\ variable, which
-is saved with any messages that are received. It is therefore available for use
-in routers and transports when the message is later delivered.
-If this option is unset, or if its expansion is forced to fail, or if the
-expansion results in an empty string, the value of \$primary@_hostname$\ is
-used. Other expansion failures cause a message to be written to the main and
-panic logs, and the SMTP command receives a temporary error. Typically, the
-value of \smtp@_active@_hostname\ depends on the incoming interface address.
-For example:
-.display asis
-smtp_active_hostname = ${if eq{$interface_address}{}\
- {cox.mydomain}{box.mydomain}}
-.conf smtp@_banner string$**$ "see below"
-.index SMTP||welcome banner
-.index banner for SMTP
-.index welcome banner for SMTP
-.index customizing||SMTP banner
-This string, which is expanded every time it is used, is output as the initial
-positive response to an SMTP connection. The default setting is:
-.display asis
-smtp_banner = $smtp_active_hostname ESMTP Exim \
- $version_number $tod_full
-Failure to expand the string causes a panic error. If you want to create a
-multiline response to the initial SMTP connection, use `@\n' in the string at
-appropriate points, but not at the end. Note that the 220 code is not included
-in this string. Exim adds it automatically (several times in the case of a
-multiline response).
-.conf smtp@_check@_spool@_space boolean true
-.index checking disk space
-.index disk space, checking
-.index spool directory||checking space
-When this option is set, if an incoming SMTP session encounters the \\SIZE\\
-option on a \\MAIL\\ command, it checks that there is enough space in the
-spool directory's partition to accept a message of that size, while still
-leaving free the amount specified by \check@_spool@_space\ (even if that value
-is zero). If there isn't enough space, a temporary error code is returned.
-.conf smtp@_connect@_backlog integer 20
-.index connection backlog
-.index SMTP||connection backlog
-.index backlog of connections
-This option specifies a maximum number of waiting SMTP connections. Exim passes
-this value to the TCP/IP system when it sets up its listener. Once this number
-of connections are waiting for the daemon's attention, subsequent connection
-attempts are refused at the TCP/IP level. At least, that is what the manuals
-say; in some circumstances such connection attempts have been observed to time
-out instead. For large systems it is probably a good idea to increase the
-value (to 50, say). It also gives some protection against denial-of-service
-attacks by SYN flooding.
-.conf smtp@_enforce@_sync boolean true
-.index SMTP||synchronization checking
-.index synchronization checking in SMTP
-The SMTP protocol specification requires the client to wait for a response from
-the server at certain points in the dialogue. Without \\PIPELINING\\ these
-synchronization points are after every command; with \\PIPELINING\\ they are
-fewer, but they still exist.
-Some spamming sites send out a complete set of SMTP commands without waiting
-for any response. Exim protects against this by rejecting a message if the
-client has sent further input when it should not have. The error response `554
-SMTP synchronization error' is sent, and the connection is dropped. Testing for
-this error cannot be perfect because of transmission delays (unexpected input
-may be on its way but not yet received when Exim checks). However, it does
-detect many instances.
-The check can be globally disabled by setting \smtp@_enforce@_sync\ false.
-If you want to disable the check selectively (for example, only for certain
-hosts), you can do so by an appropriate use of a \control\ modifier in an ACL
-(see section ~~SECTcontrols). See also \pipelining@_advertise@_hosts\.
-.conf smtp@_etrn@_command string$**$ unset
-.index \\ETRN\\||command to be run
-If this option is set, the given command is run whenever an SMTP \\ETRN\\
-command is received from a host that is permitted to issue such commands (see
-chapter ~~CHAPACL). The string is split up into separate arguments which are
-independently expanded. The expansion variable \$domain$\ is set to the
-argument of the \\ETRN\\ command, and no syntax checking is done on it. For
-.display asis
-smtp_etrn_command = /etc/etrn_command $domain $sender_host_address
-A new process is created to run the command, but Exim does not wait for it to
-complete. Consequently, its status cannot be checked. If the command cannot be
-run, a line is written to the panic log, but the \\ETRN\\ caller still receives
-a 250 success response. Exim is normally running under its own uid when
-receiving SMTP, so it is not possible for it to change the uid before running
-the command.
-.conf smtp@_etrn@_serialize boolean true
-.index \\ETRN\\||serializing
-When this option is set, it prevents the simultaneous execution of more than
-one identical command as a result of \\ETRN\\ in an SMTP connection. See
-section ~~SECTETRN for details.
-.conf smtp@_load@_reserve fixed-point unset
-.index load average
-If the system load average ever gets higher than this, incoming SMTP calls are
-accepted only from those hosts that match an entry in \smtp@_reserve@_hosts\.
-If \smtp@_reserve@_hosts\ is not set, no incoming SMTP calls are accepted when
-the load is over the limit. The option has no effect on ancient operating
-systems on which Exim cannot determine the load average. See also
-\deliver@_queue@_load@_max\ and \queue@_only@_load\.
-.conf smtp@_max@_synprot@_errors integer 3
-.index SMTP||limiting syntax and protocol errors
-.index limit||SMTP syntax and protocol errors
-Exim rejects SMTP commands that contain syntax or protocol errors. In
-particular, a syntactically invalid email address, as in this command:
-.display asis
-RCPT TO:<abc xyz@a.b.c>
-causes immediate rejection of the command, before any other tests are done.
-(The ACL cannot be run if there is no valid address to set up for it.) An
-example of a protocol error is receiving \\RCPT\\ before \\MAIL\\. If there are
-too many syntax or protocol errors in one SMTP session, the connection is
-dropped. The limit is set by this option.
-.index \\PIPELINING\\||expected errors
-When the \\PIPELINING\\ extension to SMTP is in use, some protocol errors are
-`expected', for instance, a \\RCPT\\ command after a rejected \\MAIL\\ command.
-Exim assumes that \\PIPELINING\\ will be used if it advertises it (see
-\pipelining@_advertise@_hosts\), and in this situation, `expected' errors do
-not count towards the limit.
-.conf smtp@_max@_unknown@_commands integer 3
-.index SMTP||limiting unknown commands
-.index limit||unknown SMTP commands
-If there are too many unrecognized commands in an incoming SMTP session, an
-Exim server drops the connection. This is a defence against some kinds of abuse
-that subvert web
-into making connections to SMTP ports; in these circumstances, a number of
-non-SMTP command lines are sent first.
-.conf smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index SMTP||rate limiting
-.index limit||rate of message arrival
-.index \\RCPT\\||rate limiting
-Some sites find it helpful to be able to limit the rate at which certain hosts
-can send them messages, and the rate at which an individual message can specify
-recipients. When a host matches \smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts\, the values of
-\smtp@_ratelimit@_mail\ and \smtp@_ratelimit@_rcpt\ are used to control the
-rate of acceptance of \\MAIL\\ and \\RCPT\\ commands in a single SMTP session,
-respectively. Each option, if set, must contain a set of four comma-separated
-.numberpars $.
-A threshold, before which there is no rate limiting.
-An initial time delay. Unlike other times in Exim, numbers with decimal
-fractional parts are allowed here.
-A factor by which to increase the delay each time.
-A maximum value for the delay. This should normally be less than 5 minutes,
-because after that time, the client is liable to timeout the SMTP command.
-For example, these settings have been used successfully at the site which
-first suggested this feature, for controlling mail from their customers:
-.display asis
-smtp_ratelimit_mail = 2,0.5s,1.05,4m
-smtp_ratelimit_rcpt = 4,0.25s,1.015,4m
-The first setting specifies delays that are applied to \\MAIL\\ commands after
-two have been received over a single connection. The initial delay is 0.5
-seconds, increasing by a factor of 1.05 each time. The second setting applies
-delays to \\RCPT\\ commands when more than four occur in a single message.
-It is also possible to configure delays explicitly in ACLs. See section
-~~SECTACLmodi for details.
-.conf smtp@_ratelimit@_mail string unset
-See \smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts\ above.
-.conf smtp@_ratelimit@_rcpt string unset
-See \smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts\ above.
-.conf smtp@_receive@_timeout time 5m
-.index timeout||for SMTP input
-.index SMTP||timeout, input
-This sets a timeout value for SMTP reception. It applies to all forms of SMTP
-input, including batch SMTP. If a line of input (either an SMTP command or a
-data line) is not received within this time, the SMTP connection is dropped and
-the message is abandoned.
-A line is written to the log containing one of the following messages:
-.display asis
-SMTP command timeout on connection from...
-SMTP data timeout on connection from...
-The former means that Exim was expecting to read an SMTP command; the latter
-means that it was in the \\DATA\\ phase, reading the contents of a message.
-.index \-os-\ option
-The value set by this option can be overridden by the
-\-os-\ command-line option. A setting of zero time disables the timeout, but
-this should never be used for SMTP over TCP/IP. (It can be useful in some cases
-of local input using \-bs-\ or \-bS-\.) For non-SMTP input, the reception
-timeout is controlled by \receive@_timeout\ and \-or-\.
-.conf smtp@_reserve@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-This option defines hosts for which SMTP connections are reserved; see
-\smtp@_accept@_reserve\ and \smtp@_load@_reserve\ above.
-.conf smtp@_return@_error@_details boolean false
-.index SMTP||details policy failures
-.index policy control||rejection, returning details
-In the default state, Exim uses bland messages such as
-`Administrative prohibition' when it rejects SMTP commands for policy
-reasons. Many sysadmins like this because it gives away little information
-to spammers. However, some other syadmins who are applying strict checking
-policies want to give out much fuller information about failures. Setting
-\smtp@_return@_error@_details\ true causes Exim to be more forthcoming. For
-example, instead of `Administrative prohibition', it might give:
-.display asis
-550-Rejected after DATA: '>' missing at end of address:
-550 failing address in "From" header is: <user@dom.ain
-.conf spamd@_address string "$tt{ 783}"
-This option is available when Exim is compiled with the content-scanning
-extension. It specifies how Exim connects to SpamAssassin's \spamd\ daemon. See
-section ~~SECTscanspamass for more details.
-.conf split@_spool@_directory boolean false
-.index multiple spool directories
-.index spool directory||split
-.index directories, multiple
-If this option is set, it causes Exim to split its input directory into 62
-subdirectories, each with a single alphanumeric character as its name. The
-sixth character of the message id is used to allocate messages to
-subdirectories; this is the least significant base-62 digit of the time of
-arrival of the message.
-Splitting up the spool in this way may provide better performance on systems
-where there are long mail queues, by reducing the number of files in any one
-directory. The msglog directory is also split up in a similar way to the input
-directory; however, if \preserve@_message@_logs\ is set, all old msglog files
-are still placed in the single directory \(msglog.OLD)\.
-It is not necessary to take any special action for existing messages when
-changing \split@_spool@_directory\. Exim notices messages that are in the
-`wrong' place, and continues to process them. If the option is turned off after
-a period of being on, the subdirectories will eventually empty and be
-automatically deleted.
-When \split@_spool@_directory\ is set, the behaviour of queue runner processes
-changes. Instead of creating a list of all messages in the queue, and then
-trying to deliver each one in turn, it constructs a list of those in one
-sub-directory and tries to deliver them, before moving on to the next
-sub-directory. The sub-directories are processed in a random order. This
-spreads out the scanning of the input directories, and uses less memory. It is
-particularly beneficial when there are lots of messages on the queue. However,
-if \queue@_run@_in@_order\ is set, none of this new processing happens. The
-entire queue has to be scanned and sorted before any deliveries can start.
-.conf spool@_directory string$**$ "set at compile time"
-.index spool directory||path to
-This defines the directory in which Exim keeps its spool, that is, the messages
-it is waiting to deliver. The default value is taken from the compile-time
-configuration setting, if there is one. If not, this option must be set. The
-string is expanded, so it can contain, for example, a reference to
-If the spool directory name is fixed on your installation, it is recommended
-that you set it at build time rather than from this option, particularly if the
-log files are being written to the spool directory (see \log@_file@_path\).
-Otherwise log files cannot be used for errors that are detected early on, such
-as failures in the configuration file.
-By using this option to override the compiled-in path, it is possible to run
-tests of Exim without using the standard spool.
-.conf strip@_excess@_angle@_brackets boolean false
-.index angle brackets, excess
-If this option is set, redundant pairs of angle brackets round `route-addr'
-items in addresses are stripped. For example, \*@<@<xxx@@a.b.c.d@>@>*\ is treated
-as \*@<xxx@@a.b.c.d@>*\. If this is in the envelope and the message is passed on
-to another MTA, the excess angle brackets are not passed on. If this option is
-not set, multiple pairs of angle brackets cause a syntax error.
-.conf strip@_trailing@_dot boolean false
-.index trailing dot on domain
-.index dot||trailing on domain
-If this option is set, a trailing dot at the end of a domain in an address is
-ignored. If this is in the envelope and the message is passed on to another
-MTA, the dot is not passed on. If this option is not set, a dot at the end of a
-domain causes a syntax error.
-However, addresses in header lines are checked only when an ACL requests header
-syntax checking.
-.conf syslog@_duplication boolean true
-.index syslog||duplicate log lines, suppressing
-When Exim is logging to syslog, it writes the log lines for its three
-separate logs at different syslog priorities so that they can in principle
-be separated on the logging hosts. Some installations do not require this
-separation, and in those cases, the duplication of certain log lines is a
-nuisance. If \syslog@_duplication\ is set false, only one copy of any
-particular log line is written to syslog. For lines that normally go to
-both the main log and the reject log, the reject log version (possibly
-containing message header lines) is written, at \\LOG@_NOTICE\\ priority.
-Lines that normally go to both the main and the panic log are written at
-the \\LOG@_ALERT\\ priority.
-.conf syslog@_facility string unset
-.index syslog||facility, setting
-This option sets the syslog `facility' name, used when Exim is logging to
-syslog. The value must be one of the strings `mail', `user', `news', `uucp',
-`daemon', or `local\*x*\' where \*x*\ is a digit between 0 and 7. If this
-option is unset, `mail' is used. See chapter ~~CHAPlog for details of Exim's
-.conf syslog@_processname string "$tt{exim}"
-.index syslog||process name, setting
-This option sets the syslog `ident' name, used when Exim is logging to syslog.
-The value must be no longer than 32 characters. See chapter ~~CHAPlog for
-details of Exim's logging.
-.conf syslog@_timestamp boolean true
-.index syslog||timestamps
-If \syslog@_timestamp\ is set false, the timestamps on Exim's log lines are
-omitted when these lines are sent to syslog. See chapter ~~CHAPlog for
-details of Exim's logging.
-.conf system@_filter string$**$ unset
-.index filter||system filter
-.index system filter||specifying
-.index Sieve filter||not available for system filter
-This option specifies an Exim filter file that is applied to all messages at
-the start of each delivery attempt, before any routing is done. System filters
-must be Exim filters; they cannot be Sieve filters. If the system filter
-generates any deliveries to files or pipes, or any new mail messages, the
-appropriate \system@_filter@_...@_transport\ option(s) must be set, to define
-which transports are to be used. Details of this facility are given in chapter
-.conf system@_filter@_directory@_transport string$**$ unset
-This sets the name of the transport driver that is to be used when the
-\save\ command in a system message filter specifies a path ending in `/',
-implying delivery of each message into a separate file in some directory.
-During the delivery, the variable \$address@_file$\ contains the path name.
-.conf system@_filter@_file@_transport string$**$ unset
-.index file||transport for system filter
-This sets the name of the transport driver that is to be used when the \save\
-command in a system message filter specifies a path not ending in `/'. During
-the delivery, the variable \$address@_file$\ contains the path name.
-.index gid (group id)||system filter
-.conf system@_filter@_group string unset
-This option is used only when \system@_filter@_user\ is also set. It sets the
-gid under which the system filter is run, overriding any gid that is associated
-with the user. The value may be numerical or symbolic.
-.conf system@_filter@_pipe@_transport string$**$ unset 7
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||for system filter
-This specifies the transport driver that is to be used when a \pipe\ command is
-used in a system filter. During the delivery, the variable \$address@_pipe$\
-contains the pipe command.
-.conf system@_filter@_reply@_transport string$**$ unset
-.index \%autoreply%\ transport||for system filter
-This specifies the transport driver that is to be used when a \mail\ command is
-used in a system filter.
-.index uid (user id)||system filter
-.conf system@_filter@_user string unset
-If this option is not set, the system filter is run in the main Exim delivery
-process, as root. When the option is set, the system filter runs in a separate
-process, as the given user. Unless the string consists entirely of digits, it
-is looked up in the password data. Failure to find the named user causes a
-configuration error. The gid is either taken from the password data, or
-specified by \system@_filter@_group\. When the uid is specified numerically,
-\system@_filter@_group\ is required to be set.
-If the system filter generates any pipe, file, or reply deliveries, the uid
-under which the filter is run is used when transporting them, unless a
-transport option overrides.
-Normally you should set \system@_filter@_user\ if your system filter generates
-these kinds of delivery.
-.conf tcp@_nodelay boolean true
-.index daemon||\\TCP@_NODELAY\\ on sockets
-.index Nagle algorithm
-.index \\TCP@_NODELAY\\ on listening sockets
-If this option is set false, it stops the Exim daemon setting the
-\\TCP@_NODELAY\\ option on its listening sockets. Setting \\TCP@_NODELAY\\
-turns off the `Nagle algorithm', which is a way of improving network
-performance in interactive (character-by-character) situations. Turning it off
-should improve Exim's performance a bit, so that is what happens by default.
-However, it appears that some broken clients cannot cope, and time out. Hence
-this option. It affects only those sockets that are set up for listening by the
-daemon. Sockets created by the smtp transport for delivering mail always set
-.conf timeout@_frozen@_after time 0s
-.index frozen messages||timing out
-.index timeout||frozen messages
-If \timeout@_frozen@_after\ is set to a time greater than zero, a frozen
-message of any kind that has been on the queue for longer than the given
-time is automatically cancelled at the next queue run. If it is a bounce
-message, it is just discarded; otherwise, a bounce is sent to the sender, in a
-similar manner to cancellation by the \-Mg-\ command line option. If you want
-to timeout frozen bounce messages earlier than other kinds of frozen message,
-see \ignore@_bounce@_errors@_after\.
-.conf timezone string unset
-.index timezone, setting
-The value of \timezone\ is used to set the environment variable \\TZ\\ while
-running Exim (if it is different on entry). This ensures that all timestamps
-created by Exim are in the required timezone. If you want all your timestamps
-to be in UTC (aka GMT) you should set
-.display asis
-timezone = UTC
-The default value is taken from \\TIMEZONE@_DEFAULT\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\,
-or, if that is not set, from the value of the TZ environment variable when Exim
-is built. If \timezone\ is set to the empty string, either at build or run
-time, any existing \\TZ\\ variable is removed from the environment when Exim
-runs. This is appropriate behaviour for obtaining wall-clock time on some, but
-unfortunately not all, operating systems.
-.conf tls@_advertise@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||advertising
-.index encryption||on SMTP connection
-.index SMTP||encrypted connection
-When Exim is built with support for TLS encrypted connections, the availability
-of the \\STARTTLS\\ command to set up an encrypted session is advertised in
-response to \\EHLO\\ only to those client hosts that match this option. See
-chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of Exim's support for TLS.
-.conf tls@_certificate string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||server certificate, location of
-.index certificate||for server, location of
-The value of this option is expanded, and must then be the absolute path to a
-file which contains the server's certificates. The server's private key is also
-assumed to be in this file if \tls@_privatekey\ is unset. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS
-for further details.
-\**Note**\: The certificates defined by this option are used only when Exim is
-receiving incoming messages as a server. If you want to supply certificates for
-use when sending messages as a client, you must set the \tls@_certificate\
-option in the relevant \%smtp%\ transport.
-.conf tls@_crl string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||server certificate revocation list
-.index certificate||revocation list for server
-This option specifies a certificate revocation list. The expanded value must
-be the name of a file that contains a CRL in PEM format.
-.conf tls@_dhparam string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||D-H parameters for server
-The value of this option is expanded, and must then be the absolute path to
-a file which contains the server's DH parameter values.
-This is used only for OpenSSL. When Exim is linked with GnuTLS, this option is
-ignored. See section ~~SECTopenvsgnu for further details.
-.conf tls@_on@_connect@_ports "string list" unset
-This option specifies a list of incoming SSMTP (aka SMTPS) ports that should
-operate the obsolete SSMTP (SMTPS) protocol, where a TLS session is immediately
-set up without waiting for the client to issue a \\STARTTLS\\ command. For
-further details, see section ~~SECTsupobssmt.
-.conf tls@_privatekey string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||server private key, location of
-The value of this option is expanded, and must then be the absolute path to a
-file which contains the server's private key. If this option is unset, the
-private key is assumed to be in the same file as the server's certificates. See
-chapter ~~CHAPTLS for further details.
-.conf tls@_remember@_esmtp boolean false
-.index TLS||esmtp state, remembering
-.index TLS||broken clients
-If this option is set true, Exim violates the RFCs by remembering that it is in
-`esmtp' state after successfully negotiating a TLS session. This provides
-support for broken clients that fail to send a new \\EHLO\\ after starting a
-TLS session.
-.conf tls@_require@_ciphers string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||requiring specific ciphers
-.index cipher||requiring specific
-This option controls which ciphers can be used for incoming TLS connections.
-The \%smtp%\ transport has an option of the same name for controlling outgoing
-connections. This option is expanded for each connection, so can be varied for
-different clients if required. The value of this option must be a list of
-permitted cipher suites. The OpenSSL and GnuTLS libraries handle cipher control
-in somewhat different ways.
-If GnuTLS is being used, the client controls the preference order of the
-available ciphers.
-Details are given in sections ~~SECTreqciphssl and ~~SECTreqciphgnu.
-.conf tls@_try@_verify@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||client certificate verification
-.index certificate||verification of client
-See \tls@_verify@_hosts\ below.
-.conf tls@_verify@_certificates string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||client certificate verification
-.index certificate||verification of client
-The value of this option is expanded, and must then be the absolute path to
-a file containing permitted certificates for clients that
-match \tls@_verify@_hosts\ or \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\. Alternatively, if you
-are using OpenSSL, you can set \tls@_verify@_certificates\ to the name of a
-directory containing certificate files. This does not work with GnuTLS; the
-option must be set to the name of a single file if you are using GnuTLS.
-.conf tls@_verify@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||client certificate verification
-.index certificate||verification of client
-This option, along with \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\, controls the checking of
-certificates from clients.
-The expected certificates are defined by \tls@_verify@_certificates\, which
-must be set. A configuration error occurs if either \tls@_verify@_hosts\ or
-\tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\ is set and \tls@_verify@_certificates\ is not set.
-Any client that matches \tls@_verify@_hosts\ is constrained by
-\tls@_verify@_certificates\. The client must present one of the listed
-certificates. If it does not, the connection is aborted.
-A weaker form of checking is provided by \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\. If a client
-matches this option (but not \tls@_verify@_hosts\), Exim requests a
-certificate and checks it against \tls@_verify@_certificates\, but does not
-abort the connection if there is no certificate or if it does not match. This
-state can be detected in an ACL, which makes it possible to implement policies
-such as `accept for relay only if a verified certificate has been received, but
-accept for local delivery if encrypted, even without a verified certificate'.
-Client hosts that match neither of these lists are not asked to present
-.conf trusted@_groups "string list" unset
-.index trusted group
-.index group||trusted
-If this option is set, any process that is running in one of the listed groups,
-or which has one of them as a supplementary group, is trusted.
-The groups can be specified numerically or by name.
-See section ~~SECTtrustedadmin for details of what trusted callers are
-permitted to do. If neither \trusted@_groups\ nor \trusted@_users\ is set, only
-root and the Exim user are trusted.
-.conf trusted@_users "string list" unset
-.index trusted user
-.index user||trusted
-If this option is set, any process that is running as one of the listed users
-is trusted.
-The users can be specified numerically or by name.
-See section ~~SECTtrustedadmin for details of what trusted callers are
-permitted to do. If neither \trusted@_groups\ nor \trusted@_users\ is set, only
-root and the Exim user are trusted.
-.index uid (user id)||unknown caller
-.conf unknown@_login string$**$ unset
-This is a specialized feature for use in unusual configurations. By default, if
-the uid of the caller of Exim cannot be looked up using \*getpwuid()*\, Exim
-gives up. The \unknown@_login\ option can be used to set a login name to be
-used in this circumstance. It is expanded, so values like \user@$caller@_uid\
-can be set. When \unknown@_login\ is used, the value of \unknown@_username\ is
-used for the user's real name (gecos field), unless this has been set by the
-\-F-\ option.
-.conf unknown@_username string unset
-See \unknown@_login\.
-.conf untrusted@_set@_sender "address list$**$" unset
-.index trusted user
-.index sender||setting by untrusted user
-.index untrusted user, setting sender
-.index user||untrusted setting sender
-.index envelope sender
-When an untrusted user submits a message to Exim using the standard input, Exim
-normally creates an envelope sender address from the user's login and the
-default qualification domain. Data from the \-f-\ option (for setting envelope
-senders on non-SMTP messages) or the SMTP \\MAIL\\ command (if \-bs-\ or \-bS-\
-is used) is ignored.
-However, untrusted users are permitted to set an empty envelope sender address,
-to declare that a message should never generate any bounces. For example:
-.display asis
-exim -f '<>' user@domain.example
-The \untrusted@_set@_sender\ option allows you to permit untrusted users to set
-other envelope sender addresses in a controlled way. When it is set, untrusted
-users are allowed to set envelope sender addresses that match any of the
-patterns in the list. Like all address lists, the string is expanded. The
-identity of the user is in \$sender@_ident$\, so you can, for example, restrict
-users to setting senders that start with their login ids
-followed by a hyphen
-by a setting like this:
-.display asis
-untrusted_set_sender = ^$sender_ident-
-If you want to allow untrusted users to set envelope sender addresses without
-restriction, you can use
-.display asis
-untrusted_set_sender = *
-The \untrusted@_set@_sender\ option applies to all forms of local input, but
-only to the setting of the envelope sender. It does not permit untrusted users
-to use the other options which trusted user can use to override message
-parameters. Furthermore, it does not stop Exim from removing an existing
-::Sender:: header in the message, or from adding a ::Sender:: header if
-necessary. See \local__sender__retain\ and \local@_from@_check\ for ways of
-overriding these actions. The handling of the ::Sender:: header is also
-described in section ~~SECTthesenhea.
-The log line for a message's arrival shows the envelope sender following `<='.
-For local messages, the user's login always follows, after `U='. In \-bp-\
-displays, and in the Exim monitor, if an untrusted user sets an envelope sender
-address, the user's login is shown in parentheses after the sender address.
-.conf uucp@_from@_pattern string "see below"
-.index `From' line
-.index UUCP||`From' line
-Some applications that pass messages to an MTA via a command line interface use
-an initial line starting with `From' to pass the envelope sender. In
-particular, this is used by UUCP software. Exim recognizes such a line by means
-of a regular expression that is set in \uucp@_from@_pattern\. When the pattern
-matches, the sender address is constructed by expanding the contents of
-\uucp@_from@_sender\, provided that the caller of Exim is a trusted user. The
-default pattern recognizes lines in the following two forms:
-.display asis
- From ph10 Fri Jan 5 12:35 GMT 1996
- From ph10 Fri, 7 Jan 97 14:00:00 GMT
-The pattern can be seen by running
-.display asis
-exim -bP uucp_from_pattern
-It checks only up to the hours and minutes, and allows for a 2-digit or 4-digit
-year in the second case. The first word after `From' is matched in the regular
-expression by a parenthesized subpattern. The default value for
-\uucp@_from@_sender\ is `$1', which therefore just uses this first word (`ph10'
-in the example above) as the message's sender. See also
-.conf uucp@_from@_sender string$**$ "$tt{@$1}"
-See \uucp@_from@_pattern\ above.
-.conf warn@_message@_file string unset
-.index warning of delay||customizing the message
-.index customizing||warning message
-This option defines a template file containing paragraphs of text to be used
-for constructing the warning message which is sent by Exim when a message has
-been on the queue for a specified amount of time, as specified by
-\delay@_warning\. Details of the file's contents are given in chapter
-~~CHAPemsgcust. See also \bounce@_message@_file\.
-.conf write@_rejectlog boolean true
-.index reject log||disabling
-If this option is set false, Exim no longer writes anything to the reject log.
-See chapter ~~CHAPlog for details of what Exim writes to its logs.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Generic options for routers
-.rset CHAProutergeneric "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "generic router options"
-.index options||generic, for routers
-.index generic options||router
-This chapter describes the generic options that apply to all routers,
-identifying those that are preconditions. For a general description of how a
-router operates, see sections ~~SECTrunindrou and ~~SECTrouprecon. The latter
-specifies the order in which the preconditions are tested. The order of
-expansion of the options that provide data for a transport is: \errors@_to\,
-\headers@_add\, \headers@_remove\, \transport\.
-.startconf routers
-.conf address@_data string$**$ unset
-.index router||data attached to address
-The string is expanded just before the router is run, that is, after all the
-precondition tests have succeeded. If the expansion is forced to fail, the
-router declines. Other expansion failures cause delivery of the address to be
-When the expansion succeeds, the value is retained with the address, and can be
-accessed using the variable \$address@_data$\ in the current router, subsequent
-routers, and the eventual transport.
-\**Warning**\: if the current or any subsequent router is a \%redirect%\ router
-that runs a user's filter file, the contents of \$address@_data$\ are
-accessible in the filter. This is not normally a problem, because such data is
-usually either not confidential or it `belongs' to the current user, but if you
-do put confidential data into \$address@_data$\ you need to remember this
-Even if the router declines or passes, the value of \$address@_data$\ remains
-with the address, though it can be changed by another \address@_data\ setting
-on a subsequent router. If a router generates child addresses, the value of
-\$address@_data$\ propagates to them. This also applies to the special kind of
-`child' that is generated by a router with the \unseen\ option.
-The idea of \address@_data\ is that you can use it to look up a lot of data for
-the address once, and then pick out parts of the data later. For example, you
-could use a single LDAP lookup to return a string of the form
-.display asis
-uid=1234 gid=5678 mailbox=/mail/xyz forward=/home/xyz/.forward
-In the transport you could pick out the mailbox by a setting such as
-.display asis
-file = ${extract{mailbox}{$address_data}}
-This makes the configuration file less messy, and also reduces the number of
-lookups (though Exim does cache lookups).
-The \address@_data\ facility is also useful as a means of passing information
-from one router to another, and from a router to a transport. In addition, if
-\$address@_data$\ is set by a router when verifying a recipient address from an
-ACL, it remains available for use in the rest of the ACL statement. After
-verifying a sender, the value is transferred to \$sender@_address@_data$\.
-.conf address@_test "boolean (precondition)" true
-.index \-bt-\ option
-.index router||skipping when address testing
-If this option is set false, the router is skipped when routing is being tested
-by means of the \-bt-\ command line option. This can be a convenience when your
-first router sends messages to an external scanner, because it saves you
-having to set the `already scanned' indicator when testing real address
-.conf cannot@_route@_message string$**$ unset
-.index router||customizing `cannot route' message
-.index customizing||`cannot route' message
-This option specifies a text message that is used when an address cannot be
-routed because Exim has run out of routers. The default message is `Unrouteable
-address'. This option is useful only on routers that have \more\ set false, or
-on the very last router in a configuration, because the value that is used is
-taken from the last router that inspects an address. For example, using the
-default configuration, you could put:
-.display asis
-cannot_route_message = Remote domain not found in DNS
-on the first (\%dnslookup%\) router, and
-.display asis
-cannot_route_message = Unknown local user
-on the final router that checks for local users. If string expansion fails, the
-default message is used.
-Unless the expansion failure was explicitly forced, a message about the failure
-is written to the main and panic logs, in addition to the normal message about
-the routing failure.
-.conf caseful@_local@_part boolean false
-.index case of local parts
-.index router||case of local parts
-By default, routers handle the local parts of addresses in a case-insensitive
-manner, though the actual case is preserved for transmission with the message.
-If you want the case of letters to be significant in a router, you must set
-this option true. For individual router options that contain address or local
-part lists (for example, \local@_parts\), case-sensitive matching can be turned
-on by `+caseful' as a list item. See section ~~SECTcasletadd for more details.
-The value of the \$local@_part$\ variable is forced to lower case while a
-router is running unless \caseful@_local@_part\ is set. When a router assigns
-an address to a transport, the value of \$local@_part$\ when the transport runs
-is the same as it was in the router. Similarly, when a router generates child
-addresses by aliasing or forwarding, the values of \$original@_local@_part$\
-and \$parent@_local@_part$\ are those that were used by the redirecting router.
-This option applies to the processing of an address by a router. When a
-recipient address is being processed in an ACL, there is a separate \control\
-modifier that can be used to specify case-sensitive processing within the ACL
-(see section ~~SECTcontrols).
-.conf check@_local@_user "boolean (precondition)" false
-.index local user, checking in router
-.index router||checking for local user
-.index \(/etc/passwd)\
-When this option is true, Exim checks that the local part of the recipient
-address (with affixes removed if relevant) is the name of an account on the
-local system. The check is done by calling the \*getpwnam()*\ function rather
-than trying to read \(/etc/passwd)\ directly. This means that other methods of
-holding password data (such as NIS) are supported. If the local part is a local
-user, \$home$\ is set from the password data, and can be tested in other
-preconditions that are evaluated after this one (the order of evaluation is
-given in section ~~SECTrouprecon). However, the value of \$home$\ can be
-overridden by \router@_home@_directory\. If the local part is not a local user,
-the router is skipped.
-If you want to check that the local part is either the name of a local user
-or matches something else, you cannot combine \check@_local@_user\ with a
-setting of \local@_parts\, because that specifies the logical \*and*\ of the
-two conditions. However, you can use a \%passwd%\ lookup in a \local@_parts\
-setting to achieve this. For example:
-.display asis
-local_parts = passwd;$local_part : lsearch;/etc/other/users
-Note, however, that the side effects of \check@_local@_user\ (such as setting
-up a home directory) do not occur when a \%passwd%\ lookup is used in a
-\local@_parts\ (or any other) precondition.
-.conf condition "string$**$ (precondition)" unset
-.index router||customized precondition
-This option specifies a general precondition test that has to succeed for the
-router to be called. The \condition\ option is the last precondition to be
-evaluated (see section ~~SECTrouprecon). The string is expanded, and if the
-result is a forced failure, or an empty string, or one of the strings `0' or
-`no' or `false' (checked without regard to the case of the letters), the router
-is skipped, and the address is offered to the next one.
-If the result is any other value, the router is run (as this is the last
-precondition to be evaluated, all the other preconditions must be true).
-The \condition\ option provides a means of applying custom conditions to the
-running of routers. Note that in the case of a simple conditional expansion,
-the default expansion values are exactly what is wanted. For example:
-.display asis
-condition = ${if >{$message_age}{600}}
-Because of the default behaviour of the string expansion, this is equivalent to
-.display asis
-condition = ${if >{$message_age}{600}{true}{}}
-If the expansion fails (other than forced failure) delivery is deferred. Some
-of the other precondition options are common special cases that could in fact
-be specified using \condition\.
-.conf debug@_print string$**$ unset
-.index testing||variables in drivers
-If this option is set and debugging is enabled (see the \-d-\ command line
-option), the string is expanded and included in the debugging output.
-If expansion of the string fails, the error message is written to the debugging
-output, and Exim carries on processing.
-This option is provided to help with checking out the values of variables and
-so on when debugging router configurations. For example, if a \condition\
-option appears not to be working, \debug@_print\ can be used to output the
-variables it references. The output happens after checks for \domains\,
-\local@_parts\, and \check@_local@_user\ but before any other preconditions are
-tested. A newline is added to the text if it does not end with one.
-.conf disable@_logging boolean false
-If this option is set true, nothing is logged for any routing errors
-or for any deliveries caused by this router. You should not set this option
-unless you really, really know what you are doing. See also the generic
-transport option of the same name.
-.conf domains "domain list$**$ (precondition)" unset
-.index router||restricting to specific domains
-If this option is set, the router is skipped unless the current domain matches
-the list. If the match is achieved by means of a file lookup, the data that the
-lookup returned for the domain is placed in \$domain@_data$\ for use in string
-expansions of the driver's private options.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-.conf driver string unset
-This option must always be set. It specifies which of the available routers is
-to be used.
-.conf errors@_to string$**$ unset
-.index envelope sender
-.index router||changing address for errors
-If a router successfully handles an address, it may queue the address for
-delivery or it may generate child addresses. In both cases, if there is a
-delivery problem during later processing, the resulting bounce message is sent
-to the address that results from expanding this string, provided that the
-address verifies successfully.
-\errors@_to\ is expanded before \headers@_add\, \headers@_remove\, and
-If the option is unset, or the expansion is forced to fail, or the result of
-the expansion fails to verify, the errors address associated with the incoming
-address is used. At top level, this is the envelope sender. A non-forced
-expansion failure causes delivery to be deferred.
-If an address for which \errors@_to\ has been set ends up being delivered over
-SMTP, the envelope sender for that delivery is the \errors@_to\ value, so that
-any bounces that are generated by other MTAs on the delivery route are also
-sent there. The most common use of \errors@_to\ is probably to direct mailing
-list bounces to the manager of the list, as described in section
-The \errors@_to\ setting associated with an address can be overridden if it
-subsequently passes through other routers that have their own \errors@_to\
-or if it is delivered by a transport with a \return@_path\ setting.
-You can set \errors@_to\ to the empty string by either of these settings:
-.display asis
-errors_to =
-errors_to = ""
-An expansion item that yields an empty string has the same effect. If you do
-this, a locally detected delivery error for addresses processed by this router
-no longer gives rise to a bounce message; the error is discarded. If the
-address is delivered to a remote host, the return path is set to \"<>"\, unless
-overridden by the \return@_path\ option on the transport.
-If for some reason you want to discard local errors, but use a non-empty
-\\MAIL\\ command for remote delivery, you can preserve the original return
-path in \$address@_data$\ in the router, and reinstate it in the transport by
-setting \return@_path\.
-.conf expn "boolean (precondition)" true
-.index address||testing
-.index testing||addresses
-.index \\EXPN\\||router skipping
-.index router||skipping for \\EXPN\\
-If this option is turned off, the router is skipped when testing an address
-as a result of processing an SMTP \\EXPN\\ command. You might, for example,
-want to turn it off on a router for users' \(.forward)\ files, while leaving it
-on for the system alias file.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-The use of the SMTP \\EXPN\\ command is controlled by an ACL (see chapter
-~~CHAPACL). When Exim is running an \\EXPN\\ command, it is similar to testing
-an address with \-bt-\. Compare \\VRFY\\, whose counterpart is \-bv-\.
-.conf fail@_verify boolean false
-.index router||forcing verification failure
-Setting this option has the effect of setting both \fail@_verify@_sender\ and
-\fail@_verify@_recipient\ to the same value.
-.conf fail@_verify@_recipient boolean false
-If this option is true and an address is accepted by this router when
-verifying a recipient, verification fails.
-.conf fail@_verify@_sender boolean false
-If this option is true and an address is accepted by this router when
-verifying a sender, verification fails.
-.conf fallback@_hosts "string list" unset
-.index router||fallback hosts
-.index fallback||hosts specified on router
-String expansion is not applied to this option. The argument must be a
-colon-separated list of host names or IP addresses. If a router queues an
-address for a remote transport, this host list is associated with the address,
-and used instead of the transport's fallback host list. If \hosts@_randomize\
-is set on the transport, the order of the list is randomized for each use. See
-the \fallback@_hosts\ option of the \%smtp%\ transport for further details.
-.conf group string$**$ "see below"
-.index gid (group id)||local delivery
-.index local transports||uid and gid
-.index transport||local
-.index router||setting group
-When a router queues an address for a transport, and the transport does not
-specify a group, the group given here is used when running the delivery
-The group may be specified numerically or by name. If expansion fails, the
-error is logged and delivery is deferred.
-The default is unset, unless \check@_local@_user\ is set, when the default
-is taken from the password information. See also \initgroups\ and \user\ and
-the discussion in chapter ~~CHAPenvironment.
-.conf headers@_add string$**$ unset
-.index header lines||adding
-.index router||adding header lines
-This option specifies a string of text that is expanded at routing time, and
-associated with any addresses that are accepted by the router. However, this
-option has no effect when an address is just being verified. The way in which
-the text is used to add header lines at transport time is described in section
-The \headers@_add\ option is expanded after \errors@_to\, but before
-\headers@_remove\ and \transport\. If the expanded string is empty, or if the
-expansion is forced to fail, the option has no effect. Other expansion failures
-are treated as configuration errors.
-\**Warning**\: The \headers@_add\ option cannot be used for a \%redirect%\
-router that has the \one@_time\ option set.
-.conf headers@_remove string$**$ unset
-.index header lines||removing
-.index router||removing header lines
-This option specifies a string of text that is expanded at routing time, and
-associated with any addresses that are accepted by the router. However, this
-option has no effect when an address is just being verified. The way in which
-the text is used to remove header lines at transport time is described in
-section ~~SECTheadersaddrem.
-The \headers@_remove\ option is expanded after \errors@_to\ and \headers@_add\,
-but before \transport\. If the expansion is forced to fail, the option has no
-effect. Other expansion failures are treated as configuration errors.
-\**Warning**\: The \headers@_remove\ option cannot be used for a \%redirect%\
-router that has the \one@_time\ option set.
-.conf ignore@_target@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index IP address||discarding
-.index router||discarding IP addresses
-Although this option is a host list, it should normally contain IP address
-entries rather than names. If any host that is looked up by the router has an
-IP address that matches an item in this list, Exim behaves as if that IP
-address did not exist. This option allows you to cope with rogue DNS entries
-.display asis
-remote.domain.example. A
-by setting
-.display asis
-ignore_target_hosts =
-on the relevant router. If all the hosts found by a \%dnslookup%\ router are
-discarded in this way, the router declines. In a conventional configuration, an
-attempt to mail to such a domain would normally provoke the `unrouteable
-domain' error, and an attempt to verify an address in the domain would fail.
-Similarly, if \ignore@_target@_hosts\ is set on an \%ipliteral%\ router, the
-router declines if presented with one of the listed addresses.
-This option may also be useful for ignoring link-local and site-local IPv6
-addresses. Because, like all host lists, the value of \ignore@_target@_hosts\
-is expanded before use as a list, it is possible to make it dependent on the
-domain that is being routed.
-During its expansion, \$host@_address$\ is set to the IP address that is being
-.index additional groups
-.index groups, additional
-.index local transports||uid and gid
-.index transport||local
-.conf initgroups boolean false
-If the router queues an address for a transport, and this option is true, and
-the uid supplied by the router is not overridden by the transport, the
-\*initgroups()*\ function is called when running the transport to ensure that
-any additional groups associated with the uid are set up. See also \group\ and
-\user\ and the discussion in chapter ~~CHAPenvironment.
-.conf local@_part@_prefix "string list (precondition)" unset
-.index router||prefix for local part
-.index prefix||for local part, used in router
-If this option is set, the router is skipped unless the local part
-starts with one of the given strings, or \local@_part@_prefix@_optional\ is
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-The list is scanned from left to right, and the first prefix that matches is
-used. A limited form of wildcard is available; if the prefix begins with an
-asterisk, it matches the longest possible sequence of arbitrary characters at
-the start of the local part. An asterisk should therefore always be followed by
-some character that does not occur in normal local parts.
-.index multiple mailboxes
-.index mailbox||multiple
-Wildcarding can be used to set up multiple user mailboxes, as described in
-section ~~SECTmulbox.
-During the testing of the \local@_parts\ option, and while the router is
-running, the prefix is removed from the local part, and is available in the
-expansion variable \$local@_part@_prefix$\. If the router accepts the address,
-this remains true during subsequent delivery.
-In particular, the local part that is transmitted in the \\RCPT\\ command
-for LMTP, SMTP, and BSMTP deliveries has the prefix removed by default. This
-behaviour can be overridden by setting \rcpt@_include@_affixes\ true on the
-relevant transport.
-The prefix facility is commonly used to handle local parts of the form
-\owner-something\. Another common use is to support local parts of the form
-\real-username\ to bypass a user's \(.forward)\ file -- helpful when trying to
-tell a user their forwarding is broken -- by placing a router like this one
-immediately before the router that handles \(.forward)\ files:
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- local_part_prefix = real-
- check_local_user
- transport = local_delivery
-If both \local@_part@_prefix\ and \local@_part@_suffix\ are set for a router,
-both conditions must be met if not optional. Care must be taken if wildcards
-are used in both a prefix and a suffix on the same router. Different
-separator characters must be used to avoid ambiguity.
-.conf local@_part@_prefix@_optional boolean false
-See \local@_part@_prefix\ above.
-.conf local@_part@_suffix "string list (precondition)" unset
-.index router||suffix for local part
-.index suffix for local part, used in router
-This option operates in the same way as \local@_part@_prefix\, except that the
-local part must end (rather than start) with the given string, the
-\local@_part@_suffix@_optional\ option determines whether the suffix is
-mandatory, and the wildcard $*$ character, if present, must be the last
-character of the suffix. This option facility is commonly used to handle local
-parts of the form \something-request\ and multiple user mailboxes of the form
-.conf local@_part@_suffix@_optional boolean false
-See \local@_part@_suffix\ above.
-.conf local@_parts "local part list$**$ (precondition)" unset
-.index router||restricting to specific local parts
-.index local part||checking in router
-The router is run only if the local part of the address matches the list.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated, and
-section ~~SECTlocparlis for a discussion of local part lists. Because the
-string is expanded, it is possible to make it depend on the domain, for
-.display asis
-local_parts = dbm;/usr/local/specials/$domain
-If the match is achieved by a lookup, the data that the lookup returned
-for the local part is placed in the variable \$local@_part@_data$\ for use in
-expansions of the router's private options. You might use this option, for
-example, if you have a large number of local virtual domains, and you want to
-send all postmaster mail to the same place without having to set up an alias in
-each virtual domain:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- local_parts = postmaster
- data = postmaster@real.domain.example
-.conf log@_as@_local boolean "see below"
-.index log||delivery line
-.index delivery||log line format
-Exim has two logging styles for delivery, the idea being to make local
-deliveries stand out more visibly from remote ones. In the `local' style, the
-recipient address is given just as the local part, without a domain. The use of
-this style is controlled by this option. It defaults to true for the \%accept%\
-router, and false for all the others.
-.conf more boolean$**$ true
-The result of string expansion for this option must be a valid boolean value,
-that is, one of the strings `yes', `no', `true', or `false'. Any other result
-causes an error, and delivery is deferred. If the expansion is forced to fail,
-the default value for the option (true) is used. Other failures cause delivery
-to be deferred.
-If this option is set false, and the router is run, but declines to handle the
-address, no further routers are tried, routing fails, and the address is
-.index \self\ option
-However, if the router explicitly passes an address to the following router by
-means of the setting
-.display asis
-self = pass
-or otherwise, the setting of \more\ is ignored. Also, the setting of \more\
-does not affect the behaviour if one of the precondition tests fails. In that
-case, the address is always passed to the next router.
-.conf pass@_on@_timeout boolean false
-.index timeout||of router
-.index router||timeout
-If a router times out during a host lookup, it normally causes deferral of the
-address. If \pass@_on@_timeout\ is set, the address is passed on to the next
-router, overriding \no@_more\. This may be helpful for systems that are
-intermittently connected to the Internet, or those that want to pass to a smart
-host any messages that cannot immediately be delivered.
-There are occasional other temporary errors that can occur while doing DNS
-lookups. They are treated in the same way as a timeout, and this option
-applies to all of them.
-.conf pass@_router string unset
-.index router||go to after `pass'
-When a router returns `pass', the address is normally handed on to the next
-router in sequence. This can be changed by setting \pass@_router\ to the name
-of another router. However (unlike \redirect@_router\) the named router must be
-below the current router, to avoid loops. Note that this option applies only to
-the special case of `pass'. It does not apply when a router returns `decline'.
-.conf redirect@_router string unset
-.index router||start at after redirection
-Sometimes an administrator knows that it is pointless to reprocess addresses
-generated from alias or forward files with the same router again. For
-example, if an alias file translates real names into login ids there is no
-point searching the alias file a second time, especially if it is a large file.
-The \redirect@_router\ option can be set to the name of any router instance. It
-causes the routing of any generated addresses to start at the named router
-instead of at the first router. This option has no effect if the router in
-which it is set does not generate new addresses.
-.conf require@_files "string list$**$ (precondition)" unset
-.index file||requiring for router
-.index router||requiring file existence
-This option provides a general mechanism for predicating the running of a
-router on the existence or non-existence of certain files or directories.
-Before running a router, as one of its precondition tests, Exim works its way
-through the \require@_files\ list, expanding each item separately.
-Because the list is split before expansion, any colons in expansion items must
-be doubled, or the facility for using a different list separator must be used.
-If any expansion is forced to fail, the item is ignored. Other expansion
-failures cause routing of the address to be deferred.
-If any expanded string is empty, it is ignored. Otherwise, except as described
-below, each string must be a fully qualified file path, optionally preceded by
-`!'. The paths are passed to the \*stat()*\ function to test for the existence
-of the files or directories. The router is skipped if any paths not preceded by
-`!' do not exist, or if any paths preceded by `!' do exist.
-.index NFS
-If \*stat()*\ cannot determine whether a file exists or not, delivery of
-the message is deferred. This can happen when NFS-mounted filesystems are
-This option is checked after the \domains\, \local@_parts\, and \senders\
-options, so you cannot use it to check for the existence of a file in which to
-look up a domain, local part, or sender. (See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a
-full list of the order in which preconditions are evaluated.) However, as
-these options are all expanded, you can use the \exists\ expansion condition to
-make such tests. The \require@_files\ option is intended for checking files
-that the router may be going to use internally, or which are needed by a
-transport (for example \(.procmailrc)\).
-During delivery, the \*stat()*\ function is run as root, but there is a
-facility for some checking of the accessibility of a file by another user.
-This is not a proper permissions check, but just a `rough' check that
-operates as follows:
-If an item in a \require@_files\ list does not contain any forward slash
-characters, it is taken to be the user (and optional group, separated by a
-comma) to be checked for subsequent files in the list. If no group is specified
-but the user is specified symbolically, the gid associated with the uid is
-used. For example:
-.display asis
-require_files = mail:/some/file
-require_files = $local_part:$home/.procmailrc
-If a user or group name in a \require@_files\ list does not exist, the
-\require@_files\ condition fails.
-Exim performs the check by scanning along the components of the file path, and
-checking the access for the given uid and gid. It checks for `x' access on
-directories, and `r' access on the final file. Note that this means that file
-access control lists, if the operating system has them, are ignored.
-\**Warning 1**\: When the router is being run to verify addresses for an
-incoming SMTP message, Exim is not running as root, but under its own uid. This
-may affect the result of a \require@_files\ check. In particular, \*stat()*\
-may yield the error \\EACCES\\ (`Permission denied'). This means that the Exim
-user is not permitted to read one of the directories on the file's path.
-\**Warning 2**\: Even when Exim is running as root while delivering a message,
-\*stat()*\ can yield \\EACCES\\ for a file in an NFS directory that is mounted
-without root access.
-In this case, if a check for access by a particular user is requested, Exim
-creates a subprocess that runs as that user, and tries the check again in that
-The default action for handling an unresolved \\EACCES\\ is to consider it to
-be caused by a configuration error,
-and routing is deferred because the existence or non-existence of the file
-cannot be determined. However, in some circumstances it may be desirable to
-treat this condition as if the file did not exist. If the file name (or the
-exclamation mark that precedes the file name for non-existence) is preceded by
-a plus sign, the \\EACCES\\ error is treated as if the file did not exist. For
-.display asis
-require_files = +/some/file
-If the router is not an essential part of verification (for example, it
-handles users' \(.forward)\ files), another solution is to set the \verify\
-option false so that the router is skipped when verifying.
-.conf retry@_use@_local@_part boolean "see below"
-.index hints database||retry keys
-.index local part||in retry keys
-When a delivery suffers a temporary routing failure, a retry record is created
-in Exim's hints database. For addresses whose routing depends only on the
-domain, the key for the retry record should not involve the local part, but for
-other addresses, both the domain and the local part should be included.
-Usually, remote routing is of the former kind, and local routing is of the
-latter kind.
-This option controls whether the local part is used to form the key for retry
-hints for addresses that suffer temporary errors while being handled by this
-router. The default value is true for any router that has \check@_local@_user\
-set, and false otherwise. Note that this option does not apply to hints keys
-for transport delays; they are controlled by a generic transport option of the
-same name.
-The setting of \retry@_use@_local@_part\ applies only to the router on which it
-appears. If the router generates child addresses, they are routed
-independently; this setting does not become attached to them.
-.conf router@_home@_directory string$**$ unset
-.index router||home directory for
-.index home directory||for router
-This option sets a home directory for use while the router is running. (Compare
-\transport__home@_directory\, which sets a home directory for later
-transporting.) In particular, if used on a \%redirect%\ router, this option
-sets a value for \$home$\ while a filter is running. The value is expanded;
-forced expansion failure causes the option to be ignored -- other failures
-cause the router to defer.
-Expansion of \router@_home@_directory\ happens immediately after the
-\check@_local@_user\ test (if configured), before any further expansions take
-(See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.)
-While the router is running, \router__home@_directory\ overrides the value of
-\$home$\ that came from \check@_local@_user\.
-When a router accepts an address and routes it to a transport (including the
-cases when a redirect router generates a pipe, file, or autoreply delivery),
-the home directory setting for the transport is taken from the first of these
-values that is set:
-.numberpars $.
-The \home@_directory\ option on the transport;
-The \transport@_home@_directory\ option on the router;
-The password data if \check@_local@_user\ is set on the router;
-The \router@_home@_directory\ option on the router.
-In other words, \router@_home@_directory\ overrides the password data for the
-router, but not for the transport.
-.conf self string "freeze"
-.index MX record||pointing to local host
-.index local host||MX pointing to
-This option applies to those routers that use a recipient address to find a
-list of remote hosts. Currently, these are the \%dnslookup%\, \%ipliteral%\,
-and \%manualroute%\ routers.
-Certain configurations of the \%queryprogram%\ router can also specify a list
-of remote hosts.
-Usually such routers are configured to send the message to a remote host via an
-\%smtp%\ transport. The \self\ option specifies what happens when the first
-host on the list turns out to be the local host.
-The way in which Exim checks for the local host is described in section
-Normally this situation indicates either an error in Exim's configuration (for
-example, the router should be configured not to process this domain), or an
-error in the DNS (for example, the MX should not point to this host). For this
-reason, the default action is to log the incident, defer the address, and
-freeze the message. The following alternatives are provided for use in special
-.numberpars $.
-Delivery of the message is tried again later, but the message is not frozen.
-\reroute: <<domain>>\
-The domain is changed to the given domain, and the address is passed back to
-be reprocessed by the routers. No rewriting of headers takes place. This
-behaviour is essentially a redirection.
-\reroute: rewrite: <<domain>>\
-The domain is changed to the given domain, and the address is passed back to be
-reprocessed by the routers. Any headers that contain the original domain are
-The router passes the address to the next router, or to the router named in the
-\pass@_router\ option if it is set.
-.index \more\ option
-This overrides \no@_more\.
-During subsequent routing and delivery, the variable
-\$self@_hostname$\ contains the name of the local host that the router
-encountered. This can be used to distinguish between different cases for hosts
-with multiple names. The combination
-.display asis
-self = pass
-ensures that only those addresses that routed to the local host are passed on.
-Without \no@_more\, addresses that were declined for other reasons would also
-be passed to the next router.
-Delivery fails and an error report is generated.
-.index local host||sending to
-The anomaly is ignored and the address is queued for the transport. This
-setting should be used with extreme caution. For an \%smtp%\ transport, it makes
-sense only in cases where the program that is listening on the SMTP port is not
-this version of Exim. That is, it must be some other MTA, or Exim with a
-different configuration file that handles the domain in another way.
-.conf senders "address list$**$ (precondition)" unset
-.index router||checking senders
-If this option is set, the router is skipped unless the message's sender
-address matches something on the list.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-There are issues concerning verification when the running of routers is
-dependent on the sender. When Exim is verifying the address in an \errors@_to\
-setting, it sets the sender to the null string. When using the \-bt-\ option to
-check a configuration file, it is necessary also to use the \-f-\ option to set
-an appropriate sender. For incoming mail, the sender is unset when verifying
-the sender, but is available when verifying any recipients. If the SMTP
-\\VRFY\\ command is enabled, it must be used after \\MAIL\\ if the sender
-address matters.
-.conf translate@_ip@_address string$**$ unset
-.index IP address||translating
-.index packet radio
-.index router||IP address translation
-There exist some rare networking situations (for example, packet radio) where
-it is helpful to be able to translate IP addresses generated by normal routing
-mechanisms into other IP addresses, thus performing a kind of manual IP
-routing. This should be done only if the normal IP routing of the TCP/IP stack
-is inadequate or broken. Because this is an extremely uncommon requirement, the
-code to support this option is not included in the Exim binary unless
-\\SUPPORT__TRANSLATE__IP__ADDRESS\\=yes is set in \(Local/Makefile)\.
-The \translate@_ip@_address\ string is expanded for every IP address generated
-by the router, with the generated address set in \$host@_address$\. If the
-expansion is forced to fail, no action is taken.
-For any other expansion error, delivery of the message is deferred.
-If the result of the expansion is an IP address, that replaces the original
-address; otherwise the result is assumed to be a host name -- this is looked up
-using \*gethostbyname()*\ (or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when available) to produce
-one or more replacement IP addresses. For example, to subvert all IP addresses
-in some specific networks, this could be added to a router:
-$smc{translate@_ip@_address = @\
- @$@{lookup@{@$@{mask:@$host@_address/26@}@}lsearch@{/some/file@}@{@$value@}fail@}}
-The file would contain lines like
-.display asis
-You should not make use of this facility unless you really understand what you
-are doing.
-.conf transport string$**$ unset
-This option specifies the transport to be used when a router accepts an address
-and sets it up for delivery. A transport is never needed if a router is used
-only for verification. The value of the option is expanded at routing time,
-after the expansion of \errors@_to\, \headers@_add\, and \headers@_remove\, and
-result must be the name of one of the configured transports. If it is not,
-delivery is deferred.
-The \transport\ option is not used by the \%redirect%\ router, but it does have
-some private options that set up transports for pipe and file deliveries (see
-chapter ~~CHAPredirect).
-.conf transport@_current@_directory string$**$ unset
-.index current directory for local transport
-This option associates a current directory with any address that is routed
-to a local transport. This can happen either because a transport is
-explicitly configured for the router, or because it generates a delivery to a
-file or a pipe. During the delivery process (that is, at transport time), this
-option string is expanded and is set as the current directory, unless
-overridden by a setting on the transport.
-If the expansion fails for any reason, including forced failure, an error is
-logged, and delivery is deferred.
-See chapter ~~CHAPenvironment for details of the local delivery environment.
-.conf transport@_home@_directory string$**$ "see below"
-.index home directory||for local transport
-This option associates a home directory with any address that is routed to a
-local transport. This can happen either because a transport is explicitly
-configured for the router, or because it generates a delivery to a file or a
-pipe. During the delivery process (that is, at transport time), the option
-string is expanded and is set as the home directory, unless overridden by a
-setting of \home@_directory\ on the transport.
-If the expansion fails for any reason, including forced failure, an error is
-logged, and delivery is deferred.
-If the transport does not specify a home directory, and
-\transport@_home@_directory\ is not set for the router, the home directory for
-the tranport is taken from the password data if \check@_local@_user\ is set for
-the router. Otherwise it is taken from \router@_home@_directory\ if that option
-is set; if not, no home directory is set for the transport.
-See chapter ~~CHAPenvironment for further details of the local delivery
-.conf unseen boolean$**$ false
-.index router||carrying on after success
-The result of string expansion for this option must be a valid boolean value,
-that is, one of the strings `yes', `no', `true', or `false'. Any other result
-causes an error, and delivery is deferred. If the expansion is forced to fail,
-the default value for the option (false) is used. Other failures cause delivery
-to be deferred.
-When this option is set true, routing does not cease if the router accepts the
-address. Instead, a copy of the incoming address is passed to the next router,
-overriding a false setting of \more\. There is little point in setting \more\
-false if \unseen\ is always true, but it may be useful in cases when the value
-of \unseen\ contains expansion items (and therefore, presumably, is sometimes
-true and sometimes false).
-The \unseen\ option can be used to cause
-.index copy of message (\unseen\ option)
-copies of messages to be delivered to some other destination, while also
-carrying out a normal delivery. In effect, the current address is made into a
-`parent' that has two children -- one that is delivered as specified by this
-router, and a clone that goes on to be routed further.
-Header lines added to the address (or specified for removal) by this router or
-by previous routers affect the `unseen' copy of the message only. The clone
-that continues to be processed by further routers starts with no added headers
-and none specified for removal.
-However, any data that was set by the \address@_data\ option in the current or
-previous routers is passed on. Setting this option has a similar effect to the
-\unseen\ command qualifier in filter files.
-.conf user string$**$ "see below"
-.index uid (user id)||local delivery
-.index local transports||uid and gid
-.index transport||local
-.index router||user for filter processing
-.index filter||user for processing
-When a router queues an address for a transport, and the transport does not
-specify a user, the user given here is used when running the delivery process.
-The user may be specified numerically or by name. If expansion fails, the
-error is logged and delivery is deferred.
-This user is also used by the \%redirect%\ router when running a filter file.
-The default is unset, except when \check@_local@_user\ is set. In this case,
-the default is taken from the password information. If the user is specified as
-a name, and \group\ is not set, the group associated with the user is used. See
-also \initgroups\ and \group\ and the discussion in chapter ~~CHAPenvironment.
-.conf verify "boolean (precondition)" true
-Setting this option has the effect of setting \verify@_sender\ and
-\verify@_recipient\ to the same value.
-.conf verify@_only "boolean (precondition)" false
-.index \\EXPN\\||with \verify@_only\
-.index \-bv-\ option
-.index router||used only when verifying
-If this option is set, the router is used only when verifying an address or
-testing with the \-bv-\ option, not when actually doing a delivery, testing
-with the \-bt-\ option, or running the SMTP \\EXPN\\ command. It can be further
-restricted to verifying only senders or recipients by means of \verify@_sender\
-and \verify@_recipient\.
-\**Warning**\: When the router is being run to verify addresses for an incoming
-SMTP message, Exim is not running as root, but under its own uid. If the router
-accesses any files, you need to make sure that they are accessible to the Exim
-user or group.
-.conf verify@_recipient "boolean (precondition)" true
-If this option is false, the router is skipped when verifying recipient
-or testing recipient verification using \-bv-\.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-.conf verify@_sender "boolean (precondition)" true
-If this option is false, the router is skipped when verifying sender addresses
-or testing sender verification using \-bvs-\.
-See section ~~SECTrouprecon for a list of the order in which preconditions
-are evaluated.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The accept router
-.set runningfoot "accept router"
-.index \%accept%\ router
-.index routers||\%accept%\
-The \%accept%\ router has no private options of its own. Unless it is being used
-purely for verification (see \verify@_only\) a transport is required to be
-defined by the generic \transport\ option. If the preconditions that are
-specified by generic options are met, the router accepts the address and queues
-it for the given transport. The most common use of this router is for setting
-up deliveries to local mailboxes. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- domains = mydomain.example
- check_local_user
- transport = local_delivery
-The \domains\ condition in this example checks the domain of the address, and
-\check@_local@_user\ checks that the local part is the login of a local user.
-When both preconditions are met, the \%accept%\ router runs, and queues the
-address for the \%local@_delivery%\ transport.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The dnslookup router
-.rset CHAPdnslookup "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "dnslookup router"
-.index \%dnslookup%\ router
-.index routers||\%dnslookup%\
-The \%dnslookup%\ router looks up the hosts that handle mail for the
-recipient's domain in the DNS. A transport must always be set for this router,
-unless \verify@_only\ is set.
-If SRV support is configured (see \check@_srv\ below), Exim first searches for
-SRV records. If none are found, or if SRV support is not configured,
-MX records are looked up. If no MX records exist, address records are sought.
-However, \mx@_domains\ can be set to disable the direct use of address records.
-MX records of equal priority are sorted by Exim into a random order. Exim then
-looks for address records for the host names obtained from MX or SRV records.
-When a host has more than one IP address, they are sorted into a random order,
-except that IPv6 addresses are always sorted before IPv4 addresses. If all the
-IP addresses found are discarded by a setting of the \ignore@_target@_hosts\
-generic option, the router declines.
-Unless they have the highest priority (lowest MX value), MX records that point
-to the local host, or to any host name that matches \hosts__treat__as__local\,
-are discarded, together with any other MX records of equal or lower priority.
-.index MX record||pointing to local host
-.index local host||MX pointing to
-.index \self\ option||in \%dnslookup%\ router
-If the host pointed to by the highest priority MX record, or looked up as an
-address record, is the local host, or matches \hosts__treat__as__local\, what
-happens is controlled by the generic \self\ option.
-.section Problems with DNS lookups
-.rset SECTprowitdnsloo "~~chapter.~~section"
-There have been problems with DNS servers when SRV records are looked up.
-Some mis-behaving servers return a DNS error or timeout when a non-existent
-SRV record is sought. Similar problems have in the past been reported for
-MX records. The global \dns@_again@_means@_nonexist\ option can help with this
-problem, but it is heavy-handed because it is a global option.
-For this reason, there are two options, \srv@_fail@_domains\ and
-\mx@_fail@_domains\, that control what happens when a DNS lookup in a
-\%dnslookup%\ router results in a DNS failure or a `try again' response. If an
-attempt to look up an SRV or MX record causes one of these results, and the
-domain matches the relevant list, Exim behaves as if the DNS had responded `no
-such record'. In the case of an SRV lookup, this means that the router proceeds
-to look for MX records; in the case of an MX lookup, it proceeds to look for A
-or AAAA records, unless the domain matches \mx@_domains\, in which case routing
-.section Private options for dnslookup
-The private options for the \%dnslookup%\ router are as follows:
-.startconf dnslookup
-.index options||\%dnslookup%\ router
-.conf check@_secondary@_mx boolean false
-.index MX record||checking for secondary
-If this option is set, the router declines unless the local host is found in
-(and removed from) the list of hosts obtained by MX lookup. This can be used to
-process domains for which the local host is a secondary mail exchanger
-differently to other domains. The way in which Exim decides whether a host is
-the local host is described in section ~~SECTreclocipadd.
-.conf check@_srv string$**$ unset
-.index SRV record||enabling use of
-The \%dnslookup%\ router supports the use of SRV records (see RFC 2782) in
-addition to MX and address records. The support is disabled by default. To
-enable SRV support, set the \check@_srv\ option to the name of the service
-required. For example,
-.display asis
-check_srv = smtp
-looks for SRV records that refer to the normal smtp service. The option is
-expanded, so the service name can vary from message to message or address
-to address. This might be helpful if SRV records are being used for a
-submission service. If the expansion is forced to fail, the \check@_srv\
-option is ignored, and the router proceeds to look for MX records in the
-normal way.
-When the expansion succeeds, the router searches first for SRV records for
-the given service (it assumes TCP protocol). A single SRV record with a
-host name that consists of just a single dot indicates `no such service for
-this domain'; if this is encountered, the router declines. If other kinds of
-SRV record are found, they are used to construct a host list for delivery
-according to the rules of RFC 2782. MX records are not sought in this case.
-When no SRV records are found, MX records (and address records) are sought in
-the traditional way. In other words, SRV records take precedence over MX
-records, just as MX records take precedence over address records. Note that
-this behaviour is not sanctioned by RFC 2782, though a previous draft RFC
-defined it. It is apparently believed that MX records are sufficient for email
-and that SRV records should not be used for this purpose. However, SRV records
-have an additional `weight' feature which some people might find useful when
-trying to split an SMTP load between hosts of different power.
-See section ~~SECTprowitdnsloo above for a discussion of Exim's behaviour when
-there is a DNS lookup error.
-.conf mx@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-.index MX record||required to exist
-.index SRV record||required to exist
-A domain that matches \mx@_domains\ is required to have either an MX or an SRV
-record in order to be recognised. (The name of this option could be improved.)
-For example, if all the mail hosts in \*fict.example*\ are known to have MX
-records, except for those in \*discworld.fict.example*\, you could use this
-.display asis
-mx_domains = ! *.discworld.fict.example : *.fict.example
-This specifies that messages addressed to a domain that matches the list but
-has no MX record should be bounced immediately instead of being routed using
-the address record.
-.conf mx@_fail@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-If the DNS lookup for MX records for one of the domains in this list causes a
-DNS lookup error, Exim behaves as if no MX records were found. See section
-~~SECTprowitdnsloo for more discussion.
-.conf qualify@_single boolean true
-.index DNS||resolver options
-.index DNS||qualifying single-component names
-When this option is true, the resolver option \\RES@_DEFNAMES\\ is set for DNS
-lookups. Typically, but not standardly, this causes the resolver to qualify
-single-component names with the default domain. For example, on a machine
-called \*dictionary.ref.example*\, the domain \*thesaurus*\ would be changed to
-\*thesaurus.ref.example*\ inside the resolver. For details of what your resolver
-actually does, consult your man pages for \*resolver*\ and \*resolv.conf*\.
-.conf rewrite@_headers boolean true
-.index rewriting||header lines
-.index header lines||rewriting
-If the domain name in the address that is being processed is not fully
-qualified, it may be expanded to its full form by a DNS lookup. For example, if
-an address is specified as \*dormouse@@teaparty*\, the domain might be
-expanded to \*teaparty.wonderland.fict.example*\. Domain expansion can also
-occur as a result of setting the \widen@_domains\ option. If \rewrite@_headers\
-is true, all occurrences of the abbreviated domain name in any ::Bcc::, ::Cc::,
-::From::, ::Reply-to::, ::Sender::, and ::To:: header lines of the message are
-rewritten with the full domain name.
-This option should be turned off only when it is known that no message is
-ever going to be sent outside an environment where the abbreviation makes
-When an MX record is looked up in the DNS and matches a wildcard record, name
-servers normally return a record containing the name that has been looked up,
-making it impossible to detect whether a wildcard was present or not. However,
-some name servers have recently been seen to return the wildcard entry. If the
-name returned by a DNS lookup begins with an asterisk, it is not used for
-header rewriting.
-.conf same@_domain@_copy@_routing boolean false
-.index address||copying routing
-Addresses with the same domain are normally routed by the \%dnslookup%\ router
-to the same list of hosts. However, this cannot be presumed, because the router
-options and preconditions may refer to the local part of the address. By
-default, therefore, Exim routes each address in a message independently. DNS
-servers run caches, so repeated DNS lookups are not normally expensive, and in
-any case, personal messages rarely have more than a few recipients.
-If you are running mailing lists with large numbers of subscribers at the same
-domain, and you are using a \%dnslookup%\ router which is independent of the
-local part, you can set \same__domain__copy@_routing\ to bypass repeated DNS
-lookups for identical domains in one message. In this case, when \%dnslookup%\
-routes an address to a remote transport, any other unrouted addresses in the
-message that have the same domain are automatically given the same routing
-without processing them independently,
-provided the following conditions are met:
-.numberpars $.
-No router that processed the address specified \headers@_add\ or
-The router did not change the address in any way, for example, by `widening'
-the domain.
-.conf search@_parents boolean false
-.index DNS||resolver options
-When this option is true, the resolver option \\RES@_DNSRCH\\ is set for DNS
-lookups. This is different from the \qualify@_single\ option in that it applies
-to domains containing dots. Typically, but not standardly, it causes the
-resolver to search for the name in the current domain and in parent domains.
-For example, on a machine in the \*fict.example*\ domain, if looking up
-\*teaparty.wonderland*\ failed, the resolver would try
-\*teaparty.wonderland.fict.example*\. For details of what your resolver
-actually does, consult your man pages for \*resolver*\ and \*resolv.conf*\.
-Setting this option true can cause problems in domains that have a wildcard MX
-record, because any domain that does not have its own MX record matches the
-local wildcard.
-.conf srv@_fail@_domains "domain list$**$" unset
-If the DNS lookup for SRV records for one of the domains in this list causes a
-DNS lookup error, Exim behaves as if no SRV records were found. See section
-~~SECTprowitdnsloo for more discussion.
-.conf widen@_domains "string list" unset
-.index domain||partial, widening
-If a DNS lookup fails and this option is set, each of its strings in turn is
-added onto the end of the domain, and the lookup is tried again. For example,
-.display asis
-widen_domains = fict.example:ref.example
-is set and a lookup of \*klingon.dictionary*\ fails,
-\*klingon.dictionary.fict.example*\ is looked up, and if this fails,
-\*klingon.dictionary.ref.example*\ is tried. Note that the \qualify@_single\
-and \search@_parents\ options can cause some widening to be undertaken inside
-the DNS resolver.
-.section Effect of qualify@_single and search@_parents
-When a domain from an envelope recipient is changed by the resolver as a result
-of the \qualify@_single\ or \search@_parents\ options, Exim rewrites the
-corresponding address in the message's header lines unless \rewrite@_headers\
-is set false. Exim then re-routes the address, using the full domain.
-These two options affect only the DNS lookup that takes place inside the router
-for the domain of the address that is being routed. They do not affect lookups
-such as that implied by
-.display asis
-domains = @mx_any
-that may happen while processing a router precondition before the router is
-entered. No widening ever takes place for these lookups.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The ipliteral router
-.set runningfoot "ipliteral router"
-.index \%ipliteral%\ router
-.index domain literal||routing
-.index routers||\%ipliteral%\
-This router has no private options. Unless it is being used purely for
-verification (see \verify@_only\) a transport is required to be defined by the
-generic \transport\ option. The router accepts the address if its domain part
-takes the form of an RFC 2822 domain literal, that is, an IP address enclosed
-in square brackets. For example, this router handles the address
-.display asis
-by setting up delivery to the host with that IP address.
-If the IP address matches something in \ignore@_target@_hosts\, the router
-.index \self\ option||in \%ipliteral%\ router
-If an IP literal turns out to refer to the local host, the generic \self\
-option determines what happens.
-The RFCs require support for domain literals; however, their use is
-controversial in today's Internet. If you want to use this router, you must
-also set the main configuration option \allow@_domain@_literals\. Otherwise,
-Exim will not recognize the domain literal syntax in addresses.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The iplookup router
-.set runningfoot "iplookup router"
-.index \%iplookup%\ router
-.index routers||\%iplookup%\
-The \%iplookup%\ router was written to fulfil a specific requirement in
-Cambridge University (which in fact no longer exists). For this reason, it is
-not included in the binary of Exim by default. If you want to include it, you
-must set
-.display asis
-in your \(Local/Makefile)\ configuration file.
-The \%iplookup%\ router routes an address by sending it over a TCP or UDP
-connection to one or more specific hosts. The host can then return the same or
-a different address -- in effect rewriting the recipient address in the
-message's envelope. The new address is then passed on to subsequent routers.
-If this process fails, the address can be passed on to
-other routers, or delivery can be deferred.
-Background, for those that are interested: We have an Oracle database of all
-Cambridge users, and one of the items of data it maintains for each user is
-where to send mail addressed to \**\. The MX records for
-\**\ point to a central machine that has a large alias list that is
-abstracted from the database. Mail from outside is switched by this system, and
-originally internal mail was also done this way. However, this resulted in a
-fair number of messages travelling from some of our larger systems to the
-switch and back again. The Oracle machine now runs a UDP service that can be
-called by the \%iplookup%\ router in Exim to find out where \**\
-addresses really have to go; this saves passing through the central switch, and
-in many cases saves doing any remote delivery at all.
-Since \%iplookup%\ is just a rewriting router, a transport must not be
-specified for it.
-.startconf iplookup
-.index options||\%iplookup%\ router
-.conf hosts string unset
-This option must be supplied. Its value is a colon-separated list of host
-names. The hosts are looked up using \*gethostbyname()*\
-(or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when available)
-and are tried in order until one responds to the query. If none respond, what
-happens is controlled by \optional\.
-.conf optional boolean false
-If \optional\ is true, if no response is obtained from any host, the address is
-passed to the next router, overriding \no@_more\. If \optional\ is false,
-delivery to the address is deferred.
-.conf port integer 0
-.index port||\%iplookup%\ router
-This option must be supplied. It specifies the port number for the TCP or UDP
-.conf protocol string "udp"
-This option can be set to `udp' or `tcp' to specify which of the two protocols
-is to be used.
-.conf query string$**$ "$tt{@$local@_part@@@$domain @$local@_part@@@$domain}"
-This defines the content of the query that is sent to the remote hosts. The
-repetition serves as a way of checking that a response is to the correct query
-in the default case (see \response@_pattern\ below).
-.conf reroute string$**$ unset
-If this option is not set, the rerouted address is precisely the byte string
-returned by the remote host, up to the first white space, if any. If set, the
-string is expanded to form the rerouted address. It can include parts matched
-in the response by \response@_pattern\ by means of numeric variables such as
-\$1$\, \$2$\, etc. The variable \$0$\ refers to the entire input string,
-whether or not a pattern is in use. In all cases, the rerouted address must end
-up in the form \*local@_part@@domain*\.
-.conf response@_pattern string unset
-This option can be set to a regular expression that is applied to the string
-returned from the remote host. If the pattern does not match the response, the
-router declines. If \response@_pattern\ is not set, no checking of the response
-is done, unless the query was defaulted, in which case there is a check that
-the text returned after the first white space is the original address. This
-checks that the answer that has been received is in response to the correct
-question. For example, if the response is just a new domain, the following
-could be used:
-.display asis
-response_pattern = ^([^@]+)$
-reroute = $local_part@$1
-.conf timeout time 5s
-This specifies the amount of time to wait for a response from the remote
-machine. The same timeout is used for the \*connect()*\ function for a TCP
-call. It does not apply to UDP.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The manualroute router
-.set runningfoot "manualroute router"
-.index \%manualroute%\ router
-.index routers||\%manualroute%\
-.index domain||manually routing
-The \%manualroute%\ router is so-called because it provides a way of manually
-routing an address according to its domain. It is mainly used when you want to
-route addresses to remote hosts according to your own rules, bypassing the
-normal DNS routing that looks up MX records. However, \%manualroute%\ can also
-route to local transports, a facility that may be useful if you want to save
-messages for dial-in hosts in local files.
-The \%manualroute%\ router compares a list of domain patterns with the domain it
-is trying to route. If there is no match, the router declines. Each pattern has
-associated with it a list of hosts and some other optional data, which may
-include a transport. The combination of a pattern and its data is called a
-`routing rule'. For patterns that do not have an associated transport, the
-generic \transport\ option must specify a transport, unless the router is being
-used purely for verification (see \verify@_only\).
-In the case of verification, matching the domain pattern is sufficient for the
-router to accept the address. When actually routing an address for delivery,
-an address that matches a domain pattern is queued for the associated
-transport. If the transport is not a local one, a host list must be associated
-with the pattern; IP addresses are looked up for the hosts, and these are
-passed to the transport along with the mail address. For local transports, a
-host list is optional. If it is present, it is passed in \$host$\ as a single
-text string.
-The list of routing rules can be provided as an inline string in \route@_list\,
-or the data can be obtained by looking up the domain in a file or database by
-setting \route@_data\. Only one of these settings may appear in any one
-instance of \%manualroute%\. The format of routing rules is described below,
-following the list of private options.
-.section Private options for manualroute
-.rset SECTprioptman "~~chapter.~~section"
-The private options for the \%manualroute%\ router are as follows:
-.startconf manualroute
-.index options||\%manualroute%\ router
-.conf host@_find@_failed string "freeze"
-This option controls what happens when \%manualroute%\ tries to find an IP
-address for a host, and the host does not exist. The option can be set to one
-.display asis
-The default assumes that this state is a serious configuration error. The
-difference between `pass' and `decline' is that the former forces the address
-to be passed to the next router (or the router defined by \pass@_router\),
-.index \more\ option
-overriding \no@_more\, whereas the latter passes the address to the next router
-only if \more\ is true.
-This option applies only to a definite `does not exist' state; if a host lookup
-gets a temporary error, delivery is deferred unless the generic
-\pass@_on@_timeout\ option is set.
-.conf hosts@_randomize boolean false
-.index randomized host list
-.index host||list of, randomized
-If this option is set, the order of the items in a host list in a routing rule
-is randomized each time the list is used, unless an option in the routing rule
-overrides (see below). Randomizing the order of a host list can be used to do
-crude load sharing. However, if more than one mail address is routed by the
-same router to the same host list, the host lists are considered to be the same
-(even though they may be randomized into different orders) for the purpose of
-deciding whether to batch the deliveries into a single SMTP transaction.
-When \hosts@_randomize\ is true, a host list may be split
-into groups whose order is separately randomized. This makes it possible to
-set up MX-like behaviour. The boundaries between groups are indicated by an
-item that is just \"+"\ in the host list. For example:
-.display asis
-route_list = * host1:host2:host3:+:host4:host5
-The order of the first three hosts and the order of the last two hosts is
-randomized for each use, but the first three always end up before the last two.
-If \hosts@_randomize\ is not set, a \"+"\ item in the list is ignored. If a
-randomized host list is passed to an \%smtp%\ transport that also has
-\hosts@_randomize set\, the list is not re-randomized.
-.conf route@_data string$**$ unset
-If this option is set, it must expand to yield the data part of a routing rule.
-Typically, the expansion string includes a lookup based on the domain. For
-.display asis
-route_data = ${lookup{$domain}dbm{/etc/routes}}
-If the expansion is forced to fail, or the result is an empty string, the
-router declines. Other kinds of expansion failure cause delivery to be
-.conf route@_list "string list, semicolon-separated" unset
-This string is a list of routing rules, in the form defined below. Note that,
-unlike most string lists, the items are separated by semicolons. This is so
-that they may contain colon-separated host lists.
-.conf same@_domain@_copy@_routing boolean false
-.index address||copying routing
-Addresses with the same domain are normally routed by the \%manualroute%\ router
-to the same list of hosts. However, this cannot be presumed, because the router
-options and preconditions may refer to the local part of the address. By
-default, therefore, Exim routes each address in a message independently. DNS
-servers run caches, so repeated DNS lookups are not normally expensive, and in
-any case, personal messages rarely have more than a few recipients.
-If you are running mailing lists with large numbers of subscribers at the same
-domain, and you are using a \%manualroute%\ router which is independent of the
-local part, you can set \same@_domain@_copy@_routing\ to bypass repeated DNS
-lookups for identical domains in one message. In this case, when \%manualroute%\
-routes an address to a remote transport, any other unrouted addresses in the
-message that have the same domain are automatically given the same routing
-without processing them independently. However, this is only done if
-\headers@_add\ and \headers@_remove\ are unset.
-.section Routing rules in route@_list
-The value of \route@_list\ is a string consisting of a sequence of routing
-rules, separated by semicolons. If a semicolon is needed in a rule, it can be
-entered as two semicolons. Empty rules are ignored. The format of each rule is
-<<domain pattern>> <<list of hosts>> <<options>>
-The following example contains two rules, each with a simple domain pattern and
-no options:
-.display asis
-route_list = \
- dict.ref.example mail-1.ref.example:mail-2.ref.example ; \
- thes.ref.example mail-3.ref.example:mail-4.ref.example
-The three parts of a rule are separated by white space. The pattern and the
-list of hosts can be enclosed in quotes if necessary, and if they are, the
-usual quoting rules apply. Each rule in a \route@_list\ must start with a
-single domain pattern, which is the only mandatory item in the rule. The
-pattern is in the same format as one item in a domain list (see section
-except that it may not be the name of an interpolated file.
-That is, it may be wildcarded, or a regular expression, or a file or database
-lookup (with semicolons doubled, because of the use of semicolon as a separator
-in a \route@_list\).
-The rules in \route@_list\ are searched in order until one of the patterns
-matches the domain that is being routed. The list of hosts and then options are
-then used as described below. If there is no match, the router declines. When
-\route@_list\ is set, \route@_data\ must not be set.
-.section Routing rules in route@_data
-The use of \route@_list\ is convenient when there are only a small number of
-routing rules. For larger numbers, it is easier to use a file or database to
-hold the routing information, and use the \route@_data\ option instead.
-The value of \route@_data\ is a list of hosts, followed by (optional) options.
-Most commonly, \route@_data\ is set as a string that contains an
-expansion lookup. For example, suppose we place two routing rules in a file
-like this:
-.display asis
-dict.ref.example: mail-1.ref.example:mail-2.ref.example
-thes.ref.example: mail-3.ref.example:mail-4.ref.example
-This data can be accessed by setting
-.display asis
-route_data = ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/the/file/name}}
-Failure of the lookup results in an empty string, causing the router to
-decline. However, you do not have to use a lookup in \route@_data\. The only
-requirement is that the result of expanding the string is a list of hosts,
-possibly followed by options, separated by white space. The list of hosts must
-be enclosed in quotes if it contains white space.
-.section Format of the list of hosts
-A list of hosts, whether obtained via \route@_data\ or \route@_list\, is always
-separately expanded before use. If the expansion fails, the router declines.
-The result of the expansion must be a colon-separated list of names and/or
-IP addresses. IP addresses are not enclosed in brackets.
-If the list of hosts was obtained from a \route@_list\ item, the following
-variables are set during its expansion:
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \%manualroute%\ router
-.numberpars $.
-If the domain was matched against a regular expression, the numeric variables
-\$1$\, \$2$\, etc. may be set.
-\$0$\ is always set to the entire domain.
-\$1$\ is also set when partial matching is done in a file lookup.
-.index \$value$\
-If the pattern that matched the domain was a lookup item, the data that was
-looked up is available in the expansion variable \$value$\.
-.section How the list of hosts is used
-When an address is routed to an \%smtp%\ transport by \%manualroute%\, each of
-the hosts is tried, in the order specified, when carrying out the SMTP
-delivery. However, the order can be changed by setting the \hosts@_randomize\
-option, either on the router (see section ~~SECTprioptman above), or on the
-Hosts may be listed by name or by IP address. An unadorned name in the list of
-hosts is interpreted as a host name. A name that is followed by \"/MX"\ is
-interpreted as an indirection to a sublist of hosts obtained by looking up MX
-records in the DNS. For example:
-.display asis
-route_list = * x.y.z:p.q.r/MX:e.f.g
-If the \hosts@_randomize\ option is set, the order of the items in the list is
-randomized before any lookups are done. Exim then scans the list; for any name
-that is not followed by \"/MX"\ it looks up an IP address. If this turns out to
-be an interface on the local host and the item is not the first in the list,
-Exim discards it and any subsequent items. If it is the first item, what
-happens is controlled by the
-.index \self\ option||in \%manualroute%\ router
-\self\ option of the router.
-A name on the list that is followed by \"/MX"\ is replaced with the list of
-hosts obtained by looking up MX records for the name. This is always a DNS
-lookup; the \bydns\ and \byname\ options (see section ~~SECThowoptused below)
-are not relevant here. The order of these hosts is determined by the preference
-values in the MX records, according to the usual rules. Because randomizing
-happens before the MX lookup, it does not affect the order that is defined by
-MX preferences.
-If the local host is present in the sublist obtained from MX records, but is
-not the most preferred host in that list, it and any equally or less
-preferred hosts are removed before the sublist is inserted into the main list.
-If the local host is the most preferred host in the MX list, what happens
-depends on where in the original list of hosts the \"/MX"\ item appears. If it
-is not the first item (that is, there are previous hosts in the main list),
-Exim discards this name and any subsequent items in the main list.
-If the MX item is first in the list of hosts, and the local host is the
-most preferred host, what happens is controlled by the \self\ option of the
-DNS failures when lookup up the MX records are treated in the same way as DNS
-failures when looking up IP addresses: \pass@_on@_timeout\ and
-\host@_find@_failed\ are used when relevant.
-The generic \ignore@_target@_hosts\ option applies to all hosts in the list,
-whether obtained from an MX lookup or not.
-.section How the options are used
-.rset SECThowoptused "~~chapter.~~section"
-The options are a sequence of words; in practice no more than three are ever
-present. One of the words can be the name of a transport; this overrides the
-\transport\ option on the router for this particular routing rule only. The
-other words (if present) control randomization of the list of hosts on a
-per-rule basis, and how the IP addresses of the hosts are to be found when
-routing to a remote transport. These options are as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-\randomize\: randomize the order of the hosts in this list, overriding the
-setting of \hosts@_randomize\ for this routing rule only.
-\no@_randomize\: do not randomize the order of the hosts in this list,
-overriding the setting of \hosts@_randomize\ for this routing rule only.
-\byname\: use \*getipnodebyname()*\ (\*gethostbyname()*\ on older systems) to
-find IP addresses. This function may ultimately cause a DNS lookup, but it may
-also look in \(/etc/hosts)\ or other sources of information.
-\bydns\: look up address records for the hosts directly in the DNS; fail if
-no address records are found. If there is a temporary DNS error (such as a
-timeout), delivery is deferred.
-For example:
-.display asis
-route_list = domain1 host1:host2:host3 randomize bydns;\
- domain2 host4:host5
-If neither \byname\ nor \bydns\ is given, Exim behaves as follows: First, a DNS
-lookup is done. If this yields anything other than \\HOST@_NOT@_FOUND\\, that
-result is used. Otherwise, Exim goes on to try a call to \*getipnodebyname()*\
-or \*gethostbyname()*\, and the result of the lookup is the result of that
-\**Warning**\: It has been discovered that on some systems, if a DNS lookup
-called via \*getipnodebyname()*\ times out, \\HOST@_NOT@_FOUND\\ is returned
-instead of \\TRY@_AGAIN\\. That is why the default action is to try a DNS
-lookup first. Only if that gives a definite `no such host' is the local
-function called.
-If no IP address for a host can be found, what happens is controlled by the
-\host@_find@_failed\ option.
-When an address is routed to a local transport, IP addresses are not looked up.
-The host list is passed to the transport in the \$host$\ variable.
-.section Manualroute examples
-In some of the examples that follow, the presence of the \remote@_smtp\
-transport, as defined in the default configuration file, is assumed:
-.numberpars $.
-.index smart host||example router
-The \%manualroute%\ router can be used to forward all external mail to a
-\*smart host*\. If you have set up, in the main part of the configuration, a
-named domain list that contains your local domains, for example,
-.display asis
-domainlist local_domains = my.domain.example
-you can arrange for all other domains to be routed to a smart host by making
-your first router something like this:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- domains = !+local_domains
- transport = remote_smtp
- route_list = * smarthost.ref.example
-This causes all non-local addresses to be sent to the single host
-\*smarthost.ref.example*\. If a colon-separated list of smart hosts is given,
-they are tried in order
-(but you can use \hosts@_randomize\ to vary the order each time).
-Another way of configuring the same thing is this:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- transport = remote_smtp
- route_list = !+local_domains smarthost.ref.example
-There is no difference in behaviour between these two routers as they stand.
-However, they behave differently if \no@_more\ is added to them. In the first
-example, the router is skipped if the domain does not match the \domains\
-precondition; the following router is always tried. If the router runs, it
-always matches the domain and so can never decline. Therefore, \no@_more\ would
-have no effect. In the second case, the router is never skipped; it always
-runs. However, if it doesn't match the domain, it declines. In this case
-\no@_more\ would prevent subsequent routers from running.
-.index mail hub example
-A \*mail hub*\ is a host which receives mail for a number of domains via MX
-records in the DNS and delivers it via its own private routing mechanism. Often
-the final destinations are behind a firewall, with the mail hub being the one
-machine that can connect to machines both inside and outside the firewall. The
-\%manualroute%\ router is usually used on a mail hub to route incoming messages
-to the correct hosts. For a small number of domains, the routing can be inline,
-using the \route@_list\ option, but for a larger number a file or database
-lookup is easier to manage.
-If the domain names are in fact the names of the machines to which the mail is
-to be sent by the mail hub, the configuration can be quite simple. For
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- transport = remote_smtp
- route_list = * $domain
-This configuration routes domains that match \"*"\ to hosts
-whose names are the same as the mail domains. A similar approach can be taken
-if the host name can be obtained from the domain name by a string manipulation
-that the expansion facilities can handle. Otherwise, a lookup based on the
-domain can be used to find the host:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- transport = remote_smtp
- route_data = ${lookup {$domain} cdb {/internal/host/routes}}
-The result of the lookup must be the name or IP address of the host (or
-hosts) to which the address is to be routed. If the lookup fails, the route
-data is empty, causing the router to decline. The address then passes to the
-next router.
-.index batched SMTP output example
-.index SMTP||batched outgoing, example
-You can use \%manualroute%\ to deliver messages to pipes or files in batched
-SMTP format for onward transportation by some other means. This is one way of
-storing mail for a dial-up host when it is not connected. The route list entry
-can be as simple as a single domain name in a configuration like this:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- transport = batchsmtp_appendfile
- route_list = saved.domain.example
-though often a pattern is used to pick up more than one domain. If there are
-several domains or groups of domains with different transport requirements,
-different transports can be listed in the routing information:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- route_list = \
- *.saved.domain1.example $domain batch_appendfile; \
- *.saved.domain2.example \
- ${lookup{$domain}dbm{/domain2/hosts}{$value}fail} \
- batch_pipe
-The first of these just passes the domain in the \$host$\ variable, which
-doesn't achieve much (since it is also in \$domain$\), but the second does a
-file lookup to find a value to pass, causing the router to decline to handle
-the address if the lookup fails.
-.index UUCP||example of router for
-Routing mail directly to UUCP software is a specific case of the use of
-\%manualroute%\ in a gateway to another mail environment. This is an example of
-one way it can be done:
-.display asis
-# Transport
- driver = pipe
- user = nobody
- command = /usr/local/bin/uux -r - \
- ${substr_-5:$host}!rmail ${local_part}
- return_fail_output = true
-.display asis
-# Router
- transport = uucp
- driver = manualroute
- route_data = \
- ${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/usr/local/exim/uucphosts}}
-The file \(/usr/local/exim/uucphosts)\ contains entries like
-.display asis
-darksite.ethereal.example: darksite.UUCP
-It can be set up more simply without adding and removing `.UUCP' but this way
-makes clear the distinction between the domain name
-\*darksite.ethereal.example*\ and the UUCP host name \*darksite*\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The queryprogram router
-.set runningfoot "queryprogram router"
-.rset CHAPdriverlast "~~chapter"
-.index \%queryprogram%\ router
-.index routers||\%queryprogram%\
-.index routing||by external program
-The \%queryprogram%\ router routes an address by running an external command and
-acting on its output. This is an expensive way to route, and is intended mainly
-for use in lightly-loaded systems, or for performing experiments. However, if
-it is possible to use the precondition options (\domains\, \local@_parts\,
-etc) to skip this router for most addresses, it could sensibly be used in
-special cases, even on a busy host. There are the following private options:
-.startconf queryprogram
-.index options||\%queryprogram%\ router
-.conf command string$**$ unset
-This option must be set. It specifies the command that is to be run. The
-command is split up into a command name and arguments, and then each is
-expanded separately (exactly as for a \%pipe%\ transport, described in chapter
-.conf command@_group string unset
-.index gid (group id)||in \%queryprogram%\ router
-This option specifies a gid to be set when running the command. It must be set
-if \command@_user\ specifies a numerical uid. If it begins with a digit, it is
-interpreted as the numerical value of the gid. Otherwise it is looked up using
-.conf command@_user string unset
-.index uid (user id)||for \%queryprogram%\
-This option must be set. It specifies the uid which is set when running the
-command. If it begins with a digit it is interpreted as the numerical value of
-the uid. Otherwise, it is looked up using \*getpwnam()*\ to obtain a value for
-the uid and, if \command@_group\ is not set, a value for the gid also.
-.conf current@_directory string /
-This option specifies an absolute path which is made the current directory
-before running the command.
-.conf timeout time 1h
-If the command does not complete within the timeout period, its process group
-is killed and the message is frozen. A value of zero time specifies no
-The standard output of the command is connected to a pipe, which is read when
-the command terminates. It should consist of a single line of output,
-containing up to five fields, separated by white space.
-The maximum length of the line is 1023 characters. Longer lines are silently
-The first field is one of the following words (case-insensitive):
-.numberpars $.
-\*Accept*\: routing succeeded; the remaining fields specify what to do (see
-\*Decline*\: the router declines; pass the address to the next router, unless
-\no@_more\ is set.
-\*Fail*\: routing failed; do not pass the address to any more routers. Any
-subsequent text on the line is an error message. If the router is run as part
-of address verification during an incoming SMTP message, the message is
-included in the SMTP response.
-\*Defer*\: routing could not be completed at this time; try again later. Any
-subsequent text on the line is an error message which is logged. It is not
-included in any SMTP response.
-\*Freeze*\: the same as \*defer*\, except that the message is frozen.
-\*Pass*\: pass the address to the next router (or the router specified by
-\pass@_router\), overriding \no@_more\.
-\*Redirect*\: the message is redirected. The remainder of the line is a list of
-new addresses, which are routed independently, starting with the first router,
-or the router specified by \redirect@_router\, if set.
-When the first word is \*accept*\, the remainder of the line consists of a
-number of keyed data values, as follows (split into two lines here, to fit on
-the page):
-ACCEPT TRANSPORT=<<transport>> HOSTS=<<list of hosts>>
- LOOKUP=byname|bydns DATA=<<text>>
-The data items can be given in any order, and all are optional. If no transport
-is included, the transport specified by the generic \transport\ option is used.
-The list of hosts and the lookup type are needed only if the transport is an
-\%smtp%\ transport that does not itself supply a list of hosts.
-The format of the list of hosts is the same as for the \%manualroute%\ router.
-As well as host names and IP addresses, it may contain names followed by
-\"/MX"\ to specify sublists of hosts that are obtained by looking up MX
-If the lookup type is not specified, Exim behaves as follows when trying to
-find an IP address for each host: First, a DNS lookup is done. If this yields
-anything other than \\HOST@_NOT@_FOUND\\, that result is used. Otherwise, Exim
-goes on to try a call to \*getipnodebyname()*\ or \*gethostbyname()*\, and the
-result of the lookup is the result of that call.
-If the DATA field is set, its value is placed in the \$address@_data$\
-variable. For example, this return line
-.display asis
-accept hosts=x1.y.example:x2.y.example data="rule1"
-routes the address to the default transport, passing a list of two hosts. When
-the transport runs, the string `rule1' is in \$address@_data$\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The redirect router
-.set runningfoot "redirect router"
-.rset CHAPredirect "~~chapter"
-.index \%redirect%\ router
-.index routers||\%redirect%\
-.index alias file||in a \%redirect%\ router
-.index address redirection||\%redirect%\ router
-The \%redirect%\ router handles several kinds of address redirection. Its most
-common uses are for resolving local part aliases from a central alias file
-(usually called \(/etc/aliases)\) and for handling users' personal \(.forward)\
-files, but it has many other potential uses. The incoming address can be
-redirected in several different ways:
-.numberpars $.
-It can be replaced by one or more new addresses which are themselves routed
-It can be routed to be delivered to a given file or directory.
-It can be routed to be delivered to a specified pipe command.
-It can cause an automatic reply to be generated.
-It can be forced to fail, with a custom error message.
-It can be temporarily deferred.
-It can be discarded.
-The generic \transport\ option must not be set for \%redirect%\ routers.
-However, there are some private options which define transports for delivery to
-files and pipes, and for generating autoreplies. See the \file@_transport\,
-\pipe@_transport\ and \reply@_transport\ descriptions below.
-.section Redirection data
-The router operates by interpreting a text string which it obtains either by
-expanding the contents of the \data\ option, or by reading the entire contents
-of a file whose name is given in the \file\ option. These two options are
-mutually exclusive. The first is commonly used for handling system aliases, in
-a configuration like this:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/aliases}}
-If the lookup fails, the expanded string in this example is empty. When the
-expansion of \data\ results in an empty string, the router declines. A forced
-expansion failure also causes the router to decline; other expansion failures
-cause delivery to be deferred.
-A configuration using \file\ is commonly used for handling users' \(.forward)\
-files, like this:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- check_local_user
- file = $home/.forward
- no_verify
-If the file does not exist, or causes no action to be taken (for example, it is
-empty or consists only of comments), the router declines. \**Warning**\: This
-is not the case when the file contains syntactically valid items that happen to
-yield empty addresses, for example, items containing only RFC 2822 address
-.section Forward files and address verification
-.index address redirection||while verifying
-It is usual to set \no@_verify\ on \%redirect%\ routers which handle users'
-\(.forward)\ files, as in the example above. There are two reasons for this:
-.numberpars $.
-When Exim is receiving an incoming SMTP message from a remote host, it is
-running under the Exim uid, not as root.
-No additional groups are set up, even if the Exim uid is a member of other
-groups (that is, the \*initgroups()*\ function is not run).
-Exim is unable to change uid to read the file as the user, and it may not be
-able to read it as the Exim user. So in practice the router may not be able to
-However, even when the router can operate, the existence of a \(.forward)\ file
-is unimportant when verifying an address. What should be checked is whether the
-local part is a valid user name or not. Cutting out the redirection processing
-saves some resources.
-.section Interpreting redirection data
-.index Sieve filter||specifying in redirection data
-.index filter||specifying in redirection data
-The contents of the data string, whether obtained from \data\ or \file\, can be
-interpreted in two different ways:
-.numberpars $.
-If the \allow@_filter\ option is set true, and the data begins with the text
-`@#Exim filter' or `@#Sieve filter', it is interpreted as a list of
-\*filtering*\ instructions in the form of an Exim or Sieve filter file,
-respectively. Details of the syntax and semantics of filter files are described
-in a separate document entitled \*Exim's interfaces to mail filtering*\; this
-document is intended for use by end users.
-Otherwise, the data must be a comma-separated list of redirection items, as
-described in the next section.
-When a message is redirected to a file (a `mail folder'), the file name given
-in a non-filter redirection list must always be an absolute path. A filter may
-generate a relative path -- how this is handled depends on the transport's
-configuration. See section ~~SECTfildiropt for a discussion of this issue for
-the \%appendfile%\ transport.
-.section Items in a non-filter redirection list
-.rset SECTitenonfilred "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index address redirection||non-filter list items
-When the redirection data is not an Exim or Sieve filter, for example, if it
-comes from a conventional alias or forward file, it consists of a list of
-addresses, file names, pipe commands, or certain special items (see section
-~~SECTspecitredli below). The special items can be individually enabled or
-disabled by means of options whose names begin with \allow@_\ or \forbid@_\,
-depending on their default values. The items in the list are separated by
-commas or newlines.
-If a comma is required in an item, the entire item must be enclosed in double
-Lines starting with a @# character are comments, and are ignored, and @# may
-also appear following a comma, in which case everything between the @# and the
-next newline character is ignored.
-If an item is entirely enclosed in double quotes, these are removed. Otherwise
-double quotes are retained because some forms of mail address require their use
-(but never to enclose the entire address). In the following description, `item'
-refers to what remains after any surrounding double quotes have been removed.
-\**Warning**\: If you use an Exim expansion to construct a redirection address,
-and the expansion contains a reference to \$local@_part$\, you should make use
-of the \quote\ expansion operator, in case the local part contains special
-characters. For example, to redirect all mail for the domain
-\*obsolete.example*\, retaining the existing local part, you could use this
-.display asis
-data = ${quote:$local_part}@newdomain.example
-.section Redirecting to a local mailbox
-.rset SECTredlocmai "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index routing||loops in
-.index loop||while routing, avoidance of
-.index address redirection||to local mailbox
-A redirection item may safely be the same as the address currently under
-consideration. This does not cause a routing loop, because a router is
-automatically skipped if any ancestor of the address that is being processed
-is the same as the current address and was processed by the current router.
-Such an address is therefore passed to the following routers, so it is handled
-as if there were no redirection. When making this loop-avoidance test, the
-complete local part, including any prefix or suffix, is used.
-.index address redirection||local part without domain
-Specifying the same local part without a domain is a common usage in personal
-filter files when the user wants to have messages delivered to the local
-mailbox and also forwarded elsewhere. For example, the user whose login is
-\*cleo*\ might have a \(.forward)\ file containing this:
-.display asis
-cleo, cleopatra@egypt.example
-.index backslash in alias file
-.index alias file||backslash in
-For compatibility with other MTAs, such unqualified local parts may be
-preceeded by `@\', but this is not a requirement for loop prevention. However,
-it does make a difference if more than one domain is being handled
-If an item begins with `@\' and the rest of the item parses as a valid RFC 2822
-address that does not include a domain, the item is qualified using the domain
-of the incoming address. In the absence of a leading `@\', unqualified
-addresses are qualified using the value in \qualify@_recipient\, but you can
-force the incoming domain to be used by setting \qualify__preserve@_domain\.
-Care must be taken if there are alias names for local users.
-Consider an MTA handling a single local domain where the system alias file
-.display asis
-Sam.Reman: spqr
-Now suppose that Sam (whose login id is \*spqr*\) wants to save copies of
-messages in the local mailbox, and also forward copies elsewhere. He creates
-this forward file:
-.display asis
-Sam.Reman, spqr@reme.elsewhere.example
-With these settings, an incoming message addressed to \*Sam.Reman*\ fails. The
-\%redirect%\ router for system aliases does not process \*Sam.Reman*\ the
-second time round, because it has previously routed it,
-and the following routers presumably cannot handle the alias. The forward file
-should really contain
-.display asis
-spqr, spqr@reme.elsewhere.example
-but because this is such a common error, the \check@_ancestor\ option (see
-below) exists to provide a way to get round it. This is normally set on a
-\%redirect%\ router that is handling users' \(.forward)\ files.
-.section Special items in redirection lists
-.rset SECTspecitredli "~~chapter.~~section"
-In addition to addresses, the following types of item may appear in redirection
-lists (that is, in non-filter redirection data):
-.numberpars $.
-.index pipe||in redirection list
-.index address redirection||to pipe
-An item is treated as a pipe command if it begins with `|' and does not parse
-as a valid RFC 2822 address that includes a domain. A transport for running the
-command must be specified by the \pipe@_transport\ option.
-Normally, either the router or the transport specifies a user and a group under
-which to run the delivery. The default is to use the Exim user and group.
-Single or double quotes can be used for enclosing the individual arguments of
-the pipe command; no interpretation of escapes is done for single quotes. If
-the command contains a comma character, it is necessary to put the whole item
-in double quotes, for example:
-.display asis
-"|/some/command ready,steady,go"
-since items in redirection lists are terminated by commas. Do not, however,
-quote just the command. An item such as
-.display asis
-|"/some/command ready,steady,go"
-is interpreted as a pipe with a rather strange command name, and no arguments.
-.index file||in redirection list
-.index address redirection||to file
-An item is interpreted as a path name if it begins with `/' and does not parse
-as a valid RFC 2822 address that includes a domain. For example,
-.display asis
-is treated as a file name, but
-.display asis
-is treated as an address. For a file name, a transport must be specified using
-the \file@_transport\ option. However, if the generated path name ends with a
-forward slash character, it is interpreted as a directory name rather than a
-file name, and \directory@_transport\ is used instead.
-Normally, either the router or the transport specifies a user and a group under
-which to run the delivery. The default is to use the Exim user and group.
-.index \(/dev/null)\
-However, if a redirection item is the path \(/dev/null)\, delivery to it is
-bypassed at a high level, and the log entry shows `$*$$*$bypassed$*$$*$'
-instead of a transport name. In this case the user and group are not used.
-.index included address list
-.index address redirection||included external list
-If an item is of the form
-:include:<<path name>>
-a list of further items is taken from the given file and included at that
-\**Note**\: such a file can not be a filter file; it is just an out-of-line
-addition to the list.
-The items in the included list are separated by commas or newlines and are not
-subject to expansion. If this is the first item in an alias list in an
-\%lsearch%\ file, a colon must be used to terminate the alias name. This
-example is incorrect:
-.display asis
-list1 :include:/opt/lists/list1
-It must be given as
-.display asis
-list1: :include:/opt/lists/list1
-.index address redirection||to black hole
-Sometimes you want to throw away mail to a particular local part. Making the
-\data\ option expand to an empty string does not work, because that causes the
-router to decline. Instead, the alias item
-.index black hole
-.index abandoning mail
-can be used. It does what its name implies. No delivery is done, and no error
-message is generated. This has the same effect as specifing \(/dev/null)\, but
-can be independently disabled.
-\**Warning**\: If \":blackhole:"\ appears anywhere in a redirection list, no
-delivery is done for the original local part, even if other redirection items
-are present. If you are generating a multi-item list (for example, by reading a
-database) and need the ability to provide a no-op item, you must use
-.index delivery||forcing failure
-.index delivery||forcing deferral
-.index failing delivery||forcing
-.index deferred delivery, forcing
-.index customizing||failure message
-An attempt to deliver a particular address can be deferred or forced to fail by
-redirection items of the form
-respectively. When a redirection list contains such an item, it applies to the
-entire redirection; any other items in the list are ignored (:::blackhole:: is
-different). Any text following :::fail:: or :::defer:: is placed in the error
-text associated with the failure. For example, an alias file might contain:
-.display asis
-X.Employee: :fail: Gone away, no forwarding address
-In the case of an address that is being verified from an ACL or as the subject
-of a
-.index \\VRFY\\||error text, display of
-\\VRFY\\ command, the text is included in the SMTP error response by
-.index \\EXPN\\||error text, display of
-The text is not included in the response to an \\EXPN\\ command.
-In an ACL, an explicitly provided message overrides the default, but the
-default message is available in the variable \$acl@_verify@_message$\ and can
-therefore be included in a custom message if this is desired. Exim sends a 451
-SMTP code for a :::defer::, and 550 for :::fail::. In non-SMTP cases the text
-is included in the error message that Exim generates.
-Normally the error text is the rest of the redirection list -- a comma does not
-terminate it -- but a newline does act as a terminator. Newlines are not
-normally present in alias expansions. In \%lsearch%\ lookups they are removed as
-part of the continuation process, but they may exist in other kinds of lookup
-and in :::include:: files.
-During routing for message delivery (as opposed to verification), a redirection
-containing :::fail:: causes an immediate failure of the incoming address,
-whereas :::defer:: causes the message to remain on the queue so that a
-subsequent delivery attempt can happen at a later time. If an address is
-deferred for too long, it will ultimately fail, because the normal retry
-rules still apply.
-.index alias file||exception to default
-Sometimes it is useful to use a single-key search type with a default (see
-chapter ~~CHAPfdlookup) to look up aliases. However, there may be a need for
-exceptions to the default. These can be handled by aliasing them to
-.display asis
-This differs from :::fail:: in that it causes the \%redirect%\ router to decline,
-whereas :::fail:: forces routing to fail. A lookup which results in an empty
-redirection list has the same effect.
-.section Duplicate addresses
-.index duplicate addresses
-.index address||duplicate, discarding
-.index pipe||duplicated
-Exim removes duplicate addresses from the list to which it is delivering, so as
-to deliver just one copy to each address. This does not apply to deliveries
-routed to pipes by different immediate parent addresses, but an indirect
-aliasing scheme of the type
-.display asis
-pipe: |/some/command $local_part
-localpart1: pipe
-localpart2: pipe
-does not work with a message that is addressed to both local parts, because
-when the second is aliased to the intermediate local part `pipe' it gets
-discarded as being the same as a previously handled address. However, a scheme
-such as
-.display asis
-localpart1: |/some/command $local_part
-localpart2: |/some/command $local_part
-does result in two different pipe deliveries, because the immediate parents of
-the pipes are distinct.
-.section Repeated redirection expansion
-.index repeated redirection expansion
-.index address redirection||repeated for each delivery attempt
-When a message cannot be delivered to all of its recipients immediately,
-leading to two or more delivery attempts, redirection expansion is carried out
-afresh each time for those addresses whose children were not all previously
-delivered. If redirection is being used as a mailing list, this can lead to new
-members of the list receiving copies of old messages. The \one@_time\ option
-can be used to avoid this.
-.section Errors in redirection lists
-.index address redirection||errors
-If \skip@_syntax@_errors\ is set, a malformed address that causes a parsing
-error is skipped, and an entry is written to the main log. This may be useful
-for mailing lists that are automatically managed. Otherwise, if an error is
-detected while generating the list of new addresses, the original address is
-deferred. See also \syntax@_errors@_to\.
-.section Private options for the redirect router
-The private options for the \%redirect%\ router are as follows:
-.startconf redirect
-.index options||\%redirect%\ router
-.conf allow@_defer boolean false
-Setting this option allows the use of :::defer:: in non-filter redirection
-or the \defer\ command in an Exim filter file.
-.conf allow@_fail boolean false
-.index failing delivery||from filter
-If this option is true, the :::fail:: item can be used in a redirection list,
-and the \fail\ command may be used in a filter file.
-.conf allow@_filter boolean false
-.index filter||enabling use of
-.index Sieve filter||enabling use of
-Setting this option allows Exim to interpret redirection data that starts with
-`@#Exim filter' or `@#Sieve filter' as a set of filtering instructions. There
-are some features of Exim filter files that some administrators may wish to
-lock out; see the \forbid@_filter@_xxx\ options below.
-It is also possible to lock out Exim filters or Sieve filters while allowing
-the other type; see \forbid@_exim@_filter\ and \forbid@_sieve@_filter\.
-The filter is run using the uid and gid set by the generic \user\ and \group\
-options. These take their defaults from the password data if
-\check@_local@_user\ is set, so in the normal case of users' personal filter
-files, the filter is run as the relevant user. When \allow@_filter\ is set
-true, Exim insists that either \check@_local@_user\ or \user\ is set.
-.conf allow@_freeze boolean false
-.index freezing messages||allowing in filter
-Setting this option allows the use of the \freeze\ command in an Exim filter.
-This command is more normally encountered in system filters, and is disabled by
-default for redirection filters because it isn't something you usually want to
-let ordinary users do.
-.conf check@_ancestor boolean false
-This option is concerned with handling generated addresses that are the same
-as some address in the list of redirection ancestors of the current address.
-Although it is turned off by default in the code, it is set in the default
-configuration file for handling users' \(.forward)\ files. It is recommended
-for this use of the \%redirect%\ router.
-When \check@_ancestor\ is set, if a generated address (including the domain) is
-the same as any ancestor of the current address, it is replaced by a copy of
-the current address. This helps in the case where local part A is aliased to B,
-and B has a \(.forward)\ file pointing back to A. For example, within a single
-domain, the local part `Joe.Bloggs' is aliased to `jb' and \(@~jb/.forward)\
-@\Joe.Bloggs, <<other item(s)>>
-Without the \check@_ancestor\ setting, either local part (`jb' or `joe.bloggs')
-gets processed once by each router and so ends up as it was originally. If `jb'
-is the real mailbox name, mail to `jb' gets delivered (having been turned into
-`joe.bloggs' by the \(.forward)\ file and back to `jb' by the alias), but mail
-to `joe.bloggs' fails. Setting \check@_ancestor\ on the \%redirect%\ router that
-handles the \(.forward)\ file prevents it from turning `jb' back into
-`joe.bloggs' when that was the original address. See also the \repeat@_use\
-option below.
-.conf check@_group boolean "see below"
-When the \file\ option is used, the group owner of the file is checked only
-when this option is set. The permitted groups are those listed in the
-\owngroups\ option, together with the user's default group if
-\check@_local@_user\ is set. If the file has the wrong group, routing is
-deferred. The default setting for this option is true if \check@_local@_user\
-is set and the \modemask\ option permits the group write bit, or if the
-\owngroups\ option is set. Otherwise it is false, and no group check occurs.
-.conf check@_owner boolean "see below"
-When the \file\ option is used, the owner of the file is checked only when this
-option is set. If \check@_local@_user\ is set, the local user is permitted;
-otherwise the owner must be one of those listed in the \owners\ option. The
-default value for this option is true if \check@_local@_user\ or \owners\ is
-set. Otherwise the default is false, and no owner check occurs.
-.conf data string$**$ unset
-This option is mutually exclusive with \file\. One or other of them must be
-set, but not both. The contents of \data\ are expanded, and then used as the
-list of forwarding items, or as a set of filtering instructions. If the
-expansion is forced to fail, or the result is an empty string or a string that
-has no effect (consists entirely of comments), the router declines.
-When filtering instructions are used, the string must begin with `@#Exim
-filter', and all comments in the string, including this initial one, must be
-terminated with newline characters. For example:
-.display asis
-data = #Exim filter\n\
- if $h_to: contains Exim then save $home/mail/exim endif
-If you are reading the data from a database where newlines cannot be included,
-you can use the \$@{sg@}$\ expansion item to turn the escape string of your
-choice into a newline.
-.conf directory@_transport string$**$ unset
-A \%redirect%\ router sets up a direct delivery to a directory when a path name
-ending with a slash is specified as a new `address'. The transport used is
-specified by this option, which, after expansion, must be the name of a
-configured transport. This should normally be an \%appendfile%\ transport.
-.conf file string$**$ unset
-This option specifies the name of a file that contains the redirection data. It
-is mutually exclusive with the \data\ option. The string is expanded before
-use; if the expansion is forced to fail, the router declines. Other expansion
-failures cause delivery to be deferred. The result of a successful expansion
-must be an absolute path. The entire file is read and used as the redirection
-data. If the data is an empty string or a string that has no effect (consists
-entirely of comments), the router declines.
-.index NFS||checking for file existence
-If the attempt to open the file fails with a `does not exist' error, Exim
-runs a check on the containing directory,
-unless \ignore@_enotdir\ is true (see below).
-If the directory does not appear to exist, delivery is deferred. This can
-happen when users' \(.forward)\ files are in NFS-mounted directories, and there
-is a mount problem. If the containing directory does exist, but the file does
-not, the router declines.
-.conf file@_transport string$**$ unset
-A \%redirect%\ router sets up a direct delivery to a file when a path name not
-ending in a slash is specified as a new `address'. The transport used is
-specified by this option, which, after expansion, must be the name of a
-configured transport.
-This should normally be an \%appendfile%\ transport.
-When it is running, the file name is in \$address@_file$\.
-.conf forbid@_blackhole boolean false
-If this option is true, the :::blackhole:: item may not appear in a redirection
-.conf forbid@_exim@_filter boolean false
-If this option is set true, only Sieve filters are permitted when
-\allow@_filter\ is true.
-.conf forbid@_file boolean false
-.index delivery||to file, forbidding
-.index Sieve filter||forbidding delivery to a file
-.index Sieve filter||`keep' facility, disabling
-If this option is true, this router may not generate a new address that
-specifies delivery to a local file or directory, either from a filter or from a
-conventional forward file. This option is forced to be true if \one@_time\ is
-set. It applies to Sieve filters as well as to Exim filters, but if true, it
-locks out the Sieve's `keep' facility.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_existstest boolean false
-.index filter||locking out certain features
-If this option is true, string expansions in Exim filters are not allowed to
-make use of the \exists\ condition.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_logwrite boolean false
-If this option is true, use of the logging facility in Exim filters is not
-permitted. Logging is in any case available only if the filter is being run
-under some unprivileged uid (which is normally the case for ordinary users'
-\(.forward)\ files).
-.conf forbid@_filter@_lookup boolean false
-If this option is true, string expansions in Exim filter files are not allowed
-to make use of \lookup\ items.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_perl boolean false
-This option is available only if Exim is built with embedded Perl support. If
-it is true, string expansions in Exim filter files are not allowed to make use
-of the embedded Perl support.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_readfile boolean false
-If this option is true, string expansions in Exim filter files are not allowed
-to make use of \readfile\ items.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_readsocket boolean false
-If this option is true, string expansions in Exim filter files are not allowed
-to make use of \readsocket\ items.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_reply boolean false
-If this option is true, this router may not generate an automatic reply
-message. Automatic replies can be generated only from Exim
-or Sieve filter files, not from traditional forward files.
-This option is forced to be true if \one@_time\ is set.
-.conf forbid@_filter@_run boolean false
-If this option is true, string expansions in Exim filter files are not allowed
-to make use of \run\ items.
-.conf forbid@_include boolean false
-If this option is true, items of the form
-:include:<<path name>>
-are not permitted in non-filter redirection lists.
-.conf forbid@_pipe boolean false
-.index delivery||to pipe, forbidding
-If this option is true, this router may not generate a new address which
-specifies delivery to a pipe, either from an Exim filter or from a conventional
-forward file. This option is forced to be true if \one@_time\ is set.
-.conf forbid@_sieve@_filter boolean false
-If this option is set true, only Exim filters are permitted when
-\allow@_filter\ is true.
-.conf hide@_child@_in@_errmsg boolean false
-.index bounce message||redirection details, suppressing
-If this option is true, it prevents Exim from quoting a child address if it
-generates a bounce or delay message for it. Instead it says `an address
-generated from <<the top level address>>'. Of course, this applies only to
-bounces generated locally. If a message is forwarded to another host, $it{its}
-bounce may well quote the generated address.
-.conf ignore@_eacces boolean false
-.index \\EACCES\\
-If this option is set and an attempt to open a redirection file yields the
-\\EACCES\\ error (permission denied), the \%redirect%\ router behaves as if the
-file did not exist.
-.conf ignore@_enotdir boolean false
-.index \\ENOTDIR\\
-If this option is set and an attempt to open a redirection file yields the
-\\ENOTDIR\\ error (something on the path is not a directory), the \%redirect%\
-router behaves as if the file did not exist.
-Setting \ignore@_enotdir\ has another effect as well: When a \%redirect%\
-router that has the \file\ option set discovers that the file does not exist
-(the \\ENOENT\\ error), it tries to \*stat()*\ the parent directory, as a check
-against unmounted NFS directories. If the parent can not be statted, delivery
-is deferred. However, it seems wrong to do this check when \ignore@_enotdir\ is
-set, because that option tells Exim to ignore `something on the path is not a
-directory' (the \\ENOTDIR\\ error). This is a confusing area, because it seems
-that some operating systems give \\ENOENT\\ where others give \\ENOTDIR\\.
-.conf include@_directory string unset
-If this option is set, the path names of any :::include:: items in a redirection
-list must start with this directory.
-.conf modemask "octal integer" 022
-This specifies mode bits which must not be set for a file specified by the
-\file\ option. If any of the forbidden bits are set, delivery is deferred.
-.conf one@_time boolean false
-.index one-time aliasing/forwarding expansion
-.index alias file||one-time expansion
-.index forward file||one-time expansion
-.index mailing lists||one-time expansion
-.index address redirection||one-time expansion
-Sometimes the fact that Exim re-evaluates aliases and reprocesses redirection
-files each time it tries to deliver a message causes a problem
-when one or more of the generated addresses fails be delivered at the first
-attempt. The problem is not one of duplicate delivery -- Exim is clever enough
-to handle that -- but of what happens when the redirection list changes during
-the time that the message is on Exim's queue. This is particularly true in the
-case of mailing lists, where new subscribers might receive copies of messages
-that were posted before they subscribed.
-If \one@_time\ is set and any addresses generated by the router fail to
-deliver at the first attempt, the failing addresses are added to the message as
-`top level' addresses, and the parent address that generated them is marked
-`delivered'. Thus, redirection does not happen again at the next
-delivery attempt.
-\**Warning 1**\: This means that any header line addition or removal that is
-specified by this router would be lost if delivery did not succeed at the
-first attempt. For this reason, the \headers@_add\ and \headers@_remove\
-generic options are not permitted when \one@_time\ is set.
-\**Warning 2**\: To ensure that the router generates only addresses (as opposed
-to pipe or file deliveries or auto-replies) \forbid@_file\, \forbid@_pipe\,
-and \forbid@_filter@_reply\ are forced to be true when \one@_time\ is set.
-The original top-level address is remembered with each of the generated
-addresses, and is output in any log messages. However, any intermediate parent
-addresses are not recorded. This makes a difference to the log only if
-\all__parents\ log selector is set. It is expected that \one@_time\ will
-typically be used for mailing lists, where there is normally just one level of
-.conf owners "string list" unset
-.index ownership||alias file
-.index ownership||forward file
-.index alias file||ownership
-.index forward file||ownership
-This specifies a list of permitted owners for the file specified by \file\.
-This list is in addition to the local user when \check@_local@_user\ is set.
-See \check@_owner\ above.
-.conf owngroups "string list" unset
-This specifies a list of permitted groups for the file specified by \file\. The
-list is in addition to the local user's primary group when \check@_local@_user\
-is set. See \check@_group\ above.
-.conf pipe@_transport string$**$ unset
-A \%redirect%\ router sets up a direct delivery to a pipe when a string starting
-with a vertical bar character is specified as a new `address'. The transport
-used is specified by this option, which, after expansion, must be the name of a
-configured transport.
-This should normally be a \%pipe%\ transport.
-When the transport is run, the pipe command is in \$address@_pipe$\.
-.conf qualify@_domain string$**$ unset
-If this option is set and an unqualified address (one without a domain) is
-generated, it is qualified with the domain specified by expanding this string,
-instead of the global setting in \qualify@_recipient\. If the expansion fails,
-the router declines. If you want to revert to the default, you can have the
-expansion generate \$qualify@_recipient$\.
-.conf qualify@_preserve@_domain boolean false
-.index domain||in redirection, preserving
-.index preserving domain in redirection
-.index address redirection||domain, preserving
-If this is set and an unqualified address (one without a domain) is generated,
-it is qualified with the domain of the
-parent address (the immediately preceding ancestor) instead of the local
-\qualify@_domain\ or global \qualify@_recipient\ value.
-.conf repeat@_use boolean true
-If this option is set false, the router is skipped for a child address that has
-any ancestor that was routed by this router. This test happens before any of
-the other preconditions are tested. Exim's default anti-looping rules skip
-only when the ancestor is the same as the current address. See also
-\check@_ancestor\ above and the generic \redirect@_router\ option.
-.conf reply@_transport string$**$ unset
-A \%redirect%\ router sets up an automatic reply when a \mail\ or \vacation\
-command is used in a filter file. The transport used is specified by this
-option, which, after expansion, must be the name of a configured transport.
-This should normally be an \%autoreply%\ transport. Other transports are
-unlikely to do anything sensible or useful.
-.conf rewrite boolean true
-.index address redirection||disabling rewriting
-If this option is set false, addresses generated by the router are not
-subject to address rewriting. Otherwise, they are treated like new addresses
-and are rewritten according to the global rewriting rules.
-.conf sieve@_vacation@_directory string$**$ unset
-.index Sieve filter||vacation directory
-To enable the `vacation' extension for Sieve filters, you must set
-\sieve@_vacation@_directory\ to the directory where vacation databases are held
-(do not put anything else in that directory), and ensure that the
-\reply@_transport\ option refers to an \%autoreply%\ transport.
-.conf skip@_syntax@_errors boolean false
-.index forward file||broken
-.index address redirection||broken files
-.index alias file||broken
-.index broken alias or forward files
-.index ignoring faulty addresses
-.index skipping faulty addresses
-.index error||skipping bad syntax
-If \skip@_syntax@_errors\ is set, syntactically malformed addresses in
-non-filter redirection data are skipped, and each failing address is logged. If
-\syntax@_errors@_to\ is set, a message is sent to the address it defines,
-giving details of the failures. If \syntax@_errors@_text\ is set, its contents
-are expanded and placed at the head of the error message generated by
-\syntax@_errors@_to\. Usually it is appropriate to set \syntax@_errors@_to\ to
-be the same address as the generic \errors@_to\ option. The
-\skip@_syntax@_errors\ option is often used when handling mailing lists.
-If all the addresses in a redirection list are skipped because of syntax
-errors, the router declines to handle the original address, and it is passed to
-the following routers.
-If \skip@_syntax@_errors\ is set when an Exim filter is interpreted, any syntax
-error in the filter causes filtering to be abandoned without any action being
-taken. The incident is logged, and the router declines to handle the address,
-so it is passed to the following routers.
-.index Sieve filter||syntax errors in
-Syntax errors in a Sieve filter file cause the `keep' action to
-occur. This action is specified by RFC 3028.
-The values of \skip@_syntax@_errors\, \syntax@_errors@_to\, and
-\syntax@_errors@_text\ are not used.
-\skip@_syntax@_errors\ can be used to specify that errors in users' forward
-lists or filter files should not prevent delivery. The \syntax@_errors@_to\
-option, used with an address that does not get redirected, can be used to
-notify users of these errors, by means of a router like this:
-.display flow asis
- driver = redirect
- allow_filter
- check_local_user
- file = $home/.forward
- file_transport = address_file
- pipe_transport = address_pipe
- reply_transport = address_reply
- no_verify
- skip_syntax_errors
- syntax_errors_to = real-$local_part@$domain
- syntax_errors_text = \
- This is an automatically generated message. An error has\n\
- been found in your .forward file. Details of the error are\n\
- reported below. While this error persists, you will receive\n\
- a copy of this message for every message that is addressed\n\
- to you. If your .forward file is a filter file, or if it is\n\
- a non-filter file containing no valid forwarding addresses,\n\
- a copy of each incoming message will be put in your normal\n\
- mailbox. If a non-filter file contains at least one valid\n\
- forwarding address, forwarding to the valid addresses will\n\
- happen, and those will be the only deliveries that occur.
-You also need a router to ensure that local addresses that are prefixed by
-\"real-"\ are recognized, but not forwarded or filtered. For example, you could
-put this immediately before the \%userforward%\ router:
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- local_part_prefix = real-
- transport = local_delivery
-.conf syntax@_errors@_text string$**$ unset
-See \skip@_syntax@_errors\ above.
-.conf syntax@_errors@_to string unset
-See \skip@_syntax@_errors\ above.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Environment for running local transports
-.rset CHAPenvironment "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "local transport environment"
-.index local transports||environment for
-.index environment for local transports
-.index transport||local, environment for
-Local transports handle deliveries to files and pipes. (The \%autoreply%\
-transport can be thought of as similar to a pipe.) Exim always runs transports
-in subprocesses, under specified uids and gids. Typical deliveries to local
-mailboxes run under the uid and gid of the local user.
-Exim also sets a specific current directory while running the transport; for
-some transports a home directory setting is also relevant. The \%pipe%\
-transport is the only one that sets up environment variables; see section
-~~SECTpipeenv for details.
-The values used for the uid, gid, and the directories may come from several
-different places. In many cases, the router that handles the address associates
-settings with that address as a result of its \check@_local@_user\, \group\, or
-\user\ options. However, values may also be given in the transport's own
-configuration, and these override anything that comes from the router.
-.section Concurrent deliveries
-.index concurrent deliveries
-.index simultaneous deliveries
-If two different messages for the same local recpient arrive more or less
-simultaneously, the two delivery processes are likely to run concurrently. When
-the \%appendfile%\ transport is used to write to a file, Exim applies locking
-rules to stop concurrent processes from writing to the same file at the same
-However, when you use a \%pipe%\ transport, it is up to you to arrange any
-locking that is needed. Here is a silly example:
-.display asis
- driver = pipe
- command = /bin/sh -c 'cat >>/some/file'
-This is supposed to write the message at the end of the file. However, if two
-messages arrive at the same time, the file will be scrambled. You can use the
-\exim@_lock\ utility program (see section ~~SECTmailboxmaint) to lock a file
-using the same algorithm that Exim itself uses.
-.section Uids and gids
-.rset SECTenvuidgid "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index local transports||uid and gid
-.index transport||local, uid and gid
-All transports have the options \group\ and \user\. If \group\ is set, it
-overrides any group that the router set in the address, even if \user\ is not
-set for the transport. This makes it possible, for example, to run local mail
-delivery under the uid of the recipient (set by the router), but in a special
-group (set by the transport). For example:
-.display asis
-# Routers ...
-# User/group are set by check_local_user in this router
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- transport = group_delivery
-# Transports ...
-# This transport overrides the group
- driver = appendfile
- file = /var/spool/mail/$local_part
- group = mail
-If \user\ is set for a transport, its value overrides what is set in the
-address. If \user\ is non-numeric and \group\ is not set, the gid associated
-with the user is used. If \user\ is numeric, \group\ must be set.
-.index \initgroups\ option
-When the uid is taken from the transport's configuration, the \*initgroups()*\
-function is called for the groups associated with that uid if the \initgroups\
-option is set for the transport. When the uid is not specified by the
-transport, but is associated with the address by a router, the option for
-calling \*initgroups()*\ is taken from the router configuration.
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||uid for
-The \%pipe%\ transport contains the special option \pipe@_as@_creator\. If this
-is set and \user\ is not set, the uid of the process that called Exim to
-receive the message is used, and if \group\ is not set, the corresponding
-original gid is also used.
-.section Current and home directories
-.index current directory for local transport
-.index home directory||for local transport
-.index transport||local, home directory for
-.index transport||local, current directory for
-Routers may set current and home directories for local transports by means of
-the \transport__current@_directory\ and \transport@_home@_directory\ options.
-However, if the transport's \current__directory\ or \home@_directory\ options
-are set, they override the router's values. In detail, the home directory
-for a local transport is taken from the first of these values that is set:
-.numberpars $.
-The \home@_directory\ option on the transport;
-The \transport@_home@_directory\ option on the router;
-The password data if \check@_local@_user\ is set on the router;
-The \router@_home@_directory\ option on the router.
-The current directory is taken from the first of these values that is set:
-.numberpars $.
-The \current@_directory\ option on the transport;
-The \transport@_current@_directory\ option on the router.
-If neither the router nor the transport sets a current directory, Exim uses the
-value of the home directory, if it is set. Otherwise it sets the current
-directory to \(/)\ before running a local transport.
-.section Expansion variables derived from the address
-Normally a local delivery is handling a single address, and in that case the
-variables such as \$domain$\ and \$local@_part$\ are set during local
-deliveries. However, in some circumstances more than one address may be handled
-at once (for example, while writing batch SMTP for onward transmission by some
-other means). In this case, the variables associated with the local part are
-never set, \$domain$\ is set only if all the addresses have the same
-domain, and \$original@_domain$\ is never set.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Generic options for transports
-.rset CHAPtransportgeneric "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "generic transport options"
-.index generic options||transport
-.index options||generic, for transports
-.index transport||generic options for
-The following generic options apply to all transports:
-.startconf transports
-.conf body@_only boolean false
-.index transport||body only
-.index message||transporting body only
-.index body of message||transporting
-If this option is set, the message's headers are not transported. It is
-mutually exclusive with \headers@_only\. If it is used with the \%appendfile%\ or
-\%pipe%\ transports, the settings of \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\
-should be checked, because this option does not automatically suppress them.
-.conf current@_directory string$**$ unset
-.index transport||current directory for
-This specifies the current directory that is to be set while running the
-transport, overriding any value that may have been set by the router.
-If the expansion fails for any reason, including forced failure, an error is
-logged, and delivery is deferred.
-.conf disable@_logging boolean false
-If this option is set true, nothing is logged for any
-deliveries by the transport or for any
-transport errors. You should not set this option unless you really, really know
-what you are doing.
-.conf debug@_print string$**$ unset
-.index testing||variables in drivers
-If this option is set and debugging is enabled (see the \-d-\ command line
-option), the string is expanded and included in the debugging output when the
-transport is run.
-If expansion of the string fails, the error message is written to the debugging
-output, and Exim carries on processing.
-This facility is provided to help with checking out the values of variables and
-so on when debugging driver configurations. For example, if a \headers@_add\
-option is not working properly, \debug@_print\ could be used to output the
-variables it references. A newline is added to the text if it does not end with
-.conf delivery@_date@_add boolean false
-.index ::Delivery-date:: header line
-If this option is true, a ::Delivery-date:: header is added to the message. This
-gives the actual time the delivery was made. As this is not a standard header,
-Exim has a configuration option (\delivery@_date@_remove\) which requests its
-removal from incoming messages, so that delivered messages can safely be resent
-to other recipients.
-.conf driver string unset
-This specifies which of the available transport drivers is to be used.
-There is no default, and this option must be set for every transport.
-.conf envelope@_to@_add boolean false
-.index ::Envelope-to:: header line
-If this option is true, an ::Envelope-to:: header is added to the message. This
-gives the original address(es) in the incoming envelope that caused this
-delivery to happen. More than one address may be present if the transport is
-configured to handle several addresses at once, or if more than one original
-address was redirected to the same final address. As this is not a standard
-header, Exim has a configuration option (\envelope@_to@_remove\) which requests
-its removal from incoming messages, so that delivered messages can safely be
-resent to other recipients.
-.conf group string$**$ "Exim group"
-.index transport||group, specifying
-This option specifies a gid for running the transport process, overriding any
-value that the router supplies, and also overriding any value associated with
-\user\ (see below).
-.conf headers@_add string$**$ unset
-.index header lines||adding in transport
-.index transport||header lines, adding
-This option specifies a string of text that is expanded and added to the header
-portion of a message as it is transported, as described in section
-~~SECTheadersaddrem. Additional header lines can also be specified by routers.
-If the result of the expansion is an empty string, or if the expansion is
-forced to fail, no action is taken. Other expansion failures are treated as
-errors and cause the delivery to be deferred.
-.conf headers@_only boolean false
-.index transport||header lines only
-.index message||transporting headers only
-.index header lines||transporting
-If this option is set, the message's body is not transported. It is mutually
-exclusive with \body@_only\. If it is used with the \%appendfile%\ or \%pipe%\
-transports, the settings of \message@_prefix\ and \message__suffix\ should be
-checked, since this option does not automatically suppress them.
-.conf headers@_remove string$**$ unset
-.index header lines||removing
-.index transport||header lines, removing
-This option specifies a string that is expanded into a list of header names;
-these headers are omitted from the message as it is transported, as described
-in section ~~SECTheadersaddrem. Header removal can also be specified by
-routers. If the result of the expansion is an empty string, or if the expansion
-is forced to fail, no action is taken. Other expansion failures are treated as
-errors and cause the delivery to be deferred.
-.conf headers@_rewrite string unset
-.index transport||header lines, rewriting
-.index rewriting||at transport time
-This option allows addresses in header lines to be rewritten at transport time,
-that is, as the message is being copied to its destination. The contents of the
-option are a colon-separated list of rewriting rules. Each rule is in exactly
-the same form as one of the general rewriting rules that are applied when a
-message is received. These are described in chapter ~~CHAPrewrite. For example,
-.display asis
-headers_rewrite = a@b c@d f : \
- x@y w@z
-changes \a@@b\ into \c@@d\ in ::From:: header lines, and \x@@y\ into \w@@z\ in
-all address-bearing header lines. The rules are applied to the header lines
-just before they are written out at transport time, so they affect only those
-copies of the message that pass through the transport. However, only the
-message's original header lines, and any that were added by a system filter,
-are rewritten. If a router or transport adds header lines, they are
-not affected by this option. These rewriting rules are $it{not} applied to the
-envelope. You can change the return path using \return@_path\, but you cannot
-change envelope recipients at this time.
-.conf home@_directory string$**$ unset
-.index transport||home directory for
-This option specifies a home directory setting for the transport, overriding
-any value that may be set by the router. The home directory is placed in
-\$home$\ while expanding the transport's private options. It is also used as
-the current directory if no current directory is set by the
-\current__directory\ option on the transport or the
-\transport__current__directory\ option on the router.
-If the expansion fails for any reason, including forced failure, an error is
-logged, and delivery is deferred.
-.index additional groups
-.index groups, additional
-.index transport||group, additional
-.conf initgroups boolean false
-If this option is true and the uid for the delivery process is provided by the
-transport, the \*initgroups()*\ function is called when running the transport
-to ensure that any additional groups associated with the uid are set up.
-.conf message@_size@_limit string$**$ 0
-.index limit||message size per transport
-.index size||of message, limit
-.index transport||message size, limiting
-This option controls the size of messages passed through the transport. It is
-expanded before use; the result of the expansion must be a sequence of digits,
-optionally followed by K or M.
-If the expansion fails for any reason, including forced failure, or if the
-result is not of the required form, delivery is deferred.
-If the value is greater than zero and the size of a message exceeds this
-limit, the address is failed. If there is any chance that the resulting bounce
-message could be routed to the same transport, you should ensure that
-\return@_size@_limit\ is less than the transport's \message@_size@_limit\, as
-otherwise the bounce message will fail to get delivered.
-.conf rcpt@_include@_affixes boolean false
-.index prefix||for local part, including in envelope
-.index suffix||for local part, including in envelope
-.index local part||prefix
-.index local part||suffix
-When this option is false (the default), and an address that has had any
-affixes (prefixes or suffixes) removed from the local part is delivered by any
-form of SMTP or LMTP, the affixes are not included. For example, if a router
-that contains
-.display asis
-local_part_prefix = *-
-routes the address \*abc-xyz@@some.domain*\ to an SMTP transport, the envelope
-is delivered with
-.display asis
-RCPT TO:<xyz@some.domain>
-If \rcpt@_include@_affixes\ is set true, the whole local part is included in
-the \\RCPT\\ command. This option applies to BSMTP deliveries by the
-\%appendfile%\ and \%pipe%\ transports as well as to the \%lmtp%\ and \%smtp%\
-.conf retry@_use@_local@_part boolean "see below"
-.index hints database||retry keys
-When a delivery suffers a temporary failure, a retry record is created
-in Exim's hints database. For remote deliveries, the key for the retry record
-is based on the name and/or IP address of the failing remote host. For local
-deliveries, the key is normally the entire address, including both the local
-part and the domain. This is suitable for most common cases of local delivery
-temporary failure -- for example, exceeding a mailbox quota should delay only
-deliveries to that mailbox, not to the whole domain.
-However, in some special cases you may want to treat a temporary local delivery
-as a failure associated with the domain, and not with a particular local part.
-(For example, if you are storing all mail for some domain in files.) You can do
-this by setting \retry@_use@_local@_part\ false.
-For all the local transports, its default value is true. For remote transports,
-the default value is false for tidiness, but changing the value has no effect
-on a remote transport in the current implementation.
-.conf return@_path string$**$ unset
-.index envelope sender
-.index transport||return path, changing
-.index return path||changing in transport
-If this option is set, the string is expanded at transport time and replaces
-the existing return path (envelope sender) value in the copy of the message
-that is being delivered. An empty return path is permitted. This feature is
-designed for remote deliveries, where the value of this option is used in the
-SMTP \\MAIL\\ command. If you set \return@_path\ for a local transport, the
-only effect is to change the address that is placed in the ::Return-path::
-header line, if one is added to the message (see the next option).
-The expansion can refer to the existing value via \$return@_path$\. This is
-either the message's envelope sender, or an address set by the
-\errors@_to\ option on a router. If the expansion is forced to fail, no
-replacement occurs; if it fails for another reason, delivery is deferred. This
-option can be used to support VERP (Variable Envelope Return Paths) -- see
-chapter ~~CHAPSMTP.
-\**Note**\: If a delivery error is detected locally,
-including the case when a remote server rejects a message at SMTP time,
-the bounce message is not sent to the value of this option, but to the
-previously set errors address (which defaults to the incoming sender address).
-.conf return@_path@_add boolean false
-.index ::Return-path:: header line
-If this option is true, a ::Return-path:: header is added to the message.
-Although the return path is normally available in the prefix line of BSD
-mailboxes, this is commonly not displayed by MUAs, and so the user does not
-have easy access to it.
-RFC 2821 states that the ::Return-path:: header is added to a message `when the
-delivery SMTP server makes the final delivery'. This implies that this header
-should not be present in incoming messages. Exim has a configuration option,
-\return@_path@_remove\, which requests removal of this header from incoming
-messages, so that delivered messages can safely be resent to other recipients.
-.conf shadow@_condition string$**$ unset
-See \shadow@_transport\ below.
-.conf shadow@_transport string unset
-.index shadow transport
-.index transport||shadow
-A local transport may set the \shadow@_transport\ option to the name of another
-local transport. Shadow remote transports are not supported.
-Whenever a delivery to the main transport succeeds, and either
-\shadow@_condition\ is unset, or its expansion does not result in the empty
-string or one of the strings `0' or `no' or `false', the message is also passed
-to the shadow transport, with the same delivery address or addresses.
-If expansion fails, no action is taken except that non-forced expansion
-failures cause a log line to be written.
-The result of the shadow transport is discarded and does not affect the
-subsequent processing of the message. Only a single level of shadowing is
-provided; the \shadow@_transport\ option is ignored on any transport when it is
-running as a shadow. Options concerned with output from pipes are also ignored.
-The log line for the successful delivery has an item added on the end, of the
-ST=<<shadow transport name>>
-If the shadow transport did not succeed, the error message is put in
-parentheses afterwards.
-Shadow transports can be used for a number of different purposes, including
-keeping more detailed log information than Exim normally provides, and
-implementing automatic acknowledgement policies based on message headers that
-some sites insist on.
-.conf transport@_filter string$**$ unset
-.index transport||filter
-.index filter||transport filter
-This option sets up a filtering (in the Unix shell sense) process for messages
-at transport time. It should not be confused with mail filtering as set up by
-individual users or via a system filter.
-When the message is about to be written out, the command specified by
-\transport@_filter\ is started up in a separate process, and the entire
-message, including the header lines, is passed to it on its standard input
-(this in fact is done from a third process, to avoid deadlock).
-The command must be specified as an absolute path.
-The lines of the message that are written to the transport filter are
-terminated by newline (`@\n').
-The message is passed to the filter before any SMTP-specific processing, such
-as turning `@\n' into `@\r@\n' and escaping lines beginning with a dot, and
-also before any processing implied by the settings of \check@_string\ and
-\escape@_string\ in the \%appendfile%\ or \%pipe%\ transports.
-The standard error for the filter process is set to the same destination as its
-standard output; this is read and written to the message's ultimate
-The filter can perform any transformations it likes, but of course should take
-care not to break RFC 2822 syntax. A demonstration Perl script is provided in
-\(util/\; this makes a few arbitrary modifications just to
-show the possibilities. Exim does not check the result, except to test for a
-final newline when SMTP is in use. All messages transmitted over SMTP must end
-with a newline, so Exim supplies one if it is missing.
-.index SMTP||\\SIZE\\
-A problem might arise if the filter increases the size of a message that is
-being sent down an SMTP connection. If the receiving SMTP server has indicated
-support for the \\SIZE\\ parameter, Exim will have sent the size of the message
-at the start of the SMTP session. If what is actually sent is substantially
-more, the server might reject the message. This can be worked round by setting
-the \size@_addition\ option on the \%smtp%\ transport, either to allow for
-additions to the message, or to disable the use of \\SIZE\\ altogether.
-The value of the \transport@_filter\ option is the command string for starting
-the filter, which is run directly from Exim, not under a shell. The string is
-parsed by Exim in the same way as a command string for the \%pipe%\ transport:
-Exim breaks it up into arguments and then expands each argument separately. The
-special argument \$pipe@_addresses$\ is replaced by a number of arguments, one
-for each address that applies to this delivery. (This isn't an ideal name for
-this feature here, but as it was already implemented for the \%pipe%\
-transport, it seemed sensible not to change it.)
-.index \$host$\
-.index \$host@_address$\
-The expansion variables \$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ are available when the
-transport is a remote one. They contain the name and IP address of the host to
-which the message is being sent. For example:
-.display asis
-transport_filter = /some/directory/ \
- $host $host_address $sender_address $pipe_addresses
-The filter process is run under the same uid and gid as the normal delivery.
-For remote deliveries this is the Exim uid/gid by default.
-The command should normally yield a zero return code. A non-zero code is taken
-to mean that the transport filter failed in some way. Delivery of the message
-is deferred. It is not possible to cause a message to be bounced from a
-transport filter.
-If a transport filter is set on an autoreply transport, the original message is
-passed through the filter as it is being copied into the newly generated
-message, which happens if the \return@_message\ option is set.
-.conf transport@_filter@_timeout time 5m
-.index transport||filter, timeout
-When Exim is reading the output of a transport filter, it a applies a timeout
-that can be set by this option. Exceeding the timeout is treated as a
-temporary delivery failure.
-.conf user string$**$ "Exim user"
-.index uid (user id)||local delivery
-.index transport||user, specifying
-This option specifies the user under whose uid the delivery process is to be
-run, overriding any uid that may have been set by the router. If the user is
-given as a name, the uid is looked up from the password data, and the
-associated group is taken as the value of the gid to be used if the \group\
-option is not set.
-For deliveries that use local transports, a user and group are normally
-specified explicitly or implicitly (for example, as a result of
-\check@_local@_user\) by the router or transport.
-.index hints database||access by remote transport
-For remote transports, you should leave this option unset unless you really are
-sure you know what you are doing. When a remote transport is running, it needs
-to be able to access Exim's hints databases, because each host may have its own
-retry data.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Address batching in local transports
-.set runningfoot "address batching"
-.rset CHAPbatching ~~chapter
-.index transport||local, address batching in
-The only remote transport (\%smtp%\) is normally configured to handle more than
-one address at a time, so that when several addresses are routed to the same
-remote host, just one copy of the message is sent. Local transports, however,
-normally handle one address at a time. That is, a separate instance of the
-transport is run for each address that is routed to the transport. A separate
-copy of the message is delivered each time.
-.index batched local delivery
-.index \batch@_max\
-.index \batch@_id\
-In special cases, it may be desirable to handle several addresses at once in a
-local transport, for example:
-.numberpars $.
-In an \%appendfile%\ transport, when storing messages in files for later
-delivery by some other means, a single copy of the message with multiple
-recipients saves space.
-In an \%lmtp%\ transport, when delivering over `local SMTP' to some process,
-a single copy saves time, and is the normal way LMTP is expected to work.
-In a \%pipe%\ transport, when passing the message
-to a scanner program or
-to some other delivery mechanism such as UUCP, multiple recipients may be
-The three local transports (\%appendfile%\, \%lmtp%\, and \%pipe%\) all have
-the same options for controlling multiple (`batched') deliveries, namely
-\batch@_max\ and \batch@_id\. To save repeating the information for each
-transport, these options are described here.
-The \batch@_max\ option specifies the maximum number of addresses that can be
-delivered together in a single run of the transport. Its default value is one.
-When more than one address is routed to a transport that has a \batch@_max\
-value greater than one, the addresses are delivered in a batch (that is, in a
-single run of the transport), subject to certain conditions:
-.numberpars $.
-If any of the transport's options contain a reference to \$local@_part$\, no
-batching is possible.
-If any of the transport's options contain a reference to \$domain$\, only
-addresses with the same domain are batched.
-.index customizing||batching condition
-If \batch@_id\ is set, it is expanded for each address, and only those
-addresses with the same expanded value are batched. This allows you to specify
-customized batching conditions.
-Failure of the expansion for any reason, including forced failure, disables
-batching, but it does not stop the delivery from taking place.
-Batched addresses must also have the same errors address (where to send
-delivery errors), the same header additions and removals, the same user and
-group for the transport, and if a host list is present, the first host must
-be the same.
-.index ::Envelope-to:: header line
-If the generic \envelope@_to@_add\ option is set for the transport, the
-::Envelope-to:: header that is added to the message contains all the addresses
-that are batched together.
-The \%appendfile%\ and \%pipe%\ transports have an option called \use@_bsmtp\,
-which causes them to deliver the message in `batched SMTP' format, with the
-envelope represented as SMTP commands. The \check@_string\ and \escape@_string\
-options are forced to the values
-.display asis
-check_string = "."
-escape_string = ".."
-when batched SMTP is in use. A full description of the batch SMTP mechanism is
-given in section ~~SECTbatchSMTP. The \%lmtp%\ transport does not have a
-\use@_bsmtp\ option, because it always delivers using the SMTP protocol.
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||with multiple addresses
-If you are not using BSMTP, but are using a \%pipe%\ transport, you can include
-\$pipe@_addresses$\ as part of the command. This is not a true variable; it is
-a bit of magic that causes each of the recipient addresses to be inserted into
-the command as a separate argument. This provides a way of accessing all the
-addresses that are being delivered in the batch.
-If you are using a batching \%appendfile%\ transport without \use@_bsmtp\, the
-only way to preserve the recipient addresses is to set the \envelope@_to@_add\
-option. This causes an ::Envelope-to:: header line to be added to the message,
-containing all the recipients.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The appendfile transport
-.set runningfoot "appendfile transport"
-.rset CHAPappendfile ~~chapter
-.index \%appendfile%\ transport
-.index transports||\%appendfile%\
-.index directory creation
-.index creating directories
-The \%appendfile%\ transport delivers a message by appending it to an existing
-file, or by creating an entirely new file in a specified directory. Single
-files to which messages are appended can be in the traditional Unix mailbox
-format, or optionally in the MBX format supported by the Pine MUA and
-University of Washington IMAP daemon, $it{inter alia}. When each message is
-being delivered as a separate file, `maildir' format can optionally be used to
-give added protection against failures that happen part-way through the
-delivery. A third form of separate-file delivery known as `mailstore' is also
-supported. For all file formats, Exim attempts to create as many levels of
-directory as necessary, provided that \create@_directory\ is set.
-The code for the optional formats is not included in the Exim binary by
-default. It is necessary to set \\SUPPORT@_MBX\\, \\SUPPORT@_MAILDIR\\ and/or
-\\SUPPORT@_MAILSTORE\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\ to have the appropriate code
-.index quota||system
-Exim recognises system quota errors, and generates an appropriate message. Exim
-also supports its own quota control within the transport, for use when the
-system facility is unavailable or cannot be used for some reason.
-If there is an error while appending to a file (for example, quota exceeded or
-partition filled), Exim attempts to reset the file's length and last
-modification time back to what they were before. If there is an error while
-creating an entirely new file, the new file is removed.
-Before appending to a file, a number of security checks are made, and the
-file is locked. A detailed description is given below, after the list of
-private options.
-\%appendfile%\ is most commonly used for local deliveries to users' mailboxes.
-However, it can also be used as a pseudo-remote transport for putting messages
-into files for remote delivery by some means other than Exim. `Batch SMTP'
-format is often used in this case (see the \use@_bsmtp\ option).
-.section The file and directory options
-.rset SECTfildiropt "~~chapter.~~section"
-The \file\ option specifies a single file, to which the message is appended;
-the \directory\ option specifies a directory, in which a new file containing
-the message is created. Only one of these two options can be set, and for
-normal deliveries to mailboxes, one of them \*must*\ be set.
-However, \%appendfile%\ is also used for delivering messages to files or
-directories whose names (or parts of names) are obtained from alias,
-forwarding, or filtering operations (for example, a \save\ command in a user's
-Exim filter). When such a transport is running, \$local@_part$\ contains the
-local part that was aliased or forwarded, and \$address@_file$\ contains the
-name (or partial name) of the file or directory generated by the redirection
-operation. There are two cases:
-.numberpars $.
-If neither \file\ nor \directory\ is set, the redirection operation
-must specify an absolute path (one that begins with \"/"\). This is the most
-common case when users with local accounts use filtering to sort mail into
-different folders. See for example, the \%address@_file%\ transport in the
-default configuration. If the path ends with a slash, it is assumed to be the
-name of a directory. A delivery to a directory can also be forced by setting
-\maildir@_format\ or \mailstore@_format\.
-If \file\ or \directory\ is set for a delivery from a redirection, it is used
-to determine the file or directory name for the delivery. Normally, the
-contents of \$address@_file$\ are used in some way in the string expansion.
-.index Sieve filter||configuring \%appendfile%\
-.index Sieve filter||relative mailbox path handling
-As an example of the second case, consider an environment where users do not
-have home directories. They may be permitted to use Exim filter commands of the
-.display asis
-save folder23
-or Sieve filter commands of the form:
-.display asis
-require "fileinto";
-fileinto "folder23";
-In this situation, the expansion of \file\ or \directory\ in the transport must
-transform the relative path into an appropriate absolute file name. In the case
-of Sieve filters, the name \*inbox*\ must be handled. It is the name that is
-used as a result of a `keep' action in the filter. This example shows one way
-of handling this requirement:
-.display asis
-file = ${if eq{$address_file}{inbox} \
- {/var/mail/$local_part} \
- {${if eq{${substr_0_1:$address_file}}{/} \
- {$address_file} \
- {$home/mail/$address_file} \
- }} \
- }
-With this setting of \file\, \*inbox*\ refers to the standard mailbox location,
-absolute paths are used without change, and other folders are in the \(mail)\
-directory within the home directory.
-\**Note 1**\: While processing an Exim filter, a relative path such as
-\(folder23)\ is turned into an absolute path if a home directory is known to
-the router. In particular, this is the case if \check@_local@_user\ is set. If
-you want to prevent this happening at routing time, you can set
-\router@_home@_directory\ empty. This forces the router to pass the relative
-path to the transport.
-\**Note 2**\: An absolute path in \$address@_file$\ is not treated specially;
-the \file\ or \directory\ option is still used if it is set.
-.section Private options for appendfile
-.index options||\%appendfile%\ transport
-.startconf appendfile
-.conf allow@_fifo boolean false
-.index fifo (named pipe)
-.index named pipe (fifo)
-.index pipe||named (fifo)
-Setting this option permits delivery to named pipes (FIFOs) as well as to
-regular files. If no process is reading the named pipe at delivery time, the
-delivery is deferred.
-.conf allow@_symlink boolean false
-.index symbolic link||to mailbox
-.index mailbox||symbolic link
-By default, \%appendfile%\ will not deliver if the path name for the file is
-that of a symbolic link. Setting this option relaxes that constraint, but there
-are security issues involved in the use of symbolic links. Be sure you know
-what you are doing if you set this. Details of exactly what this option affects
-are included in the discussion which follows this list of options.
-.conf batch@_id string$**$ unset
-See the description of local delivery batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-However, batching is automatically disabled for \%appendfile%\ deliveries that
-happen as a result of forwarding or aliasing or other redirection directly to a
-.conf batch@_max integer 1
-See the description of local delivery batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-.conf check@_group boolean false
-When this option is set, the group owner of the file defined by the \file\
-option is checked to see that it is the same as the group under which the
-delivery process is running. The default setting is false because the default
-file mode is 0600, which means that the group is irrelevant.
-.conf check@_owner boolean true
-When this option is set, the owner of the file defined by the \file\ option is
-checked to ensure that it is the same as the user under which the delivery
-process is running.
-.conf check@_string string "see below"
-.index `From' line
-As \%appendfile%\ writes the message, the start of each line is tested for
-matching \check@_string\, and if it does, the initial matching characters are
-replaced by the contents of \escape@_string\. The value of \check@_string\ is a
-literal string, not a regular expression, and the case of any letters it
-contains is significant.
-If \use@_bsmtp\ is set the values of \check@_string\ and \escape@_string\ are
-forced to `.' and `..' respectively, and any settings in the configuration are
-ignored. Otherwise, they default to `From ' and `>From ' when the \file\ option
-is set, and unset when
-any of the \directory\, \maildir\, or \mailstore\ options are set.
-The default settings, along with \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\, are
-suitable for traditional `BSD' mailboxes, where a line beginning with `From '
-indicates the start of a new message. All four options need changing if another
-format is used. For example, to deliver to mailboxes in MMDF format:
-.index MMDF format mailbox
-.index mailbox||MMDF format
-.display asis
-check_string = "\1\1\1\1\n"
-escape_string = "\1\1\1\1 \n"
-message_prefix = "\1\1\1\1\n"
-message_suffix = "\1\1\1\1\n"
-.index directory creation
-.conf create@_directory boolean true
-When this option is true, Exim attempts to create any missing superior
-directories for the file that it is about to write. A created directory's mode
-is given by the \directory@_mode\ option.
-The group ownership of a newly created directory is highly dependent on the
-operating system (and possibly the file system) that is being used. For
-example, in Solaris, if the parent directory has the setgid bit set, its group
-is propagated to the child; if not, the currently set group is used. However,
-in FreeBSD, the parent's group is always used.
-.conf create@_file string "anywhere"
-This option constrains the location of files and directories that are created
-by this transport. It applies to files defined by the \file\ option and
-directories defined by the \directory\ option. In the case of maildir delivery,
-it applies to the top level directory, not the maildir directories beneath.
-The option must be set to one of the words `anywhere', `inhome', or
-`belowhome'. In the second and third cases, a home directory must have been set
-for the transport. This option is not useful when an explicit file name is
-given for normal mailbox deliveries. It is intended for the case when file
-names are generated from users' \(.forward)\ files. These are usually handled
-by an \%appendfile%\ transport called \address@_file\. See also
-.conf directory string$**$ unset
-This option is mutually exclusive with the \file\ option, but one of \file\ or
-\directory\ must be set, unless the delivery is the direct result of a
-redirection (see section ~~SECTfildiropt).
-When \directory\ is set, the string is expanded, and the message is delivered
-into a new file or files in or below the given directory, instead of being
-appended to a single mailbox file. A number of different formats are provided
-(see \maildir@_format\ and \mailstore@_format\), and see section ~~SECTopdir
-for further details of this form of delivery.
-.conf directory@_file string$**$ "$tt{q@$@{base62:@$tod@_epoch@}-@$inode}"
-.index base62
-When \directory\ is set, but neither \maildir@_format\ nor \mailstore@_format\
-is set, \%appendfile%\ delivers each message into a file whose name is obtained
-by expanding this string. The default value generates a unique name from the
-current time, in base 62 form, and the inode of the file. The variable
-\$inode$\ is available only when expanding this option.
-.conf directory@_mode "octal integer" 0700
-If \%appendfile%\ creates any directories as a result of the \create@_directory\
-option, their mode is specified by this option.
-.conf escape@_string string "see description"
-See \check@_string\ above.
-.conf file string$**$ unset
-This option is mutually exclusive with the \directory\ option, but one of
-\file\ or \directory\ must be set, unless the delivery is the direct result of
-a redirection (see section ~~SECTfildiropt). The \file\ option specifies a
-single file, to which the message is appended. One or more of
-\use@_fcntl@_lock\, \use@_flock@_lock\, or \use@_lockfile\ must be set with
-.index NFS||lock file
-.index locking files
-.index lock files
-If you are using more than one host to deliver over NFS into the same
-mailboxes, you should always use lock files.
-The string value is expanded for each delivery, and must yield an absolute
-path. The most common settings of this option are variations on one of these
-.display asis
-file = /var/spool/mail/$local_part
-file = /home/$local_part/inbox
-file = $home/inbox
-.index `sticky' bit
-In the first example, all deliveries are done into the same directory. If Exim
-is configured to use lock files (see \use@_lockfile\ below) it must be able to
-create a file in the directory, so the `sticky' bit must be turned on for
-deliveries to be possible, or alternatively the \group\ option can be used to
-run the delivery under a group id which has write access to the directory.
-.conf file@_format string unset
-.index file||mailbox, checking existing format
-This option requests the transport to check the format of an existing file
-before adding to it. The check consists of matching a specific string at the
-start of the file. The value of the option consists of an even number of
-colon-separated strings. The first of each pair is the test string, and the
-second is the name of a transport. If the transport associated with a matched
-string is not the current transport, control is passed over to the other
-transport. For example, suppose the standard \%local@_delivery%\ transport has
-this added to it:
-.display asis
-file_format = "From : local_delivery :\
- \1\1\1\1\n : local_mmdf_delivery"
-Mailboxes that begin with `From' are still handled by this transport, but if a
-mailbox begins with four binary ones followed by a newline, control is passed
-to a transport called \local__mmdf__delivery\, which presumably is configured
-to do the delivery in MMDF format. If a mailbox does not exist or is empty, it
-is assumed to match the current transport. If the start of a mailbox doesn't
-match any string, or if the transport named for a given string is not defined,
-delivery is deferred.
-.conf file@_must@_exist boolean false
-If this option is true, the file specified by the \file\ option must exist, and
-an error occurs if it does not. Otherwise, it is created if it does not exist.
-.conf lock@_fcntl@_timeout time 0s
-.index timeout||mailbox locking
-.index mailbox locking||blocking and non-blocking
-.index locking files
-By default, the \%appendfile%\ transport uses non-blocking calls to \*fcntl()*\
-when locking an open mailbox file. If the call fails, the delivery process
-sleeps for \lock@_interval\ and tries again, up to \lock@_retries\ times.
-Non-blocking calls are used so that the file is not kept open during the wait
-for the lock; the reason for this is to make it as safe as possible for
-deliveries over NFS in the case when processes might be accessing an NFS
-mailbox without using a lock file. This should not be done, but
-misunderstandings and hence misconfigurations are not unknown.
-On a busy system, however, the performance of a non-blocking lock approach is
-not as good as using a blocking lock with a timeout. In this case, the waiting
-is done inside the system call, and Exim's delivery process acquires the lock
-and can proceed as soon as the previous lock holder releases it.
-If \lock@_fcntl@_timeout\ is set to a non-zero time, blocking locks, with that
-timeout, are used. There may still be some retrying: the maximum number of
-retries is
-.display asis
-(lock_retries * lock_interval) / lock_fcntl_timeout
-rounded up to the next whole number. In other words, the total time during
-which \%appendfile%\ is trying to get a lock is roughly the same, unless
-\lock@_fcntl@_timeout\ is set very large.
-You should consider setting this option if you are getting a lot of delayed
-local deliveries because of errors of the form
-.display asis
-failed to lock mailbox /some/file (fcntl)
-.conf lock@_flock@_timeout time 0s
-This timeout applies to file locking when using \*flock()*\ (see \use@_flock\);
-the timeout operates in a similar manner to \lock@_fcntl@_timeout\.
-.conf lock@_interval time 3s
-This specifies the time to wait between attempts to lock the file. See below
-for details of locking.
-.conf lock@_retries integer 10
-This specifies the maximum number of attempts to lock the file. A value of zero
-is treated as 1. See below for details of locking.
-.conf lockfile@_mode "octal integer" 0600
-This specifies the mode of the created lock file, when a lock file is being
-used (see \use@_lockfile\).
-.conf lockfile@_timeout time 30m
-.index timeout||mailbox locking
-When a lock file is being used (see \use@_lockfile\), if a lock file already
-exists and is older than this value, it is assumed to have been left behind by
-accident, and Exim attempts to remove it.
-.conf mailbox@_filecount string$**$ unset
-.index mailbox||specifying size of
-.index size||of mailbox
-If this option is set, it is expanded, and the result is taken as the current
-number of files in the mailbox. It must be a decimal number, optionally
-followed by K or M. This provides a way of obtaining this information from an
-external source that maintains the data.
-.conf mailbox@_size string$**$ unset
-.index mailbox||specifying size of
-.index size||of mailbox
-If this option is set, it is expanded, and the result is taken as the current
-size the mailbox. It must be a decimal number, optionally followed by K or M.
-This provides a way of obtaining this information from an external source that
-maintains the data. This is likely to be helpful for maildir deliveries where
-it is computationally expensive to compute the size of a mailbox.
-.conf maildir@_format boolean false
-.index maildir format||specifying
-If this option is set with the \directory\ option, the delivery is into a new
-file, in the `maildir' format that is used by other mail software. When the
-transport is activated directly from a \%redirect%\ router (for example, the
-\%address@_file%\ transport in the default configuration), setting
-\maildir@_format\ causes the path received from the router to be treated as a
-directory, whether or not it ends with \"/"\. This option is available only if
-\\SUPPORT@_MAILDIR\\ is present in \(Local/Makefile)\. See section
-~~SECTmaildirdelivery below for further details.
-.conf maildir@_quota@_directory@_regex string "See below"
-.index maildir format||quota, directories included in
-.index quota||maildir, directories included in
-This option is relevant only when \maildir@_use@_size@_file\ is set. It defines
-a regular expression for specifying directories that should be included in the
-quota calculation. The default value is
-.display asis
-maildir_quota_directory_regex = ^(?:cur|new|\..*)$
-which includes the \(cur)\ and \(new)\ directories, and any maildir++ folders
-(directories whose names begin with a dot). If you want to exclude the
-folder from the count (as some sites do), you need to change this setting to
-.display asis
-maildir_quota_directory_regex = ^(?:cur|new|\.(?!Trash).*)$
-This uses a negative lookahead in the regular expression to exclude the
-directory whose name is \(.Trash)\.
-.conf maildir@_retries integer 10
-This option specifies the number of times to retry when writing a file in
-`maildir' format. See section ~~SECTmaildirdelivery below.
-.conf maildir@_tag string$**$ unset
-This option applies only to deliveries in maildir format, and is described in
-section ~~SECTmaildirdelivery below.
-.conf maildir@_use@_size@_file boolean false
-.index maildir format||\(maildirsize)\ file
-Setting this option true enables support for \(maildirsize)\ files. Exim
-creates a \(maildirsize)\ file in a maildir if one does not exist, taking the
-quota from the \quota\ option of the transport. If \quota\ is unset, the value
-is zero. See section ~~SECTmaildirdelivery below for further details.
-.conf mailstore@_format boolean false
-.index mailstore format||specifying
-If this option is set with the \directory\ option, the delivery is into two new
-files in `mailstore' format. The option is available only if
-\\SUPPORT@_MAILSTORE\\ is present in \(Local/Makefile)\. See section
-~~SECTopdir below for further details.
-.conf mailstore@_prefix string$**$ unset
-This option applies only to deliveries in mailstore format, and is described in
-section ~~SECTopdir below.
-.conf mailstore@_suffix string$**$ unset
-This option applies only to deliveries in mailstore format, and is described in
-section ~~SECTopdir below.
-.conf mbx@_format boolean false
-.index locking files
-.index file||locking
-.index file||MBX format
-.index MBX format, specifying
-This option is available only if Exim has been compiled with \\SUPPORT@_MBX\\
-set in \(Local/Makefile)\. If \mbx@_format\ is set with the \file\ option,
-the message is appended to the mailbox file in MBX format instead of
-traditional Unix format. This format is supported by Pine4 and its associated
-IMAP and POP daemons, by means of the \*c-client*\ library that they all use.
-\**Note**\: The \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\ options are not
-automatically changed by the use of \mbx@_format\. They should normally be set
-empty when using MBX format, so this option almost always appears in this
-.display asis
-mbx_format = true
-message_prefix =
-message_suffix =
-If none of the locking options are mentioned in the configuration,
-\use@_mbx@_lock\ is assumed and the other locking options default to false. It
-is possible to specify the other kinds of locking with \mbx@_format\, but
-\use@_fcntl@_lock\ and \use@_mbx@_lock\ are mutually exclusive. MBX locking
-interworks with \*c-client*\, providing for shared access to the mailbox. It
-should not be used if any program that does not use this form of locking is
-going to access the mailbox, nor should it be used if the mailbox file is NFS
-mounted, because it works only when the mailbox is accessed from a single host.
-If you set \use@_fcntl@_lock\ with an MBX-format mailbox, you cannot use
-the standard version of \*c-client*\, because as long as it has a mailbox open
-(this means for the whole of a Pine or IMAP session), Exim will not be able to
-append messages to it.
-.conf message@_prefix string$**$ "see below"
-.index `From' line
-The string specified here is expanded and output at the start of every message.
-The default is unset unless \file\ is specified and \use@_bsmtp\ is not set, in
-which case it is:
-.display asis
-message_prefix = "From ${if def:return_path{$return_path}\
- {MAILER-DAEMON}} $tod_bsdinbox\n"
-.conf message@_suffix string$**$ "see below"
-The string specified here is expanded and output at the end of every message.
-The default is unset unless \file\ is specified and \use@_bsmtp\ is not set, in
-which case it is a single newline character. The suffix can be suppressed by
-.display asis
-message_suffix =
-.conf mode "octal integer" 0600
-If the output file is created, it is given this mode. If it already exists and
-has wider permissions, they are reduced to this mode. If it has narrower
-permissions, an error occurs unless \mode__fail__narrower\ is false. However,
-if the delivery is the result of a \save\ command in a filter file specifing a
-particular mode, the mode of the output file is always forced to take that
-value, and this option is ignored.
-.conf mode@_fail@_narrower boolean true
-This option applies in the case when an existing mailbox file has a narrower
-mode than that specified by the \mode\ option. If \mode@_fail@_narrower\ is
-true, the delivery is deferred (`mailbox has the wrong mode'); otherwise Exim
-continues with the delivery attempt, using the existing mode of the file.
-.conf notify@_comsat boolean false
-If this option is true, the \*comsat*\ daemon is notified after every successful
-delivery to a user mailbox. This is the daemon that notifies logged on users
-about incoming mail.
-.conf quota string$**$ unset
-.index quota||imposed by Exim
-This option imposes a limit on the size of the file to which Exim is appending,
-or to the total space used in the directory tree when the \directory\ option is
-set. In the latter case, computation of the space used is expensive, because
-all the files in the directory (and any sub-directories) have to be
-individually inspected and their sizes summed.
-(See \quota@_size@_regex\ and \maildir@_use@_size@_file\ for ways to avoid this
-in environments where users have no shell access to their mailboxes).
-As there is no interlock against two simultaneous deliveries into a
-multi-file mailbox, it is possible for the quota to be overrun in this case.
-For single-file mailboxes, of course, an interlock is a necessity.
-A file's size is taken as its \*used*\ value. Because of blocking effects, this
-may be a lot less than the actual amount of disk space allocated to the file.
-If the sizes of a number of files are being added up, the rounding effect can
-become quite noticeable, especially on systems that have large block sizes.
-Nevertheless, it seems best to stick to the \*used*\ figure, because this is
-the obvious value which users understand most easily.
-The value of the option is expanded, and must then be a numerical value
-(decimal point allowed), optionally followed by one of the letters K or M. The
-expansion happens while Exim is running as root, before it changes uid for the
-delivery. This means that files which are inaccessible to the end user can be
-used to hold quota values that are looked up in the expansion. When delivery
-fails because this quota is exceeded, the handling of the error is as for
-system quota failures.
-\**Note**\: A value of zero is interpreted as `no quota'.
-By default, Exim's quota checking mimics system quotas, and restricts the
-mailbox to the specified maximum size, though the value is not accurate to the
-last byte, owing to separator lines and additional headers that may get added
-during message delivery. When a mailbox is nearly full, large messages may get
-refused even though small ones are accepted, because the size of the current
-message is added to the quota when the check is made. This behaviour can be
-changed by setting \quota@_is@_inclusive\ false. When this is done, the check
-for exceeding the quota does not include the current message. Thus, deliveries
-continue until the quota has been exceeded; thereafter, no further messages are
-delivered. See also \quota@_warn@_threshold\.
-.conf quota@_directory string$**$ unset
-This option defines the directory to check for quota purposes when delivering
-into individual files. The default is the delivery directory, or, if a file
-called \(maildirfolder)\ exists in a maildir directory, the parent of the
-delivery directory.
-.conf quota@_filecount string$**$ 0
-This option applies when the \directory\ option is set. It limits the total
-number of files in the directory (compare the inode limit in system quotas). It
-can only be used if \quota\ is also set. The value is expanded; an expansion
-failure causes delivery to be deferred.
-.conf quota@_is@_inclusive boolean true
-See \quota\ above.
-.conf quota@_size@_regex string unset
-This option applies when one of the delivery modes that writes a separate file
-for each message is being used. When Exim wants to find the size of one of
-these files in order to test the quota, it first checks \quota@_size@_regex\.
-If this is set to a regular expression that matches the file name, and it
-captures one string, that string is interpreted as a representation of the
-file's size. The value of \quota@_size@_regex\ is not expanded.
-This feature is useful only when users have no shell access to their mailboxes
--- otherwise they could defeat the quota simply by renaming the files. This
-facility can be used with maildir deliveries, by setting \maildir@_tag\ to add
-the file length to the file name. For example:
-.display asis
-maildir_tag = ,S=$message_size
-quota_size_regex = ,S=(\d+)
-The regular expression should not assume that the length is at the end of the
-file name (even though \maildir@_tag\ puts it there) because maildir MUAs
-sometimes add other information onto the ends of message file names.
-.conf quota@_warn@_message string$**$ "see below"
-See below for the use of this option. If it is not set when
-\quota@_warn@_threshold\ is set, it defaults to
-.display asis
-quota_warn_message = "\
- To: $local_part@$domain\n\
- Subject: Your mailbox\n\n\
- This message is automatically created \
- by mail delivery software.\n\n\
- The size of your mailbox has exceeded \
- a warning threshold that is\n\
- set by the system administrator.\n"
-.conf quota@_warn@_threshold string$**$ 0
-.index quota||warning threshold
-.index mailbox||size warning
-.index size||of mailbox
-This option is expanded in the same way as \quota\ (see above). If the
-resulting value is greater than zero, and delivery of the message causes the
-size of the file or total space in the directory tree to cross the given
-threshold, a warning message is sent. If \quota\ is also set, the threshold may
-be specified as a percentage of it by following the value with a percent sign.
-For example:
-.display asis
-quota = 10M
-quota_warn_threshold = 75%
-If \quota\ is not set, a setting of \quota@_warn@_threshold\ that ends with a
-percent sign is ignored.
-The warning message itself is specified by the \quota@_warn@_message\ option,
-and it must start with a ::To:: header line containing the recipient(s). A
-::Subject:: line should also normally be supplied. The \quota\ option does not
-have to be set in order to use this option; they are independent of one
-another except when the threshold is specified as a percentage.
-.conf use@_bsmtp boolean false
-.index envelope sender
-If this option is set true, \%appendfile%\ writes messages in `batch SMTP'
-format, with the envelope sender and recipient(s) included as SMTP commands. If
-you want to include a leading \\HELO\\ command with such messages, you can do
-so by setting the \message@_prefix\ option. See section ~~SECTbatchSMTP for
-details of batch SMTP.
-.conf use@_crlf boolean false
-.index carriage return
-.index linefeed
-This option causes lines to be terminated with the two-character CRLF sequence
-(carriage return, linefeed) instead of just a linefeed character. In the case
-of batched SMTP, the byte sequence written to the file is then an exact image
-of what would be sent down a real SMTP connection.
-The contents of the \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\ options are written
-verbatim, so must contain their own carriage return characters if these are
-needed. In cases where these options have non-empty defaults, the values end
-with a single linefeed, so they
-be changed to end with \"@\r@\n"\ if \use@_crlf\ is set.
-.conf use@_fcntl@_lock boolean "see below"
-This option controls the use of the \*fcntl()*\ function to lock a file for
-exclusive use when a message is being appended. It is set by default unless
-\use@_flock@_lock\ is set. Otherwise, it should be turned off only if you know
-that all your MUAs use lock file locking. When both \use@_fcntl@_lock\ and
-\use@_flock@_lock\ are unset, \use@_lockfile\ must be set.
-.conf use@_flock@_lock boolean false
-This option is provided to support the use of \*flock()*\ for file locking, for
-the few situations where it is needed. Most modern operating systems support
-\*fcntl()*\ and \*lockf()*\ locking, and these two functions interwork with
-each other. Exim uses \*fcntl()*\ locking by default.
-This option is required only if you are using an operating system where
-\*flock()*\ is used by programs that access mailboxes (typically MUAs), and
-where \*flock()*\ does not correctly interwork with \*fcntl()*\. You can use
-both \*fcntl()*\ and \*flock()*\ locking simultaneously if you want.
-.index Solaris||\*flock()*\ support
-Not all operating systems provide \*flock()*\. Some versions of Solaris do not
-have it (and some, I think, provide a not quite right version built on top of
-\*lockf()*\). If the OS does not have \*flock()*\, Exim will be built without
-the ability to use it, and any attempt to do so will cause a configuration
-\**Warning**\: \*flock()*\ locks do not work on NFS files (unless \*flock()*\
-is just being mapped onto \*fcntl()*\ by the OS).
-.conf use@_lockfile boolean "see below"
-If this option is turned off, Exim does not attempt to create a lock file when
-appending to a mailbox file. In this situation, the only locking is by
-\*fcntl()*\. You should only turn \use@_lockfile\ off if you are absolutely
-sure that every MUA that is ever going to look at your users' mailboxes uses
-\*fcntl()*\ rather than a lock file, and even then only when you are not
-delivering over NFS from more than one host.
-.index NFS||lock file
-In order to append to an NFS file safely from more than one host, it is
-necessary to take out a lock $it{before} opening the file, and the lock file
-achieves this. Otherwise, even with \*fcntl()*\ locking, there is a risk of
-file corruption.
-The \use@_lockfile\ option is set by default unless \use@_mbx@_lock\ is set. It
-is not possible to turn both \use@_lockfile\ and \use@_fcntl@_lock\ off, except
-when \mbx@_format\ is set.
-.conf use@_mbx@_lock boolean "see below"
-This option is available only if Exim has been compiled with \\SUPPORT@_MBX\\
-set in \(Local/Makefile)\. Setting the option specifies that special MBX
-locking rules be used. It is set by default if \mbx@_format\ is set and none of
-the locking options are mentioned in the configuration. The locking rules are
-the same as are used by the \*c-client*\ library that underlies Pine and the
-IMAP4 and POP daemons that come with it (see the discussion below). The rules
-allow for shared access to the mailbox. However, this kind of locking does not
-work when the mailbox is NFS mounted.
-You can set \use@_mbx@_lock\ with either (or both) of \use@_fcntl@_lock\ and
-\use@_flock@_lock\ to control what kind of locking is used in implementing the
-MBX locking rules. The default is to use \*fcntl()*\ if \use@_mbx@_lock\ is set
-without \use@_fcntl@_lock\ or \use@_flock@_lock\.
-.section Operational details for appending
-.rset SECTopappend "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index appending to a file
-.index file||appending
-Before appending to a file, the following preparations are made:
-.numberpars $.
-If the name of the file is \(/dev/null)\, no action is taken, and a success
-return is given.
-.index directory creation
-If any directories on the file's path are missing, Exim creates them if the
-\create@_directory\ option is set. A created directory's mode is given by the
-\directory@_mode\ option.
-If \file@_format\ is set, the format of an existing file is checked. If this
-indicates that a different transport should be used, control is passed to that
-.index file||locking
-.index locking files
-.index NFS||lock file
-If \use@_lockfile\ is set, a lock file is built in a way that will work
-reliably over NFS, as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-Create a `hitching post' file whose name is that of the lock file with the
-current time, primary host name, and process id added, by opening for writing
-as a new file. If this fails with an access error, delivery is deferred.
-Close the hitching post file, and hard link it to the lock file name.
-If the call to \*link()*\ succeeds, creation of the lock file has succeeded.
-Unlink the hitching post name.
-Otherwise, use \*stat()*\ to get information about the hitching post file, and
-then unlink hitching post name. If the number of links is exactly two, creation
-of the lock file succeeded but something (for example, an NFS server crash and
-restart) caused this fact not to be communicated to the \*link()*\ call.
-If creation of the lock file failed, wait for \lock@_interval\ and try again,
-up to \lock@_retries\ times. However, since any program that writes to a
-mailbox should complete its task very quickly, it is reasonable to time out old
-lock files that are normally the result of user agent and system crashes. If an
-existing lock file is older than \lockfile@_timeout\ Exim attempts to unlink it
-before trying again.
-A call is made to \*lstat()*\ to discover whether the main file exists, and if
-so, what its characteristics are. If \*lstat()*\ fails for any reason other
-than non-existence, delivery is deferred.
-.index symbolic link||to mailbox
-.index mailbox||symbolic link
-If the file does exist and is a symbolic link, delivery is deferred, unless the
-\allow@_symlink\ option is set, in which case the ownership of the link is
-checked, and then \*stat()*\ is called to find out about the real file, which
-is then subjected to the checks below. The check on the top-level link
-ownership prevents one user creating a link for another's mailbox in a sticky
-directory, though allowing symbolic links in this case is definitely not a good
-idea. If there is a chain of symbolic links, the intermediate ones are not
-If the file already exists but is not a regular file, or if the file's owner
-and group (if the group is being checked -- see \check@_group\ above) are
-different from the user and group under which the delivery is running,
-delivery is deferred.
-If the file's permissions are more generous than specified, they are reduced.
-If they are insufficient, delivery is deferred, unless \mode@_fail@_narrower\
-is set false, in which case the delivery is tried using the existing
-The file's inode number is saved, and the file is then opened for appending. If
-this fails because the file has vanished, \%appendfile%\ behaves as if it hadn't
-existed (see below). For any other failures, delivery is deferred.
-If the file is opened successfully, check that the inode number hasn't
-changed, that it is still a regular file, and that the owner and permissions
-have not changed. If anything is wrong, defer delivery and freeze the message.
-If the file did not exist originally, defer delivery if the \file@_must@_exist\
-option is set. Otherwise, check that the file is being created in a permitted
-directory if the \create@_file\ option is set (deferring on failure), and then
-open for writing as a new file, with the \\O@_EXCL\\ and \\O@_CREAT\\ options,
-except when dealing with a symbolic link (the \allow@_symlink\ option must be
-set). In this case, which can happen if the link points to a non-existent file,
-the file is opened for writing using \\O@_CREAT\\ but not \\O@_EXCL\\, because
-that prevents link following.
-.index loop||while file testing
-If opening fails because the file exists, obey the tests given above for
-existing files. However, to avoid looping in a situation where the file is
-being continuously created and destroyed, the exists/not-exists loop is broken
-after 10 repetitions, and the message is then frozen.
-If opening fails with any other error, defer delivery.
-.index file||locking
-.index locking files
-Once the file is open, unless both \use@_fcntl@_lock\ and \use@_flock@_lock\
-are false, it is locked using \*fcntl()*\ or \*flock()*\ or both. If
-\use@_mbx@_lock\ is false, an exclusive lock is requested in each case.
-However, if \use@_mbx@_lock\ is true,
-Exim takes out a shared lock on the open file,
-and an exclusive lock on the file whose name is
-using the device and inode numbers of the open mailbox file, in accordance with
-the MBX locking rules.
-If Exim fails to lock the file, there are two possible courses of action,
-depending on the value of the locking timeout. This is obtained from
-\lock@_fcntl@_timeout\ or \lock@_flock@_timeout\, as appropriate.
-If the timeout value is zero, the file is closed, Exim waits for
-\lock@_interval\, and then goes back and re-opens the file as above and tries
-to lock it again. This happens up to \lock@_retries\ times, after which the
-delivery is deferred.
-If the timeout has a value greater than zero, blocking calls to \*fcntl()*\ or
-\*flock()*\ are used (with the given timeout), so there has already been some
-waiting involved by the time locking fails. Nevertheless, Exim does not give up
-immediately. It retries up to
-(lock@_retries * lock@_interval) / <<timeout>>
-times (rounded up).
-At the end of delivery, Exim closes the file (which releases the \*fcntl()*\
-and/or \*flock()*\ locks) and then deletes the lock file if one was created.
-.section Operational details for delivery to a new file
-.rset SECTopdir "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index delivery||to single file
-.index `From' line
-When the \directory\ option is set instead of \file\, each message is delivered
-into a newly-created file or set of files. When \%appendfile%\ is activated
-directly from a \%redirect%\ router, neither \file\ nor \directory\ is normally
-set, because the path for delivery is supplied by the router. (See for example,
-the \%address@_file%\ transport in the default configuration.) In this case,
-delivery is to a new file if either the path name ends in \"/"\, or the
-\maildir@_format\ or \mailstore@_format\ option is set.
-No locking is required while writing the message to a new file, so the various
-locking options of the transport are ignored. The `From' line that by default
-separates messages in a single file is not normally needed, nor is the escaping
-of message lines that start with `From', and there is no need to ensure a
-newline at the end of each message. Consequently, the default values for
-\check@_string\, \message@_prefix\, and \message@_suffix\ are all unset when
-any of \directory\, \maildir@_format\, or \mailstore@_format\ is set.
-If Exim is required to check a \quota\ setting, it adds up the sizes of all the
-files in the delivery directory by default. However, you can specify a
-different directory by setting \quota@_directory\. Also, for maildir deliveries
-(see below) the \(maildirfolder)\ convention is honoured.
-.index maildir format
-.index mailstore format
-There are three different ways in which delivery to individual files can be
-done, controlled by the settings of the \maildir@_format\ and
-\mailstore@_format\ options. Note that code to support maildir or mailstore
-formats is not included in the binary unless \\SUPPORT@_MAILDIR\\ or
-\\SUPPORT@_MAILSTORE\\, respectively, is set in \(Local/Makefile)\.
-.index directory creation
-In all three cases an attempt is made to create the directory and any necessary
-sub-directories if they do not exist, provided that the \create@_directory\
-option is set (the default). The location of a created directory can be
-constrained by setting \create@_file\. A created directory's mode is given by
-the \directory@_mode\ option. If creation fails, or if the \create@_directory\
-option is not set when creation is required, delivery is deferred.
-.section Maildir delivery
-.rset SECTmaildirdelivery "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index maildir format||description of
-If the \maildir@_format\ option is true, Exim delivers each message by writing
-it to a file whose name is \(tmp/<<stime>>.H<<mtime>>P<<pid>>.<<host>>)\ in the
-given directory. If the delivery is successful, the file is renamed into the
-\(new)\ subdirectory.
-In the file name, <<stime>> is the current time of day in seconds, and
-<<mtime>> is the microsecond fraction of the time. After a maildir delivery,
-Exim checks that the time-of-day clock has moved on by at least one microsecond
-before terminating the delivery process. This guarantees uniqueness for the
-file name. However, as a precaution, Exim calls \*stat()*\ for the file before
-opening it. If any response other than \\ENOENT\\ (does not exist) is given,
-Exim waits 2 seconds and tries again, up to \maildir@_retries\ times.
-.index quota||in maildir delivery
-.index maildir++
-If Exim is required to check a \quota\ setting before a maildir delivery, and
-\quota@_directory\ is not set, it looks for a file called \(maildirfolder)\ in
-the maildir directory (alongside \(new)\, \(cur)\, \(tmp)\). If this exists,
-Exim assumes the directory is a maildir++ folder directory, which is one level
-down from the user's top level mailbox directory. This causes it to start at
-the parent directory instead of the current directory when calculating the
-amount of space used.
-One problem with delivering into a multi-file mailbox is that it is
-computationally expensive to compute the size of the mailbox for quota
-checking. Various approaches have been taken to reduce the amount of work
-needed. The next two sections describe two of them. A third alternative is to
-use some external process for maintaining the size data, and use the expansion
-of the \mailbox@_size\ option as a way of importing it into Exim.
-.section Using tags to record message sizes
-If \maildir@_tag\ is set, the string is expanded for each delivery.
-When the maildir file is renamed into the \(new)\ sub-directory, the
-tag is added to its name. However, if adding the tag takes the length of the
-name to the point where the test \*stat()*\ call fails with \\ENAMETOOLONG\\,
-the tag is dropped and the maildir file is created with no tag.
-Tags can be used to encode the size of files in their names; see
-\quota@_size@_regex\ above for an example. The expansion of \maildir@_tag\
-happens after the message has been written. The value of the \$message@_size$\
-variable is set to the number of bytes actually written. If the expansion is
-forced to fail, the tag is ignored, but a non-forced failure causes delivery to
-be deferred. The expanded tag may contain any printing characters except `/'.
-Non-printing characters in the string are ignored; if the resulting string is
-empty, it is ignored. If it starts with an alphanumeric character, a leading
-colon is inserted.
-.section Using a maildirsize file
-.index quota||in maildir delivery
-.index maildir format||\(maildirsize)\ file
-If \maildir@_use@_size@_file\ is true, Exim implements the maildir++ rules for
-storing quota and message size information in a file called \(maildirsize)\
-within the maildir directory. If this file does not exist, Exim creates it,
-setting the quota from the \quota\ option of the transport. If the maildir
-directory itself does not exist, it is created before any attempt to write a
-\(maildirsize)\ file.
-The \(maildirsize)\ file is used to hold information about the sizes of
-messages in the maildir, thus speeding up quota calculations. The quota value
-in the file is just a cache; if the quota is changed in the transport, the new
-value overrides the cached value when the next message is delivered. The cache
-is maintained for the benefit of other programs that access the maildir and
-need to know the quota.
-If the \quota\ option in the transport is unset or zero, the \(maildirsize)\
-file is maintained (with a zero quota setting), but no quota is imposed.
-A regular expression is available for controlling which directories in the
-maildir participate in quota calculations. See the description of the
-\maildir@_quota@_directory@_regex\ option above for details.
-.section Mailstore delivery
-.index mailstore format||description of
-If the \mailstore@_format\ option is true, each message is written as two files
-in the given directory. A unique base name is constructed from the message id
-and the current delivery process, and the files that are written use this base
-name plus the suffixes \(.env)\ and \(.msg)\. The \(.env)\ file contains the
-message's envelope, and the \(.msg)\ file contains the message itself.
-During delivery, the envelope is first written to a file with the suffix
-\(.tmp)\. The \(.msg)\ file is then written, and when it is complete, the
-\(.tmp)\ file is renamed as the \(.env)\ file. Programs that access messages in
-mailstore format should wait for the presence of both a \(.msg)\ and a \(.env)\
-file before accessing either of them. An alternative approach is to wait for
-the absence of a \(.tmp)\ file.
-The envelope file starts with any text defined by the \mailstore@_prefix\
-option, expanded and terminated by a newline if there isn't one. Then follows
-the sender address on one line, then all the recipient addresses, one per line.
-There can be more than one recipient only if the \batch@_max\ option is set
-greater than one. Finally, \mailstore@_suffix\ is expanded and the result
-appended to the file, followed by a newline if it does not end with one.
-If expansion of \mailstore@_prefix\ or \mailstore@_suffix\ ends with a forced
-failure, it is ignored. Other expansion errors are treated as serious
-configuration errors, and delivery is deferred.
-.section Non-special new file delivery
-If neither \maildir@_format\ nor \mailstore@_format\ is set, a single new file
-is created directly in the named directory. For example, when delivering
-messages into files in batched SMTP format for later delivery to some host (see
-section ~~SECTbatchSMTP), a setting such as
-.display asis
-directory = /var/bsmtp/$host
-might be used. A message is written to a file with a temporary name, which is
-then renamed when the delivery is complete. The final name is obtained by
-expanding the contents of the \directory@_file\ option.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The autoreply transport
-.set runningfoot "autoreply transport"
-.index transports||\%autoreply%\
-.index \%autoreply%\ transport
-The \%autoreply%\ transport is not a true transport in that it does not cause
-the message to be transmitted. Instead, it generates a new mail message.
-If the router that passes the message to this transport does not have the
-\unseen\ option set, the original message (for the current recipient) is not
-delivered anywhere. However, when the \unseen\ option is set on the router that
-passes the message to this transport, routing of the address continues, so
-another router can set up a normal message delivery.
-The \%autoreply%\ transport is usually run as the result of mail filtering, a
-`vacation' message being the standard example. However, it can also be run
-directly from a router like any other transport. To reduce the possibility of
-message cascades, messages created by the \%autoreply%\ transport always have
-empty envelope sender addresses, like bounce messages.
-The parameters of the message to be sent can be specified in the configuration
-by options described below. However, these are used only when the address
-passed to the transport does not contain its own reply information. When the
-transport is run as a consequence of a
-or \vacation\ command in a filter file, the parameters of the message are
-supplied by the filter, and passed with the address. The transport's options
-that define the message are then ignored (so they are not usually set in this
-case). The message is specified entirely by the filter or by the transport; it
-is never built from a mixture of options. However, the \file@_optional\,
-\mode\, and \return@_message\ options apply in all cases.
-\%Autoreply%\ is implemented as a local transport. When used as a result of a
-command in a user's filter file, \%autoreply%\ normally runs under the uid and
-gid of the user, and with appropriate current and home directories (see chapter
-There is a subtle difference between routing a message to a \%pipe%\ transport
-that generates some text to be returned to the sender, and routing it to an
-\%autoreply%\ transport. This difference is noticeable only if more than one
-address from the same message is so handled. In the case of a pipe, the
-separate outputs from the different addresses are gathered up and returned to
-the sender in a single message, whereas if \%autoreply%\ is used, a separate
-message is generated for each address that is passed to it.
-Non-printing characters are not permitted in the header lines generated for the
-message that \%autoreply%\ creates, with the exception of newlines that are
-immediately followed by whitespace. If any non-printing characters are found,
-the transport defers.
-Whether characters with the top bit set count as printing characters or not is
-controlled by the \print@_topbitchars\ global option.
-If any of the generic options for manipulating headers (for example,
-\headers@_add\) are set on an \%autoreply%\ transport, they apply to the copy of
-the original message that is included in the generated message when
-\return@_message\ is set. They do not apply to the generated message itself.
-If the \%autoreply%\ transport receives return code 2 from Exim when it submits
-the message, indicating that there were no recipients, it does not treat this
-as an error. This means that autoreplies sent to \$sender@_address$\ when this
-is empty (because the incoming message is a bounce message) do not cause
-problems. They are just discarded.
-.section Private options for autoreply
-.startconf autoreply
-.index options||\%autoreply%\ transport
-.conf bcc string$**$ unset
-This specifies the addresses that are to receive `blind carbon copies' of the
-message when the message is specified by the transport.
-.conf cc string$**$ unset
-This specifies recipients of the message and the contents of the ::Cc:: header
-when the message is specified by the transport.
-.conf file string$**$ unset
-The contents of the file are sent as the body of the message when the message
-is specified by the transport. If both \file\ and \text\ are set, the text
-string comes first.
-.conf file@_expand boolean false
-If this is set, the contents of the file named by the \file\ option are
-subjected to string expansion as they are added to the message.
-.conf file@_optional boolean false
-If this option is true, no error is generated if the file named by the \file\
-option or passed with the address does not exist or cannot be read.
-.conf from string$**$ unset
-This specifies the contents of the ::From:: header when the message is specified
-by the transport.
-.conf headers string$**$ unset
-This specifies additional RFC 2822 headers that are to be added to the message when
-the message is specified by the transport. Several can be given by using `@\n'
-to separate them. There is no check on the format.
-.conf log string$**$ unset
-This option names a file in which a record of every message sent is logged when
-the message is specified by the transport.
-.conf mode "octal integer" 0600
-If either the log file or the `once' file has to be created, this mode is used.
-.conf never@_mail "address list$**$" unset
-If any run of the transport creates a message with a recipient that matches any
-item in the list, that recipient is quietly discarded. If all recipients are
-discarded, no message is created.
-.conf once string$**$ unset
-This option names a file or DBM database in which a record of each
-::To:: recipient is kept when the message is specified by the transport.
-\**Note**\: This does not apply to ::Cc:: or ::Bcc:: recipients.
-If \once@_file@_size\ is not set, a DBM database is used, and it is allowed to
-grow as large as necessary. If a potential recipient is already in the
-database, no message is sent by default. However, if \once@_repeat\ specifies a
-time greater than zero, the message is sent if that much time has elapsed since
-a message was last sent to this recipient. If \once\ is unset, the message is
-always sent.
-If \once@_file@_size\ is set greater than zero, it changes the way Exim
-implements the \once\ option. Instead of using a DBM file to record every
-recipient it sends to, it uses a regular file, whose size will never get larger
-than the given value. In the file, it keeps a linear list of recipient
-addresses and times at which they were sent messages. If the file is full when
-a new address needs to be added, the oldest address is dropped. If
-\once@_repeat\ is not set, this means that a given recipient may receive
-multiple messages, but at unpredictable intervals that depend on the rate of
-turnover of addresses in the file. If \once@_repeat\ is set, it specifies a
-maximum time between repeats.
-.conf once@_file@_size integer 0
-See \once\ above.
-.conf once@_repeat time$**$ 0s
-See \once\ above.
-After expansion, the value of this option must be a valid time value.
-.conf reply@_to string$**$ unset
-This specifies the contents of the ::Reply-To:: header when the message is
-specified by the transport.
-.conf return@_message boolean false
-If this is set, a copy of the original message is returned with the new
-message, subject to the maximum size set in the \return@_size@_limit\ global
-configuration option.
-.conf subject string$**$ unset
-This specifies the contents of the ::Subject:: header when the message is
-specified by the transport.
-It is tempting to quote the original subject in automatic responses. For
-.display asis
-subject = Re: $h_subject:
-There is a danger in doing this, however. It may allow a third party to
-subscribe your users to an opt-in mailing list, provided that the list accepts
-bounce messages as subscription confirmations. Well-managed lists require a
-non-bounce message to confirm a subscription, so the danger is relatively
-.conf text string$**$ unset
-This specifies a single string to be used as the body of the message when the
-message is specified by the transport. If both \text\ and \file\ are set, the
-text comes first.
-.conf to string$**$ unset
-This specifies recipients of the message and the contents of the ::To:: header
-when the message is specified by the transport.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The lmtp transport
-.set runningfoot "lmtp transport"
-.index transports||\%lmtp%\
-.index \%lmtp%\ transport
-.index LMTP||over a pipe
-.index LMTP||over a socket
-.rset CHAPLMTP "~~chapter"
-The \%lmtp%\ transport runs the LMTP protocol (RFC 2033) over a pipe to a
-specified command
-or by interacting with a Unix domain socket.
-This transport is something of a cross between the \%pipe%\ and \%smtp%\
-transports. Exim also has support for using LMTP over TCP/IP; this is
-implemented as an option for the \%smtp%\ transport. Because LMTP is expected
-to be of minority interest, the default build-time configure in \(src/EDITME)\
-has it commented out. You need to ensure that
-.display asis
-is present in your \(Local/Makefile)\ in order to have the \%lmtp%\ transport
-included in the Exim binary.
-The private options of the \%lmtp%\ transport are as follows:
-.startconf lmtp
-.index options||\%lmtp%\ transport
-.conf batch@_id string$**$ unset
-See the description of local delivery batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-.conf batch@_max integer 1
-This limits the number of addresses that can be handled in a single delivery.
-Most LMTP servers can handle several addresses at once, so it is normally a
-good idea to increase this value. See the description of local delivery
-batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-.conf command string$**$ unset
-This option must be set if \socket\ is not set.
-The string is a command which is run in a separate process. It is split up into
-a command name and list of arguments, each of which is separately expanded (so
-expansion cannot change the number of arguments). The command is run directly,
-not via a shell. The message is passed to the new process using the standard
-input and output to operate the LMTP protocol.
-.conf socket string$**$ unset
-This option must be set if \command\ is not set. The result of expansion must
-be the name of a Unix domain socket. The transport connects to the socket and
-delivers the message to it using the LMTP protocol.
-.conf timeout time 5m
-The transport is aborted if the created process
-or Unix domain socket
-does not respond to LMTP commands or message input within this timeout.
-Here is an example of a typical LMTP transport:
-.display asis
- driver = lmtp
- command = /some/local/lmtp/delivery/program
- batch_max = 20
- user = exim
-This delivers up to 20 addresses at a time, in a mixture of domains if
-necessary, running as the user \*exim*\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The pipe transport
-.rset CHAPpipetransport "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "pipe transport"
-.index transports||\%pipe%\
-.index \%pipe%\ transport
-The \%pipe%\ transport is used to deliver messages via a pipe to a command
-running in another process.
-One example is the
-use of \%pipe%\ as a pseudo-remote transport for passing messages to some other
-delivery mechanism (such as UUCP). Another is the use by individual users to
-automatically process their incoming messages. The \%pipe%\ transport can be
-used in one of the following ways:
-.numberpars $.
-A router routes one address to a transport in the normal way, and the transport
-is configured as a \%pipe%\ transport. In this case, \$local@_part$\ contains
-the local part of the address (as usual), and the command that is run is
-specified by the \command\ option on the transport.
-If the \batch@_max\ option is set greater than 1 (the default), the transport
-can be called upon to handle more than one address in a single run. In this
-case, \$local@_part$\ is not set (because it is not unique). However, the
-pseudo-variable \$pipe@_addresses$\ (described in section ~~SECThowcommandrun
-below) contains all the addresses that are being handled.
-A router redirects an address directly to a pipe command (for example, from an
-alias or forward file). In this case, \$local@_part$\ contains the local part
-that was redirected, and \$address@_pipe$\ contains the text of the pipe
-command itself. The \command\ option on the transport is ignored.
-The \%pipe%\ transport is a non-interactive delivery method. Exim can also
-deliver messages over pipes using the LMTP interactive protocol. This is
-implemented by the \%lmtp%\ transport.
-In the case when \%pipe%\ is run as a consequence of an entry in a local user's
-\(.forward)\ file, the command runs under the uid and gid of that user. In
-other cases, the uid and gid have to be specified explicitly, either on the
-transport or on the router that handles the address. Current and `home'
-directories are also controllable. See chapter ~~CHAPenvironment for details of
-the local delivery environment.
-.section Concurrent delivery
-If two messages arrive at almost the same time, and both are routed to a pipe
-delivery, the two pipe transports may be run concurrently. You must ensure that
-any pipe commands you set up are robust against this happening. If the commands
-write to a file, the \exim@_lock\ utility might be of use.
-.section Returned status and data
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||returned data
-If the command exits with a non-zero return code, the delivery is deemed to
-have failed, unless either the \ignore@_status\ option is set (in which case
-the return code is treated as zero), or the return code is one of those listed
-in the \temp@_errors\ option, which are interpreted as meaning `try again
-later'. In this case, delivery is deferred. Details of a permanent failure are
-logged, but are not included in the bounce message, which merely contains
-`local delivery failed'.
-If the return code is greater than 128 and the command being run is a shell
-script, it normally means that the script was terminated by a signal whose
-value is the return code minus 128.
-If Exim is unable to run the command (that is, if \*execve()*\ fails), the
-return code is set to 127. This is the value that a shell returns if it is
-asked to run a non-existent command. The wording for the log line suggests that
-a non-existent command may be the problem.
-The \return@_output\ option can affect the result of a pipe delivery. If it is
-set and the command produces any output on its standard output or standard
-error streams, the command is considered to have failed, even if it gave a zero
-return code or if \ignore@_status\ is set. The output from the command is
-included as part of the bounce message. The \return@_fail@_output\ option is
-similar, except that output is returned only when the command exits with a
-failure return code, that is, a value other than zero or a code that matches
-.section How the command is run
-.rset SECThowcommandrun "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||path for command
-The command line is (by default) broken down into a command name and arguments
-by the \%pipe%\ transport itself. The \allow@_commands\ and \restrict@_to@_path\
-options can be used to restrict the commands that may be run.
-.index quoting||in pipe command
-Unquoted arguments are delimited by white space. If an argument appears in
-double quotes, backslash is interpreted as an escape character in the usual
-way. If an argument appears in single quotes, no escaping is done.
-String expansion is applied to the command line except when it comes from a
-traditional \(.forward)\ file (commands from a filter file are expanded). The
-expansion is applied to each argument in turn rather than to the whole line.
-For this reason, any string expansion item that contains white space must be
-quoted so as to be contained within a single argument. A setting such as
-.display asis
-command = /some/path ${if eq{$local_part}{postmaster}{xxx}{yyy}}
-will not work, because the expansion item gets split between several
-arguments. You have to write
-.display asis
-command = /some/path "${if eq{$local_part}{postmaster}{xxx}{yyy}}"
-to ensure that it is all in one argument. The expansion is done in this way,
-argument by argument, so that the number of arguments cannot be changed as a
-result of expansion, and quotes or backslashes in inserted variables do not
-interact with external quoting.
-.index transport||filter
-.index filter||transport filter
-Special handling takes place when an argument consists of precisely the text
-`$tt{@$pipe@_addresses}'. This is not a general expansion variable; the only
-place this string is recognized is when it appears as an argument for a pipe or
-transport filter command. It causes each address that is being handled to be
-inserted in the argument list at that point $it{as a separate argument}. This
-avoids any problems with spaces or shell metacharacters, and is of use when a
-\%pipe%\ transport is handling groups of addresses in a batch.
-After splitting up into arguments and expansion, the resulting command is run
-in a subprocess directly from the transport, $it{not} under a shell. The
-message that is being delivered is supplied on the standard input, and the
-standard output and standard error are both connected to a single pipe that is
-read by Exim. The \max@_output\ option controls how much output the command may
-produce, and the \return@_output\ and \return@_fail@_output\ options control
-what is done with it.
-Not running the command under a shell (by default) lessens the security risks
-in cases when a command from a user's filter file is built out of data that was
-taken from an incoming message. If a shell is required, it can of course be
-explicitly specified as the command to be run. However, there are circumstances
-where existing commands (for example, in \(.forward)\ files) expect to be run
-under a shell and cannot easily be modified. To allow for these cases, there is
-an option called \use@_shell\, which changes the way the \%pipe%\ transport
-works. Instead of breaking up the command line as just described, it expands it
-as a single string and passes the result to \(/bin/sh)\. The
-\restrict@_to@_path\ option and the \$pipe@_addresses$\ facility cannot be used
-with \use@_shell\, and the whole mechanism is inherently less secure.
-.section Environment variables
-.rset SECTpipeenv "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||environment for command
-.index environment for pipe transport
-The environment variables listed below are set up when the command is invoked.
-This list is a compromise for maximum compatibility with other MTAs. Note that
-the \environment\ option can be used to add additional variables to this
-.display flow
-.tabs 20
-DOMAIN $t $rm{the domain of the address}
-HOME $t $rm{the home directory, if set}
-HOST $t $rm{the host name when called from a router (see below)}
-LOCAL@_PART $t $rm{see below}
-LOCAL@_PART@_PREFIX $t $rm{see below}
-LOCAL@_PART@_SUFFIX $t $rm{see below}
-LOGNAME $t $rm{see below}
-MESSAGE@_ID $t $rm{the message's id}
-PATH $t $rm{as specified by the \path\ option below}
-QUALIFY@_DOMAIN $t $rm{the sender qualification domain}
-RECIPIENT $t $rm{the complete recipient address}
-SENDER $t $rm{the sender of the message (empty if a bounce)}
-SHELL $t `$tt{/bin/sh}'
-TZ $t $rm{the value of the \timezone\ option, if set}
-USER $t $rm{see below}
-When a \%pipe%\ transport is called directly from (for example) an \%accept%\
-router, \\LOCAL@_PART\\ is set to the local part of the address. When it is
-called as a result of a forward or alias expansion, \\LOCAL@_PART\\ is set to
-the local part of the address that was expanded. In both cases, any affixes are
-removed from the local part, and made available in \\LOCAL@_PART@_PREFIX\\ and
-\\LOCAL@_PART@_SUFFIX\\, respectively. \\LOGNAME\\ and \\USER\\ are set to the
-same value as \\LOCAL@_PART\\ for compatibility with other MTAs.
-.index \\HOST\\
-\\HOST\\ is set only when a \%pipe%\ transport is called from a router that
-associates hosts with an address, typically when using \%pipe%\ as a
-pseudo-remote transport. \\HOST\\ is set to the first host name specified by
-the router.
-.index \\HOME\\
-If the transport's generic \home@_directory\ option is set, its value is used
-for the \\HOME\\ environment variable. Otherwise, a home directory may be set
-by the router's \transport@_home@_directory\ option, which defaults to the
-user's home directory if \check@_local@_user\ is set.
-.section Private options for pipe
-.index options||\%pipe%\ transport
-.startconf pipe
-.conf allow@_commands "string list$**$" unset
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||permitted commands
-The string is expanded, and is then interpreted as a colon-separated list of
-permitted commands. If \restrict@_to@_path\ is not set, the only commands
-permitted are those in the \allow@_commands\ list. They need not be absolute
-paths; the \path\ option is still used for relative paths. If
-\restrict@_to@_path\ is set with \allow@_commands\, the command must either be
-in the \allow@_commands\ list, or a name without any slashes that is found on
-the path. In other words, if neither \allow@_commands\ nor \restrict@_to@_path\
-is set, there is no restriction on the command, but otherwise only commands
-that are permitted by one or the other are allowed. For example, if
-.display asis
-allow_commands = /usr/bin/vacation
-and \restrict@_to@_path\ is not set, the only permitted command is
-\(/usr/bin/vacation)\. The \allow@_commands\ option may not be set if
-\use@_shell\ is set.
-.conf batch@_id string$**$ unset
-See the description of local delivery batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-.conf batch@_max integer 1
-This limits the number of addresses that can be handled in a single delivery.
-See the description of local delivery batching in chapter ~~CHAPbatching.
-.conf check@_string string unset
-As \%pipe%\ writes the message, the start of each line is tested for matching
-\check@_string\, and if it does, the initial matching characters are replaced
-by the contents of \escape@_string\, provided both are set. The value of
-\check@_string\ is a literal string, not a regular expression, and the case of
-any letters it contains is significant. When \use@_bsmtp\ is set, the contents
-of \check@_string\ and \escape@_string\ are forced to values that implement the
-SMTP escaping protocol. Any settings made in the configuration file are
-.conf command string$**$ unset
-This option need not be set when \%pipe%\ is being used to deliver to pipes
-obtained directly from address redirections. In other cases, the option must be
-set, to provide a command to be run. It need not yield an absolute path (see
-the \path\ option below). The command is split up into separate arguments by
-Exim, and each argument is separately expanded, as described in section
-~~SECThowcommandrun above.
-.conf environment string$**$ unset
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||environment for command
-.index environment for \%pipe%\ transport
-This option is used to add additional variables to the environment in which the
-command runs (see section ~~SECTpipeenv for the default list). Its value is a
-string which is expanded, and then interpreted as a colon-separated list of
-environment settings of the form `<<name>>=<<value>>'.
-.conf escape@_string string unset
-See \check@_string\ above.
-.conf freeze@_exec@_fail boolean false
-.index exec failure
-.index failure of exec
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||failure of exec
-Failure to exec the command in a pipe transport is by default treated like
-any other failure while running the command. However, if \freeze@_exec@_fail\
-is set, failure to exec is treated specially, and causes the message to be
-frozen, whatever the setting of \ignore@_status\.
-.conf ignore@_status boolean false
-If this option is true, the status returned by the subprocess that is set up to
-run the command is ignored, and Exim behaves as if zero had been returned.
-Otherwise, a non-zero status
-or termination by signal
-causes an error return from the transport unless the status value is one of
-those listed in \temp@_errors\; these cause the delivery to be deferred and
-tried again later.
-.conf log@_defer@_output boolean false
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||logging output
-If this option is set, and the status returned by the command is
-one of the codes listed in \temp@_errors\ (that is, delivery was deferred),
-and any output was produced, the first line of it is written to the main log.
-.conf log@_fail@_output boolean false
-If this option is set, and the command returns any output, and also ends with a
-return code that is neither zero nor one of the return codes listed in
-\temp@_errors\ (that is, the delivery failed), the first line of output is
-written to the main log.
-This option and \log@_output\ are mutually exclusive. Only one of them may be
-.conf log@_output boolean false
-If this option is set and the command returns any output, the first line of
-output is written to the main log, whatever the return code.
-This option and \log@_fail@_output\ are mutually exclusive. Only one of them
-may be set.
-.conf max@_output integer 20K
-This specifies the maximum amount of output that the command may produce on its
-standard output and standard error file combined. If the limit is exceeded, the
-process running the command is killed. This is intended as a safety measure to
-catch runaway processes. The limit is applied independently of the settings of
-the options that control what is done with such output (for example,
-\return@_output\). Because of buffering effects, the amount of output may
-exceed the limit by a small amount before Exim notices.
-.conf message@_prefix string$**$ "see below"
-The string specified here is expanded and output at the start of every message.
-The default is unset if \use@_bsmtp\ is set. Otherwise it is
-.display asis
-message_prefix = \
- From ${if def:return_path{$return_path}{MAILER-DAEMON}}\
- ${tod_bsdinbox}\n
-.index Cyrus
-.index \tmail\
-.index `From' line
-This is required by the commonly used \(/usr/bin/vacation)\ program.
-However, it must $it{not} be present if delivery is to the Cyrus IMAP server,
-or to the \tmail\ local delivery agent. The prefix can be suppressed by setting
-.display asis
-message_prefix =
-.conf message@_suffix string$**$ "see below"
-The string specified here is expanded and output at the end of every message.
-The default is unset if \use@_bsmtp\ is set. Otherwise it is a single newline.
-The suffix can be suppressed by setting
-.display asis
-message_suffix =
-.conf path string $tt{/usr/bin}
-This option specifies the string that is set up in the \\PATH\\ environment
-variable of the subprocess. If the \command\ option does not yield an absolute
-path name, the command is sought in the \\PATH\\ directories, in the usual way.
-\**Warning**\: This does not apply to a command specified as a transport
-.conf pipe@_as@_creator boolean false
-.index uid (user id)||local delivery
-If the generic \user\ option is not set and this option is true, the delivery
-process is run under the uid that was in force when Exim was originally called
-to accept the message. If the group id is not otherwise set (via the generic
-\group\ option), the gid that was in force when Exim was originally called to
-accept the message is used.
-.conf restrict@_to@_path boolean false
-When this option is set, any command name not listed in \allow@_commands\ must
-contain no slashes. The command is searched for only in the directories listed
-in the \path\ option. This option is intended for use in the case when a pipe
-command has been generated from a user's \(.forward)\ file. This is usually
-handled by a \%pipe%\ transport called \address@_pipe\.
-.conf return@_fail@_output boolean false
-If this option is true, and the command produced any output and ended with a
-return code other than zero or one of the codes listed in \temp@_errors\ (that
-is, the delivery failed), the output is returned in the bounce message.
-However, if the message has a null sender (that is, it is itself a bounce
-message), output from the command is discarded.
-This option and \return@_output\ are mutually exclusive. Only one of them may
-be set.
-.conf return@_output boolean false
-If this option is true, and the command produced any output, the delivery is
-deemed to have failed whatever the return code from the command, and the output
-is returned in the bounce message. Otherwise, the output is just discarded.
-However, if the message has a null sender (that is, it is a bounce message),
-output from the command is always discarded, whatever the setting of this
-This option and \return@_fail@_output\ are mutually exclusive. Only one of them
-may be set.
-.conf temp@_errors "string list" "see below"
-.index \%pipe%\ transport||temporary failure
-This option contains either a colon-separated list of numbers, or a single
-asterisk. If \ignore@_status\ is false
-and \return@_output\ is not set,
-and the command exits with a non-zero return code, the failure is treated as
-temporary and the delivery is deferred if the return code matches one of the
-numbers, or if the setting is a single asterisk. Otherwise, non-zero return
-codes are treated as permanent errors. The default setting contains the codes
-defined by \\EX@_TEMPFAIL\\ and \\EX@_CANTCREAT\\ in \(sysexits.h)\. If Exim is
-compiled on a system that does not define these macros, it assumes values of 75
-and 73, respectively.
-.conf timeout time 1h
-If the command fails to complete within this time, it is killed. This normally
-causes the delivery to fail. A zero time interval specifies no timeout. In
-order to ensure that any subprocesses created by the command are also killed,
-Exim makes the initial process a process group leader, and kills the whole
-process group on a timeout. However, this can be defeated if one of the
-processes starts a new process group.
-.conf umask "octal integer" 022
-This specifies the umask setting for the subprocess that runs the command.
-.conf use@_bsmtp boolean false
-.index envelope sender
-If this option is set true, the \%pipe%\ transport writes messages in `batch
-SMTP' format, with the envelope sender and recipient(s) included as SMTP
-commands. If you want to include a leading \\HELO\\ command with such messages,
-you can do so by setting the \message@_prefix\ option. See section
-~~SECTbatchSMTP for details of batch SMTP.
-.conf use@_crlf boolean false
-.index carriage return
-.index linefeed
-This option causes lines to be terminated with the two-character CRLF sequence
-(carriage return, linefeed) instead of just a linefeed character. In the case
-of batched SMTP, the byte sequence written to the pipe is then an exact image
-of what would be sent down a real SMTP connection.
-The contents of the \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\ options are written
-verbatim, so must contain their own carriage return characters if these are
-needed. Since the default values for both \message@_prefix\ and
-\message@_suffix\ end with a single linefeed, their values
-be changed to end with \"@\r@\n"\ if \use@_crlf\ is set.
-.conf use@_shell boolean false
-If this option is set, it causes the command to be passed to \(/bin/sh)\
-instead of being run directly from the transport, as described in section
-~~SECThowcommandrun. This is less secure, but is needed in some situations
-where the command is expected to be run under a shell and cannot easily be
-modified. The \allow@_commands\ and \restrict@_to@_path\ options, and the
-`$tt{@$pipe@_addresses}' facility are incompatible with \use@_shell\. The
-command is expanded as a single string, and handed to \(/bin/sh)\ as data for
-its \-c-\ option.
-.section Using an external local delivery agent
-.index local delivery||using an external agent
-.index \*procmail*\
-.index external local delivery
-.index delivery||\*procmail*\
-.index delivery||by external agent
-The \%pipe%\ transport can be used to pass all messages that require local
-delivery to a separate local delivery agent such as \procmail\. When doing
-this, care must be taken to ensure that the pipe is run under an appropriate
-uid and gid. In some configurations one wants this to be a uid that is trusted
-by the delivery agent to supply the correct sender of the message. It may be
-necessary to recompile or reconfigure the delivery agent so that it trusts an
-appropriate user. The following is an example transport and router
-configuration for \procmail\:
-.display asis
-# transport
- driver = pipe
- command = /usr/local/bin/procmail -d $local_part
- return_path_add
- delivery_date_add
- envelope_to_add
- check_string = "From "
- escape_string = ">From "
- user = $local_part
- group = mail
-.display asis
-# router
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- transport = procmail_pipe
-In this example, the pipe is run as the local user, but with the group set to
-\*mail*\. An alternative is to run the pipe as a specific user such as \*mail*\
-or \*exim*\, but in this case you must arrange for \procmail\ to trust that
-user to supply a correct sender address. If you do not specify either a \group\
-or a \user\ option, the pipe command is run as the local user. The home
-directory is the user's home directory by default.
-Note that the command that the pipe transport runs does $it{not} begin with
-.display asis
-IFS=" "
-as shown in the \procmail\ documentation, because Exim does not by default use
-a shell to run pipe commands.
-.index Cyrus
-The next example shows a transport and a router for a system where local
-deliveries are handled by the Cyrus IMAP server.
-.display asis
-# transport
- driver = pipe
- command = /usr/cyrus/bin/deliver \
- -m ${substr_1:$local_part_suffix} -- $local_part
- user = cyrus
- group = mail
- return_output
- log_output
- message_prefix =
- message_suffix =
-.display asis
-# router
- driver = accept
- check_local_user
- local_part_suffix = .*
- transport = local_delivery_cyrus
-Note the unsetting of \message@_prefix\ and \message@_suffix\, and the use of
-\return@_output\ to cause any text written by Cyrus to be returned to the
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The smtp transport
-.rset CHAPsmtptrans "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "smtp transport"
-.index transports||\%smtp%\
-.index \%smtp%\ transport
-The \%smtp%\ transport delivers messages over TCP/IP connections using the SMTP
-or LMTP protocol. The list of hosts to try can either be taken from the address
-that is being processed (having been set up by the router), or specified
-explicitly for the transport. Timeout and retry processing (see chapter
-~~CHAPretry) is applied to each IP address independently.
-.section Multiple messages on a single connection
-The sending of multiple messages over a single TCP/IP connection can arise in
-two ways:
-.numberpars $.
-If a message contains more than \max@_rcpt\ (see below) addresses that are
-routed to the same host, more than one copy of the message has to be sent to
-that host. In this situation, multiple copies may be sent in a single run of
-the \%smtp%\ transport over a single TCP/IP connection. (What Exim actually does
-when it has too many addresses to send in one message also depends on the value
-of the global \remote@_max@_parallel\ option. Details are given in section
-.index hints database||remembering routing
-When a message has been successfully delivered over a TCP/IP connection, Exim
-looks in its hints database to see if there are any other messages awaiting a
-connection to the same host. If there are, a new delivery process is started
-for one of them, and the current TCP/IP connection is passed on to it. The new
-process may in turn send multiple copies and possibly create yet another
-For each copy sent over the same TCP/IP connection, a sequence counter is
-incremented, and if it ever gets to the value of \connection@_max@_messages\,
-no further messages are sent over that connection.
-.section Use of the @$host variable
-.index \$host$\
-.index \$host@_address$\
-At the start of a run of the \%smtp%\ transport, the values of \$host$\ and
-\$host@_address$\ are the name and IP address of the first host on the host list
-passed by the router. However, when the transport is about to connect to a
-specific host, and while it is connected to that host, \$host$\ and
-\$host@_address$\ are set to the values for that host. These are the values
-that are in force when the \helo@_data\, \hosts@_try@_auth\, \interface\,
-\serialize@_hosts\, and the various TLS options are expanded.
-.section Private options for smtp
-The private options of the \%smtp%\ transport are as follows:
-.index options||\%smtp%\ transport
-.startconf smtp
-.conf allow@_localhost boolean false
-.index local host||sending to
-.index fallback||hosts specified on transport
-When a host specified in \hosts\ or \fallback@_hosts\ (see below) turns out to
-be the local host, or is listed in \hosts@_treat@_as@_local\, delivery is
-deferred by default. However, if \allow@_localhost\ is set, Exim goes on to do
-the delivery anyway. This should be used only in special cases when the
-configuration ensures that no looping will result (for example, a differently
-configured Exim is listening on the port to which the message is sent).
-.conf authenticated@_sender string$**$ unset
-.index Cyrus
-When Exim has authenticated as a client, this option sets a value for the
-\\AUTH=\\ item on outgoing \\MAIL\\ commands, overriding any existing
-authenticated sender value. If the string expansion is forced to fail, the
-option is ignored. Other expansion failures cause delivery to be deferred. If
-the result of expansion is an empty string, that is also ignored.
-If the SMTP session is not authenticated, the expansion of
-\authenticated@_sender\ still happens (and can cause the delivery to be
-deferred if it fails), but no \\AUTH=\\ item is added to \\MAIL\\ commands.
-This option allows you to use the \%smtp%\ transport in LMTP mode to
-deliver mail to Cyrus IMAP and provide the proper local part as the
-`authenticated sender', via a setting such as:
-.display asis
-authenticated_sender = $local_part
-This removes the need for IMAP subfolders to be assigned special ACLs to
-allow direct delivery to those subfolders.
-Because of expected uses such as that just described for Cyrus (when no
-domain is involved), there is no checking on the syntax of the provided
-.conf command@_timeout time 5m
-This sets a timeout for receiving a response to an SMTP command that has been
-sent out. It is also used when waiting for the initial banner line from the
-remote host. Its value must not be zero.
-.conf connect@_timeout time 5m
-This sets a timeout for the \*connect()*\ function, which sets up a TCP/IP call
-to a remote host. A setting of zero allows the system timeout (typically
-several minutes) to act. To have any effect, the value of this option must be
-less than the system timeout. However, it has been observed that on some
-systems there is no system timeout, which is why the default value for this
-option is 5 minutes, a value recommended by RFC 1123.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-.conf connection@_max@_messages integer 500
-This controls the maximum number of separate message deliveries that are sent
-over a single TCP/IP connection. If the value is zero, there is no limit.
-For testing purposes, this value can be overridden by the \-oB-\ command line
-.conf data@_timeout time 5m
-This sets a timeout for the transmission of each block in the data portion of
-the message. As a result, the overall timeout for a message depends on the size
-of the message. Its value must not be zero. See also \final@_timeout\.
-.conf delay@_after@_cutoff boolean true
-This option controls what happens when all remote IP addresses for a given
-domain have been inaccessible for so long that they have passed their retry
-cutoff times.
-In the default state, if the next retry time has not been reached for any of
-them, the address is bounced without trying any deliveries. In other words,
-Exim delays retrying an IP address after the final cutoff time until a new
-retry time is reached, and can therefore bounce an address without ever trying
-a delivery, when machines have been down for a long time. Some people are
-unhappy at this prospect, so...
-If \delay@_after@_cutoff\ is set false, Exim behaves differently. If all IP
-addresses are past their final cutoff time, Exim tries to deliver to those
-IP addresses that have not been tried since the message arrived. If there are
-none, of if they all fail, the address is bounced. In other words, it does not
-delay when a new message arrives, but immediately tries those expired IP
-addresses that haven't been tried since the message arrived. If there is a
-continuous stream of messages for the dead hosts, unsetting
-\delay@_after@_cutoff\ means that there will be many more attempts to deliver
-to them.
-.conf dns@_qualify@_single boolean true
-If the \hosts\ or \fallback@_hosts\ option is being used,
-and the \gethostbyname\ option is false,
-the \\RES@_DEFNAMES\\ resolver option is set. See the \qualify@_single\ option
-in chapter ~~CHAPdnslookup for more details.
-.conf dns@_search@_parents boolean false
-.index \search@_parents\
-If the \hosts\ or \fallback@_hosts\ option is being used, and the
-\gethostbyname\ option is false, the \\RES@_DNSRCH\\ resolver option is set.
-See the \search@_parents\ option in chapter ~~CHAPdnslookup for more details.
-.conf fallback@_hosts "string list" unset
-.index fallback||hosts specified on transport
-String expansion is not applied to this option. The argument must be a
-colon-separated list of host names or IP addresses. Fallback hosts can also be
-specified on routers, which associate them with the addresses they process. As
-for the \hosts\ option without \hosts@_override\, \fallback@_hosts\ specified
-on the transport is used only if the address does not have its own associated
-fallback host list. Unlike \hosts\, a setting of \fallback@_hosts\ on an
-address is not overridden by \hosts@_override\. However, \hosts@_randomize\
-does apply to fallback host lists.
-If Exim is unable to deliver to any of the hosts for a particular address, and
-the errors are not permanent rejections, the address is put on a separate
-transport queue with its host list replaced by the fallback hosts, unless the
-address was routed via MX records and the current host was in the original MX
-list. In that situation, the fallback host list is not used.
-Once normal deliveries are complete, the fallback queue is delivered by
-re-running the same transports with the new host lists. If several failing
-addresses have the same fallback hosts (and \max@_rcpt\ permits it), a single
-copy of the message is sent.
-The resolution of the host names on the fallback list is controlled by the
-\gethostbyname\ option, as for the \hosts\ option. Fallback hosts apply
-both to cases when the host list comes with the address and when it is taken
-from \hosts\. This option provides a `use a smart host only if delivery fails'
-.conf final@_timeout time 10m
-This is the timeout that applies while waiting for the response to the final
-line containing just `.' that terminates a message. Its value must not be zero.
-.conf gethostbyname boolean false
-If this option is true when the \hosts\ and/or \fallback@_hosts\ options are
-being used, names are looked up using \*gethostbyname()*\
-(or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when available)
-instead of using the DNS. Of course, that function may in fact use the DNS, but
-it may also consult other sources of information such as \(/etc/hosts)\.
-.index \\HELO\\||argument, setting
-.index \\EHLO\\||argument, setting
-.conf helo@_data string$**$ $tt{@$primary@_hostname}
-The value of this option is expanded, and used as the argument for the \\EHLO\\
-or \\HELO\\ command that starts the outgoing SMTP session.
-.conf hosts "string list$**$" unset
-Hosts are associated with an address by a router such as \%dnslookup%\, which
-finds the hosts by looking up the address domain in the DNS. However, addresses
-can be passed to the \%smtp%\ transport by any router, and not all of them can
-provide an associated host list. The \hosts\ option specifies a list of hosts
-which are used if the address being processed does not have any hosts
-associated with it. The hosts specified by \hosts\ are also used, whether or
-not the address has its own hosts, if \hosts@_override\ is set.
-The string is first expanded, before being interpreted as a colon-separated
-list of host names or IP addresses. If the expansion fails, delivery is
-deferred. Unless the failure was caused by the inability to complete a lookup,
-the error is logged to the panic log as well as the main log. Host names are
-looked up either by searching directly for address records in the DNS or by
-calling \*gethostbyname()*\
-(or \*getipnodebyname()*\ when available),
-depending on the setting of the \gethostbyname\ option. When Exim is compiled
-with IPv6 support, if a host that is looked up in the DNS has both IPv4 and
-IPv6 addresses, both types of address are used.
-During delivery, the hosts are tried in order, subject to their retry status,
-unless \hosts@_randomize\ is set.
-.conf hosts@_avoid@_esmtp "host list$**$" unset
-.index ESMTP, avoiding use of
-.index \\HELO\\||forcing use of
-.index \\EHLO\\||avoiding use of
-.index \\PIPELINING\\||avoiding the use of
-This option is for use with broken hosts that announce ESMTP facilities (for
-example, \\PIPELINING\\) and then fail to implement them properly. When a host
-matches \hosts@_avoid@_esmtp\, Exim sends \\HELO\\ rather than \\EHLO\\ at the
-start of the SMTP session. This means that it cannot use any of the ESMTP
-facilities such as \\AUTH\\, \\PIPELINING\\, \\SIZE\\, and \\STARTTLS\\.
-.conf hosts@_avoid@_tls "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||avoiding for certain hosts
-Exim will not try to start a TLS session when delivering to any host that
-matches this list. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS.
-.conf hosts@_max@_try integer 5
-.index host||maximum number to try
-.index limit||number of hosts tried
-.index limit||number of MX tried
-.index MX record||maximum tried
-This option limits the number of IP addresses that are tried for any one
-delivery in cases where there are temporary delivery errors. Section
-~~SECTvalhosmax describes in detail how the value of this option is used.
-.conf hosts@_max@_try@_hardlimit integer 50
-This is an additional check on the maximum number of IP addresses that Exim
-tries for any one delivery. Section ~~SECTvalhosmax describes its use and why
-it exists.
-.conf hosts@_nopass@_tls "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||passing connection
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-.index TLS||multiple message deliveries
-For any host that matches this list, a connection on which a TLS session has
-been started will not be passed to a new delivery process for sending another
-message on the same connection. See section ~~SECTmulmessam for an explanation
-of when this might be needed.
-.conf hosts@_override boolean false
-If this option is set and the \hosts\ option is also set, any hosts that are
-attached to the address are ignored, and instead the hosts specified by the
-\hosts\ option are always used. This option does not apply to
-.conf hosts@_randomize boolean false
-.index randomized host list
-.index host||list of, randomized
-.index fallback||randomized hosts
-If this option is set, and either the list of hosts is taken from the
-\hosts\ or the \fallback@_hosts\ option, or the hosts supplied by the router
-were not obtained from MX records (this includes fallback hosts from the
-router), and were not randomizied by the router, the order of trying the hosts
-is randomized each time the transport runs. Randomizing the order of a host
-list can be used to do crude load sharing.
-When \hosts@_randomize\ is true, a host list may be split into groups whose
-order is separately randomized. This makes it possible to set up MX-like
-behaviour. The boundaries between groups are indicated by an item that is just
-\"+"\ in the host list. For example:
-.display asis
-hosts = host1:host2:host3:+:host4:host5
-The order of the first three hosts and the order of the last two hosts is
-randomized for each use, but the first three always end up before the last two.
-If \hosts@_randomize\ is not set, a \"+"\ item in the list is ignored.
-.index authentication||required by client
-.conf hosts@_require@_auth "host list$**$" unset
-This option provides a list of servers for which authentication must succeed
-before Exim will try to transfer a message. If authentication fails for
-servers which are not in this list, Exim tries to send unauthenticated. If
-authentication fails for one of these servers, delivery is deferred. This
-temporary error is detectable in the retry rules, so it can be turned into a
-hard failure if required. See also \hosts@_try@_auth\, and chapter
-~~CHAPSMTPAUTH for details of authentication.
-.conf hosts@_require@_tls "host list$**$" unset
-.index TLS||requiring for certain servers
-Exim will insist on using a TLS session when delivering to any host that
-matches this list. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS.
-\**Note**\: This option affects outgoing mail only. To insist on TLS for
-incoming messages, use an appropriate ACL.
-.index authentication||optional in client
-.conf hosts@_try@_auth "host list$**$" unset
-This option provides a list of servers to which, provided they announce
-authentication support, Exim will attempt to authenticate as a client when it
-connects. If authentication fails, Exim will try to transfer the message
-unauthenticated. See also \hosts@_require@_auth\, and chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH
-for details of authentication.
-.index bind IP address
-.index IP address||binding
-.conf interface "string list$**$" unset
-This option specifies which interface to bind to when making an outgoing SMTP
-call. The variables \$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ refer to the host to which a
-connection is about to be made during the expansion of the string. Forced
-expansion failure, or an empty string result causes the option to be ignored.
-Otherwise, after expansion,
-the string must be a list of IP addresses, colon-separated by default, but the
-separator can be changed in the usual way.
-For example:
-.display asis
-interface = <; ; 3ffe:ffff:836f::fe86:a061
-The first interface of the correct type (IPv4 or IPv6) is used for the outgoing
-connection. If none of them are the correct type, the option is ignored. If
-\interface\ is not set, or is ignored, the system's IP functions choose which
-interface to use if the host has more than one.
-.conf keepalive boolean true
-.index keepalive||on outgoing connection
-This option controls the setting of \\SO@_KEEPALIVE\\ on outgoing TCP/IP socket
-connections. When set, it causes the kernel to probe idle connections
-periodically, by sending packets with `old' sequence numbers. The other end of
-the connection should send a acknowledgement if the connection is still okay or
-a reset if the connection has been aborted. The reason for doing this is that
-it has the beneficial effect of freeing up certain types of connection that can
-get stuck when the remote host is disconnected without tidying up the TCP/IP
-call properly. The keepalive mechanism takes several hours to detect
-unreachable hosts.
-.conf max@_rcpt integer 100
-.index \\RCPT\\||maximum number of outgoing
-This option limits the number of \\RCPT\\ commands that are sent in a single
-SMTP message transaction. Each set of addresses is treated independently, and
-so can cause parallel connections to the same host if \remote@_max@_parallel\
-permits this.
-.conf multi@_domain boolean true
-When this option is set, the \%smtp%\ transport can handle a number of addresses
-containing a mixture of different domains provided they all resolve to the same
-list of hosts. Turning the option off restricts the transport to handling only
-one domain at a time. This is useful if you want to use \$domain$\ in an
-expansion for the transport, because it is set only when there is a single
-domain involved in a remote delivery.
-.conf port string$**$ "see below"
-.index port||sending TCP/IP
-.index TCP/IP||setting outgoing port
-This option specifies the TCP/IP port on the server to which Exim connects. If
-it begins with a digit it is taken as a port number; otherwise it is looked up
-using \*getservbyname()*\. The default value is normally `smtp', but if
-\protocol\ is set to `lmtp', the default is `lmtp'.
-If the expansion fails, or if a port number cannot be found, delivery is
-.conf protocol string "smtp"
-.index LMTP||over TCP/IP
-If this option is set to `lmtp' instead of `smtp', the default value for the
-\port\ option changes to `lmtp', and the transport operates the LMTP protocol
-(RFC 2033) instead of SMTP. This protocol is sometimes used for local
-deliveries into closed message stores. Exim also has support for running LMTP
-over a pipe to a local process -- see chapter ~~CHAPLMTP.
-.conf retry@_include@_ip@_address boolean true
-Exim normally includes both the host name and the IP address in the key it
-constructs for indexing retry data after a temporary delivery failure. This
-means that when one of several IP addresses for a host is failing, it gets
-tried periodically (controlled by the retry rules), but use of the other IP
-addresses is not affected.
-However, in some dialup environments hosts are assigned a different IP address
-each time they connect. In this situation the use of the IP address as part of
-the retry key leads to undesirable behaviour. Setting this option false causes
-Exim to use only the host name. This should normally be done on a separate
-instance of the \%smtp%\ transport, set up specially to handle the dialup hosts.
-.conf serialize@_hosts "host list$**$" unset
-.index serializing connections
-.index host||serializing connections
-Because Exim operates in a distributed manner, if several messages for the same
-host arrive at around the same time, more than one simultaneous connection to
-the remote host can occur. This is not usually a problem except when there is a
-slow link between the hosts. In that situation it may be helpful to restrict
-Exim to one connection at a time. This can be done by setting
-\serialize@_hosts\ to match the relevant hosts.
-.index hints database||serializing deliveries to a host
-Exim implements serialization by means of a hints database in which a record is
-written whenever a process connects to one of the restricted hosts. The record
-is deleted when the connection is completed. Obviously there is scope for
-records to get left lying around if there is a system or program crash. To
-guard against this, Exim ignores any records that are more than six hours old.
-If you set up this kind of serialization, you should also arrange to delete the
-relevant hints database whenever your system reboots. The names of the files
-start with \(misc)\ and they are kept in the \(spool/db)\ directory. There
-may be one or two files, depending on the type of DBM in use. The same files
-are used for ETRN serialization.
-.conf size@_addition integer 1024
-.index SMTP||\\SIZE\\
-.index message||size issue for transport filter
-.index size||of message
-.index transport||filter
-.index filter||transport filter
-If a remote SMTP server indicates that it supports the \\SIZE\\ option of the
-\\MAIL\\ command, Exim uses this to pass over the message size at the start of
-an SMTP transaction. It adds the value of \size@_addition\ to the value it
-sends, to allow for headers and other text that may be added during delivery by
-configuration options or in a transport filter. It may be necessary to increase
-this if a lot of text is added to messages.
-Alternatively, if the value of \size@_addition\ is set negative, it disables
-the use of the \\SIZE\\ option altogether.
-.conf tls@_certificate string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||client certificate, location of
-.index certificate||for client, location of
-The value of this option must be the absolute path to a file which contains the
-client's certificate, for use when sending a message over an encrypted
-connection. The values of \$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ are set to the name
-and address of the server during the expansion. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for
-details of TLS.
-\**Note**\: This option must be set if you want Exim to use TLS when sending
-messages as a client. The global option of the same name specifies the
-certificate for Exim as a server; it is not automatically assumed that the same
-certificate should be used when Exim is operating as a client.
-.conf tls@_crl string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||client certificate revocation list
-.index certificate||revocation list for client
-This option specifies a certificate revocation list. The expanded value must
-be the name of a file that contains a CRL in PEM format.
-.conf tls@_privatekey string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||client private key, location of
-The value of this option must be the absolute path to a file which contains the
-client's private key, for use when sending a message over an encrypted
-connection. The values of \$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ are set to the name
-and address of the server during the expansion.
-If this option is unset, the private key is assumed to be in the same file as
-the certificate.
-See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS.
-.conf tls@_require@_ciphers string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||requiring specific ciphers
-.index cipher||requiring specific
-The value of this option must be a list of permitted cipher suites, for use
-when setting up an outgoing encrypted connection. (There is a global option of
-the same name for controlling incoming connections.) The values of \$host$\ and
-\$host@_address$\ are set to the name and address of the server during the
-expansion. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS; note that this option is
-used in different ways by OpenSSL and GnuTLS (see sections ~~SECTreqciphssl and
-For GnuTLS, the order of the ciphers is a preference order.
-.conf tls@_tempfail@_tryclear boolean true
-When the server host is not in \hosts@_require@_tls\, and there is a problem in
-setting up a TLS session, this option determines whether or not Exim should try
-to deliver the message unencrypted. If it is set false, delivery to the
-current host is deferred; if there are other hosts, they are tried. If this
-option is set true, Exim attempts to deliver unencrypted after a 4\*xx*\
-response to \\STARTTLS\\. Also, if \\STARTTLS\\ is accepted, but the subsequent
-TLS negotiation fails, Exim closes the current connection (because it is in an
-unknown state), opens a new one to the same host, and then tries the delivery
-in clear.
-.conf tls@_verify@_certificates string$**$ unset
-.index TLS||server certificate verification
-.index certificate||verification of server
-The value of this option must be the absolute path to a file containing
-permitted server certificates, for use when setting up an encrypted connection.
-Alternatively, if you are using OpenSSL, you can set
-\tls@_verify@_certificates\ to the name of a directory containing certificate
-files. This does not work with GnuTLS; the option must be set to the name of a
-single file if you are using GnuTLS. The values of \$host$\ and
-\$host@_address$\ are set to the name and address of the server during the
-expansion of this option. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for details of TLS.
-.section How the limits for the number of hosts to try are used
-.rset SECTvalhosmax "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index host||maximum number to try
-.index limit||hosts, maximum number tried
-There are two options that are concerned with the number of hosts that are
-tried when an SMTP delivery takes place. They are \hosts@_max@_try\ and
-The \hosts@_max@_try\ option limits the number of hosts that are tried
-for a single delivery. However, despite the term `host' in its name, the option
-actually applies to each IP address independently. In other words, a multihomed
-host is treated as several independent hosts, just as it is for retrying.
-Many of the larger ISPs have multiple MX records which often point to
-multihomed hosts. As a result, a list of a dozen or more IP addresses may be
-created as a result of routing one of these domains.
-Trying every single IP address on such a long list does not seem sensible; if
-several at the top of the list fail, it is reasonable to assume there is some
-problem that is likely to affect all of them. Roughly speaking, the value of
-\hosts@_max@_try\ is the maximum number that are tried before deferring the
-delivery. However, the logic cannot be quite that simple.
-Firstly, IP addresses that are skipped because their retry times have not
-arrived do not count, and in addition, addresses that are past their retry
-limits are also not counted, even when they are tried. This means that when
-some IP addresses are past their retry limits, more than the value of
-\hosts@_max@_retry\ may be tried. The reason for this behaviour is to ensure
-that all IP addresses are considered before timing out an email address (but
-see below for an exception).
-Secondly, when the \hosts@_max@_try\ limit is reached, Exim looks down the host
-list to see if there is a subsequent host with a different (higher valued) MX.
-If there is, that host is considered next, and the current IP address is used
-but not counted. This behaviour helps in the case of a domain with a retry rule
-that hardly ever delays any hosts, as is now explained:
-Consider the case of a long list of hosts with one MX value, and a few with a
-higher MX value. If \hosts@_max@_try\ is small (the default is 5) only a few
-hosts at the top of the list are tried at first. With the default retry rule,
-which specifies increasing retry times, the higher MX hosts are eventually
-tried when those at the top of the list are skipped because they have not
-reached their retry times.
-However, it is common practice to put a fixed short retry time on domains for
-large ISPs, on the grounds that their servers are rarely down for very long.
-Unfortunately, these are exactly the domains that tend to resolve to long lists
-of hosts. The short retry time means that the lowest MX hosts are tried every
-time. The attempts may be in a different order because of random sorting, but
-without the special MX check, the higher MX hosts would never be tried
-until all the lower MX hosts had timed out (which might be several days),
-because there are always some lower MX hosts that have reached their retry
-times. With the special check, Exim considers at least one IP address from each
-MX value at every delivery attempt, even if the \hosts@_max@_try\ limit has
-already been reached.
-The above logic means that \hosts@_max@_try\ is not a hard limit, and in
-particular, Exim normally eventually tries all the IP addresses before timing
-out an email address. When \hosts@_max@_try\ was implemented, this seemed a
-reasonable thing to do. Recently, however, some lunatic DNS configurations have
-been set up with hundreds of IP addresses for some domains. It can
-take a very long time indeed for an address to time out in these cases.
-The \hosts@_max@_try@_hardlimit\ option was added to help with this problem.
-Exim never tries more than this number of IP addresses; if it hits this limit
-and they are all timed out, the email address is bounced, even though not all
-possible IP addresses have been tried.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Address rewriting
-.set runningfoot "address rewriting"
-.rset CHAPrewrite ~~chapter
-.index rewriting||addresses
-There are some circumstances in which Exim automatically rewrites domains in
-addresses. The two most common are when an address is given without a domain
-(referred to as an `unqualified address') or when an address contains an
-abbreviated domain that is expanded by DNS lookup.
-Unqualified envelope addresses are accepted only for locally submitted
-messages, or messages from hosts that match \sender@_unqualified@_hosts\ or
-\recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\, respectively. Unqualified addresses in header
-lines are qualified if they are in locally submitted messages, or messages from
-hosts that are permitted to send unqualified envelope addresses. Otherwise,
-unqualified addresses in header lines are neither qualified nor rewritten.
-One situation in which Exim does $it{not} automatically rewrite a domain is
-when it is the name of a CNAME record in the DNS. The older RFCs suggest that
-such a domain should be rewritten using the `canonical' name, and some MTAs do
-this. The new RFCs do not contain this suggestion.
-.section Explicitly configured address rewriting
-This chapter describes the rewriting rules that can be used in the
-main rewrite section of the configuration file, and also in the generic
-\headers@_rewrite\ option that can be set on any transport.
-Some people believe that configured address rewriting is a Mortal Sin.
-Others believe that life is not possible without it. Exim provides the
-facility; you do not have to use it.
-The main rewriting rules that appear in the `rewrite' section of the
-configuration file are applied to addresses in incoming messages, both envelope
-addresses and addresses in header lines. Each rule specifies the types of
-address to which it applies.
-Rewriting of addresses in header lines applies only to those headers that
-were received with the message, and, in the case of transport rewriting, those
-that were added by a system filter. That is, it applies only to those headers
-that are common to all copies of the message. Header lines that are added by
-individual routers or transports (and which are therefore specific to
-individual recipient addresses) are not rewritten.
-In general, rewriting addresses from your own system or domain has some
-legitimacy. Rewriting other addresses should be done only with great care and
-in special circumstances. The author of Exim believes that rewriting should be
-used sparingly, and mainly for `regularizing' addresses in your own domains.
-Although it can sometimes be used as a routing tool, this is very strongly
-There are two commonly encountered circumstances where rewriting is used, as
-illustrated by these examples:
-.numberpars $.
-The company whose domain is \*hitch.fict.example*\ has a number of hosts that
-exchange mail with each other behind a firewall, but there is only a single
-gateway to the outer world. The gateway rewrites \*@*.hitch.fict.example*\ as
-\*hitch.fict.example*\ when sending mail off-site.
-A host rewrites the local parts of its own users so that, for example,
-\*fp42@@hitch.fict.example*\ becomes \*Ford.Prefect@@hitch.fict.example*\.
-.section When does rewriting happen?
-.index rewriting||timing of
-.index ~~ACL||rewriting addresses in
-Configured address rewriting can take place at several different stages of a
-message's processing.
-At the start of an ACL for \\MAIL\\, the sender address may have been rewritten
-by a special SMTP-time rewrite rule (see section ~~SECTrewriteS), but no
-ordinary rewrite rules have yet been applied. If, however, the sender address
-is verified in the ACL, it is rewritten before verification, and remains
-rewritten thereafter. The subsequent value of \$sender@_address$\ is the
-rewritten address. This also applies if sender verification happens in a
-\\RCPT\\ ACL. Otherwise, when the sender address is not verified, it is
-rewritten as soon as a message's header lines have been received.
-Similarly, at the start of an ACL for \\RCPT\\, the current recipient's address
-may have been rewritten by a special SMTP-time rewrite rule, but no ordinary
-rewrite rules have yet been applied to it. However, the behaviour is different
-from the sender address when a recipient is verified. The address is rewritten
-for the verification, but the rewriting is not remembered at this stage. The
-value of \$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ after verification are always the same
-as they were before (that is, they contain the unrewritten -- except for
-SMTP-time rewriting -- address).
-Once a message's header lines have been received, all the envelope recipient
-addresses are permanently rewritten, and rewriting is also applied to the
-addresses in the header lines (if configured).
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||address rewriting, timing of
-Thus, all the rewriting is completed before the \\DATA\\ ACL and
-\*local@_scan()*\ functions are run.
-When an address is being routed, either for delivery or for verification,
-rewriting is applied immediately to child addresses that are generated by
-redirection, unless \no@_rewrite\ is set on the router.
-.index envelope sender, rewriting
-.index rewriting||at transport time
-At transport time, additional rewriting of addresses in header lines can be
-specified by setting the generic \headers@_rewrite\ option on a transport. This
-option contains rules that are identical in form to those in the rewrite
-section of the configuration file. In addition, the outgoing envelope sender
-can be rewritten by means of the \return@_path\ transport option. However, it
-is not possible to rewrite envelope recipients at transport time.
-.section Testing the rewriting rules that apply on input
-.index rewriting||testing
-.index testing||rewriting
-Exim's input rewriting configuration appears in a part of the run time
-configuration file headed by `begin rewrite'. It can be tested by the \-brw-\
-command line option. This takes an address (which can be a full RFC 2822
-address) as its argument. The output is a list of how the address would be
-transformed by the rewriting rules for each of the different places it might
-appear in an incoming message, that is, for each different header and for the
-envelope sender and recipient fields. For example,
-.display asis
-exim -brw ph10@exim.workshop.example
-might produce the output
-.display asis
- sender: Philip.Hazel@exim.workshop.example
- from: Philip.Hazel@exim.workshop.example
- to: ph10@exim.workshop.example
- cc: ph10@exim.workshop.example
- bcc: ph10@exim.workshop.example
-reply-to: Philip.Hazel@exim.workshop.example
-env-from: Philip.Hazel@exim.workshop.example
- env-to: ph10@exim.workshop.example
-which shows that rewriting has been set up for that address when used in any of
-the source fields, but not when it appears as a recipient address. At the
-present time, there is no equivalent way of testing rewriting rules that are
-set for a particular transport.
-.section Rewriting rules
-.index rewriting||rules
-The rewrite section of the configuration file consists of lines of rewriting
-rules in the form
-<<source pattern>> <<replacement>> <<flags>>
-Rewriting rules that are specified for the \headers@_rewrite\ generic transport
-option are given as a colon-separated list. Each item in the list takes the
-same form as a line in the main rewriting configuration
-(except that any colons must be doubled, of course).
-The formats of source patterns and replacement strings are described below.
-Each is terminated by white space, unless enclosed in double quotes, in which
-case normal quoting conventions apply inside the quotes. The flags are single
-characters which may appear in any order. Spaces and tabs between them are
-For each address that could potentially be rewritten, the rules are scanned in
-order, and replacements for the address from earlier rules can themselves be
-replaced by later rules (but see the `q' and `R' flags).
-The order in which addresses are rewritten is undefined, may change between
-releases, and must not be relied on, with one exception: when a message is
-received, the envelope sender is always rewritten first, before any header
-lines are rewritten. For example, the replacement string for a rewrite of an
-address in ::To:: must not assume that the message's address in ::From:: has (or
-has not) already been rewritten. However, a rewrite of ::From:: may assume that
-the envelope sender has already been rewritten.
-The variables \$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ can be used in the replacement
-string to refer to the address that is being rewritten. Note that lookup-driven
-rewriting can be done by a rule of the form
-.display asis
-*@* ${lookup ...
-where the lookup key uses \$1$\ and \$2$\ or \$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ to
-refer to the address that is being rewritten.
-.section Rewriting patterns
-.index rewriting||patterns
-.index address list||in a rewriting pattern
-The source pattern in a rewriting rule is any item which may appear in an
-address list (see section ~~SECTaddresslist). It is in fact processed as a
-single-item address list, which means that it is expanded before being tested
-against the address.
-Domains in patterns should be given in lower case. Local parts in patterns are
-case-sensitive. If you want to do case-insensitive matching of local parts, you
-can use a regular expression that starts with \"^(?i)"\.
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in rewriting rules
-After matching, the numerical variables \$1$\, \$2$\, etc. may be set,
-depending on the type of match which occurred. These can be used in the
-replacement string to insert portions of the incoming address. \$0$\ always
-refers to the complete incoming address. When a regular expression is used, the
-numerical variables are set from its capturing subexpressions. For other types
-of pattern they are set as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-If a local part or domain starts with an asterisk, the numerical variables
-refer to the character strings matched by asterisks, with \$1$\ associated with
-the first asterisk, and \$2$\ with the second, if present. For example, if the
-is matched against the address \*hearts-queen@@wonderland.fict.example*\ then
-.display asis
-$0 = hearts-queen@wonderland.fict.example
-$1 = hearts-
-$2 = wonderland
-Note that if the local part does not start with an asterisk, but the domain
-does, it is \$1$\ that contains the wild part of the domain.
-If the domain part of the pattern is a partial lookup, the wild and fixed parts
-of the domain are placed in the next available numerical variables. Suppose,
-for example, that the address \*foo@@bar.baz.example*\ is processed by a
-rewriting rule of the form
-*@@partial-dbm;/some/dbm/file <<replacement string>>
-and the key in the file that matches the domain is \"*.baz.example"\. Then
-.display asis
-$1 = foo
-$2 = bar
-$3 = baz.example
-If the address \*foo@@baz.example*\ is looked up, this matches the same
-wildcard file entry, and in this case \$2$\ is set to the empty string, but
-\$3$\ is still set to \*baz.example*\. If a non-wild key is matched in a
-partial lookup, \$2$\ is again set to the empty string and \$3$\ is set to the
-whole domain. For non-partial domain lookups, no numerical variables are set.
-.section Rewriting replacements
-.index rewriting||replacements
-If the replacement string for a rule is a single asterisk, addresses that
-match the pattern and the flags are $it{not} rewritten, and no subsequent
-rewriting rules are scanned. For example,
-.display asis
-hatta@lookingglass.fict.example * f
-specifies that \*hatta@@lookingglass.fict.example*\ is never to be rewritten in
-::From:: headers.
-If the replacement string is not a single asterisk, it is expanded, and must
-yield a fully qualified address. Within the expansion, the variables
-\$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ refer to the address that is being rewritten.
-Any letters they contain retain their original case -- they are not lower
-cased. The numerical variables are set up according to the type of pattern that
-matched the address, as described above. If the expansion is forced to fail by
-the presence of `fail' in a conditional or lookup item, rewriting by the
-current rule is abandoned, but subsequent rules may take effect. Any other
-expansion failure causes the entire rewriting operation to be abandoned, and an
-entry written to the panic log.
-.section Rewriting flags
-There are three different kinds of flag that may appear on rewriting rules:
-.numberpars $.
-Flags that specify which headers and envelope addresses to rewrite: E, F, T, b,
-c, f, h, r, s, t.
-A flag that specifies rewriting at SMTP time: S.
-Flags that control the rewriting process: Q, q, R, w.
-For rules that are part of the \headers@_rewrite\ generic transport option,
-E, F, T, and S are not permitted.
-.section Flags specifying which headers and envelope addresses to rewrite
-.index rewriting||flags
-If none of the following flag letters, nor the `S' flag (see section
-~~SECTrewriteS) are present, a main rewriting rule applies to all headers and
-to both the sender and recipient fields of the envelope, whereas a
-transport-time rewriting rule just applies to all headers. Otherwise, the
-rewriting rule is skipped unless the relevant addresses are being processed.
-E $rm{rewrite all envelope fields}
-F $rm{rewrite the envelope From field}
-T $rm{rewrite the envelope To field}
-b $rm{rewrite the ::Bcc:: header}
-c $rm{rewrite the ::Cc:: header}
-f $rm{rewrite the ::From:: header}
-h $rm{rewrite all headers}
-r $rm{rewrite the ::Reply-To:: header}
-s $rm{rewrite the ::Sender:: header}
-t $rm{rewrite the ::To:: header}
-You should be particularly careful about rewriting ::Sender:: headers, and
-restrict this to special known cases in your own domains.
-.section The SMTP-time rewriting flag
-.rset SECTrewriteS "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index SMTP||rewriting malformed addresses
-.index \\RCPT\\||rewriting argument of
-.index \\MAIL\\||rewriting argument of
-The rewrite flag `S' specifies a rewrite of incoming envelope addresses at SMTP
-time, as soon as an address is received in a \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ command, and
-before any other processing; even before syntax checking. The pattern is
-required to be a regular expression, and it is matched against the whole of the
-data for the command, including any surrounding angle brackets.
-This form of rewrite rule allows for the handling of addresses that are not
-compliant with RFCs 2821 and 2822 (for example, `bang paths' in batched SMTP
-input). Because the input is not required to be a syntactically valid address,
-the variables \$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ are not available during the
-expansion of the replacement string. The result of rewriting replaces the
-original address in the \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ command.
-.section Flags controlling the rewriting process
-There are four flags which control the way the rewriting process works. These
-take effect only when a rule is invoked, that is, when the address is of the
-correct type (matches the flags) and matches the pattern:
-.numberpars $.
-If the `Q' flag is set on a rule, the rewritten address is permitted to be an
-unqualified local part. It is qualified with \qualify@_recipient\. In the
-absence of `Q' the rewritten address must always include a domain.
-If the `q' flag is set on a rule, no further rewriting rules are considered,
-even if no rewriting actually takes place because of a `fail' in the expansion.
-The `q' flag is not effective if the address is of the wrong type (does not
-match the flags) or does not match the pattern.
-The `R' flag causes a successful rewriting rule to be re-applied to the new
-address, up to ten times. It can be combined with the `q' flag, to stop
-rewriting once it fails to match (after at least one successful rewrite).
-.index rewriting||whole addresses
-When an address in a header is rewritten, the rewriting normally applies only
-to the working part of the address, with any comments and RFC 2822 `phrase'
-left unchanged. For example, rewriting might change
-.display asis
-From: Ford Prefect <fp42@restaurant.hitch.fict.example>
-.display asis
-From: Ford Prefect <prefectf@hitch.fict.example>
-Sometimes there is a need to replace the whole address item, and this can be
-done by adding the flag letter `w' to a rule. If this is set on a rule that
-causes an address in a header line to be rewritten, the entire address is
-replaced, not just the working part. The replacement must be a complete RFC
-2822 address, including the angle brackets if necessary. If text outside angle
-brackets contains a character whose value is greater than 126 or less than 32
-(except for tab), the text is encoded according to RFC 2047.
-The character set is taken from \headers@_charset\, which defaults to
-When the `w' flag is set on a rule that causes an envelope address to be
-rewritten, all but the working part of the replacement address is discarded.
-.section Rewriting examples
-Here is an example of the two common rewriting paradigms:
-.display asis
-*@*.hitch.fict.example $1@hitch.fict.example
-*@hitch.fict.example ${lookup{$1}dbm{/etc/realnames}\
- {$value}fail}@hitch.fict.example bctfrF
-Note the use of `fail' in the lookup expansion in the second rule, forcing
-the string expansion to fail if the lookup does not succeed. In this context it
-has the effect of leaving the original address unchanged, but Exim goes on to
-consider subsequent rewriting rules, if any, because the `q' flag is not
-present in that rule. An alternative to `fail' would be to supply \$1$\
-explicitly, which would cause the rewritten address to be the same as before,
-at the cost of a small bit of processing. Not supplying either of these is an
-error, since the rewritten address would then contain no local part.
-The first example above replaces the domain with a superior, more general
-domain. This may not be desirable for certain local parts. If the rule
-.display asis
-root@*.hitch.fict.example *
-were inserted before the first rule, rewriting would be suppressed for the
-local part \*root*\ at any domain ending in \*hitch.fict.example*\.
-Rewriting can be made conditional on a number of tests, by making use of
-\${if$\ in the expansion item. For example, to apply a rewriting rule only to
-messages that originate outside the local host:
-.display asis
-*@*.hitch.fict.example "${if !eq {$sender_host_address}{}\
- {$1@hitch.fict.example}fail}"
-The replacement string is quoted in this example because it contains white
-.index rewriting||bang paths
-.index bang paths||rewriting
-Exim does not handle addresses in the form of `bang paths'. If it sees such an
-address it treats it as an unqualified local part which it qualifies with the
-local qualification domain (if the source of the message is local or if the
-remote host is permitted to send unqualified addresses). Rewriting can
-sometimes be used to handle simple bang paths with a fixed number of
-components. For example, the rule
-.display asis
-\N^([^!]+)!(.*)@your.domain.example$\N $2@$1
-rewrites a two-component bang path \*!user*\ as the domain address
-\**\. However, there is a security implication in using this as
-a global rewriting rule for envelope addresses. It can provide a backdoor
-method for using your system as a relay, because the incoming addresses appear
-to be local. If the bang path addresses are received via SMTP, it is safer to
-use the `S' flag to rewrite them as they are received, so that relay checking
-can be done on the rewritten addresses.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Retry configuration
-.set runningfoot "retry configuration"
-.rset CHAPretry ~~chapter
-.index retry||configuration, description of
-.index configuration file||retry section
-The `retry' section of the run time configuration file contains a list of retry
-rules which control how often Exim tries to deliver messages that cannot be
-delivered at the first attempt. If there are no retry rules, temporary errors
-are treated as permanent. The \-brt-\ command line option can be used to test
-which retry rule will be used for a given address or domain.
-The most common cause of retries is temporary failure to deliver to a remote
-host because the host is down, or inaccessible because of a network problem.
-Exim's retry processing in this case is applied on a per-host (strictly, per IP
-address) basis, not on a per-message basis. Thus, if one message has recently
-been delayed, delivery of a new message to the same host is not immediately
-tried, but waits for the host's retry time to arrive. If the \retry@_defer\ log
-selector is set, the message
-.index retry||time not reached
-`retry time not reached' is written to the main log whenever a delivery is
-skipped for this reason. Section ~~SECToutSMTPerr contains more details of the
-handling of errors during remote deliveries.
-Retry processing applies to routing as well as to delivering, except as covered
-in the next paragraph. The retry rules do not distinguish between these
-actions. It is not possible, for example, to specify different behaviour for
-failures to route the domain \*snark.fict.example*\ and failures to deliver to
-the host \*snark.fict.example*\. I didn't think anyone would ever need this
-added complication, so did not implement it. However, although they share the
-same retry rule, the actual retry times for routing and transporting a given
-domain are maintained independently.
-When a delivery is not part of a queue run (typically an immediate delivery on
-receipt of a message), the routers are always run, and local deliveries are
-always attempted, even if retry times are set for them. This makes for better
-behaviour if one particular message is causing problems (for example, causing
-quota overflow, or provoking an error in a filter file). If such a delivery
-suffers a temporary failure, the retry data is updated as normal, and
-subsequent delivery attempts from queue runs occur only when the retry time for
-the local address is reached.
-.section Retry rules
-.index retry||rules
-Each retry rule occupies one line and consists of three or four parts,
-separated by white space: a pattern, an error name, an optional list of sender
-addresses, and a list of retry parameters. The pattern and sender lists must be
-enclosed in double quotes if they contain white space. The rules are searched in
-order until one is found where the pattern, error name, and sender list (if
-present) match the failing host or address, the error that occurred, and the
-message's sender, respectively.
-The pattern is any single item that may appear in an address list (see section
-~~SECTaddresslist). It is in fact processed as a one-item address list, which
-means that it is expanded before being tested against the address that has
-been delayed. Address list processing treats a plain domain name as if it were
-preceded by `*@@', which makes it possible for many retry rules to start with
-just a domain. For example,
-.display asis
-lookingglass.fict.example * F,24h,30m;
-provides a rule for any address in the \*lookingglass.fict.example*\ domain,
-.display asis
-alice@lookingglass.fict.example * F,24h,30m;
-applies only to temporary failures involving the local part \alice\.
-In practice, almost all rules start with a domain name pattern without a local
-.index regular expressions||in retry rules
-\**Warning**\: If you use a regular expression in a routing rule pattern, it
-must match a complete address, not just a domain, because that is how regular
-expressions work in address lists.
-^@\Nxyz@\d+@\.abc@\.example@$@\N * G,1h,10m,2 \Wrong\
-^@\N[^@@]+@@xyz@\d+@\.abc@\.example@$@\N * G,1h,10m,2 \Right\
-.section Choosing which retry rule to use
-When Exim is looking for a retry rule after a routing attempt has failed (for
-example, after a DNS timeout), each line in the retry configuration is tested
-against the complete address only if \retry__use@_local@_part\ is set for the
-router. Otherwise, only the domain is used, except when matching against a
-regular expression, when the local part of the address is replaced with `*'. A
-domain on its own can match a domain pattern, or a pattern that starts with
-`*@@'. By default, \retry@_use@_local@_part\ is true for routers where
-\check@_local@_user\ is true, and false for other routers.
-Similarly, when Exim is looking for a retry rule after a local delivery has
-failed (for example, after a mailbox full error), each line in the retry
-configuration is tested against the complete address only if
-\retry@_use@_local@_part\ is set for the transport (it defaults true for all
-local transports).
-When Exim is looking for a retry rule after a remote delivery attempt has
-failed, what happens depends on the type of failure. After a 4\*xx*\ SMTP
-response for a recipient address, the whole address is used when searching the
-retry rules. The rule that is found is used to create a retry time for the
-failing address.
-For a temporary error that is not related to an individual address,
-(for example, a connection timeout), each line in the retry configuration is
-checked twice. First, the name of the remote host is used as a domain name
-(preceded by `*@@' when matching a regular expression). If this does not match
-the line, the domain from the email address is tried in a similar fashion. For
-example, suppose the MX records for \*a.b.c.example*\ are
-.display asis
-a.b.c.example MX 5 x.y.z.example
- MX 6 p.q.r.example
- MX 7 m.n.o.example
-and the retry rules are
-.display asis
-p.q.r.example * F,24h,30m;
-a.b.c.example * F,4d,45m;
-and a delivery to the host \*x.y.z.example*\ fails. The first rule matches
-neither the host nor the domain, so Exim looks at the second rule. This does
-not match the host, but it does match the domain, so it is used to calculate
-the retry time for the host \*x.y.z.example*\. Meanwhile, Exim tries to deliver
-to \*p.q.r.example*\. If this fails, the first retry rule is used, because it
-matches the host.
-In other words, failures to deliver to host \*p.q.r.example*\ use the first
-rule to determine retry times, but for all the other hosts for the domain
-\*a.b.c.example*\, the second rule is used. The second rule is also used if
-routing to \*a.b.c.example*\ suffers a temporary failure.
-.section Retry rules for specific errors
-.index retry||specific errors, specifying
-The second field in a retry rule is the name of a particular error, or an
-asterisk, which matches any error. The errors that can be tested for are:
-.indent 2em
-.tempindent 0
-\auth@_failed\: Authentication failed when trying to send to a host in the
-\hosts@_require@_auth\ list in an \%smtp%\ transport.
-.tempindent 0
-\rcpt@_4xx\: A 4\*xx*\ error was received for an outgoing \\RCPT\\ command.
-Either the first or both of the x's can be given as specific digits, for
-example: \"rcpt@_45x"\ or \"rcpt@_436"\. For example, to recognize 452 errors
-given to \\RCPT\\ commands by a particular host, and have retries every ten
-minutes and a one-hour timeout, you could set up a retry rule of this form:
-.display asis rcpt_452 F,1h,10m
-These errors apply to both outgoing SMTP (the \%smtp%\ transport) and outgoing
-LMTP (either the \%lmtp%\ transport, or the \%smtp%\ transport in LMTP mode).
-Note, however, that they apply only to responses to \\RCPT\\ commands.
-.tempindent 0
-\refused@_MX\: A connection to a host obtained from an MX record was refused.
-.tempindent 0
-\refused@_A\: A connection to a host not obtained from an MX record was
-.tempindent 0
-\refused\: A connection was refused.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout@_connect@_MX\: A connection attempt to a host obtained from an MX
-record timed out.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout@_connect@_A\: A connection attempt to a host not obtained from an MX
-record timed out.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout@_connect\: A connection attempt timed out.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout@_MX\: There was a timeout while connecting or during an SMTP session
-with a host obtained from an MX record.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout@_A\: There was a timeout while connecting or during an SMTP session
-with a host not obtained from an MX record.
-.tempindent 0
-\timeout\: There was a timeout while connecting or during an SMTP session.
-.tempindent 0
-\quota\: A mailbox quota was exceeded in a local delivery by the
-\%appendfile%\ transport.
-.index quota||error testing in retry rule
-.index retry||quota error testing
-.tempindent 0
-\quota@_\<<time>>: A mailbox quota was exceeded in a local delivery by
-the \%appendfile%\ transport, and the mailbox has not been accessed for
-<<time>>. For example, \*quota@_4d*\ applies to a quota error when the mailbox
-has not been accessed for four days.
-.index mailbox||time of last read
-The idea of \quota@_\<<time>> is to make it possible to have shorter timeouts
-when the mailbox is full and is not being read by its owner. Ideally, it should
-be based on the last time that the user accessed the mailbox. However, it is
-not always possible to determine this. Exim uses the following heuristic rules:
-.numberpars $.
-If the mailbox is a single file, the time of last access (the `atime') is used.
-As no new messages are being delivered (because the mailbox is over quota),
-Exim does not access the file, so this is the time of last user access.
-.index maildir format||time of last read
-For a maildir delivery, the time of last modification of the \(new)\
-subdirectory is used. As the mailbox is over quota, no new files are created in
-the \(new)\ subdirectory, because no new messages are being delivered. Any
-change to the \(new)\ subdirectory is therefore assumed to be the result of an
-MUA moving a new message to the \(cur)\ directory when it is first read. The
-time that is used is therefore the last time that the user read a new message.
-For other kinds of multi-file mailbox, the time of last access cannot be
-obtained, so a retry rule that uses this type of error field is never matched.
-The quota errors apply both to system-enforced quotas and to Exim's own quota
-mechanism in the \%appendfile%\ transport. The \*quota*\ error also applies
-when a local delivery is deferred because a partition is full (the \\ENOSPC\\
-.section Retry rules for specified senders
-.index retry||rules, sender-specific
-You can specify retry rules that apply only when the failing message has a
-specific sender. In particular, this can be used to define retry rules that
-apply only to bounce messages. The third item in a retry rule can be of this
-senders=<<address list>>
-The retry timings themselves are then the fourth item. For example:
-.display asis
-* * senders=: F,1h,30m
-matches all temporary errors for bounce messages sent to any host. If the
-address list contains white space, it must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
-a.domain timeout senders="x@b.dom : y@c.dom" G,8h,10m,1.5
-When testing retry rules using \-brt-\, you can supply a sender using the \-f-\
-command line option, like this:
-.display asis
-exim -f "" -brt user@dom.ain
-If you do not set \-f-\ with \-brt-\, a retry rule that contains a senders list
-is never matched.
-.section Retry parameters
-.index retry||parameters in rules
-The third
-(or fourth, if a senders list is present)
-field in a retry rule is a sequence of retry parameter sets, separated by
-semicolons. Each set consists of
-<<letter>>,<<cutoff time>>,<<arguments>>
-The letter identifies the algorithm for computing a new retry time; the cutoff
-time is the time beyond which this algorithm no longer applies, and the
-arguments vary the algorithm's action. The cutoff time is measured from the
-time that the first failure for the domain (combined with the local part if
-relevant) was detected, not from the time the message was received.
-.index retry||algorithms
-The available algorithms are:
-.numberpars $.
-\*F*\: retry at fixed intervals. There is a single time parameter specifying
-the interval.
-\*G*\: retry at geometrically increasing intervals. The first argument
-specifies a starting value for the interval, and the second a multiplier, which
-is used to increase the size of the interval at each retry.
-When computing the next retry time, the algorithm definitions are scanned in
-order until one whose cutoff time has not yet passed is reached. This is then
-used to compute a new retry time that is later than the current time. In the
-case of fixed interval retries, this simply means adding the interval to the
-current time. For geometrically increasing intervals, retry intervals are
-computed from the rule's parameters until one that is greater than the previous
-interval is found. The main configuration variable
-.index limit||retry interval
-.index retry||interval, maximum
-.index \retry@_interval@_max\
-\retry@_interval@_max\ limits the maximum interval between retries.
-A single remote domain may have a number of hosts associated with it, and each
-host may have more than one IP address. Retry algorithms are selected on the
-basis of the domain name, but are applied to each IP address independently. If,
-for example, a host has two IP addresses and one is unusable, Exim will
-generate retry times for it and will not try to use it until its next retry
-time comes. Thus the good IP address is likely to be tried first most of the
-.index hints database||use for retrying
-Retry times are hints rather than promises. Exim does not make any attempt to
-run deliveries exactly at the computed times. Instead, a queue runner process
-starts delivery processes for delayed messages periodically, and these attempt
-new deliveries only for those addresses that have passed their next retry time.
-If a new message arrives for a deferred address, an immediate delivery attempt
-occurs only if the address has passed its retry time. In the absence of new
-messages, the minimum time between retries is the interval between queue runner
-processes. There is not much point in setting retry times of five minutes if
-your queue runners happen only once an hour, unless there are a significant
-number of incoming messages (which might be the case on a system that is
-sending everything to a smart host, for example).
-The data in the retry hints database can be inspected by using the
-\*exim@_dumpdb*\ or \*exim@_fixdb*\ utility programs (see chapter ~~CHAPutils). The
-latter utility can also be used to change the data. The \*exinext*\ utility
-script can be used to find out what the next retry times are for the hosts
-associated with a particular mail domain, and also for local deliveries that
-have been deferred.
-.section Retry rule examples
-Here are some example retry rules:
-.display asis
-alice@wonderland.fict.example quota_5d F,7d,3h
-wonderland.fict.example quota_5d
-wonderland.fict.example * F,1h,15m; G,2d,1h,2;
-lookingglass.fict.example * F,24h,30m;
-* refused_A F,2h,20m;
-* * F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,5d,8h
-The first rule sets up special handling for mail to
-\*alice@@wonderland.fict.example*\ when there is an over-quota error and the
-mailbox has not been read for at least 5 days. Retries continue every three
-hours for 7 days. The second rule handles over-quota errors for all other local
-parts at \*wonderland.fict.example*\; the absence of a local part has the same
-effect as supplying `$*$@@'. As no retry algorithms are supplied, messages that
-fail are bounced immediately if the mailbox has not been read for at least 5
-The third rule handles all other errors at \*wonderland.fict.example*\; retries
-happen every 15 minutes for an hour, then with geometrically increasing
-intervals until two days have passed since a delivery first failed. After the
-first hour there is a delay of one hour, then two hours, then four hours, and
-so on (this is a rather extreme example).
-The fourth rule controls retries for the domain \*lookingglass.fict.example*\.
-They happen every 30 minutes for 24 hours only. The remaining two rules handle
-all other domains, with special action for connection refusal from hosts that
-were not obtained from an MX record.
-The final rule in a retry configuration should always have asterisks in the
-first two fields so as to provide a general catch-all for any addresses that do
-not have their own special handling. This example tries every 15 minutes for 2
-hours, then with intervals starting at one hour and increasing by a factor of
-1.5 up to 16 hours, then every 8 hours up to 5 days.
-.section Timeout of retry data
-.index timeout||of retry data
-.index \retry@_data@_expire\
-.index hints database||data expiry
-.index retry||timeout of data
-Exim timestamps the data that it writes to its retry hints database. When it
-consults the data during a delivery it ignores any that is older than the value
-set in \retry@_data@_expire\ (default 7 days). If, for example, a host hasn't
-been tried for 7 days, Exim will try to deliver to it immediately a message
-arrives, and if that fails, it will calculate a retry time as if it were
-failing for the first time.
-This improves the behaviour for messages routed to rarely-used hosts such as MX
-backups. If such a host was down at one time, and happens to be down again when
-Exim tries a month later, using the old retry data would imply that it had been
-down all the time, which is not a justified assumption.
-If a host really is permanently dead, this behaviour causes a burst of retries
-every now and again, but only if messages routed to it are rare. It there is a
-message at least once every 7 days the retry data never expires.
-.section Long-term failures
-.index delivery||failure, long-term
-.index retry||after long-term failure
-Special processing happens when an email address has been failing for so long
-that the cutoff time for the last algorithm is reached. For example, using the
-default retry rule:
-.display asis
-* * F,2h,15m; G,16h,1h,1.5; F,4d,6h
-the cutoff time is four days. Reaching the retry cutoff is independent of how
-long any specific message has been failing; it is the length of continuous
-failure for the recipient address that counts.
-When the cutoff time is reached for a local delivery, or for all the IP
-addresses associated with a remote delivery, a subsequent delivery failure
-causes Exim to give up on the address, and a bounce message is generated.
-In order to cater for new messages that use the failing address, a next retry
-time is still computed from the final algorithm, and is used as follows:
-For local deliveries, one delivery attempt is always made for any subsequent
-messages. If this delivery fails, the address fails immediately. The
-post-cutoff retry time is not used.
-If the delivery is remote, there are two possibilities, controlled by the
-.index \delay@_after@_cutoff\
-\delay@_after@_cutoff\ option of the \%smtp%\ transport. The option is true by
-default and in that case:
-.numberpars " "
-Until the post-cutoff retry time for one of the IP addresses is reached,
-the failing email address is bounced immediately, without a delivery attempt
-taking place. After that time, one new delivery attempt is made to those IP
-addresses that are past their retry times, and if that still fails, the address
-is bounced and new retry times are computed.
-In other words, when all the hosts for a given email address have been failing
-for a long time, Exim bounces rather then defers until one of the hosts' retry
-times is reached. Then it tries once, and bounces if that attempt fails. This
-behaviour ensures that few resources are wasted in repeatedly trying to deliver
-to a broken destination, but if the host does recover, Exim will eventually
-If \delay@_after@_cutoff\ is set false, Exim behaves differently. If all IP
-addresses are past their final cutoff time, Exim tries to deliver to those IP
-addresses that have not been tried since the message arrived. If there are
-no suitable IP addresses, or if they all fail, the address is bounced. In other
-words, it does not delay when a new message arrives, but tries the expired
-addresses immediately, unless they have been tried since the message arrived.
-If there is a continuous stream of messages for the failing domains, setting
-\delay@_after@_cutoff\ false means that there will be many more attempts to
-deliver to permanently failing IP addresses than when \delay@_after@_cutoff\ is
-.section Ultimate address timeout
-.index retry||ultimate address timeout
-An additional rule is needed to cope with cases where a host is intermittently
-available, or when a message has some attribute that prevents its delivery when
-others to the same address get through. In this situation, because some
-messages are successfully delivered, the `retry clock' for the address keeps
-getting restarted, and so a message could remain on the queue for ever. To
-prevent this, if a message has been on the queue for longer than the cutoff
-time of any applicable retry rule for a given address, a delivery is attempted
-for that address, even if it is not yet time, and if this delivery fails, the
-address is timed out. A new retry time is not computed in this case, so that
-other messages for the same address are considered immediately.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter SMTP authentication
-.set runningfoot "SMTP authentication"
-.rset CHAPSMTPAUTH "~~chapter"
-.index SMTP||authentication configuration
-.index authentication
-The `authenticators' section of Exim's run time configuration is concerned with
-SMTP authentication. This facility is an extension to the SMTP protocol,
-described in RFC 2554, which allows a client SMTP host to authenticate itself
-to a server. This is a common way for a server to recognize clients that
-are permitted to use it as a relay. SMTP authentication is not of relevance to
-the transfer of mail between servers that have no managerial connection with
-each other.
-.index \\AUTH\\||description of
-Very briefly, the way SMTP authentication works is as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-The server advertises a number of authentication \*mechanisms*\ in response to
-the client's \\EHLO\\ command.
-The client issues an \\AUTH\\ command, naming a specific mechanism. The command
-may, optionally, contain some authentication data.
-The server may issue one or more \*challenges*\, to which the client must send
-appropriate responses. In simple authentication mechanisms, the challenges are
-just prompts for user names and passwords. The server does not have to issue
-any challenges -- in some mechanisms the relevant data may all be transmitted
-with the \\AUTH\\ command.
-The server either accepts or denies authentication.
-If authentication succeeds, the client may optionally make use of the \\AUTH\\
-option on the \\MAIL\\ command to pass an authenticated sender in subsequent
-mail transactions. Authentication lasts for the remainder of the SMTP
-If authentication fails, the client may give up, or it may try a different
-authentication mechanism, or it may try transferring mail over the
-unauthenticated connection.
-If you are setting up a client, and want to know which authentication
-mechanisms the server supports, you can use Telnet to connect to port 25 (the
-SMTP port) on the server, and issue an \\EHLO\\ command. The response to this
-includes the list of supported mechanisms. For example:
-@$ $cb{telnet server.example 25}
-Connected to server.example.
-Escape character is '@^]'.
-220 server.example ESMTP Exim 4.20 ...
-$cb{ehlo client.example}
-250-server.example Hello client.example []
-250-SIZE 52428800
-250 HELP
-The second-last line of this example output shows that the server supports
-authentication using the PLAIN mechanism. In Exim, the different authentication
-mechanisms are configured by specifying \*authenticator*\ drivers. Like the
-routers and transports, which authenticators are included in the binary is
-controlled by build-time definitions. The following are currently available,
-included by setting
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\, respectively. The first of these supports the CRAM-MD5
-authentication mechanism (RFC 2195), and the second can be configured to
-support the PLAIN authentication mechanism (RFC 2595) or the LOGIN mechanism,
-which is not formally documented, but used by several MUAs. The third
-authenticator supports Microsoft's \*Secure Password Authentication*\
-The authenticators are configured using the same syntax as other drivers (see
-section ~~SECTfordricon). If no authenticators are required, no authentication
-section need be present in the configuration file. Each authenticator can in
-principle have both server and client functions. When Exim is receiving SMTP
-mail, it is acting as a server; when it is sending out messages over SMTP, it
-is acting as a client. Authenticator configuration options are provided for use
-in both these circumstances.
-To make it clear which options apply to which situation, the prefixes
-\server@_\ and \client@_\ are used on option names that are specific to either
-the server or the client function, respectively. Server and client functions
-are disabled if none of their options are set. If an authenticator is to be
-used for both server and client functions, a single definition, using both sets
-of options, is required. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = cram_md5
- public_name = CRAM-MD5
- server_secret = ${if eq{$1}{ph10}{secret1}fail}
- client_name = ph10
- client_secret = secret2
-The \server@_\ option is used when Exim is acting as a server, and the
-\client@_\ options when it is acting as a client.
-Descriptions of the individual authenticators are given in subsequent chapters.
-The remainder of this chapter covers the generic options for the
-authenticators, followed by general discussion of the way authentication works
-in Exim.
-.section Generic options for authenticators
-.index authentication||generic options
-.startconf authenticators
-.index options||generic, for authenticators
-.conf driver string unset
-This option must always be set. It specifies which of the available
-authenticators is to be used.
-.conf public@_name string unset
-This option specifies the name of the authentication mechanism that the driver
-implements, and by which it is known to the outside world. These names should
-contain only upper case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens (RFC 2222),
-but Exim in fact matches them caselessly. If \public@_name\ is not set, it
-defaults to the driver's instance name.
-.conf server@_advertise@_condition string$**$ unset
-When a server is about to advertise an authentication mechanism, the condition
-is expanded. If it yields the empty string, `0', `no', or `false', the
-mechanism is not advertised.
-If the expansion fails, the mechanism is not advertised. If the failure was not
-forced, and was not caused by a lookup defer, the incident is logged.
-See section ~~SECTauthexiser below for further discussion.
-.conf server@_debug@_print string$**$ unset
-If this option is set and authentication debugging is enabled (see the \-d-\
-command line option), the string is expanded and included in the debugging
-output when the authenticator is run as a server. This can help with checking
-out the values of variables.
-If expansion of the string fails, the error message is written to the debugging
-output, and Exim carries on processing.
-.conf server@_set@_id string$**$ unset
-When an Exim server successfully authenticates a client, this string is
-expanded using data from the authentication, and preserved for any incoming
-messages in the variable \$authenticated@_id$\. It is also included in the log
-lines for incoming messages. For example, a user/password authenticator
-configuration might preserve the user name that was used to authenticate, and
-refer to it subsequently during delivery of the message.
-If expansion fails, the option is ignored.
-.conf server@_mail@_auth@_condition string$**$ unset
-This option allows a server to discard authenticated sender addresses supplied
-as part of \\MAIL\\ commands in SMTP connections that are authenticated by the
-driver on which \server__mail__auth@_condition\ is set. The option is not used
-as part of the authentication process; instead its (unexpanded) value is
-remembered for later use.
-How it is used is described in the following section.
-.section The AUTH parameter on MAIL commands
-.rset SECTauthparamail "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index authentication||sender, authenticated
-.index \\AUTH\\||on \\MAIL\\ command
-When a client supplied an \\AUTH=\\ item on a \\MAIL\\ command, Exim applies
-the following checks before accepting it as the authenticated sender of the
-.numberpars $.
-If the connection is not using extended SMTP (that is, \\HELO\\ was used rather
-than \\EHLO\\), the use of \\AUTH=\\ is a syntax error.
-If the value of the \\AUTH=\\ parameter is `@<@>', it is ignored.
-If \acl@_smtp@_mailauth\ is defined, the ACL it specifies is run. While it is
-running, the value of \$authenticated@_sender$\ is set to the value obtained
-from the \\AUTH=\\ parameter. If the ACL does not yield `accept', the value of
-\$authenticated@_sender$\ is deleted. The \acl@_smtp@_mailauth\ ACL may not
-return `drop' or `discard'. If it defers, a temporary error code (451) is given
-for the \\MAIL\\ command.
-If \acl@_smtp@_mailauth\ is not defined, the value of the \\AUTH=\\ parameter
-is accepted and placed in \$authenticated@_sender$\ only if the client has
-If the \\AUTH=\\ value was accepted by either of the two previous rules, and
-the client has authenticated, and the authenticator has a setting for the
-\server@_mail@_auth@_condition\, the condition is checked at this point. The
-valued that was saved from the authenticator is expanded. If the expansion
-fails, or yields an empty string, `0', `no', or `false', the value of
-\$authenticated__sender$\ is deleted. If the expansion yields any other value,
-the value of \$authenticated@_sender$\ is retained and passed on with the
-When \$authenticated@_sender$\ is set for a message, it is passed on to other
-hosts to which Exim authenticates as a client. Do not confuse this value with
-\$authenticated@_id$\, which is a string obtained from the authentication
-process, and which is not usually a complete email address.
-Whenever an \\AUTH=\\ value is ignored, the incident is logged. The ACL for
-\\MAIL\\, if defined, is run after \\AUTH=\\ is accepted or ignored. It can
-therefore make use of \$authenticated@_sender$\. The converse is not true: the
-value of \$sender@_address$\ is not yet set up when the \acl@_smtp@_mailauth\
-ACL is run.
-.section Authentication on an Exim server
-.rset SECTauthexiser "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index authentication||on an Exim server
-When Exim receives an \\EHLO\\ command, it advertises the public names of those
-authenticators that are configured as servers, subject to the following
-.numberpars $.
-The client host must match \auth@_advertise@_hosts\ (default $*$).
-It the \server@_advertise@_condition\ option is set, its expansion must not
-yield the empty string, `0', `no', or `false'.
-The order in which the authenticators are defined controls the order in which
-the mechanisms are advertised.
-Some mail clients (for example, some versions of Netscape) require the user to
-provide a name and password for authentication whenever \\AUTH\\ is advertised,
-even though authentication may not in fact be needed (for example, Exim may be
-set up to allow unconditional relaying from the client by an IP address check).
-You can make such clients more friendly by not advertising \\AUTH\\ to them.
-For example, if clients on the network are permitted (by the ACL
-that runs for \\RCPT\\) to relay without authentication, you should set
-.display asis
-auth_advertise_hosts = !
-so that no authentication mechanisms are advertised to them.
-The \server@_advertise@_condition\ controls the advertisement of individual
-authentication mechanisms. For example, it can be used to restrict the
-advertisement of a patricular mechanism to encrypted connections, by a setting
-such as:
-.display asis
-server_advertise_condition = ${if eq{$tls_cipher}{}{no}{yes}}
-If the session is encrypted, \$tls@_cipher$\ is not empty, and so the expansion
-yields `yes', which allows the advertisement to happen.
-When an Exim server receives an \\AUTH\\ command from a client, it rejects it
-immediately if \\AUTH\\ was not advertised in response to an earlier \\EHLO\\
-command. This is the case if
-.numberpars $.
-The client host does not match \auth@_advertise@_hosts\; or
-No authenticators are configured with server options; or
-Expansion of \server@_advertise@_condition\ blocked the advertising of all the
-server authenticators.
-Otherwise, Exim runs the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_auth\ in order
-to decide whether to accept the command. If \acl@_smtp@_auth\ is not set,
-\\AUTH\\ is accepted from any client host.
-If \\AUTH\\ is not rejected by the ACL, Exim searches its configuration for a
-server authentication mechanism that was advertised in response to \\EHLO\\ and
-that matches the one named in the \\AUTH\\ command. If it finds one, it runs
-the appropriate authentication protocol, and authentication either succeeds or
-fails. If there is no matching advertised mechanism, the \\AUTH\\ command is
-rejected with a 504 error.
-When a message is received from an authenticated host, the value of
-\$received@_protocol$\ is set to
-instead of `esmtp', and \$sender@_host@_authenticated$\ contains the name (not
-the public name) of the authenticator driver that successfully authenticated
-the client from which the message was received. This variable is empty if there
-was no successful authentication.
-.section Testing server authentication
-.index authentication||testing a server
-.index \\AUTH\\||testing a server
-.index base64 encoding||creating authentication test data
-Exim's \-bh-\ option can be useful for testing server authentication
-configurations. The data for the \\AUTH\\ command has to be sent using base64
-encoding. A quick way to produce such data for testing is the following Perl
-.display asis
-use MIME::Base64;
-printf ("%s", encode_base64(eval "\"$ARGV[0]\""));
-.index binary zero||in authentication data
-This interprets its argument as a Perl string, and then encodes it. The
-interpretation as a Perl string allows binary zeros, which are required for
-some kinds of authentication, to be included in the data. For example, a
-command line to run this script on such data might be
-.display asis
-encode '\0user\0password'
-Note the use of single quotes to prevent the shell interpreting the
-backslashes, so that they can be interpreted by Perl to specify characters
-whose code value is zero.
-\**Warning 1**\: If either of the user or password strings starts with an octal
-digit, you must use three zeros instead of one after the leading backslash. If
-you do not, the octal digit that starts your string will be incorrectly
-interpreted as part of the code for the first character.
-\**Warning 2**\: If there are characters in the strings that Perl interprets
-specially, you must use a Perl escape to prevent them being misinterpreted. For
-example, a command such as
-.display asis
-encode '\\0pas$$word'
-gives an incorrect answer because of the unescaped `@@' and `@$' characters.
-If you have the \mimencode\ command installed, another way to do produce
-base64-encoded strings is to run the command
-.display asis
-echo -e -n `\0user\0password' | mimencode
-The \-e-\ option of \echo\ enables the interpretation of backslash escapes in
-the argument, and the \-n-\ option specifies no newline at the end of its
-output. However, not all versions of \echo\ recognize these options, so you
-should check your version before relying on this suggestion.
-.section Authentication by an Exim client
-.index authentication||on an Exim client
-The \%smtp%\ transport has two options called \hosts@_require@_auth\ and
-\hosts@_try@_auth\. When the \%smtp%\ transport connects to a server that
-announces support for authentication, and the host matches an entry in either
-of these options, Exim (as a client) tries to authenticate as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-For each authenticator that is configured as a client, it searches the
-authentication mechanisms announced by the server for one whose name
-matches the public name of the authenticator.
-When it finds one that matches, it runs the authenticator's client code.
-The variables \$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ are available for any string
-expansions that the client might do. They are set to the server's name and
-IP address. If any expansion is forced to fail, the authentication attempt
-is abandoned,
-and Exim moves on to the next authenticator.
-Otherwise an expansion failure causes delivery to be
-If the result of the authentication attempt is a temporary error or a timeout,
-Exim abandons trying to send the message to the host for the moment. It will
-try again later. If there are any backup hosts available, they are tried in the
-usual way.
-If the response to authentication is a permanent error (5xx code), Exim carries
-on searching the list of authenticators and tries another one if possible. If
-all authentication attempts give permanent errors, or if there are no attempts
-because no mechanisms match
-(or option expansions force failure),
-what happens depends on whether the host matches \hosts@_require@_auth\ or
-\hosts@_try@_auth\. In the first case, a temporary error is generated, and
-delivery is deferred. The error can be detected in the retry rules, and thereby
-turned into a permanent error if you wish. In the second case, Exim tries to
-deliver the message unauthenticated.
-.index \\AUTH\\||on \\MAIL\\ command
-When Exim has authenticated itself to a remote server, it adds the \\AUTH\\
-parameter to the \\MAIL\\ commands it sends, if it has an authenticated sender
-for the message.
-If the message came from a remote host, the authenticated sender is the one
-that was receiving on an incoming \\MAIL\\ command, provided that the incoming
-connection was authenticated and the \server@_mail@_auth\ condition allowed the
-authenticated sender to be retained. If a local process calls Exim to send a
-message, the sender address that is built from the login name and
-\qualify@_domain\ is treated as authenticated. However, if the
-\authenticated@_sender\ option is set on the \%smtp%\ transport, it overrides
-the authenticated sender that was received with the message.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The plaintext authenticator
-.rset CHAPplaintext "~~chapter"
-.set runningfoot "plaintext authenticator"
-.index \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-.index authenticators||\%plaintext%\
-The \%plaintext%\ authenticator can be configured to support the PLAIN and
-LOGIN authentication mechanisms, both of which transfer authentication data as
-plain (unencrypted) text (though base64 encoded). The use of plain text is a
-security risk. If you use one of these mechanisms without also making use of
-SMTP encryption (see chapter ~~CHAPTLS) you should not use the same passwords
-for SMTP connections as you do for login accounts.
-.section Using plaintext in a server
-When running as a server, \%plaintext%\ performs the authentication test by
-expanding a string. It has the following options:
-.startconf plaintext
-.index options||\%plaintext%\ authenticator (server)
-.conf server@_prompts string$**$ unset
-The contents of this option, after expansion, must be a colon-separated list of
-prompt strings. If expansion fails, a temporary authentication rejection is
-.conf server@_condition string$**$ unset
-This option must be set in order to configure the driver as a server. Its use
-is described below.
-.index \\AUTH\\||in \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-.index binary zero||in \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-.index base64 encoding||in \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-The data sent by the client with the \\AUTH\\ command, or in response to
-subsequent prompts, is base64 encoded, and so may contain any byte values
-when decoded. If any data is supplied with the command, it is treated as a
-list of strings, separated by NULs (binary zeros), which are placed in the
-expansion variables \$1$\, \$2$\, etc. If there are more strings in
-\server@_prompts\ than the number of strings supplied with the \\AUTH\\
-command, the remaining prompts are used to obtain more data. Each response from
-the client may be a list of NUL-separated strings.
-Once a sufficient number of data strings have been received,
-\server@_condition\ is expanded.
-If the expansion is forced to fail, authentication fails. Any other expansion
-failure causes a temporary error code to be returned.
-If the result of a successful expansion is an empty string, `0', `no', or
-`false', authentication fails. If the result of the expansion is `1', `yes', or
-`true', authentication succeeds and the generic \server@_set@_id\ option is
-expanded and saved in \$authenticated@_id$\. For any other result, a temporary
-error code is returned, with the expanded string as the error text.
-\**Warning**\: If you use a lookup in the expansion to find the user's
-password, be sure to make the authentication fail if the user is unknown.
-There are good and bad examples at the end of the next section.
-.section The PLAIN authentication mechanism
-.index PLAIN authentication mechanism
-.index authentication||PLAIN mechanism
-.index binary zero||in \%plaintext%\ authenticator
-The PLAIN authentication mechanism (RFC 2595) specifies that three strings be
-sent as one item of data (that is, one combined string containing two NUL
-separators). The data is sent either as part of the \\AUTH\\ command, or
-subsequently in response to an empty prompt from the server.
-The second and third strings are a user name and a corresponding password.
-Using a single fixed user name and password as an example, this could be
-configured as follows:
-.display asis
- driver = plaintext
- public_name = PLAIN
- server_prompts = :
- server_condition = \
- ${if and {{eq{$2}{username}}{eq{$3}{mysecret}}}{yes}{no}}
- server_set_id = $2
-The \server@_prompts\ setting specifies a single, empty prompt (empty items at
-the end of a string list are ignored). If all the data comes as part of the
-\\AUTH\\ command, as is commonly the case, the prompt is not used. This
-authenticator is advertised in the response to \\EHLO\\ as
-.display asis
-and a client host can authenticate itself by sending the command
-.display asis
-As this contains three strings (more than the number of prompts), no further
-data is required from the client. Alternatively, the client may just send
-.display asis
-to initiate authentication, in which case the server replies with an empty
-prompt. The client must respond with the combined data string.
-The data string is base64 encoded, as required by the RFC. This example,
-when decoded, is \"<<NUL>>username<<NUL>>mysecret"\, where <<NUL>> represents a
-zero byte. This is split up into three strings, the first of which is empty.
-The \server@_condition\ option in the authenticator checks that the second two
-are \"username"\ and \"mysecret"\ respectively.
-Having just one fixed user name and password, as in this example, is not very
-realistic, though for a small organization with only a handful of
-authenticating clients it could make sense.
-A more sophisticated instance of this authenticator could use the user name in
-\$2$\ to look up a password in a file or database, and maybe do an encrypted
-comparison (see \crypteq\ in chapter ~~CHAPexpand). Here is a example of this
-approach, where the passwords are looked up in a DBM file. \**Warning**\: This
-is an incorrect example:
-.display asis
-server_condition = \
- ${if eq{$3}{${lookup{$2}dbm{/etc/authpwd}}}{yes}{no}}
-The expansion uses the user name (\$2$\) as the key to look up a password,
-which it then compares to the supplied password (\$3$\). Why is this example
-incorrect? It works fine for existing users, but consider what happens if a
-non-existent user name is given. The lookup fails, but as no success/failure
-strings are given for the lookup, it yields an empty string. Thus, to defeat
-the authentication, all a client has to do is to supply a non-existent user
-name and an empty password. The correct way of writing this test is:
-.display asis
-server_condition = ${lookup{$2}dbm{/etc/authpwd}\
- {${if eq{$value}{$3}{yes}{no}}}{no}}
-In this case, if the lookup succeeds, the result is checked; if the lookup
-fails, authentication fails. If \crypteq\ is being used instead of \eq\, the
-first example is in fact safe, because \crypteq\ always fails if its second
-argument is empty. However, the second way of writing the test makes the logic
-.section The LOGIN authentication mechanism
-.index LOGIN authentication mechanism
-.index authentication||LOGIN mechanism
-The LOGIN authentication mechanism is not documented in any RFC, but is in use
-in a number of programs. No data is sent with the \\AUTH\\ command. Instead, a
-user name and password are supplied separately, in response to prompts. The
-plaintext authenticator can be configured to support this as in this example:
-.display asis
- driver = plaintext
- public_name = LOGIN
- server_prompts = User Name : Password
- server_condition = \
- ${if and {{eq{$1}{username}}{eq{$2}{mysecret}}}{yes}{no}}
- server_set_id = $1
-Because of the way plaintext operates, this authenticator accepts data supplied
-with the \\AUTH\\ command (in contravention of the specification of LOGIN), but
-if the client does not supply it (as is the case for LOGIN clients), the prompt
-strings are used to obtain two data items.
-Some clients are very particular about the precise text of the prompts. For
-example, Outlook Express is reported to recognize only `Username:' and
-`Password:'. Here is an example of a LOGIN authenticator which uses those
-strings, and which uses the \ldapauth\ expansion condition to check the user
-name and password by binding to an LDAP server:
-.display asis
- driver = plaintext
- public_name = LOGIN
- server_prompts = Username:: : Password::
- server_condition = ${if ldapauth \
- {user="cn=${quote_ldap_dn:$1},ou=people," \
- pass=${quote:$2} \
- ldap://}{yes}{no}}
- server_set_id = uid=$1,ou=people,
-Note the use of the \quote@_ldap@_dn\ operator to correctly quote the DN for
-authentication. However, the basic \quote\ operator, rather than any of the
-LDAP quoting operators, is the correct one to use for the password, because
-quoting is needed only to make the password conform to the Exim syntax. At the
-LDAP level, the password is an uninterpreted string.
-.section Support for different kinds of authentication
-A number of string expansion features are provided for the purpose of
-interfacing to different ways of user authentication. These include checking
-traditionally encrypted passwords from \(/etc/passwd)\ (or equivalent), PAM,
-Radius, \ldapauth\, and \*pwcheck*\. For details see section ~~SECTexpcond.
-.section Using plaintext in a client
-The \%plaintext%\ authenticator has just one client option:
-.startconf plaintext
-.index options||\%plaintext%\ authenticator (client)
-.conf client@_send string$**$ unset
-The string is a colon-separated list of authentication data strings. Each
-string is independently expanded before being sent to the server. The first
-string is sent with the \\AUTH\\ command; any more strings are sent in response
-to prompts from the server.
-\**Note**\: you cannot use expansion to create multiple strings, because
-splitting takes priority and happens first.
-Because the PLAIN authentication mechanism requires NUL (binary zero) bytes in
-the data, further processing is applied to each string before it is sent. If
-there are any single circumflex characters in the string, they are converted to
-NULs. Should an actual circumflex be required as data, it must be doubled in
-the string.
-This is an example of a client configuration that implements the PLAIN
-authentication mechanism with a fixed user name and password:
-.display asis
- driver = plaintext
- public_name = PLAIN
- client_send = ^username^mysecret
-The lack of colons means that the entire text is sent with the \\AUTH\\
-command, with the circumflex characters converted to NULs. A similar example
-that uses the LOGIN mechanism is:
-.display asis
- driver = plaintext
- public_name = LOGIN
- client_send = : username : mysecret
-The initial colon means that the first string is empty, so no data is sent with
-the \\AUTH\\ command itself. The remaining strings are sent in response to
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The cram@_md5 authenticator
-.set runningfoot "cram@_md5 authenticator"
-.index \%cram@_md5%\ authenticator
-.index authenticators||\%cram@_md5%\
-.index CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism
-.index authentication||CRAM-MD5 mechanism
-The CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanism is described in RFC 2195. The server
-sends a challenge string to the client, and the response consists of a user
-name and the CRAM-MD5 digest of the challenge string combined with a secret
-string (password) which is known to both server and client. Thus, the secret
-is not sent over the network as plain text, which makes this authenticator more
-secure than \%plaintext%\. However, the downside is that the secret has to be
-available in plain text at either end.
-.section Using cram@_md5 as a server
-This authenticator has one server option, which must be set to configure the
-authenticator as a server:
-.startconf cram@_md5
-.index options||\%cram@_md5%\ authenticator (server)
-.conf server@_secret string$**$ unset
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \%cram@_md5%\ authenticator
-When the server receives the client's response, the user name is placed in
-the expansion variable \$1$\, and \server@_secret\ is expanded to obtain the
-password for that user. The server then computes the CRAM-MD5 digest that the
-client should have sent, and checks that it received the correct string. If the
-expansion of \server@_secret\ is forced to fail, authentication fails. If the
-expansion fails for some other reason, a temporary error code is returned to
-the client.
-For example, the following authenticator checks that the user name given by the
-client is `ph10', and if so, uses `secret' as the password. For any other user
-name, authentication fails.
-.display asis
- driver = cram_md5
- public_name = CRAM-MD5
- server_secret = ${if eq{$1}{ph10}{secret}fail}
- server_set_id = $1
-If authentication succeeds, the setting of \server@_set@_id\ preserves the user
-name in \$authenticated@_id$\.
-A more tyical configuration might look up the secret string in a file, using
-the user name as the key. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = cram_md5
- public_name = CRAM-MD5
- server_secret = ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/authpwd}{$value}fail}
- server_set_id = $1
-Note that this expansion explicitly forces failure if the lookup fails
-because \$1$\ contains an unknown user name.
-.section Using cram@_md5 as a client
-When used as a client, the \%cram@_md5%\ authenticator has two options:
-.startconf cram@_md5
-.index options||\%cram@_md5%\ authenticator (client)
-.conf client@_name string$**$ "the primary host name"
-This string is expanded, and the result used as the user name data when
-computing the response to the server's challenge.
-.conf client@_secret string$**$ unset
-This option must be set for the authenticator to work as a client. Its value is
-expanded and the result used as the secret string when computing the response.
-Different user names and secrets can be used for different servers by referring
-to \$host$\ or \$host@_address$\ in the options.
-Forced failure of either expansion string is treated as an indication that this
-authenticator is not prepared to handle this case. Exim moves on to the next
-configured client authenticator. Any other expansion failure causes Exim to
-give up trying to send the message to the current server.
-A simple example configuration of a \%cram@_md5%\ authenticator, using fixed
-strings, is:
-.display asis
- driver = cram_md5
- public_name = CRAM-MD5
- client_name = ph10
- client_secret = secret
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The cyrus@_sasl authenticator
-.set runningfoot "cyrus@_sasl authenticator"
-.index \%cyrus@_sasl%\ authenticator
-.index authenticators||\%cyrus@_sasl%\
-.index Cyrus, SASL library
-The code for this authenticator was provided by Matthew Byng-Maddick of A L
-Digital Ltd (\?\).
-The \%cyrus@_sasl%\ authenticator provides server support for the Cyrus SASL
-library implementation of the RFC 2222 (`Simple Authentication and Security
-Layer'). This library supports a number of authentication mechanisms, including
-PLAIN and LOGIN, but also several others that Exim does not support directly.
-In particular, there is support for Kerberos authentication.
-The \%cyrus@_sasl%\ authenticator provides a gatewaying mechanism directly to
-the Cyrus interface, so if your Cyrus library can do, for example, CRAM-MD5,
-then so can the \%cyrus@_sasl%\ authenticator. By default it uses the public
-name of the driver to determine which mechanism to support.
-Where access to some kind of secret file is required, for example in GSSAPI
-or CRAM-MD5, it is worth noting that the authenticator runs as the \*exim*\
-user, and that the Cyrus SASL library has no way of escalating privileges
-by default. You may also find you need to set environment variables,
-depending on the driver you are using.
-.section Using cyrus@_sasl as a server
-The \%cyrus@_sasl%\ authenticator has four private options. It puts the
-username (on a successful authentication) into \$1$\.
-.startconf cyrus@_sasl
-.conf server@_hostname string$**$ $tt{$primary@_hostname}
-This option selects the hostname that is used when communicating with
-the library. It is up to the underlying SASL plug-in what it does with
-this data.
-.conf server@_mech string $tt{public@_name}
-This option selects the authentication mechanism this driver should
-use. It allows you to use a different underlying mechanism from the
-advertised name. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = cyrus_sasl
- public_name = X-ANYTHING
- server_mech = CRAM-MD5
- server_set_id = $1
-.conf server@_realm string unset
-This specifies the SASL realm that the server claims to be in.
-.conf server@_service string $tt{smtp}
-This is the SASL service that the server claims to implement.
-For straightforward cases, you do not need to set any of the authenticator's
-private options. All you need to do is to specify an appropriate mechanism as
-the public name. Thus, if you have a SASL library that supports CRAM-MD5 and
-PLAIN, you could have two authenticators as follows:
-.display asis
- driver = cyrus_sasl
- public_name = CRAM-MD5
- server_set_id = $1
- driver = cyrus_sasl
- public_name = PLAIN
- server_set_id = $1
-Cyrus SASL does implement the LOGIN authentication method, even though it is
-not a standard method. It is disabled by default in the source distribution,
-but it is present in many binary distributions.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The spa authenticator
-.set runningfoot "spa authenticator"
-.index \%spa%\ authenticator
-.index authenticators||\%spa%\
-.index authentication||Microsoft Secure Password
-.index authentication||NTLM
-.index Microsoft Secure Password Authentication
-.index NTLM authentication
-The \%spa%\ authenticator provides client support for Microsoft's \*Secure
-Password Authentication*\ mechanism,
-which is also sometimes known as NTLM (NT LanMan). The code for client side of
-this authenticator was contributed by Marc Prud'hommeaux, and much of it is
-taken from the Samba project (\?\). The code for the
-server side was subsequently contributed by Tom Kistner.
-The mechanism works as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-After the \\AUTH\\ command has been accepted, the client sends an SPA
-authentication request based on the user name and optional domain.
-The server sends back a challenge.
-The client builds a challenge response which makes use of the user's password
-and sends it to the server, which then accepts or rejects it.
-Encryption is used to protect the password in transit.
-.section Using spa as a server
-The \%spa%\ authenticator has just one server option:
-.startconf spa
-.index options||\%spa%\ authenticator (server)
-.conf server@_password string$**$ unset
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in \%spa%\ authenticator
-This option is expanded, and the result must be the cleartext password for the
-authenticating user, whose name is at this point in \$1$\. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = spa
- public_name = NTLM
- server_password = ${lookup{$1}lsearch{/etc/exim/spa_clearpass}}
-If the expansion is forced to fail, authentication fails. Any other expansion
-failure causes a temporary error code to be returned.
-.section Using spa as a client
-The \%spa%\ authenticator has the following client options:
-.startconf spa
-.index options||\%spa%\ authenticator (client)
-.conf client@_domain string$**$ unset
-This option specifies an optional domain for the authentication.
-.conf client@_password string$**$ unset
-This option specifies the user's password, and must be set.
-.conf client@_username string$**$ unset
-This option specifies the user name, and must be set.
-Here is an example of a configuration of this authenticator for use with the
-mail servers at \**\:
-.display asis
- driver = spa
- public_name = MSN
- client_username = msn/msn_username
- client_password = msn_plaintext_password
- client_domain = DOMAIN_OR_UNSET
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Encrypted SMTP connections using TLS/SSL
-.set runningfoot "TLS encryption"
-.rset CHAPTLS "~~chapter"
-.index encryption||on SMTP connection
-.index SMTP||encryption
-.index TLS||on SMTP connection
-.index OpenSSL
-.index GnuTLS
-Support for TLS (Transport Layer Security), formerly known as SSL (Secure
-Sockets Layer), is implemented by making use of the OpenSSL library or the
-GnuTLS library (Exim requires GnuTLS release 1.0 or later). There is no
-cryptographic code in the Exim distribution itself for implementing TLS. In
-order to use this feature you must install OpenSSL or GnuTLS, and then build a
-version of Exim that includes TLS support (see section ~~SECTinctlsssl). You
-also need to understand the basic concepts of encryption at a managerial level,
-and in particular, the way that public keys, private keys, and certificates are
-RFC 2487 defines how SMTP connections can make use of encryption. Once a
-connection is established, the client issues a \\STARTTLS\\ command. If the
-server accepts this, the client and the server negotiate an encryption
-mechanism. If the negotiation succeeds, the data that subsequently passes
-between them is encrypted.
-Exim's ACLs can detect whether the current SMTP session is encrypted or not,
-and if so, what cipher suite is in use, whether the client supplied a
-certificate, and whether or not that certificate was verified. This makes it
-possible for an Exim server to deny or accept certain commands based on the
-encryption state.
-\**Warning**\: certain types of firewall and certain anti-virus products can
-disrupt TLS connections. You need to turn off SMTP scanning for these products
-in order to get TLS to work.
-.section Support for the legacy `ssmtp' (aka `smtps') protocol
-.index ssmtp protocol
-.index smtps protocol
-.index SMTP||ssmtp protocol
-.index SMTP||smtps protocol
-Early implementations of encrypted SMTP used a different TCP port from normal
-SMTP, and expected an encryption negotiation to start immediately, instead of
-waiting for a \\STARTTLS\\ command from the client using the standard SMTP
-port. The protocol was called `ssmtp' or `smtps', and port 465 was allocated
-for this purpose.
-This approach was abandoned when encrypted SMTP was standardised, but there are
-still some legacy clients that use it. Exim supports these clients by means of
-the \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ global option. Its value must be a list of port
-numbers; the most common use is expected to be:
-.display asis
-tls_on_connect_ports = 465
-The port numbers specified by this option apply to all SMTP connections, both
-via the daemon and via \*inetd*\. You still need to specify all the ports that
-the daemon uses (by setting \daemon@_smtp@_ports\ or \local@_interfaces\ or the
-\-oX-\ command line option) because \tls@_on@_connect@_ports\ does not add an
-extra port -- rather, it specifies different behaviour on a port that is
-defined elsewhere.
-There is also a \-tls-on-connect-\ command line option. This overrides
-\tls@_on@_connect@_ports\; it forces the legacy behaviour for all ports.
-.section OpenSSL vs GnuTLS
-.index TLS||OpenSSL \*vs*\ GnuTLS
-.rset SECTopenvsgnu "~~chapter.~~section"
-The first TLS support in Exim was implemented using OpenSSL. Support for GnuTLS
-followed later, when the first versions of GnuTLS were released. To build Exim
-to use GnuTLS, you need to set
-.display asis
-in Local/Makefile, in addition to
-.display asis
-You must also set \\TLS@_LIBS\\ and \\TLS@_INCLUDE\\ appropriately, so that the
-include files and libraries for GnuTLS can be found.
-There are some differences in usage when using GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL:
-.numberpars $.
-The \tls@_verify@_certificates\ option must contain the name of a file, not the
-name of a directory (for OpenSSL it can be either).
-The \tls@_dhparam\ option is ignored, because early versions of GnuTLS had no
-facility for varying its Diffie-Hellman parameters. I understand that this has
-changed, but Exim has not been updated to provide this facility.
-GnuTLS uses RSA and D-H parameters that take a substantial amount of
-time to compute. It is unreasonable to re-compute them for every TLS
-session. Therefore, Exim keeps this data in a file in its spool
-directory, called \(gnutls-params)\. The file is owned by the Exim user and is
-readable only by its owner. Every Exim process that start up GnuTLS reads the
-RSA and D-H parameters from this file. If the file does not exist, the first
-Exim process that needs it computes the data and writes it to a temporary file
-which is renamed once it is complete. It does not matter if several Exim
-processes do this simultaneously (apart from wasting a few resources). Once a
-file is in place, new Exim processes immediately start using it.
-For maximum security, the parameters that are stored in this file should be
-recalculated periodically, the frequency depending on your paranoia level.
-Arranging this is easy; just delete the file when you want new values to be
-Distinguished Name (DN) strings reported by the OpenSSL library use a slash for
-separating fields; GnuTLS uses commas, in accordance with RFC 2253. This
-affects the value of the \$tls@_peerdn$\ variable.
-OpenSSL identifies cipher suites using hyphens as separators, for example:
-DES-CBC3-SHA. GnuTLS uses underscores, for example: RSA@_ARCFOUR@_SHA. What is
-more, OpenSSL complains if underscores are present in a cipher list. To make
-life simpler, Exim changes underscores to hyhens for OpenSSL and hyphens to
-underscores for GnuTLS when processing lists of cipher suites in the
-\tls@_require@_ciphers\ options (the global option and the \%smtp%\ transport
-The \tls@_require@_ciphers\ options operate differently, as described in the
-following sections.
-.section Requiring specific ciphers in OpenSSL
-.rset SECTreqciphssl "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index TLS||requiring specific ciphers (OpenSSL)
-.index \tls@_require@_ciphers\||OpenSSL
-There is a function in the OpenSSL library that can be passed a list of cipher
-suites before the cipher negotiation takes place. This specifies which ciphers
-are acceptable. The list is colon separated and may contain names like
-DES-CBC3-SHA. Exim passes the expanded value of \tls@_require@_ciphers\
-directly to this function call. The following quotation from the OpenSSL
-documentation specifies what forms of item are allowed in the cipher string:
-.numberpars $.
-It can consist of a single cipher suite such as RC4-SHA.
-It can represent a list of cipher suites containing a certain algorithm,
-or cipher suites of a certain type. For example SHA1 represents all
-ciphers suites using the digest algorithm SHA1 and SSLv3 represents all
-SSL v3 algorithms.
-Lists of cipher suites can be combined in a single cipher string using
-the + character. This is used as a logical and operation. For example
-SHA1+DES represents all cipher suites containing the SHA1 and the DES
-Each cipher string can be optionally preceded by the characters \"!"\, \"-"\ or
-.numberpars " "
-If \"!"\ is used then the ciphers are permanently deleted from the list. The
-ciphers deleted can never reappear in the list even if they are explicitly
-If \"-"\ is used then the ciphers are deleted from the list, but some or all
-of the ciphers can be added again by later options.
-If \"+"\ is used then the ciphers are moved to the end of the list. This
-option doesn't add any new ciphers it just moves matching existing ones.
-If none of these characters is present then the string is just interpreted as a
-list of ciphers to be appended to the current preference list. If the list
-includes any ciphers already present they will be ignored: that is, they will
-not moved to the end of the list.
-.section Requiring specific ciphers in GnuTLS
-.rset SECTreqciphgnu "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index TLS||requiring specific ciphers (GnuTLS)
-.index \tls@_require@_ciphers\||GnuTLS
-The GnuTLS library does not have a combined function like OpenSSL. Instead,
-it allows the caller to specify separate lists of key-exchange methods,
-main cipher algorithms, and MAC algorithms. Unfortunately, these lists are
-numerical, and the library does not have a function for turning names into
-numbers. Consequently, the list of recognized names has to be built into
-the application.
-At present, Exim permits only the list of main cipher algorithms to be
-changed. The \tls@_require@_ciphers\ option is in the same format as for
-OpenSSL. Exim searches each item for the name of available algorithm. For
-example, if the list contains RSA@_AES@_SHA then AES is recognized.
-The cipher algorithms list starts out with a default set of algorithms. If
-the first item in \tls@_require@_ciphers\ does \*not*\ start with an
-exclamation mark, all the default items are deleted. Thus, only those specified
-can be used. If the first item in \tls@_require@_ciphers\ \*does*\ start with
-an exclamation mark, the defaults are left on the list.
-Then, any item that starts with an exclamation mark causes the relevent
-algorithms to be removed from the list, and any item that does not start
-with an exclamation mark causes the relevant algorithms to be added to the
-list. Thus,
-.display asis
-tls_require_ciphers = !RSA_ARCFOUR_SHA
-allows all the defaults except those that use ARCFOUR, whereas
-.display asis
-tls_require_ciphers = AES : 3DES
-allows only cipher suites that use AES and 3DES. The currently recognized
-algorithms are:
-AES@_256, AES@_128, AES (both of the preceding), 3DES, and ARCFOUR@_128.
-Unrecognized algorithms are ignored. In a server, the order of the list is
-unimportant; the server will advertise the availability of all the relevant
-cipher suites. However, in a client, the order of the list specifies a
-preference order for the algorithms. The first one in the client's list that is
-also advertised by the server is tried first. The default order is as listed
-.section Configuring an Exim server to use TLS
-.index TLS||configuring an Exim server
-When Exim has been built with TLS support, it advertises the availability of
-the \\STARTTLS\\ command to client hosts that match \tls@_advertise@_hosts\,
-but not to any others. The default value of this option is unset, which means
-that \\STARTTLS\\ is not advertised at all. This default is chosen because you
-need to set some other options in order to make TLS avaliable, and also it is
-sensible for systems that want to use TLS only as a client.
-If a client issues a \\STARTTLS\\ command and there is some configuration
-problem in the server, the command is rejected with a 454 error. If the client
-persists in trying to issue SMTP commands, all except \\QUIT\\ are rejected
-with the error
-.display asis
-554 Security failure
-If a \\STARTTLS\\ command is issued within an existing TLS session, it is
-rejected with a 554 error code.
-To enable TLS operations on a server, you must set \tls@_advertise@_hosts\ to
-match some hosts. You can, of course, set it to $*$ to match all hosts.
-However, this is not all you need to do. TLS sessions to a server won't work
-without some further configuration at the server end.
-It is rumoured that all existing clients that support TLS/SSL use RSA
-encryption. To make this work you need to set, in the server,
-.display asis
-tls_certificate = /some/file/name
-tls_privatekey = /some/file/name
-The first file contains the server's X509 certificate, and the second contains
-the private key that goes with it. These files need to be readable by the Exim
-user, and must always be given as full path names. They can be the same file if
-both the certificate and the key are contained within it. If \tls@_privatekey\
-is not set, this is assumed to be the case. The certificate file may also
-contain intermediate certificates that need to be sent to the client to enable
-it to authenticate the server's certificate.
-If you do not understand about certificates and keys, please try to find a
-source of this background information, which is not Exim-specific. (There are a
-few comments below in section ~~SECTcerandall.)
-\**Note**\: These options do not apply when Exim is operating as a client --
-they apply only in the case of a server. For a client, you must set the options
-of the same name in an \%smtp%\ transport.
-With just these options, Exim will work as a server with clients such as
-Netscape. It does not require the client to have a certificate (but see below
-for how to insist on this). There is one other option that may be needed in
-other situations. If
-.display asis
-tls_dhparam = /some/file/name
-is set, the SSL library is initialized for the use of Diffie-Hellman ciphers
-with the parameters contained in the file. This increases the set of cipher
-suites that the server supports. See the command
-.display asis
-openssl dhparam
-for a way of generating this data.
-At present, \tls@_dhparam\ is used only when Exim is linked with OpenSSL. It is
-ignored if GnuTLS is being used.
-The strings supplied for these three options are expanded every time a client
-host connects. It is therefore possible to use different certificates and keys
-for different hosts, if you so wish, by making use of the client's IP address
-in \$sender@_host@_address$\ to control the expansion. If a string expansion is
-forced to fail, Exim behaves as if the option is not set.
-.index cipher||logging
-.index log||TLS cipher
-The variable \$tls@_cipher$\ is set to the cipher suite that was negotiated for
-an incoming TLS connection. It is included in the ::Received:: header of an
-incoming message (by default -- you can, of course, change this), and it is
-also included in the log line that records a message's arrival, keyed by `X=',
-unless the \tls@_cipher\ log selector is turned off.
-The \encrypted\ condition can be used to test for specific cipher suites in
-The ACLs that run for subsequent SMTP commands can check the name of the cipher
-suite and vary their actions accordingly. The cipher suite names are those used
-by OpenSSL. These may differ from the names used elsewhere. For example,
-OpenSSL uses the name DES-CBC3-SHA for the cipher suite which in other contexts
-is known as TLS@_RSA@_WITH@_3DES@_EDE@_CBC@_SHA. Check the OpenSSL
-documentation for more details.
-.section Requesting and verifying client certificates
-.index certificate||verification of client
-.index TLS||client certificate verification
-If you want an Exim server to request a certificate when negotiating a TLS
-session with a client, you must set either \tls@_verify@_hosts\ or
-\tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\. You can, of course, set either of them to $*$ to
-apply to all TLS connections. For any host that matches one of these options,
-Exim requests a certificate as part of the setup of the TLS session. The
-contents of the certificate are verified by comparing it with a list of
-expected certificates. These must be available in a file or,
-for OpenSSL only (not GnuTLS), a directory, identified by
-A file can contain multiple certificates, concatenated end to end. If a
-directory is used
-(OpenSSL only),
-each certificate must be in a separate file, with a name (or a symbolic link)
-of the form <<hash>>.0, where <<hash>> is a hash value constructed from the
-certificate. You can compute the relevant hash by running the command
-.display asis
-openssl x509 -hash -noout -in /cert/file
-where \(/cert/file)\ contains a single certificate.
-The difference between \tls@_verify@_hosts\ and \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\ is
-what happens if the client does not supply a certificate, or if the certificate
-does not match any of the certificates in the collection named by
-\tls@_verify@_certificates\. If the client matches \tls@_verify@_hosts\, the
-attempt to set up a TLS session is aborted, and the incoming connection is
-dropped. If the client matches \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\, the (encrypted) SMTP
-session continues. ACLs that run for subsequent SMTP commands can detect the
-fact that no certificate was verified, and vary their actions accordingly. For
-example, you can insist on a certificate before accepting a message for
-relaying, but not when the message is destined for local delivery.
-When a client supplies a certificate (whether it verifies or not), the value of
-the Distinguished Name of the certificate is made available in the variable
-\$tls@_peerdn$\ during subsequent processing of the message.
-.index log||distinguished name
-Because it is often a long text string, it is not included in the log line or
-::Received:: header by default. You can arrange for it to be logged, keyed by
-`DN=', by setting the \tls@_peerdn\ log selector, and you can use
-\received@_header@_text\ to change the ::Received:: header. When no certificate
-is supplied, \$tls@_peerdn$\ is empty.
-.section Revoked certificates
-.index TLS||revoked certificates
-.index revocation list
-.index certificate||revocation list
-Certificate issuing authorities issue Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) when
-certificates are revoked. If you have such a list, you can pass it to an Exim
-server using the global option called \tls@_crl\ and to an Exim client using an
-identically named option for the \%smtp%\ transport. In each case, the value of
-the option is expanded and must then be the name of a file that contains a CRL
-in PEM format.
-.section Configuring an Exim client to use TLS
-.index cipher||logging
-.index log||TLS cipher
-.index log||distinguished name
-.index TLS||configuring an Exim client
-The \tls@_cipher\ and \tls@_peerdn\ log selectors apply to outgoing SMTP
-deliveries as well as to incoming, the latter one causing logging of the
-server certificate's DN. The remaining client configuration for TLS is all
-within the \%smtp%\ transport.
-It is not necessary to set any options to have TLS work in the \%smtp%\
-transport. If Exim is built with TLS support, and TLS is advertised by a
-server, the \%smtp%\ transport always tries to start a TLS session. However,
-this can be prevented by setting \hosts@_avoid@_tls\ (an option of the
-transport) to a list of server hosts for which TLS should not be used.
-If you do not want Exim to attempt to send messages unencrypted when an attempt
-to set up an encrypted connection fails in any way, you can set
-\hosts@_require@_tls\ to a list of hosts for which encryption is mandatory. For
-those hosts, delivery is always deferred if an encrypted connection cannot be
-set up. If there are any other hosts for the address, they are tried in the
-usual way.
-When the server host is not in \hosts@_require@_tls\, Exim may try to deliver
-the message unencrypted. It always does this if the response to \\STARTTLS\\ is
-a 5\*xx*\ code. For a temporary error code, or for a failure to negotiate a TLS
-session after a success response code, what happens is controlled by the
-\tls@_tempfail@_tryclear\ option of the \%smtp%\ transport. If it is false,
-delivery to this host is deferred, and other hosts (if available) are tried. If
-it is true, Exim attempts to deliver unencrypted after a 4\*xx*\ response to
-\\STARTTLS\\, and if \\STARTTLS\\ is accepted, but the subsequent TLS
-negotiation fails, Exim closes the current connection (because it is in an
-unknown state), opens a new one to the same host, and then tries the delivery
-The \tls@_certificate\ and \tls@_privatekey\ options of the \%smtp%\ transport
-provide the client with a certificate, which is passed to the server if it
-requests it. If the server is Exim, it will request a certificate only if
-\tls@_verify@_hosts\ or \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\ matches the client.
-\**Note**\: these options must be set in the \%smtp%\ transport for Exim to use
-TLS when it is operating as a client. Exim does not assume that a server
-certificate (set by the global options of the same name) should also be used
-when operating as a client.
-If \tls@_verify@_certificates\ is set, it must name a file or,
-for OpenSSL only (not GnuTLS), a directory, that contains a collection of
-expected server certificates. The client verifies the server's certificate
-against this collection, taking into account any revoked certificates that are
-in the list defined by \tls@_crl\.
-\tls@_require@_ciphers\ is set on the \%smtp%\ transport, it must contain a
-list of permitted cipher suites. If either of these checks fails, delivery to
-the current host is abandoned, and the \%smtp%\ transport tries to deliver to
-alternative hosts, if any.
-All the TLS options in the \%smtp%\ transport are expanded before use, with
-\$host$\ and \$host@_address$\ containing the name and address of the server to
-which the client is connected. Forced failure of an expansion causes Exim to
-behave as if the relevant option were unset.
-.section Multiple messages on the same encrypted TCP/IP connection
-.rset SECTmulmessam "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries with TLS
-.index TLS||multiple message deliveries
-Exim sends multiple messages down the same TCP/IP connection by starting up
-an entirely new delivery process for each message, passing the socket from
-one process to the next. This implementation does not fit well with the use
-of TLS, because there is quite a lot of state information associated with a TLS
-connection, not just a socket identification. Passing all the state information
-to a new process is not feasible. Consequently, Exim shuts down an existing TLS
-session before passing the socket to a new process. The new process may then
-try to start a new TLS session, and if successful, may try to re-authenticate
-if \\AUTH\\ is in use, before sending the next message.
-The RFC is not clear as to whether or not an SMTP session continues in clear
-after TLS has been shut down, or whether TLS may be restarted again later, as
-just described. However, if the server is Exim, this shutdown and
-reinitialization works. It is not known which (if any) other servers operate
-successfully if the client closes a TLS session and continues with unencrypted
-SMTP, but there are certainly some that do not work. For such servers, Exim
-should not pass the socket to another process, because the failure of the
-subsequent attempt to use it would cause Exim to record a temporary host error,
-and delay other deliveries to that host.
-To test for this case, Exim sends an \\EHLO\\ command to the server after
-closing down the TLS session. If this fails in any way, the connection is
-closed instead of being passed to a new delivery process, but no retry
-information is recorded.
-There is also a manual override; you can set \hosts@_nopass@_tls\ on the
-\%smtp%\ transport to match those hosts for which Exim should not pass
-connections to new processes if TLS has been used.
-.section Certificates and all that
-.rset SECTcerandall "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index certificate||references to discussion
-In order to understand fully how TLS works, you need to know about
-certificates, certificate signing, and certificate authorities. This is not the
-place to give a tutorial, especially as I do not know very much about it
-myself. Some helpful introduction can be found in the FAQ for the SSL addition
-to Apache, currently at
-.display rm
-Other parts of the \*modssl*\ documentation are also helpful, and have
-links to further files.
-Eric Rescorla's book, \*SSL and TLS*\, published by Addison-Wesley (ISBN
-0-201-61598-3), contains both introductory and more in-depth descriptions.
-Some sample programs taken from the book are available from
-.display rm
-.section Certificate chains
-The file named by \tls@_certificate\ may contain more than one
-certificate. This is useful in the case where the certificate that is being
-sent is validated by an intermediate certificate which the other end does
-not have. Multiple certificates must be in the correct order in the file.
-First the host's certificate itself, then the first intermediate
-certificate to validate the issuer of the host certificate, then the next
-intermediate certificate to validate the issuer of the first intermediate
-certificate, and so on, until finally (optionally) the root certificate.
-The root certificate must already be trusted by the recipient for
-validation to succeed, of course, but if it's not preinstalled, sending the
-root certificate along with the rest makes it available for the user to
-install if the receiving end is a client MUA that can interact with a user.
-.section Self-signed certificates
-.index certificate||self-signed
-You can create a self-signed certificate using the \*req*\ command provided
-with OpenSSL, like this:
-.display asis
-openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout file1 -out file2 \
- -days 9999 -nodes
-\(file1)\ and \(file2)\ can be the same file; the key and the certificate are
-delimited and so can be identified independently. The \-days-\ option
-specifies a period for which the certificate is valid. The \-nodes-\ option is
-important: if you do not set it, the key is encrypted with a passphrase
-that you are prompted for, and any use that is made of the key causes more
-prompting for the passphrase. This is not helpful if you are going to use
-this certificate and key in an MTA, where prompting is not possible.
-A self-signed certificate made in this way is sufficient for testing, and
-may be adequate for all your requirements if you are mainly interested in
-encrypting transfers, and not in secure identification.
-However, many clients require that the certificate presented by the server be a
-user (also called `leaf' or `site') certificate, and not a self-signed
-certificate. In this situation, the self-signed certificate described above
-must be installed on the client host as a trusted root \*certification
-authority*\ (CA), and the certificate used by Exim must be a user certificate
-signed with that self-signed certificate.
-For information on creating self-signed CA certificates and using them to sign
-user certificates, see the \*General implementation overview*\ chapter of the
-Open-source PKI book, available online at \?\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Access control lists
-.set runningfoot "ACL"
-.rset CHAPACL "~~chapter"
-.index ~~ACL||description
-.index control of incoming mail
-.index message||controlling incoming
-.index policy control||access control lists
-Access Control Lists (ACLs) are defined in a separate section of the run time
-configuration file, headed by `begin acl'. Each ACL definition starts with a
-name, terminated by a colon. Here is a complete ACL section that contains just
-one very small ACL:
-.display asis
-begin acl
- accept hosts =
-You can have as many lists as you like in the ACL section, and the order in
-which they appear does not matter. The lists are self-terminating.
-The majority of ACLs are used to control Exim's behaviour when it receives
-certain SMTP commands. This applies both to incoming TCP/IP connections, and
-when a local process submits a message using SMTP by specifying the \-bs-\
-option. The most common use is for controlling which recipients are accepted
-in incoming messages. In addition, you can define an ACL that is used to check
-local non-SMTP messages. The default configuration file contains an example of
-a realistic ACL for checking \\RCPT\\ commands. This is discussed in chapter
-.section Testing ACLs
-The \-bh-\ command line option provides a way of testing your ACL configuration
-locally by running a fake SMTP session with which you interact. The host
-\**\ provides a service for checking your relaying
-configuration (see section ~~SECTcheralcon for more details).
-.section Specifying when ACLs are used
-.index ~~ACL||options for specifying
-In order to cause an ACL to be used, you have to name it in one of the relevant
-options in the main part of the configuration. These options are:
-.index \\AUTH\\||ACL for
-.index \\DATA\\, ACLs for
-.index \\ETRN\\||ACL for
-.index \\EXPN\\||ACL for
-.index \\HELO\\||ACL for
-.index \\EHLO\\||ACL for
-.index \\MAIL\\||ACL for
-.index \\QUIT\\, ACL for
-.index \\RCPT\\||ACL for
-.index \\STARTTLS\\, ACL for
-.index \\VRFY\\||ACL for
-.index SMTP||connection, ACL for
-.index non-smtp message, ACL for
-.tabs 20
-.if !~~sys.fancy
-.tabs 24
-\acl@_not@_smtp\ $t $rm{ACL for non-SMTP messages}
-\acl@_smtp@_auth\ $t $rm{ACL for \\AUTH\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_connect\ $t $rm{ACL for start of SMTP connection}
-\acl@_smtp@_data\ $t $rm{ACL after \\DATA\\ is complete}
-\acl@_smtp@_etrn\ $t $rm{ACL for \\ETRN\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_expn\ $t $rm{ACL for \\EXPN\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_helo\ $t $rm{ACL for \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_mail\ $t $rm{ACL for \\MAIL\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_mailauth\ $t $rm{ACL for the \\AUTH\\ parameter of \\MAIL\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_mime\ $t $rm{ACL for content-scanning MIME parts}
-\acl@_smtp@_predata\ $t $rm{ACL at start of \\DATA\\ command}
-\acl@_smtp@_quit\ $t $rm{ACL for \\QUIT\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_rcpt\ $t $rm{ACL for \\RCPT\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_starttls\ $t $rm{ACL for \\STARTTLS\\}
-\acl@_smtp@_vrfy\ $t $rm{ACL for \\VRFY\\}
-For example, if you set
-.display asis
-acl_smtp_rcpt = small_acl
-the little ACL defined above is used whenever Exim receives a \\RCPT\\ command
-in an SMTP dialogue. The majority of policy tests on incoming messages can be
-done when \\RCPT\\ commands arrive. A rejection of \\RCPT\\ should cause the
-sending MTA to give up on the recipient address contained in the \\RCPT\\
-command, whereas rejection at other times may cause the client MTA to keep on
-trying to deliver the message. It is therefore recommended that you do as much
-testing as possible at \\RCPT\\ time.
-.section The non-SMTP ACL
-.index non-smtp message, ACL for
-The non-SMTP ACL applies to all non-interactive incoming messages, that is, it
-applies to batch SMTP as well as to non-SMTP messages. (Batch SMTP is not
-really SMTP.) This ACL is run just before the \*local@_scan()*\ function. Any
-kind of rejection is treated as permanent, because there is no way of sending a
-temporary error for these kinds of message. Many of the ACL conditions (for
-example, host tests, and tests on the state of the SMTP connection such as
-encryption and authentication) are not relevant and are forbidden in this ACL.
-.section The connect ACL
-.index SMTP||connection, ACL for
-The ACL test specified by \acl@_smtp@_connect\ happens after the test specified
-by \host__reject__connection\ (which is now an anomaly) and any TCP Wrappers
-testing (if configured).
-.section The DATA ACLs
-.index \\DATA\\, ACLs for
-Two ACLs are associated with the \\DATA\\ command, because it is two-stage
-command, with two responses being sent to the client.
-When the \\DATA\\ command is received, the ACL defined by \acl@_smtp@_predata\
-is obeyed. This gives you control after all the \\RCPT\\ commands, but before
-the message itself is received. It offers the opportunity to give a negative
-response to the \\DATA\\ command before the data is transmitted. Header lines
-added by \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ ACLs are not visible at this time, but any that
-are defined here are visible when the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL is run.
-You cannot test the contents of the message, for example, to verify addresses
-in the headers, at \\RCPT\\ time or when the \\DATA\\ command is received. Such
-tests have to appear in the ACL that is run after the message itself has been
-received, before the final response to the \\DATA\\ command is sent. This is
-the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_data\, which is the second ACL that is
-associated with the \\DATA\\ command.
-For both of these ACLs, it is not possible to reject individual recipients. An
-error response rejects the entire message. Unfortunately, it is known that some
-MTAs do not treat hard (5$it{xx}) responses to the \\DATA\\ command (either
-before or after the data) correctly -- they keep the message on their queues
-and try again later, but that is their problem, though it does waste some of
-your resources.
-.section The MIME ACL
-The \acl@_smtp@_mime\ option is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension. For details, see chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.section The QUIT ACL
-.rset SECTQUITACL "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \\QUIT\\, ACL for
-The ACL for the SMTP \\QUIT\\ command is anomalous, in that the
-outcome of the ACL does not affect the response code to \\QUIT\\,
-which is always 221. Thus, the ACL does not in fact control any access.
-For this reason, the only verbs that are permitted are \accept\ and \warn\.
-This ACL can be used for tasks such as custom logging at the end of an SMTP
-session. For example, you can use ACL variables in other ACLs to count
-messages, recipients, etc., and log the totals at \\QUIT\\ time using one or
-more \logwrite\ modifiers on a \warn\ verb.
-You do not need to have a final \accept\, but if you do, you can use a
-\message\ modifier to specify custom text that is sent as part of the 221
-response to \\QUIT\\.
-This ACL is run only for a `normal' \\QUIT\\. For certain kinds of disastrous
-failure (for example, failure to open a log file, or when Exim is bombing out
-because it has detected an unrecoverable error), all SMTP commands from the
-client are given temporary error responses until \\QUIT\\ is received or the
-connection is closed. In these special cases, the \\QUIT\\ ACL does not run.
-.section Finding an ACL to use
-.index ~~ACL||finding which to use
-The value of an \acl@_smtp@_$it{xxx}\ option is expanded before use, so you can
-use different ACLs in different circumstances. The resulting string does not
-have to be the name of an ACL in the configuration file; there are other
-possibilities. Having expanded the string, Exim searches for an ACL as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-If the string begins with a slash, Exim uses it as a file name, and reads its
-contents as an ACL. The lines are processed in the same way as lines in the
-Exim configuration file. In particular, continuation lines are supported, blank
-lines are ignored, as are lines whose first non-whitespace character is `@#'.
-If the file does not exist or cannot be read, an error occurs (typically
-causing a temporary failure of whatever caused the ACL to be run). For example:
-.display asis
-acl_smtp_data = /etc/acls/\
- ${lookup{$sender_host_address}lsearch\
- {/etc/acllist}{$value}{default}}
-This looks up an ACL file to use on the basis of the host's IP address, falling
-back to a default if the lookup fails. If an ACL is successfully read from a
-file, it is retained in memory for the duration of the Exim process, so that it
-can be re-used without having to re-read the file.
-If the string does not start with a slash, and does not contain any spaces,
-Exim searches the ACL section of the configuration for an ACL whose name
-matches the string.
-If no named ACL is found, or if the string contains spaces, Exim parses
-the string as an inline ACL. This can save typing in cases where you just
-want to have something like
-.display asis
-acl_smtp_vrfy = accept
-in order to allow free use of the \\VRFY\\ command. Such a string may contain
-newlines; it is processed in the same way as an ACL that is read from a file.
-.section ACL return codes
-.index ~~ACL||return codes
-Except for the \\QUIT\\ ACL, which does not affect the SMTP return code (see
-section ~~SECTQUITACL above), the
-result of running an ACL is either `accept' or `deny', or, if some test
-cannot be completed (for example, if a database is down), `defer'. These
-results cause 2$it{xx}, 5$it{xx}, and 4$it{xx} return codes, respectively, to
-be used in the SMTP dialogue. A fourth return, `error', occurs when there is an
-error such as invalid syntax in the ACL. This also causes a 4$it{xx} return
-For the non-SMTP ACL, `defer' and `error' are treated in the same way as
-`deny', because there is no mechanism for passing temporary errors to the
-submitters of non-SMTP messages.
-ACLs that are relevant to message reception may also return `discard'. This
-has the effect of `accept', but causes either the entire message or an
-individual recipient address to be discarded. In other words, it is a
-blackholing facility. Use it with care.
-If the ACL for \\MAIL\\ returns `discard', all recipients are discarded, and no
-ACL is run for subsequent \\RCPT\\ commands. The effect of `discard' in a
-\\RCPT\\ ACL is to discard just the one recipient address. If there are no
-recipients left when the message's data is received, the \\DATA\\ ACL is not
-run. A `discard' return from the \\DATA\\ or the non-SMTP ACL discards all the
-remaining recipients.
-The `discard' return is not permitted for the \acl@_smtp@_predata\ ACL.
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||when all recipients discarded
-The \*local@_scan()*\ function is always run, even if there are no remaining
-recipients; it may create new recipients.
-.section Unset ACL options
-.index ~~ACL||unset options
-The default actions when any of the \acl@_$it{xxx}\ options are unset are not
-all the same. \**Note**\: These defaults apply only when the relevant ACL is
-not defined at all. For any defined ACL, the default action when control reaches
-the end of the ACL statements is `deny'.
-For \acl@_not@_smtp\, \acl@_smtp@_auth\, \acl@_smtp@_connect\,
-\acl@_smtp@_data\, \acl@_smtp@_helo\, \acl__smtp__mail\, \acl@_smtp@_mailauth\,
-\acl@_smtp@_mime\, \acl@_smtp@_predata\, \acl@_smtp@_quit\,
-and \acl__smtp__starttls\, the action when the ACL is not defined is `accept'.
-For the others (\acl@_smtp@_etrn\, \acl@_smtp@_expn\, \acl@_smtp@_rcpt\, and
-\acl@_smtp@_vrfy\), the action when the ACL is not defined is `deny'.
-This means that \acl@_smtp@_rcpt\ must be defined in order to receive any
-messages over an SMTP connection. For an example, see the ACL in the default
-configuration file.
-.section Data for message ACLs
-.index ~~ACL||data for message ACL
-When a \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ ACL, or either of the \\DATA\\ ACLs, is running,
-the variables that contain information about the host and the message's sender
-(for example, \$sender@_host@_address$\ and \$sender@_address$\) are set, and
-can be used in ACL statements. In the case of \\RCPT\\ (but not \\MAIL\\ or
-\\DATA\\), \$domain$\ and \$local@_part$\ are set from the argument address.
-When an ACL for the \\AUTH\\ parameter of \\MAIL\\ is running, the variables
-that contain information about the host are set, but \$sender@_address$\ is not
-yet set. Section ~~SECTauthparamail contains a discussion of this parameter and
-how it is used.
-The \$message@_size$\ variable is set to the value of the \\SIZE\\ parameter on
-the \\MAIL\\ command at \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\ and pre-data time, or to -1 if
-that parameter is not given. The value is updated to the true message size by
-the time the final \\DATA\\ ACL is run (after the message data has been
-The \$rcpt@_count$\ variable increases by one for each \\RCPT\\ command
-received. The \$recipients@_count$\ variable increases by one each time a
-\\RCPT\\ command is accepted, so while an ACL for \\RCPT\\ is being processed,
-it contains the number of previously accepted recipients. At \\DATA\\ time (for
-both the \\DATA\\ ACLs), \$rcpt@_count$\ contains the total number of \\RCPT\\
-commands, and \$recipients@_count$\ contains the total number of accepted
-.section Data for non-message ACLs
-.rset SECTdatfornon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ~~ACL||data for non-message ACL
-When an ACL is being run for \\AUTH\\, \\EHLO\\, \\ETRN\\, \\EXPN\\, \\HELO\\,
-\\STARTTLS\\, or \\VRFY\\, the remainder of the SMTP command line is placed in
-\$smtp@_command@_argument$\. This can be tested using a \condition\ condition.
-For example, here is an ACL for use with \\AUTH\\, which insists that either
-the session is encrypted, or the CRAM-MD5 authentication method is used. In
-other words, it does not permit authentication methods that use cleartext
-passwords on unencrypted connections.
-.display asis
- accept encrypted = *
- accept condition = ${if eq{${uc:$smtp_command_argument}}\
- {CRAM-MD5}}
- deny message = TLS encryption or CRAM-MD5 required
-(Another way of applying this restriction is to arrange for the authenticators
-that use cleartext passwords not to be advertised when the connection is not
-encrypted. You can use the generic \server@_advertise@_condition\ authenticator
-option to do this.)
-.section Format of an ACL
-.index ~~ACL||format of
-.index ~~ACL||verbs, definition of
-An individual ACL consists of a number of statements. Each statement starts
-with a verb, optionally followed by a number of conditions and `modifiers'.
-Modifiers can change the way the verb operates, define error and log messages,
-set variables, insert delays, and vary the processing of accepted messages.
-If all the conditions are met, the verb is obeyed. The same condition may be
-used (with different arguments) more than once in the same statement. This
-provides a means of specifying an `and' conjunction between conditions. For
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = list1.example
- dnslists = list2.example
-If there are no conditions, the verb is always obeyed.
-Exim stops evaluating the conditions and modifiers when it reaches a condition
-that fails. What happens then
-depends on the verb (and in one case, on a special modifier). Not all the
-conditions make sense at every testing point. For example, you cannot test a
-sender address in the ACL that is run for a \\VRFY\\ command.
-.section ACL verbs
-The ACL verbs are as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-.index \accept\, ACL verb
-\accept\: If all the conditions are met, the ACL returns `accept'. If any of
-the conditions are not met, what happens depends on whether \endpass\ appears
-among the conditions (for syntax see below). If the failing condition is before
-\endpass\, control is passed to the next ACL statement; if it is after
-\endpass\, the ACL returns `deny'. Consider this statement, used to check a
-\\RCPT\\ command:
-.display asis
-accept domains = +local_domains
- endpass
- verify = recipient
-If the recipient domain does not match the \domains\ condition, control passes
-to the next statement. If it does match, the recipient is verified, and the
-command is accepted if verification succeeds. However, if verification fails,
-the ACL yields `deny', because the failing condition is after \endpass\.
-.index \defer\, ACL verb
-\defer\: If all the conditions are met, the ACL returns `defer' which, in an
-SMTP session, causes a 4\*xx*\ response to be given. For a non-SMTP ACL,
-\defer\ is the same as \deny\, because there is no way of sending a temporary
-error. For a \\RCPT\\ command, \defer\ is much the same as using a
-\%redirect%\ router and \":defer:"\ while verifying, but the \defer\ verb can
-be used in any ACL, and even for a recipient it might be a simpler approach.
-.index \deny\, ACL verb
-\deny\: If all the conditions are met, the ACL returns `deny'. If any of the
-conditions are not met, control is passed to the next ACL statement. For
-.display asis
-deny dnslists =
-rejects commands from hosts that are on a DNS black list.
-.index \discard\, ACL verb
-\discard\: This verb behaves like \accept\, except that it returns `discard'
-from the ACL instead of `accept'. It is permitted only on ACLs that are
-concerned with receiving messages, and it causes recipients to be discarded.
-If the \log@_message\ modifier is set when \discard\ operates, its contents are
-added to the line that is automatically written to the log.
-If \discard\ is used in an ACL for \\RCPT\\, just the one recipient is
-discarded; if used for \\MAIL\\, \\DATA\\ or in the non-SMTP ACL, all the
-message's recipients are discarded. Recipients that are discarded before
-\\DATA\\ do not appear in the log line when the \log@_recipients\ log selector
-is set.
-.index \drop\, ACL verb
-\drop\: This verb behaves like \deny\, except that an SMTP connection is
-forcibly closed after the 5\*xx*\ error message has been sent. For example:
-.display asis
-drop message = I don't take more than 20 RCPTs
- condition = ${if > {$rcpt_count}{20}}
-There is no difference between \deny\ and \drop\ for the connect-time ACL. The
-connection is always dropped after sending a 550 response.
-.index \require\, ACL verb
-\require\: If all the conditions are met, control is passed to the next ACL
-statement. If any of the conditions are not met, the ACL returns `deny'. For
-example, when checking a \\RCPT\\ command,
-.display asis
-require verify = sender
-passes control to subsequent statements only if the message's sender can be
-verified. Otherwise, it rejects the command.
-.index \warn\, ACL verb
-\warn\: If all the conditions are met, a header line is added to an incoming
-message and/or a line is written to Exim's main log. In all cases, control
-passes to the next ACL statement. The text of the added header line and the log
-line are specified by modifiers; if they are not present, a \warn\ verb just
-checks its conditions and obeys any `immediate' modifiers such as \set\ and
-There is more about adding header lines in section ~~SECTaddheadwarn.
-If any condition on a \warn\ statement cannot be completed (that is, there is
-some sort of defer), no header lines are added and the configured log line is
-not written. No further conditions or modifiers in the \warn\ statement are
-processed. The incident is logged, but the ACL continues to be processed, from
-the next statement onwards.
-If a \message\ modifier is present on a \warn\ verb in an ACL that is not
-testing an incoming message, it is ignored, and the incident is logged.
-A \warn\ statement may use the \log@_message\ modifier to cause a line to be
-written to the main log when the statement's conditions are true.
-If an identical log line is requested several times in the same message, only
-one copy is actually written to the log. If you want to force duplicates to be
-written, use the \logwrite\ modifier instead.
-When one of the \warn\ conditions is an address verification that fails, the
-text of the verification failure message is in \$acl@_verify@_message$\. If you
-want this logged, you must set it up explicitly. For example:
-.display asis
-warn !verify = sender
- log_message = sender verify failed: $acl_verify_message
-At the end of each ACL there is an implicit unconditional \deny\.
-As you can see from the examples above, the conditions and modifiers are
-written one to a line, with the first one on the same line as the verb, and
-subsequent ones on following lines. If you have a very long condition, you can
-continue it onto several physical lines by the usual backslash continuation
-mechanism. It is conventional to align the conditions vertically.
-.section ACL variables
-.rset SECTaclvariables "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ~~ACL||variables
-There are some special variables that can be set during ACL processing. They
-can be used to pass information between different ACLs, different invocations
-of the same ACL in the same SMTP connection, and between ACLs and the routers,
-transports, and filters that are used to deliver a message. There are two sets
-of these variables:
-.numberpars $.
-The values of \$acl@_c0$\ to \$acl@_c9$\ persist throughout an SMTP connection.
-They are never reset. Thus, a value that is set while receiving one message is
-still available when receiving the next message on the same SMTP connection.
-The values of \$acl@_m0$\ to \$acl@_m9$\ persist only while a message is being
-received. They are reset afterwards. They are also reset by \\MAIL\\, \\RSET\\,
-\\EHLO\\, \\HELO\\, and after starting up a TLS session.
-When a message is accepted, the current values of all the ACL variables are
-preserved with the message and are subsequently made available at delivery
-time. The ACL variables are set by modifier called \set\. For example:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = whatever
- set acl_m4 = some value
-\**Note**\: a leading dollar sign is not used when naming a variable that is to
-be set. If you want to set a variable without taking any action, you can use a
-\warn\ verb without any other modifiers or conditions.
-.section Condition and modifier processing
-.index ~~ACL||conditions, processing
-.index ~~ACL||modifiers, processing
-An exclamation mark preceding a condition negates its result. For example,
-.display asis
-deny domains = *.dom.example
- !verify = recipient
-causes the ACL to return `deny' if the recipient domain ends in
-\*dom.example*\ and the recipient address cannot be verified.
-The arguments of conditions and modifiers are expanded. A forced failure
-of an expansion causes a condition to be ignored, that is, it behaves as if the
-condition is true. Consider these two statements:
-.display asis
-accept senders = ${lookup{$host_name}lsearch\
- {/some/file}{$value}fail}
-accept senders = ${lookup{$host_name}lsearch\
- {/some/file}{$value}{}}
-Each attempts to look up a list of acceptable senders. If the lookup succeeds,
-the returned list is searched, but if the lookup fails the behaviour is
-different in the two cases. The \fail\ in the first statement causes the
-condition to be ignored, leaving no further conditions. The \accept\ verb
-therefore succeeds. The second statement, however, generates an empty list when
-the lookup fails. No sender can match an empty list, so the condition fails,
-and therefore the \accept\ also fails.
-ACL modifiers appear mixed in with conditions in ACL statements. Some of them
-specify actions that are taken as the conditions for a statement are checked;
-others specify text for messages that are used when access is denied or a
-warning is generated.
-The \control\ modifier affects the way an incoming message is handled.
-The positioning of the modifiers in an ACL statement important, because the
-processing of a verb ceases as soon as its outcome is known. Only those
-modifiers that have already been encountered will take effect. For example,
-consider this use of the \message\ modifier:
-.display asis
-require message = Can't verify sender
- verify = sender
- message = Can't verify recipient
- verify = recipient
- message = This message cannot be used
-If sender verification fails, Exim knows that the result of the statement is
-`deny', so it goes no further. The first \message\ modifier has been seen, so
-its text is used as the error message. If sender verification succeeds, but
-recipient verification fails, the second message is used. If recipient
-verification succeeds, the third message becomes `current', but is never used
-because there are no more conditions to cause failure.
-For the \deny\ verb, on the other hand, it is always the last \message\
-modifier that is used, because all the conditions must be true for rejection to
-happen. Specifying more than one \message\ modifier does not make sense, and
-the message can even be specified after all the conditions. For example:
-.display asis
-deny hosts = ...
- !senders = *@my.domain.example
- message = Invalid sender from client host
-The `deny' result does not happen until the end of the statement is reached, by
-which time Exim has set up the message.
-.section ACL modifiers
-.rset SECTACLmodi "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ~~ACL||modifiers, list of
-The ACL modifiers are as follows:
-.item "control = <<text>>"
-.index \control\, ACL modifier
-This modifier affects the subsequent processing of the SMTP connection or of an
-incoming message that is accepted. The effect of the first type of control
-lasts for the duration of the connection, whereas the effect of the second type
-lasts only until the current message has been received. The message-specific
-controls always apply to the whole message, not to individual recipients,
-even if the \control\ modifier appears in a \\RCPT\\ ACL.
-As there are now quite a few controls that can be applied, they are described
-separately in section ~~SECTcontrols.
-The \control\ modifier can be used in several different ways. For example:
-.numberpars $.
-It can be at the end of an \accept\ statement:
-.display asis
-accept ...some conditions
- control = queue_only
-In this case, the control is applied when this statement yields `accept', in
-other words, when the conditions are all true.
-It can be in the middle of an \accept\ statement:
-.display asis
-accept ...some conditions...
- control = queue_only
- ...some more conditions...
-If the first set of conditions are true, the control is applied, even if the
-statement does not accept because one of the second set of conditions is false.
-In this case, some subsequent statement must yield `accept' for the control to
-be relevant.
-It can be used with \warn\ to apply the control, leaving the
-decision about accepting or denying to a subsequent verb. For
-.display asis
-warn ...some conditions...
- control = freeze
-accept ...
-This example of \warn\ does not contain \message\, \log@_message\, or
-\logwrite\, so it does not add anything to the message and does not write a log
-If you want to apply a control unconditionally, you can use it with a \require\
-verb. For example:
-.display asis
-require control = no_multiline_response
-.item "delay = <<time>>"
-.index \delay\, ACL modifier
-.index \-bh-\ option
-This modifier causes Exim to wait for the time interval before proceeding. The
-time is given in the usual Exim notation. This modifier may appear in any ACL.
-The delay happens as soon as the modifier is processed. However, when testing
-Exim using the \-bh-\ option, the delay is not actually imposed (an appropriate
-message is output instead).
-Like \control\, \delay\ can be used with \accept\ or
-\deny\, for example:
-.display asis
-deny ...some conditions...
- delay = 30s
-The delay happens if all the conditions are true, before the statement returns
-`deny'. Compare this with:
-.display asis
-deny delay = 30s
- ...some conditions...
-which waits for 30s before processing the conditions. The \delay\ modifier can
-also be used with \warn\ and together with \control\:
-warn ...some conditions...
- delay = 2m
- control = freeze
-accept ...
-.item endpass
-.index \endpass\, ACL modifier
-This modifier, which has no argument, is recognized only in \accept\
-statements. It marks the boundary between the conditions whose failure causes
-control to pass to the next statement, and the conditions whose failure causes
-the ACL to return `deny'. See the description of \accept\ above.
-.item "log@_message = <<text>>"
-.index \log@_message\, ACL modifier
-This modifier sets up a message that is used as part of the log message if the
-ACL denies access or a \warn\ statement's conditions are true. For example:
-.display asis
-require log_message = wrong cipher suite $tls_cipher
- encrypted = DES-CBC3-SHA
-\log@_message\ adds to any underlying error message that may exist because of
-the condition failure. For example, while verifying a recipient address, a
-:::fail:: redirection might have already set up a message. Although the message
-is usually defined before the conditions to which it applies, the expansion
-does not happen until Exim decides that access is to be denied. This means that
-any variables that are set by the condition are available for inclusion in the
-message. For example, the \$dnslist@_<<xxx>>$\ variables are set after a DNS
-black list lookup succeeds. If the expansion of \log@_message\ fails, or if the
-result is an empty string, the modifier is ignored.
-If you want to use a \warn\ statement to log the result of an address
-verification, you can use \$acl__verify__message$\ to include the verification
-error message.
-If \log@_message\ is used with a \warn\ statement, `Warning:' is added to the
-start of the logged message. If the same warning log message is requested more
-than once while receiving a single email message, only one copy is actually
-logged. If you want to log multiple copies, use \logwrite\ instead of
-\log@_message\. In the absence of \log@_message\ and \logwrite\, nothing is
-logged for a succesful \warn\ statement.
-If \log@_message\ is not present and there is no underlying error message (for
-example, from the failure of address verification), but \message\ is present,
-the \message\ text is used for logging rejections. However, if any text for
-logging contains newlines, only the first line is logged. In the absence of
-both \log@_message\ and \message\, a default built-in message is used for
-logging rejections.
-.item "logwrite = <<text>>"
-.index \logwrite\, ACL modifier
-.index log||in ACL, immediate
-This modifier writes a message to a log file as soon as it is encountered when
-processing an ACL. (Compare \log@_message\, which, except in the case of
-\warn\, is used only if the ACL statement denies access.) The \logwrite\
-modifier can be used to log special incidents in ACLs. For example:
-accept <<some special conditions>>
- control = freeze
- logwrite = froze message because ...
-By default, the message is written to the main log. However, it may begin
-with a colon, followed by a comma-separated list of log names, and then
-another colon, to specify exactly which logs are to be written. For
-.display asis
-logwrite = :main,reject: text for main and reject logs
-logwrite = :panic: text for panic log only
-.item "message = <<text>>"
-.index \message\, ACL modifier
-This modifier sets up a text string that is expanded and used as an error
-message if the current statement causes the ACL to deny access. The expansion
-happens at the time Exim decides that access is to be denied, not at the time
-it processes \message\. If the expansion fails, or generates an empty string,
-the modifier is ignored. For ACLs that are triggered by SMTP commands, the
-message is returned as part of the SMTP error response.
-The \message\ modifier is also used with the \warn\ verb to specify one or more
-header lines to be added to an incoming message when all the conditions are
-true. See section ~~SECTaddheadwarn for more details. If \message\ is used with
-\warn\ in an ACL that is not concerned with receiving a message, it has no
-The text is literal; any quotes are taken as literals, but because the string
-is expanded, backslash escapes are processed anyway. If the message contains
-newlines, this gives rise to a multi-line SMTP response. Like \log@_message\,
-the contents of \message\ are not expanded until after a condition has failed.
-If \message\ is used on a statement that verifies an address, the message
-specified overrides any message that is generated by the verification process.
-However, the original message is available in the variable
-\$acl@_verify@_message$\, so you can incorporate it into your message if you
-wish. In particular, if you want the text from \:fail:\ items in \%redirect%\
-routers to be passed back as part of the SMTP response, you should either not
-use a \message\ modifier, or make use of \$acl@_verify@_message$\.
-.item "set <<acl@_name>> = <<value>>"
-.index \set\, ACL modifier
-This modifier puts a value into one of the ACL variables (see section
-.section Use of the control modifier
-.rset SECTcontrols "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \control\, ACL modifier
-The \control\ modifier supports the following settings:
-.item "control = caseful@_local@_part"
-.item "control = caselower@_local@_part"
-.index ~~ACL||case of local part in
-.index case of local parts
-These two controls are permitted only in the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_rcpt\
-(that is, during \\RCPT\\ processing). By default, the contents of
-\$local@_part$\ are lower cased before ACL processing. If
-`caseful@_local@_part' is specified, any uppercase letters in the original
-local part are restored in \$local@_part$\ for the rest of the ACL, or until a
-control that sets `caselower@_local@_part' is encountered.
-This control affects only the current recipient. Moreover, it applies only to
-local part handling that takes place directly in the ACL (for example, as a key
-in lookups). If a test to verify the recipient is obeyed, the case-related
-handling of the local part during the verification is controlled by the router
-configuration (see the \caseful@_local@_part\ generic router option).
-This facility could be used, for example, to add a spam score to local parts
-containing upper case letters. For example, using \$acl@_m4$\ to accumulate the
-spam score:
-.display asis
-warn control = caseful_local_part
- set acl_m4 = ${eval:\
- $acl_m4 + \
- ${if match{$local_part}{[A-Z]}{1}{0}}\
- }
- control = caselower_local_part
-Notice that we put back the lower cased version afterwards, assuming that
-is what is wanted for subsequent tests.
-.item "control = enforce@_sync"
-.item "control = no@_enforce@_sync"
-.index SMTP||synchronization checking
-.index synchronization checking in SMTP
-These controls make it possible to be selective about when SMTP synchronization
-is enforced. The global option \smtp@_enforce@_sync\ specifies the initial
-state of the switch (it is true by default). See the description of this option
-in chapter ~~CHAPmainconfig for details of SMTP synchronization checking.
-The effect of these two controls lasts for the remainder of the SMTP
-connection. They can appear in any ACL except the one for the non-SMTP
-messages. The most straightforward place to put them is in the ACL defined by
-\acl@_smtp@_connect\, which is run at the start of an incoming SMTP connection,
-before the first synchronization check. The expected use is to turn off the
-synchronization checks for badly-behaved hosts that you nevertheless need to
-work with.
-.item "control = fakereject/<<message>>"
-.index fake rejection
-.index rejection, fake
-This control is permitted only for the \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, and \\DATA\\ ACLs,
-in other words, only when an SMTP message is being received. If Exim accepts
-the message, instead the final 250 response, a 550 rejection message is sent.
-However, Exim proceeds to deliver the message as normal. The control applies
-only to the current message, not to any subsequent ones that may be received in
-the same SMTP connection.
-The text for the 550 response is taken from the \control\ modifier. If no
-message is supplied, the following is used:
-.display asis
-550-Your message has been rejected but is being
-550-kept for evaluation.
-550-If it was a legitimate message, it may still be
-550 delivered to the target recipient(s).
-This facilty should be used with extreme caution.
-.item "control = freeze"
-.index frozen messages||forcing in ACL
-This control is permitted only for the \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, \\DATA\\, and
-non-SMTP ACLs, in other words, only when a message is being received. If the
-message is accepted, it is placed on Exim's queue and frozen. The control
-applies only to the current message, not to any subsequent ones that may be
-received in the same SMTP connection.
-.item "control = no@_mbox@_unspool"
-This control is available when Exim is compiled with the content scanning
-extension. Content scanning may require a copy of the current message, or parts
-of it, to be written in `mbox format' to a spool file, for passing to a virus
-or spam scanner. Normally, such copies are deleted when they are no longer
-needed. If this control is set, the copies are not deleted. The control
-applies only to the current message, not to any subsequent ones that may be
-received in the same SMTP connection. It is provided for debugging purposes and
-is unlikely to be useful in production.
-.item "control = no@_multiline@_response"
-.index multiline responses, suppressing
-This control is permitted for any ACL except the one for non-SMTP messages.
-It seems that there are broken clients in use that cannot handle multiline
-SMTP responses, despite the fact that RFC 821 defined them over 20 years ago.
-If this control is set, multiline SMTP responses from ACL rejections are
-suppressed. One way of doing this would have been to put out these responses as
-one long line. However, RFC 2821 specifies a maximum of 512 bytes per response
-(`use multiline responses for more' it says -- ha!), and some of the responses
-might get close to that. So this facility, which is after all only a sop to
-broken clients, is implemented by doing two very easy things:
-Extra information that is normally output as part of a rejection caused by
-sender verification failure is omitted. Only the final line (typically `sender
-verification failed') is sent.
-If a \message\ modifier supplies a multiline response, only the first
-line is output.
-The setting of the switch can, of course, be made conditional on the
-calling host. Its effect lasts until the end of the SMTP connection.
-.item "control = queue@_only"
-.index \queue@_only\
-.index queueing incoming messages
-This control is permitted only for the \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, \\DATA\\, and
-non-SMTP ACLs, in other words, only when a message is being received. If the
-message is accepted, it is placed on Exim's queue and left there for delivery
-by a subsequent queue runner. No immediate delivery process is started. In
-other words, it has the effect as the \queue@_only\ global option. However, the
-control applies only to the current message, not to any subsequent ones that
-may be received in the same SMTP connection.
-.item "control = submission/<<options>>"
-.index message||submission
-.index submission mode
-This control is permitted only for the \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, and start of data
-ACLs (the latter is the one defined by \acl@_smtp@_predata\). Setting it tells
-Exim that the current message is a submission from a local MUA. In this case,
-Exim operates in `submission mode', and applies certain fixups to the message
-if necessary. For example, it add a ::Date:: header line if one is not present.
-This control is not permitted in the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL, because that is too
-late (the message has already been created).
-Chapter ~~CHAPmsgproc describes the processing that Exim applies to messages.
-Section ~~SECTsubmodnon covers the processing that happens in submission mode;
-the available options for this control are described there. The control applies
-only to the current message, not to any subsequent ones that may be received in
-the same SMTP connection.
-.section Adding header lines with the warn verb
-.rset SECTaddheadwarn "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index header lines||adding in an ACL
-.index header lines||position of added lines
-.index \warn\, ACL verb
-.index \message\, ACL modifier
-The \message\ modifier can be used on a \warn\ statement to add an extra header
-line to an incoming message, as in this example:
-.display asis
-warn message = X-blacklisted-at: $dnslist_domain
- dnslists = : \
-If an identical header line is requested several times (provoked, for example,
-by multiple \\RCPT\\ commands), only one copy is actually added to the message.
-If the text of the \message\ modifier contains one or more newlines that are
-not followed by a space or a tab, it is assumed to contain multiple header
-lines. Each one is checked for valid syntax; \"X-ACL-Warn:"\ is added to the
-front of any line that is not a valid header line.
-By default, new lines are added at the end of the existing header lines.
-However, you can specify that any particular header line should be added right
-at the start (before all the ::Received:: lines), immediately after the first
-block of ::Received:: lines, or immediately before any line that is not a
-::Received:: or ::Resent-something:: header.
-This is done by specifying `:at@_start:', `:after@_received:', or
-`:at@_start@_rfc:' (or, for completeness, `:at@_end:') before the text of the
-header line, respectively. (Header text cannot start with a colon, as there has
-to be a header name first.) For example:
-.display asis
-warn message = :after_received:X-My-Header: something or other...
-If more than one header is supplied in a single warn statement, each one is
-treated independently and can therefore be placed differently. If you add
-more than one line at the start, or after the Received: block, they will
-end up in reverse order.
-\**Warning**\: This facility currently applies only to header lines that are
-added in an ACL. It does NOT work for header lines that are added in a
-system filter or in a router or transport.
-.index header lines||added, visibility of
-Header lines that are added by an ACL at \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ time are not
-visible in string expansions in ACLs for subsequent \\RCPT\\ commands or in the
-\acl@_smtp@_predata\ ACL. However, they are visible in string expansions in the
-ACL that is run after \\DATA\\ is complete (the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL). This is
-also true for header lines that are added in the \acl@_smtp@_predata\ ACL.
-If a message is rejected after \\DATA\\, all added header lines are included in
-the entry that is written to the reject log.
-If you want to preserve data between \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, and the
-\acl@_smtp@_predata\ ACLs, you can use ACL variables, as described in section
-.section ACL conditions
-.rset SECTaclconditions "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ~~ACL||conditions, list of
-Some of conditions listed in this section are available only when Exim is
-compiled with the content-scanning extension. They are included here briefly
-for completeness. More detailed descriptions can be found in the discussion on
-content scanning in chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-Not all conditions are relevant in all circumstances. For example, testing
-senders and recipients does not make sense in an ACL that is being run as the
-result of the arrival of an \\ETRN\\ command, and checks on message headers can
-be done only in the ACLs specified by \acl@_smtp@_data\ and \acl__not__smtp\.
-You can use the same condition (with different parameters) more than once in
-the same ACL statement. This provides a way of specifying an `and' conjunction.
-The conditions are as follows:
-.item "acl = <<name of acl or ACL string or file name >>"
-.index ~~ACL||nested
-.index ~~ACL||indirect
-.index \acl\, ACL condition
-The possible values of the argument are the same as for the
-\acl@_smtp@_$it{xxx}\ options. The named or inline ACL is run. If it returns
-`accept' the condition is true; if it returns `deny' the condition is false. If
-it returns `defer', the current ACL returns `defer'
-unless the condition is on a \warn\ verb. In that case, a `defer' return makes
-the condition false. This means that further processing of the \warn\ verb
-ceases, but processing of the ACL continues.
-If the nested \acl\ returns `drop' and the outer condition denies access,
-the connection is dropped. If it returns `discard', the verb must be \accept\
-or \discard\, and the action is taken immediately -- no further conditions are
-ACLs may be nested up to 20 deep; the limit exists purely to catch runaway
-loops. This condition allows you to use different ACLs in different
-circumstances. For example, different ACLs can be used to handle \\RCPT\\
-commands for different local users or different local domains.
-.item "authenticated = <<string list>>"
-.index \authenticated\, ACL condition
-.index authentication||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing for authentication
-If the SMTP connection is not authenticated, the condition is false. Otherwise,
-the name of the authenticator is tested against the list. To test for
-authentication by any authenticator, you can set
-.display asis
-authenticated = *
-.item "condition = <<string>>"
-.index \condition\, ACL condition
-.index customizing||ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||customized test
-.index ~~ACL||testing, customized
-This feature allows you to make up custom conditions. If the result of
-expanding the string is an empty string, the number zero, or one of the strings
-`no' or `false', the condition is false. If the result is any non-zero number,
-or one of the strings `yes' or `true', the condition is true. For any other
-values, some error is assumed to have occured, and the ACL returns `defer'.
-.item "decode = <<location>>"
-.index \decode\, ACL condition
-This condition is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension, and it is allowed only the the ACL defined by
-\acl@_smtp@_mime\. It causes the current MIME part to be decoded into a file.
-For details, see chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.item "dnslists = <<list of domain names and other data>>"
-.index \dnslists\, ACL condition
-.index DNS list||in ACL
-.index black list (DNS)
-.index ~~ACL||testing a DNS list
-This condition checks for entries in DNS black lists. These are also known as
-`RBL lists', after the original Realtime Blackhole List, but note that the use
-of the lists at \**\ now carries a charge.
-There are too many different variants of this condition to describe briefly
-here. See sections ~~SECTmorednslists--~~SECTmorednslistslast for details.
-.item "domains = <<domain list>>"
-.index \domains\, ACL condition
-.index domain||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing a recipient domain
-This condition is relevant only after a \\RCPT\\ command. It checks that the
-domain of the recipient address is in the domain list. If percent-hack
-processing is enabled, it is done before this test is done. If the check
-succeeds with a lookup, the result of the lookup is placed in \$domain@_data$\
-until the next \domains\ test.
-.item "encrypted = <<string list>>"
-.index \encrypted\, ACL condition
-.index encryption||checking in an ACL
-.index ~~ACL||testing for encryption
-If the SMTP connection is not encrypted, the condition is false. Otherwise, the
-name of the cipher suite in use is tested against the list. To test for
-encryption without testing for any specific cipher suite(s), set
-.display asis
-encrypted = *
-.item "hosts = << host list>>"
-.index \hosts\, ACL condition
-.index host||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing the client host
-This condition tests that the calling host matches the host list. If you have
-name lookups or wildcarded host names and IP addresses in the same host list,
-you should normally put the IP addresses first. For example, you could have:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = : dbm;/etc/friendly/hosts
-The reason for this lies in the left-to-right way that Exim processes lists.
-It can test IP addresses without doing any DNS lookups, but when it reaches an
-item that requires a host name, it fails if it cannot find a host name to
-compare with the pattern. If the above list is given in the opposite order, the
-\accept\ statement fails for a host whose name cannot be found, even if its
-IP address is
-If you really do want to do the name check first, and still recognize the IP
-address even if the name lookup fails, you can rewrite the ACL like this:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = dbm;/etc/friendly/hosts
-accept hosts =
-The default action on failing to find the host name is to assume that the host
-is not in the list, so the first \accept\ statement fails. The second statement
-can then check the IP address.
-If a \hosts\ condition is satisfied by means of a lookup, the result
-of the lookup is made available in the \$host@_data$\ variable. This
-allows you, for example, to set up a statement like this:
-.display asis
-deny hosts = net-lsearch;/some/file
- message = $host_data
-which gives a custom error message for each denied host.
-.item "local@_parts = <<local part list>>"
-.index \local@_parts\, ACL condition
-.index local part||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing a local part
-This condition is relevant only after a \\RCPT\\ command. It checks that the
-local part of the recipient address is in the list. If percent-hack processing
-is enabled, it is done before this test. If the check succeeds with a lookup,
-the result of the lookup is placed in \$local@_part@_data$\ until the next
-\local@_parts\ test.
-.item "malware = <<option>>"
-.index \malware\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||virus scanning
-.index ~~ACL||scanning for viruses
-This condition is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension. It causes the incoming message to be scanned for
-viruses. For details, see chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.item "mime@_regex = <<list of regular expressions>>"
-.index \mime@_regex\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||testing by regex matching
-This condition is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension, and it is allowed only the the ACL defined by
-\acl@_smtp@_mime\. It causes the current MIME part to be scanned for a match
-with any of the regular expressions. For details, see chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.item "recipients = <<address list>>"
-.index \recipients\, ACL condition
-.index recipient||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing a recipient
-This condition is relevant only after a \\RCPT\\ command. It checks the entire
-recipient address against a list of recipients.
-.item "regex = <<list of regular expressions>>"
-.index \regex\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||testing by regex matching
-This condition is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension. It causes the incoming message to be scanned
-for a match with any of the regular expressions. For details, see chapter
-.item "sender@_domains = <<domain list>>"
-.index \sender@_domains\, ACL condition
-.index sender||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing a sender domain
-This condition tests the domain of the sender of the message against the given
-domain list.
-\**Note**\: the domain of the sender address is in
-\$sender@_address@_domain$\. It is \*not*\ put in \$domain$\ during the testing
-of this condition. This is an exception to the general rule for testing
-domain lists. It is done this way so that, if this condition is used in an
-ACL for a \\RCPT\\ command, the recipient's domain (which is in \$domain$\) can
-be used to influence the sender checking.
-.item "senders = <<address list>>"
-.index \senders\, ACL condition
-.index sender||ACL checking
-.index ~~ACL||testing a sender
-This condition tests the sender of the message against the given list. To test
-for a bounce message, which has an empty sender, set
-.display asis
-senders = :
-.item "spam = <<username>>"
-.index \spam\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||scanning for spam
-This condition is available only when Exim is compiled with the
-content-scanning extension. It causes the incoming message to be scanned by
-SpamAssassin. For details, see chapter ~~CHAPexiscan.
-.item "verify = certificate"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index TLS||client certificate verification
-.index certificate||verification of client
-.index ~~ACL||certificate verification
-.index ~~ACL||testing a TLS certificate
-This condition is true in an SMTP session if the session is encrypted, and a
-certificate was received from the client, and the certificate was verified. The
-server requests a certificate only if the client matches \tls@_verify@_hosts\
-or \tls@_try@_verify@_hosts\ (see chapter ~~CHAPTLS).
-.item "verify = header@_sender/<<options>>"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying sender in the header
-.index header lines||verifying the sender in
-.index sender||verifying in header
-.index verifying||sender in header
-This condition is relevant only in an ACL that is run after a message has been
-received, that is, in an ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_data\
-or \acl@_not@_smtp\. It checks that there is a verifiable address in at least
-one of the ::Sender::, ::Reply-To::, or ::From:: header lines. Such an address
-is loosely thought of as a `sender' address (hence the name of the test).
-However, an address that appears in one of these headers need not be an address
-that accepts bounce messages; only sender addresses in envelopes are required
-to accept bounces. Therefore, if you use the callout option on this check, you
-might want to arrange for a non-empty address in the \\MAIL\\ command.
-Details of address verification and the options are given later, starting at
-section ~~SECTaddressverification (callouts are described in section
-~~SECTcallver). You can combine this condition with the \senders\ condition to
-restrict it to bounce messages only:
-.display asis
-deny senders = :
- message = A valid sender header is required for bounces
- !verify = header_sender
-.item "verify = header@_syntax"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying header syntax
-.index header lines||verifying syntax
-.index verifying||header syntax
-This condition is relevant only in an ACL that is run after a message has been
-received, that is, in an ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_data\
-or \acl@_not@_smtp\.
-It checks the syntax of all header lines that can contain lists of addresses
-(::Sender::, ::From::, ::Reply-To::, ::To::, ::Cc::, and ::Bcc::).
-Unqualified addresses (local parts without domains) are permitted only in
-locally generated messages and from hosts that match
-\sender@_unqualified@_hosts\ or \recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\, as
-Note that this condition is a syntax check only. However, a common spamming
-ploy is to send syntactically invalid headers such as
-.display asis
-To: @
-and this condition can be used to reject such messages.
-.item "verify = helo"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying HELO/EHLO
-.index \\HELO\\||verifying
-.index \\EHLO\\||verifying
-.index verifying||\\EHLO\\
-.index verifying||\\HELO\\
-This condition is true if a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command has been received from
-the client host, and its contents have been verified. Verification of these
-commands does not happen by default. See the description of the
-\helo@_verify@_hosts\ and \helo@_try@_verify@_hosts\ options for details of how
-to request it.
-.item "verify = recipient/<<options>>"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying recipient
-.index recipient||verifying
-.index verifying||recipient
-This condition is relevant only after a \\RCPT\\ command. It verifies the
-current recipient. Details of address verification are given later, starting at
-section ~~SECTaddressverification. After a recipient has been verified, the
-value of \$address@_data$\ is the last value that was set while routing the
-address. This applies even if the verification fails. When an address that is
-being verified is redirected to a single address, verification continues with
-the new address, and in that case, the subsequent value of \$address@_data$\ is
-the value for the child address.
-.item "verify = reverse@_host@_lookup"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying host reverse lookup
-.index host||verifying reverse lookup
-This condition ensures that a verified host name has been looked up from the IP
-address of the client host. (This may have happened already if the host name
-was needed for checking a host list, or if the host matched \host@_lookup\.)
-Verification ensures that the host name obtained from a reverse DNS lookup, or
-one of its aliases, does, when it is itself looked up in the DNS, yield the
-original IP address.
-If this condition is used for a locally generated message (that is, when there
-is no client host involved), it always succeeds.
-.item "verify = sender/<<options>>"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-.index ~~ACL||verifying sender
-.index sender||verifying
-.index verifying||sender
-This condition is relevant only after a \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ command, or after
-a message has been received (the \acl@_smtp@_data\ or \acl@_not@_smtp\ ACLs).
-If the message's sender is empty (that is, this is a bounce message), the
-condition is true. Otherwise, the sender address is verified.
-If there is data in the \$address@_data$\ variable at the end of routing, its
-value is placed in \$sender__address__data$\ at the end of verification. This
-value can be used in subsequent conditions and modifiers in the same ACL
-statement. It does not persist after the end of the current statement. If you
-want to preserve the value for longer, you can save it in an ACL variable.
-Details of verification are given later, starting at section
-~~SECTaddressverification. Exim caches the result of sender verification, to
-avoid doing it more than once per message.
-.item "verify = sender=<<address>>/<<options>>"
-.index \verify\, ACL condition
-This is a variation of the previous option, in which a modified address is
-verified as a sender.
-.section Using DNS lists
-.rset SECTmorednslists "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index DNS list||in ACL
-.index black list (DNS)
-.index ~~ACL||testing a DNS list
-In its simplest form, the \dnslists\ condition tests whether the calling host
-is on at least one of a number of DNS lists by looking up the inverted IP
-address in one or more DNS domains. For example, if the calling host's IP
-address is, and the ACL statement is
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = : \
-the following records are looked up:
-.display asis
-As soon as Exim finds an existing DNS record, processing of the list stops.
-Thus, multiple entries on the list provide an `or' conjunction. If you want to
-test that a host is on more than one list (an `and' conjunction), you can use
-two separate conditions:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists =
- dnslists =
-If a DNS lookup times out or otherwise fails to give a decisive answer, Exim
-behaves as if the host
-does not match the list item, that is, as if the DNS record does not exist. If
-there are further items in the DNS list, they are processed.
-This is usually the required action when \dnslists\ is used with \deny\ (which
-is the most common usage), because it prevents a DNS failure from blocking
-mail. However, you can change this behaviour by putting one of the following
-special items in the list:
-.index \"+include@_unknown"\
-.index \"+exclude@_unknown"\
-.index \"+defer@_unknown"\
-+include@_unknown $rm{behave as if the item is on the list}
-+exclude@_unknown $rm{behave as if the item is not on the list (default)}
-+defer@_unknown $rm{give a temporary error}
-Each of these applies to any subsequent items on the list. For example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = +defer_unknown :
-Testing the list of domains stops as soon as a match is found. If you want to
-warn for one list and block for another, you can use two different statements:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists =
-warn message = X-Warn: sending host is on dialups list
- dnslists =
-DNS list lookups are cached by Exim for the duration of the SMTP session,
-so a lookup based on the IP address is done at most once for any incoming
-connection. Exim does not share information between multiple incoming
-connections (but your local name server cache should be active).
-.section Specifying the IP address for a DNS list lookup
-.index DNS list||keyed by explicit IP address
-By default, the IP address that is used in a DNS list lookup is the IP address
-of the calling host. However, you can specify another IP address by listing it
-after the domain name, introduced by a slash. For example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = black.list.tls/
-This feature is not very helpful with explicit IP addresses; it is intended for
-use with IP addresses that are looked up, for example, the IP addresses of the
-MX hosts or nameservers of an email sender address. For an example, see section
-~~SECTmulkeyfor below.
-.section DNS lists keyed on domain names
-.index DNS list||keyed by domain name
-There are some lists that are keyed on domain names rather than inverted IP
-addresses (see for example the \*domain based zones*\ link at
-\?\). No reversing of components is used with
-these lists. You can change the name that is looked up in a DNS list by listing
-it after the domain name, introduced by a slash. For example,
-.display asis
-deny message = Sender's domain is listed at $dnslist_domain
- dnslists =$sender_address_domain
-This particular example is useful only in ACLs that are obeyed after the
-\\RCPT\\ or \\DATA\\ commands, when a sender address is available. If (for
-example) the message's sender is \*user@@tld.example*\ the name that is looked
-up by this example is
-.display asis
-A single \dnslists\ condition can contain entries for both names and IP
-addresses. For example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = : \
-The first item checks the sending host's IP address; the second checks a domain
-name. The whole condition is true if either of the DNS lookups succeeds.
-.section Multiple explicit keys for a DNS list
-.rset SECTmulkeyfor "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index DNS list||multiple keys for
-The syntax described above for looking up explicitly-defined values (either
-names or IP addresses) in a DNS blacklist is a simplification. After the domain
-name for the DNS list, what follows the slash can in fact be a list of items.
-As with all lists in Exim, the default separator is a colon. However, because
-this is a sublist within the list of DNS blacklist domains, it is necessary
-either to double the separators like this:
-.display asis
-dnslists = black.list.tld/name.1::name.2
-or to change the separator character, like this:
-.display asis
-dnslists = black.list.tld/<;name.1;name.2
-If an item in the list is an IP address, it is inverted before the DNS
-blacklist domain is appended. If it is not an IP address, no inversion
-occurs. Consider this condition:
-.display asis
-dnslists = black.list.tld/<;;a.domain
-The DNS lookups that occur are:
-.display asis
-Once a DNS record has been found (that matches a specific IP return
-address, if specified -- see section ~~SECTaddmatcon), no further lookups are
-done. If there is a temporary DNS error, the rest of the sublist of domains or
-IP addresses is tried. A temporary error for the whole dnslists item occurs
-only if no other DNS lookup in this sublist succeeds. In other words, a
-successful lookup for any of the items in the sublist overrides a temporary
-error for a previous item.
-The ability to supply a list of items after the slash is in some sense just a
-syntactic convenience. These two examples have the same effect:
-.display asis
-dnslists = black.list.tld/a.domain : black.list.tld/b.domain
-dnslists = black.list.tld/a.domain::b.domain
-However, when the data for the list is obtained from a lookup, the second form
-is usually much more convenient. Consider this example:
-.display asis
-deny message = The mail servers for the domain \
- $sender_address_domain \
- are listed at $dnslist_domain ($dnslist_value); \
- see $dnslist_text.
- dnslists =<|${lookup dnsdb {>|a=<|\
- ${lookup dnsdb {>|mxh=\
- $sender_address_domain} }} }
-Note the use of \">|"\ in the dnsdb lookup to specify the separator for
-multiple DNS records. The inner dnsdb lookup produces a list of MX hosts
-and the outer dnsdb lookup finds the IP addresses for these hosts. The result
-of expanding the condition might be something like this:
-.display asis
-dnslists =<|||...
-Thus, this example checks whether or not the IP addresses of the sender
-domain's mail servers are on the Spamhaus black list.
-.section Data returned by DNS lists
-.index DNS list||data returned from
-DNS lists are constructed using address records in the DNS. The original RBL
-just used the address on the right hand side of each record, but the
-RBL+ list and some other lists use a number of values with different meanings.
-The values used on the RBL+ list are:
-.display rm
-.tabs 12
- $t RBL
- $t DUL
- $t DUL and RBL
- $t RSS
- $t RSS and RBL
- $t RSS and DUL
- $t RSS and DUL and RBL
-Some DNS lists may return more than one address record.
-.section Variables set from DNS lists
-.index DNS list||variables set from
-When an entry is found in a DNS list, the variable \$dnslist@_domain$\
-contains the name of the domain that matched, \$dnslist@_value$\ contains the
-data from the entry, and \$dnslist@_text$\ contains the contents of any
-associated TXT record. If more than one address record is returned by the DNS
-lookup, all the IP addresses are included in \$dnslist@_value$\, separated by
-commas and spaces.
-You can use these variables in \message\ or \log@_message\ modifiers --
-although these appear before the condition in the ACL, they are not expanded
-until after it has failed. For example:
-.display asis
-deny hosts = !+local_networks
- message = $sender_host_address is listed \
- at $dnslist_domain
- dnslists = rbl-plus.mail-abuse.example
-.section Additional matching conditions for DNS lists
-.rset SECTaddmatcon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index DNS list||matching specific returned data
-You can add an equals sign and an IP address after a \dnslists\ domain name in
-order to restrict its action to DNS records with a matching right hand side.
-For example,
-.display asis
-deny dnslists =
-rejects only those hosts that yield Without this additional data,
-any address record is considered to be a match. If more than one address record
-is found on the list, they are all checked for a matching right-hand side.
-More than one IP address may be given for checking, using a comma as a
-separator. These are alternatives -- if any one of them matches, the \dnslists\
-condition is true. For example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = a.b.c=,
-If you want to specify a constraining address list and also specify names or IP
-addresses to be looked up, the constraining address list must be specified
-first. For example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists =\
- =$sender_address_domain
-If the character `&' is used instead of `=', the comparison for each listed
-IP address is done by a bitwise `and' instead of by an equality test. In
-other words, the listed addresses are used as bit masks. The comparison is
-true if all the bits in the mask are present in the address that is being
-tested. For example:
-.display asis
-dnslists = a.b.c&
-matches if the address is \*x.x.x.*\3, \*x.x.x.*\7, \*x.x.x.*\11, etc. If you
-want to test whether one bit or another bit is present (as opposed to both
-being present), you must use multiple values. For example:
-.display asis
-dnslists = a.b.c&,
-matches if the final component of the address is an odd number or two times
-an odd number.
-.section Negated DNS matching conditions
-You can supply a negative list of IP addresses as part of a \dnslists\
-condition. Whereas
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = a.b.c=,
-means `deny if the host is in the black list at the domain \*a.b.c*\ and the IP
-address yielded by the list is either or',
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = a.b.c!=,
-means `deny if the host is in the black list at the domain \*a.b.c*\ and the IP
-address yielded by the list is not and not'. In other
-words, the result of the test is inverted if an exclamation mark appears before
-the `=' (or the `&') sign.
-\**Note**\: this kind of negation is not the same as negation in a domain,
-host, or address list (which is why the syntax is different).
-If you are using just one list, the negation syntax does not gain you much. The
-previous example is precisely equivalent to
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = a.b.c
- !dnslists = a.b.c=,
-However, if you are using multiple lists, the negation syntax is clearer.
-Consider this example:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = : \
- : \
-!= : \
-Using only positive lists, this would have to be:
-.display asis
-deny dnslists = : \
-deny dnslists =
- !dnslists =
-deny dnslists =
-which is less clear, and harder to maintain.
-.section DNS lists and IPv6
-.rset SECTmorednslistslast "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index IPv6||DNS black lists
-.index DNS list||IPv6 usage
-If Exim is asked to do a dnslist lookup for an IPv6 address, it inverts it
-nibble by nibble. For example, if the calling host's IP address is
-3ffe:ffff:836f:0a00:000a:0800:200a:c031, Exim might look up
-.display asis
-(split over two lines here to fit on the page). Unfortunately, some of the DNS
-lists contain wildcard records, intended for IPv4, that interact badly with
-IPv6. For example, the DNS entry
-.display asis
-*.3.some.list.example. A
-is probably intended to put the entire IPv4 network on the list.
-Unfortunately, it also matches the entire 3@:@:/4 IPv6 network.
-You can exclude IPv6 addresses from DNS lookups by making use of a suitable
-\condition\ condition, as in this example:
-.display asis
-deny condition = ${if isip4{$sender_host_address}}
- dnslists = some.list.example
-.section Address verification
-.rset SECTaddressverification "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index verifying||address, options for
-.index policy control||address verification
-Several of the \verify\ conditions described in section ~~SECTaclconditions
-cause addresses to be verified. These conditions can be followed by options
-that modify the verification process. The options are separated from the
-keyword and from each other by slashes, and some of them contain parameters.
-For example:
-.display asis
-verify = sender/callout
-verify = recipient/defer_ok/callout=10s,defer_ok
-The first stage of address verification, which always happens, is to run the
-address through the routers, in `verify mode'. Routers can detect the
-difference between verification and routing for delivery, and their actions can
-be varied by a number of generic options such as \verify\ and \verify@_only\
-(see chapter ~~CHAProutergeneric). If routing fails, verification fails.
-The available options are as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-If the \callout\ option is specified, successful routing to one or more remote
-hosts is followed by a `callout' to those hosts as an additional check.
-Callouts and their sub-options are discussed in the next section.
-If there is a defer error while doing verification routing, the ACL
-normally returns `defer'. However, if you include \defer@_ok\ in the options,
-the condition is forced to be true instead. Note that this is a main
-verification option as well as a suboption for callouts.
-The \no@_details\ option is covered in section ~~SECTsenaddver, which discusses
-the reporting of sender address verification failures.
-.index verifying||address, differentiating failures
-After an address verification failure, \$sender@_verify@_failure$\ or
-\$recipient@_verify@_failure$\ (as appropriate) contains one of the following
-.numberpars $.
-\qualify\: The address was unqualified (no domain), and the message
-was neither local nor came from an exempted host.
-\route\: Routing failed.
-\mail\: Routing succeeded, and a callout was attempted; rejection
-occurred at or before the \\MAIL\\ command (that is, on initial
-connection, \\HELO\\, or \\MAIL\\).
-\recipient\: The \\RCPT\\ command in a callout was rejected.
-\postmaster\: The postmaster check in a callout was rejected.
-The main use of these variables is expected to be to distinguish between
-rejections of \\MAIL\\ and rejections of \\RCPT\\ in callouts.
-.section Callout verification
-.rset SECTcallver "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index verifying||address, by callout
-.index callout||verification
-.index SMTP||callout verification
-For non-local addresses, routing verifies the domain, but is unable to do any
-checking of the local part. There are situations where some means of verifying
-the local part is desirable. One way this can be done is to make an SMTP
-\*callback*\ to the sending host (for a sender address) or a \*callforward*\ to
-a subsequent host (for a recipient address), to see if the host accepts the
-address. We use the term \*callout*\ to cover both cases. This facility should
-be used with care, because it can add a lot of resource usage to the cost of
-verifying an address. However, Exim does cache the results of callouts, which
-helps to reduce the cost. Details of caching are in the next section.
-Recipient callouts are usually used only between hosts that are controlled by
-the same administration. For example, a corporate gateway host could use
-callouts to check for valid recipients on an internal mailserver.
-A successful callout does not guarantee that a real delivery to the address
-would succeed; on the other hand, a failing callout does guarantee that
-a delivery would fail.
-If the \callout\ option is present on a condition that verifies an address, a
-second stage of verification occurs if the address is successfully routed to
-one or more remote hosts. The usual case is routing by a \%dnslookup%\ or a
-\%manualroute%\ router, where the router specifies the hosts. However, if a
-router that does not set up hosts routes to an \%smtp%\ transport with a
-\hosts\ setting, the transport's hosts are used. If an \%smtp%\ transport has
-\hosts@_override\ set, its hosts are always used, whether or not the router
-supplies a host list.
-The port that is used is taken from the transport, if it is specified and is a
-remote transport. (For routers that do verification only, no transport need be
-specified.) Otherwise, the default SMTP port is used. If a remote transport
-specifies an outgoing interface, this is used; otherwise the interface is not
-For a sender callout check, Exim makes SMTP connections to the remote hosts, to
-test whether a bounce message could be delivered to the sender address. The
-following SMTP commands are sent:
-HELO <<smtp active host name>>
-RCPT TO:<<the address to be tested>>
-\\LHLO\\ is used instead of \\HELO\\ if the transport's \protocol\ option is
-set to `lmtp'.
-A recipient callout check is similar. By default, it also uses an empty address
-for the sender. This default is chosen because most hosts do not make use of
-the sender address when verifying a recipient. Using the same address means
-that a single cache entry can be used for each recipient. Some sites, however,
-do make use of the sender address when verifying. These are catered for by the
-\use@_sender\ and \use@_postmaster\ options, described in the next section.
-If the response to the \\RCPT\\ command is a 2$it{xx} code, the verification
-succeeds. If it is 5$it{xx}, the verification fails. For any other condition,
-Exim tries the next host, if any. If there is a problem with all the remote
-hosts, the ACL yields `defer', unless the \defer@_ok\ parameter of the
-\callout\ option is given, in which case the condition is forced to succeed.
-.section Additional parameters for callouts
-.rset CALLaddparcall "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index callout||additional parameters for
-The \callout\ option can be followed by an equals sign and a number of optional
-parameters, separated by commas. For example:
-.display asis
-verify = recipient/callout=10s,defer_ok
-The old syntax, which had \callout@_defer@_ok\ and \check@_postmaster\ as
-separate verify options, is retained for backwards compatibility, but is now
-deprecated. The additional parameters for \callout\ are as follows:
-.item "<<a time interval>>"
-.index callout||timeout, specifying
-This specifies the timeout that applies for the callout attempt to each host.
-For example:
-.display asis
-verify = sender/callout=5s
-The default is 30 seconds. The timeout is used for each response from the
-remote host.
-It is also used for the intial connection, unless overridden by the \connect\
-.item "connect = <<time interval>>"
-.index callout||connection timeout, specifying
-This parameter makes it possible to set a different (usually
-smaller) timeout for making the SMTP connection.
-For example:
-.display asis
-verify = sender/callout=5s,connect=1s
-If not specified, this timeout defaults to the general timeout value.
-.item "defer@_ok"
-.index callout||defer, action on
-When this parameter is present, failure to contact any host, or any other kind
-of temporary error, is treated as success by the ACL. However, the cache is not
-updated in this circumstance.
-.item "mailfrom = <<email address>>"
-.index callout||sender when verifying header
-When verifying addresses in header lines using the \header@_sender\
-verification option, Exim behaves by default as if the addresses are envelope
-sender addresses from a message. Callout verification therefore tests to see
-whether a bounce message could be delivered, by using an empty address in the
-\\MAIL\\ command. However, it is arguable that these addresses might never be
-used as envelope senders, and could therefore justifiably reject bounce
-messages (empty senders). The \mailfrom\ callout parameter allows you to
-specify what address to use in the \\MAIL\\ command. For example:
-.display asis
-require verify = header_sender/callout=mailfrom=abcd@x.y.z
-This parameter is available only for the \header@_sender\ verification option.
-.item "maxwait = <<time interval>>"
-.index callout||overall timeout, specifying
-This parameter sets an overall timeout for performing a callout verification.
-For example:
-.display asis
-verify = sender/callout=5s,maxwait=30s
-This timeout defaults to four times the callout timeout for individual SMTP
-commands. The overall timeout applies when there is more than one host that can
-be tried. The timeout is checked before trying the next host. This prevents
-very long delays if there are a large number of hosts and all are timing out
-(for example, when network connections are timing out).
-.item "no@_cache"
-.index callout||cache, suppressing
-.index caching||callout, suppressing
-When this parameter is given, the callout cache is neither read nor updated.
-.item "postmaster"
-.index callout||postmaster, checking
-When this parameter is set, a sucessful callout check is followed by a similar
-check for the local part \*postmaster*\ at the same domain. If this address is
-rejected, the callout fails. The result of the postmaster check is recorded in
-a cache record; if it is a failure, this is used to fail subsequent callouts
-for the domain without a connection being made, until the cache record expires.
-.item "postmaster@_mailfrom = <<email address>>"
-The postmaster check uses an empty sender in the \\MAIL\\ command by default.
-You can use this parameter to do a postmaster check using a different address.
-For example:
-.display asis
-require verify = sender/callout=postmaster_mailfrom=abc@x.y.z
-If both \postmaster\ and \postmaster@_mailfrom\ are present, the rightmost one
-overrides. The \postmaster\ parameter is equivalent to this example:
-.display asis
-require verify = sender/callout=postmaster_mailfrom=
-\**Warning**\: The caching arrangements for postmaster checking do not take
-account of the sender address. It is assumed that either the empty address or
-a fixed non-empty address will be used. All that Exim remembers is that the
-postmaster check for the domain succeeded or failed.
-.item "random"
-.index callout||`random' check
-When this parameter is set, before doing the normal callout check, Exim does a
-check for a `random' local part at the same domain. The local part is not
-really random -- it is defined by the expansion of the option
-\callout@_random@_local@_part\, which defaults to
-.display asis
-The idea here is to try to determine whether the remote host accepts all local
-parts without checking. If it does, there is no point in doing callouts for
-specific local parts. If the `random' check succeeds, the result is saved in
-a cache record, and used to force the current and subsequent callout checks to
-succeed without a connection being made, until the cache record expires.
-.item "use@_postmaster"
-.index callout||sender for recipient check
-This parameter applies to recipient callouts only. For example:
-.display asis
-deny !verify = recipient/callout=use_postmaster
-It causes a non-empty postmaster address to be used in the \\MAIL\\ command
-when performing the callout. The local part of the address is \"postmaster"\
-and the domain is the contents of \$qualify@_domain$\.
-.item "use@_sender"
-This option applies to recipient callouts only. For example:
-.display asis
-require verify = recipient/callout=use_sender
-It causes the message's actual sender address to be used in the \\MAIL\\
-command when performing the callout, instead of an empty address. There is no
-need to use this option unless you know that the called hosts make use of the
-sender when checking recipients. If used indiscriminately, it reduces the
-usefulness of callout caching.
-If you use any of the parameters that set a non-empty sender for the \\MAIL\\
-command (\mailfrom\, \postmaster@_mailfrom\, \use@_postmaster\, or
-\use@_sender\), you should think about possible loops. Recipient checking is
-usually done between two hosts that are under the same management, and the host
-that receives the callouts is not normally configured to do callouts itself.
-Therefore, it is normally safe to use \use@_postmaster\ or \use@_sender\ in
-these circumstances.
-However, if you use a non-empty sender address for a callout to an arbitrary
-host, there is the likelihood that the remote host will itself initiate a
-callout check back to your host. As it is checking what appears to be a message
-sender, it is likely to use an empty address in \\MAIL\\, thus avoiding a
-callout loop. However, to be on the safe side it would be best to set up your
-own ACLs so that they do not do sender verification checks when the recipient
-is the address you use for header sender or postmaster callout checking.
-Another issue to think about when using non-empty senders for callouts is
-caching. When you set \mailfrom\ or \use@_sender\, the cache record is keyed by
-the sender/recipient combination; thus, for any given recipient, many more
-actual callouts are performed than when an empty sender or postmaster is used.
-.section Callout caching
-.rset SECTcallvercache "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index hints database||callout cache
-.index callout||caching
-.index caching||callout
-Exim caches the results of callouts in order to reduce the amount of resources
-used, unless you specify the \no@_cache\ parameter with the \callout\ option.
-A hints database called `callout' is used for the cache. Two different record
-types are used: one records the result of a callout check for a specific
-address, and the other records information that applies to the entire domain
-(for example, that it accepts the local part \*postmaster*\).
-When an original callout fails, a detailed SMTP error message is given about
-the failure. However, for subsequent failures use the cache data, this message
-is not available.
-The expiry times for negative and positive address cache records are
-independent, and can be set by the global options \callout@_negative@_expire\
-(default 2h) and \callout@_positive@_expire\ (default 24h), respectively.
-If a host gives a negative response to an SMTP connection, or rejects any
-commands up to and including
-.display asis
-(but not including the \\MAIL\\ command with a non-empty address),
-any callout attempt is bound to fail. Exim remembers such failures in a
-domain cache record, which it uses to fail callouts for the domain without
-making new connections, until the domain record times out. There are two
-separate expiry times for domain cache records:
-\callout@_domain@_negative@_expire\ (default 3h) and
-\callout__domain__positive@_expire\ (default 7d).
-Domain records expire when the negative expiry time is reached if callouts
-cannot be made for the domain, or if the postmaster check failed.
-Otherwise, they expire when the positive expiry time is reached. This
-ensures that, for example, a host that stops accepting `random' local parts
-will eventually be noticed.
-The callout caching mechanism is based on the domain of the address that is
-being tested. If the domain routes to several hosts, it is assumed that their
-behaviour will be the same.
-.section Sender address verification reporting
-.rset SECTsenaddver "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index verifying||suppressing error details
-When sender verification fails in an ACL, the details of the failure are
-given as additional output lines before the 550 response to the relevant
-SMTP command (\\RCPT\\ or \\DATA\\). For example, if sender callout is in use,
-you might see:
-.display asis
-MAIL FROM:<xyz@abc.example>
-250 OK
-RCPT TO:<pqr@def.example>
-550-Verification failed for <xyz@abc.example>
-550-Sent: RCPT TO:<xyz@abc.example>
-550-Response: 550 Unknown local part xyz in <xyz@abc.example>
-550 Sender verification failed
-If more than one \\RCPT\\ command fails in the same way, the details are given
-only for the first of them. However, some administrators do not want to send
-out this much information. You can suppress the details by adding
-`/no@_details' to the ACL statement that requests sender verification. For
-.display asis
-verify = sender/no_details
-.section Redirection while verifying
-.index verifying||redirection while
-.index address redirection||while verifying
-A dilemma arises when a local address is redirected by aliasing or forwarding
-during verification: should the generated addresses themselves be verified,
-or should the successful expansion of the original address be enough to verify
-it? Exim takes the following pragmatic approach:
-.numberpars $.
-When an incoming address is redirected to just one child address, verification
-continues with the child address, and if that fails to verify, the original
-verification also fails.
-When an incoming address is redirected to more than one child address,
-verification does not continue. A success result is returned.
-This seems the most reasonable behaviour for the common use of aliasing as a
-way of redirecting different local parts to the same mailbox. It means, for
-example, that a pair of alias entries of the form
-.display asis
-A.Wol: aw123
-aw123: :fail: Gone away, no forwarding address
-work as expected, with both local parts causing verification failure. When a
-redirection generates more than one address, the behaviour is more like a
-mailing list, where the existence of the alias itself is sufficient for
-verification to succeed.
-.section Using an ACL to control relaying
-.rset SECTrelaycontrol "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ~~ACL||relay control
-.index relaying||control by ACL
-.index policy control||relay control
-An MTA is said to \*relay*\ a message if it receives it from some host and
-delivers it directly to another host as a result of a remote address contained
-within it. Redirecting a local address via an alias or forward file and then
-passing the message on to another host is not relaying,
-.index `percent hack'
-but a redirection as a result of the `percent hack' is.
-Two kinds of relaying exist, which are termed `incoming' and `outgoing'. A host
-which is acting as a gateway or an MX backup is concerned with incoming
-relaying from arbitrary hosts to a specific set of domains. On the other hand,
-a host which is acting as a smart host for a number of clients is concerned
-with outgoing relaying from those clients to the Internet at large. Often the
-same host is fulfilling both functions, as illustrated in the diagram below,
-but in principle these two kinds of relaying are entirely independent. What is
-not wanted is the transmission of mail from arbitrary remote hosts through your
-system to arbitrary domains.
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.figure "Controlled relaying" rm
-.indent 0 aspic -sgcal -nv
-centre ~~sys.linelength;
-magnify 0.8;
-boundingbox 30;
-textdepth 16;
- boxwidth 120;
- boxdepth 44;
-A: box "Arbitrary" "remote hosts";
-C: ibox;
-D: box "Arbitrary" "domains";
- iline down 50 from bottom of C;
-H: box width 180 "Local host";
- iline down 50;
-E: ibox;
-SH: box "Specific" "hosts";
-SD: box join right to E "Specific" "domains";
- arcarrow clockwise from top of SH to bottom of D plus (-10,-4)
- via right of H plus (-20,0);
- arcarrow clockwise from bottom of A to top of SD plus (10,4)
- via left of H plus (20,0);
- ibox join left to right of H "$it{Outgoing}";
- goto H;
- ibox join right to left of H "$it{Incoming}";
-L: line dashed from right of A to top of H plus (-15,0);
- arc dashed to top of H plus (15,0);
- arrow dashed to left of D plus (-2,0);
- arrow dashed back up 72 right 32 from middle of L plus (8,0);
- text at end plus (0, 4) "$it{Not wanted}";
-.elif !~~html
-.display asis
- -------------- -----------
- | Arbitrary | |Arbitrary|
- |remote hosts| | domains |
- -------------- -----------
- I v ^ O
- n v ^ u
- c ---v----------------^--- t
- o | v Local ^ | g
- m | v host ^ | o
- i ---v----------------^--- i
- n v ^ n
- g v ^ g
- Specific Specific
- domains hosts
-[(IMG SRC="relaying.gif" alt="Controlled relaying")][(br)]
-You can implement relay control by means of suitable statements in the ACL that
-runs for each \\RCPT\\ command. For convenience, it is often easiest to use
-Exim's named list facility to define the domains and hosts involved. For
-example, suppose you want to do the following:
-.numberpars $.
-Deliver a number of domains to mailboxes on the local host (or process them
-locally in some other way). Let's say these are \*my.dom1.example*\ and
-Relay mail for a number of other domains for which you are the secondary MX.
-These might be \*friend1.example*\ and \*friend2.example*\.
-Relay mail from the hosts on your local LAN, to whatever domains are involved.
-Suppose your LAN is
-In the main part of the configuration, you put the following definitions:
-.display asis
-domainlist local_domains = my.dom1.example : my.dom2.example
-domainlist relay_domains = friend1.example : friend2.example
-hostlist relay_hosts =
-Now you can use these definitions in the ACL that is run for every \\RCPT\\
-.display asis
- accept domains = +local_domains : +relay_domains
- accept hosts = +relay_hosts
-The first statement accepts any \\RCPT\\ command that contains an address in
-the local or relay domains. For any other domain, control passes to the second
-statement, which accepts the command only if it comes from one of the relay
-hosts. In practice, you will probably want to make your ACL more sophisticated
-than this, for example, by including sender and recipient verification. The
-default configuration includes a more comprehensive example, which is described
-in chapter ~~CHAPdefconfil.
-.section Checking a relay configuration
-.rset SECTcheralcon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index relaying||checking control of
-You can check the relay characteristics of your configuration in the same way
-that you can test any ACL behaviour for an incoming SMTP connection, by using
-the \-bh-\ option to run a fake SMTP session with which you interact.
-For specifically testing for unwanted relaying, the host
-\**\ provides a useful service. If you telnet to this
-host from the host on which Exim is running, using the normal telnet port, you
-will see a normal telnet connection message and then quite a long delay. Be
-patient. The remote host is making an SMTP connection back to your host, and
-trying a number of common probes to test for open relay vulnerability. The
-results of the tests will eventually appear on your terminal.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Content scanning
-.set runningfoot "content scanning"
-.rset CHAPexiscan "~~chapter"
-.index content scanning
-The content-scanning extension of Exim, formerly known as `exiscan', was
-originally implemented as a patch by Tom Kistner. The code was integrated into
-the main source for Exim release 4.50, and Tom continues to maintain it. Most
-of the wording of this chapter is taken from Tom's specification.
-If you want to include the content-scanning features when you compile Exim, you
-need to arrange for \\WITH@_CONTENT@_SCAN\\ to be defined in your
-\(Local/Makefile)\. When you do that, the Exim binary is built with:
-.numberpars $.
-An additional ACL (\acl@_smtp@_mime\) that is run for all MIME parts.
-Additional ACL conditions and modifiers: \decode\, \malware\, \mime@_regex\,
-\regex\, and \spam\. These can be used in the ACL that is run at the end of
-message reception (the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL).
-An additional control feature (`no@_mbox@_unspool') that saves spooled copies
-of messages, or parts of messages, for debugging purposes.
-Additional expansion variables that are set in the new ACL and by the new
-Two new main configuration options: \av@_scanner\ and \spamd@_address\.
-There is another content-scanning configuration option for \(Local/Makefile)\,
-called \\WITH@_OLD@_DEMIME\\. If this is set, the old, deprecated \demime\ ACL
-condition is compiled, in addition to all the other content-scanning features.
-Content-scanning is continually evolving, and new features are still being
-added. While such features are still unstable and liable to incompatible
-changes, they are made available in Exim by setting options whose names begin
-\\EXPERIMENTAL@_\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\. Such features are not documented in
-this manual. You can find out about them by reading the file called
-All the content-scanning facilites work on a MBOX copy of the message that is
-temporarily created in a file called:
-The \(.eml)\ extension is a friendly hint to virus scanners that they can
-expect an MBOX-like structure inside that file. The file is created when the
-first content scanning facility is called. Subsequent calls to content
-scanning conditions open the same file again. The directory is recursively
-removed when the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL has finished running, unless
-.display asis
-control = no_mbox_unspool
-has been encountered. When the MIME ACL decodes files, they are put into the
-same directory by default.
-.section Scanning for viruses
-.rset SECTscanvirus "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index virus scanning
-.index content scanning||for viruses
-.index content scanning||the \malware\ condition
-The \malware\ ACL condition lets you connect virus scanner software to Exim. It
-supports a `generic' interface to scanners called via the shell, and
-specialized interfaces for `daemon' type virus scanners, which are resident in
-memory and thus are much faster.
-.index \av@_scanner\
-You can set the \av@_scanner\ option in first part of the Exim configuration
-file to specify which scanner to use, together with any additional options that
-are needed. The basic syntax is as follows:
-av@_scanner = <<scanner-type>>:<<option1>>:<<option2>>:[...]
-If you do not set \av@_scanner\, it defaults to
-.display asis
-av_scanner = sophie:/var/run/sophie
-If the value of \av@_scanner\ starts with dollar character, it is expanded
-before use.
-The following scanner types are supported in this release:
-.numberpars $.
-.index virus scanners||Kaspersky
-\aveserver\: This is the scanner daemon of Kaspersky Version 5. You can get a
-trial version at \?\. This scanner type takes one
-option, which is the path to the daemon's UNIX socket. The default is shown in
-this example:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = aveserver:/var/run/aveserver
-.index virus scanners||clamd
-\clamd\: This daemon-type scanner is GPL and free. You can get it at
-\?\. Clamd does not seem to unpack MIME containers, so
-it is recommended to unpack MIME attachments in the MIME ACL. It takes one
-option: either the path and name of a UNIX socket file, or a hostname or IP
-number, and a port, separated by space, as in the second of these examples:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = clamd:/opt/clamd/socket
-av_scanner = clamd: 1234
-If the option is unset, the default is \(/tmp/clamd)\. Thanks to David Saez for
-contributing the code for this scanner.
-.index virus scanners||command line interface
-\cmdline\: This is the keyword for the generic command line scanner interface.
-It can be used to attach virus scanners that are invoked from the shell. This
-scanner type takes 3 mandatory options:
-The full path and name of the scanner binary, with all command line options,
-and a placeholder (%s) for the directory to scan.
-A regular expression to match against the STDOUT and STDERR output of the virus
-scanner. If the expression matches, a virus was found. You must make absolutely
-sure that this expression matches on `virus found'. This is called the
-`trigger' expression.
-Another regular expression, containing exactly one pair of parentheses, to
-match the name of the virus found in the scanners output. This is called the
-`name' expression.
-For example, Sophos Sweep reports a virus on a line like this:
-.display asis
-Virus 'W32/Magistr-B' found in file ./those.bat
-For the trigger expression, we can just match the word `found'. For the name
-expression, we want to extract the W32/Magistr-B string, so we can match for
-the single quotes left and right of it. Altogether, this makes the
-configuration setting:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = cmdline:\
- /path/to/sweep -all -rec -archive %s:\
- found:'(.+)'
-.index virus scanners||DrWeb
-\drweb\: The DrWeb daemon scanner (\?\) interface
-takes one argument, either a full path to a UNIX socket, or an IP address and
-port separated by whitespace, as in these examples:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = drweb:/var/run/drwebd.sock
-av_scanner = drweb: 31337
-If you omit the argument, the default path \(/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock)\
-is used. Thanks to Alex Miller for contributing the code for this scanner.
-.index virus scanners||F-Secure
-\fsecure\: The F-Secure daemon scanner (\?\) takes one
-argument which is the path to a UNIX socket. For example:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = fsecure:/path/to/.fsav
-If no argument is given, the default is \(/var/run/.fsav)\. Thanks to Johan
-Thelmen for contributing the code for this scanner.
-.index virus scanners||Kaspersky
-\kavdaemon\: This is the scanner daemon of Kaspersky Version 4. This version of
-the Kaspersky scanner is outdated. Please upgrade (see \aveserver\ above). This
-scanner type takes one option, which is the path to the daemon's UNIX socket.
-For example:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = kavdaemon:/opt/AVP/AvpCtl
-The default path is \(/var/run/AvpCtl)\.
-.index virus scanners||mksd
-\mksd\: This is a daemon type scanner that is aimed mainly at Polish users,
-though some parts of documentation are now available in English. You can get it
-at \?\. The only option for this scanner type is the
-maximum number of processes used simultaneously to scan the attachments,
-provided that the demime facility is employed and also provided that mksd has
-been run with at least the same number of child processes. For example:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = mksd:2
-You can safely omit this option (the default value is 1).
-.index virus scanners||Sophos and Sophie
-\sophie\: Sophie is a daemon that uses Sophos' \libsavi\ library to scan for
-viruses. You can get Sophie at \?\. The only
-option for this scanner type is the path to the UNIX socket that Sophie uses
-for client communication. For example:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = sophie:/tmp/sophie
-The default path is \(/var/run/sophie)\, so if you are using this, you can omit
-the option.
-When \av@_scanner\ is correctly set, you can use the \malware\ condition in the
-\\DATA\\ ACL. The \av@_scanner\ option is expanded each time \malware\ is
-called. This makes it possible to use different scanners. See further below for
-an example. The \malware\ condition caches its results, so when you use it
-multiple times for the same message, the actual scanning process is only
-carried out once. However, using expandable items in \av@_scanner\ disables
-this caching, in which case each use of the \malware\ condition causes a new
-scan of the message.
-The \malware\ condition takes a right-hand argument that is expanded before
-use. It can then be one of
-.numberpars $.
-`true', `*', or `1', in which case the message is scanned for viruses. The
-condition succeeds if a virus was found, and fail otherwise. This is the
-recommended usage.
-`false' or `0', in which case no scanning is done and the condition fails
-A regular expression, in which case the message is scanned for viruses. The
-condition succeeds if a virus is found and its name matches the regular
-expression. This allows you to take special actions on certain types of virus.
-You can append \"/defer@_ok"\ to the \malware\ condition to accept messages even
-if there is a problem with the virus scanner.
-.index \$malware@_name$\
-When a virus is found, the condition sets up an expansion variable called
-\$malware@_name$\ that contains the name of the virus. You can use it in a
-\message\ modifier that specifies the error returned to the sender, and/or in
-logging data.
-If your virus scanner cannot unpack MIME and TNEF containers itself, you should
-use the \demime\ condition (see section ~~SECTdemimecond) before the \malware\
-Here is a very simple scanning example:
-.display asis
-deny message = This message contains malware ($malware_name)
- demime = *
- malware = *
-The next example accepts messages when there is a problem with the scanner:
-.display asis
-deny message = This message contains malware ($malware_name)
- demime = *
- malware = */defer_ok
-The next example shows how to use an ACL variable to scan with both sophie and
-aveserver. It assumes you have set:
-.display asis
-av_scanner = $acl_m0
-in the main Exim configuration.
-.display asis
-deny message = This message contains malware ($malware_name)
- set acl_m0 = sophie
- malware = *
-deny message = This message contains malware ($malware_name)
- set acl_m0 = aveserver
- malware = *
-.section Scanning with SpamAssassin
-.rset SECTscanspamass "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index content scanning||for spam
-.index spam scanning
-.index SpamAssassin, scanning with
-The \spam\ ACL condition calls SpamAssassin's \spamd\ daemon to get a spam
-score and a report for the message. You can get SpamAssassin at
-\?\, or, if you have a working Perl installation,
-you can use CPAN by running:
-.display asis
-perl -MCPAN -e 'install Mail::SpamAssassin'
-SpamAssassin has its own set of configuration files. Please review its
-documentation to see how you can tweak it. The default installation should work
-nicely, however.
-.index \spamd@_address\
-After having installed and configured SpamAssassin, start the \spamd\ daemon.
-By default, it listens on, TCP port 783. If you use another host or
-port for \spamd\, you must set the \spamd@_address\ option in the global part
-of the Exim configuration as follows (example):
-.display asis
-spamd_address = 387
-You do not need to set this option if you use the default. As of version 2.60,
-\spamd\ also supports communication over UNIX sockets. If you want to use
-these, supply \spamd@_address\ with an absolute file name instead of a
-address/port pair:
-.display asis
-spamd_address = /var/run/spamd_socket
-You can have multiple \spamd\ servers to improve scalability. These can reside
-on other hardware reachable over the network. To specify multiple \spamd\
-servers, put multiple address/port pairs in the \spamd@_address\ option,
-separated with colons:
-.display asis
-spamd_address = 783 : \
- 783 : \
- 783
-Up to 32 \spamd\ servers are supported. The servers are
-queried in a random fashion. When a server fails to respond
-to the connection attempt, all other servers are tried
-until one succeeds. If no server responds, the \spam\
-condition defers.
-\**Warning**\: It is not possible to use the UNIX socket connection method with
-multiple \spamd\ servers.
-The spamd_address variable is expanded before use if it starts with a dollar
-sign. In this case, the expansion may return a string that is used as the
-list so that multiple spamd servers can be the result of an expansion.
-Here is a simple example of the use of the \spam\ condition in a DATA ACL:
-.display asis
-deny message = This message was classified as SPAM
- spam = joe
-The right-hand side of the \spam\ condition specifies the username that
-SpamAssassin should scan for. If you do not want to scan for a particular user,
-but rather use the SpamAssassin system-wide default profile, you can scan for
-an unknown user, or simply use `nobody'. However, you must put something on the
-right-hand side.
-The username allows you to use per-domain or per-user antispam profiles. The
-right-hand side is expanded before being used, so you can put lookups or
-conditions there. When the right-hand side evaluates to `0' or `false', no
-scanning is done and the condition fails immediately.
-The \spam\ condition returns true if the threshold specified in the user's
-SpamAssassin profile has been matched or exceeded. If you want to use the
-\spam\ condition for its side effects (see the variables below), you can make
-it always return `true' by appending \":true"\ to the username.
-.index spam scanning||returned variables
-When the \spam\ condition is run, it sets up the following expansion
-.indent 2em
-.tempindent 0
-\$spam@_score$\: The spam score of the message, for example `3.4' or `30.5'.
-This is useful for inclusion in log or reject messages.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spam@_score@_int$\: The spam score of the message, multiplied by ten, as an
-integer value. For example `34' or `305'. This is useful for numeric
-comparisons in conditions. This variable is special; it is saved with the
-message, and written to Exim's spool file. This means that it can be used
-during the whole life of the message on your Exim system, in particular, in
-routers or transports during the later delivery phase.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spam@_bar$\: A string consisting of a number of `+' or `@-' characters,
-representing the integer part of the spam score value. A spam score of 4.4
-would have a \$spam@_bar$\ value of `++++'. This is useful for inclusion in
-warning headers, since MUAs can match on such strings.
-.tempindent 0
-\$spam@_report$\: A multiline text table, containing the full SpamAssassin
-report for the message. Useful for inclusion in headers or reject messages.
-The \spam\ condition caches its results unless expansion in spamd_address was
-used. If you call it again with the same user name, it does not scan again,
-but rather returns the same values as before.
-The \spam\ condition returns DEFER if there is any error while running the
-message through SpamAssassin or if the expansion of spamd_address failed. If
-you want to treat DEFER as FAIL (to pass on to the next ACL statement block),
-append \"/defer_ok"\ to the right-hand side of the spam condition, like this:
-.display asis
-deny message = This message was classified as SPAM
- spam = joe/defer_ok
-This causes messages to be accepted even if there is a
-problem with \spamd\.
-Here is a longer, commented example of the use of the \spam\
-.display asis
-# put headers in all messages (no matter if spam or not)
-warn message = X-Spam-Score: $spam_score ($spam_bar)
- spam = nobody:true
-warn message = X-Spam-Report: $spam_report
- spam = nobody:true
-# add second subject line with *SPAM* marker when message
-# is over threshold
-warn message = Subject: *SPAM* $h_Subject:
- spam = nobody
-# reject spam at high scores (> 12)
-deny message = This message scored $spam_score spam points.
- spam = nobody:true
- condition = ${if >{$spam_score_int}{120}{1}{0}}
-.section Scanning MIME parts
-.rset SECTscanmimepart "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index content scanning||MIME parts
-.index MIME content scanning
-.index \acl@_smtp@_mime\
-The \acl@_smtp@_mime\ global option defines an ACL that is called once for each
-MIME part of a message, including multipart types, in the sequence of their
-position in the message.
-This ACL is called (possibly many times) just before the \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL,
-but only if the message has a ::MIME-Version:: header. When a call to the MIME
-ACL does not yield `accept', ACL processing is aborted and the appropriate
-result code is sent to the remote client. The \acl@_smtp@_data\ ACL is not
-called in this circumstance.
-At the start of the MIME ACL, a number of variables are set from the header
-information for the relevant MIME part. These are described below. The contents
-of the MIME part are not by default decoded into a disk file except for MIME
-parts whose content-type is `message/rfc822'. If you want to decode a MIME part
-into a disk file, you can use the \decode\ modifier. The general syntax is:
-decode = [/<<path>>/]<<filename>>
-The right hand side is expanded before use. After expansion,
-the value can be:
-`0' or `false', in which case no decoding is done.
-The string `default'. In that case, the file is put in the temporary `default'
-directory \(<<spool@_directory>>/scan/<<message@_id>>/)\ with a sequential file
-name consisting of the message id and a sequence number. The full path and name
-is available in \$mime@_decoded@_filename$\ after decoding.
-A full path name starting with a slash. If the full name is an existing
-directory, it is used as a replacement for the default directory. The filename
-is then sequentially assigned. If the path does not exist, it is used as
-the full path and file name.
-If the string does not start with a slash, it is used as the
-filename, and the default path is then used.
-You can easily decode a file with its original, proposed
-filename using
-.display asis
-decode = $mime_filename
-However, you should keep in mind that \$mime@_filename$\ might contain
-anything. If you place files outside of the default path, they are not
-automatically unlinked.
-For RFC822 attachments (these are messages attached to messages, with a
-content-type of `message/rfc822'), the ACL is called again in the same manner
-as for the primary message, only that the \$mime@_is@_rfc822$\ expansion
-variable is set (see below). Attached messages are always decoded to disk
-before being checked, and the files are unlinked once the check is done.
-The MIME ACL supports the \regex\ and \mime@_regex\ conditions. These can be
-used to match regular expressions against raw and decoded MIME parts,
-respectively. They are described in section ~~SECTscanregex.
-.index MIME content scanning||returned variables
-The following list describes all expansion variables that are
-available in the MIME ACL:
-.indent 2em
-.tempindent 0
-If the current part is a multipart (see \$mime@_is@_multipart$\) below, it
-should have a boundary string, which is stored in this variable. If the current
-part has no boundary parameter in the ::Content-Type:: header, this variable
-contains the empty string.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the character set identifier, if one was found in the
-::Content-Type:: header. Examples for charset identifiers are:
-.display asis
-gb2312 (Chinese)
-Please note that this value is not normalized, so you should do matches
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the normalized content of the ::Content-Description::
-header. It can contain a human-readable description of the parts content. Some
-implementations repeat the filename for attachments here, but they are
-usually only used for display purposes.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the normalized content of the ::Content-Disposition::
-header. You can expect strings like `attachment' or `inline' here.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the normalized content of the ::Content-ID:: header.
-This is a unique ID that can be used to reference a part from another part.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is set only after the \decode\ modifier (see above) has been
-successfully run. It contains the size of the decoded part in kilobytes. The
-size is always rounded up to full kilobytes, so only a completely empty part
-has a \$mime@_content@_size$\ of zero.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable contains the normalized content of the
-::Content-transfer-encoding:: header. This is a symbolic name for an encoding
-type. Typical values are `base64' and `quoted-printable'.
-.tempindent 0
-\$mime@_content@_type$\: If the MIME part has a ::Content-Type:: header, this
-variable contains its value, lowercased, and without any options (like `name'
-or `charset'). Here are some examples of popular MIME types, as they may appear
-in this variable:
-.display asis
-If the MIME part has no ::Content-Type:: header, this variable contains the
-empty string.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is set only after the \decode\ modifier (see above) has been
-successfully run. It contains the full path and file name of the file
-containing the decoded data.
-.tempindent 0
-\$mime@_filename$\: This is perhaps the most important of the MIME variables.
-It contains a proposed filename for an attachment, if one was found in either
-the ::Content-Type:: or ::Content-Disposition:: headers. The filename will be
-RFC2047 decoded, but no additional sanity checks are done. If no filename was
-found, this variable contains the empty string.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable attempts to differentiate the `cover letter' of an e-mail from
-attached data. It can be used to clamp down on flashy or unneccessarily encoded
-content in the cover letter, while not restricting attachments at all.
-The variable contains 1 (true) for a MIME part believed to be part of the
-cover letter, and 0 (false) for an attachment. At present, the algorithm is as
-The outermost MIME part of a message is always a cover letter.
-If a multipart/alternative or multipart/related MIME part is a cover letter, so
-are all MIME subparts within that multipart.
-If any other multipart is a cover letter, the first subpart is a cover letter,
-and the rest are attachments.
-All parts contained within an attachment multipart are attachments.
-As an example, the following will ban `HTML mail' (including that sent with
-alternative plain text), while allowing HTML files to be attached. HTML
-coverletter mail attached to non-HMTL coverletter mail will also be allowed:
-.display asis
-deny message = HTML mail is not accepted here
- !condition = $mime_is_rfc822
- condition = $mime_is_coverletter
- condition = ${if eq{$mime_content_type}{text/html}{1}{0}}
-.tempindent 0
-This variable has the value 1 (true) when the current part has the main type
-`multipart', for example `multipart/alternative' or `multipart/mixed'. Since
-multipart entities only serve as containers for other parts, you may not want
-to carry out specific actions on them.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable has the value 1 (true) if the current part is not a part of the
-checked message itself, but part of an attached message. Attached message
-decoding is fully recursive.
-.tempindent 0
-This variable is a counter that is raised for each processed MIME part. It
-starts at zero for the very first part (which is usually a multipart). The
-counter is per-message, so it is reset when processing RFC822 attachments (see
-\$mime@_is@_rfc822$\). The counter stays set after \acl@_smtp@_mime\ is
-complete, so you can use it in the DATA ACL to determine the number of MIME
-parts of a message. For non-MIME messages, this variable contains the value -1.
-.section Scanning with regular expressions
-.rset SECTscanregex "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index content scanning||with regular expressions
-.index regular expressions||content scanning with
-You can specify your own custom regular expression matches on the full body of
-the message, or on individual MIME parts.
-The \regex\ condition takes one or more regular expressions as arguments and
-matches them against the full message (when called in the DATA ACL) or a raw
-MIME part (when called in the MIME ACL). The \regex\ condition matches
-linewise, with a maximum line length of 32K characters. That means you cannot
-have multiline matches with the \regex\ condition.
-The \mime@_regex\ condition can be called only in the MIME ACL. It matches up
-to 32K of decoded content (the whole content at once, not linewise). If the
-part has not been decoded with the \decode\ modifier earlier in the ACL, it is
-decoded automatically when \mime@_regex\ is executed (using default path and
-filename values). If the decoded data is larger than 32K, only the first 32K
-characters are checked.
-The regular expressions are passed as a colon-separated list. To include a
-literal colon, you must double it. Since the whole right-hand side string is
-expanded before being used, you must also escape dollar signs and backslashes
-with more backslashes, or use the \"@\N"\ facility to disable expansion.
-Here is a simple example that contains two regular expressions:
-.display asis
-deny message = contains blacklisted regex ($regex_match_string)
- regex = [Mm]ortgage : URGENT BUSINESS PROPOSAL
-The conditions returns true if any one of the regular expressions matches. The
-\$regex@_match@_string$\ expansion variable is then set up and contains the
-matching regular expression.
-\**Warning**\: With large messages, these conditions can be fairly
-.section The demime condition
-.rset SECTdemimecond "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index content scanning||MIME checking
-.index MIME content scanning
-The \demime\ ACL condition provides MIME unpacking, sanity checking and file
-extension blocking. It uses a simpler interface to MIME decoding than the MIME
-ACL functionality, but provides no additional facilities. Please note that this
-condition is deprecated and kept only for for backward compatibility. You must
-set the \\WITH@_OLD@_DEMIME\\ option in \(Local/Makefile)\ at build time to be
-able to use the \demime\ condition.
-The \demime\ condition unpacks MIME containers in the message. It detects
-errors in MIME containers and can match file extensions found in the message
-against a list. Using this facility produces files containing the unpacked MIME
-parts of the message in the temporary scan directory. If you do antivirus
-scanning, it is recommened that you use the \demime\ condition before the
-antivirus (\malware\) condition.
-On the right-hand side of the \demime\ condition you can pass a colon-separated
-list of file extensions that it should match against. For example:
-.display asis
-deny message = Found blacklisted file attachment
- demime = vbs:com:bat:pif:prf:lnk
-If one of the file extensions is found, the condition is true, otherwise it is
-false. If there is a temporary error while demimeing (for example, `disk
-full'), the condition defers, and the message is temporarily rejected (unless
-the condition is on a \warn\ verb).
-The right-hand side is expanded before being treated as a list, so you can have
-conditions and lookups there. If it expands to an empty string, `false', or
-zero (`0'), no demimeing is done and the condition is false.
-The \demime\ condition set the following variables:
-.indent 2em
-.tempindent 0
-\$demime@_errorlevel$\: When an error is detected in a MIME container, this
-variable contains the severity of the error, as an integer number. The higher
-the value, the more severe the error. If this variable is unset or zero, no
-error occurred.
-.tempindent 0
-\$demime@_reason$\: When \$demime@_errorlevel$\ is greater than zero, this
-variable contains a human-readable text string describing the MIME error that
-.tempindent 0
-\$found@_extension$\: When the \demime\ condition is true, this variable
-contains the file extension it found.
-Both \$demime@_errorlevel$\ and \$demime@_reason$\ are set by the first call of
-the \demime\ condition, and are not changed on subsequent calls.
-If you do not want to check for file extensions, but rather use the \demime\
-condition for unpacking or error checking purposes, pass `*' as the
-right-hand side value. Here is a more elaborate example of how to use this
-.display asis
-# Reject messages with serious MIME container errors
-deny message = Found MIME error ($demime_reason).
- demime = *
- condition = ${if >{$demime_errorlevel}{2}{1}{0}}
-# Reject known virus spreading file extensions.
-# Accepting these is pretty much braindead.
-deny message = contains $found_extension file (blacklisted).
- demime = com:vbs:bat:pif:scr
-# Freeze .exe and .doc files. Postmaster can
-# examine them and eventually thaw them.
-deny log_message = Another $found_extension file.
- demime = exe:doc
- control = freeze
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Adding a local scan function to Exim
-.set runningfoot "local scan function"
-.rset CHAPlocalscan "~~chapter"
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||description of
-.index customizing||input scan using C function
-.index policy control||by local scan function
-In these days of email worms, viruses, and ever-increasing spam, some sites
-want to apply a lot of checking to messages before accepting them.
-The content scanning extension (chapter ~~CHAPexiscan) has facilities for
-passing messages to external virus and spam scanning software. You can also do
-a certain amount in Exim itself through string expansions and the \condition\
-condition in the ACL that runs after the SMTP \\DATA\\ command or the ACL for
-non-SMTP messages (see chapter ~~CHAPACL), but this has its limitations.
-To allow for further customization to a site's own requirements, there is the
-possibility of linking Exim with a private message scanning function, written
-in C. If you want to run code that is written in something other than C, you
-can of course use a little C stub to call it.
-The local scan function is run once for every incoming message, at the point
-when Exim is just about to accept the message.
-It can therefore be used to control non-SMTP messages from local processes as
-well as messages arriving via SMTP.
-Exim applies a timeout to calls of the local scan function, and there is an
-option called \local@_scan@_timeout\ for setting it. The default is 5 minutes.
-Zero means `no timeout'.
-Exim also sets up signal handlers for SIGSEGV, SIGILL, SIGFPE, and SIGBUS
-before calling the local scan function, so that the most common types of crash
-are caught. If the timeout is exceeded or one of those signals is caught, the
-incoming message is rejected with a temporary error if it is an SMTP message.
-For a non-SMTP message, the message is dropped and Exim ends with a non-zero
-code. The incident is logged on the main and reject logs.
-.section Building Exim to use a local scan function
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||building Exim to use
-To make use of the local scan function feature, you must tell Exim where your
-function is before building Exim, by setting \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_SOURCE\\ in your
-\(Local/Makefile)\. A recommended place to put it is in the \(Local)\
-directory, so you might set
-.display asis
-for example. The function must be called \*local@_scan()*\. It is called by
-Exim after it has received a message, when the success return code is about to
-be sent. This is after all the ACLs have been run. The return code from your
-function controls whether the message is actually accepted or not. There is a
-commented template function (that just accepts the message) in the file
-If you want to make use of Exim's run time configuration file to set options
-for your \*local@_scan()*\ function, you must also set
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\ (see section ~~SECTconoptloc below).
-.section API for local@_scan()
-.rset SECTapiforloc "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||API description
-You must include this line near the start of your code:
-.display asis
-#include "local_scan.h"
-This header file defines a number of variables and other values, and the
-prototype for the function itself. Exim is coded to use unsigned char values
-almost exclusively, and one of the things this header defines is a shorthand
-for \"unsigned char"\ called \"uschar"\.
-It also contains the following macro definitions, to simplify casting character
-strings and pointers to character strings:
-.display asis
-#define CS (char *)
-#define CCS (const char *)
-#define CSS (char **)
-#define US (unsigned char *)
-#define CUS (const unsigned char *)
-#define USS (unsigned char **)
-The function prototype for \*local@_scan()*\ is:
-.display asis
-extern int local_scan(int fd, uschar **return_text);
-The arguments are as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-\fd\ is a file descriptor for the file that contains the body of the message
-(the -D file).
-The file is open for reading and writing, but updating it is not recommended.
-\**Warning**\: You must \*not*\ close this file descriptor.
-The descriptor is positioned at character 19 of the file, which is the first
-character of the body itself, because the first 19 characters are the message
-id followed by \"-D"\ and a newline. If you rewind the file, you should use the
-macro \\SPOOL@_DATA@_START@_OFFSET\\ to reset to the start of the data, just in
-case this changes in some future version.
-\return@_text\ is an address which you can use to return a pointer to a text
-string at the end of the function. The value it points to on entry is NULL.
-The function must return an \int\ value which is one of the following macros:
-.numberpars $.
-The message is accepted. If you pass back a string of text, it is saved with
-the message, and made available in the variable \$local@_scan@_data$\. No
-newlines are permitted (if there are any, they are turned into spaces) and the
-maximum length of text is 1000 characters.
-This behaves as \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_ACCEPT\\, except that the accepted message is
-queued without immediate delivery, and is frozen.
-This behaves as \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_ACCEPT\\, except that the accepted message is
-queued without immediate delivery.
-The message is rejected; the returned text is used as an error message which is
-passed back to the sender and which is also logged. Newlines are permitted --
-they cause a multiline response for SMTP rejections, but are converted to
-\"@\n"\ in log lines.
-If no message is given, `Administrative prohibition' is used.
-The message is temporarily rejected; the returned text is used as an error
-message as for \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_REJECT\\. If no message is given, `Temporary
-local problem' is used.
-This behaves as \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_REJECT\\, except that the header of the rejected
-message is not written to the reject log. It has the effect of unsetting the
-\rejected@_header\ log selector for just this rejection. If \rejected@_header\
-is already unset (see the discussion of the \log@_selection\ option in section
-~~SECTlogselector), this code is the same as \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_REJECT\\.
-This code is a variation of \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_TEMPREJECT\\ in the same way that
-\\LOCAL__SCAN__REJECT__NOLOGHDR\\ is a variation of \\LOCAL@_SCAN@_REJECT\\.
-If the message is not being received by interactive SMTP, rejections are
-reported by writing to \stderr\ or by sending an email, as configured by the
-\-oe-\ command line options.
-.section Configuration options for local@_scan()
-.rset SECTconoptloc "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||configuration options
-It is possible to have option settings in the main configuration file
-that set values in static variables in the \*local@_scan()*\ module. If you
-want to do this, you must have the line
-.display asis
-in your \(Local/Makefile)\ when you build Exim. (This line is in
-\(OS/Makefile-Default)\, commented out). Then, in the \*local@_scan()*\ source
-file, you must define static variables to hold the option values, and a table to
-define them.
-The table must be a vector called \local@_scan@_options\, of type
-\"optionlist"\. Each entry is a triplet, consisting of a name, an option type,
-and a pointer to the variable that holds the value. The entries must appear in
-alphabetical order. Following \local@_scan@_options\ you must also define a
-variable called \local@_scan@_options@_count\ that contains the number of
-entries in the table. Here is a short example, showing two kinds of option:
-.display asis
-static int my_integer_option = 42;
-static uschar *my_string_option = US"a default string";
-optionlist local_scan_options[] = {
- { "my_integer", opt_int, &my_integer_option },
- { "my_string", opt_stringptr, &my_string_option }
-int local_scan_options_count =
- sizeof(local_scan_options)/sizeof(optionlist);
-The values of the variables can now be changed from Exim's runtime
-configuration file by including a local scan section as in this example:
-.display asis
-begin local_scan
-my_integer = 99
-my_string = some string of text...
-The available types of option data are as follows:
-.item opt@_bool
-This specifies a boolean (true/false) option. The address should point to
-a variable of type \"BOOL"\, which will be set to \\TRUE\\ or \\FALSE\\, which
-are macros that are defined as `1' and `0', respectively. If you want to detect
-whether such a variable has been set at all, you can initialize it to
-\\TRUE@_UNSET\\. (BOOL variables are integers underneath, so can hold more than
-two values.)
-.item "opt@_fixed"
-This specifies a fixed point number, such as is used for load averages.
-The address should point to a variable of type \"int"\. The value is stored
-multiplied by 1000, so, for example, 1.4142 is truncated and stored as 1414.
-.item "opt@_int"
-This specifies an integer; the address should point to a variable of type
-\"int"\. The value may be specified in any of the integer formats accepted by
-.item "opt@_mkint"
-This is the same as \opt@_int\, except that when such a value is output in a
-\-bP-\ listing, if it is an exact number of kilobytes or megabytes, it is
-printed with the suffix K or M.
-.item "opt@_octint"
-This also specifies an integer, but the value is always interpeted as an
-octal integer, whether or not it starts with the digit zero, and it is
-always output in octal.
-.item "opt@_stringptr"
-This specifies a string value; the address must be a pointer to a
-variable that points to a string (for example, of type \"uschar $*$"\).
-.item "opt@_time"
-This specifies a time interval value. The address must point to a variable of
-type \"int"\. The value that is placed there is a number of seconds.
-If the \-bP-\ command line option is followed by \"local@_scan"\, Exim prints
-out the values of all the \*local@_scan()*\ options.
-.section Available Exim variables
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||available Exim variables
-The header \(local@_scan.h)\ gives you access to a number of C variables.
-These are the only ones that are guaranteed to be maintained from release to
-release. Note, however, that you can obtain the value of any Exim variable by
-calling \*expand@_string()*\. The exported variables are as follows:
-.item "unsigned int debug@_selector"
-This variable is set to zero when no debugging is taking place. Otherwise, it
-is a bitmap of debugging selectors. Two bits are identified for use in
-\*local@_scan()*\; they are defined as macros:
-.numberpars $.
-The \"D@_v"\ bit is set when \-v-\ was present on the command line. This is a
-testing option that is not privileged -- any caller may set it. All the
-other selector bits can be set only by admin users.
-The \"D@_local@_scan"\ bit is provided for use by \*local@_scan()*\; it is set
-by the \"+local@_scan"\ debug selector. It is not included in the default set
-of debugging bits.
-Thus, to write to the debugging output only when \"+local@_scan"\ has been
-selected, you should use code like this:
-.display asis
-if ((debug_selector & D_local_scan) != 0)
- debug_printf("xxx", ...);
-.item "uschar *expand@_string@_message"
-After a failing call to \*expand@_string()*\ (returned value NULL), the
-variable \expand__string__message\ contains the error message, zero-terminated.
-.item "header@_line *header@_list"
-A pointer to a chain of header lines. The \header@_line\ structure is discussed
-.item "header@_line *header@_last"
-A pointer to the last of the header lines.
-.item "uschar *headers@_charset"
-The value of the \headers@_charset\ configuration option.
-.item "BOOL host@_checking"
-This variable is TRUE during a host checking session that is initiated by the
-\-bh-\ command line option.
-.item "uschar *interface@_address"
-The IP address of the interface that received the message, as a string. This
-is NULL for locally submitted messages.
-.item "int interface@_port"
-The port on which this message was received.
-.item "uschar *message@_id"
-This variable contains the message id for the incoming message as a
-zero-terminated string.
-.item "uschar *received@_protocol"
-The name of the protocol by which the message was received.
-.item "int recipients@_count"
-The number of accepted recipients.
-.item "recipient@_item *recipients@_list"
-.index recipient||adding in local scan
-.index recipient||removing in local scan
-The list of accepted recipients, held in a vector of length
-\recipients@_count\. The \recipient@_item\ structure is discussed below. You
-can add additional recipients by calling \*receive@_add@_recipient()*\ (see
-below). You can delete recipients by removing them from the vector and adusting
-the value in \recipients@_count\. In particular, by setting \recipients@_count\
-to zero you remove all recipients. If you then return the value
-\"LOCAL@_SCAN@_ACCEPT"\, the message is accepted, but immediately blackholed.
-To replace the recipients, set \recipients@_count\ to zero and then call
-\*receive@_add@_recipient()*\ as often as needed.
-.item "uschar *sender@_address"
-The envelope sender address. For bounce messages this is the empty string.
-.item "uschar *sender@_host@_address"
-The IP address of the sending host, as a string. This is NULL for
-locally-submitted messages.
-.item "uschar *sender@_host@_authenticated"
-The name of the authentication mechanism that was used, or NULL if the message
-was not received over an authenticated SMTP connection.
-.item "uschar *sender@_host@_name"
-The name of the sending host, if known.
-.item "int sender@_host@_port"
-The port on the sending host.
-.item "BOOL smtp@_input"
-This variable is TRUE for all SMTP input, including BSMTP.
-.item "BOOL smtp@_batched@_input"
-This variable is TRUE for BSMTP input.
-.item "int store@_pool"
-The contents of this variable control which pool of memory is used for new
-requests. See section ~~SECTmemhanloc for details.
-.section Structure of header lines
-The \header@_line\ structure contains the members listed below.
-You can add additional header lines by calling the \*header@_add()*\ function
-(see below). You can cause header lines to be ignored (deleted) by setting
-their type to $*$.
-.item "struct header@_line *next"
-A pointer to the next header line, or NULL for the last line.
-.item "int type"
-A code identifying certain headers that Exim recognizes. The codes are printing
-characters, and are documented in chapter ~~CHAPspool of this manual. Notice in
-particular that any header line whose type is $*$ is not transmitted with the
-message. This flagging is used for header lines that have been rewritten, or
-are to be removed (for example, ::Envelope-sender:: header lines.) Effectively,
-$*$ means `deleted'.
-.item "int slen"
-The number of characters in the header line, including the terminating and any
-internal newlines.
-.item "uschar *text"
-A pointer to the text of the header. It always ends with a newline, followed by
-a zero byte. Internal newlines are preserved.
-.section Structure of recipient items
-The \recipient@_item\ structure contains these members:
-.item "uschar *address"
-This is a pointer to the recipient address as it was received.
-.item "int pno"
-This is used in later Exim processing when top level addresses are created
-by the \one@_time\ option. It is not relevant at the time \*local@_scan()*\ is
-run and
-must always contain -1 at this stage.
-.item "uschar *errors@_to"
-If this value is not NULL, bounce messages caused by failing to deliver to the
-recipient are sent to the address it contains. In other words, it overrides the
-envelope sender for this one recipient. (Compare the \errors@_to\ generic
-router option.)
-If a \*local@_scan()*\ function sets an \errors@_to\ field to an unqualified
-address, Exim qualifies it using the domain from \qualify@_recipient\.
-When \*local@_scan()*\ is called, the \errors@_to\ field is NULL for all
-.section Available Exim functions
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||available Exim functions
-The header \(local@_scan.h)\ gives you access to a number of Exim functions.
-These are the only ones that are guaranteed to be maintained from release to
-.item "pid@_t child@_open(uschar **argv, uschar **envp, int newumask, int *infdptr, int *outfdptr, BOOL make@_leader)"
-This function creates a child process that runs the command specified by
-\argv\. The environment for the process is specified by \envp\, which can be
-NULL if no environment variables are to be passed. A new umask is supplied for
-the process in \newumask\.
-Pipes to the standard input and output of the new process are set up
-and returned to the caller via the \infdptr\ and \outfdptr\ arguments. The
-standard error is cloned to the standard output. If there are any file
-descriptors `in the way' in the new process, they are closed. If the final
-argument is TRUE, the new process is made into a process group leader.
-The function returns the pid of the new process, or -1 if things go wrong.
-.item "int child@_close(pid@_t pid, int timeout)"
-This function waits for a child process to terminate, or for a timeout (in
-seconds) to expire. A timeout value of zero means wait as long as it takes. The
-return value is as follows:
-.numberpars $.
->= 0
-The process terminated by a normal exit and the value is the process ending
-< 0 and > --256
-The process was terminated by a signal and the value is the negation of the
-signal number.
-The process timed out.
-The was some other error in wait(); \errno\ is still set.
-.item "pid@_t child@_open@_exim(int *fd)"
-This function provide you with a means of submitting a new message to
-Exim. (Of course, you can also call \(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\ yourself if you
-want, but this packages it all up for you.) The function creates a pipe,
-forks a subprocess that is running
-.display asis
-exim -t -oem -oi -f <>
-and returns to you (via the \"int *"\ argument) a file descriptor for the pipe
-that is connected to the standard input. The yield of the function is the PID
-of the subprocess. You can then write a message to the file descriptor, with
-recipients in ::To::, ::Cc::, and/or ::Bcc:: header lines.
-When you have finished, call \*child@_close()*\ to wait for the process to
-finish and to collect its ending status. A timeout value of zero is usually
-fine in this circumstance. Unless you have made a mistake with the recipient
-addresses, you should get a return code of zero.
-.item "void debug@_printf(char *, ...)"
-This is Exim's debugging function, with arguments as for \*(printf()*\. The
-output is written to the standard error stream. If no debugging is selected,
-calls to \*debug@_printf()*\ have no effect. Normally, you should make calls
-conditional on the \"local@_scan"\ debug selector by coding like this:
-.display asis
-if ((debug_selector & D_local_scan) != 0)
- debug_printf("xxx", ...);
-.item "uschar *expand@_string(uschar *string)"
-This is an interface to Exim's string expansion code. The return value is the
-expanded string, or NULL if there was an expansion failure.
-The C variable \expand@_string@_message\ contains an error message after an
-expansion failure. If expansion does not change the string, the return value is
-the pointer to the input string. Otherwise, the return value points to a new
-block of memory that was obtained by a call to \*store@_get()*\. See section
-~~SECTmemhanloc below for a discussion of memory handling.
-.item "void header@_add(int type, char *format, ...)"
-This function allows you to an add additional header line at the end of the
-existing ones.
-The first argument is the type, and should normally be a space character. The
-second argument is a format string and any number of substitution arguments as
-for \*sprintf()*\. You may include internal newlines if you want, and you must
-ensure that the string ends with a newline.
-.item "void header@_add@_at@_position(BOOL after, uschar *name, BOOL topnot, int type, char *$nh{format}, ...)"
-This function adds a new header line at a specified point in the header
-chain. The header itself is specified as for \*header@_add()*\.
-If \name\ is NULL, the new header is added at the end of the chain if \after\
-is true, or at the start if \after\ is false. If \name\ is not NULL, the header
-lines are searched for the first non-deleted header that matches the name. If
-one is found, the new header is added before it if \after\ is false. If \after\
-is true, the new header is added after the found header and any adjacent
-subsequent ones with the same name (even if marked `deleted'). If no matching
-non-deleted header is found, the \topnot\ option controls where the header is
-added. If it is true, addition is at the top; otherwise at the bottom. Thus, to
-add a header after all the ::Received:: headers, or at the top if there are no
-::Received:: headers, you could use
-.display asis
-header_add_at_position(TRUE, US"Received", TRUE,
- ' ', "X-xxx: ...");
-Normally, there is always at least one non-deleted ::Received:: header, but
-there may not be if \received@_header@_text\ expands to an empty string.
-.item "void header@_remove(int occurrence, uschar *name)"
-This function removes header lines. If \occurrence\ is zero or negative, all
-occurrences of the header are removed. If occurrence is greater than zero, that
-particular instance of the header is removed. If no header(s) can be found that
-match the specification, the function does nothing.
-.item "BOOL header@_testname(header@_line *hdr, uschar *name, int length, BOOL notdel)"
-This function tests whether the given header has the given name. It is not just
-a string comparison, because whitespace is permitted between the name and the
-colon. If the \notdel\ argument is true, a false return is forced for all
-`deleted' headers; otherwise they are not treated specially. For example:
-.display asis
-if (header_testname(h, US"X-Spam", 6, TRUE)) ...
-.item "uschar *lss@_b64encode(uschar *cleartext, int length)"
-.index base64 encoding||functions for \*local@_scan()*\ use
-This function base64-encodes a string, which is passed by address and length.
-The text may contain bytes of any value, including zero. The result is passed
-back in dynamic memory that is obtained by calling \*store@_get()*\. It is
-.item "int lss@_b64decode(uschar *codetext, uschar **cleartext)"
-This function decodes a base64-encoded string. Its arguments are a
-zero-terminated base64-encoded string and the address of a variable that is set
-to point to the result, which is in dynamic memory. The length of the
-decoded string is the yield of the function. If the input is invalid base64
-data, the yield is -1. A zero byte is added to the end of the output string to
-make it easy to interpret as a C string (assuming it contains no zeros of its
-own). The added zero byte is not included in the returned count.
-.item "int lss@_match@_domain(uschar *domain, uschar *list)"
-This function checks for a match in a domain list. Domains are always
-matched caselessly. The return value is one of the following:
-OK $rm{match succeeded}
-FAIL $rm{match failed}
-DEFER $rm{match deferred}
-DEFER is usually caused by some kind of lookup defer, such as the
-inability to contact a database.
-.item "int lss@_match@_local@_part(uschar *localpart, uschar *list, BOOL caseless)"
-This function checks for a match in a local part list. The third argument
-controls case-sensitivity. The return values are as for
-.item "int lss@_match@_address(uschar *address, uschar *list, BOOL caseless)"
-This function checks for a match in an address list. The third argument
-controls the case-sensitivity of the local part match. The domain is always
-matched caselessly. The return values are as for \*lss@_match@_domain()*\.
-.item "int lss@_match@_host(uschar *host@_name, uschar *host@_address, uschar *list)"
-This function checks for a match in a host list. The most common usage is
-expected to be
-.display asis
-lss_match_host(sender_host_name, sender_host_address, ...)
-An empty address field matches an empty item in the host list. If the
-host name is NULL, the name corresponding to \$sender@_host@_address$\ is
-automatically looked up if a host name is required to match an item in the
-list. The return values are as for \*lss@_match@_domain()*\, but in addition,
-\*lss@_match@_host()*\ returns ERROR in the case when it had to look up a host
-name, but the lookup failed.
-.item "void log@_write(unsigned int selector, int which, char *format, ...)"
-This function writes to Exim's log files. The first argument should be zero (it
-is concerned with \log@_selector\). The second argument can be \"LOG@_MAIN"\ or
-\"LOG@_REJECT"\ or
-\"LOG@_PANIC"\ or the inclusive `or' of any combination of them. It specifies
-to which log or logs the message is written.
-The remaining arguments are a format and relevant insertion arguments. The
-string should not contain any newlines, not even at the end.
-.item "void receive@_add@_recipient(uschar *address, int pno)"
-This function adds an additional recipient to the message. The first argument
-is the recipient address. If it is unqualified (has no domain), it is qualified
-with the \qualify@_recipient\ domain. The second argument must always be -1.
-This function does not allow you to specify a private \errors@_to\ address (as
-described with the structure of \recipient@_item\ above), because it pre-dates
-the addition of that field to the structure. However, it is easy to add such a
-value afterwards. For example:
-.display asis
-receive_add_recipient(US"monitor@mydom.example", -1);
-recipients_list[recipients_count-1].errors_to =
- US"postmaster@mydom.example";
-.item "BOOL receive@_remove@_recipient(uschar *recipient)"
-This is a convenience function to remove a named recipient from the
-list of recipients. It returns true if a recipient was removed, and
-false if no matching recipient could be found. The argument must be a
-complete email address.
-.item "uschar *rfc2047@_decode(uschar *string, BOOL lencheck, uschar *target, int zeroval, int *lenptr, uschar **error)"
-This function decodes strings that are encoded according to RFC 2047. Typically
-these are the contents of header lines. First, each encoded `word' is decoded
-from the Q or B encoding into a byte-string. Then, if provided with the name of
-a charset encoding, and if the \*iconv()*\ function is available, an attempt is
-made to translate the result to the named character set. If this fails, the
-binary string is returned with an error message.
-The first argument is the string to be decoded. If \lencheck\ is TRUE, the
-maximum MIME word length is enforced. The third argument is the target
-encoding, or NULL if no translation is wanted.
-.index binary zero||in RFC 2047 decoding
-If a binary zero is encountered in the decoded string, it is replaced by the
-contents of the \zeroval\ argument. For use with Exim headers, the value must
-not be 0 because header lines are handled as zero-terminated strings.
-The function returns the result of processing the string, zero-terminated; if
-\lenptr\ is not NULL, the length of the result is set in the variable to which
-it points. When \zeroval\ is 0, \lenptr\ should not be NULL.
-If an error is encountered, the function returns NULL and uses the \error\
-argument to return an error message. The variable pointed to by \error\ is set
-to NULL if there is no error; it may be set non-NULL even when the function
-returns a non-NULL value if decoding was successful, but there was a problem
-with translation.
-.item "int smtp@_fflush(void)"
-This function is used in conjunction with \*smtp@_printf()*\, as described
-.item "void smtp@_printf(char *, ...)"
-The arguments of this function are like \*printf()*\; it writes to the SMTP
-output stream. You should use this function only when there is an SMTP output
-stream, that is, when the incoming message is being received via interactive
-SMTP. This is the case when \smtp@_input\ is TRUE and \smtp@_batched@_input\ is
-FALSE. If you want to test for an incoming message from another host (as
-opposed to a local process that used the \-bs-\ command line option), you can
-test the value of \sender@_host@_address\, which is non-NULL when a remote host
-is involved.
-If an SMTP TLS connection is established, \*smtp@_printf()*\ uses the TLS
-output function, so it can be used for all forms of SMTP connection.
-Strings that are written by \*smtp@_printf()*\ from within \*local@_scan()*\
-must start with an appropriate response code: 550 if you are going to return
-\\LOCAL@_SCAN@_REJECT\\, 451 if you are going to return
-\\LOCAL@_SCAN@_TEMPREJECT\\, and 250 otherwise. Because you are writing the
-initial lines of a multi-line response, the code must be followed by a hyphen
-to indicate that the line is not the final response line. You must also ensure
-that the lines you write terminate with CRLF. For example:
-.display asis
-smtp_printf("550-this is some extra info\r\n");
-Note that you can also create multi-line responses by including newlines in
-the data returned via the \return@_text\ argument. The added value of using
-\*smtp@_printf()*\ is that, for instance, you could introduce delays between
-multiple output lines.
-The \*smtp@_printf()*\ function does not return any error indication, because it
-does not automatically flush pending output, and therefore does not test
-the state of the stream. (In the main code of Exim, flushing and error
-detection is done when Exim is ready for the next SMTP input command.) If
-you want to flush the output and check for an error (for example, the
-dropping of a TCP/IP connection), you can call \*smtp@_fflush()*\, which has no
-arguments. It flushes the output stream, and returns a non-zero value if there
-is an error.
-.item "void *store@_get(int)"
-This function accesses Exim's internal store (memory) manager. It gets a new
-chunk of memory whose size is given by the argument. Exim bombs out if it ever
-runs out of memory. See the next section for a discussion of memory handling.
-.item "void *store@_get@_perm(int)"
-This function is like \*store@_get()*\, but it always gets memory from the
-permanent pool. See the next section for a discussion of memory handling.
-.item "uschar *string@_copy(uschar *string)"
-.item "uschar *string@_copyn(uschar *string, int length)" 0
-.item "uschar *string@_sprintf(char *format, ...)" 0
-These three functions create strings using Exim's dynamic memory facilities.
-The first makes a copy of an entire string. The second copies up to a maximum
-number of characters, indicated by the second argument. The third uses a format
-and insertion arguments to create a new string. In each case, the result is a
-pointer to a new string
-in the current memory pool. See the next section for more discussion.
-.section More about Exim's memory handling
-.rset SECTmemhanloc "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*local@_scan()*\ function||memory handling
-No function is provided for freeing memory, because that is never needed.
-The dynamic memory that Exim uses when receiving a message is automatically
-recycled if another message is received by the same process (this applies only
-to incoming SMTP connections -- other input methods can supply only one message
-at a time). After receiving the last message, a reception process terminates.
-Because it is recycled, the normal dynamic memory cannot be used for holding
-data that must be preserved over a number of incoming messages on the same SMTP
-connection. However, Exim in fact uses two pools of dynamic memory; the second
-one is not recycled, and can be used for this purpose.
-If you want to allocate memory that remains available for subsequent messages
-in the same SMTP connection, you should set
-.display asis
-store_pool = POOL_PERM
-before calling the function that does the allocation. There is no need to
-restore the value if you do not need to; however, if you do want to revert to
-the normal pool, you can either restore the previous value of \store@_pool\ or
-set it explicitly to \\POOL@_MAIN\\.
-The pool setting applies to all functions that get dynamic memory, including
-\*expand@_string()*\, \*store@_get()*\, and the \*string@_xxx()*\ functions.
-There is also a convenience function called \*store__get__perm()*\ that gets a
-block of memory from the permanent pool while preserving the value of
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter System-wide message filtering
-.set runningfoot "system filtering"
-.rset CHAPsystemfilter "~~chapter"
-.index filter||system filter
-.index filtering all mail
-.index system filter
-The previous chapters (on ACLs and the local scan function) describe checks
-that can be applied to messages before they are accepted by a host. There is
-also a mechanism for checking messages once they have been received, but before
-they are delivered. This is called the $it{system filter}.
-The system filter operates in a similar manner to users' filter files, but it
-is run just once per message (however many recipients the message has).
-It should not normally be used as a substitute for routing, because \deliver\
-commands in a system router provide new envelope recipient addresses.
-The system filter must be an Exim filter. It cannot be a Sieve filter.
-The system filter is run at the start of a delivery attempt, before any routing
-is done. If a message fails to be completely delivered at the first attempt,
-the system filter is run again at the start of every retry.
-If you want your filter to do something only once per message, you can make use
-of the \first@_delivery\ condition in an \if\ command in the filter to prevent
-it happening on retries.
-\**Warning**\: Because the system filter runs just once, variables that are
-specific to individual recipient addresses, such as \$local@_part$\ and
-\$domain$\, are not set, and the `personal' condition is not meaningful. If you
-want to run a centrally-specified filter for each recipient address
-independently, you can do so by setting up a suitable \%redirect%\ router, as
-described in section ~~SECTperaddfil below.
-.section Specifying a system filter
-.index uid (user id)||system filter
-.index gid (group id)||system filter
-The name of the file that contains the system filter must be specified by
-setting \system@_filter\. If you want the filter to run under a uid and gid
-other than root, you must also set \system@_filter@_user\ and
-\system@_filter@_group\ as appropriate. For example:
-.display asis
-system_filter = /etc/mail/exim.filter
-system_filter_user = exim
-If a system filter generates any deliveries directly to files or pipes (via the
-\save\ or \pipe\ commands), transports to handle these deliveries must be
-specified by setting \system@_filter@_file@_transport\ and
-\system@_filter@_pipe@_transport\, respectively. Similarly,
-\system@_filter@_reply@_transport\ must be set to handle any messages generated
-by the \reply\ command.
-.section Testing a system filter
-You can run simple tests of a system filter in the same way as for a user
-filter, but you should use \-bF-\ rather than \-bf-\, so that features that
-are permitted only in system filters are recognized.
-If you want to test the combined effect of a system filter and a user filter,
-you can use both \-bF-\ and \-bf-\ on the same command line.
-.section Contents of a system filter
-The language used to specify system filters is the same as for users' filter
-files. It is described in the separate end-user document \*Exim's interface to
-mail filtering*\. However, there are some additional features that are
-available only in system filters; these are described in subsequent sections.
-If they are encountered in a user's filter file or when testing with \-bf-\,
-they cause errors.
-.index frozen messages||manual thaw, testing in filter
-There are two special conditions which, though available in users' filter
-files, are designed for use in system filters. The condition \first@_delivery\
-is true only for the first attempt at delivering a message, and
-\manually@_thawed\ is true only if the message has been frozen, and
-subsequently thawed by an admin user. An explicit forced delivery counts as a
-manual thaw, but thawing as a result of the \auto__thaw\ setting does not.
-\**Warning**\: If a system filter uses the \first@_delivery\ condition to
-specify an `unseen' (non-significant) delivery, and that delivery does not
-succeed, it will not be tried again.
-If you want Exim to retry an unseen delivery until it succeeds, you should
-arrange to set it up every time the filter runs.
-When a system filter finishes running, the values of the variables \$n0$\ --
-\$n9$\ are copied into \$sn0$\ -- \$sn9$\ and are thereby made available to
-users' filter files. Thus a system filter can, for example, set up `scores' to
-which users' filter files can refer.
-.section Additional variable for system filters
-The expansion variable \$recipients$\, containing a list of all the recipients
-of the message (separated by commas and white space), is available in system
-filters. It is not available in users' filters for privacy reasons.
-.section Defer, freeze, and fail commands for system filters
-.index freezing messages
-.index message||freezing
-.index message||forced failure
-.index \fail\||in system filter
-.index \freeze\ in system filter
-.index \defer\ in system filter
-There are three extra commands (\defer\, \freeze\ and \fail\) which are always
-available in system filters, but are not normally enabled in users' filters.
-(See the \allow@_defer\,
-\allow@_freeze\ and \allow@_fail\ options for the \%redirect%\ router.) These
-commands can optionally be followed by the word \text\ and a string containing
-an error message, for example:
-.display asis
-fail text "this message looks like spam to me"
-The keyword \text\ is optional if the next character is a double quote.
-The \defer\ command defers delivery of the original recipients of the message.
-The \fail\ command causes all the original recipients to be failed, and a
-bounce message to be created. The \freeze\ command suspends all delivery
-attempts for the original recipients. In all cases, any new deliveries that are
-specified by the filter are attempted as normal after the filter has run.
-The \freeze\ command is ignored if the message has been manually unfrozen and
-not manually frozen since. This means that automatic freezing by a system
-filter can be used as a way of checking out suspicious messages. If a message
-is found to be all right, manually unfreezing it allows it to be delivered.
-.index log||\fail\ command log line
-.index \fail\||log line, reducing
-The text given with a fail command is used as part of the bounce message as
-well as being written to the log. If the message is quite long, this can fill
-up a lot of log space when such failures are common. To reduce the size of the
-log message, Exim interprets the text in a special way if it starts with the
-two characters \"@<@<"\ and contains \"@>@>"\ later. The text between these two
-strings is written to the log, and the rest of the text is used in the bounce
-message. For example:
-.display asis
-fail "<<filter test 1>>Your message is rejected \
- because it contains attachments that we are \
- not prepared to receive."
-.index loop||caused by \fail\
-Take great care with the \fail\ command when basing the decision to fail on the
-contents of the message, because the bounce message will of course include the
-contents of the original message and will therefore trigger the \fail\ command
-again (causing a mail loop) unless steps are taken to prevent this. Testing the
-\error@_message\ condition is one way to prevent this. You could use, for
-.display asis
-if $message_body contains "this is spam" and not error_message
- then fail text "spam is not wanted here" endif
-though of course that might let through unwanted bounce messages. The
-alternative is clever checking of the body and/or headers to detect bounces
-generated by the filter.
-The interpretation of a system filter file ceases after a
-\freeze\, or \fail\ command is obeyed. However, any deliveries that were set up
-earlier in the filter file are honoured, so you can use a sequence such as
-.display asis
-mail ...
-to send a specified message when the system filter is freezing (or deferring or
-failing) a message. The normal deliveries for the message do not, of course,
-take place.
-.section Adding and removing headers in a system filter
-.rset SECTaddremheasys "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index header lines||adding, in system filter
-.index header lines||removing, in system filter
-.index filter||header lines, adding/removing
-Two filter commands that are available only in system filters are:
-headers add <<string>>
-headers remove <<string>>
-The argument for the \headers add\ is a string that is expanded and then added
-to the end of the message's headers. It is the responsibility of the filter
-maintainer to make sure it conforms to RFC 2822 syntax. Leading white space is
-ignored, and if the string is otherwise empty, or if the expansion is forced to
-fail, the command has no effect.
-You can use `@\n' within the string, followed by white space, to specify
-continued header lines. More than one header may be added in one command by
-including `@\n' within the string without any following white space. For
-.display asis
-headers add "X-header-1: ....\n \
- continuation of X-header-1 ...\n\
- X-header-2: ...."
-Note that the header line continuation white space after the first newline must
-be placed before the backslash that continues the input string, because white
-space after input continuations is ignored.
-The argument for \headers remove\ is a colon-separated list of header names.
-This command applies only to those headers that are stored with the message;
-those that are added at delivery time (such as ::Envelope-To:: and
-::Return-Path::) cannot be removed by this means. If there is more than one
-header with the same name, they are all removed.
-The \headers\ command in a system filter makes an immediate change to the set
-of header lines that was received with the message (with possible additions
-from ACL processing). Subsequent commands in the system filter operate on the
-modified set, which also forms the basis for subsequent message delivery.
-Unless further modified during routing or transporting, this set of headers is
-used for all recipients of the message.
-During routing and transporting, the variables that refer to the contents of
-header lines refer only to those lines that are in this set. Thus, header lines
-that are added by a system filter are visible to users' filter files and to all
-routers and transports. This contrasts with the manipulation of header lines by
-routers and transports, which is not immediate, but which instead is saved up
-until the message is actually being written (see section ~~SECTheadersaddrem).
-If the message is not delivered at the first attempt, header lines that were
-added by the system filter are stored with the message, and so are still
-present at the next delivery attempt. Header lines that were removed are still
-present, but marked `deleted' so that they are not transported with the
-message. For this reason, it is usual to make the \headers\ command conditional
-on \first@_delivery\ so that the set of header lines is not modified more than
-Because header modification in a system filter acts immediately, you have to
-use an indirect approach if you want to modify the contents of a header line.
-For example:
-.display asis
-headers add "Old-Subject: $h_subject:"
-headers remove "Subject"
-headers add "Subject: new subject (was: $h_old-subject:)"
-headers remove "Old-Subject"
-.section Setting an errors address in a system filter
-.index envelope sender
-In a system filter, if a \deliver\ command is followed by
-errors@_to <<some address>>
-in order to change the envelope sender (and hence the error reporting) for that
-delivery, any address may be specified. (In a user filter, only the current
-user's address can be set.) For example, if some mail is being monitored, you
-might use
-.display asis
-unseen deliver monitor@spying.example errors_to root@local.example
-to take a copy which would not be sent back to the normal error reporting
-address if its delivery failed.
-.section Per-address filtering
-.rset SECTperaddfil "~~chapter.~~section"
-In contrast to the system filter, which is run just once per message for each
-delivery attempt, it is also possible to set up a system-wide filtering
-operation that runs once for each recipient address. In this case, variables
-such as \$local@_part$\ and \$domain$\ can be used, and indeed, the choice of
-filter file could be made dependent on them. This is an example of a router
-which implements such a filter:
-.display asis
- check_local_user
- driver = redirect
- domains = +local_domains
- file = /central/filters/$local_part
- no_verify
- allow_filter
- allow_freeze
-The filter is run in a separate process under its own uid. Therefore, either
-\check@_local@_user\ must be set (as above), in which case the filter is run as
-the local user, or the \user\ option must be used to specify which user to use.
-If both are set, \user\ overrides.
-Care should be taken to ensure that none of the commands in the filter file
-specify a significant delivery if the message is to go on to be delivered to
-its intended recipient. The router will not then claim to have dealt with the
-address, so it will be passed on to subsequent routers to be delivered in the
-normal way.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Message processing
-.set runningfoot "message processing"
-.rset CHAPmsgproc "~~chapter"
-.index message||general processing
-Exim performs various transformations on the sender and recipient addresses of
-all messages that it handles, and also on the messages' header lines. Some of
-these are optional and configurable, while others always take place. All of
-this processing, except rewriting as a result of routing, and the addition or
-removal of header lines while delivering, happens when a message is received,
-before it is placed on Exim's queue.
-Some of the automatic processing takes place by default only for
-`locally-originated' messages. This adjective is used to describe messages that
-are not received over TCP/IP, but instead are passed to an Exim process on its
-standard input. This includes the interactive `local SMTP' case that is set up
-by the \-bs-\ command line option.
-\**Note**\: messages received over TCP/IP on the loopback interface (
-or @:@:1) are not considered to be locally-originated. Exim does not treat the
-loopback interface specially in any way.
-If you want the loopback interface to be treated specially, you must ensure
-that there are appropriate entries in your ACLs.
-.section Submission mode for non-local messages
-.rset SECTsubmodnon "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index message||submission
-.index submission mode
-Processing that happens automatically for locally-originated messages can also
-be requested for other messages. The term `submission mode' is used to describe
-this state. Submisssion mode is set by the modifier
-.display asis
-control = submission
-in a \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, or pre-data ACL for an incoming SMTP message (see
-sections ~~SECTACLmodi and ~~SECTcontrols). This makes Exim treat the message
-as a local submission, and is normally used when the source of the message is
-known to be an MUA running on a client host (as opposed to an MTA). For
-example, to set submission mode for messages originating on the IPv4 loopback
-interface, you could include the following in the \\MAIL\\ ACL:
-.display asis
-warn hosts =
- control = submission
-There are some options that can be used when setting submission mode. A slash
-is used to separate options. For example:
-.display asis
-control = submission/sender_retain
-Specifying \sender@_retain\ has the effect of setting \local@_sender@_retain\
-true and \local@_from@_check\ false for the current incoming message. The first
-of these allows an existing ::Sender:: header in the message to remain, and the
-second suppresses the check to ensure that ::From:: matches the authenticated
-sender. With this setting, Exim still fixes up messages by adding ::Date:: and
-::Message-ID:: header lines if they are missing, but makes no attempt to check
-sender authenticity in header lines.
-A submission mode setting may also specify a domain to be used when generating
-a ::From:: or ::Sender:: header. For example:
-.display asis
-control = submission/domain=some.domain
-The domain may be empty. How this value is used is described in sections
-~~SECTthefrohea and ~~SECTthesenhea.
-.section Line endings
-.rset SECTlineendings "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index line endings
-.index carriage return
-.index linefeed
-RFC 2821 specifies that CRLF (two characters: carriage-return, followed by
-linefeed) is the line ending for messages transmitted over the Internet using
-SMTP over TCP/IP. However, within individual operating systems, different
-conventions are used. For example, Unix-like systems use just LF, but others
-use CRLF or just CR.
-Exim was designed for Unix-like systems, and internally, it stores messages
-using the system's convention of a single LF as a line terminator. When
-receiving a message, all line endings are translated to this standard format.
-Originally, it was thought that programs that passed messages directly to an
-MTA within an operating system would use that system's convention. Experience
-has shown that this is not the case; for example, there are Unix applications
-that use CRLF in this circumstance. For this reason, and for compatibility with
-other MTAs, the way Exim handles line endings for all messages is now as
-.numberpars $.
-LF not preceded by CR is treated as a line ending.
-CR is treated as a line ending; if it is immediately followed by LF, the LF
-is ignored.
-The sequence `CR, dot, CR' does not terminate an incoming SMTP message,
-nor a local message in the state where a line containing only a dot is a
-If a bare CR is encountered within a header line, an extra space is added after
-the line terminator so as not to end the header line. The reasoning behind this
-is that bare CRs in header lines are most likely either to be mistakes, or
-people trying to play silly games.
-If the first header line received in a message ends with CRLF, a subsequent
-bare LF in a header line is treated in the same way as a bare CR in a header
-.section Unqualified addresses
-.index unqualified addresses
-.index address||qualification
-By default, Exim expects every envelope address it receives from an external
-host to be fully qualified. Unqualified addresses cause negative responses to
-SMTP commands. However, because SMTP is used as a means of transporting
-messages from MUAs running on personal workstations, there is sometimes a
-requirement to accept unqualified addresses from specific hosts or IP networks.
-Exim has two options that separately control which hosts may send unqualified
-sender or receipient addresses in SMTP commands, namely
-\sender__unqualified__hosts\ and \recipient__unqualified__hosts\. In both
-cases, if an unqualified address is accepted, it is qualified by adding the
-value of \qualify__domain\ or \qualify__recipient\, as appropriate.
-.index \qualify@_domain\
-.index \qualify@_recipient\
-Unqualified addresses in header lines are automatically qualified for messages
-that are locally originated, unless the \-bnq-\ option is given on the command
-line. For messages received over SMTP, unqualified addresses in header lines
-are qualified only if unqualified addresses are permitted in SMTP commands. In
-other words, such qualification is also controlled by
-\sender__unqualified__hosts\ and \recipient__unqualified__hosts\,
-.section The UUCP From line
-.index `From' line
-.index UUCP||`From' line
-.index sender||address
-.index \uucp@_from@_pattern\
-.index \uucp@_from@_sender\
-.index envelope sender
-.index Sendmail compatibility||`From' line
-Messages that have come from UUCP (and some other applications) often begin
-with a line containing the envelope sender and a timestamp, following the word
-`From'. Examples of two common formats are:
-.display asis
-From a.oakley@berlin.mus Fri Jan 5 12:35 GMT 1996
-From f.butler@berlin.mus Fri, 7 Jan 97 14:00:00 GMT
-This line precedes the RFC 2822 header lines. For compatibility with Sendmail,
-Exim recognizes such lines at the start of messages that are submitted to it
-via the command line (that is, on the standard input). It does not recognize
-such lines in incoming SMTP messages, unless the sending host matches
-\ignore@_fromline@_hosts\ or the \-bs-\ option was used for a local message and
-\ignore@_fromline@_local\ is set. The recognition is controlled by a regular
-expression that is defined by the \uucp@_from@_pattern\ option, whose default
-value matches the two common cases shown above and puts the address that
-follows `From' into \$1$\.
-.index numerical variables (\$1$\, \$2$\, etc)||in `From ' line handling
-When the caller of Exim for a non-SMTP message that contains a `From' line is a
-trusted user, the message's sender address is constructed by expanding the
-contents of \uucp@_sender@_address\, whose default value is `@$1'. This is then
-parsed as an RFC 2822 address. If there is no domain, the local part is
-qualified with \qualify@_domain\ unless it is the empty string. However, if the
-command line \-f-\ option is used, it overrides the `From' line.
-If the caller of Exim is not trusted, the `From' line is recognized, but the
-sender address is not changed. This is also the case for incoming SMTP messages
-that are permitted to contain `From' lines.
-Only one `From' line is recognized. If there is more than one, the second is
-treated as a data line that starts the body of the message, as it is not valid
-as a header line. This also happens if a `From' line is present in an incoming
-SMTP message from a source that is not permitted to send them.
-.section Resent- header lines
-.index \Resent@-\ header lines
-RFC 2822 makes provision for sets of header lines starting with the string
-\"Resent-"\ to be added to a message when it is resent by the original
-recipient to somebody else. These headers are ::Resent-Date::, ::Resent-From::,
-::Resent-Sender::, ::Resent-To::, ::Resent-Cc::, ::Resent-Bcc:: and
-::Resent-Message-ID::. The RFC says:
-\*Resent fields are strictly informational. They MUST NOT be used in the normal
-processing of replies or other such automatic actions on messages.*\
-This leaves things a bit vague as far as other processing actions such as
-address rewriting are concerned. Exim treats \Resent@-\ header lines as
-.numberpars $.
-A ::Resent-From:: line that just contains the login id of the submitting user
-is automatically rewritten in the same way as ::From:: (see below).
-If there's a rewriting rule for a particular header line, it is also applied to
-\Resent@-\ header lines of the same type. For example, a rule that rewrites
-::From:: also rewrites ::Resent-From::.
-For local messages, if ::Sender:: is removed on input, ::Resent-Sender:: is also
-For a locally-submitted message,
-if there are any \Resent@-\ header lines but no ::Resent-Date::,
-::Resent-From::, or ::Resent-Message-Id::, they are added as necessary. It is
-the contents of ::Resent-Message-Id:: (rather than ::Message-Id::) which are
-included in log lines in this case.
-The logic for adding ::Sender:: is duplicated for ::Resent-Sender:: when any
-\Resent@-\ header lines are present.
-.section The Auto-Submitted: header line
-Whenever Exim generates a bounce or a delay warning message, it includes the
-header line
-.display asis
-Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
-.section The Bcc: header line
-.index ::Bcc:: header line
-If Exim is called with the \-t-\ option, to take recipient addresses from a
-message's header, it removes any ::Bcc:: header line that may exist (after
-extracting its addresses). If \-t-\ is not present on the command line, any
-existing ::Bcc:: is not removed.
-.section The Date: header line
-.index ::Date:: header line
-If a locally-generated
-or submission-mode
-message has no ::Date:: header line, Exim adds one, using the current date and
-.section The Delivery-date: header line
-.index ::Delivery-date:: header line
-.index \delivery@_date@_remove\
-::Delivery-date:: header lines are not part of the standard RFC 2822 header
-set. Exim can be configured to add them to the final delivery of messages. (See
-the generic \delivery@_date@_add\ transport option.) They should not be present
-in messages in transit. If the \delivery@_date@_remove\ configuration option is
-set (the default), Exim removes ::Delivery-date:: header lines from incoming
-.section The Envelope-to: header line
-.index ::Envelope-to:: header line
-.index \envelope@_to@_remove\
-::Envelope-to:: header lines are not part of the standard RFC 2822 header set.
-Exim can be configured to add them to the final delivery of messages. (See the
-generic \envelope@_to@_add\ transport option.) They should not be present in
-messages in transit. If the \envelope@_to@_remove\ configuration option is set
-(the default), Exim removes ::Envelope-to:: header lines from incoming
-.section The From: header line
-.rset SECTthefrohea "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ::From:: header line
-.index Sendmail compatibility||`From' line
-.index message||submission
-.index submission mode
-If a submission-mode message does not contain a ::From:: header line, Exim adds
-one if either of the following conditions is true:
-.numberpars $.
-The envelope sender address is not empty (that is, this is not a bounce
-message). The added header line copies the envelope sender address.
-The SMTP session is authenticated and \$authenticated@_id$\ is not empty.
-.numberpars alpha
-If no domain is specified by the submission control, the local part is
-\$authenticated@_id$\ and the domain is \$qualify@_domain$\.
-If a non-empty domain is specified by the submission control, the local part is
-\$authenticated@_id$\, and the the domain is the specified domain.
-If an empty domain is specified by the submission control,
-\$authenticated@_id$\ is assumed to be the complete address.
-A non-empty envelope sender takes precedence.
-If a locally-generated incoming message does not contain a ::From:: header
-line, Exim adds one containing the sender's address. The calling user's login
-name and full name are used to construct the address, as described in section
-~~SECTconstr. They are obtained from the password data by calling
-\*getpwuid()*\ (but see the \unknown@_login\ configuration option). The address
-is qualified with \qualify@_domain\.
-For compatibility with Sendmail, if an incoming, non-SMTP message has a
-::From:: header line containing just the unqualified login name of the calling
-user, this is replaced by an address containing the user's login name and full
-name as described in section ~~SECTconstr.
-.section The Message-ID: header line
-.index ::Message-ID:: header line
-.index message||submission
-If a locally-generated or submission-mode incoming message does not contain a
-::Message-ID:: or ::Resent-Message-ID:: header line, Exim adds one to the
-message. If there are any ::Resent-:: headers in the message, it creates
-::Resent-Message-ID::. The id is constructed from Exim's internal message id,
-preceded by the letter E to ensure it starts with a letter, and followed by @@
-and the primary host name. Additional information can be included in this
-header line by setting the
-.index \message@_id@_header@_text\
-\message@_id@_header@_text\ and/or \message__id__header__domain\ options.
-.section The Received: header line
-.index ::Received:: header line
-A ::Received:: header line is added at the start of every message. The contents
-are defined by the \received@_header@_text\ configuration option, and Exim
-automatically adds a semicolon and a timestamp to the configured string.
-The ::Received:: header is generated as soon as the message's header lines have
-been received. At this stage, the timestamp in the ::Received:: header line is
-the time that the message started to be received. This is the value that is
-seen by the \\DATA\\ ACL and by the \*local@_scan()*\ function.
-Once a message is accepted, the timestamp in the ::Received:: header line is
-changed to the time of acceptance, which is (apart from a small delay while the
--H spool file is written) the earliest time at which delivery could start.
-.section The Return-path: header line
-.index ::Return-path:: header line
-.index \return@_path@_remove\
-::Return-path:: header lines are defined as something an MTA may insert when
-it does the final delivery of messages. (See the generic \return@_path@_add\
-transport option.) Therefore, they should not be present in messages in
-transit. If the \return@_path@_remove\ configuration option is set (the
-default), Exim removes ::Return-path:: header lines from incoming messages.
-.section The Sender: header line
-.rset SECTthesenhea "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index ::Sender:: header line
-.index message||submission
-For a locally-originated message from an untrusted user, Exim may remove an
-existing ::Sender:: header line, and it may add a new one. You can modify these
-actions by setting \local@_sender@_retain\ true or \local@_from@_check\ false.
-When a local message is received from an untrusted user and
-\local@_from@_check\ is true (the default), a check is made to see if the
-address given in the ::From:: header line is the correct (local) sender of the
-message. The address that is expected has the login name as the local part and
-the value of \qualify@_domain\ as the domain. Prefixes and suffixes for the
-local part can be permitted by setting \local@_from@_prefix\ and
-\local@_from@_suffix\ appropriately. If ::From:: does not contain the correct
-sender, a ::Sender:: line is added to the message.
-If you set \local@_from@_check\ false, this checking does not occur. However,
-the removal of an existing ::Sender:: line still happens, unless you also set
-\local@_sender@_retain\ to be true. It is not possible to set both of these
-options true at the same time.
-.index submission mode
-By default, no processing of ::Sender:: header lines is done for messages
-received over TCP/IP or for messages submitted by trusted users. However, when
-a message is received over TCP/IP in submission mode, and \sender@_retain\ is
-not specified on the submission control, the following processing takes place:
-First, any existing ::Sender:: lines are removed. Then, if the SMTP session is
-authenticated, and \$authenticated@_id$\ is not empty, a sender address is
-created as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-If no domain is specified by the submission control, the local part is
-\$authenticated@_id$\ and the domain is \$qualify@_domain$\.
-If a non-empty domain is specified by the submission control, the local part is
-\$authenticated@_id$\, and the the domain is the specified domain.
-If an empty domain is specified by the submission control,
-\$authenticated@_id$\ is assumed to be the complete address.
-This address is compared with the address in the ::From:: header line. If they
-are different, a ::Sender:: header line containing the created address is
-added. Prefixes and suffixes for the local part in ::From:: can be permitted by
-setting \local@_from@_prefix\ and \local@_from@_suffix\ appropriately.
-.section Adding and removing header lines in routers and transports
-.index header lines||adding, in router or transport
-.index header lines||removing, in router or transport
-.rset SECTheadersaddrem "~~chapter.~~section"
-When a message is delivered, the addition and removal of header lines can be
-specified in a system filter, or on any of the routers and transports that
-process the message. Section ~~SECTaddremheasys contains details about
-modifying headers in a system filter.
-In contrast to what happens in a system filter, header modifications that are
-specified on routers and transports apply only to the particular recipient
-addresses that are being processed by those routers and transports. These
-changes do not actually take place until a copy of the message is being
-transported. Therefore, they do not affect the basic set of header lines, and
-they do not affect the values of the variables that refer to header lines.
-For both routers and transports, the result of expanding a \headers@_add\
-option must be in the form of one or more RFC 2822 header lines, separated by
-newlines (coded as `@\n'). For example:
-.display asis
-headers_add = X-added-header: added by $primary_hostname\n\
- X-added-second: another added header line
-Exim does not check the syntax of these added header lines.
-The result of expanding \headers@_remove\ must consist of a colon-separated
-list of header names. This is confusing, because header names themselves are
-often terminated by colons. In this case, the colons are the list separators,
-not part of the names. For example:
-.display asis
-headers_remove = return-receipt-to:acknowledge-to
-When \headers@_add\ or \headers@_remove\ is specified on a router, its value is
-expanded at routing time, and then associated with all addresses that are
-accepted by that router, and also with any new addresses that it generates. If
-an address passes through several routers as a result of aliasing or
-forwarding, the changes are cumulative.
-.index \unseen\ option
-However, this does not apply to multiple routers that result from the use of
-the \unseen\ option. Any header modifications that were specified by the
-`unseen' router or its predecessors apply only to the `unseen' delivery.
-Addresses that end up with different \headers@_add\ or \headers@_remove\
-settings cannot be delivered together in a batch, so a transport is always
-dealing with a set of addresses that have the same header-processing
-The transport starts by writing the original set of header lines that arrived
-with the message, possibly modified by the system filter. As it writes out
-these lines, it consults the list of header names that were attached to the
-recipient address(es) by \headers@_remove\ options in routers, and it also
-consults the transport's own \headers@_remove\ option. Header lines whose names
-are on either of these lists are not written out. If there are multiple
-instances of any listed header, they are all skipped.
-After the remaining original header lines have been written, new header
-lines that were specified by routers' \headers@_add\ options are written, in
-the order in which they were attached to the address. These are followed by any
-header lines specified by the transport's \headers@_add\ option.
-This way of handling header line modifications in routers and transports has
-the following consequences:
-.numberpars $.
-The original set of header lines, possibly modified by the system filter,
-remains `visible', in the sense that the \$header@_$\\*xxx*\ variables refer to
-it, at all times.
-Header lines that are added by a router's
-\headers@_add\ option are not accessible by means of the \$header@_$\\*xxx*\
-expansion syntax in subsequent routers or the transport.
-Conversely, header lines that are specified for removal by \headers@_remove\ in
-a router remain visible to subsequent routers and the transport.
-Headers added to an address by \headers@_add\ in a router cannot be removed by
-a later router or by a transport.
-An added header can refer to the contents of an original header that is to be
-removed, even it has the same name as the added header. For example:
-.display asis
-headers_remove = subject
-headers_add = Subject: new subject (was: $h_subject:)
-\**Warning**\: The \headers@_add\ and \headers@_remove\ options cannot be used
-for a \%redirect%\ router that has the \one@_time\ option set.
-.section Constructed addresses
-.rset SECTconstr "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index address||constructed
-.index constructed address
-When Exim constructs a sender address for a locally-generated message, it uses
-the form
-<<user name>> <$$<<login>>@@<<qualify@_domain>>$$>
-For example:
-.display asis
-Zaphod Beeblebrox <zaphod@end.univ.example>
-The user name is obtained from the \-F-\ command line option if set, or
-otherwise by looking up the calling user by \*getpwuid()*\ and extracting the
-`gecos' field from the password entry. If the `gecos' field contains an
-ampersand character, this is replaced by the login name with the first letter
-upper cased, as is conventional in a number of operating systems. See the
-\gecos@_name\ option for a way to tailor the handling of the `gecos' field. The
-\unknown@_username\ option can be used to specify user names in cases when
-there is no password file entry.
-In all cases, the user name is made to conform to RFC 2822 by quoting all or
-parts of it if necessary. In addition, if it contains any non-printing
-characters, it is encoded as described in RFC 2047, which defines a way of
-including non-ASCII characters in header lines.
-The value of the \headers@_charset\ option specifies the name of the encoding
-that is used (the characters are assumed to be in this encoding).
-The setting of \print@_topbitchars\ controls whether characters with the top
-bit set (that is, with codes greater than 127) count as printing characters or
-.section Case of local parts
-.index case of local parts
-.index local part||case of
-RFC 2822 states that the case of letters in the local parts of addresses cannot
-be assumed to be non-significant. Exim preserves the case of local parts of
-addresses, but by default it uses a lower-cased form when it is routing,
-because on most Unix systems, usernames are in lower case and case-insensitive
-routing is required. However, any particular router can be made to use the
-original case for local parts by setting the \caseful@_local@_part\ generic
-router option.
-.index mixed-case login names
-If you must have mixed-case user names on your system, the best way to proceed,
-assuming you want case-independent handling of incoming email, is to set up
-your first router to convert incoming local parts in your domains to the
-correct case by means of a file lookup. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- domains = +local_domains
- data = ${lookup{$local_part}cdb\
- {/etc/usercased.cdb}{$value}fail}\
- @$domain
-For this router, the local part is forced to lower case by the default action
-(\caseful@_local@_part\ is not set). The lower-cased local part is used to look
-up a new local part in the correct case. If you then set \caseful@_local@_part\
-on any subsequent routers which process your domains, they will operate on
-local parts with the correct case in a case-sensitive manner.
-.section Dots in local parts
-.index dot||in local part
-.index local part||dots in
-RFC 2822 forbids empty components in local parts. That is, an unquoted local
-part may not begin or end with a dot, nor have two consecutive dots in the
-middle. However, it seems that many MTAs do not enforce this, so Exim permits
-empty components for compatibility.
-.section Rewriting addresses
-.index rewriting||addresses
-Rewriting of sender and recipient addresses, and addresses in headers, can
-happen automatically, or as the result of configuration options, as described
-in chapter ~~CHAPrewrite. The headers that may be affected by this are ::Bcc::,
-::Cc::, ::From::, ::Reply-To::, ::Sender::, and ::To::.
-Automatic rewriting includes qualification, as mentioned above. The other case
-in which it can happen is when an incomplete non-local domain is given. The
-routing process may cause this to be expanded into the full domain name. For
-example, a header such as
-.display asis
-To: hare@teaparty
-might get rewritten as
-.display asis
-To: hare@teaparty.wonderland.fict.example
-Rewriting as a result of routing is the one kind of message processing that
-does not happen at input time, as it cannot be done until the address has
-been routed.
-Strictly, one should not do $it{any} deliveries of a message until all its
-addresses have been routed, in case any of the headers get changed as a
-result of routing. However, doing this in practice would hold up many
-deliveries for unreasonable amounts of time, just because one address could not
-immediately be routed. Exim therefore does not delay other deliveries when
-routing of one or more addresses is deferred.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter SMTP processing
-.set runningfoot "smtp processing"
-.rset CHAPSMTP ~~chapter
-.index SMTP||processing details
-.index LMTP||processing details
-Exim supports a number of different ways of using the SMTP protocol, and its
-LMTP variant, which is an interactive protocol for transferring messages into a
-closed mail store application. This chapter contains details of how SMTP is
-processed. For incoming mail, the following are available:
-.numberpars $.
-SMTP over TCP/IP (Exim daemon or \*inetd*\);
-SMTP over the standard input and output (the \-bs-\ option);
-Batched SMTP on the standard input (the \-bS-\ option).
-For mail delivery, the following are available:
-.numberpars $.
-SMTP over TCP/IP (the \%smtp%\ transport);
-LMTP over TCP/IP (the \%smtp%\ transport with the \protocol\ option set to
-LMTP over a pipe to a process running in the local host (the \%lmtp%\
-Batched SMTP to a file or pipe (the \%appendfile%\ and \%pipe%\ transports with
-the \use@_bsmtp\ option set).
-\*Batched SMTP*\ is the name for a process in which batches of messages are
-stored in or read from files (or pipes), in a format in which SMTP commands are
-used to contain the envelope information.
-.section Outgoing SMTP and LMTP over TCP/IP
-.rset SECToutSMTPTCP "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index SMTP||outgoing over TCP/IP
-.index outgoing SMTP over TCP/IP
-.index LMTP||over TCP/IP
-.index outgoing LMTP over TCP/IP
-.index \\EHLO\\
-.index \\HELO\\
-.index \\SIZE\\ option on \\MAIL\\ command
-Outgoing SMTP and LMTP over TCP/IP is implemented by the \%smtp%\ transport.
-The \protocol\ option selects which protocol is to be used, but the actual
-processing is the same in both cases.
-If, in response to its \\EHLO\\ command, Exim is told that the \\SIZE\\
-parameter is supported, it adds \\SIZE\\=<<n>> to each subsequent \\MAIL\\
-command. The value of <<n>> is the message size plus the value of the
-\size@_addition\ option (default 1024) to allow for additions to the message
-such as per-transport header lines, or changes made in a
-.index transport||filter
-.index filter||transport filter
-transport filter. If \size@_addition\ is set negative, the use of \\SIZE\\ is
-If the remote server advertises support for \\PIPELINING\\, Exim uses the
-pipelining extension to SMTP (RFC 2197) to reduce the number of TCP/IP packets
-required for the transaction.
-If the remote server advertises support for the \\STARTTLS\\ command, and Exim
-was built to support TLS encryption, it tries to start a TLS session unless the
-server matches \hosts@_avoid@_tls\. See chapter ~~CHAPTLS for more details.
-If the remote server advertises support for the \\AUTH\\ command, Exim scans
-the authenticators configuration for any suitable client settings, as described
-in chapter ~~CHAPSMTPAUTH.
-.index carriage return
-.index linefeed
-Responses from the remote host are supposed to be terminated by CR followed by
-LF. However, there are known to be hosts that do not send CR characters, so in
-order to be able to interwork with such hosts, Exim treats LF on its own as a
-line terminator.
-If a message contains a number of different addresses, all those with the same
-characteristics (for example, the same envelope sender) that resolve to the
-same set of hosts, in the same order, are sent in a single SMTP transaction,
-even if they are for different domains, unless there are more than the setting
-of the \max@_rcpts\ option in the \%smtp%\ transport allows, in which case they
-are split into groups containing no more than \max@_rcpts\ addresses each. If
-\remote@_max@_parallel\ is greater than one, such groups may be sent in
-parallel sessions. The order of hosts with identical MX values is not
-significant when checking whether addresses can be batched in this way.
-When the \%smtp%\ transport suffers a temporary failure that is not
-message-related, Exim updates its transport-specific database, which contains
-records indexed by host name that remember which messages are waiting for each
-particular host. It also updates the retry database with new retry times.
-.index hints database||retry keys
-Exim's retry hints are based on host name plus IP address, so if one address of
-a multi-homed host is broken, it will soon be skipped most of the time.
-See the next section for more detail about error handling.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||batching over TCP/IP
-When a message is successfully delivered over a TCP/IP SMTP connection, Exim
-looks in the hints database for the transport to see if there are any queued
-messages waiting for the host to which it is connected. If it finds one, it
-creates a new Exim process using the \-MC-\ option (which can only be used by a
-process running as root or the Exim user) and passes the TCP/IP socket to it so
-that it can deliver another message using the same socket. The new process does
-only those deliveries that are routed to the connected host, and may in turn
-pass the socket on to a third process, and so on.
-The \connection@_max@_messages\ option of the \%smtp%\ transport can be used to
-limit the number of messages sent down a single TCP/IP connection.
-.index asterisk||after IP address
-The second and subsequent messages delivered down an existing connection are
-identified in the main log by the addition of an asterisk after the closing
-square bracket of the IP address.
-.section Errors in outgoing SMTP
-.rset SECToutSMTPerr "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index error||in outgoing SMTP
-.index SMTP||errors in outgoing
-.index host||error
-Three different kinds of error are recognized for outgoing SMTP: host errors,
-message errors, and recipient errors.
-A host error is not associated with a particular message or with a
-particular recipient of a message. The host errors are:
-.numberpars $.
-Connection refused or timed out,
-Any error response code on connection,
-Any error response code to \\EHLO\\ or \\HELO\\,
-Loss of connection at any time, except after `.',
-I/O errors at any time,
-Timeouts during the session, other than in response to \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\ or
-the `.' at the end of the data.
-For a host error, a permanent error response on connection, or in response to
-\\EHLO\\, causes all addresses routed to the host to be failed. Any other host
-error causes all addresses to be deferred, and retry data to be created for the
-host. It is not tried again, for any message, until its retry time arrives. If
-the current set of addresses are not all delivered in this run (to some
-alternative host), the message is added to the list of those waiting for this
-host, so if it is still undelivered when a subsequent successful delivery is
-made to the host, it will be sent down the same SMTP connection.
-.index message||error
-A message error is associated with a particular message when sent to a
-particular host, but not with a particular recipient of the message. The
-message errors are:
-.numberpars $.
-Any error response code to \\MAIL\\, \\DATA\\, or the `.' that terminates
-the data,
-Timeout after \\MAIL\\,
-or loss of connection after the `.' that terminates the data. A timeout after
-the \\DATA\\ command itself is treated as a host error, as is loss of
-connection at any other time.
-For a message error, a permanent error response (5$it{xx}) causes all addresses
-to be failed, and a delivery error report to be returned to the sender. A
-temporary error response (4$it{xx}), or one of the timeouts, causes all
-addresses to be deferred. Retry data is not created for the host, but instead,
-a retry record for the combination of host plus message id is created. The
-message is not added to the list of those waiting for this host. This ensures
-that the failing message will not be sent to this host again until the retry
-time arrives. However, other messages that are routed to the host are not
-affected, so if it is some property of the message that is causing the error,
-it will not stop the delivery of other mail.
-If the remote host specified support for the \\SIZE\\ parameter in its response
-to \\EHLO\\, Exim adds SIZE=$it{nnn} to the \\MAIL\\ command, so an
-over-large message will cause a message error because the error arrives as a
-response to \\MAIL\\.
-.index recipient||error
-A recipient error is associated with a particular recipient of a message. The
-recipient errors are:
-.numberpars $.
-Any error response to \\RCPT\\,
-Timeout after \\RCPT\\.
-For a recipient error, a permanent error response (5$it{xx}) causes the
-recipient address to be failed, and a bounce message to be returned to the
-sender. A temporary error response (4$it{xx}) or a timeout causes the failing
-address to be deferred, and routing retry data to be created for it. This is
-used to delay processing of the address in subsequent queue runs, until its
-routing retry time arrives. This applies to all messages, but because it
-operates only in queue runs, one attempt will be made to deliver a new message
-to the failing address before the delay starts to operate. This ensures that,
-if the failure is really related to the message rather than the recipient
-(`message too big for this recipient' is a possible example), other messages
-have a chance of getting delivered. If a delivery to the address does succeed,
-the retry information gets cleared, so all stuck messages get tried again, and
-the retry clock is reset.
-The message is not added to the list of those waiting for this host. Use of the
-host for other messages is unaffected, and except in the case of a timeout,
-other recipients are processed independently, and may be successfully delivered
-in the current SMTP session. After a timeout it is of course impossible to
-proceed with the session, so all addresses get deferred. However, those other
-than the one that failed do not suffer any subsequent retry delays. Therefore,
-if one recipient is causing trouble, the others have a chance of getting
-through when a subsequent delivery attempt occurs before the failing
-recipient's retry time.
-In all cases, if there are other hosts (or IP addresses) available for the
-current set of addresses (for example, from multiple MX records), they are
-tried in this run for any undelivered addresses, subject of course to their
-own retry data. In other words, recipient error retry data does not take effect
-until the next delivery attempt.
-Some hosts have been observed to give temporary error responses to every
-\\MAIL\\ command at certain times (`insufficient space' has been seen). It
-would be nice if such circumstances could be recognized, and defer data for the
-host itself created, but this is not possible within the current Exim design.
-What actually happens is that retry data for every (host, message) combination
-is created.
-The reason that timeouts after \\MAIL\\ and \\RCPT\\ are treated specially is
-that these can sometimes arise as a result of the remote host's verification
-procedures. Exim makes this assumption, and treats them as if a temporary error
-response had been received. A timeout after `.' is treated specially because it
-is known that some broken implementations fail to recognize the end of the
-message if the last character of the last line is a binary zero. Thus, it is
-helpful to treat this case as a message error.
-Timeouts at other times are treated as host errors, assuming a problem with the
-host, or the connection to it. If a timeout after \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\,
-or `.' is really a connection problem, the assumption is that at the next try
-the timeout is likely to occur at some other point in the dialogue, causing it
-then to be treated as a host error.
-There is experimental evidence that some MTAs drop the connection after the
-terminating `.' if they do not like the contents of the message for some
-reason, in contravention of the RFC, which indicates that a 5$it{xx} response
-should be given. That is why Exim treats this case as a message rather than a
-host error, in order not to delay other messages to the same host.
-.section Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP)
-.index VERP
-.index Variable Envelope Return Paths
-.index envelope sender
-Variable Envelope Return Paths -- see
-\?\ -- can be supported in Exim
-by using the \return@_path\ generic transport option to rewrite the return path
-at transport time. For example, the following could be used on an \%smtp%\
-.display asis
-return_path = \
- ${if match {$return_path}{^(.+?)-request@your.dom.example\$}\
- {$1-request=$local_part%$domain@your.dom.example}fail}
-This has the effect of rewriting the return path (envelope sender) on all
-outgoing SMTP messages, if the local part of the original return path ends in
-`-request', and the domain is \*your.dom.example*\. The rewriting inserts the
-local part and domain of the recipient into the return path. Suppose, for
-example, that a message whose return path has been set to
-\*somelist-request@@your.dom.example*\ is sent to
-\*subscriber@@other.dom.example*\. In the transport, the return path is
-rewritten as
-.display asis
-For this to work, you must arrange for outgoing messages that have `-request'
-in their return paths to have just a single recipient. This can be done by
-.display asis
-max_rcpt = 1
-in the \%smtp%\ transport. Otherwise a single copy of a message might be
-addressed to several different recipients in the same domain, in which case
-\$local@_part$\ is not available (because it is not unique). Of course, if you
-do start sending out messages with this kind of return path, you must also
-configure Exim to accept the bounce messages that come back to those paths.
-Typically this would be done by setting an \local@_part@_suffix\ option for a
-suitable router.
-The overhead incurred in using VERP depends very much on the size of the
-message, the number of recipient addresses that resolve to the same remote
-host, and the speed of the connection over which the message is being sent. If
-a lot of addresses resolve to the same host and the connection is slow, sending
-a separate copy of the message for each address may take substantially longer
-than sending a single copy with many recipients (for which VERP cannot be
-.section Incoming SMTP messages over TCP/IP
-.index SMTP||incoming over TCP/IP
-.index incoming SMTP over TCP/IP
-.index inetd
-.index daemon
-Incoming SMTP messages can be accepted in one of two ways: by running a
-listening daemon, or by using \*inetd*\. In the latter case, the entry in
-\(/etc/inetd.conf)\ should be like this:
-.display asis
-smtp stream tcp nowait exim /opt/exim/bin/exim in.exim -bs
-Exim distinguishes between this case and the case of a locally running user
-agent using the \-bs-\ option by checking whether or not the standard input is
-a socket. When it is, either the port must be privileged (less than 1024), or
-the caller must be root or the Exim user. If any other user passes a socket
-with an unprivileged port number, Exim prints a message on the standard error
-stream and exits with an error code.
-By default, Exim does not make a log entry when a remote host connects or
-disconnects (either via the daemon or \*inetd*\), unless the disconnection is
-unexpected. It can be made to write such log entries by setting the
-\smtp@_connection\ log selector.
-.index carriage return
-.index linefeed
-Commands from the remote host are supposed to be terminated by CR followed by
-LF. However, there are known to be hosts that do not send CR characters. In
-order to be able to interwork with such hosts, Exim treats LF on its own as a
-line terminator.
-Furthermore, because common code is used for receiving messages from all
-sources, a CR on its own is also interpreted as a line terminator. However, the
-sequence `CR, dot, CR' does not terminate incoming SMTP data.
-.index \\EHLO\\||invalid data
-.index \\HELO\\||invalid data
-One area that sometimes gives rise to problems concerns the \\EHLO\\ or
-\\HELO\\ commands. Some clients send syntactically invalid versions of these
-commands, which Exim rejects by default. (This is nothing to do with verifying
-the data that is sent, so \helo@_verify@_hosts\ is not relevant.) You can tell
-Exim not to apply a syntax check by setting \helo@_accept@_junk@_hosts\ to
-match the broken hosts that send invalid commands.
-.index \\SIZE\\ option on \\MAIL\\ command
-.index \\MAIL\\||\\SIZE\\ option
-The amount of disk space available is checked whenever \\SIZE\\ is received on
-a \\MAIL\\ command, independently of whether \message@_size@_limit\ or
-\check@_spool@_space\ is configured, unless \smtp__check__spool__space\ is set
-false. A temporary error is given if there is not enough space. If
-\check@_spool@_space\ is set, the check is for that amount of space plus the
-value given with \\SIZE\\, that is, it checks that the addition of the incoming
-message will not reduce the space below the threshold.
-When a message is successfully received, Exim includes the local message id in
-its response to the final `.' that terminates the data. If the remote host logs
-this text it can help with tracing what has happened to a message.
-The Exim daemon can limit the number of simultaneous incoming connections it is
-prepared to handle (see the \smtp@_accept@_max\ option). It can also limit the
-number of simultaneous incoming connections from a single remote host (see the
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_per@_host\ option). Additional connection attempts are
-rejected using the SMTP temporary error code 421.
-The Exim daemon does not rely on the \\SIGCHLD\\ signal to detect when a
-subprocess has finished, as this can get lost at busy times. Instead, it looks
-for completed subprocesses every time it wakes up. Provided there are other
-things happening (new incoming calls, starts of queue runs), completed
-processes will be noticed and tidied away. On very quiet systems you may
-sometimes see a `defunct' Exim process hanging about. This is not a problem; it
-will be noticed when the daemon next wakes up.
-When running as a daemon, Exim can reserve some SMTP slots for specific hosts,
-and can also be set up to reject SMTP calls from non-reserved hosts at times of
-high system load -- for details see the \smtp@_accept@_reserve\,
-\smtp@_load@_reserve\, and \smtp@_reserve@_hosts\ options. The load check
-applies in both the daemon and \*inetd*\ cases.
-Exim normally starts a delivery process for each message received, though this
-can be varied by means of the \-odq-\ command line option and the
-\queue@_only\, \queue@_only@_file\, and \queue@_only@_load\ options. The number
-of simultaneously running delivery processes started in this way from SMTP
-input can be limited by the \smtp__accept__queue\ and
-\smtp__accept__queue__per__connection\ options. When either limit is reached,
-subsequently received messages are just put on the input queue without starting
-a delivery process.
-The controls that involve counts of incoming SMTP calls (\smtp@_accept@_max\,
-\smtp@_accept@_queue\, \smtp__accept__reserve\) are not available when Exim is
-started up from the \*inetd*\ daemon, because in that case each connection is
-handled by an entirely independent Exim process. Control by load average is,
-however, available with \*inetd*\.
-Exim can be configured to verify addresses in incoming SMTP commands as they
-are received. See chapter ~~CHAPACL for details. It can also be configured to
-rewrite addresses at this time -- before any syntax checking is done. See
-section ~~SECTrewriteS.
-Exim can also be configured to limit the rate at which a client host submits
-\\MAIL\\ and \\RCPT\\ commands in a single SMTP session. See the
-\smtp@_ratelimit@_hosts\ option.
-.section Unrecognized SMTP commands
-.index SMTP||unrecognized commands
-If Exim receives more than \smtp@_max@_unknown@_commands\ unrecognized SMTP
-commands during a single SMTP connection, it drops the connection after sending
-the error response to the last command. The default value for
-\smtp@_max@_unknown@_commands\ is 3. This is a defence against some kinds of
-abuse that subvert web servers into making connections to SMTP ports; in these
-circumstances, a number of non-SMTP lines are sent first.
-.section Syntax and protocol errors in SMTP commands
-.index SMTP||syntax errors
-.index SMTP||protocol errors
-A syntax error is detected if an SMTP command is recognized, but there is
-something syntactically wrong with its data, for example, a malformed email
-address in a \\RCPT\\ command. Protocol errors include invalid command
-sequencing such as \\RCPT\\ before \\MAIL\\. If Exim receives more than
-\smtp@_max@_synprot@_errors\ such commands during a single SMTP connection, it
-drops the connection after sending the error response to the last command. The
-default value for \smtp__max__synprot__errors\ is 3. This is a defence against
-broken clients that loop sending bad commands (yes, it has been seen).
-.section Use of non-mail SMTP commands
-.index SMTP||non-mail commands
-The `non-mail' SMTP commands are those other than \\MAIL\\, \\RCPT\\, and
-\\DATA\\. Exim counts such commands, and drops the connection if there are too
-many of them in a single SMTP session. This action catches some
-denial-of-service attempts and things like repeated failing \\AUTH\\s, or a mad
-client looping sending \\EHLO\\. The global option \smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail\
-defines what `too many' means. Its default value is 10.
-When a new message is expected, one occurrence of \\RSET\\ is not counted. This
-allows a client to send one \\RSET\\ between messages (this is not necessary,
-but some clients do it). Exim also allows one uncounted occurence of \\HELO\\
-or \\EHLO\\, and one occurrence of \\STARTTLS\\ between messages. After
-starting up a TLS session, another \\EHLO\\ is expected, and so it too is not
-The first occurrence of \\AUTH\\ in a connection, or immediately following
-\\STARTTLS\\ is also not counted. Otherwise, all commands other than \\MAIL\\,
-\\RCPT\\, \\DATA\\, and \\QUIT\\ are counted.
-You can control which hosts are subject to the limit set by
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail\ by setting
-\smtp@_accept@_max@_nonmail@_hosts\. The default value is \"$*$"\, which makes
-the limit apply to all hosts. This option means that you can exclude any
-specific badly-behaved hosts that you have to live with.
-.section The \\VRFY\\ and \\EXPN\\ commands
-When Exim receives a \\VRFY\\ or \\EXPN\\ command on a TCP/IP connection, it
-runs the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_vrfy\ or \acl@_smtp@_expn\ (as
-appropriate) in order to decide whether the command should be accepted or not.
-If no ACL is defined, the command is rejected.
-.index \\VRFY\\||processing
-When \\VRFY\\ is accepted, it runs exactly the same code as when Exim is
-called with the \-bv-\ option.
-.index \\EXPN\\||processing
-When \\EXPN\\ is accepted, a single-level expansion of the address is done.
-\\EXPN\\ is treated as an `address test' (similar to the \-bt-\ option) rather
-than a verification (the \-bv-\ option). If an unqualified local part is given
-as the argument to \\EXPN\\, it is qualified with \qualify@_domain\. Rejections
-of \\VRFY\\ and \\EXPN\\ commands are logged on the main and reject logs, and
-\\VRFY\\ verification failures are logged on the main log for consistency with
-\\RCPT\\ failures.
-.section The \\ETRN\\ command
-.rset SECTETRN "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \\ETRN\\||processing
-RFC 1985 describes an SMTP command called \\ETRN\\ that is designed to
-overcome the security problems of the \\TURN\\ command (which has fallen into
-disuse). When Exim receives an \\ETRN\\ command on a TCP/IP connection, it runs
-the ACL specified by \acl@_smtp@_etrn\ in order to decide whether the command
-should be accepted or not. If no ACL is defined, the command is rejected.
-The \\ETRN\\ command is concerned with `releasing' messages that are awaiting
-delivery to certain hosts. As Exim does not organize its message queue by host,
-the only form of \\ETRN\\ that is supported by default is the one where the
-text starts with the `@#' prefix, in which case the remainder of the text is
-specific to the SMTP server. A valid \\ETRN\\ command causes a run of Exim with
-the \-R-\ option to happen, with the remainder of the \\ETRN\\ text as its
-argument. For example,
-.display asis
-ETRN #brigadoon
-runs the command
-.display asis
-exim -R brigadoon
-which causes a delivery attempt on all messages with undelivered addresses
-containing the text `brigadoon'. When \smtp@_etrn@_serialize\ is set (the
-default), Exim prevents the simultaneous execution of more than one queue run
-for the same argument string as a result of an \\ETRN\\ command. This stops
-a misbehaving client from starting more than one queue runner at once.
-.index hints database||\\ETRN\\ serialization
-Exim implements the serialization by means of a hints database in which a
-record is written whenever a process is started by \\ETRN\\, and deleted when
-the process completes. However, Exim does not keep the SMTP session waiting for
-the \\ETRN\\ process to complete. Once \\ETRN\\ is accepted, the client is sent
-a `success' return code. Obviously there is scope for hints records to get left
-lying around if there is a system or program crash. To guard against this, Exim
-ignores any records that are more than six hours old.
-.index \smtp@_etrn@_command\
-For more control over what \\ETRN\\ does, the \smtp@_etrn@_command\ option can
-used. This specifies a command that is run whenever \\ETRN\\ is received,
-whatever the form of its argument. For
-.display asis
-smtp_etrn_command = /etc/etrn_command $domain $sender_host_address
-The string is split up into arguments which are independently expanded. The
-expansion variable \$domain$\ is set to the argument of the \\ETRN\\ command,
-and no syntax checking is done on the contents of this argument. Exim does not
-wait for the command to complete, so its status code is not checked. Exim runs
-under its own uid and gid when receiving incoming SMTP, so it is not possible
-for it to change them before running the command.
-.section Incoming local SMTP
-.index SMTP||local incoming
-Some user agents use SMTP to pass messages to their local MTA using the
-standard input and output, as opposed to passing the envelope on the command
-line and writing the message to the standard input. This is supported by the
-\-bs-\ option. This form of SMTP is handled in the same way as incoming
-messages over TCP/IP (including the use of ACLs), except that the envelope
-sender given in a \\MAIL\\ command is ignored unless the caller is trusted. In
-an ACL you can detect this form of SMTP input by testing for an empty host
-identification. It is common to have this as the first line in the ACL that
-runs for \\RCPT\\ commands:
-.display asis
-accept hosts = :
-This accepts SMTP messages from local processes without doing any other tests.
-.section Outgoing batched SMTP
-.rset SECTbatchSMTP "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index SMTP||batched outgoing
-.index batched SMTP output
-Both the \%appendfile%\ and \%pipe%\ transports can be used for handling batched
-SMTP. Each has an option called \use@_bsmtp\ which causes messages to be output
-in BSMTP format. No SMTP responses are possible for this form of delivery. All
-it is doing is using SMTP commands as a way of transmitting the envelope along
-with the message.
-The message is written to the file or pipe preceded by the SMTP commands
-\\MAIL\\ and \\RCPT\\, and followed by a line containing a single dot. Lines in
-the message that start with a dot have an extra dot added. The SMTP command
-\\HELO\\ is not normally used. If it is required, the \message@_prefix\ option
-can be used to specify it.
-Because \%appendfile%\ and \%pipe%\ are both local transports, they accept only
-one recipient address at a time by default. However, you can arrange for them
-to handle several addresses at once by setting the \batch@_max\ option. When
-this is done for BSMTP, messages may contain multiple \\RCPT\\ commands. See
-chapter ~~CHAPbatching for more details.
-When one or more addresses are routed to a BSMTP transport by a router that
-sets up a host list, the name of the first host on the list is available to the
-transport in the variable \$host$\. Here is an example of such a transport and
-.display asis
-begin routers
- driver = manualroute
- transport = smtp_appendfile
- route_list = domain.example
-begin transports
- driver = appendfile
- directory = /var/bsmtp/$host
- batch_max = 1000
- use_bsmtp
- user = exim
-This causes messages addressed to \*domain.example*\ to be written in BSMTP
-format to \(/var/bsmtp/\, with only a single copy of each
-message (unless there are more than 1000 recipients).
-.section Incoming batched SMTP
-.rset SECTincomingbatchedSMTP "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index SMTP||batched incoming
-.index batched SMTP input
-The \-bS-\ command line option causes Exim to accept one or more messages by
-reading SMTP on the standard input, but to generate no responses. If the caller
-is trusted, the senders in the \\MAIL\\ commands are believed; otherwise the
-sender is always the caller of Exim. Unqualified senders and receivers are not
-rejected (there seems little point) but instead just get qualified. \\HELO\\
-and \\EHLO\\ act as \\RSET\\; \\VRFY\\, \\EXPN\\, \\ETRN\\ and \\HELP\\, act
-as \\NOOP\\; \\QUIT\\ quits.
-No policy checking is done for BSMTP input. That is, no ACL is run at anytime.
-In this respect it is like non-SMTP local input.
-If an error is detected while reading a message, including a missing `.' at
-the end, Exim gives up immediately. It writes details of the error to the
-standard output in a stylized way that the calling program should be able to
-make some use of automatically, for example:
-.display asis
-554 Unexpected end of file
-Transaction started in line 10
-Error detected in line 14
-It writes a more verbose version, for human consumption, to the standard error
-file, for example:
-.display asis
-An error was detected while processing a file of BSMTP input.
-The error message was:
- 501 '>' missing at end of address
-The SMTP transaction started in line 10.
-The error was detected in line 12.
-The SMTP command at fault was:
- rcpt to:<
-1 previous message was successfully processed.
-The rest of the batch was abandoned.
-The return code from Exim is zero only if there were no errors. It is 1 if some
-messages were accepted before an error was detected, and 2 if no messages were
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Customizing bounce and warning messages
-.set runningfoot "customizing messages"
-.rset CHAPemsgcust "~~chapter"
-When a message fails to be delivered, or remains on the queue for more than a
-configured amount of time, Exim sends a message to the original sender, or
-to an alternative configured address. The text of these messages is built into
-the code of Exim, but it is possible to change it, either by adding a single
-string, or by replacing each of the paragraphs by text supplied in a file.
-The ::From:: and ::To:: header lines are automatically generated; you can cause
-a ::Reply-To:: line to be added by setting the \errors@_reply@_to\ option. Exim
-also adds the line
-.display asis
-Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
-to all warning and bounce messages,
-.section Customizing bounce messages
-.index customizing||bounce message
-.index bounce message||customizing
-If \bounce@_message@_text\ is set, its contents are included in the default
-message immediately after `This message was created automatically by mail
-delivery software.' The string is not expanded. It is not used if
-\bounce@_message@_file\ is set.
-When \bounce@_message@_file\ is set, it must point to a template file for
-constructing error messages. The file consists of a series of text items,
-separated by lines consisting of exactly four asterisks. If the file cannot be
-opened, default text is used and a message is written to the main and panic
-logs. If any text item in the file is empty, default text is used for that
-Each item of text that is read from the file is expanded, and there are two
-expansion variables which can be of use here: \$bounce@_recipient$\ is set to
-the recipient of an error message while it is being created, and
-\$return@_size@_limit$\ contains the value of the \return@_size@_limit\ option,
-rounded to a whole number.
-The items must appear in the file in the following order:
-.numberpars $.
-The first item is included in the headers, and should include at least a
-::Subject:: header. Exim does not check the syntax of these headers.
-The second item forms the start of the error message. After it, Exim lists the
-failing addresses with their error messages.
-The third item is used to introduce any text from pipe transports that is to be
-returned to the sender. It is omitted if there is no such text.
-The fourth item is used to introduce the copy of the message that is returned
-as part of the error report.
-The fifth item is added after the fourth one if the returned message is
-truncated because it is bigger than \return@_size@_limit\.
-The sixth item is added after the copy of the original message.
-The default state (\bounce@_message@_file\ unset) is equivalent to the
-following file, in which the sixth item is empty. The ::Subject:: line has been
-split into two here in order to fit it on the page:
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.display flow asis
-.fontgroup 0
-.font 54
-.display flow asis
-.linelength 80em
-.indent 0
-Subject: Mail delivery failed
- ${if eq{$sender_address}{$bounce_recipient}{: returning message to sender}}
-This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
-A message ${if eq{$sender_address}{$bounce_recipient}{that you sent }{sent by
- <$sender_address>
-}}could not be delivered to all of its recipients.
-The following address(es) failed:
-The following text was generated during the delivery attempt(s):
------- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
------- The body of the message is $message_size characters long; only the first
------- $return_size_limit or so are included here.
-.if !~~sys.fancy
-.section Customizing warning messages
-.rset SECTcustwarn "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index customizing||warning message
-.index warning of delay||customizing the message
-The option
-can be pointed at a template file for use when
-warnings about message delays are created. In this case there are only three
-text sections:
-.numberpars $.
-The first item is included in the headers, and should include at least a
-::Subject:: header. Exim does not check the syntax of these headers.
-The second item forms the start of the warning message. After it, Exim lists
-the delayed addresses.
-The third item then ends the message.
-The default state is equivalent to the following file, except that the line
-starting `A message' has been split here, in order to fit it on the page:
-.if ~~sys.fancy
-.display asis
-.fontgroup 0
-.font 54
-.display asis
-.linelength 80em
-.indent 0
-Subject: Warning: message $message_id delayed $warn_message_delay
-This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
-A message ${if eq{$sender_address}{$warn_message_recipients}
- {that you sent }{sent by
- <$sender_address>
-}}has not been delivered to all of its recipients after
-more than $warn_message_delay on the queue on $primary_hostname.
-The message identifier is: $message_id
-The subject of the message is: $h_subject
-The date of the message is: $h_date
-The following address(es) have not yet been delivered:
-No action is required on your part. Delivery attempts will continue for
-some time, and this warning may be repeated at intervals if the message
-remains undelivered. Eventually the mail delivery software will give up,
-and when that happens, the message will be returned to you.
-.if !~~sys.fancy
-except that in the default state the subject and date lines are omitted if no
-appropriate headers exist. During the expansion of this file,
-is set to the delay time in one of the forms `<<n>> minutes'
-or `<<n>> hours', and
-contains a list of recipients for the warning message. There may be more than
-one if there are multiple addresses with different \errors@_to\ settings on the
-routers that handled them.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Some common configuration requirements
-.set runningfoot "common configuration requirements"
-.rset CHAPcomconreq "~~chapter"
-This chapter discusses some configuration requirements that seem to be fairly
-common. More examples and discussion can be found in the Exim book.
-.section Sending mail to a smart host
-.index smart host||example router
-If you want to send all mail for non-local domains to a `smart host', you
-should replace the default \%dnslookup%\ router with a router which does the
-routing explicitly:
-.display asis
- driver = manualroute
- route_list = !+local_domains
- transport = remote_smtp
-You can use the smart host's IP address instead of the name if you wish.
-If you are using Exim only to submit messages to a smart host, and not for
-receiving incoming messages, you can arrange for it to do the submission
-synchronously by setting the \mua@_wrapper\ option (see chapter
-.section Using Exim to handle mailing lists
-.rset SECTmailinglists "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index mailing lists
-Exim can be used to run simple mailing lists, but for large and/or complicated
-requirements, the use of additional specialized mailing list software such as
-Majordomo or Mailman is recommended.
-The \%redirect%\ router can be used to handle mailing lists where each list
-is maintained in a separate file, which can therefore be managed by an
-independent manager. The \domains\ router option can be used to run these
-lists in a separate domain from normal mail. For example:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- domains = lists.example
- file = /usr/lists/$local_part
- forbid_pipe
- forbid_file
- errors_to = $local_part-request@lists.example
- no_more
-This router is skipped for domains other than \*lists.example*\. For addresses
-in that domain, it looks for a file that matches the local part. If there is no
-such file, the router declines, but because \no@_more\ is set, no subsequent
-routers are tried, and so the whole delivery fails.
-The \forbid@_pipe\ and \forbid@_file\ options prevent a local part from being
-expanded into a file name or a pipe delivery, which is usually inappropriate in
-a mailing list.
-.index \errors@_to\
-The \errors@_to\ option specifies that any delivery errors caused by addresses
-taken from a mailing list are to be sent to the given address rather than the
-original sender of the message. However, before acting on this, Exim verifies
-the error address, and ignores it if verification fails.
-For example, using the configuration above, mail sent to
-\*dicts@@lists.example*\ is passed on to those addresses contained in
-\(/usr/lists/dicts)\, with error reports directed to
-\*dicts-request@@lists.example*\, provided that this address can be verified.
-There could be a file called \(/usr/lists/dicts-request)\ containing
-the address(es) of this particular list's manager(s), but other approaches,
-such as setting up an earlier router (possibly using the \local@_part@_prefix\
-or \local@_part@_suffix\ options) to handle addresses of the form \owner-xxx\
-or \xxx-request\, are also possible.
-.section Syntax errors in mailing lists
-.index mailing lists||syntax errors in
-If an entry in redirection data contains a syntax error, Exim normally defers
-delivery of the original address. That means that a syntax error in a mailing
-list holds up all deliveries to the list. This may not be appropriate when a
-list is being maintained automatically from data supplied by users, and the
-addresses are not rigorously checked.
-If the \skip@_syntax@_errors\ option is set, the \%redirect%\ router just skips
-entries that fail to parse, noting the incident in the log. If in addition
-\syntax@_errors@_to\ is set to a verifiable address, a message is sent to it
-whenever a broken address is skipped. It is usually appropriate to set
-\syntax@_errors@_to\ to the same address as \errors@_to\.
-.section Re-expansion of mailing lists
-.index mailing lists||re-expansion of
-Exim remembers every individual address to which a message has been delivered,
-in order to avoid duplication, but it normally stores only the original
-recipient addresses with a message. If all the deliveries to a mailing list
-cannot be done at the first attempt, the mailing list is re-expanded when the
-delivery is next tried. This means that alterations to the list are taken into
-account at each delivery attempt, so addresses that have been added to
-the list since the message arrived will therefore receive a copy of the
-message, even though it pre-dates their subscription.
-If this behaviour is felt to be undesirable, the \one@_time\ option can be set
-on the \%redirect%\ router. If this is done, any addresses generated by the
-router that fail to deliver at the first attempt are added to the message as
-`top level' addresses, and the parent address that generated them is marked
-`delivered'. Thus, expansion of the mailing list does not happen again at the
-subsequent delivery attempts. The disadvantage of this is that if any of the
-failing addresses are incorrect, correcting them in the file has no effect on
-pre-existing messages.
-The original top-level address is remembered with each of the generated
-addresses, and is output in any log messages. However, any intermediate parent
-addresses are not recorded. This makes a difference to the log only if the
-\all@_parents\ selector is set, but for mailing lists there is normally only
-one level of expansion anyway.
-.section Closed mailing lists
-.index mailing lists||closed
-The examples so far have assumed open mailing lists, to which anybody may
-send mail. It is also possible to set up closed lists, where mail is accepted
-from specified senders only. This is done by making use of the generic
-\senders\ option to restrict the router that handles the list.
-The following example uses the same file as a list of recipients and as a list
-of permitted senders. It requires three routers:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- domains = lists.example
- local_part_suffix = -request
- file = /usr/lists/$local_part$local_part_suffix
- no_more
- driver = redirect
- domains = lists.example
- senders = ${if exists {/usr/lists/$local_part}\
- {lsearch;/usr/lists/$local_part}{*}}
- file = /usr/lists/$local_part
- forbid_pipe
- forbid_file
- errors_to = $local_part-request@lists.example
- no_more
- driver = redirect
- domains = lists.example
- allow_fail
- data = :fail: $local_part@lists.example is a closed mailing list
-All three routers have the same \domains\ setting, so for any other domains,
-they are all skipped. The first router runs only if the local part ends in
-\@-request\. It handles messages to the list manager(s) by means of an open
-mailing list.
-The second router runs only if the \senders\ precondition is satisfied. It
-checks for the existence of a list that corresponds to the local part, and then
-checks that the sender is on the list by means of a linear search. It is
-necessary to check for the existence of the file before trying to search it,
-because otherwise Exim thinks there is a configuration error. If the file does
-not exist, the expansion of \senders\ is $*$, which matches all senders. This
-means that the router runs, but because there is no list, declines, and
-\no@_more\ ensures that no further routers are run. The address fails with an
-`unrouteable address' error.
-The third router runs only if the second router is skipped, which happens when
-a mailing list exists, but the sender is not on it. This router forcibly fails
-the address, giving a suitable error message.
-.section Virtual domains
-.rset SECTvirtualdomains "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index virtual domains
-.index domain||virtual
-The phrase \*virtual domain*\ is unfortunately used with two rather different
-.numberpars $.
-A domain for which there are no real mailboxes; all valid local parts are
-aliases for other email addresses. Common examples are organizational
-top-level domains and `vanity' domains.
-One of a number of independent domains that are all handled by the same host,
-with mailboxes on that host, but where the mailbox owners do not necessarily
-have login accounts on that host.
-The first usage is probably more common, and does seem more `virtual' than the
-second. This kind of domain can be handled in Exim with a straightforward
-aliasing router. One approach is to create a separate alias file for each
-virtual domain. Exim can test for the existence of the alias file to determine
-whether the domain exists. The \%dsearch%\ lookup type is useful here, leading
-to a router of this form:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- domains = dsearch;/etc/mail/virtual
- data = ${lookup{$local_part}lsearch{/etc/mail/virtual/$domain}}
- no_more
-The \domains\ option specifies that the router is to be skipped, unless there
-is a file in the \(/etc/mail/virtual)\ directory whose name is the same as the
-domain that is being processed. When the router runs, it looks up the local
-part in the file to find a new address (or list of addresses). The \no@_more\
-setting ensures that if the lookup fails (leading to \data\ being an empty
-string), Exim gives up on the address without trying any subsequent routers.
-This one router can handle all the virtual domains because the alias file names
-follow a fixed pattern. Permissions can be arranged so that appropriate people
-can edit the different alias files. A successful aliasing operation results in
-a new envelope recipient address, which is then routed from scratch.
-The other kind of `virtual' domain can also be handled in a straightforward
-way. One approach is to create a file for each domain containing a list of
-valid local parts, and use it in a router like this:
-.display asis
- driver = accept
- domains = dsearch;/etc/mail/domains
- local_parts = lsearch;/etc/mail/domains/$domain
- transport = my_mailboxes
-The address is accepted if there is a file for the domain, and the local part
-can be found in the file. The \domains\ option is used to check for the file's
-existence because \domains\ is tested before the \local@_parts\ option (see
-section ~~SECTrouprecon). You can't use \require@_files\, because that option
-is tested after \local@_parts\. The transport is as follows:
-.display asis
- driver = appendfile
- file = /var/mail/$domain/$local_part
- user = mail
-This uses a directory of mailboxes for each domain. The \user\ setting is
-required, to specify which uid is to be used for writing to the mailboxes.
-The configuration shown here is just one example of how you might support this
-requirement. There are many other ways this kind of configuration can be set
-up, for example, by using a database instead of separate files to hold all the
-information about the domains.
-.section Multiple user mailboxes
-.rset SECTmulbox "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index multiple mailboxes
-.index mailbox||multiple
-.index local part||prefix
-.index local part||suffix
-Heavy email users often want to operate with multiple mailboxes, into which
-incoming mail is automatically sorted. A popular way of handling this is to
-allow users to use multiple sender addresses, so that replies can easily be
-identified. Users are permitted to add prefixes or suffixes to their local
-parts for this purpose. The wildcard facility of the generic router options
-\local@_part@_prefix\ and \local@_part@_suffix\ can be used for this. For
-example, consider this router:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- check_local_user
- file = $home/.forward
- local_part_suffix = -*
- local_part_suffix_optional
- allow_filter
-It runs a user's \(.forward)\ file for all local parts of the form
-\*username-$*$*\. Within the filter file the user can distinguish different
-cases by testing the variable \$local@_part@_suffix$\. For example:
-.display asis
-if $local_part_suffix contains -special then
- save /home/$local_part/Mail/special
-If the filter file does not exist, or does not deal with such addresses, they
-fall through to subsequent routers, and, assuming no subsequent use of the
-\local@_part@_suffix\ option is made, they presumably fail. Thus, users have
-control over which suffixes are valid.
-Alternatively, a suffix can be used to trigger the use of a different
-\(.forward)\ file -- which is the way a similar facility is implemented in
-another MTA:
-.display asis
- driver = redirect
- check_local_user
- file = $home/.forward$local_part_suffix
- local_part_suffix = -*
- local_part_suffix_optional
- allow_filter
-If there is no suffix, \(.forward)\ is used; if the suffix is \*-special*\, for
-example, \(.forward-special)\ is used. Once again, if the appropriate file
-does not exist, or does not deal with the address, it is passed on to
-subsequent routers, which could, if required, look for an unqualified
-\(.forward)\ file to use as a default.
-.section Simplified vacation processing
-.index vacation processing
-The traditional way of running the \*vacation*\ program is for a user to set up
-a pipe command in a \(.forward)\ file
-(see section ~~SECTspecitredli for syntax details).
-This is prone to error by inexperienced users. There are two features of Exim
-that can be used to make this process simpler for users:
-.numberpars $.
-A local part prefix such as `vacation-' can be specified on a router which
-can cause the message to be delivered directly to the \*vacation*\ program, or
-alternatively can use Exim's \%autoreply%\ transport. The contents of a user's
-\(.forward)\ file are then much simpler. For example:
-.display asis
-spqr, vacation-spqr
-The \require@_files\ generic router option can be used to trigger a
-vacation delivery by checking for the existence of a certain file in the
-user's home directory. The \unseen\ generic option should also be used, to
-ensure that the original delivery also proceeds. In this case, all the user has
-to do is to create a file called, say, \(.vacation)\, containing a vacation
-Another advantage of both these methods is that they both work even when the
-use of arbitrary pipes by users is locked out.
-.section Taking copies of mail
-.index message||copying every
-Some installations have policies that require archive copies of all messages to
-be made. A single copy of each message can easily be taken by an appropriate
-command in a system filter, which could, for example, use a different file for
-each day's messages.
-There is also a shadow transport mechanism that can be used to take copies of
-messages that are successfully delivered by local transports, one copy per
-delivery. This could be used, $it{inter alia}, to implement automatic
-notification of delivery by sites that insist on doing such things.
-.section Intermittently connected hosts
-.index intermittently connected hosts
-It has become quite common (because it is cheaper) for hosts to connect to the
-Internet periodically rather than remain connected all the time. The normal
-arrangement is that mail for such hosts accumulates on a system that is
-permanently connected.
-Exim was designed for use on permanently connected hosts, and so it is not
-particularly well-suited to use in an intermittently connected environment.
-Nevertheless there are some features that can be used.
-.section Exim on the upstream server host
-It is tempting to arrange for incoming mail for the intermittently connected
-host to remain on Exim's queue until the client connects. However, this
-approach does not scale very well. Two different kinds of waiting message are
-being mixed up in the same queue -- those that cannot be delivered because of
-some temporary problem, and those that are waiting for their destination host
-to connect. This makes it hard to manage the queue, as well as wasting
-resources, because each queue runner scans the entire queue.
-A better approach is to separate off those messages that are waiting for an
-intermittently connected host. This can be done by delivering these messages
-into local files in batch SMTP, `mailstore', or other envelope-preserving
-format, from where they are transmitted by other software when their
-destination connects. This makes it easy to collect all the mail for one host
-in a single directory, and to apply local timeout rules on a per-message basis
-if required.
-On a very small scale, leaving the mail on Exim's queue can be made to work. If
-you are doing this, you should configure Exim with a long retry period for the
-intermittent host. For example:
-cheshire.wonderland.fict.example * F,5d,24h
-This stops a lot of failed delivery attempts from occurring, but Exim remembers
-which messages it has queued up for that host. Once the intermittent host comes
-online, forcing delivery of one message (either by using the \-M-\ or \-R-\
-options, or by using the \\ETRN\\ SMTP command (see section ~~SECTETRN)
-causes all the queued up messages to be delivered, often down a single SMTP
-connection. While the host remains connected, any new messages get delivered
-If the connecting hosts do not have fixed IP addresses, that is, if a host is
-issued with a different IP address each time it connects, Exim's retry
-mechanisms on the holding host get confused, because the IP address is normally
-used as part of the key string for holding retry information. This can be
-avoided by unsetting \retry__include__ip__address\ on the \%smtp%\ transport.
-Since this has disadvantages for permanently connected hosts, it is best to
-arrange a separate transport for the intermittently connected ones.
-.section Exim on the intermittently connected client host
-The value of \smtp@_accept@_queue@_per@_connection\ should probably be
-increased, or even set to zero (that is, disabled) on the intermittently
-connected host, so that all incoming messages down a single connection get
-delivered immediately.
-.index SMTP||passed connection
-.index SMTP||multiple deliveries
-.index multiple SMTP deliveries
-Mail waiting to be sent from an intermittently connected host will probably
-not have been routed, because without a connection DNS lookups are not
-possible. This means that if a normal queue run is done at connection time,
-each message is likely to be sent in a separate SMTP session. This can be
-avoided by starting the queue run with a command line option beginning with
-\-qq-\ instead of \-q-\. In this case, the queue is scanned twice. In the first
-pass, routing is done but no deliveries take place. The second pass is a normal
-queue run; since all the messages have been previously routed, those destined
-for the same host are likely to get sent as multiple deliveries in a single
-SMTP connection.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Using Exim as a non-queueing client
-.set runningfoot "non-queueing client"
-.rset CHAPnonqueueing "~~chapter"
-.index client, non-queueing
-.index smart host||queueing, suppressing
-On a personal computer, it is a common requirement for all
-email to be sent to a `smart host'. There are plenty of MUAs that can be
-configured to operate that way, for all the popular operating systems.
-However, there are some MUAs for Unix-like systems that cannot be so
-configured: they submit messages using the command line interface of
-\(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\. Furthermore, utility programs such as \*cron*\ submit
-messages this way.
-If the personal computer runs continuously, there is no problem, because it can
-run a conventional MTA that handles delivery to the smart host, and deal with
-any delays via its queueing mechanism. However, if the computer does not run
-continuously or runs different operating systems at different times, queueing
-email is not desirable.
-There is therefore a requirement for something that can provide the
-\(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\ interface but deliver messages to a smart host without
-any queueing or retrying facilities. Furthermore, the delivery to the smart
-host should be synchronous, so that if it fails, the sending MUA is immediately
-informed. In other words, we want something that extends an MUA that submits
-to a local MTA via the command line so that it behaves like one that submits
-to a remote smart host using TCP/SMTP.
-There are a number of applications (for example, there is one called \*ssmtp*\)
-that do this job. However, people have found them to be lacking in various
-ways. For instance, you might want to allow aliasing and forwarding to be done
-before sending a message to the smart host.
-Exim already had the necessary infrastructure for doing this job. Just a few
-tweaks were needed to make it behave as required, though it is somewhat of an
-overkill to use a fully-featured MTA for this purpose.
-.index \mua@_wrapper\
-There is a Boolean global option called \mua@_wrapper\, defaulting false.
-Setting \mua@_wrapper\ true causes Exim to run in a special mode where it
-assumes that it is being used to `wrap' a command-line MUA in the manner
-just described. As well as setting \mua@_wrapper\, you also need to provide a
-compatible router and transport configuration. Typically there will be just one
-router and one transport, sending everything to a smart host.
-When run in MUA wrapping mode, the behaviour of Exim changes in the
-following ways:
-.numberpars alpha
-A daemon cannot be run, nor will Exim accept incoming messages from \*inetd*\.
-In other words, the only way to submit messages is via the command line.
-Each message is synchonously delivered as soon as it is received (\-odi-\ is
-assumed). All queueing options (\queue@_only\, \queue@_smtp@_domains\,
-\control\ in an ACL, etc.) are quietly ignored. The Exim reception process does
-not finish until the delivery attempt is complete. If the delivery is
-successful, a zero return code is given.
-Address redirection is permitted, but the final routing for all addresses must
-be to the same remote transport, and to the same list of hosts. Furthermore,
-the return address (envelope sender) must be the same for all recipients, as
-must any added or deleted header lines. In other words, it must be possible to
-deliver the message in a single SMTP transaction, however many recipients there
-If these conditions are not met, or if routing any address results in a failure
-or defer status, or if Exim is unable to deliver all the recipients
-successfully to one of the smart hosts, delivery of the entire message fails.
-Because no queueing is allowed, all failures are treated as permanent; there is
-no distinction between 4\*xx*\ and 5\*xx*\ SMTP response codes from the smart
-host. Furthermore, because only a single yes/no response can be given to the
-caller, it is not possible to deliver to some recipients and not others. If
-there is an error (temporary or permanent) for any recipient, all are failed.
-If more than one smart host is listed, Exim will try another host after a
-connection failure or a timeout, in the normal way. However, if this kind of
-failure happens for all the hosts, the delivery fails.
-When delivery fails, an error message is written to the standard error stream
-(as well as to Exim's log), and Exim exits to the caller with a return code
-value 1. The message is expunged from Exim's spool files. No bounce messages
-are ever generated.
-No retry data is maintained, and any retry rules are ignored.
-A number of Exim options are overridden: \deliver@_drop@_privilege\ is forced
-true, \max@_rcpt\ in the smtp transport is forced to `unlimited',
-\remote@_max@_parallel\ is forced to one, and fallback hosts are ignored.
-The overall effect is that Exim makes a single synchronous attempt to deliver
-the message, failing if there is any kind of problem. Because no local
-deliveries are done and no daemon can be run, Exim does not need root
-privilege. It should be possible to run it setuid to \*exim*\ instead of setuid
-to \*root*\. See section ~~SECTrunexiwitpri for a general discussion about the
-advantages and disadvantages of running without root privilege.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Log files
-.set runningfoot "log files"
-.rset CHAPlog "~~chapter"
-.index log||types of
-.index log||general description
-Exim writes three different logs, referred to as the main log, the reject log,
-and the panic log:
-.numberpars $.
-.index main log
-The main log records the arrival of each message and each delivery in a single
-line in each case. The format is as compact as possible, in an attempt to keep
-down the size of log files. Two-character flag sequences make it easy to pick
-out these lines. A number of other events are recorded in the main log. Some of
-them are optional, in which case the \log@_selector\ option controls whether
-they are included or not. A Perl script called \*eximstats*\, which does simple
-analysis of main log files, is provided in the Exim distribution (see section
-.index reject log
-The reject log records information from messages that are rejected as a result
-of a configuration option (that is, for policy reasons).
-The first line of each rejection is a copy of the line that is also written to
-the main log. Then, if the message's header has been read at the time the log
-is written, its contents are written to this log. Only the original header
-lines are available; header lines added by ACLs are not logged. You can use the
-reject log to check that your policy controls are working correctly; on a busy
-host this may be easier than scanning the main log for rejection messages. You
-can suppress the writing of the reject log by setting \write@_rejectlog\ false.
-.index panic log
-.index system log
-When certain serious errors occur, Exim writes entries to its panic log. If the
-error is sufficiently disastrous, Exim bombs out afterwards. Panic log entries
-are usually written to the main log as well, but can get lost amid the mass of
-other entries. The panic log should be empty under normal circumstances. It is
-therefore a good idea to check it (or to have a \*cron*\ script check it)
-regularly, in order to become aware of any problems. When Exim cannot open its
-panic log, it tries as a last resort to write to the system log (syslog). This
-is opened with LOG@_PID+LOG@_CONS and the facility code of LOG@_MAIL. The
-message itself is written at priority LOG@_CRIT.
-Every log line starts with a timestamp, in the format shown in this example:
-.display asis
-2001-09-16 16:09:47 SMTP connection from [] closed by QUIT
-By default, the timestamps are in the local timezone. There are two
-ways of changing this:
-.numberpars $.
-You can set the \timezone\ option to a different time zone; in particular, if
-you set
-.display asis
-timezone = UTC
-the timestamps will be in UTC (aka GMT).
-If you set \log@_timezone\ true, the time zone is added to the timestamp, for
-.display asis
-2003-04-25 11:17:07 +0100 Start queue run: pid=12762
-.section Where the logs are written
-.rset SECTwhelogwri "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index log||destination
-.index log||to file
-.index log||to syslog
-.index syslog
-The logs may be written to local files, or to syslog, or both. However, it
-should be noted that many syslog implementations use UDP as a transport, and
-are therefore unreliable in the sense that messages are not guaranteed to
-arrive at the loghost, nor is the ordering of messages necessarily maintained.
-It has also been reported that on large log files (tens of megabytes) you may
-need to tweak syslog to prevent it syncing the file with each write -- on Linux
-this has been seen to make syslog take 90% plus of CPU time.
-The destination for Exim's logs is configured by setting \\LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ in
-\(Local/Makefile)\ or by setting \log@_file@_path\ in the run time
-configuration. This latter string is expanded, so it can contain, for example,
-references to the host name:
-.display asis
-log_file_path = /var/log/$primary_hostname/exim_%slog
-It is generally advisable, however, to set the string in \(Local/Makefile)\
-rather than at run time, because then the setting is available right from the
-start of Exim's execution. Otherwise, if there's something it wants to log
-before it has read the configuration file (for example, an error in the
-configuration file) it will not use the path you want, and may not be able to
-log at all.
-The value of \\LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ or \log@_file@_path\ is a colon-separated
-list, currently limited to at most two items. This is one option where the
-facility for changing a list separator may not be used. The list must always be
-colon-separated. If an item in the list is `syslog' then syslog is used;
-otherwise the item must either be an absolute path, containing \"%s"\ at the
-point where `main', `reject', or `panic' is to be inserted, or be empty,
-implying the use of a default path.
-When Exim encounters an empty item in the list, it searches the list defined by
-\\LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\, and uses the first item it finds that is neither empty nor
-`syslog'. This means that an empty item in \log@_file@_path\ can be used to
-mean `use the path specified at build time'. It no such item exists, log files
-are written in the \(log)\ subdirectory of the spool directory. This is
-equivalent to the setting:
-.display asis
-log_file_path = $spool_directory/log/%slog
-If you do not specify anything at build time or run time, that is where the
-logs are written.
-A log file path may also contain \"%D"\ if datestamped log file names are in
-use -- see section ~~SECTdatlogfil below.
-Here are some examples of possible settings:
-.tabs 42
-LOG@_FILE@_PATH=syslog $t $rm{syslog only}
-LOG@_FILE@_PATH=:syslog $t $rm{syslog and default path}
-LOG@_FILE@_PATH=syslog : /usr/log/exim@_%s $t $rm{syslog and specified path}
-LOG@_FILE@_PATH=/usr/log/exim@_%s $t $rm{specified path only}
-If there are more than two paths in the list, the first is used and a panic
-error is logged.
-.section Logging to local files that are periodically `cycled'
-.index log||cycling local files
-.index cycling logs
-.index \*exicyclog*\
-.index log||local files, writing to
-Some operating systems provide centralized and standardised methods for cycling
-log files. For those that do not, a utility script called \*exicyclog*\ is
-provided (see section ~~SECTcyclogfil). This renames and compresses the main
-and reject logs each time it is called. The maximum number of old logs to keep
-can be set. It is suggested this script is run as a daily \*cron*\ job.
-An Exim delivery process opens the main log when it first needs to write to it,
-and it keeps the file open in case subsequent entries are required -- for
-example, if a number of different deliveries are being done for the same
-message. However, remote SMTP deliveries can take a long time, and this means
-that the file may be kept open long after it is renamed if \*exicyclog*\ or
-something similar is being used to rename log files on a regular basis. To
-ensure that a switch of log files is noticed as soon as possible, Exim calls
-\*stat()*\ on the main log's name before reusing an open file, and if the file
-does not exist, or its inode has changed, the old file is closed and Exim
-tries to open the main log from scratch. Thus, an old log file may remain open
-for quite some time, but no Exim processes should write to it once it has been
-.section Datestamped log files
-.rset SECTdatlogfil "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index log||datestamped files
-Instead of cycling the main and reject log files by renaming them
-periodically, some sites like to use files whose names contain a datestamp,
-for example, \(mainlog-20031225)\. The datestamp is in the form \(yyyymmdd)\.
-Exim has support for this way of working. It is enabled by setting the
-\log@_file@_path\ option to a path that includes \"%D"\ at the point where the
-datestamp is required. For example:
-.display asis
-log_file_path = /var/spool/exim/log/%slog-%D
-log_file_path = /var/log/exim-%s-%D.log
-log_file_path = /var/spool/exim/log/%D-%slog
-As before, \"%s"\ is replaced by `main' or `reject'; the following are examples
-of names generated by the above examples:
-.display asis
-When this form of log file is specified, Exim automatically switches to new
-files at midnight. It does not make any attempt to compress old logs; you
-will need to write your own script if you require this. You should not
-run \*exicyclog*\ with this form of logging.
-The location of the panic log is also determined by \log@_file@_path\, but it
-is not datestamped, because rotation of the panic log does not make sense.
-When generating the name of the panic log, \"%D"\ is removed from the string.
-In addition, if it immediately follows a slash, a following non-alphanumeric
-character is removed; otherwise a preceding non-alphanumeric character is
-removed. Thus, the three examples above would give these panic log names:
-.display asis
-.section Logging to syslog
-.index log||syslog, writing to
-The use of syslog does not change what Exim logs or the format of its messages,
-except in one respect. If \syslog@_timestamp\ is set false, the timestamps on
-Exim's log lines are omitted when these lines are sent to syslog. Apart from
-that, the same strings are written to syslog as to log files. The syslog
-`facility' is set to \\LOG@_MAIL\\, and the program name to `exim'
-by default, but you can change these by setting the \syslog@_facility\ and
-\syslog@_processname\ options, respectively. If Exim was compiled with
-\\SYSLOG@_LOG@_PID\\ set in \(Local/Makefile)\ (this is the default in
-\(src/EDITME)\), then, on systems that permit it (all except ULTRIX), the
-\\LOG@_PID\\ flag is set so that the \*syslog()*\ call adds the pid as well as
-the time and host name to each line.
-The three log streams are mapped onto syslog priorities as follows:
-.numberpars " "
-\*mainlog*\ is mapped to \\LOG@_INFO\\
-\*rejectlog*\ is mapped to \\LOG@_NOTICE\\
-\*paniclog*\ is mapped to \\LOG@_ALERT\\
-Many log lines are written to both \*mainlog*\ and \*rejectlog*\, and some are
-written to both \*mainlog*\ and \*paniclog*\, so there will be duplicates if
-these are routed by syslog to the same place. You can suppress this duplication
-by setting \syslog@_duplication\ false.
-Exim's log lines can sometimes be very long, and some of its \*rejectlog*\
-entries contain multiple lines when headers are included. To cope with both
-these cases, entries written to syslog are split into separate \*syslog()*\
-calls at each internal newline, and also after a maximum of
-870 data characters. (This allows for a total syslog line length of 1024, when
-additions such as timestamps are added.) If you are running a syslog
-replacement that can handle lines longer than the 1024 characters allowed by
-RFC 3164, you should set
-.display asis
-in \(Local/Makefile)\ before building Exim. That stops Exim from splitting long
-lines, but it still splits at internal newlines in \*reject*\ log entries.
-To make it easy to re-assemble split lines later, each component of a split
-entry starts with a string of the form `[<<n>>/<<m>>]' or `[<<n>>@\<<m>>]'
-where <<n>> is the component number and <<m>> is the total number of components
-in the entry. The / delimiter is used when the line was split because it was
-too long; if it was split because of an internal newline, the @\ delimiter is
-used. For example, supposing the length limit to be 70 instead of 1000, the
-following would be the result of a typical rejection message to \*mainlog*\
-(LOG@_INFO), each line in addition being preceded by the time, host name, and
-pid as added by syslog:
-.indent 0
-$smc{[1/3] 2002-09-16 16:09:43 16RdAL-0006pc-00 rejected from [] (ph10):
-[2/3] syntax error in 'From' header when scanning for sender: missing or ma
-[3/3] lformed local part in "<>" (envelope sender is <ph10@@cam.example>)}
-The same error might cause the following lines to be written to `rejectlog'
-.display flow
-.indent 0
-$smc{[1/14] 2002-09-16 16:09:43 16RdAL-0006pc-00 rejected from [] (ph10):
-[2/14] syntax error in 'From' header when scanning for sender: missing or ma
-[3@\14] lformed local part in "@<@>" (envelope sender is <ph10@@cam.example>)
-[4@\14] Recipients:
-[5@\14] P Received: from [] (ident=ph10)
-[6@\14] by with smtp (Exim 4.00)
-[7@\14] id 16RdAL-0006pc-00
-[8@\14] for ph10@@cam.example; Mon, 16 Sep 2002 16:09:43 +0100
-[9@\14] F From: @<@>
-[10@\14] Subject: this is a test header
-[11@\14] X-something: this is another header
-[12@\14] I Message-Id: <>
-[13@\14] B Bcc:
-[14/14] Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 16:09:43 +0100}
-Log lines that are neither too long nor contain newlines are written to syslog
-without modification.
-If only syslog is being used, the Exim monitor is unable to provide a log tail
-display, unless syslog is routing \*mainlog*\ to a file on the local host and
-the environment variable \\EXIMON@_LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ is set to tell the monitor
-where it is.
-.section Log line flags
-One line is written to the main log for each message received, and for each
-successful, unsuccessful, and delayed delivery. These lines can readily be
-picked out by the distinctive two-character flags that immediately follow the
-timestamp. The flags are:
-.tabs 6
-<= $t $rm{message arrival}
-=> $t $rm{normal message delivery}
--> $t $rm{additional address in same delivery}
-*> $t $rm{delivery suppressed by \-N-\}
-** $t $rm{delivery failed; address bounced}
-== $t $rm{delivery deferred; temporary problem}
-.section Logging message reception
-.index log||reception line
-The format of the single-line entry in the main log that is written for every
-message received is shown in the basic example below, which is split over
-several lines in order to fit it on the page:
-.indent 0
-2002-10-31 08:57:53 16ZCW1-0005MB-00 <= kryten@@dwarf.fict.example
- H=mailer.fict.example [] U=exim
- P=smtp S=5678 id=<<incoming message id>>
-The address immediately following `<=' is the envelope sender address. A bounce
-message is shown with the sender address `<>', and if it is locally generated,
-this is followed by an item of the form
-R=<<message id>>
-which is a reference to the message that caused the bounce to be sent.
-.index \\HELO\\
-.index \\EHLO\\
-For messages from other hosts, the H and U fields identify the remote host and
-record the RFC 1413 identity of the user that sent the message, if one was
-received. The number given in square brackets is the IP address of the sending
-host. If there is a single, unparenthesized host name in the H field, as
-above, it has been verified to correspond to the IP address (see the
-\host@_lookup\ option). If the name is in parentheses, it was the name quoted
-by the remote host in the SMTP \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command, and has not been
-verified. If verification yields a different name to that given for \\HELO\\ or
-\\EHLO\\, the verified name appears first, followed by the \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\
-name in parentheses.
-Misconfigured hosts (and mail forgers) sometimes put an IP address, with or
-without brackets, in the \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command, leading to entries in
-the log containing text like these examples:
-H=( []
-H=([]) []
-This can be confusing. Only the final address in square brackets can be relied
-For locally generated messages (that is, messages not received over TCP/IP),
-the H field is omitted, and the U field contains the login name of the caller
-of Exim.
-.index authentication||logging
-.index \\AUTH\\||logging
-For all messages, the P field specifies the protocol used to receive the
-message. This is set to
-for messages received from hosts that have authenticated themselves using the
-SMTP \\AUTH\\ command. In this case there is an additional item A= followed by
-the name of the authenticator that was used. If an authenticated identification
-was set up by the authenticator's \server@_set@_id\ option, this is logged too,
-separated by a colon from the authenticator name.
-The id field records the existing message id, if present.
-.index size||of message
-The size of the received message is given by the S field. When the message is
-delivered, headers may get removed or added, so that the size of delivered
-copies of the message may not correspond with this value (and indeed may be
-different to each other).
-The \log@_selector\ option can be used to request the logging of additional
-data when a message is received. See section ~~SECTlogselector below.
-.section Logging deliveries
-.index log||delivery line
-The format of the single-line entry in the main log that is written for every
-delivery is shown in one of the examples below, for local and remote deliveries,
-respectively. Each example has been split into two lines in order to fit
-it on the page:
-.indent 0
-2002-10-31 08:59:13 16ZCW1-0005MB-00 => marv <marv@@hitch.fict.example>
- R=localuser T=local@_delivery
-2002-10-31 09:00:10 16ZCW1-0005MB-00 => monk@@holistic.fict.example
- R=dnslookup T=remote@_smtp H=holistic.fict.example []
-For ordinary local deliveries, the original address is given in angle brackets
-after the final delivery address, which might be a pipe or a file. If
-intermediate address(es) exist between the original and the final address, the
-last of these is given in parentheses after the final address. The R and T
-fields record the router and transport that were used to process the address.
-If a shadow transport was run after a successful local delivery, the log line
-for the successful delivery has an item added on the end, of the form
-ST=<<shadow transport name>>
-If the shadow transport did not succeed, the error message is put in
-parentheses afterwards.
-When more than one address is included in a single delivery (for example, two
-SMTP \\RCPT\\ commands in one transaction) the second and subsequent
-addresses are flagged with `$tt{@-@>}' instead of `$tt{@=@>}'. When two or more
-messages are delivered down a single SMTP connection, an asterisk follows the
-IP address in the log lines for the second and subsequent messages.
-The generation of a reply message by a filter file gets logged as a `delivery'
-to the addressee, preceded by `>'.
-The \log@_selector\ option can be used to request the logging of additional
-data when a message is delivered. See section ~~SECTlogselector below.
-.section Discarded deliveries
-.index discarded messages
-.index message||discarded
-.index delivery||discarded, logging
-When a message is discarded as a result of the command `seen finish' being
-obeyed in a filter file which generates no deliveries, a log entry of the form
-2002-12-10 00:50:49 16auJc-0001UB-00 => discarded
- <> R=userforward
-is written, to record why no deliveries are logged. When a message is discarded
-because it is aliased to `:blackhole:' the log line is like this:
-.display asis
-1999-03-02 09:44:33 10HmaX-0005vi-00 => :blackhole:
- <hole@nowhere.example> R=blackhole_router
-.section Deferred deliveries
-When a delivery is deferred, a line of the following form is logged:
-.indent 0
-2002-12-19 16:20:23 16aiQz-0002Q5-00 == marvin@@endrest.example
- R=dnslookup T=smtp defer (146): Connection refused
-In the case of remote deliveries, the error is the one that was given for the
-last IP address that was tried. Details of individual SMTP failures are also
-written to the log, so the above line would be preceded by something like
-.indent 0
-2002-12-19 16:20:23 16aiQz-0002Q5-00 Failed to connect to
- mail1.endrest.example []: Connection refused
-When a deferred address is skipped because its retry time has not been reached,
-a message is written to the log, but this can be suppressed by setting an
-appropriate value in \log@_selector\.
-.section Delivery failures
-.index delivery||failure, logging
-If a delivery fails because an address cannot be routed, a line of the
-following form is logged:
-.display asis
-.indent 0
-1995-12-19 16:20:23 0tRiQz-0002Q5-00 ** jim@trek99.example
- <jim@trek99.example>: unknown mail domain
-If a delivery fails at transport time, the router and transport are shown, and
-the response from the remote host is included, as in this example:
-.display asis
-.indent 0
-2002-07-11 07:14:17 17SXDU-000189-00 ** ace400@pb.example R=dnslookup
- T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mailer after pipelined
- RCPT TO:<ace400@pb.example>: host
- []: 553 5.3.0 <ace400@pb.example>...
- Addressee unknown
-The word `pipelined' indicates that the SMTP \\PIPELINING\\ extension was being
-used. See \hosts@_avoid@_esmtp\ in the \%smtp%\ transport for a way of
-disabling \\PIPELINING\\.
-The log lines for all forms of delivery failure are flagged with \"**"\.
-.section Fake deliveries
-.index delivery||fake, logging
-If a delivery does not actually take place because the \-N-\ option has been
-used to suppress it, a normal delivery line is written to the log, except that
-`=>' is replaced by `$*$>'.
-.section Completion
-A line of the form
-2002-10-31 09:00:11 16ZCW1-0005MB-00 Completed
-is written to the main log when a message is about to be removed from the spool
-at the end of its processing.
-.section Summary of Fields in Log Lines
-.index log||summary of fields
-A summary of the field identifiers that are used in log lines is shown in
-the following table:
-.display flow
-.tabs 8
-A $t $rm{authenticator name (and optional id)}
-C $t $rm{SMTP confirmation on delivery}
-CV $t $rm{certificate verification status}
-DN $t $rm{distinguished name from peer certificate}
-DT $t $rm{on \"=>"\ lines: time taken for a delivery}
-F $t $rm{sender address (on delivery lines)}
-H $t $rm{host name and IP address}
-I $t $rm{local interface used}
-id $t $rm{message id for incoming message}
-P $t $rm{on \"<="\ lines: protocol used}
- $t $rm{on \"=>"\ and \"**"\ lines: return path}
-QT $t $rm{on \"=>"\ lines: time spent on queue so far}
- $t $rm{on `Completed' lines: time spent on queue}
-R $t $rm{on \"<="\ lines: reference for local bounce}
- $t $rm{on \"=>"\ \"**"\ and \"=="\ lines: router name}
-S $t $rm{size of message}
-ST $t $rm{shadow transport name}
-T $t $rm{on \"<="\ lines: message subject (topic)}
- $t $rm{on \"=>"\ \"**"\ and \"=="\ lines: transport name}
-U $t $rm{local user or RFC 1413 identity}
-X $t $rm{TLS cipher suite}
-.section Other log entries
-Various other types of log entry are written from time to time. Most should be
-self-explanatory. Among the more common are:
-.numberpars $.
-.index retry||time not reached
-\*retry time not reached*\##An address previously suffered a temporary error
-during routing or local delivery, and the time to retry has not yet arrived.
-This message is not written to an individual message log file unless it happens
-during the first delivery attempt.
-\*retry time not reached for any host*\##An address previously suffered
-temporary errors during remote delivery, and the retry time has not yet arrived
-for any of the hosts to which it is routed.
-.index spool directory||file locked
-\*spool file locked*\##An attempt to deliver a message cannot proceed because
-some other Exim process is already working on the message. This can be quite
-common if queue running processes are started at frequent intervals. The
-\*exiwhat*\ utility script can be used to find out what Exim processes are
-.index error||ignored
-\*error ignored*\##There are several circumstances that give rise to this
-.numberpars " "
-Exim failed to deliver a bounce message whose age was greater than
-\ignore__bounce__errors__after\. The bounce was discarded.
-A filter file set up a delivery using the `noerror' option, and the delivery
-failed. The delivery was discarded.
-A delivery set up by a router configured with
-.display asis
-errors_to = <>
-failed. The delivery was discarded.
-.section Reducing or increasing what is logged
-.rset SECTlogselector "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index log||selectors
-By setting the \log@_selector\ global option, you can disable some of Exim's
-default logging, or you can request additional logging. The value of
-\log@_selector\ is made up of names preceded by plus or minus characters. For
-.display asis
-log_selector = +arguments -retry_defer
-The list of optional log items is in the following table, with the default
-selection marked by asterisks:
-.display flow
-.tabs 32
- address@_rewrite $t $rm{address rewriting}
- all@_parents $t $rm{all parents in => lines}
- arguments $t $rm{command line arguments}
-*connection@_reject $t $rm{connection rejections}
-*delay@_delivery $t $rm{immediate delivery delayed}
- deliver@_time $t $rm{time taken to perform delivery}
- delivery@_size $t $rm{add S=nnn to => lines}
-*dnslist@_defer $t $rm{defers of DNS list (aka RBL) lookups}
-*etrn $t $rm{ETRN commands}
-*host@_lookup@_failed $t $rm{as it says}
- ident@_timeout $t $rm{timeout for ident connection}
- incoming@_interface $t $rm{incoming interface on <= lines}
- incoming@_port $t $rm{incoming port on <= lines}
-*lost@_incoming@_connection $t $rm{as it says (includes timeouts)}
- outgoing@_port $t $rm{add remote port to => lines}
-*queue@_run $t $rm{start and end queue runs}
- queue@_time $t $rm{time on queue for one recipient}
- queue@_time@_overall $t $rm{time on queue for whole message}
- received@_recipients $t $rm{recipients on <= lines}
- received@_sender $t $rm{sender on <= lines}
-*rejected@_header $t $rm{header contents on reject log}
-*retry@_defer $t $rm{`retry time not reached'}
- return@_path@_on@_delivery $t $rm{put return path on => and ** lines}
- sender@_on@_delivery $t $rm{add sender to => lines}
-*size@_reject $t $rm{rejection because too big}
-*skip@_delivery $t $rm{delivery skipped in a queue run}
- smtp@_confirmation $t $rm{SMTP confirmation on => lines}
- smtp@_connection $t $rm{SMTP connections}
- smtp@_incomplete@_transaction $t $rm{incomplete SMTP transactions}
- smtp@_protocol@_error $t $rm{SMTP protocol errors}
- smtp@_syntax@_error $t $rm{SMTP syntax errors}
- subject $t $rm{contents of ::Subject:: on <= lines}
- tls@_certificate@_verified $t $rm{certificate verification status}
-*tls@_cipher $t $rm{TLS cipher suite on <= and => lines}
- tls@_peerdn $t $rm{TLS peer DN on <= and => lines}
- all $t $rm{all of the above}
-More details on each of these items follows:
-.numberpars $.
-.index log||rewriting
-.index rewriting||logging
-\address@_rewrite\: This applies both to global rewrites and per-transport
-but not to rewrites in filters run as an unprivileged user (because such users
-cannot access the log).
-.index log||full parentage
-\all@_parents\: Normally only the original and final addresses are logged on
-delivery lines; with this selector, intermediate parents are given in
-parentheses between them.
-.index log||Exim arguments
-.index Exim arguments, logging
-\arguments\: This causes Exim to write the arguments with which it was called
-to the main log,
-preceded by the current working directory.
-This is a debugging feature, added to make it easier to find out how certain
-MUAs call \(/usr/sbin/sendmail)\. The logging does not happen if Exim has given
-up root privilege because it was called with the \-C-\ or \-D-\ options.
-Arguments that are empty or that contain whitespace are quoted. Non-printing
-characters are shown as escape sequences.
-This facility cannot log unrecognized arguments, because the arguments are
-checked before the configuration file is read. The only way to log such cases
-is to interpose a script such as \(util/\ between the caller and
-.index log||connection rejections
-\connection@_reject\: A log entry is written whenever an incoming SMTP
-connection is rejected, for whatever reason.
-.index log||delayed delivery
-.index delayed delivery, logging
-\delay@_delivery\: A log entry is written whenever a delivery process is not
-started for an incoming message because the load is too high or too many
-messages were received on one connection. Logging does not occur if no delivery
-process is started because \queue@_only\ is set or \-odq-\ was used.
-.index log||delivery duration
-\deliver@_time\: For each delivery, the amount of real time it has taken to
-perform the actual delivery is logged as DT=<<time>>, for example, \"DT=1s"\.
-.index log||message size on delivery
-.index size||of message
-\delivery@_size\: For each delivery, the size of message delivered is added to
-the `=>' line, tagged with S=.
-.index log||dnslist defer
-.index DNS list||logging defer
-.index black list (DNS)
-\dnslist@_defer\: A log entry is written if an attempt to look up a host in a
-DNS black list suffers a temporary error.
-.index log||ETRN commands
-.index \\ETRN\\||logging
-\etrn\: Every legal ETRN command that is received is logged, before the ACL is
-run to determine whether or not it is actually accepted. An invalid ETRN
-command, or one received within a message transaction is not logged by this
-selector (see \smtp@_syntax@_error\ and \smtp@_protocol@_error\).
-.index log||host lookup failure
-\host@_lookup@_failed\: When a lookup of a host's IP addresses fails to find
-any addresses, or when a lookup of an IP address fails to find a host name, a
-log line is written. This logging does not apply to direct DNS lookups when
-routing email addresses, but it does apply to `byname' lookups.
-.index log||ident timeout
-.index RFC 1413||logging timeout
-\ident@_timeout\: A log line is written whenever an attempt to connect to a
-client's ident port times out.
-.index log||incoming interface
-.index interface||logging
-\incoming@_interface\: The interface on which a message was received is added
-to the `<=' line as an IP address in square brackets, tagged by I= and followed
-by a colon and the port number.
-The local interface and port are also added to other SMTP log
-lines, for example `SMTP connection from', and to rejection lines.
-.index log||incoming remote port
-.index port||logging remote
-.index TCP/IP||logging incoming remote port
-\incoming@_port\: The remote port number from which a message was received is
-added to log entries and ::Received:: header lines, following the IP address in
-square brackets, and separated from it by a colon. This is implemented by
-changing the value that is put in the \$sender@_fullhost$\ and
-\$sender@_rcvhost$\ variables. Recording the remote port number has become more
-important with the widening use of NAT (see RFC 2505).
-.index log||dropped connection
-\lost@_incoming@_connection\: A log line is written when an incoming SMTP
-connection is unexpectedly dropped.
-.index log||outgoing remote port
-.index port||logging outgoint remote
-.index TCP/IP||logging ougtoing remote port
-\outgoing@_port\: The remote port number is added to delivery log lines (those
-containing => tags) following the IP address. This option is not included in
-the default setting, because for most ordinary configurations, the remote port
-number is always 25 (the SMTP port).
-.index log||queue run
-.index queue runner||logging
-\queue@_run\: The start and end of every queue run are logged.
-.index log||queue time
-\queue@_time\: The amount of time the message has been in the queue on the
-local host is logged as QT=<<time>>
-on delivery (\"=>"\) lines, for example, \"QT=3m45s"\. The clock starts when
-Exim starts to receive the message, so it includes reception time as well as
-the delivery time for the current address. This means that it may be longer
-than the difference between the arrival and delivery log line times, because
-the arrival log line is not written until the message has been successfully
-\queue@_time@_overall\: The amount of time the message has been in the queue on
-the local host is logged as QT=<<time>> on `Completed' lines, for
-example, \"QT=3m45s"\. The clock starts when Exim starts to receive the
-message, so it includes reception time as well as the total delivery time.
-.index log||recipients
-\received@_recipients\: The recipients of a message are listed in the main log
-as soon as the message is received. The list appears at the end of the log line
-that is written when a message is received, preceded by the word `for'. The
-addresses are listed after they have been qualified, but before any rewriting
-has taken place.
-Recipients that were discarded by an ACL for \\MAIL\\ or \\RCPT\\ do not appear
-in the list.
-.index log||sender reception
-\received@_sender\: The unrewritten original sender of a message is added to
-the end of the log line that records the message's arrival, after the word
-`from' (before the recipients if \received@_recipients\ is also set).
-.index log||header lines for rejection
-\rejected@_header\: If a message's header has been received at the time a
-rejection is written to the reject log, the complete header is added to the
-log. Header logging can be turned off individually for messages that are
-rejected by the \*local@_scan()*\ function (see section ~~SECTapiforloc).
-.index log||retry defer
-\retry@_defer\: A log line is written if a delivery is deferred because a retry
-time has not yet been reached. However, this `retry time not reached' message
-is always omitted from individual message logs after the first delivery
-.index log||return path
-\return@_path@_on@_delivery\: The return path that is being transmitted with
-the message is included in delivery and bounce lines, using the tag P=.
-This is omitted if no delivery actually happens, for example, if routing fails,
-or if delivery is to \(/dev/null)\ or to \":blackhole:"\.
-.index log||sender on delivery
-\sender@_on@_delivery\: The message's sender address is added to every delivery
-and bounce line, tagged by F= (for `from').
-This is the original sender that was received with the message; it is not
-necessarily the same as the outgoing return path.
-.index log||size rejection
-\size@_reject\: A log line is written whenever a message is rejected because it
-is too big.
-.index log||frozen messages, skipped
-.index frozen messages||logging skipping
-\skip@_delivery\: A log line is written whenever a message is skipped during a
-queue run because it is frozen or because another process is already delivering
-.index `spool file is locked'
-The message that is written is `spool file is locked'.
-.index log||smtp confirmation
-.index SMTP||logging confirmation
-\smtp@_confirmation\: The response to the final `.' in the SMTP dialogue for
-outgoing messages is added to delivery log lines in the form `C="<<text>>"'. A
-number of MTAs (including Exim) return an identifying string in this response.
-.index log||SMTP connections
-.index SMTP||logging connections
-\smtp@_connection\: A log line is written whenever an SMTP connection is
-established or closed,
-unless the connection is from a host that matches \hosts@_connection@_nolog\.
-(In contrast, \lost__incoming__connection\ applies only when the closure is
-unexpected.) This applies to connections from local processes that use \-bs-\
-as well as to TCP/IP connections. If a connection is dropped in the middle of a
-message, a log line is always written, whether or not this selector is set, but
-otherwise nothing is written at the start and end of connections unless this
-selector is enabled.
-For TCP/IP connections to an Exim daemon, the current number of connections is
-included in the log message for each new connection, but note that the count is
-reset if the daemon is restarted.
-Also, because connections are closed (and the closure is logged) in
-subprocesses, the count may not include connections that have been closed but
-whose termination the daemon has not yet noticed. Thus, while it is possible to
-match up the opening and closing of connections in the log, the value of the
-logged counts may not be entirely accurate.
-.index log||SMTP transaction, incomplete
-.index SMTP||logging incomplete transactions
-\smtp@_incomplete@_transaction\: When a mail transaction is aborted by
-\\RSET\\, \\QUIT\\, loss of connection, or otherwise, the incident is logged,
-and the message sender plus any accepted recipients are included in the log
-line. This can provide evidence of dictionary attacks.
-.index log||SMTP protocol error
-.index SMTP||logging protocol error
-\smtp@_protocol@_error\: A log line is written for every SMTP protocol error
-Exim does not have perfect detection of all protocol errors because of
-transmission delays and the use of pipelining. If \\PIPELINING\\ has been
-advertised to a client, an Exim server assumes that the client will use it, and
-therefore it does not count `expected' errors (for example, \\RCPT\\ received
-after rejecting \\MAIL\\) as protocol errors.
-.index SMTP||logging syntax errors
-.index SMTP||syntax errors, logging
-.index SMTP||unknown command, logging
-.index log||unknown SMTP command
-.index log||SMTP syntax error
-\smtp@_syntax@_error\: A log line is written for every SMTP syntax error
-encountered. An unrecognized command is treated as a syntax error. For an
-external connection, the host identity is given; for an internal connection
-using \-bs-\ the sender identification (normally the calling user) is given.
-.index log||subject
-.index subject, logging
-\subject\: The subject of the message is added to the arrival log line,
-preceded by `T=' (T for `topic', since S is already used for `size').
-Any MIME `words' in the subject are decoded. The \print@_topbitchars\ option
-specifies whether characters with values greater than 127 should be logged
-unchanged, or whether they should be rendered as escape sequences.
-.index log||certificate verification
-\tls@_certificate@_verified\: An extra item is added to <= and => log lines
-when TLS is in use. The item is \"CV=yes"\ if the peer's certificate was
-verified, and \"CV=no"\ if not.
-.index log||TLS cipher
-.index TLS||logging cipher
-\tls@_cipher\: When a message is sent or received over an encrypted connection,
-the cipher suite used is added to the log line, preceded by X=.
-.index log||TLS peer DN
-.index TLS||logging peer DN
-\tls@_peerdn\: When a message is sent or received over an encrypted connection,
-and a certificate is supplied by the remote host, the peer DN is added to the
-log line, preceded by DN=.
-.section Message log
-.index message||log file for
-.index log||message log, description of
-In addition to the general log files, Exim writes a log file for each message
-that it handles. The names of these per-message logs are the message ids, and
-.index \(msglog)\ directory
-they are kept in the \(msglog)\ sub-directory of the spool directory. Each
-message log contains copies of the log lines that apply to the message. This
-makes it easier to inspect the status of an individual message without having
-to search the main log. A message log is deleted when processing of the message
-is complete,
-.index \preserve@_message@_logs\
-unless \preserve__message__logs\ is set, but this should be used only with
-great care because they can fill up your disk very quickly.
-On a heavily loaded system, it may be desirable to disable the use of
-per-message logs, in order to reduce disk I/O. This can be done by setting the
-\message@_logs\ option false.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Exim utilities
-.set runningfoot "utilities"
-.rset CHAPutils ~~chapter
-.index utilities
-A number of utility scripts and programs are supplied with Exim and are
-described in this chapter. There is also the Exim Monitor, which is covered in
-the next chapter. The utilities described here are:
-. This duplication seems to be the only way to arrange that the cross-
-. references are omitted in the Texinfo version. They look horribly ugly.
-.if ~~texinfo
-.display rm
-.tabs 22
-\*exiwhat*\ $t $rm{list what Exim processes are doing}
-\*exiqgrep*\ $t $rm{grep the queue}
-\*exiqsumm*\ $t $rm{summarize the queue}
-\*exigrep*\ $t $rm{search the main log}
-\*exipick*\ $t $rm{select messages on various criteria}
-\*exicyclog*\ $t $rm{cycle (rotate) log files}
-\*eximstats*\ $t $rm{extract statistics from the log}
-\*exim@_checkaccess*\ $t $rm{check address acceptance from given IP}
-\*exim@_dbmbuild*\ $t $rm{build a DBM file}
-\*exinext*\ $t $rm{extract retry information}
-\*exim@_dumpdb*\ $t $rm{dump a hints database}
-\*exim@_tidydb*\ $t $rm{clean up a hints database}
-\*exim@_fixdb*\ $t $rm{patch a hints database}
-\*exim@_lock*\ $t $rm{lock a mailbox file}
-.display rm
-.tabs 22
-~~SECTfinoutwha \*exiwhat*\ $t $rm{list what Exim processes are doing}
-~~SECTgreptheque \*exiqgrep*\ $t $rm{grep the queue}
-~~SECTsumtheque \*exiqsumm*\ $t $rm{summarize the queue}
-~~SECTextspeinf \*exigrep*\ $t $rm{search the main log}
-~~SECTexipick \*exipick*\ $t $rm{select messages on various criteria}
-~~SECTcyclogfil \*exicyclog*\ $t $rm{cycle (rotate) log files}
-~~SECTmailstat \*eximstats*\ $t $rm{extract statistics from the log}
-~~SECTcheckaccess \*exim@_checkaccess*\ $t $rm{check address acceptance from given IP}
-~~SECTdbmbuild \*exim@_dbmbuild*\ $t $rm{build a DBM file}
-~~SECTfinindret \*exinext*\ $t $rm{extract retry information}
-~~SECThindatmai \*exim@_dumpdb*\ $t $rm{dump a hints database}
-~~SECThindatmai \*exim@_tidydb*\ $t $rm{clean up a hints database}
-~~SECThindatmai \*exim@_fixdb*\ $t $rm{patch a hints database}
-~~SECTmailboxmaint \*exim@_lock*\ $t $rm{lock a mailbox file}
-.section Finding out what Exim processes are doing (exiwhat)
-.rset SECTfinoutwha "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exiwhat*\
-.index process, querying
-.index \\SIGUSR1\\
-On operating systems that can restart a system call after receiving a signal
-(most modern OS), an Exim process responds to the \\SIGUSR1\\ signal by writing
-a line describing what it is doing to the file \(\ in the
-Exim spool directory. The \*exiwhat*\ script sends the signal to all Exim
-processes it can find, having first emptied the file. It then waits for one
-second to allow the Exim processes to react before displaying the results. In
-order to run \*exiwhat*\ successfully you have to have sufficient privilege to
-send the signal to the Exim processes, so it is normally run as root.
-\**Warning**\: This is not an efficient process. It is intended for occasional
-use by system administrators. It is not sensible, for example, to set up a
-script that sends \\SIGUSR1\\ signals to Exim processes at short intervals.
-Unfortunately, the \*ps*\ command that \*exiwhat*\ uses to find Exim processes
-varies in different operating systems. Not only are different options used,
-but the format of the output is different. For this reason, there are some
-system configuration options that configure exactly how \*exiwhat*\ works. If it
-doesn't seem to be working for you, check the following compile-time options:
-EXIWHAT@_PS@_CMD $rm{the command for running \*ps*\}
-EXIWHAT@_PS@_ARG $rm{the argument for \*ps*\}
-EXIWHAT@_EGREP@_ARG $rm{the argument for \*egrep*\ to select from \*ps*\ output}
-EXIWHAT@_KILL@_ARG $rm{the argument for the \*kill*\ command}
-An example of typical output from \*exiwhat*\ is
-.indent 0
- 164 daemon: -q1h, listening on port 25
-10483 running queue: waiting for 0tAycK-0002ij-00 (10492)
-10492 delivering 0tAycK-0002ij-00 to mail.ref.example []
- (editor@@ref.example)
-10592 handling incoming call from []
-10628 accepting a local non-SMTP message
-The first number in the output line is the process number. The third line has
-been split here, in order to fit it on the page.
-.section Selective queue listing (exiqgrep)
-.rset SECTgreptheque "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exiqgrep*\
-.index queue||grepping
-This utility is a Perl script contributed by Matt Hubbard. It runs
-.display asis
-exim -bpu
-to obtain a queue listing with undelivered recipients only, and then greps the
-output to select messages that match given criteria. The following selection
-options are available:
-.option f <<regex>>
-Match the sender address. The field that is tested is enclosed in angle
-brackets, so you can test for bounce messages with
-.display asis
-exiqgrep -f '^<>$'
-.option r <<regex>>
-Match a recipient address. The field that is tested is not enclosed in angle
-.option s <<regex>>
-Match against the size field.
-.option y <<seconds>>
-Match messages that are younger than the given time.
-.option o <<seconds>>
-Match messages that are older than the given time.
-.option z
-Match only frozen messages.
-.option x
-Match only non-frozen messages.
-The following options control the format of the output:
-.option c
-Display only the count of matching messages.
-.option l
-Long format -- display the full message information as output by Exim. This is
-the default.
-.option i
-Display message ids only.
-.option b
-Brief format -- one line per message.
-.option R
-Display messages in reverse order.
-There is one more option, \-h-\, which outputs a list of options.
-.section Summarising the queue (exiqsumm)
-.rset SECTsumtheque "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exiqsumm*\
-.index queue||summary
-The \*exiqsumm*\ utility is a Perl script which reads the output of \*exim
--bp*\ and produces a summary of the messages on the queue. Thus, you use it by
-running a command such as
-.display asis
-exim -bp | exiqsumm
-The output consists of one line for each domain that has messages waiting for
-it, as in the following example:
-.display asis
- 3 2322 74m 66m
-Each line lists the number of
-pending deliveries for a domain, their total volume, and the length of time
-that the oldest and the newest messages have been waiting. Note that the number
-of pending deliveries is greater than the number of messages when messages
-have more than one recipient.
-A summary line is output at the end. By default the output is sorted on the
-domain name, but \*exiqsumm*\ has the options \-a-\ and \-c-\, which cause the
-output to be sorted by oldest message and by count of messages, respectively.
-The output of \*exim -bp*\ contains the original addresses in the message, so
-this also applies to the output from \*exiqsumm*\. No domains from addresses
-generated by aliasing or forwarding are included (unless the \one@_time\ option
-of the \%redirect%\ router has been used to convert them into `top level'
-.section Extracting specific information from the log (exigrep)
-.rset SECTextspeinf "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exigrep*\
-.index log||extracts, grepping for
-The \*exigrep*\ utility is a Perl script that searches one or more main log
-files for entries that match a given pattern. When it finds a match, it
-extracts all the log entries for the relevant message, not just those that
-match the pattern. Thus, \*exigrep*\ can extract complete log entries for a
-given message, or all mail for a given user, or for a given host, for example.
-If a matching log line is not associated with a specific message, it is always
-included in \*exigrep*\'s output.
-The usage is:
-.display asis
-exigrep [-l] [-t<n>] <pattern> [<log file>] ...
-The \-t-\ argument specifies a number of seconds. It adds an additional
-condition for message selection. Messages that are complete are shown only if
-they spent more than <<n>> seconds on the queue.
-The \-l-\ flag means `literal', that is, treat all characters in the
-pattern as standing for themselves. Otherwise the pattern must be a Perl
-regular expression. The pattern match is case-insensitive. If no file names are
-given on the command line, the standard input is read.
-If the location of a \*zcat*\ command is known from the definition of
-\\ZCAT@_COMMAND\\ in \(Local/Makefile)\, \*exigrep*\ automatically passes any
-file whose name ends in \\COMPRESS@_SUFFIX\\ through \*zcat*\ as it searches
-.section Selecting messages by various criteria (exipick)
-.rset SECTexipick "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exipick*\
-John Jetmore's \*exipick*\ utility is included in the Exim distribution. It
-lists messages from the queue according to a variety of criteria. For details,
-.display asis
-exipick --help
-.section Cycling log files (exicyclog)
-.rset SECTcyclogfil "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index log||cycling local files
-.index cycling logs
-.index \*exicyclog*\
-The \*exicyclog*\ script can be used to cycle (rotate) \*mainlog*\ and
-\*rejectlog*\ files. This is not necessary if only syslog is being used, or if
-you are using log files with datestamps in their names (see section
-~~SECTdatlogfil). Some operating systems have their own standard mechanisms for
-log cycling, and these can be used instead of \*exicyclog*\ if preferred.
-Each time \*exicyclog*\ is run the file names get `shuffled down' by one. If
-the main log file name is \(mainlog)\ (the default) then when \*exicyclog*\ is
-run \(mainlog)\ becomes \(mainlog.01)\, the previous \(mainlog.01)\ becomes
-\(mainlog.02)\ and so on, up to a limit which is set in the script, and which
-defaults to 10.
-Log files whose numbers exceed the limit are discarded.
-Reject logs are handled similarly.
-If the limit is greater than 99, the script uses 3-digit numbers such as
-\(mainlog.001)\, \(mainlog.002)\, etc. If you change from a number less than 99
-to one that is greater, or \*vice versa*\, you will have to fix the names of
-any existing log files.
-If no \(mainlog)\ file exists, the script does nothing. Files that `drop off'
-the end are deleted. All files with numbers greater than 01 are compressed,
-using a compression command which is configured by the \\COMPRESS@_COMMAND\\
-setting in \(Local/Makefile)\. It is usual to run \*exicyclog*\ daily from a
-root \crontab\ entry of the form
-1 0 * * * su exim -c /usr/exim/bin/exicyclog
-assuming you have used the name `exim' for the Exim user. You can run
-\*exicyclog*\ as root if you wish, but there is no need.
-.section Mail statistics (eximstats)
-.rset SECTmailstat "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index statistics
-.index \*eximstats*\
-A Perl script called \*eximstats*\ is provided for extracting statistical
-information from log files. The output is either plain text, or HTML.
-Exim log files are also suported by the \*Lire*\ system produced by the
-LogReport Foundation (\?\).
-The \*eximstats*\ script has been hacked about quite a bit over time. The
-latest version is the result of some extensive revision by Steve Campbell. A
-lot of information is given by default, but there are options for suppressing
-various parts of it. Following any options, the arguments to the script are a
-list of files, which should be main log files. For example:
-.display asis
-eximstats -nr /var/spool/exim/log/mainlog.01
-By default, \*eximstats*\ extracts information about the number and volume of
-messages received from or delivered to various hosts. The information is sorted
-both by message count and by volume, and the top fifty hosts in each category
-are listed on the standard output. Similar information, based on email
-addresses or domains instead of hosts can be requested by means of various
-options. For messages delivered and received locally, similar statistics are
-also produced per user.
-The output also includes total counts and statistics about delivery errors, and
-histograms showing the number of messages received and deliveries made in each
-hour of the day. A delivery with more than one address in its envelope (for
-example, an SMTP transaction with more than one \\RCPT\\ command) is counted
-as a single delivery by \*eximstats*\.
-Though normally more deliveries than receipts are reported (as messages may
-have multiple recipients), it is possible for \*eximstats*\ to report more
-messages received than delivered, even though the queue is empty at the start
-and end of the period in question. If an incoming message contains no valid
-recipients, no deliveries are recorded for it. A bounce message is handled as
-an entirely separate message.
-\*eximstats*\ always outputs a grand total summary giving the volume and number
-of messages received and deliveries made, and the number of hosts involved in
-each case. It also outputs the number of messages that were delayed (that is,
-not completely delivered at the first attempt), and the number that had at
-least one address that failed.
-The remainder of the output is in sections that can be independently disabled
-or modified by various options. It consists of a summary of deliveries by
-transport, histograms of messages received and delivered per time interval
-(default per hour), information about the time messages spent on the queue,
-a list of relayed messages, lists of the top fifty sending hosts, local
-senders, destination hosts, and destination local users by count and by volume,
-and a list of delivery errors that occurred.
-The relay information lists messages that were actually relayed, that is, they
-came from a remote host and were directly delivered to some other remote host,
-without being processed (for example, for aliasing or forwarding) locally.
-The options for \*eximstats*\ are as follows:
-.index \*eximstats*\||options
-.option bydomain
-The `league tables' are computed on the basis of the superior domains of the
-sending hosts instead of the sending and receiving hosts. This option may be
-combined with \-byhost-\ and/or \-byemail-\.
-.option byedomain
-This is a synonym for \-byemaildomain-\.
-.option byemail
-The `league tables' are computed on the basis of complete email addresses,
-instead of sending and receiving hosts. This option may be combined with
-\-byhost-\ and/or \-bydomain-\.
-.option byemaildomain
-The `league tables' are computed on the basis of the sender's email domain
-instead of the sending and receiving hosts. This option may be combined with
-\-byhost-\, \-bydomain-\, or \-byemail-\.
-.option byhost
-The `league tables' are computed on the basis of sending and receiving hosts.
-This is the default option. It may be combined with \-bydomain-\ and/or
-.option cache
-Cache results of \*timegm()*\ lookups. This results in a significant speedup
-when processing hundreds of thousands of messages, at a cost of increasing the
-memory utilisation.
-.option chartdir <<dir>>
-When \-charts-\ is specified, create the charts in the directory <<dir>>.
-.option chartrel <<dir>>
-When \-charts-\ is specified, this option specifies the relative directory for
-the \"img src="\ tags from where to include the charts.
-.option charts
-Create graphical charts to be displayed in HTML output. This requires the
-\"GD"\, \"GDTextUtil"\, and \"GDGraph"\ Perl modules, which can be obtained
-from \?\.
-To install these, download and unpack them, then use the normal Perl
-installation procedure:
-.display asis
-perl Makefile.PL
-make test
-make install
-.option d
-This is a debug flag. It causes \*eximstats*\ to output the \*eval()*\'d parser
-to the standard output, which makes it easier to trap errors in the eval
-section. Remember to add one to the line numbers to allow for the title.
-.option help
-Show help information about \*eximstats*\' options.
-.option h <<n>>
-This option controls the histograms of messages received and deliveries per
-time interval. By default the time interval is one hour. If \-h0-\ is given,
-the histograms are suppressed; otherwise the value of <<n>> gives the number of
-divisions per hour. Valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 60, so
-\-h2-\ sets an interval of 30 minutes, and the default is equivalent to \-h1-\.
-.option html
-Output the results in HTML instead of plain text.
-.option merge
-This option causes \*eximstats*\ to merge old reports into a combined report.
-When this option is used, the input files must be outputs from previous calls
-to \*eximstats*\, not raw log files. For example, you could produce a set of
-daily reports and a weekly report by commands such as
-.display asis
-eximstats mainlog.sun > report.sun.txt
-eximstats mainlog.mon > report.mon.txt
-eximstats mainlog.tue > report.tue.txt
-eximstats >
-eximstats mainlog.thu > report.thu.txt
-eximstats mainlog.fri > report.fri.txt
-eximstats mainlog.sat > report.sat.txt
-eximstats -merge -html report.*.txt > weekly_report.html
-You can merge text or html reports and output the results as text or html. You
-can use all the normal \*eximstats*\ output options, but only data included in
-the original reports can be shown. When merging reports, some loss of accuracy
-may occur in the `league tables', towards the ends of the lists. The order of
-items in the `league tables' may vary when the data volumes round to the same
-.option ne
-Suppress the display of information about failed deliveries (errors).
-.option nr
-Suppress information about messages relayed through this host.
-.option nr /pattern/
-Suppress information about relayed messages that match the pattern, which is
-matched against a string of the following form (split over two lines here in
-order to fit it on the page):
-.display asis
-H=<host> [<ip address>] A=<sender address> =>
- H=<host> A=<recipient address>
-for example
-.display asis [] A=from@some.where.example =>
- A=to@else.where.example
-The sending host name appears in parentheses if it has not been verified as
-matching the IP address. The mail addresses are taken from the envelope, not
-the headers. This option allows you to screen out hosts whom you are happy to
-have using your host as a relay.
-.option nt
-Suppress the statistics about delivery by transport.
-.option nt/<<pattern>>/
-Suppress the statistics about delivery by any transport whose name matches the
-pattern. If you are using one transport to send all messages to a scanning
-mechanism before doing the real delivery, this feature can be used to omit that
-transport from your normal statistics (on the grounds that it is of no
-.option "pattern" "#<<description>>#/<<pattern>>/"
-Count lines matching specified patterns and show them in
-the results. For example:
-.display asis
--pattern 'Refused connections' '/refused connection/'
-This option can be specified multiple times.
-.option q0
-Suppress information about times messages spend on the queue.
-.option q <<n1>>...
-This option sets an alternative list of time intervals for the queueing
-information. The values are separated by commas and are in seconds, but can
-involve arithmetic multipliers, so for example you can set 3$*$60 to specify 3
-minutes. A setting such as
-.display asis
-causes \*eximstats*\ to give counts of messages that stayed on the queue for less
-than one minute, less than five minutes, less than ten minutes, and over ten
-.option t <<n>>
-Sets the `top' count to <<n>>. This controls the listings of the `top <<n>>'
-hosts and users by count and volume. The default is 50, and setting 0
-suppresses the output altogether.
-.option tnl
-Omit local information from the `top' listings.
-.option t@_remote@_users
-Include remote users in the `top' listings.
-.section Checking access policy (exim@_checkaccess)
-.rset SECTcheckaccess "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index \*exim@_checkaccess*\
-.index policy control||checking access
-.index checking access
-The \-bh-\ command line argument allows you to run a fake SMTP session with
-debugging output, in order to check what Exim is doing when it is applying
-policy controls to incoming SMTP mail. However, not everybody is sufficiently
-familiar with the SMTP protocol to be able to make full use of \-bh-\, and
-sometimes you just want to answer the question \*Does this address have
-access?*\ without bothering with any further details.
-The \*exim@_checkaccess*\ utility is a `packaged' version of \-bh-\. It takes
-two arguments, an IP address and an email address:
-.display asis
-exim_checkaccess A.User@a.domain.example
-The utility runs a call to Exim with the \-bh-\ option, to test whether the
-given email address would be accepted in a \\RCPT\\ command in a TCP/IP
-connection from the host with the given IP address. The output of the utility
-is either the word `accepted', or the SMTP error response, for example:
-.display asis
- 550 Relay not permitted
-When running this test, the utility uses \"<>"\ as the envelope sender address
-for the \\MAIL\\ command, but you can change this by providing additional
-options. These are passed directly to the Exim command. For example, to specify
-that the test is to be run with the sender address \*himself@@there.example*\
-you can use:
-.display asis
-exim_checkaccess A.User@a.domain.example \
- -f himself@there.example
-Note that these additional Exim command line items must be given after the two
-mandatory arguments.
-Because the \exim@_checkaccess\ uses \-bh-\, it does not perform callouts while
-running its checks. You can run checks that include callouts by using \-bhc-\,
-but this is not yet available in a `packaged' form.
-.section Making DBM files (exim@_dbmbuild)
-.rset SECTdbmbuild "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index DBM||building dbm files
-.index building DBM files
-.index \*exim@_dbmbuild*\
-.index lower casing
-.index binary zero||in lookup key
-The \*exim@_dbmbuild*\ program reads an input file containing keys and data in
-the format used by the \%lsearch%\ lookup (see section ~~SECTsinglekeylookups).
-It writes a DBM file using the lower-cased alias names as keys and the
-remainder of the information as data. The lower-casing can be prevented by
-calling the program with the \-nolc-\ option.
-A terminating zero is included as part of the key string. This is expected by
-the \%dbm%\ lookup type. However, if the option \-nozero-\ is given,
-\*exim@_dbmbuild*\ creates files without terminating zeroes in either the key
-strings or the data strings. The \%dbmnz%\ lookup type can be used with such
-The program requires two arguments: the name of the input file (which can be a
-single hyphen to indicate the standard input), and the name of the output file.
-It creates the output under a temporary name, and then renames it if all went
-.index \\USE@_DB\\
-If the native DB interface is in use (\\USE@_DB\\ is set in a compile-time
-configuration file -- this is common in free versions of Unix) the two file
-names must be different, because in this mode the Berkeley DB functions create
-a single output file using exactly the name given. For example,
-.display asis
-exim_dbmbuild /etc/aliases /etc/aliases.db
-reads the system alias file and creates a DBM version of it in
-In systems that use the \*ndbm*\ routines (mostly proprietary versions of Unix),
-two files are used, with the suffixes \(.dir)\ and \(.pag)\. In this
-environment, the suffixes are added to the second argument of
-\*exim@_dbmbuild*\, so it can be the same as the first. This is also the case
-when the Berkeley functions are used in compatibility mode (though this is not
-recommended), because in that case it adds a \(.db)\ suffix to the file name.
-If a duplicate key is encountered, the program outputs a warning, and when it
-finishes, its return code is 1 rather than zero, unless the \-noduperr-\ option
-is used. By default, only the first of a set of duplicates is used -- this
-makes it compatible with \%lsearch%\ lookups. There is an option \-lastdup-\
-which causes it to use the data for the last duplicate instead. There is also
-an option \-nowarn-\, which stops it listing duplicate keys to \stderr\. For
-other errors, where it doesn't actually make a new file, the return code is 2.
-.section Finding individual retry times (exinext)
-.rset SECTfinindret "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index retry||times
-.index \*exinext*\
-A utility called \*exinext*\ (mostly a Perl script) provides the ability to fish
-specific information out of the retry database. Given a mail domain (or a
-complete address), it looks up the hosts for that domain, and outputs any retry
-information for the hosts or for the domain. At present, the retry information
-is obtained by running \*exim@_dumpdb*\ (see below) and post-processing the
-output. For example:
-.display asis
-$ exinext piglet@milne.fict.example
-kanga.milne.fict.example: error 146: Connection refused
- first failed: 21-Feb-1996 14:57:34
- last tried: 21-Feb-1996 14:57:34
- next try at: 21-Feb-1996 15:02:34
-roo.milne.fict.example: error 146: Connection refused
- first failed: 20-Jan-1996 13:12:08
- last tried: 21-Feb-1996 11:42:03
- next try at: 21-Feb-1996 19:42:03
- past final cutoff time
-You can also give \*exinext*\ a local part, without a domain, and it
-will give any retry information for that local part in your default domain.
-A message id can be used to obtain retry information pertaining to a specific
-message. This exists only when an attempt to deliver a message to a remote host
-suffers a message-specific error (see section ~~SECToutSMTPerr). \*exinext*\ is
-not particularly efficient, but then it isn't expected to be run very often.
-The \*exinext*\ utility calls Exim to find out information such as the location
-of the spool directory. The utility has \-C-\ and \-D-\ options, which are
-passed on to the \*exim*\ commands. The first specifies an alternate Exim
-configuration file, and the second sets macros for use within the configuration
-file. These features are mainly to help in testing, but might also be useful in
-environments where more than one configuration file is in use.
-.section Hints database maintenance (exim@_dumpdb, exim@_fixdb, exim@_tidydb)
-.rset SECThindatmai "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index hints database||maintenance
-.index maintaining Exim's hints database
-Three utility programs are provided for maintaining the DBM files that Exim
-uses to contain its delivery hint information. Each program requires two
-arguments. The first specifies the name of Exim's spool directory, and the
-second is the name of the database it is to operate on. These are as
-.numberpars $.
-\*retry*\: the database of retry information
-\*wait-*\<<transport name>>: databases of information about messages waiting
-for remote hosts
-\*callout*\: the callout cache
-\*misc*\: other hints data
-The \*misc*\ database is used for
-.numberpars alpha
-Serializing \\ETRN\\ runs (when \smtp@_etrn@_serialize\ is set)
-Serializing delivery to a specific host (when \serialize@_hosts\ is set in an
-\%smtp%\ transport)
-.section exim@_dumpdb
-.index \*exim@_dumpdb*\
-The entire contents of a database are written to the standard output by the
-\*exim@_dumpdb*\ program, which has no options or arguments other than the
-spool and database names. For example, to dump the retry database:
-.display asis
-exim_dumpdb /var/spool/exim retry
-Two lines of output are produced for each entry:
- T:mail.ref.example: 146 77 Connection refused
-31-Oct-1995 12:00:12 02-Nov-1995 12:21:39 02-Nov-1995 20:21:39 *
-The first item on the first line is the key of the record. It starts with one
-of the letters R, or T, depending on whether it refers to a routing or
-transport retry. For a local delivery, the next part is the local address; for
-a remote delivery it is the name of the remote host, followed by its failing IP
-address (unless \no@_retry@_include@_ip@_address\ is set on the \%smtp%\
-transport). If the remote port is not the standard one (port 25), it is added
-to the IP address. Then there follows an error code, an additional error code,
-and a textual description of the error.
-The three times on the second line are the time of first failure, the time of
-the last delivery attempt, and the computed time for the next attempt. The line
-ends with an asterisk if the cutoff time for the last retry rule has been
-Each output line from \*exim@_dumpdb*\ for the \*wait-*\$it{xxx} databases
-consists of a host name followed by a list of ids for messages that are or were
-waiting to be delivered to that host. If there are a very large number for any
-one host, continuation records, with a sequence number added to the host name,
-may be seen. The data in these records is often out of date, because a message
-may be routed to several alternative hosts, and Exim makes no effort to keep
-.section exim@_tidydb
-.index \*exim@_tidydb*\
-The \*exim@_tidydb*\ utility program is used to tidy up the contents of the
-hints databases. If run with no options, it removes all records from a database
-that are more than 30 days old. The cutoff date can be altered by means of the
-\-t-\ option, which must be followed by a time. For example, to remove all
-records older than a week from the retry database:
-.display asis
-exim_tidydb -t 7d /var/spool/exim retry
-Both the \*wait-*\$it{xxx} and \*retry*\ databases contain items that involve
-message ids. In the former these appear as data in records keyed by host --
-they were messages that were waiting for that host -- and in the latter they
-are the keys for retry information for messages that have suffered certain
-types of error. When \*exim@_tidydb*\ is run, a check is made to ensure that
-message ids in database records are those of messages that are still on the
-queue. Message ids for messages that no longer exist are removed from
-\*wait-*\$it{xxx} records, and if this leaves any records empty, they are
-deleted. For the \*retry*\ database, records whose keys are non-existent
-message ids are removed. The \*exim@_tidydb*\ utility outputs comments on the
-standard output whenever it removes information from the database.
-Certain records are automatically removed by Exim when they are no longer
-needed, but others are not. For example, if all the MX hosts for a domain are
-down, a retry record is created for each one. If the primary MX host comes back
-first, its record is removed when Exim successfully delivers to it, but the
-records for the others remain because Exim has not tried to use those hosts.
-It is important, therefore, to run \*exim@_tidydb*\ periodically on all the
-hints databases. You should do this at a quiet time of day, because it requires
-a database to be locked (and therefore inaccessible to Exim) while it does its
-work. Removing records from a DBM file does not normally make the file smaller,
-but all the common DBM libraries are able to re-use the space that is released.
-After an initial phase of increasing in size, the databases normally reach a
-point at which they no longer get any bigger, as long as they are regularly
-\**Warning**\: If you never run \*exim@_tidydb*\, the space used by the hints
-databases is likely to keep on increasing.
-.section exim@_fixdb
-.index \*exim@_fixdb*\
-The \*exim@_fixdb*\ program is a utility for interactively modifying databases.
-Its main use is for testing Exim, but it might also be occasionally useful for
-getting round problems in a live system. It has no options, and its interface
-is somewhat crude. On entry, it prompts for input with a right angle-bracket. A
-key of a database record can then be entered, and the data for that record is
-If `d' is typed at the next prompt, the entire record is deleted. For all
-except the \*retry*\ database, that is the only operation that can be carried
-out. For the \*retry*\ database, each field is output preceded by a number, and
-data for individual fields can be changed by typing the field number followed
-by new data, for example:
-.display asis
-> 4 951102:1000
-resets the time of the next delivery attempt. Time values are given as a
-sequence of digit pairs for year, month, day, hour, and minute. Colons can be
-used as optional separators.
-.section Mailbox maintenance (exim@_lock)
-.rset SECTmailboxmaint "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index mailbox||maintenance
-.index \*exim@_lock*\
-.index locking mailboxes
-The \*exim@_lock*\ utility locks a mailbox file using the same algorithm as
-Exim. For a discussion of locking issues, see section ~~SECTopappend.
-\*Exim@_lock*\ can be used to prevent any modification of a mailbox by Exim or
-a user agent while investigating a problem. The utility requires the name of
-the file as its first argument. If the locking is successful, the second
-argument is run as a command (using C's \*system()*\ function); if there is no
-second argument, the value of the SHELL environment variable is used; if this
-is unset or empty, \(/bin/sh)\ is run. When the command finishes, the mailbox
-is unlocked and the utility ends. The following options are available:
-.option fcntl
-Use \*fcntl()*\ locking on the open mailbox.
-.option flock
-Use \*flock()*\ locking on the open mailbox, provided the operating system
-supports it.
-.option interval
-This must be followed by a number, which is a number of seconds; it sets the
-interval to sleep between retries (default 3).
-.option lockfile
-Create a lock file before opening the mailbox.
-.option mbx
-Lock the mailbox using MBX rules.
-.option q
-Suppress verification output.
-.option retries
-This must be followed by a number; it sets the number of times to try to get
-the lock (default 10).
-.option restore@_time
-This option causes \exim@_lock\ to restore the modified and read times to the
-locked file before exiting. This allows you to access a locked mailbox (for
-example, to take a backup copy) without disturbing the times that the user
-subsequently sees.
-.option timeout
-This must be followed by a number, which is a number of seconds; it sets a
-timeout to be used with a blocking \*fcntl()*\ lock. If it is not set (the
-default), a non-blocking call is used.
-.option v
-Generate verbose output.
-If none of \-fcntl-\,
-\-lockfile-\ or \-mbx-\ are given, the default is to create a lock file and
-also to use \*fcntl()*\ locking on the mailbox, which is the same as Exim's
-default. The use of
-or \-fcntl-\ requires that the file be writeable; the use of
-\-lockfile-\ requires that the directory containing the file be writeable.
-Locking by lock file does not last for ever; Exim assumes that a lock file is
-expired if it is more than 30 minutes old.
-The \-mbx-\ option can be used with either or both of \-fcntl-\ or \-flock-\.
-It assumes \-fcntl-\ by default.
-MBX locking causes a shared lock to be taken out on the open mailbox, and an
-exclusive lock on the file \(/tmp/.$it{n}.$it{m})\ where $it{n} and $it{m} are
-the device number and inode number of the mailbox file. When the locking is
-released, if an exclusive lock can be obtained for the mailbox, the file in
-\(/tmp)\ is deleted.
-The default output contains verification of the locking that takes place. The
-\-v-\ option causes some additional information to be given. The \-q-\ option
-suppresses all output except error messages.
-A command such as
-.display asis
-exim_lock /var/spool/mail/spqr
-runs an interactive shell while the file is locked, whereas
-exim@_lock -q /var/spool/mail/spqr @<@<End
-<<some commands>>
-runs a specific non-interactive sequence of commands while the file is locked,
-suppressing all verification output. A single command can be run by a command
-such as
-.display asis
-exim_lock -q /var/spool/mail/spqr \
- "cp /var/spool/mail/spqr /some/where"
-Note that if a command is supplied, it must be entirely contained within the
-second argument -- hence the quotes.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter The Exim monitor
-.set runningfoot "monitor"
-.rset CHAPeximon ~~chapter
-.index monitor
-.index Exim monitor
-.index X-windows
-.index \*eximon*\
-.index Local/eximon.conf
-.index \(exim@_monitor/EDITME)\
-The Exim monitor is an application which displays in an X window information
-about the state of Exim's queue and what Exim is doing. An admin user can
-perform certain operations on messages from this GUI interface; however all
-such facilities are also available from the command line, and indeed, the
-monitor itself makes use of the command line to perform any actions requested.
-.section Running the monitor
-The monitor is started by running the script called \*eximon*\. This is a shell
-script that sets up a number of environment variables, and then runs the
-binary called \(eximon.bin)\. The default appearance of the monitor window can
-be changed by editing the \(Local/eximon.conf)\ file created by editing
-\(exim@_monitor/EDITME)\. Comments in that file describe what the various
-parameters are for.
-The parameters that get built into the \*eximon*\ script can be overridden for a
-particular invocation by setting up environment variables of the same names,
-preceded by `$tt{EXIMON@_}'. For example, a shell command such as
-.display asis
-EXIMON_LOG_DEPTH=400 eximon
-(in a Bourne-compatible shell) runs \*eximon*\ with an overriding setting of the
-\\LOG@_DEPTH\\ parameter. If \\EXIMON@_LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ is set in the
-environment, it overrides the Exim log file configuration. This makes it
-possible to have \*eximon*\ tailing log data that is written to syslog, provided
-that MAIL.INFO syslog messages are routed to a file on the local host.
-X resources can be used to change the appearance of the window in the normal
-way. For example, a resource setting of the form
-.display asis
-Eximon*background: gray94
-changes the colour of the background to light grey rather than white. The
-stripcharts are drawn with both the data lines and the reference lines in
-black. This means that the reference lines are not visible when on top of the
-data. However, their colour can be changed by setting a resource called
-`highlight' (an odd name, but that's what the Athena stripchart widget uses).
-For example, if your X server is running Unix, you could set up lighter
-reference lines in the stripcharts by obeying
-.display asis
-xrdb -merge <<End
-Eximon*highlight: gray
-.index admin user
-In order to see the contents of messages on the queue, and to operate on them,
-\*eximon*\ must either be run as root or by an admin user.
-The monitor's window is divided into three parts. The first contains one or
-more stripcharts and two action buttons, the second contains a `tail' of the
-main log file, and the third is a display of the queue of messages awaiting
-delivery, with two more action buttons. The following sections describe these
-different parts of the display.
-.section The stripcharts
-.index stripchart
-The first stripchart is always a count of messages on the queue. Its name can
-be configured by setting \\QUEUE@_STRIPCHART@_NAME\\ in the
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\ file. The remaining stripcharts are defined in the
-configuration script by regular expression matches on log file entries, making
-it possible to display, for example, counts of messages delivered to certain
-hosts or using certain transports. The supplied defaults display counts of
-received and delivered messages, and of local and SMTP deliveries. The default
-period between stripchart updates is one minute; this can be adjusted by a
-parameter in the \(Local/eximon.conf)\ file.
-The stripchart displays rescale themselves automatically as the value they are
-displaying changes. There are always 10 horizontal lines in each chart; the
-title string indicates the value of each division when it is greater than one.
-For example, `x2' means that each division represents a value of 2.
-It is also possible to have a stripchart which shows the percentage fullness of
-a particular disk partition, which is useful when local deliveries are confined
-to a single partition.
-.index \statvfs\ function
-This relies on the availability of the \*statvfs()*\ function or equivalent in
-the operating system. Most, but not all versions of Unix that support Exim have
-this. For this particular stripchart, the top of the chart always represents
-100%, and the scale is given as `x10%'. This chart is configured by setting
-\\SIZE@_STRIPCHART\\ and (optionally) \\SIZE@_STRIPCHART@_NAME\\ in the
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\ file.
-.section Main action buttons
-.index size||of monitor window
-.index monitor window size
-.index window size
-Below the stripcharts there is an action button for quitting the monitor. Next
-to this is another button marked `Size'. They are placed here so that shrinking
-the window to its default minimum size leaves just the queue count stripchart
-and these two buttons visible. Pressing the `Size' button causes the window to
-expand to its maximum size, unless it is already at the maximum, in which case
-it is reduced to its minimum.
-When expanding to the maximum, if the window cannot be fully seen where it
-currently is, it is moved back to where it was the last time it was at full
-size. When it is expanding from its minimum size, the old position is
-remembered, and next time it is reduced to the minimum it is moved back there.
-The idea is that you can keep a reduced window just showing one or two
-stripcharts at a convenient place on your screen, easily expand it to show
-the full window when required, and just as easily put it back to what it was.
-The idea is copied from what the \*twm*\ window manager does for its
-\*f.fullzoom*\ action. The minimum size of the window can be changed by setting
-the \\MIN@_HEIGHT\\ and \\MIN@_WIDTH\\ values in \(Local/eximon.conf)\.
-Normally, the monitor starts up with the window at its full size, but it can be
-built so that it starts up with the window at its smallest size, by setting
-\\START@_SMALL\\=yes in \(Local/eximon.conf)\.
-.section The log display
-.index log||tail of, in monitor
-The second section of the window is an area in which a display of the tail of
-the main log is maintained.
-To save space on the screen, the timestamp on each log line is shortened by
-removing the date and, if \log@_timezone\ is set, the timezone.
-The log tail is not available when the only destination for logging data is
-syslog, unless the syslog lines are routed to a local file whose name is passed
-to \*eximon*\ via the \\EXIMON@_LOG@_FILE@_PATH\\ environment variable.
-The log sub-window has a scroll bar at its lefthand side which can be used to
-move back to look at earlier text, and the up and down arrow keys also have a
-scrolling effect. The amount of log that is kept depends on the setting of
-\\LOG@_BUFFER\\ in \(Local/eximon.conf)\, which specifies the amount of memory
-to use. When this is full, the earlier 50% of data is discarded -- this is much
-more efficient than throwing it away line by line. The sub-window also has a
-horizontal scroll bar for accessing the ends of long log lines. This is the
-only means of horizontal scrolling; the right and left arrow keys are not
-available. Text can be cut from this part of the window using the mouse in the
-normal way. The size of this subwindow is controlled by parameters in the
-configuration file \(Local/eximon.conf)\.
-Searches of the text in the log window can be carried out by means of the ^R
-and ^S keystrokes, which default to a reverse and a forward search,
-respectively. The search covers only the text that is displayed in the window.
-It cannot go further back up the log.
-The point from which the search starts is indicated by a caret marker. This is
-normally at the end of the text in the window, but can be positioned explicitly
-by pointing and clicking with the left mouse button, and is moved automatically
-by a successful search. If new text arrives in the window when it is scrolled
-back, the caret remains where it is, but if the window is not scrolled back,
-the caret is moved to the end of the new text.
-Pressing ^R or ^S pops up a window into which the search text can be typed.
-There are buttons for selecting forward or reverse searching, for carrying out
-the search, and for cancelling. If the `Search' button is pressed, the search
-happens and the window remains so that further searches can be done. If the
-`Return' key is pressed, a single search is done and the window is closed. If
-^C is typed the search is cancelled.
-The searching facility is implemented using the facilities of the Athena text
-widget. By default this pops up a window containing both `search' and `replace'
-options. In order to suppress the unwanted `replace' portion for eximon, a
-modified version of the \TextPop\ widget is distributed with Exim. However, the
-linkers in BSDI and HP-UX seem unable to handle an externally provided version
-of \TextPop\ when the remaining parts of the text widget come from the standard
-libraries. The compile-time option \\EXIMON@_TEXTPOP\\ can be unset to cut out
-the modified \TextPop\, making it possible to build Eximon on these systems, at
-the expense of having unwanted items in the search popup window.
-.section The queue display
-.index queue||display in monitor
-The bottom section of the monitor window contains a list of all messages that
-are on the queue, which includes those currently being received or delivered,
-as well as those awaiting delivery. The size of this subwindow is controlled by
-parameters in the configuration file \(Local/eximon.conf)\, and the frequency
-at which it is updated is controlled by another parameter in the same file --
-the default is 5 minutes, since queue scans can be quite expensive. However,
-there is an `Update' action button just above the display which can be used to
-force an update of the queue display at any time.
-When a host is down for some time, a lot of pending mail can build up for it,
-and this can make it hard to deal with other messages on the queue. To help
-with this situation there is a button next to `Update' called `Hide'. If
-pressed, a dialogue box called `Hide addresses ending with' is put up. If you
-type anything in here and press `Return', the text is added to a chain of such
-texts, and if every undelivered address in a message matches at least one
-of the texts, the message is not displayed.
-If there is an address that does not match any of the texts, all the addresses
-are displayed as normal. The matching happens on the ends of addresses so, for
-example, \**\ specifies all addresses in Cambridge, while
-\**\ specifies just one specific address. When any hiding
-has been set up, a button called `Unhide' is displayed. If pressed, it cancels
-all hiding. Also, to ensure that hidden messages do not get forgotten, a hide
-request is automatically cancelled after one hour.
-While the dialogue box is displayed, you can't press any buttons or do anything
-else to the monitor window. For this reason, if you want to cut text from the
-queue display to use in the dialogue box, you have to do the cutting before
-pressing the `Hide' button.
-The queue display contains, for each unhidden queued message, the length of
-time it has been on the queue, the size of the message, the message id, the
-message sender, and the first undelivered recipient, all on one line. If it is
-a bounce message, the sender is shown as `<>'. If there is more than one
-recipient to which the message has not yet been delivered, subsequent ones are
-listed on additional lines, up to a maximum configured number, following which
-an ellipsis is displayed. Recipients that have already received the message are
-not shown.
-.index frozen messages||display
-If a message is frozen, an asterisk is displayed at the left-hand side.
-The queue display has a vertical scroll bar, and can also be scrolled by means
-of the arrow keys. Text can be cut from it using the mouse in the normal way.
-The text searching facilities, as described above for the log window, are also
-available, but the caret is always moved to the end of the text when the queue
-display is updated.
-.section The queue menu
-.index queue||menu in monitor
-If the \shift\ key is held down and the left button is clicked when the mouse
-pointer is over the text for any message, an action menu pops up, and the first
-line of the queue display for the message is highlighted. This does not affect
-any selected text.
-If you want to use some other event for popping up the menu, you can set the
-\\MENU@_EVENT\\ parameter in \(Local/eximon.conf)\ to change the default, or
-set \\EXIMON@_MENU@_EVENT\\ in the environment before starting the monitor. The
-value set in this parameter is a standard X event description. For example, to
-run eximon using \ctrl\ rather than \shift\ you could use
-.display asis
-EXIMON_MENU_EVENT='Ctrl<Btn1Down>' eximon
-The title of the menu is the message id, and it contains entries which act as
-.numberpars $.
-\*message log*\: The contents of the message log for the message are displayed in
-a new text window.
-\*headers*\: Information from the spool file that contains the envelope
-information and headers is displayed in a new text window. See chapter
-~~CHAPspool for a description of the format of spool files.
-\*body*\: The contents of the spool file containing the body of the message are
-displayed in a new text window. There is a default limit of 20,000 bytes to the
-amount of data displayed. This can be changed by setting the \\BODY@_MAX\\
-option at compile time, or the \\EXIMON@_BODY@_MAX\\ option at run time.
-\*deliver message*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-M-\ option to request
-delivery of the message. This causes an automatic thaw if the message is
-frozen. The \-v-\ option is also set, and the output from Exim is displayed in
-a new text window. The delivery is run in a separate process, to avoid holding
-up the monitor while the delivery proceeds.
-\*freeze message*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-Mf-\ option to request
-that the message be frozen.
-.index thawing messages
-.index unfreezing messages
-.index frozen messages||thawing
-\*thaw message*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-Mt-\ option to request that
-the message be thawed.
-.index delivery||forcing failure
-\*give up on msg*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-Mg-\ option to request
-that Exim gives up trying to deliver the message. A bounce message is generated
-for any remaining undelivered addresses.
-\*remove message*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-Mrm-\ option to request
-that the message be deleted from the system without generating a bounce
-\*add recipient*\: A dialog box is displayed into which a recipient address can
-be typed. If the address is not qualified and the \\QUALIFY@_DOMAIN\\ parameter
-is set in \(Local/eximon.conf)\, the address is qualified with that domain.
-Otherwise it must be entered as a fully qualified address. Pressing \\RETURN\\
-causes a call to Exim to be made using the \-Mar-\ option to request that an
-additional recipient be added to the message, unless the entry box is empty, in
-which case no action is taken.
-\*mark delivered*\: A dialog box is displayed into which a recipient address can
-be typed. If the address is not qualified and the \\QUALIFY@_DOMAIN\\ parameter
-is set in \(Local/eximon.conf)\, the address is qualified with that domain.
-Otherwise it must be entered as a fully qualified address. Pressing \\RETURN\\
-causes a call to Exim to be made using the \-Mmd-\ option to mark the given
-recipient address as already delivered, unless the entry box is empty, in which
-case no action is taken.
-\*mark all delivered*\: A call to Exim is made using the \-Mmad-\ option to mark
-all recipient addresses as already delivered.
-\*edit sender*\: A dialog box is displayed initialized with the current sender's
-address. Pressing \\RETURN\\ causes a call to Exim to be made using the \-Mes-\
-option to replace the sender address, unless the entry box is empty, in which
-case no action is taken. If you want to set an empty sender (as in bounce
-messages), you must specify it as `<>'. Otherwise, if the address is not
-qualified and the \\QUALIFY@_DOMAIN\\ parameter is set in
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\, the address is qualified with that domain.
-When a delivery is forced, a window showing the \-v-\ output is displayed. In
-other cases when a call to Exim is made, if there is any output from Exim (in
-particular, if the command fails) a window containing the command and the
-output is displayed. Otherwise, the results of the action are normally apparent
-from the log and queue displays. However, if you set \\ACTION@_OUTPUT\\=yes in
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\, a window showing the Exim command is always opened, even
-if no output is generated.
-The queue display is automatically updated for actions such as freezing and
-thawing, unless \\ACTION@_QUEUE@_UPDATE\\=no has been set in
-\(Local/eximon.conf)\. In this case the `Update' button has to be used to force
-an update of the display after one of these actions.
-In any text window that is displayed as result of a menu action, the normal
-cut-and-paste facility is available, and searching can be carried out using ^R
-and ^S, as described above for the log tail window.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Security considerations
-.set runningfoot "security"
-.rset CHAPsecurity ~~chapter
-.index security
-This chapter discusses a number of issues concerned with security, some of
-which are also covered in other parts of this manual.
-For reasons that this author does not understand, some people have promoted
-Exim as a `particularly secure' mailer. Perhaps it is because of the existence
-of this chapter in the documentation. However, the intent of the chapter is
-simply to describe the way Exim works in relation to certain security concerns,
-not to make any specific claims about the effectiveness of its security as
-compared with other MTAs.
-What follows is a description of the way Exim is supposed to be. Best efforts
-have been made to try to ensure that the code agrees with the theory, but an
-absence of bugs can never be guaranteed. Any that are reported will get fixed
-as soon as possible.
-.section Building a more `hardened' Exim
-.index security||build-time features
-There are a number of build-time options that can be set in \(Local/Makefile)\
-to create Exim binaries that are `harder' to attack, in particular by a rogue
-Exim administrator who does not have the root password, or by someone who has
-penetrated the Exim (but not the root) account. These options are as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-\\ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\\ can be set to a string that is required to match the
-start of any file names used with the \-C-\ option. When it is set, these file
-names are also not allowed to contain the sequence `/../'. (However, if the
-value of the \-C-\ option is identical to the value of \\CONFIGURE@_FILE\\ in
-\(Local/Makefile)\, Exim ignores \-C-\ and proceeds as usual.) There is no
-default setting for \ALT@_CONFIG@_PREFIX\.
-If the permitted configuration files are confined to a directory to
-which only root has access, this guards against someone who has broken
-into the Exim account from running a privileged Exim with an arbitrary
-configuration file, and using it to break into other accounts.
-If \\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ is defined, root privilege is retained for \-C-\
-and \-D-\ only if the caller of Exim is root. Without it, the Exim user may
-also use \-C-\ and \-D-\ and retain privilege. Setting this option locks out
-the possibility of testing a configuration using \-C-\ right through message
-reception and delivery, even if the caller is root. The reception works, but by
-that time, Exim is running as the Exim user, so when it re-execs to regain
-privilege for the delivery, the use of \-C-\ causes privilege to be lost.
-However, root can test reception and delivery using two separate commands.
-\\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ is not set by default.
-If \\DISABLE@_D@_OPTION\\ is defined, the use of the \-D-\ command line option
-is disabled.
-\\FIXED@_NEVER@_USERS\\ can be set to a colon-separated list of users that are
-never to be used for any deliveries. This is like the \never@_users\ runtime
-option, but it cannot be overridden; the runtime option adds additional users
-to the list. The default setting is `root'; this prevents a non-root user who
-is permitted to modify the runtime file from using Exim as a way to get root.
-.section Root privilege
-.index setuid
-.index root privilege
-The Exim binary is normally setuid to root, which means that it gains root
-privilege (runs as root) when it starts execution. In some special cases (for
-example, when the daemon is not in use and there are no local deliveries), it
-may be possible to run Exim setuid to some user other than root. This is
-discussed in the next section. However, in most installations, root privilege
-is required for two things:
-.numberpars $.
-To set up a socket connected to the standard SMTP port (25) when initialising
-the listening daemon. If Exim is run from \*inetd*\, this privileged action is
-not required.
-To be able to change uid and gid in order to read users' \(.forward)\ files and
-perform local deliveries as the receiving user or as specified in the
-It is not necessary to be root to do any of the other things Exim does, such as
-receiving messages and delivering them externally over SMTP, and it is
-obviously more secure if Exim does not run as root except when necessary.
-For this reason, a user and group for Exim to use must be defined in
-\(Local/Makefile)\. These are known as `the Exim user' and `the Exim group'.
-Their values can be changed by the run time configuration, though this is not
-recommended. Often a user called \*exim*\ is used, but some sites use \*mail*\
-or another user name altogether.
-Exim uses \*setuid()*\ whenever it gives up root privilege. This is a permanent
-abdication; the process cannot regain root afterwards. Prior to release 4.00,
-\*seteuid()*\ was used in some circumstances, but this is no longer the case.
-After a new Exim process has interpreted its command line options, it changes
-uid and gid in the following cases:
-.numberpars $.
-.index \-C-\ option
-.index \-D-\ option
-If the \-C-\ option is used to specify an alternate configuration file, or if
-the \-D-\ option is used to define macro values for the configuration, and the
-calling process is not running as root or the Exim user, the uid and gid are
-changed to those of the calling process.
-However, if \\ALT@_CONFIG@_ROOT@_ONLY\\ is defined in \(Local/Makefile)\, only
-root callers may use \-C-\ and \-D-\ without losing privilege, and if
-\\DISABLE@_D@_OPTION\\ is set, the \-D-\ option may not be used at all.
-.index \-be-\ option
-.index \-bf-\ option
-.index \-bF-\ option
-If the expansion test option (\-be-\) or one of the filter testing options
-(\-bf-\ or \-bF-\) are used, the uid and gid are changed to those of the
-calling process.
-If the process is not a daemon process or a queue runner process or a delivery
-process or a process for testing address routing (started with \-bt-\), the uid
-and gid are changed to the Exim user and group. This means that Exim always
-runs under its own uid and gid when receiving messages. This also applies when
-testing address verification
-.index \-bv-\ option
-.index \-bh-\ option
-(the \-bv-\ option) and testing incoming message policy controls (the \-bh-\
-For a daemon, queue runner, delivery, or address testing process, the uid
-remains as root at this stage, but the gid is changed to the Exim group.
-The processes that initially retain root privilege behave as follows:
-.numberpars $.
-A daemon process changes the gid to the Exim group and the uid to the Exim user
-after setting up one or more listening sockets. The \*initgroups()*\ function
-is called, so that if the Exim user is in any additional groups, they will be
-used during message reception.
-A queue runner process retains root privilege throughout its execution. Its job
-is to fork a controlled sequence of delivery processes.
-A delivery process retains root privilege throughout most of its execution,
-but any actual deliveries (that is, the transports themselves) are run in
-subprocesses which always change to a non-root uid and gid. For local
-deliveries this is typically the uid and gid of the owner of the mailbox; for
-remote deliveries, the Exim uid and gid are used. Once all the delivery
-subprocesses have been run, a delivery process changes to the Exim uid and gid
-while doing post-delivery tidying up such as updating the retry database and
-generating bounce and warning messages.
-While the recipient addresses in a message are being routed, the delivery
-process runs as root. However, if a user's filter file has to be processed,
-this is done in a subprocess that runs under the individual user's uid and
-gid. A system filter is run as root unless \system@_filter@_user\ is set.
-A process that is testing addresses (the \-bt-\ option) runs as root so that
-the routing is done in the same environment as a message delivery.
-.section Running Exim without privilege
-.rset SECTrunexiwitpri "~~chapter.~~section"
-.index privilege, running without
-.index unprivileged running
-.index root privilege||running without
-Some installations like to run Exim in an unprivileged state for more of its
-operation, for added security. Support for this mode of operation is provided
-by the global option \deliver@_drop@_privilege\. When this is set, the uid and
-gid are changed to the Exim user and group at the start of a delivery process
-(and also queue runner and address testing processes). This means that address
-routing is no longer run as root, and the deliveries themselves cannot change
-to any other uid.
-Leaving the binary setuid to root, but setting \deliver@_drop@_privilege\ means
-that the daemon can still be started in the usual way, and it can respond
-correctly to SIGHUP because the re-invocation regains root privilege.
-An alternative approach is to make Exim setuid to the Exim user and also setgid
-to the Exim group.
-If you do this, the daemon must be started from a root process. (Calling
-Exim from a root process makes it behave in the way it does when it is setuid
-root.) However, the daemon cannot restart itself after a SIGHUP signal because
-it cannot regain privilege.
-It is still useful to set \deliver@_drop@_privilege\ in this case, because it
-stops Exim from trying to re-invoke itself to do a delivery after a message has
-been received. Such a re-invocation is a waste of resources because it has no
-If restarting the daemon is not an issue (for example, if
-\mua@_wrapper\ is set, or
-\*inetd*\ is being used instead of a daemon), having the binary setuid to the
-Exim user seems a clean approach, but there is one complication:
-In this style of operation, Exim is running with the real uid and gid set to
-those of the calling process, and the effective uid/gid set to Exim's values.
-Ideally, any association with the calling process' uid/gid should be dropped,
-that is, the real uid/gid should be reset to the effective values so as to
-discard any privileges that the caller may have. While some operating systems
-have a function that permits this action for a non-root effective uid, quite a
-number of them do not. Because of this lack of standardization, Exim does not
-address this problem at this time.
-For this reason, the recommended approach for `mostly unprivileged' running is
-to keep the Exim binary setuid to root, and to set \deliver@_drop@_privilege\.
-This also has the advantage of allowing a daemon to be used in the most
-straightforward way.
-If you configure Exim not to run delivery processes as root, there are a
-number of restrictions on what you can do:
-.numberpars $.
-You can deliver only as the Exim user/group. You should explicitly use the
-\user\ and \group\ options to override routers or local transports that
-normally deliver as the recipient. This makes sure that configurations that
-work in this mode function the same way in normal mode. Any implicit or
-explicit specification of another user causes an error.
-Use of \(.forward)\ files is severely restricted, such that it is usually
-not worthwhile to include them in the configuration.
-Users who wish to use \(.forward)\ would have to make their home directory and
-the file itself accessible to the Exim user. Pipe and append-to-file entries,
-and their equivalents in Exim filters, cannot be used. While they could be
-enabled in the Exim user's name, that would be insecure and not very useful.
-Unless the local user mailboxes are all owned by the Exim user (possible in
-some POP3 or IMAP-only environments):
-.numberpars $*$
-They must be owned by the Exim group and be writable by that group. This
-implies you must set \mode\ in the appendfile configuration, as well as the
-mode of the mailbox files themselves.
-You must set \no@_check@_owner\, since most or all of the files will not be
-owned by the Exim user.
-You must set \file@_must@_exist\, because Exim cannot set the owner correctly
-on a newly created mailbox when unprivileged. This also implies that new
-mailboxes need to be created manually.
-These restrictions severely restrict what can be done in local deliveries.
-However, there are no restrictions on remote deliveries. If you are running a
-gateway host that does no local deliveries, setting \deliver@_drop@_privilege\
-gives more security at essentially no cost.
-If you are using the \mua@_wrapper\ facility (see chapter ~~CHAPnonqueueing),
-\deliver@_drop@_privilege\ is forced to be true.
-.section Delivering to local files
-Full details of the checks applied by \%appendfile%\ before it writes to a file
-are given in chapter ~~CHAPappendfile.
-.section IPv4 source routing
-.index source routing||in IP packets
-.index IP source routing
-Many operating systems suppress IP source-routed packets in the kernel, but
-some cannot be made to do this, so Exim does its own check. It logs incoming
-IPv4 source-routed TCP calls, and then drops them. Things are all different in
-IPv6. No special checking is currently done.
-.section The VRFY, EXPN, and ETRN commands in SMTP
-Support for these SMTP commands is disabled by default. If required, they can
-be enabled by defining suitable ACLs.
-.section Privileged users
-.index trusted user
-.index admin user
-.index privileged user
-.index user||trusted
-.index user||admin
-Exim recognises two sets of users with special privileges. Trusted users are
-able to submit new messages to Exim locally, but supply their own sender
-addresses and information about a sending host. For other users submitting
-local messages, Exim sets up the sender address from the uid, and doesn't
-permit a remote host to be specified.
-.index \-f-\ option
-However, an untrusted user is permitted to use the \-f-\ command line option in
-the special form \-f @<@>-\ to indicate that a delivery failure for the message
-should not cause an error report. This affects the message's envelope, but it
-does not affect the ::Sender:: header. Untrusted users may also be permitted to
-use specific forms of address with the \-f-\ option by setting the
-\untrusted@_set@_sender\ option.
-Trusted users are used to run processes that receive mail messages from some
-other mail domain and pass them on to Exim for delivery either locally, or over
-the Internet. Exim trusts a caller that is running as root, as the Exim user,
-as any user listed in the \trusted@_users\ configuration option, or under any
-group listed in the \trusted@_groups\ option.
-Admin users are permitted to do things to the messages on Exim's queue. They
-can freeze or thaw messages, cause them to be returned to their senders, remove
-them entirely, or modify them in various ways. In addition, admin users can run
-the Exim monitor and see all the information it is capable of providing, which
-includes the contents of files on the spool.
-.index \-M-\ option
-.index \-q-\ option
-By default, the use of the \-M-\ and \-q-\ options to cause Exim to attempt
-delivery of messages on its queue is restricted to admin users. This
-restriction can be relaxed by setting the \no@_prod@_requires@_admin\ option.
-Similarly, the use of \-bp-\ (and its variants) to list the contents of the
-queue is also restricted to admin users. This restriction can be relaxed by
-setting \no@_queue@_list@_requires@_admin\.
-Exim recognises an admin user if the calling process is running as root or as
-the Exim user or if any of the groups associated with the calling process is
-the Exim group. It is not necessary actually to be running under the Exim
-group. However, if admin users who are not root or the Exim user are to access
-the contents of files on the spool via the Exim monitor (which runs
-unprivileged), Exim must be built to allow group read access to its spool
-.section Spool files
-.index spool directory||files
-Exim's spool directory and everything it contains is owned by the Exim user and
-set to the Exim group. The mode for spool files is defined in the
-\(Local/Makefile)\ configuration file, and defaults to 0640. This means that
-any user who is a member of the Exim group can access these files.
-.section Use of argv[0]
-Exim examines the last component of \argv[0]\, and if it matches one of a set
-of specific strings, Exim assumes certain options. For example, calling Exim
-with the last component of \argv[0]\ set to `rsmtp' is exactly equivalent to
-calling it with the option \-bS-\. There are no security implications in this.
-.section Use of %f formatting
-The only use made of `%f' by Exim is in formatting load average values. These
-are actually stored in integer variables as 1000 times the load average.
-Consequently, their range is limited and so therefore is the length of the
-converted output.
-.section Embedded Exim path
-Exim uses its own path name, which is embedded in the code, only when it needs
-to re-exec in order to regain root privilege. Therefore, it is not root when it
-does so. If some bug allowed the path to get overwritten, it would lead to an
-arbitrary program's being run as exim, not as root.
-.section Use of sprintf()
-.index \*sprintf()*\
-A large number of occurrences of `sprintf' in the code are actually calls to
-\*string@_sprintf()*\, a function that returns the result in malloc'd store.
-The intermediate formatting is done into a large fixed buffer by a function
-that runs through the format string itself, and checks the length of each
-conversion before performing it, thus preventing buffer overruns.
-The remaining uses of \*sprintf()*\ happen in controlled circumstances where
-the output buffer is known to be sufficiently long to contain the converted
-.section Use of debug@_printf() and log@_write()
-Arbitrary strings are passed to both these functions, but they do their
-formatting by calling the function \*string@_vformat()*\, which runs through
-the format string itself, and checks the length of each conversion.
-.section Use of strcat() and strcpy()
-These are used only in cases where the output buffer is known to be large
-enough to hold the result.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Format of spool files
-.set runningfoot "spool file format"
-.rset CHAPspool ~~chapter
-.index format||spool files
-.index spool directory||format of files
-.index spool||files, format of
-.index spool||files, editing
-A message on Exim's queue consists of two files, whose names are the message id
-followed by -D and -H, respectively. The data portion of the message is kept in
-the -D file on its own. The message's envelope, status, and headers are all
-kept in the -H file, whose format is described in this chapter. Each of these
-two files contains the final component of its own name as its first line. This
-is insurance against disk crashes where the directory is lost but the files
-themselves are recoverable.
-Some people are tempted into editing -D files in order to modify messages. You
-need to be extremely careful if you do this; it is not recommended and you are
-on your own if you do it. Here are some of the pitfalls:
-.numberpars $.
-You must use the \*exim@_lock*\ utility to ensure that Exim does not try to
-deliver the message while you are fiddling with it. The lock is implemented
-by opening the -D file and taking out a write lock on it. If you update the
-file in place, the lock will be retained. If you write a new file and rename
-it, the lock will be lost at the instant of rename.
-If you change the number of lines in the file, the value of
-\$body@_linecount$\, which is stored in the -H file, will be incorrect.
-If the message is in MIME format, you must take care not to break it.
-If the message is cryptographically signed, any change will invalidate the
-Files whose names end with -J may also be seen in the \(input)\ directory (or
-its subdirectories when \split@_spool@_directory\ is set). These are journal
-files, used to record addresses to which the message has been delivered during
-the course of a delivery run. At the end of the run, the -H file is updated,
-and the -J file is deleted.
-.section Format of the -H file
-.index uid (user id)||in spool file
-.index gid (group id)||in spool file
-The second line of the -H file contains the login name for the uid of the
-process that called Exim to read the message, followed by the numerical uid and
-gid. For a locally generated message, this is normally the user who sent the
-message. For a message received over TCP/IP, it is normally the Exim user.
-The third line of the file contains the address of the message's sender as
-transmitted in the envelope, contained in angle brackets. The sender address is
-empty for bounce messages. For incoming SMTP mail, the sender address is given
-in the \\MAIL\\ command. For locally generated mail, the sender address is
-created by Exim from the login name of the current user and the configured
-\qualify@_domain\. However, this can be overridden by the \-f-\ option or a
-leading `From' line if the caller is trusted, or if the supplied address is
-`@<@>' or an address that matches \untrusted@_set@_senders\.
-The fourth line contains two numbers. The first is the time that the message
-was received, in the conventional Unix form -- the number of seconds since the
-start of the epoch. The second number is a count of the number of messages
-warning of delayed delivery that have been sent to the sender.
-There follow a number of lines starting with a hyphen. These can appear in any
-order, and are omitted when not relevant:
-.numberpars $.
-\-acl <<number>> <<length>>-\: A line of this form is present for every ACL
-variable that is not empty. The number identifies the variable; the
-\acl@_c\*x*\$$\ variables are numbered 0--9 and the \acl@_m\*x*\$$\ variables
-are numbered 10--19. The length is the length of the data string for the
-variable. The string itself starts at the beginning of the next line, and is
-followed by a newline character. It may contain internal newlines.
-\-active@_hostname <<hostname>>-\: This is present if, when the message was
-received over SMTP, the value of \$smtp@_active@_hostname$\ was different to
-the value of \$primary@_hostname$\.
-\-allow@_unqualified@_recipient-\: This is present if unqualified recipient
-addresses are permitted in header lines (to stop such addresses from being
-qualified if rewriting occurs at transport time). Local messages that were
-input using \-bnq-\ and remote messages from hosts that match
-\recipient@_unqualified@_hosts\ set this flag.
-\-allow@_unqualified@_sender-\: This is present if unqualified sender
-addresses are permitted in header lines (to stop such addresses from being
-qualified if rewriting occurs at transport time). Local messages that were
-input using \-bnq-\ and remote messages from hosts that match
-\sender@_unqualified@_hosts\ set this flag.
-\-auth@_id <<text>>-\: The id information for a message received on an
-authenticated SMTP connection -- the value of the \$authenticated@_id$\
-\-auth@_sender <<address>>-\: The address of an authenticated sender -- the
-value of the \$authenticated@_sender$\ variable.
-\-body@_linecount <<number>>-\: This records the number of lines in the body of
-the message, and is always present.
-\-body@_zerocount <<number>>-\: This records the number of binary zero bytes in
-the body of the message, and is present if the number is greater than zero.
-\-deliver@_firsttime-\: This is written when a new message is first added to
-the spool. When the spool file is updated after a deferral, it is omitted.
-.index frozen messages||spool data
-\-frozen <<time>>-\: The message is frozen, and the freezing happened at
-\-helo@_name <<text>>-\: This records the host name as specified by a remote
-host in a \\HELO\\ or \\EHLO\\ command.
-\-host@_address <<address>>.<<port>>-\: This records the IP address of the host
-from which the message was received and the remote port number that was used.
-It is omitted for locally generated messages.
-\-host@_auth <<text>>-\: If the message was received on an authenticated SMTP
-connection, this records the name of the authenticator -- the value of the
-\$sender@_host@_authenticated$\ variable.
-\-host@_lookup@_failed-\: This is present if an attempt to look up the sending
-host's name from its IP address failed. It corresponds to the
-\$host@_lookup@_failed$\ variable.
-.index DNS||reverse lookup
-.index reverse DNS lookup
-\-host@_name <<text>>-\: This records the name of the remote host from which
-the message was received, if the host name was looked up from the IP address
-when the message was being received. It is not present if no reverse lookup was
-\-ident <<text>>-\: For locally submitted messages, this records the login of
-the originating user, unless it was a trusted user and the \-oMt-\ option was
-used to specify an ident value. For messages received over TCP/IP, this records
-the ident string supplied by the remote host, if any.
-\-interface@_address <<address>>.<<port>>-\: This records the IP address of the
-local interface and the port number through which a message was received from a
-remote host. It is omitted for locally generated messages.
-\-local-\: The message is from a local sender.
-\-localerror-\: The message is a locally-generated bounce message.
-\-local@_scan <<string>>-\: This records the data string that was
-returned by the \*local@_scan()*\ function when the message was received -- the
-value of the \$local@_scan@_data$\ variable. It is omitted if no data was
-\-manual@_thaw-\: The message was frozen but has been thawed manually, that is,
-by an explicit Exim command rather than via the auto-thaw process.
-\-N-\: A testing delivery process was started using the \-N-\ option to
-suppress any actual deliveries, but delivery was deferred. At any further
-delivery attempts, \-N-\ is assumed.
-\-received@_protocol-\: This records the value of the \$received@_protocol$\
-variable, which contains the name of the protocol by which the message was
-\-sender@_set@_untrusted-\: The envelope sender of this message was set by an
-untrusted local caller (used to ensure that the caller is displayed in queue
-\-spam@_score@_int-\: If a message was scanned by SpamAssassin, this is
-present. It records the value of \$spam@_score@_int$\.
-\-tls@_certificate@_verified-\: A TLS certificate was received from the client
-that sent this message, and the certificate was verified by the server.
-\-tls@_cipher <<cipher name>>-\: When the message was received over an
-encrypted connection, this records the name of the cipher suite that was used.
-\-tls@_peerdn <<peer DN>>-\: When the message was received over an encrypted
-connection, and a certificate was received from the client, this records the
-Distinguished Name from that certificate.
-Following the options there is a list of those addresses to which the message
-is not to be delivered. This set of addresses is initialized from the command
-line when the \-t-\ option is used and \extract__addresses__remove__arguments\
-is set; otherwise it starts out empty. Whenever a successful delivery is made,
-the address is added to this set. The addresses are kept internally as a
-balanced binary tree, and it is a representation of that tree which is written
-to the spool file. If an address is expanded via an alias or forward file, the
-original address is added to the tree when deliveries to all its child
-addresses are complete.
-If the tree is empty, there is a single line in the spool file containing just
-the text `XX'. Otherwise, each line consists of two letters, which are either Y
-or N, followed by an address. The address is the value for the node of the
-tree, and the letters indicate whether the node has a left branch and/or a
-right branch attached to it, respectively. If branches exist, they immediately
-follow. Here is an example of a three-node tree:
-.display asis
-YY darcy@austen.fict.example
-NN alice@wonderland.fict.example
-NN editor@thesaurus.ref.example
-After the non-recipients tree, there is a list of the message's recipients.
-This is a simple list, preceded by a count. It includes all the original
-recipients of the message, including those to whom the message has already been
-delivered. In the simplest case, the list contains one address per line. For
-.display asis
-However, when a child address has been added to the top-level addresses as a
-result of the use of the \one@_time\ option on a \%redirect%\ router, each line
-is of the following form:
-<<top-level address>> <<errors@_to address>> <<length>>,<<parent number>>@#<<flag bits>>
-The 01 flag bit indicates the presence of the three other fields that follow
-the top-level address. Other bits may be used in future to support additional
-fields. The <<parent number>> is the offset in the recipients list of the
-original parent of the `one time' address. The first two fields are the
-envelope sender that is associated with this address and its length. If the
-length is zero, there is no special envelope sender (there are then two space
-characters in the line). A non-empty field can arise from a \%redirect%\ router
-that has an \errors@_to\ setting.
-A blank line separates the envelope and status information from the headers
-which follow. A header may occupy several lines of the file, and to save effort
-when reading it in, each header is preceded by a number and an identifying
-character. The number is the number of characters in the header, including any
-embedded newlines and the terminating newline. The character is one of the
-.tabs 9
-<<blank>> $t $rm{header in which Exim has no special interest}
-#B $t $rm{::Bcc:: header}
-#C $t $rm{::Cc:: header}
-#F $t $rm{::From:: header}
-#I $t $rm{::Message-id:: header}
-#P $t $rm{::Received:: header -- P for `postmark'}
-#R $t $rm{::Reply-To:: header}
-#S $t $rm{::Sender:: header}
-#T $t $rm{::To:: header}
-#* $t $rm{replaced or deleted header}
-Deleted or replaced (rewritten) headers remain in the spool file for debugging
-purposes. They are not transmitted when the message is delivered. Here is a
-typical set of headers:
-.display asis
-111P Received: by hobbit.fict.example with local (Exim 4.00)
- id 14y9EI-00026G-00; Fri, 11 May 2001 10:28:59 +0100
-049 Message-Id: <E14y9EI-00026G-00@hobbit.fict.example>
-038* X-rewrote-sender: bb@hobbit.fict.example
-042* From: Bilbo Baggins <bb@hobbit.fict.example>
-049F From: Bilbo Baggins <B.Baggins@hobbit.fict.example>
-099* To: alice@wonderland.fict.example, rdo@foundation,
- darcy@austen.fict.example, editor@thesaurus.ref.example
-109T To: alice@wonderland.fict.example, rdo@foundation.fict.example,
- darcy@austen.fict.example, editor@thesaurus.ref.example
-038 Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 10:28:59 +0100
-The asterisked headers indicate that the envelope sender, ::From:: header, and
-::To:: header have been rewritten, the last one because routing expanded the
-unqualified domain \*foundation*\.
-. ============================================================================
-.chapter Adding new drivers or lookup types
-.set runningfoot "adding drivers"
-.index adding drivers
-.index new drivers, adding
-.index drivers||adding new
-The following actions have to be taken in order to add a new router, transport,
-authenticator, or lookup type to Exim:
-Choose a name for the driver or lookup type that does not conflict with any
-existing name; I will use `newdriver' in what follows.
-Add to \(src/EDITME)\ the line
-where <<type>> is \\ROUTER\\, \\TRANSPORT\\, \\AUTH\\, or \\LOOKUP\\. If the
-code is not to be included in the binary by default, comment this line out. You
-should also add any relevant comments about the driver or lookup type.
-Add to \(src/config.h.defaults)\ the line
-@#define <<type>>@_NEWDRIVER
-Edit \(src/drtables.c)\, adding conditional code to pull in the private header
-and create a table entry as is done for all the other drivers and lookup types.
-Edit \(Makefile)\ in the appropriate sub-directory (\(src/routers)\,
-\(src/transports)\, \(src/auths)\, or \(src/lookups)\); add a line for the new
-driver or lookup type and add it to the definition of OBJ.
-Create \(newdriver.h)\ and \(newdriver.c)\ in the appropriate sub-directory of
-Edit \(scripts/MakeLinks)\ and add commands to link the \(.h)\ and \(.c)\ files
-as for other drivers and lookups.
-Then all you need to do is write the code! A good way to start is to make a
-proforma by copying an existing module of the same type, globally changing all
-occurrences of the name, and cutting out most of the code. Note that any
-options you create must be listed in alphabetical order, because the tables are
-searched using a binary chop procedure.
-There is a \(README)\ file in each of the sub-directories of \(src)\ describing
-the interface that is expected.
-. ============================================================================
-. Fudge for the index page number. We want it to be on a right-hand page.
-.set indexpage ~~sys.pagenumber + 1
-.if even ~~indexpage
-.set indexpage ~~indexpage + 1
-.if ~~sgcal
-.%index Index$e~~indexpage--
-. End of Exim specification